PM’s Sandiwara in Sarawak!

By Martin Jalleh

The PM has excused himself from his duties in Putrajaya (at the taxpayer’s expense of course) and planted himself in Sarawak for six days till polling day to give the BN campaign a much-needed push.

He seems to be panicking for he has asked the whole Cabinet to park themselves in the Land of the Hornbill and endlessly praise the component BN parties there, whilst pouring scorn on the Opposition.

It appears that Taib Mahmud’s campaign has been quite pathetic. After 30 years as CM there is little proof that the people have progressed! But, he now promises he will turn Sarawak into the richest state after the elections!

Najib believes that as PM his personality, popularity, position and plenty of “I-help-you-you-help-me” pledges, will lessen public preoccupation with Taib and successfully persuade the masses to vote for BN.
Continue reading “PM’s Sandiwara in Sarawak!”

On Ubah campaign trail (5)

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Deepest condolence 4bereaved family on death of SabahAir Bell206 helicopter pilot Capt Sahimi Razali.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 11:08 AM

What investigations into SabahAir helicopter mishap n death of Capt Sahimi n what other actions being taken by civil aviation authorities?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 11:27 AM

@bongkersz now in bintangor will be in sarikei/sibu 2nite n sri aman tmr
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:54 PM

Meradong ppl ask Y Muhyiddin cannot come from Sibu by car 30mins-ride or heli mishap wld not have occurred n capt sahimi wld still be living
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:33 PM
Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (5)”

Malaysiakini down, hit by cyber attacks

via Malaysiakini Facebook

A cyber attack beginning at 11am today shut down Malaysiakiniservers simultaneously, making the website inaccessible to readers.

The Malaysiakini technical team has determined it to be a denial-of-service attack, where an attacker uses computers in different parts of the world to swarm Malaysiakini servers to the point that they are unable to cope with the massive traffic.

Both our servers, which are hosted at two data centres – TM Brickfields and Jaring – have been affected by the attack.

Malaysiakini has posted all of today’s reports in Facebook. Readers can access Malaysiakini in full via Facebook Notes.

We will soon be making our reports, especially those on the Sarawak election, available on WordPress, Blogspot and other publishing platforms.

Malaysiakini is also working to bring up a new set of servers.

We apologise for the technical problem and we will keep readers informed of developments via Facebook and Twitter.

Malaysiakini alternative sites :

  1. Malaysiakini Facebook Notes

  2. Malaysiakini blogspot

  3. Malaysiakini wordpress

A Sarawak Spring?

By Bridget Welsh

When change rocked the Middle East from Tunisia to Yemen, many were quick to point out that it could not happen in Malaysia. The BN government has a stronger record of governance and, for all of the unevenness of the playing field, holds competitive elections.

Yet, as the Sarawak campaign has unfolded, it is increasingly becoming apparent that change is afoot. The 30-year tenure of Abdul Taib Mahmud – closely paralleling the length of Hosni Mubarak’s own tenure – has inspired an unprecedented response on the ground.

With record attendance at rallies across the state, the floodgates of change have opened, with Prime Minister Najib Razak calling on all of his cabinet to campaign in what has become a defining national litmus test.

The 10th Sarawak election is perhaps the first real test since March 2008 of whether Malaysia will experience a similar spring, or whether it will stave off change.
Continue reading “A Sarawak Spring?”

On Ubah campaign trail (5)

Tweets @limkitsiang :

Miri pc – Najib’s 1Malaysia reduced into farce by Muhyiddin “I am Malay 1st Msian 2nd” stmt. Now transformed in2 1TShirt 1Tupperware circus
Monday, April 11, 2011 2:23 PM

Latest in Swak elections – GeorgeChan n SUPP leaders waiting 2b saved by MCA’s ChuaSoiLek n Gerakan’s KohTsuKoon!
Monday, April 11, 2011 2:43 PM

Sabah Air helicopter pilot “severely injured”. Chopper crashes in Sibu after ferrying DPM’s entourage(TMI)
Monday, April 11, 2011 3:30 PM

PM DPM Ministers staff flying around Swak in election campaign grave threat to safety of helicopter pilots n crew. Suspend all such flights
Monday, April 11, 2011 3:33 PM
Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (5)”

Mad scramble for Tupperware mars PM’s do

By Andrew Ong

Chaos erupted at the MBKS indoor stadium last night immediately after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak left the rally venue as people jostled to get hold of goodie bags containing Tupperware brand containers.

As some 2,000 participants at the rally were streaming out of the stadium, hundreds crowded around part of the entrance, grabbing goodie bags that were being distributed.

The bags contained a poster of Najib and either a water tumbler or a small food container of Tupperware fame.

As the rush for goodies grew out of hand, workers were forced to relocate some of the boxes of goodies away from the entrance.

As soon as the boxes touched the floor, dozens of people, many of them elderly and children, ripped opened the boxes and carried with them whatever they could.
Continue reading “Mad scramble for Tupperware mars PM’s do”

BN troubled as Pakatan rally draws more support

By Clara Chooi

KUCHING, April 11 — Barisan Nasional (BN) was left red-faced last night when two separate rallies across the city featuring Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his arch-nemesis Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim drew vastly different crowd numbers.

The usually conservative Sarawak folk arrived in droves at Anwar’s rally in the Batu Kawah constituency just 30 minutes outside of the city, all clambering to listen to the opposition leader and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) bigwigs like DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and PAS spiritual leader Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

According to observers at least 8,000 were in attendance, causing a major two-hour traffic congestion on the roads leading to the ceramah venue.

Held at the same time in the same city, Najib’s 1 Malaysia meet-the-leaders session paled in comparison.
Continue reading “BN troubled as Pakatan rally draws more support”

On Ubah campaign trail (4)

Tweets @limkitsiang :-

For first time in 48-year history, Miri leads in forefront for political change in Sarawak’s 10th general elections
Sunday, April 10, 2011 3:31 PM

Challenge 2 Najib – set up 5 RCIs on pressing issues of public importance
Sunday, April 10, 2011 7:09 PM

Who expects him 2admit he’s desperate? Or 2Swak loaded w goodies? 6 days in Swak not desperate move, Najib says (TMI)
Sunday, April 10, 2011 7:26 PM

Of course. Najib, Taib, BN in great danger! PM on 6-day S’wak blitz: BN in danger? (Mkini)
Sunday, April 10, 2011 7:29 PM
Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (4)”

On Ubah campaign trail (3)

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Dominique Ng shld take Azizah’s advice/withdraw from Padungan so as not to spoil PR/Wong King Wei’s chances of winning
Saturday, April 09, 2011 3:42 PM

Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Rumie Azzan
Saturday, April 09, 2011 5:43 PM

DAP dares PM to hold RCI for dead Sarawakian officer (MI)
Saturday, April 09, 2011 7:53 PM

Unprecedented 12k crowd Miri setting new record in focal pt in Swk g/e. All await Pisau result-how can PehMoh survive if GeorgeChan perish?
Saturday, April 09, 2011 11:38 PM
Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (3)”

On Ubah campaign trail (2)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Swak PR leaders launch Swak G/E Manifesto entitled “Ketuanan Rakyat” @PKR Swak hqrs. Present include Azizah Nizar ChongJR VioletYong SeeCH
Friday, April 08, 2011 2:43 PM

@Kuching airport otw 2Bintulu next stop in Ubah trail of Swak g/e 4change in Swak n Msia. Tmr night ceramah in Miri n Sunday nite in Limbang
Friday, April 08, 2011 3:36 PM

Sarawak curtain coming down? Recd sms that social activist Wong Chin Huat just barred from entering Sarawak. Checking
Friday, April 08, 2011 9:24 PM

Another abuse of power!Just spoken 2ChinHuat stranded Kuching airport 45mins as Immigration informed him he is on blacklist n denied entry.
Friday, April 08, 2011 9:37 PM
Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (2)”

On Ubah campaign trail (1)

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Sabah Minister mustering courage 2hint 2UMNO 2get out of Sabah/stop marginalise Sabahans (Borneo Post)Reject peninsula-based parties- Dompok
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 4:11:43 PM

“According 2info the officer is nice friendly n helpful. His family not rich. Everyone of us don’t believe he was corrupted.”
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 5:54:41 PM

Good kickoff 4all 3 Nomination Night DAP ceramahs in Kuching Sibu Miri – breaking all past records 4first night election ceramahs in Swak.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:59:39 PM Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (1)”

Sarawak Election and 2nd MACC falling death

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Most important Swak elections in 48yrs begin tomorrow – with far-reaching implications not only 4Swak but also 4Msia w great impact on 13GE
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 11:40 PM

In Sibu 4BukitAssek Pelawan BawangAssan Dudong Nangka nomination. Spirit of PR candidates leaders election workers high hopeful 4change UBAH
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 8:25 AM

DAP Alice Lau submits nomination as candidate Bawang Assan. Can young pharmacist go down in Sibu history 2join gallery of “dragon-slayers”?
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:12 AM

DAP Swak Chmn Wong Ho Leng 1st 2submit nomination as BukitAssek candidate 2make another history – first 2b re-elected as BA Assemblyman
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:25 AM
Continue reading “Sarawak Election and 2nd MACC falling death”

Hey Presto! Suddenly no need Cabinet decision

Twitter updates from @limkitsiang

Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 20:06
6 hours ago, no approval – Cabinet 2discuss it on Friday DPM denies approval for Bible release (TMI)

Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 20:10
Hey Presto! suddenly no need Cabinet decision Government orders release of Malay bibles (TMI)

Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 20:16
What’s behind sudden change of mind re Bible in BM? Constitutional guarantee of freedom of religion? PM’s credibility? Nil! Its Swak Elections!

Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 20:22
Najib Muhyiddin starts Swak election campaign Sat. Malay Bible controversy will spoil their campaign. Will Swak Assembly dissolve on 19th?

Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 20:28
I welcome release of 35k copies Malay Bible. Shd not b detained in 1st place. What is d lesson of the saga? Stand firm on const rights!

Dissecting BN’s twin wins in by-election

By Ong Kian Ming
Mar 10, 11

What can we make of the Merlimau and Kerdau by-elections four days after the results were announced? The results were not surprising. Most analysts, including me, had predicted that the BN would win by a bigger majority in both seats.

My prediction of a 4,000-vote majority for the BN in Merlimau was off by 357 votes (3,643 was the eventual majority) and my prediction of a 2,500-vote majority for the BN in Kerdau was off by 224 votes (2,724 was the eventual majority).

As is customary after each by-election, I want to examine the detailed results to find out where I went wrong and where I went right, and then proceed to discuss the implications of the findings.


I begin with Merlimau. I had predicted swings of approximately 6% (Malay), 5% (Chinese) and 45% (Indian) to BN, giving the ruling coalition 74% of the total vote and a 4,000-vote majority.
Continue reading “Dissecting BN’s twin wins in by-election”

By-elections: Pakatan on the defensive

By Bridget Welsh

But despite the BN’s victories in recent by-elections, neither side is coming out to be the clear winner.

The upcoming contests of Merlimau and Kerdau are like a drawn-out boxing match where both opponents are bruised and tired. The next two rounds heavily sway in favour of the BN, as both constituencies are in traditional Umno territory.

In the upcoming two matches, the BN has a comfortable weight advantage.

What matters in these by-elections is not the final result – almost a foregone conclusion in states where the result will not affect the balance of power – or arguably even the majority, but the honing of tactical skills in the campaigns and the condition of the opponents after the by-election battle is over. These contests foreshadow the real prize fight – the next general elections.
Continue reading “By-elections: Pakatan on the defensive”

32% Chinese voter support for BN in Tenang – PR should move on to get support from all Malaysians for political change

MCA President Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek, who previously claimed that Barisan Nasional had secured 45% Chinese voter support in the Tenang by-election, has now upped the claim to 50%, quoting as authority former MCA Minister, Tan Sri Dr. Fong Chan Onn. (Guang Ming Daily)

However, the first professional analysis of the voter trend in the Tenang by-election has given a completely different picture, showing that I had erred on the conservative side when I estimated that Chinese voter support for the Pas/Pakatan Rakyat candidate was in the region of 65% when it was probably closer to 68%.

According to the analysis “Soi Lek wrong on Chinese support”by psephologist Ong Kian Ming, writing today in Malaysiakini, Barisan Nasional’s Chinese votes in the by-election on Sunday fell by 3% to 32% from 35% in the 2008 general election, while BN increased its Malay votes from 80% in 2008 to 86% in the by-election and increased its Indian votes from 74% in 2008 to 86% – based on Chinese, Malay and Indian voter turnout rates of 55%, 79% and 50% respectively.

PR should move on from Tenang to get support from all Malaysians for political change although MCA leaders are now claiming BN secured 50% Chinese voter support despite professional analysis that BN Chinese support had fallen to 32% in the by-election.

If PR is to succeed in its campaign to effect political changes, it is the responsibility of all the three component parties to ensure that we can continue to get increasing support from all the communities for the PR common policy programme for justice, freedom, democracy and change – whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans or Orang Asli. Continue reading “32% Chinese voter support for BN in Tenang – PR should move on to get support from all Malaysians for political change”

Why PAS lost the battle for Tenang

By Kuek Ser Kuang Keng and Regina Lee | Malaysiakini

ANALYSIS Even before campaigning for the Tenang by-election started, much had been said that the Jan 30 event would serve as an important testing ground for a BN move to call for a snap general election.

It was easy to see why. With the racial breakdown of the semi-rural mixed seat being the archetype of most of the voting constituencies of Peninsular Malaysia, Tenang became a litmus test of sorts.

But is the BN victory with a 3,707-vote majority truly an indication of a return in voter sentiment and support for the ruling coalition? Well, yes and no.

The rather untimely floods and heavy rainfall – which the locals said were worse than the 2006 Great Johor Flood – had severely affected a few polling stations in the Chinese-majority areas.
Continue reading “Why PAS lost the battle for Tenang”

With 10% increase of Chinese voter support for Pas/PR candidate in Tenang, will Chua Soi Lek have the political courage to tell UMNO the truth?

I had said at the close of the Tenang by-election campaign that Pakatan Rakyat would have cause to celebrate if it could achieve three of four aims – firstly, to debunk Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s boast of winning 5,000 majority in Tenang which he had described as a Barisan Nasional “fortress”; secondly, to slash the BN’s 2,492 majority won in the 2008 general election; and thirdly, to secure the votes of more than 55% of the Chinese electorate who voted for the PAS candidate in the 2008 general election.

The fourth aim is to win the Tenang by-election, which I had not considered as likely.

In the event, only two of three aims – debunking Muhyiddin’s boast of 5,000-vote majority and increasing Chinese voter support for the Pas/PR candidate from the previous 55% – were achieved in the by-election yesterday.

I have no doubt that all the three goals would have be achieved if not for the climatic disaster, resulting in incessant rain and heavy flooding aggravated by selective and discriminatory assistance given by various government agencies ferrying only Barisan Nasional voters to the polling stations. All this caused unprecedented low voter turnouts, especially in Chinese and Indian areas.
Continue reading “With 10% increase of Chinese voter support for Pas/PR candidate in Tenang, will Chua Soi Lek have the political courage to tell UMNO the truth?”

Biggest losers in Tenang – MCA and Chua Soi Lek

Tweets :-

Pakatan decries selective assistance to voters – Mkini
Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:28 PM

Incessant rain bad flooding discriminatory govt assistance 2ferry stranded voters n low voter turnouts have messed up forecast of Tenang b/e
Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:37 PM

Tenang b/e – Voter turnout when polls closed @ 5pm: Total of 10,585 voters or 71.75 per cent of the 14,753 electorate.
Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:40 PM

Very low voter turnout in Labis town – in Labis Tengah only 51.82%!
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:03 PM

Very low voter turnout in Labis town – in Labis Tengah only 51.82%! 2008 GE turnout @ this station was 69%
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:09 PM
Continue reading “Biggest losers in Tenang – MCA and Chua Soi Lek”