Vote for Change to ensure that Malaysia is United, Prosperous and Progressive

BY Dr Chen Man Hin (DAP Life Advisor)


It was clear that during the 50th Merdeka celebrations there was uncertainty and frustration among the people because they were unsure of their identity. Some were bumiputras, while others were non-bumiputras, Some were called ketuanan Melayu but others were not. They thought they were Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian), but now they were told by UMNO that they do not accept Bangsa Malaysia.

The Federal Constitution clearly states that there is only one category of citizens. There is no mention of bumiputras or ketuanan melayu, which are actually inventions of UMNO.

Prime Minister in 2004 promised that all citizens in Malaysia are treated equally. He has not reinstated the Bangsa Malaysia status for all citizens.

VOTE FOR CHANGE. Vote for your birthright. Vote for political freedom, political equality and for BANGSA MALAYSIA. Continue reading “Vote for Change to ensure that Malaysia is United, Prosperous and Progressive”

Removal of BN 2/3 majority – prerequisite to achieve BN 2004 manifesto and Vision 2020

(Media Conference Statement at the DAP Ipoh Timur Election Ops Centre, Ipoh on Wednesday, 27th Feb. 2008 at 12 noon)

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday that it was crucial for the Barisan Nasional to retain its two-thirds majority in Parliament as a prerequisite of strong government.

He said: “In this era of globalization, they would only invest in our capital market if they had confidence.

“If we have a weak government which can collapse at any time, they would just go and invest in other countries which have a stronger and more stable government.”

This is the political myth which had led Malaysia up the “garden path” for half a century and why Malaysia had failed to fulfill the potential to be a great competitive global nation, contributing our assets and resources to make other nations like Singapore more successful and pulling ahead us while we continue to fall behind one nation after another. Continue reading “Removal of BN 2/3 majority – prerequisite to achieve BN 2004 manifesto and Vision 2020”

Penang ceramahs tonight

(Update – No police approval for Taman Lumba Kuda ceramah, so I will be speaking at the ceramah at Desa Mawar, opposite Farlim Sin Kang Primary School at about 11 pm – kit)

Details of my Penang ceramah schedule for four parliamentary constituencies tonight and the times of my speeches: –

(1) – Prai : Dewan Perkampongan Juru, Bukit Tengah 8 pm;

(2) – Bagan: Ng Yam Huat hawkers’ centre, Raja uda 9 pm;

(3) – Bukit Glugor – Tingkat Paya Terubong 10 pm

(4) – Bukit Bendera – Jalan Goh Guan Ho, Taman Lumba Kuda 11 pm Police Permit Denied

(5) – Desa Mawar Opp Farlim Sin Kang Sch – Karpal Singh and Kit Siang (updated)

Challenge – distribute BN’s 2004 general election manifesto together with its 2008 manifesto

(Media Conference Statement by DAP Parliamentary Candidate for Ipoh Timur Lim Kit Siang at DAP Ipoh Timur election centre, Ipoh on Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 1 pm)

I challenge Barisan Nasional Chairman Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the Barisan Nasional (BN) to distribute its 2004 general election manifesto on “Excellence, Glory and Distinction” together with its 2008 manifesto of ‘Security, Peace and Prosperity” to the 11 million voters to judge whether BN had failed or dishonoured its pledges.

Abdullah has produced a report claiming that the Barisan Nasional has fulfilled the pledges it made in its 2004 general election of “Towards a Malaysia of Excellence, Glory and Distinction” but he should not pre-empt any public judgment. He should facilitate the Malaysian people to pass such a judgment by circulating the 2004 Barisan Nasional manifesto together with the 2008 BN general election manifesto for comparison and study. Continue reading “Challenge – distribute BN’s 2004 general election manifesto together with its 2008 manifesto”

Four ceramahs in Perak tonight and at least three in Penang tomorrow

My ceramah schedule tonight will begin at

(1) Ipoh Garden South (near RHB) – (contact 012-5011822) (from 8 – 8.30 pm);

(2) Jalong, Sungei Siput (245 Sg Buloh, Sg Siput, contact 019-9188838));

(3) Kg Tawas (market), Ipoh Barat, (contact 016-5621986); and

(4) Pasir Pinji (DAP service centre – 05 – 3233056).

DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng has three ceramahs in Bruas parliamentary constituency and will end up in Ipoh Garden South ceramah after 11 pm.

Tomorrow I will have at least three ceramahs in Penang, viz: Prai, Bagan and Paya Terubong (Bukit Glugor).

Ceramahs tonight and tomorrow

Sorry many missed the DAP Kinta Valley Nomination Night ceramah at Chin Woo Hall, Ipoh last night as they were not informed.

The election preparatory system could not withstand the pressures of a general election in full swing and this is why we have sent out a SOS appeal for public support, financial, manpower, materials, IT expertise and all forms of assistance for the remaining 12-day campaign period. Continue reading “Ceramahs tonight and tomorrow”

Stop and dismantle Umno political hegemony, deny Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority

(12th General Election Nomination Day statement by DAP Ipoh Timur parliamentary candidate Lim Kit Siang in Ipoh on Sunday, 24th February 2008)

This 12th general election, unlike the previous 11 general elections, is not just about the next five years but a vote about the first 50 years of Malaysian nationhood and the next 50 years!

To many Malaysians, this general election is the last hope for change and an acid test whether there is a future for the building of a democratic, competitive, multi-racial, multi-religious, secular and just nation which our forefathers pledged to build through the Merdeka “social contract”.

It will be the clincher in the decision-making of many Malaysians whether there is hope to build a democratic, just and competitive Malaysia or there will be a new exodus of braindrain of the best and brightest of Malaysians to other lands in despair at any possibility that all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion, can have an equal place under the Malaysia sun. Continue reading “Stop and dismantle Umno political hegemony, deny Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority”

Nomination papers submitted

Flash – Nominations for Ipoh Timor parliamentary and three state assembly constituencies of Pasir Pinji, Canning and Tebing Tinggi accepted without objections – a one-to-one fight.

Nominations papers for Ipoh Timor submitted to Returning Officer at Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh Nomination Centre at 9.07 am. Also submitted are nomination papers for Thomas Su Keong Siong (Pasir Pinji), Wong Kah Woh (Canning) and Ong Boon Piow (Tebing Tinggi).

This was followed by the submission of the nomination forms for the Barisan Nasional candidates.

Awaiting for conclusion of nomination process, with nomination closed in 10 minutes’ time, followed by one hour for objections.

The curtain rises for the Electoral Battle of the Century – which is just not about the next five years but a vote about the first 50 years of Malaysian nationhood and the next 50 years.

Kit Siang’s Team for Ipoh Timur

We need people to assist in the following:

(A) Ipoh Timur Elections Operation Centre Administrative Assistants

Volunteers will work in shifts of 9am to 1pm; 1pm to 5pm; 5pm to 9pm

(B) Polling and Counting Agent

Job description:

  • Polling agent sits in a polling stream (the classroom where the voting takes place) and observes the voting process. Each school may have a different number of polling streams (saluran mengundi) depending on the number of voters in that area.
  • Counting agent observes the counting of the votes when polling closes at 5pm. Two counting agents are needed for each saluran.

Minimally, 300 personnel are required for the above two jobs. Continue reading “Kit Siang’s Team for Ipoh Timur”

Nomination Night Ceramah at Chin Woo Hall, Ipoh

I will be defending the Ipoh Timur parliamentary constituency in the 12th general election.

Tomorrow is Nomination Day and Polling is Saturday, March 8, 2008.

On Nomination Night (i.e. Sunday 24th February), the first ceramah will be held at Chin Woo Hall, Jalan C.M. Yusuf, Ipoh starting at 7.30 p.m.

The DAP candidates for the 12th general election in the Kinta Valley will be introduced to the public for the first time.

Other major speakers at the Nomination Night ceramah include two incumbent parliamentary candidates M. Kulasegaran (Ipoh Barat) and Fong Po Kuan (Batu Gajah).

All are welcome to the Nomination Night ceramah, which starts at 7.30 pm.

Inquiries can be made to DAP Ipoh Timur Election Operations Centre, Jalan Kampar, tel: 05 – 2533096. Continue reading “Nomination Night Ceramah at Chin Woo Hall, Ipoh”

Ling Hee Leong – what has happened to my 11-year-old ACA report over his RM1.2 billion corporate wealth?

(Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang in Ipoh on the eve of nomination day for 12th general election on 23rd February 2008)

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said on Thursday that he would present a progress report on the government’s performance from 2004 to 2007.

When he took over as the fifth Prime Minister more than four years ago, he took the country by storm with his pledge to be “Justice Bao” to eradicate corruption and all forms of abuses of power, culminating in a National Integrity Plan in May 2004 after Abdullah’s unprecedented 2004 general election victory, crushing the Opposition and commanding over 91 per cent of the parliamentary seats.

A few days ago, the Police and the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) announced that they have cleared all the prospective candidates for the Barisan Nasional for the forthcoming 12th general election, formally beginning on Nomination Day tomorrow, presenting a slate of BN candidates which symbolizes integrity and incorruptibility.

If the Barisan Nasional slate of candidates for the 2008 general election all stand for integrity and incorruptibility, then let Abdullah and the MCA President, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting explain what has happened to my 11-year-old ACA report in June 1997 calling for investigations as to how the announced MCA Parliamentary Candidate for Gopeng, Ling Hee Leong could at the age of 27 embark on corporate acquisitions exceeding RM1.2 billion in a matter of months and whether there had been improper use and influence of his father, Liong Sik’s political and Ministerial position.

Liong Sik was at the time the MCA President and the predecessor of Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy as Transport Minister – with Kong Choy now mysteriously announcing that he would not be seeking re-election citing health as reason, although “political and good governance” health connected with the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) bailout scandal appeared to be a greater “health” consideration. Continue reading “Ling Hee Leong – what has happened to my 11-year-old ACA report over his RM1.2 billion corporate wealth?”

Po Kuan returns to frontline of 2008 “Electoral Battle of the Century”

(Blog statement by Lim Kit Siang at a joint media conference with Fong Po Kuan at Ipoh Timur Election Operations Centre, Ipoh on Friday, 22nd Feb. 2008 at 2 pm)

Cili Padi Fong Po Kuan has returned to the frontline of the 2008 “Electoral Battle of the Century” – to end the overpowering Umno political hegemony by denying the Barisan Nasional its unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority in the March 8 general election.

The past six days since Po Kuan’s announcement that she would not recontest in Batu Gajah parliamentary seat had been an agonizing ordeal for Po Kuan, party leaders, members, supporters and the Malaysian public who see the general election as the last opportunity for change and the nation’s tryst with greatness.

Whether at the national or state party leadership, there had never been a second name for the DAP candidature for Batu Gajah in the 12th general election apart from Po Kuan. All party and state leaders, together with the concerned Batu Gajah voters and the larger national constituency, had urged Po Kuan to reconsider and return to the frontline in the critical battle shaping up in the 12th general election.

One cannot run away from the reality that Po Kuan’s action had caused harm and damage to herself, the party and the cause for justice, freedom and democracy – although she never intended so.

I have had discussions with Po Kuan in the past two days and she had admitted to the great harm her action had unintentionally and unwittingly caused to the party, party leaders and the political momentum for change in the 12th general election, and she asks for the party and people’s forgiveness for her mistake.

She has now bounced back to the frontline of the Electoral Battle of the Century and will reconstest and defend the Batu Gajah parliamentary seat.

In our discussions, we agreed that to should look forward and not back, that everyone should single-mindedly focus on one and only objective – to give a great blow to the increasing and overpowering Umno political hegemony maginalising not only the other Barisan Nasional component parties, but also the ordinary Malaysian masses, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazan-Dusun-Murut, Ibans and Sarawak indigenous people as well as orang asli in Peninsular Malaysia.

With Po Kuan’s return to the frontline of the battle, let us make up precious lost ground and enter into the 12th election campaign with gusto and confidence, v igour and vitality.

Cili Padi FPK is back!

Opposition party’s YouTube is a hit with netizens

The Electric New Paper
February 22, 2008

JUST like in the ongoing race for presidential nominations in the US, Malaysian political parties are taking their campaigning to online video host site YouTube.

The English version of DAP’s video has been viewed more than 15,000 times at press time. The Malay version has been viewed almost 10,000 times.


And it seems the Democratic Action Party (DAP) has made the first inroads with a snazzy promotional video that has been delighting netizens since it was uploaded two weeks ago, reported Guang Ming Daily.

The video shows a relay race, with Malaysians of different races and ages passing the baton as they run or ride taxis along the country’s alleyways and thoroughfares.

The baton finally ends up in the hands of DAP leaders standing on the steps of Parliament.

The one-minute video comes in Malay and English versions.

Its cheeky message, ‘Just change it’, shown at the end, spoofs Nike’s ‘Just do it’ catchphrase. In Malay, the closing message says, ‘Jam ubah (Time to change)’. Continue reading “Opposition party’s YouTube is a hit with netizens”

Shanty Chong filed class action for 856,484 acres of land promised to Sabahans but alienated to outsiders

Two days ago, Shanty Chong, who will contest the Sandakan parliamentary seat on the DAP ticket, was the lawyer who filed legal proceedings in the Tawau High Court over 856,484 acres of land promised to Sabahans but alienated to outsiders.

Shanty is the lawyer for the class action on behalf of three plaintiffs, Nasir Manaf and Wong Chaw Yen of Lahad Datu and Henry Apok from Menggatal.

Ex-PBS Cabinet sued
Daily Express
20 February, 2008

Tawau: Three land applicants filed a suit Tuesday against the entire State Cabinet Ministers under the tenure of the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Government (1985-1994).

The suit filed in the Tawau High Court registry was in connection with a New Land Alienation Policy (Smallholders Scheme) which was introduced by the then Berjaya Govenrment on Dec. 4, 1979.

The three plaintiffs claimed that when PBS came to power, the then Chief Minister Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan (first defendant) and his eight Cabinet Ministers failed to implement the promised policy.

Three of them – Pairin, Dompok and Kurup are presidents of PBS, Upko and PBRS parties respectively while most of the others no longer hold key political positions.

Pairin is a Deputy Chief Minister-cum-ural Development Minister in the current State Government while Dompok is a Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. Kurup is chairman of SLDB, a government agency.

The plaintiffs Nasir Manaf and Wong Chaw Yen of Lahad Datu and Henry Apok from Menggatal filed their writ of summons through the legal firm of Messrs Chee & Co of Tawau.

The other named as second to ninth defendants are Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup, Datuk Ahmad Bahrom Abu Bakar Titingan, Datuk Kadoh Agundong, Datuk Tan Kit Sher, Datuk Haji Nahalan Damsal and Datuk Chau Tet On.

In their statement of claim, the plaintiff stated that on Dec. 4, 1979 then Chief Minister Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh announced that the State Government had reserved a total of 906,330 acres of State land for landless Sabahans under a New Land Alienation Policy.

The lands were to be alienated directly or through Government agencies at 15 acres to each landless Sabahan. The landless were invited to register at the nearest Land Office throughout the State. The plaintiffs claimed that they had registered for the lands in the early 1980s and had each waited for the 15 acres land to be given to them as promised.

They claimed that the defendants, who were Ministers in the new PBS State Government that had just toppled Berjaya, had all the authority, power and obligation to fulfill the Berjaya State Government’s contracts and had even from time to time made statements assuring that every Sabahan would be given 15 acres to uplift the standard of living of the rural people. Continue reading “Shanty Chong filed class action for 856,484 acres of land promised to Sabahans but alienated to outsiders”

Electoral Battle of the Century – hope or despair for the future

(Speech by Lim Kit Siang at the launching of the DAP Ipoh Timur general election operations centre at Jalan Kampar, Ipoh on Thursday, 21st February 2008 at 11.30 am)

This is the launching of the operations centre for the DAP Ipoh Timur parliamentary constituency for the 12th general election on March 8, 2008.

In another two days on Sunday, 24th February 2008, the curtain raises for what I would describe as the “Electoral Battle of the Century” as the March 8 election will decide not just the future of Malaysia for the next five years, but what Malaysia is going to be in 2020 and the next half-century of our nationhood.

It is going to be the most important general election not only in 51 years but 100 years of Malaysia – with many Malaysians waiting for the outcome of March 8 polls to decide whether there is still hope for change in Malaysia and to fully commit the rest of their lives to the building of a great Malaysian nation which can take its proud, proper and rightful place in the global arena in the face of the challenges of globalization or despair that there is no hope for the future in this land of our birth and spark another debilitating brain drain of the best and brightest to benefit foreign countries – which have already seen the exodus and brain-drain of one-to-two million Malaysian talents as a consequence of the New Economic Plan, causing Malaysia to rapidly fall behind not only Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea but in danger of being overtaken by Vietnam, Thailand and horror of horrors Indonesia.

In short, what the Electoral Battle of the Century is all about – Is there hope for change in Malaysia whether 2020 or next 50 years or one can only despair about the future of a great nation which has lost its way! Continue reading “Electoral Battle of the Century – hope or despair for the future”

Po Kuan incommunicado

Media Conference Statement (2) by Lim Kit Siang at the Perak DAP State hqrs in Ipoh on Tuesday, 19th February 2008 at 1 pm

There are four days left to Nomination Day on Sunday. It is most unfortunate that in the past few days, particularly in the past 72 hours, the DAP had shifted from pace-and-agenda setting for the 12th general election, which is the “Battle of the Century”, to one of complete disarray because of party problems particularly over Fong Po Kuan’s shock announcement that she will not contest in Batu Gajah parliamentary seat and other general election and candidature questions.

DAP leaders have been trying to reach Po Kuan since Sunday but have not been successful as she is incommunicado. From the public responses to her and my blogs, she should know that she is held in very high regard as the voice of the oppressed and beacon of hope of the marginalized.

We all hope that Po Kuan can reconsider to return to the frontline of the Battle of the Century in the 12th general election for the third contest in the Batu Gajah parliamentary seat.

I fully respect the right and responsibility of the media to report and chase news and undoubtedly, Po Kuan and the DAP’s general election problems are newsworthy.

However, the media should be fair and balanced in the coverage of all newsworthy party developments, not just of the DAP but also of Umno, MCA, Gerakan,, MIC and all other Barisan Nasional component parties. Continue reading “Po Kuan incommunicado”

Samy Vellu’s days are numbered – Subra as next MIC leader

Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has become the most unpopular politician in the country and probably in Malaysian history, being booed, jeered, car blocked, thrown stones, rotten eggs and even slippers almost every day in public places.

This public rejection of Samy Vellu has spread to MIC and Barisan Nasional (BN) functions, with other MIC and BN leaders becoming also the target of public resentment and fury, as illustrated by the meet-the-people session led by Perak Mentri Besar and Barisan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Mohamad Tajol Rosli Ghazali in Buntong, Ipoh yesterday.

The political days of Samy Vellu, MIC President and sole Indian Cabinet Minister for over 28 years, are numbered. Moves in fact are afoot for the former deputy president, Datuk S. Subramaniam, to become the next MIC leader as Samy Vellu is slowly phased out of the political scene.

I expect Subra to make a political comeback on Sunday on his nomination as a Barisan Nasional candidate for the 12th general election and preparatory to his joining the Cabinet – something Subra had been denied and been waiting for nearly three decades. Continue reading “Samy Vellu’s days are numbered – Subra as next MIC leader”

Mandate of heaven this nation awaits

Dr. Azly Rahman

Sometime ago, I wrote these:

1)”Let our children learn that it is terrifying to be corrupt; such as to build palaces while the homes of the poor are demolished. Let us teach them to vote with their conscience.”

2) “The current regime cannot solve the problems it creates. It must dismantle itself, die a natural death, destroy the symbols of power it has abused, and let a peaceful renewal take its natural course.”

We have 13 days of campaigning period and after that, the opportunity to exercise our fundamental rights as Malaysian citizens. We are doing this at a time when our political system is in utter chaos – the three branches of government are growing more visible thorns and climbing onto each other, while the roots are diseased in this wasteland called democracy in which the air is foul and toxic. Is this a curse of our obsession with the number 13?

These 13 days are crucial for our nation’s future. It might not be as dramatic as 10 days that shook Russia in October 1917 but nonetheless it is a time when the change we need is now. The process of getting there is “perestroikic”. The previous ruling regime that has served Malaysia for 50 years too I believe is asking for radical change to happen. This feeling resides in the collective unconscious of our race-based politics. It will be our bipolarist Freudian moment of Malaysian Machiavellianism. The calm of Mahathirism is now creating a storm of unknown proportions. Continue reading “Mandate of heaven this nation awaits”

Just Vote opposition to deny BN 2/3 Majority

by Richard Teo

I would like to refer to the Malaysiakini article ‘Finally a chance to wrest Penang.’

In this article, Ronald Quay seems to contradict himself.His caption seems to suggest there is a good chance of the opposition wresting Penang from B.N and yet in the same breathe predicted that’B.N will still win the General Elections ,hands down’What is perhaps galling is his statement that’the Barisan national is still the best party to govern Malaysia today’.

If Ronald is so confident that his theory of opposition contesting the State seats as oppose to contesting the Continue reading “Just Vote opposition to deny BN 2/3 Majority”