The real fuss is the Sabah crisis

― Abdul Samad Sulaiman
The Malaysian Insider
March 04, 2013

MARCH 4 ― What a show we had today at the National Monument. Bet it was the first time the likes of Rahim Noor, Samsuri Arshad and other former IGPs have even graced the place of fallen heroes in recent years!

The jokers have no standing to comment on Sabah or, for that matter, anywhere in Malaysia. While they were enjoying the “perks” of the top job, Sabah was being flooded by illegals and recipients of Project IC.

Did Rahim and his so-called patriots kick up a fuss about the acts of high treason in giving away Malaysian citizenships to people who did not qualify ― people who today hold Sabahans at ransom in their own state?

Did any of them resign in protest when the Mahathir administration opened our borders wantonly?

No, they didn’t. And now they shed crocodile tears for the loss of real heroes, and they are falling over themselves to score some points with the government by feigning indignation at that lightweight, Tian Chua.

Tian Chua may be stupid and callous, but he did not kill Malaysian policemen. Continue reading “The real fuss is the Sabah crisis”

Dato’ Seri Najib Razak sewajarnya menumpukan usaha memastikan kedaulatan wilayah negara, keselamatan rakyat Sabah dan anggota pasukan keselamatan

Kenyataan media pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat

Setiap pimpinan mana-mana negara sekalipun bertanggungjawab mempertahan kedaulatan wilayah negara, keselamatan rakyat dan anggota pasukan keselamatan.

Kegagalan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara dan keselamatan rakyat merupakan satu pengkhianatan serta menodai amanah rakyat. Justeru Pakatan Rakyat berhasrat mengingatkan pimpinan negara agar tegas mempertahankan kedaulatan wilayah negara dan tidak alpa memastikan keselamatan setiap rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya di Sabah ekoran dari insiden pencerobohan sekumpulan bersenjata warga asing di sekitar Lahad Datu serta Semporna. Setiap inci tanah Sabah dan keselamatan rakyatnya wajib dipertahankan.

Pencerobohan di Lahad Datu telah mengorbankan dua nyawa perwira negara manakala insiden terbaru di Semporna pula mengorbankan enam nyawa perwira negara. Kita merakamkan ucapan takziah buat keluarga mereka dan rakyat Sabah serta berdoa moga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat.

Pakatan Rakyat juga mengajak seluruh rakyat Malaysia untuk tetap teguh mendokong pasukan keselamatan, samada dari pihak polis atau tentera. Kita berdoa moga mereka kekal selamat serta bersemangat mempertahankan negara dan rakyat Malaysia dari ancaman penceroboh.
Continue reading “Dato’ Seri Najib Razak sewajarnya menumpukan usaha memastikan kedaulatan wilayah negara, keselamatan rakyat Sabah dan anggota pasukan keselamatan”

The Federal Government should now priortise on guarenteeing our territorial integrity and security

Lahad Datu Statement from Pakatan Leadership

Any leader of any country must defend his nation’s sovereignty and the security of his people.

Failing to do so is a grave betrayal of the people’s trust in its government. Therefore, Pakatan Rakyat urges the present national leadership to do that which is required of them, to defend our land and never to compromise the safety of each and every Malaysian, and the test of those principles is ongoing in and around Sabah’s Lahad Datu and Semporna with the escalating violence brought by armed foreigners.

In Lahad Datu two of members of our security forces have lost their lives, while the latest acts in Semporna have claimed six of our men in uniform. We express our sincere condolences to these men’s families and may God bless them for they have given the highest sacrifice for a grateful nation.

Pakatan Rakyat calls on all Malaysians to show unreserved support to our security forces, both the police and military. And pray that they remain safe while defending our nation and its people from harm.

Pakatan realises the recent incidents in Sabah raise concern and fear, but we urge the public to remain calm and not to act rashly and hurt their fellow countrymen.
Continue reading “The Federal Government should now priortise on guarenteeing our territorial integrity and security”

Pengiraan Detik 39 Hari ke PRU13: Cadangan agar ditubuhkan majlis semua pihak untuk membantu menguruskan krisis Sabah dan menyeru Najib untuk membuat lawatan segera ke Sabah

Dikala rakyat Malaysia masih berkabung untuk kematian dua wira negara, komando polis Insp Zulkifli Mamat 29 dan Sabaruddin Daud 46 yang terbunuh di dalam insiden tembak menembak dengan penceroboh bersenjata Sulu di Kampung Tanduo Lahad Datu pada pagi Jumaat, tiga lagi komando cedera, negara dikejutkan lagi pagi ini dengan berita bahawa terdapat dua lagi polis maut di Semporna malam semalam.

Rakyat Malaysia bangun pagi ini dengan berita sedih bahawa “Polis terbunuh bertempur dengan militan Filipino di Semporna” tetapi menjelang tengah hari, pihak polis mengesagkan terdapat dua pegawai polis yang terbunuh di dalam serang hendap di Kampung Seri Jaya Siminul, sebuah perkampungan atas air, di Semporna pada sekitar 6.30 petang semalam – dan yang ketiga sedang bertarung nyawa di hopistal awam di Semporna.

Namun yang lebih buruk bakal terjadi, apabila rakyat Malaysia mendapati berita sidang akhbar bersama pertama oleh polis dan tentera di Felda Sahabat Residence, Lahad Datu selepas tiga minggu stand-off dengan penceroboh bersentaja Sulu di Kampung Toudou, seperti yang digambarkan di dalam laporan Malaysiakini:

  • Lima anggota polis terbunuh di Semporna, kata IGP
  • IGP: Lebih ramai penceroboh mendarat di Sabah
  • Panglima ATM kata penceroboh ada kemahiran

Turut dilaporkan terdapat satu lagi pendaratan oleh penceroboh di Kunak. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 39 Hari ke PRU13: Cadangan agar ditubuhkan majlis semua pihak untuk membantu menguruskan krisis Sabah dan menyeru Najib untuk membuat lawatan segera ke Sabah”

Time to unite to fight a common enemy, not bicker

By Jahabar Sadiq
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 04, 2013

COMMENTARY March 4 — There comes a time when Malaysians must unite and fight a common enemy, not bicker and blame each other over what is going wrong. That time is now for Sabah.

We need to support our policemen and troops facing Filipino militants who wish to lay claim over a land whose people decided to form Malaysia 50 years ago with Malaya and Sarawak.

We need to make sure the sacrifice of eight fallen policemen was not in vain, that their widows and children know their husband or father’s death has helped keep Malaysia intact and free.

We need to see what our priorities are now, to end the bloodshed and standoff in Sabah with Filipino militants who have broken our territorial integrity and laws.

We need to get our peace and security back. We stand united or we fall divided. Pure and simple.

The time for investigating what went wrong with our defence of Sabah will come. The time for apportioning blame and reveal the traitors will come.

Right now, we need our politicians to stop blaming each other and accusing each other of instigating this incursion. Such talk is not constructive and will not help our security forces do their job. Continue reading “Time to unite to fight a common enemy, not bicker”

39-Day Countdown to 13GE: Proposal for an all-party council to help deal with Sulu Sabah crisis and call on Najib to make immediate extended visit to Sabah

While Malaysians are still mourning the death of two national heroes, elite police commandos Insp Zulkifli Mamat 29 and Sabaruddin Daud 46 who were killed in the shootout in Kampung Tanduo in Lahad Datu on Friday morning with Sulu armed intruders, with three other commandoes injured, the nation is shocked this morning at the news that there have been another two police casualties in Semporna last evening.

Malaysians woke up this morning to the sad news that “Cop killed in Semporna, another injured in gunfight with militants” (TMI) but by noon time, the police confirmed that there were two policemen who were killed in an ambush in Kampung Seri Jaya Siminul, a village on stilts above the water, in Semporna at about 6.30 pm last evening – and that a third is fighting for his life at the general hospital in Semporna.

But worse were to come, when Malaysians learnt of the news of the first joint press conference by the police and army in Felda Sahabat Residence, Lahad Datu after the three-week stand-off with armed Sulu intruders at Kampung Toudou, as reflected in the following Malaysiakini reports:

Five cops killed in Semporna ambush, says IGP

IGP: More armed intruders have landed

Army General: Intruders ‘well-trained’

It is also reported of another landing by intruders in Kunak. Continue reading “39-Day Countdown to 13GE: Proposal for an all-party council to help deal with Sulu Sabah crisis and call on Najib to make immediate extended visit to Sabah”

Hopes run high Sabah drama over in 48 hours

By Tarra Quismundo
Philippine Daily Inquirer
1:44 am | Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

MANILA, Philippines—The standoff between Malaysian security forces and an armed group of followers of the sultan of Sulu entered a third week on Monday with hopes running high that the drama would end within the next 48 hours.

The Malaysian government extended the deadline for the armed group to leave the village of Tanduao in Lahad Datu town by another 48 hours to allow time for talks between emissaries of the Philippine government and the family of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III for the recall of the so-called Royal Armed Forces of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo.

The first 48-hour extension of the Feb. 22 deadline expired on Sunday as the Philippine government sent a Navy ship to pick up the women and children among Jamalul’s followers to get them out of harm’s way in the event the Malaysian forces were forced to storm the Filipinos’ camp.

A statement from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said the ship was leaving for Sabah from Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, on Sunday night.

But the DFA said Monday the ship was still in Tawi-Tawi, awaiting diplomatic clearance to enter Malaysian waters and be on standby off Lahad Datu to receive the noncombatants from the armed group led by Agbimuddin Kiram, brother of Jamalul, who ordered the intrusion into Sabah to press his clan’s claim to the territory.

“We have learned that [Malaysian forces] have surrounded the area. So what we want to happen is [for] this group to now decide to leave the area for safety and get on board our humanitarian ship,” said DFA spokesman Raul Hernandez.

“We don’t want them to get hurt, to think of resorting to violence or whatever. That’s why we sent a ship there. It’s ready to go to the border when we have people who are ready to be moved and fetched,” he said. Continue reading “Hopes run high Sabah drama over in 48 hours”

Bilakah Najib akan meletak ketepi dahulu kempen hariannya untuk PRU13 dan pergi melawat mereka di Lahad Datu untuk memastikan penyelesaian segera kebuntuan dengan penceroboh Sulu yang sudah masuk minggu ketiga

Saya mengalu-alukan lawatan Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman dan Kabinetnya ke Felda Sahabat 16 di Lahad Datu semalam bagi mendapatkan pandangan terus berkenaan kebuntuan antara pasukan keselamatan Malaysia dan yang kononnya Tentera Diraja Kesultanan Sulu.

Ini merupakan salah satu objektif lawatan saya ke Felda Sabahat 16 di Lahad Datu dua hari lalum bersama-sama dengan wakil yang dilantik DAP Sabah, termasuklah Jimmy Wong Sze Phing, Naib Pengerusi Negeri Frederick Fung, Setiausaha Negeri Dr. Edwin Bosi, Setiausaha Publisiti Negeri Chan Foong Hin, Ahli Parlimen Kota Kinabalu Hiew King Cheu, DAP Penolong Setiausaha Penganjur Kebangsaan Vincent Wu.

Lawatan kami ke Lahad Datu pada 20 Feb mempunyai objective berikut:

  • Misi mendapatkan fakta untuk menentukan keadaan sebenar di tempat kejadian berkenaan kebuntuan yang berlaku;
  • untuk memahami kebimbangan penduduk tempatan;
  • menunjukkan solidariti dengan rakyat di Lahad Datu yang terkesan dengan kejadian itu; dan
  • menghantar mesej yang jelas kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan dan kerajaan negeri Sabah, khususnya Perdana Menteri dan Ketua Menteri Sabah, untuk memberi keutamaan kepada siatuasi buntuk di sana bagi memastikan penyelesaian segera kerana semakin banyak masalah timbul kepada rakyat Sabah.

Saya gembira kerana kami telah mencapai matlamat sejauh mana melibatkan kerajaan negeri Sabah, kerana sejurus selepas lawatan kami, pada hari berikutnya Ketua Menteri Sabah dan rombongan Kabinetnya telah melawat Felda Sahabat 16 untuk mendapatkan taklimat di pos keselamatan General Operations Force (GOF) di sana. Continue reading “Bilakah Najib akan meletak ketepi dahulu kempen hariannya untuk PRU13 dan pergi melawat mereka di Lahad Datu untuk memastikan penyelesaian segera kebuntuan dengan penceroboh Sulu yang sudah masuk minggu ketiga”

PH sends ship to Sabah – But Sulu sultan says followers staying put

By Nikko Dizon, TJ Burgonio
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Originally posted: 9:23 pm | Sunday, February 24th, 2013

The followers of the sultan of Sulu holed up in a village in Sabah, eastern Malaysia, could be flushed out Monday after the expiration on Sunday of a 48-hour extension of the Malaysian deadline for them to leave and the failure of Malacañang’s back-channel efforts to solve the standoff peacefully.

The Philippine government sent a humanitarian ship to Sabah Sunday night to bring home the women and children among the sultan’s armed followers holed up in Tanduao village in Lahad Datu town and encircled by Malaysian security forces, but the sultanate said no one would go with the mercy mission.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said in a statement that the ship would sail from Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, before midnight and stand by off Lahad Datu as Malaysian authorities talked with the sultan’ followers.

The DFA said it informed the Malaysian Embassy last Saturday that the Philippine government was sending a ship to Sabah. Malaysian foreign minister Anifah Aman told AFP, however, that he had “yet to be informed on this matter.” Ministry officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

The vessel will sail for 11 to 12 hours and is expected to arrive in Lahud Datu at noon Monday. Aboard the mercy ship were Filipino Muslim leaders, social workers and medical personnel, Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said, stressing that the government “was deeply concerned” about the presence of women among the group.

Del Rosario called on “the entire group to go back to their homes and families, even at the same time, we are addressing the core issues they have raised.”

“Please do so for your own safety,” he added.

An Inquirer source said Philippine officials hoped the Malaysians would hold their fire as the mercy mission was going on “for the sake of innocent lives.” Continue reading “PH sends ship to Sabah – But Sulu sultan says followers staying put”

Lahad Datu stand-off with some 150 Sulu intruders getting curioser and curioser – why is Hishammuddin passing the buck to Wisma Putra and not to the Defence Ministry?

The Lahad Datu government stand-off with some 150 Sulu intruders is getting curioser and curioser.

Today, the Home Minister Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein said that the Home Ministry has left it to Wisma Putra to decide on the Philippine government’s request of an extension on the deportation of a group of intruders in Lahad Datuk but such an extension “should not be too long, as the ministry will not compromise on matters which could potentially threaten the sovereignty of the nation”.

Clearly, the Home Minister is not on the same wavelength as the overwhelming majority of Sabahans and Malaysians who are one in feeling that the sovereignty and security of the nation had been compromised right from the beginning of the intrusion of and standoff with the 150 Sulu militias into Sabah territory at Kampong Tanduo in Felda Sahabat, Lahad Datu since February 9.

Just on the issue whether the nation’s sovereignty and security had been threatened by the intrusion and standoff with the so-called Royal Sulu Sultanate Army, the overwhelming majority of Malaysians have proven that they are more patriotic and nationalistic than the Home Minister himself.

In fact, the question more and more Malaysians are asking is why Hishammuddin is passing the buck to Wisma Putra instead of to the Defence Ministry? Continue reading “Lahad Datu stand-off with some 150 Sulu intruders getting curioser and curioser – why is Hishammuddin passing the buck to Wisma Putra and not to the Defence Ministry?”

Who’s taking responsibility for Lahad Datu standoff?

By Mat Zain Ibrahim | 11:29AM Feb 23, 2013

COMMENT Until today, there is not one honourable person who is prepared to take the responsibility for the lapse of security that resulted in the Lahad Datu standoff. Surely there must have been someone put in charge of the area, but has neglected his responsibilities.

If Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is serious about protecting the sovereignty, security and safety of our country and the citizens, he would have caught hold of one or two of the ground commanders and relieved them of their command.

Only then will the rakyat believe that the PM is not only in control but that he is on top of the situation and has his priorities right.

Since nothing of that sort is happening, we can only expect that, eventually, the blame will go to the lowest ranking soldiers, who will be accused of sleeping on the job and for failing to wake up their superiors. And also the constables who have failed to gather the intelligence before the intrusion for actions to be taken before the invaders landed.

This was the position taken by our Najib himself, when he was interviewed at length by reporters from on July 9, 2000, after the Sauk incident.
Continue reading “Who’s taking responsibility for Lahad Datu standoff?”

When is Najib going to put aside his daily campaigning for 13GE and pay regular visits to meet with people in Lahad Datu to ensure quick resolution of the stand-off with Sulu intruders entering its third week

I welcome the visit of the Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and his Cabinet entourage to Felda Sahabat 16 in Lahad Datu yesterday to get first-hand view of the stand-off between the Malaysian security forces and the self-proclaimed Royal Army of Sulu.

This is one of the objectives of my visit to Felda Sahabat 16 in Lahat Datuk two days ago, together with the Sabah DAP elected representatives, including DAP Sabah State Chairman and Sabah State Assemblyman for Sri Tanjong, Jimmy Wong Sze Phing, State Vice Chairman Frederick Fung, State Secretary Dr. Edwin Bosi, State Publicity Secretary Chan Foong Hin, MP for Kota Kinabalu Hiew King Cheu, DAP National Assistant Organising Secretary, Vincent Wu.

Our visit to Lahad Datu on Feb. 20 has the following objectives:

  • fact-finding mission to ascertain the actual situation on the ground with regard to the standoff;
  • to understand the concerns and anxieties of the local population;
  • show solidarity with the people in Lahad Datuk affected by the stand-off; and
  • send clear and categorical message to the Federal and Sabah state governments, in particular the Prime Minister and the Sabah Chief Minister, to give priority to the stand-off to ensure a speedy resolution because of the manifold problems it has created for the Sabah people.

I am glad that we have achieved this objective as far as the Sabah state government is concerned, for immediately on the following day of our visit, the Sabah Chief Minister and his Cabinet entourage had visited Felda Sahabat 16 to get a briefing at the General Operations Force (GOF) security post there. Continue reading “When is Najib going to put aside his daily campaigning for 13GE and pay regular visits to meet with people in Lahad Datu to ensure quick resolution of the stand-off with Sulu intruders entering its third week”

Tweets from the government’s standoff with 150 Sulu intruders in Lahad Datu

Tweets from @limkitsiang

On fact-finding mission on 12day standoff w some 100 intruders claiming 2b Royal Sulu Army w JimmyWong Edwin HiewKC FredFung ChanHK Wu etc
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 12:43

Not only Sabahans Msians v concerned abt standoff in Kg Tanduo (13km away but sealed off by police) LahatDatu n Bandar Cenderawasih ppl too
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 12:57

This is bcos nation’s sovereignty n security undermined by intrusion/standoff – not what Hishammuddin said yesterday, yet 2b threatened!
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 13:16

Y has Najib not visited LahadDatu 2highlight Fed govt’s seriousness 2resolve issue speedily? Shd even convene emergency Parliament on issue!
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 13:20

Also convene urgent Sabah State Assembly. Najib shd direct Home/Defence Ministers 2give regular briefings 2update MPs/Sabah SAs on updates
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 14:25

Intrusion/standoff poor reflection on security capabilities when every year MPs approved tens of billions of RM 4 Home/Defence ministries
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 14:32

How did the ragtag Suluk militants get past Msian marines, Navy Army n Police? What for 2 multi billion-RM Scorpene Submarines in Sepanggar?
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 14:38

Back 2Lahat Datu – 6hrs on road 2day n another 2hrs back 2Tawau. Then flight 2KL. LahadDatu/Sabah right 2demand Najib give top attn 2them
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:01

Bcos of info blackout on standoff, all sorts of rumours in Sabah incl baseless 1am riot 2day in KK LahadD n Keningau reported by BorneoPost
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:21

1Q – Govt acted immediately 2deport Aussie senator Xenophon as enemy of state yet helpless w 150 Sulu intruders who r x friends of state. Y?
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:43

With intrusion/12day standoff another reason why Msia has become int laughing stock, can Hisham continue 2 claim Msia safest country in SEA?
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:59

Full weight of law must fall on Lahad Datu intruders

by Mat Zain Ibrahim
Feb 18, 2013


‘The Sulu Sultanate invasion of Lahad Datu.’ This is the term I consider most appropriate to define the standoff between some 100 heavily armed intruders from the now defunct Sultanate of Sulu and the Malaysian security forces in Kampung Tanduo in Lahad Datu.

The intruders have made clear that they are there to stay for as long as necessary and more of their kind will be joining them to claim a piece of Sabah that they perceive to belong to their ancestors.

They have also made it clear they are not going to budge, even when threatened with deportation.

If the first batch of 100 or more can infiltrate into our territories without being detected by our security forces, then their back-up forces can row their boats across easily, without any resistance as well.

There was, without any doubt, a security lapse in Sabah waters.

There wouldn’t have been an intrusion of such magnitude otherwise. Continue reading “Full weight of law must fall on Lahad Datu intruders”

Lahad Datu 400 stay put

The Sun Daily
Posted on 18 February 2013 – 09:08pm

MANILA (Feb 18, 2013): Followers of a Philippine sultan who crossed to Sabah this month will not leave and are reclaiming the area as their ancestral territory amid a tense standoff, the sultan said.

Sultan Jamalul Kiram said his followers – some 400 people including 20 gunmen – were resolute in staying despite being cornered by security forces, with the Malaysian government insisting the group return to the Philippines.

“Why should we leave our own home? In fact, they (the Malaysians) are paying rent (to us),” he told reporters in Manila.

“Our followers will stay in (the Sabah town of) Lahad Datu. Nobody will be sent to the Philippines. Sabah is our home,” he said.

The sultan did not directly threaten violence but said, “there will be no turning back for us”. Continue reading “Lahad Datu 400 stay put”

The two faces of Malaysia

by Mariam Mokhtar
Feb 18, 2013

Like a coin, Malaysia has two sides; the tourist experiences a tropical idyll, a shopping paradise and gastronomic delights, but the man in the street sees the obverse.

azlanIn the markets, housewives moan about the increasing prices of everyday food items, but at any Malaysian Airlines check-in counter in London, New York, Dubai or Sydney, one can see Malaysian officials and their spouses deposit box after box of shopping. It is alleged that they seldom pay excess baggage charges.

To say that Malaysia is a nation in chaos is an understatement. Minister after minister shows levels of incompetency that any half-decent company would never permit. Who runs the country? Who is in charge? Is Malaysia like an air plane cruising on auto-pilot until it crashes when it runs out of fuel?

While ministers are busy playing politics, the country is going to ruin. In Sabah, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s ‘Project M’, made illegal immigrants instant citizens of Malaysia. Last week, more than 100 armed foreigners breezed in and occupied a village, without any resistance.

Elsewhere in Malaysia, people of distinction, whose only weapons are truth and the tenets of justice and democracy, are harassed and discouraged from entering Malaysia, or are deported. These people include a French lawyer acting on behalf of Suaram, a British lawyer acting on behalf of Hindraf, Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand and Australian Senator Nick Xenophon. Continue reading “The two faces of Malaysia”

RM160m to solve Najib’s problem?

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | January 8, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

The object of the whole LTAT exercise seems to be to save Raja Ropiah, people from Mindef and even LTAT – players who may all have a hand in the exercise.


You know how government-linked companies (GLCs) screws us? In order to deceive people, they build themselves a byzantine maze with sister companies, brother companies, son-companies, grandson-companies and great-great grandson companies.

It will take a financial sleuth some time to trace the trail of deception and corruption.

Take the maze of companies involved in the Deepak Jaikishan-Raja Ropiaah Abdullah scam.

LTAT (Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera) is the parent company. Boustead Holdings Bhd is the son-company. Baktiwira is the grandson company. And Jendela Hikmat is the great-great grandson company. Then there is Guppyunit

Umno has a system already in place. At every level, an Umno GLC infuses the culture of deception and corruption. Every level it skims off the milk.

The question is, why is LTAT so friendly with Raja Ropiaah? Why is Raja Ropiaah so special to Ministry of Defence (Mindef) and its minister then?

One thing is known. The object of the whole LTAT exercise seems to be to save Raja Ropiaah, the people from Mindef and even LTAT – players who may all have a hand in the exercise. Continue reading “RM160m to solve Najib’s problem?”

Suaram, Scorpene, Altantuya dan dana asing

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 24, 2012

24 SEPT — Isu Suaram dengan tuduhan terhadapnya mendapat bantuan dana asing hebat dimainkan oleh pihak BN. Selepas ini tidak tahu apa pula yang akan dihadapi oleh Suaram dan NGO-NGO yang lain yang tidak sebulu dengan pihak yang berkuasa. Najib berkata biarkan pihak yang berkuasa melakukan penyiasatan. Katanya, lagi kurang kita bercakap lagi baik.

Tindakan berkuasa terhadap Suaram bukanlah satu isu mengejutkan kerana Suaram membuatkan ada pihak yang “mandi tak basah dan tidur tidak lena” dibuatnya. Suaram ada isu yang besar yang diketengahkannya dan ia melibatkan pemimpin-pemimpin dan kroninya dalam isu komisyen pembelian Scorpene yang besar itu. Isu komisyen itu menghasilkan pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu, seorang wanita jelita yang dikatakan berkaitan dengan pemimpin besar negara kita.

Isu Altantuya tidak dapat tidak terpaksa dibongkar. Isu pembayaran komisyen Scorpene dan Altantuya itu kait mengait dan kedua-dua isu itu tidak dapat dipisahkan jika kita mahu menyiasat salah satu darinya. Siasat satu akan melibatkan lagi satu isu dan kedua-dua isu itu merupakan isu yang akan membabitkan tindakan jenayah pihak-pihak tertentu yang berada di atas persada kuasa negara kita. Continue reading “Suaram, Scorpene, Altantuya dan dana asing”

Scopene Submarines Purchase and Murder Scandal

A brief summary
by Koon Yew Yin
September 24, 2012

Pakatan Rakyat has invited Suaram to talk about the Scopene Submarines Purchase and the Murder scandal at 8PM at Hotel Excelsior , Ipoh on Sunday, 30th Sept 2012. My purpose of writing this summary is to help the attendees understand the talk better. As you know Suaram needs money to do the work for us in exposing the corruption and murder involved. We are expected to donate whatever we like at the admission.

In November of 2009, Suaram, the Kuala Lumpur-based human rights NGO, asked a French investigative law firm to look into what appeared to be huge bribes and kickbacks paid to Malaysian politicians by the French state-owned defence company DCN and its subsidiaries for the 2002 purchase of two submarines and the lease of a third.

The story was complicated by the sensational 2006 death of a Mongolian translator and party girl, Altantuya Shaariibuu, who was shot by two of then-Defense Minister Najib Tun Razak’s bodyguards and her body was blown up with military explosives. While the bodyguards were convicted of her killing, the court appeared to have actively suppressed any mention of who allegedly paid the two to kill her, raising Suaram’s concerns that there would be no justice delivered. Continue reading “Scopene Submarines Purchase and Murder Scandal”