Blogger Ipohgal’s review of No More Bullshit

by Ipohgal
April 15, 2012

Book review
Title: No more bullshit, please, we’re all Malaysians
Author: Kee Thuan Chye
Publisher: Marshall Cavendish
Price: RM39.90 (West & East Malaysia)
Available at: Kinokuniya, Borders, MPH, Popular and Times nationwide

The air is thick with rumors that PRU 13 is coming our way anytime this year. While most Malaysians have already decided whom to vote for, there are still some fence-sitters out there, undecided and left things to the last-minute. This does not bode well for the nation because their hazy decisions will either make or break the hopes of many to see some positive changes for this beloved country of ours.

In his new book, “No more bullshit, please, we’re all Malaysians”, well-known writer Kee Thuan Chye, has put together a compilation of previously published articles to help these undecided voters make up their mind. These articles chronicled recent political developments in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. Poems as well as excerpts from his plays were included to show the readers how those in power, past and present, were caught in the same net of deceit – greediness, selfishness and their desperation to stay on beyond their shelf lives. Continue reading “Blogger Ipohgal’s review of No More Bullshit”

Bersih 3.0: A double-edged sword

— Vivek V. Velan
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 17, 2012

APRIL 17 — Nine months have passed since thousands of Malaysians from all walks of life went to ground in anger and hope, tired of the continued deceit, fraudulent politics and false promises of the current regime. Their actions in some way can be derived from the somewhat lack of faith even in the opposition for it takes more than mere economic scandals and backhanded politics to stir up the emotions of the common man to take to the streets. And take to the streets they did for in their hearts they believed that the time for change has come. The Bersih sterling committee headed by Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan and Datuk A. Samad Said as chairpersons could not have envisaged the sheer magnitude of response that would follow when Pakatan Rakyat threw its support behind the movement.

In a simpler context, Bersih’s aim was to push for cleaner elections wherein dirty politics is to be abhorred and the entire election system is to be overhauled either by reforms or revamping current systems. The Najib Razak administration’s gross mishandling of the rally where police force was used against unarmed protestors, tear gas shot at hospitals and the unlawful arrests of hundreds of protestors have been highlighted both locally and internationally.

Without going into detail, Barisan Nasional’s ratings fell drastically and the government was under pressure to rectify its mistakes for the people were enraged at the government’s stance in handling what was supposed to be a peaceful protest. Continue reading “Bersih 3.0: A double-edged sword”

‘We won’t cower to BN’s scare tactics’

by Joseph Tawie| April 15, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

Twelve windscreens of cars belonging to DAP members were smashed in Mas Gading constituency whilst the owners were attending a campaign dinner.

BAU: Sarawak DAP’s launch last night of its campaign to wrest the Mas Gading parliamentary seat, which is a Bidayuh-majority constituency, was marred by a group of motorcyclists who smashed the windscreens of 12 cars while the owners were attending a party dinner at Kampung Sg. Pinang.

Local and national DAP leaders were addressing more than 1,000 people at the dinner when a group of motor cyclists were seen smashing the windscreens of the cars which were parked quite a distance from the venue.

Commenting on the incident, visibly upset Sarawak DAP secretary Chong Chieng Jen said: “Obviously it was a sabotage work by BN members or their supporters.

“Such behaviour only goes to show they are afraid of us. Only cowards do that sort of thing; only someone who is in fear will do a dirty tactic trying to scare the people,” he said.

Chong added that neither the car owners nor the crowd were perturbed by the attacks, as they had come to terms with such ‘scare tactics’ by the ruling regime. Continue reading “‘We won’t cower to BN’s scare tactics’”

Let’s be adults, YAB

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 15, 2012

15 APRIL — Merasakan diri sendiri itu sebagai hebat dan “invincible” itu merupakan kesilapan yang susah hendak diperbaiki oleh seseorang yag mempunyai sifat itu. Jika mereka yang jenis ini menjadi pemimpin mereka akan dianggap sebagai pemimpin sombong dan selalunya pemimpin seperti ini akan memandang rendah orang lain dengan begitu mudah. Hasilnya akan timbullah masalah kepimpinan (leadership crisis) yang tidak sepatutnya berlaku.

Krisis ini sememangnya boleh diatasi hanya dengan menjadi pemimpin yang merendah diri. Saya tidak dapat mencari sebab kenapa seseorang itu apabila menjadi pemimpin dia menjadi sombong dan tidak mahu merendahkan diri dihadapan rakyat pimpinannya. Orang lain semuanya bodoh dan dia sahaja yang betul dan benar.

Di negeri saya, Negri Sembilan, ada pemimpin besar yang tidak mahu merendah diri kerana pangkatnya besar dan wang ringgitnya banyak, walhal “it doesn’t cost him even 10 cents to be humble”.

Beliau ini merasakan dirinya itu datang dari syurga (paradise). Jika ada yang tidak bersetuju dengannya dia akan menjawab dengan sombong, “ah, dio tu bukan boleh mendalamkan air pun”. Semua orang lain tidak boleh mendalamkan air. Ramai juga yang datang memberitahu saya yang beliau menganggap saya sebagai pemimpin nyamuk sahaja. Continue reading “Let’s be adults, YAB”

Dr M: Now a good time for polls

The Malaysian Insider
Apr 15, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, April 15 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak should call for a general election while he is confident of victory, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.

The former prime minister also said that time was running out before Najib would be forced to hold national polls mandatorily.

“If we think we can win, we can call the election. If the people give us a good support, that’s the time to call the election,” Dr Mahathir was quoted as saying in a Bernama Online report.

“Even now, it looks good,” he continued. Continue reading “Dr M: Now a good time for polls”

Bersih 3.0 wants to sit down and protest

by Dahlia Martin
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 15, 2012

APRIL 15 — Malaysian election watchdog Bersih 2.0 (Bersih) announced that 28 April 2012 is the date for a third gathering for clean and fair elections, but already a succession of politicians and officials have criticised the move. So far, though, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has kept mum.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s department (and de facto Law Minister) Nazri Abdul Aziz was the first to attack the sit down protest plans, saying that the proposed venue Merdeka Square had “not been gazetted as an area for peaceful gatherings”.

One politician from the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) labelled it a “ploy” by the Opposition, and Electoral Commission (EC) deputy chairman Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said Bersih’s plans were “rushed, hasty and troublesome to people.”

The Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on electoral reforms, formed in response to the second Bersih gathering in July 2011, had only just released a report, Wan Ahmad said, and the EC had yet to study the report’s 22 recommendations. Continue reading “Bersih 3.0 wants to sit down and protest”

Keep Bersih 3.0, Bersih!

by Beh Sai Kong

Dear brave friends,

Malaysians as a whole are fair-minded people. Our penchant for neutrality is admirable. We do whatever we can to preserve and promote the virtue of neutrality and have repeatedly shown that we were prepared to do battle with whomever or whatever to prove our sense of neutrality.

But as with many other virtues, we can be neutral to a fault. There is a time and place for any virtue which ordinarily should be upheld and welcome for the good that it brings to a given situation. But a virtue that is invoked and deployed under certain circumstances may cease to be virtuous and can become a fault instead.

As an ardent supporter of BERSIH 1.0, BERSIH 2.0 and now, BERSIH 3.0, I wish to say that BERSIH as a brand name is presently walking into a trap that is not surpising but nevertheless fatal.

Good people can and sometimes do paint themselves into a corner in much the same way as some participants of BERSIH 2.0 found themselves cornered by the riot squard where to escape the optimum effect of tear gas they had to try to make a dash for open space. Continue reading “Keep Bersih 3.0, Bersih!”

Hoping for winds of change

Aneesa Alphonsus | April 14, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

Malaysians want to see the country taking a turn for the better after the 13th general election, although some feel it will be the same old story.


If you’re going to ask any Malaysian this question, “What are your hopes for the government post- general election”, you’d better get ready for an onslaught of opinions, emotions and cynicism – not necessarily in that order.

In the case of Manaf Abdul Samad, it was just cynicism when he opined, “It doesn’t matter who wins, because all of them are the same. You ask me what my hopes are? I can’t even bring myself to say it because right now, it would sound funny because it’s all wishful thinking. Yes sure I’ll vote, but to be honest, I don’t think I’ll get to see what I hope for in my lifetime.”

Coaxed out of his reluctance with the promise of another hot Nescafe into sharing his thoughts, the 62-year-old Manaf gives in.

“The biggest mistake Barisan National made is to have underestimated Malaysians, using all kinds of scare tactics to make us feel that there will be chaos should a new government come into power. We are not stupid. Many of my peers agree that we allowed the government to do what it has because we trusted them and we gave them due respect.

“Many people are terkejut [shocked] when they hear that we are speaking up. My friends abroad are surprised and say that they never thought we had it in us. My reply to this is always the same – we have always had it in us, but we have been patient for too long. The fight was always there and the government shouldn’t have thought lowly of its people. So if you ask me what are my hopes for the new government, I would say that it should recognise that we are smart and that we should be treated fairly and not be taken for fools who will not fight back,” he said.

There are, however, Malaysians like Hameed Hamzah, a 50-something business owner, who feels that one party will do better than the other. He speaks passionately about a Pakatan Rakyat government which will bring a new dawn in Putrajaya, convinced that there will be an abundance of honesty, transparency and accountability – the holy trinity of what good governance should be all about. Continue reading “Hoping for winds of change”

Who ‘owns’ Dataran Merdeka?

Jeswan Kaur | April 14, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

It is annoying how the ruling government is going in a roundabout manner to kill off the April 28 rally.


Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz has curtly asked electoral watchdog Bersih 3.0 to obtain consent from the owners of Dataran Merdeka if it insists on using the site for its April 28 sit-in protest.

Now that is new. Who really “owns” Dataran Merdeka? And each time the federal government or big-wig corporate companies uses the square to organise events, do they too seek perrmission from the “owners”?

It is annoying how the ruling government is going in a roundabout manner to kill off the April 28 rally, sparing no effort in trying to wear down Bersih 3.0 which is not about to scout for another location.

Bersih 3.0 steering committee chairperson S Ambiga is determined to proceed with the sit-in protest at Dataran Merdeka due to its historical relevance to the people’s struggle for independence and a democratic Malaysia.

“We do not agree that there is a necessity to change the venue to other places,” she said in a statement.

Ambiga added: “We certainly do not see any reason why Dataran Merdeka is unsuitable in the light of the many events that have recently been held there, including 205th anniversary of the Royal Malaysian Police [PDRM].”

But Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein is unwilling to cooperate and instead wants Bersih 3.0 to be “sincere” and “realistic” and compromise on the location. Continue reading “Who ‘owns’ Dataran Merdeka?”

Why I’ll be at the Bersih 3.0 sit-in

KJ John | Apr 10, 2012


Prime ministers make promises. Prime ministers sell to the nation the future into which they want to lead the country. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has in fact promised and set us on a different route, with an improved trajectory through his leadership.

Usually, if such change is begun at the centre, even if the change is just one degree, it is enough to facilitate a large change down the line. Therefore, when he made his first promise, and when I believed he was serious, I wrote, ‘Right direction, slow speed!’ in Micah Mandate of April 20, 2009.

Therefore, as part and parcel of ordinary citizens who are seeking improved governance of this democracy we call Malaysia, which my friend AB Shamsul still calls “a state but not yet a nation,” I will be at the sit-in so that the PM will fulfil the promises he made about many things, but most importantly for this general election (GE); the promise of clean and fair elections.

I did march with Bersih 2.0, but clean elections cannot be done without a valid and above-board voter list. Bersih’s primary objection is now about a corrupted voter list; and, it is not even yet about the weighted size of different constituencies.

Furthermore, as a public servant who has worked closely with those issuing the new identity card (MyKad) and working with the research group behind the original design, but fully aware of the technical capabilities and weaknesses of the 64k chip embedded in the new MyKad, I find their so-called inability to clean up the list absolutely unacceptable. Continue reading “Why I’ll be at the Bersih 3.0 sit-in”

Umno: Dari Pendita Zaaba ke Pendita Syed Putera

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 11, 2012

11 APRIL — Pada 7 April, saya berjumpa dengan Oracle Syed Putera atau dalam bahasa Melayu kita boleh sebut sebagai Pendita dari Syed Putera.

Kali ini nasib saya baik. Saya di jemput masuk untuk berjumpa bukan sahaja dengan Sang Pendita Syed Putera tapi juga dengan tokoh halimunan, Tun Daim Zainudin.

Dahulu di pinggirkan oleh Umno, sekarang di cari cari untuk memberi jampi serapah penguat semangat.

Tun Daim jadi macam bomoh besar menggantikan swami ji atau bomoh dari Indonesia yang selalu di rujuk oleh pimpinan tertingi Umno.

Bomoh tak bomoh, macam mana ya, Najib sang general tanpa soldadu. Soldadu nya soldadu upahan, pengikut nya, pengikut bayaran.

Wah, memang nasib saya baik pada hari itu. malam nanti, saya akan berceramah di markas Tarbiyyah PAS , Taman Melewar. Ada modal mahu cakap.

Sang Pendita: You boleh tanya direct segala kemusykilan dari Tun sendiri. Dia baru pulang dari Tokyo. He went there after memberi temu ramah Utusan Meracau dan beberapa akhbar Cina yang lain. Isnin ini Tun akan ke Afrika untuk suatu tempoh yang agak panjang. Tun kata dia mahu jumpa Sakmongkol yang sudah masuk DAP itu. Kami semua ketawa.

Sakmongkol: Saya tukar wadah Tun, bukan tukar aqidah. Orang Umno hari ini, kalau agama boleh mereka jual, sudah lama mereka lakukan. Tanah, bangunan, saham, akhirnya lembu pun mereka balun. Continue reading “Umno: Dari Pendita Zaaba ke Pendita Syed Putera”

Changed or unchanged?

By Lim Mun Fah
(Translated by Soong Phui Jee)
Sin Chew Daily


13th general election


Last year, DAP Parliamentary Leader Lim Kit Siang listed Johor as one of the front-line states. Since then, Johor seems to have become a decisive battlefield between the ruling and alternative coalitions.

Heads of the BN and the Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have recently paid frequent visits to Johor. Najib, in particular, has visited the state for three times in two months.

Looking into the election history, Johor had never been a major battlefield as in the past 12 general elections, it had never been the cup of tea for the opposition. Johor received only slight impacts from major political events, including the Reformasi movement and the 2008 general election.

Times have, after all, changed. After learning a lesson from the 2008 political tsunami, the BN no longer dares to take it lightly even if Pakatan Rakyat’s declaration to seize Johor is only a rave. Continue reading “Changed or unchanged?”

Bersih 3.0 is unnecessary …

— Stephen Ng
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 10, 2012

APRIL 10 — Bersih 3.0 is unnecessary. I wish to qualify my statement, after reading Home Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein’s response to Bersih 3.0 in Parliament today.

Hishammuddin said that the Bersih 3.0 rally can proceed in the spirit of the new Peaceful Assembly Act 2012.

It is good that the minister has finally learnt that if the government continues to fight civil society, it will spell the doom of Barisan National. Already the coalition has been in power for far too long — any ordinary person, upon reaching 55, would have gone into retirement.

One scandal after another has been uncovered by the Pakatan, thanks to people like Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Mat Sabu, but there are more questions than answers to these scandals. Billions of ringgit have gone into a blackhole.

The Bank Bumiputra scandal, the Perwaja scandal, the PKFZ scandal, the NFC scandal, the “copgate” scandal, the “Amangate” scandal, scandals involving Taib Mahmud (CM of Sarawak), the inhumane death of Altantuya, the missing jet engines, Lynas issue, Project IC in Sabah (and what appears to be happening also in Peninsular Malaysia with the 6P programme) — the list goes on. Continue reading “Bersih 3.0 is unnecessary …”

One-third of seats in four states enough to win, says Kit Siang

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 11, 2012

PETALING JAYA, April 11 — Victories in a third of the parliamentary seats from Sabah, Sarawak, Johor and Pahang will guarantee that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) takes the next general election, Lim Kit Siang has said.

The DAP parliamentary leader stressed that it was crucial for the federal opposition to make an impact in these states, which have long been considered Umno-Barisan Nasional (BN) strongholds.

“Sabah, Sarawak, Johor and Pahang all make up 99 parliamentary seats. If we can win one-third of each state’s parliamentary seats, we would have approximately 33 seats.

“If we then add that to the 82 seats we have now, we will have passed our majority mark and (be) on our way to Putrajaya,” Lim told attendees at a DAP fundraiser last night. Continue reading “One-third of seats in four states enough to win, says Kit Siang”

Not surprising that Bersih 3.0 is allowed to go on

— Pak Man
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 10, 2012

APRIL 10 — Are you surprised that the Najib government has agreed to allow the Bersih 3.0 sit-in to go on? I am not. You shouldn’t either.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his aides have learnt their lesson from Bersih 2.0. They have also instructed their pro-government newspaper editors in the mainstream media to treat Bersih 3.0 differently from Bersih 2.0. That it is not a security threat that Bersih 2.0 was deemed by the security agencies.

Bersih 2.0 on July 9 was a seen as a security threat at the same level as Tahrir Square. That explains why Kuala Lumpur was locked down with phalanxes of policemen ringing the city. Police said only 5,000 turned up but they held nearly 1,700 people. How’s that for efficiency and effectiveness?

Despite all that, the Najib government’s handling of Bersih 2.0 was seen as a failure. He flip-flopped on giving them a stadium. He allowed his security advisors to get the upper hand but not this time. Najib cannot afford the fallout that Bersih 2.0 generated back then. Continue reading “Not surprising that Bersih 3.0 is allowed to go on”

Jalan ke syurga penuh dengan onak dan duri

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 09, 2012

9 APRIL — Rakyat khususnya orang Melayu sudah sampai masanya untuk berfikir jauh diluar kotak. Sampai masanya rakyat memilih untuk memulakan pembetulan dengan merubah keadaan negara dari mula.

“We have to start anew”. Cara berfikir yang usang patut dibuang kerana kita orang Melayu yang sudah kononnya dibela oleh parti Melayu, Umno selama 54 tahun tidak berdaya untuk membantu bangsanya duduk sama rendah dan berdiri sama tinggi dengan bangsa lain walaupun perlembagaan telah memperuntukkan keistimewaan untuk orang Melayu.

Jika selama 54 tahun Umno gagal menaikkan taraf “competitiveness” orang Melayu, apa pula alasan pimpinan kita untuk meminta orang Melayu untuk terus menyokong Umno dalam pilihanraya yang akan tiba ini. Peluang untuk mendapat hasil yang sama juga adalah besar… walhasil balik asal.

Kalau kita berikan mandat lagi kepada Umno keadaan Melayu akan lebih teruk lagi. Yang pasti akan berterusan dan berkesinambungan ialah bertambahnya gejala rasuah dan menyalahgunakan kuasa akan bertambah besar lagi.

Kita tidak boleh lagi memberikan harapan kepada Umno kerana jika selama lebih lima dekad parti itu telah gagal masakan kali ini dengan kepimpinan yang lebih tidak senonoh ini akan memperbaiki keadaan orang Melayu. Umno dan kegagalan adalah dua perkataan yang sinonim. Umno itu kegagalan, kegagalan itu adalah Umno. Jangan malu-malu untuk mengakuinya. Continue reading “Jalan ke syurga penuh dengan onak dan duri”

400,000 dubious voters may decide 35 seats, GE winner, says polls analyst

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 10, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, April 10 — Over 400,000 dubious voters are on the electoral roll, enough to swing 35 federal seats either way and decide if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) can capture Putrajaya or Barisan Nasional (BN) reclaim its customary two-thirds supermajority in Parliament, according to a polls analysis.

Independent political analyst Ong Kian Ming said his Malaysian Electoral Roll Analysis Project (MERAP) found some 100,000 problematic names and combined with other previously highlighted issues, would “easily amount to over 400,000 dubious voters.”

Cleaning up the electoral roll is a key demand by the opposition and activist groups although BN say PR’s five-state victory in Election 2008 is proof there is no irregularity.

Ong told The Malaysian Insider this is likely “just the tip of the iceberg” as there may be other discrepancies that have not yet been uncovered by various parties who have combed through the gazette of over 12 million voters.

“If you divide 400,000 between 222 federal seats, it would average to about 1,800 voters. This is enough to potentially decide 35 seats,” he said, referring to the seats that had slim victories for either coalition.

“If voter sentiment is the same as 2008, then this can add the 30 seats PR needs to form federal government or the eight more BN needs to regain two-thirds,” said the political analyst. Continue reading “400,000 dubious voters may decide 35 seats, GE winner, says polls analyst”

Just who are the traitors?

— Spencer Gan
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 07, 2012

APRIL 7 — I note that Perkasa today called Bersih’s Ambiga Sreenevasan a traitor. I am afraid that the tables have been turned on its head in this country and the despicable and corrupt are now dishing out labels liberally.

But I do wonder whether the majority of us would consider a law-abiding activist a traitor or would they consider her a TRAITOR?

1. Someone who allegedly received kickbacks totalling RM144 million from a French defence company for agreeing to purchase two submarines. It is a fair assumption that the person/persons who received the money were not influenced by the utility of the purchase.

Asia Sentinel quoting French legal sources said that a Hong Kong company headed by Razak Baginda and his father received RM144 million from the French defence company. There is some evidence that the money was funnelled to Najib Razak who was the defence minister then. Is this a treacherous act? I wonder. Continue reading “Just who are the traitors?”

Perkasa masih bermain dengan api perkauman dan agama

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 08, 2012

8 APRIL — Seruan pemuda Perkasa supaya orang Islam tidak bersama didalam rally Bersih 3.0 yang akan diadakan pada 28 April nanti menjelaskan lagi betapa jumudnya pandangan Ketua Wira Perkasa itu.

Semasa rakyat berbilang kaum sedang bertungkus lumus mencari penyelesaian terhadap penyelewengan dan pencemaran demokrasi ini ada pula pihak yang hendak menyelitkan kepentingan sempit pertubuhan itu dan berniat untuk menggagalkan usaha dan niat rakyat untuk memperbetulkan kepincangan yang dilakukan oleh institusi demokrasi negara ini.

Kenapa pula orang Islam tidak boleh menyertai rally tersebut. Apa yang “un-Islamic” nya rally itu sehinggakan orang Islam diseru untuk tidak menyertai rally yang berkepentingan untuk demokrasi dinegara ini? Saya tidak mahu berbahas tentang agama kerana saya tidak berpengetahuan agama yang lengkap. Tetapi apa yang saya fahami Islam memang menuntut umatnya untuk menolak kemungkaran politik dan ekonomi dan memperjuangkan kebenaran. Continue reading “Perkasa masih bermain dengan api perkauman dan agama”

We did it once… we are going to do it again!

by Shamini Darshni
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 07, 2012

APRIL 7 — April 28 it is.

When I joined thousands of Malaysians last July 9, making our presence heard and felt on the streets of Kuala Lumpur to force the government of Malaysia to take the people’s united voice seriously, I knew, like every other person with me, that I was making a difference.

Since Bersih 2.0, we have seen, felt and heard an intensity so naked and so pure among Malaysians who want nothing more than a better country to live in. A country we have called home all our lives. A country we choose to still believe in.

Although it is disheartening that the third installation of the Bersih movement is championing the exact same eight recommendations we called for last year, my pride lies in the face of the political awakening that has taken many of us by storm. We are now unafraid to say we want better leadership, government accountability and transparency, and an overall better life as a Malaysian.

Did Bersih 2.0 then fail? Hardly.

Is Bersih 3.0 necessary? Let’s see: Continue reading “We did it once… we are going to do it again!”