DAP against following BN for snap polls this year

By Clara Chooi | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — The DAP announced today that it would not agree to holding concurrent elections in Pakatan Rakyat-led (PR) states should the federal government call for snap polls this year.

Secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the DAP’s central executive committee (CEC) agreed on the position at its meeting yesterday as the party preferred for all four PR governments to complete their full five-year term.
Continue reading “DAP against following BN for snap polls this year”

Utusan warns of DAP entrapment

By Debra Chong | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Umno’s Utusan Malaysia warned today the Malay community against falling for the DAP’s Malay spiel, saying it was an election ruse for the party to capture Putrajaya.

In its editorial today titled “Jangan terperangkap ‘hajat besar’ DAP” (“Don’t be trapped by DAP’s ‘grand intent’”), the Malay daily said the Chinese-majority party had grand ambitions that stretched all the way to ruling Malaysia.
Continue reading “Utusan warns of DAP entrapment”

Umno must make its mind on DAP’s ‘racism’

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘Umno has been accusing DAP as a racist party, so now who is racist? While DAP is openly accepting all races, Umno is still practising 1Race politics.’

Umno VP spooked by DAP’s move into Malay territory

Disbeliever: DAP has always maintained itself as a multi-racial party despite there being more non-Malays. The way it is being put, “… (Umno vice-president) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has exposed a plan by the DAP…” sounds as if the DAP has done something ‘evil’.
Continue reading “Umno must make its mind on DAP’s ‘racism’”

Puad: Pakatan psy-war puts Umno in peril

May 22, 11

Umno could be in peril if it fails to curb the psychological attacks mounted by the opposition, said party supreme council member, Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi.

He said the opposition’s approach was dangerous as it could influence the minds of the young who did not fully understand the history of this country and who were thinking too much about material things and freedom.

“Their thinking could be affected by negative perceptions. For example, the 1Malaysia concept is a good thing and is perceived negatively by certain quarters who could influence those with little understanding of the concept in a negative way.

“The psychological attacks are also carried out in a hit-and-run manner, by not admitting to it afterwards because they (opposition) want the people to be angry with Umno so as to weaken Malay power,” he said after opening the Umno Kota Raja division delegates’ meeting, here, today. Continue reading “Puad: Pakatan psy-war puts Umno in peril”

Penang gives RM25,000 to landslide victims

The Malaysian Insider
May 22, 2011

GEORGE TOWN, May 22 – Penang will give RM25,000 to the 25 victims of the Hulu Langat landslide yesterday which claimed 16 lives.

Nine others survived the landslide at the Rumah Anak-anak Yatim dan Anak-anak Hidayah Madrasah Al-Taqwa at Batu 14, Hulu Langat in Selangor.

“Although it is not a lot, it is moral support for the families of those who died and survived so that they can persevere through this tragedy,” Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said in a statement. Continue reading “Penang gives RM25,000 to landslide victims”

Pakatan gov’ts offer aid to landslide victims

May 22, 11

Pakatan governments of Selangor and Penang have pledged aid to the victims of the landslide yesterday in Hulu Langat, Selangor as a sign of moral support.

Selangor is sending aid as well as contributing RM1,000 to each victim’s family, while Penang is suggesting a RM25,000 lump sum donation to the victims of the tragedy.

16 youths were reported killed and nine injured when a landslide hit Hidayah Madrasah Al-Taqwa orphanage at 2.30pm yesterday.

Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim yesterday said the state has sent a humanitarian aid mission to the scene of the tragedy to provide immediate assistance to the victims. Continue reading “Pakatan gov’ts offer aid to landslide victims”

Umno wants Guan Eng

The Malaysian Insider
May 21, 2011

MAY 21 — Many people have ridiculed former Biro Tatanegara chief (BTN) Tan Sri Nordin Kardi for suggesting that the Democratic Action Party (DAP) is a good fit for Barisan Nasional (BN).

According to the one-time advisor to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Lim Kit Siang and company should join BN because their aspirations for a “Malaysian Malaysia” can be achieved under the prime minister’s 1 Malaysia.

That is a mixture of hyperbole and rubbish by the man who, as head of BTN, nurtured the chauvinism we witness in Umno today.

On the face of it, DAP joining BN is like the US Democrats teaming up with the Tea Party or the new reformers in Egypt joining up with Hosni Mobarak’s gang — an idea best kept in the category of impossible dreams. Continue reading “Umno wants Guan Eng”

DAP reaches out to Malays online

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
May 21, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 — Unable to shake off its tag as a Chinese chauvinist party, DAP is now hoping to make a splash in the Malay online media landscape with a news portal, a step it says it should have taken “a long time ago.”

Just days after vice chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim’s admission that the party has failed to attract Malay support, DAP will launch a Bahasa Malaysia language website — Roketkini.com — in the hopes of making itself heard among Malays.

“Right now, there is a huge void for us in the Malay media. You don’t hear anything about DAP except for us being attacked,” said political secretary to the party’s secretary general Zairil Khir Johari.

The largely Chinese party has been repeatedly accused by the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) and Malay media of practising racial politics. Continue reading “DAP reaches out to Malays online”

Tunku Aziz: I have failed to attract Malays

By Shannon Teoh
May 18, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 — Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim admitted today that his appointment as DAP vice chairman in 2008 has failed to bring in Malay support to the party that has been labelled as Chinese chauvinists by its critics.

However, he said that this was not the fault of the party whose members are largely Chinese as it has shown its commitment to multiracial policies, but that Malays and Bumiputeras were the ones choosing to hold back.

“If it was to recruit more Malays, then I admit that I’ve failed completely,” he said of his appointment as vice chairman three years ago. Continue reading “Tunku Aziz: I have failed to attract Malays”

DAP: Let’s fight Ibrahim Ali together

By Clara Chooi | May 17, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 17 — The DAP today invited all “non-Umno” members in Barisan Nasional (BN) to cast aside their political beliefs and unite with their opposition foes to fight one common enemy together — Datuk Ibrahim Ali.
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, in lambasting the government’s failure to reprimand the Perkasa president for waging a crusade against the Christians, said it was time for all Malaysians to unite against extremism, regardless of their political beliefs.

“Only if we cleanse hatred from our heart and fill our soul with love can we find peace, balance and harmony with our lives and with each other. For this reason, DAP calls on all Malaysians to stand up for peace and harmony by uniting against extremists and harmony that wants to see Malaysia burn with hatred and violence.
Continue reading “DAP: Let’s fight Ibrahim Ali together”

Sdr Chian Heng Kai’s 2nd last blog post – parting words

Reaching the age of 70s is something rare in the old days – that’s why the words “古稀” is translated into “Seventy years of age” by the Google Translator. Being a sentimental person, Sdr Heng Kai listed down his most missed/beloved/treasured/memorable etc in February this year, six months after he has reached the age of 70:-


来往最密切的同志:廖金华,戴新标 Continue reading “Sdr Chian Heng Kai’s 2nd last blog post – parting words”

Former DAP MP Chian Heng Kai dies

By Boo Su-Lyn | May 16, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 16 — Former DAP national vice-chairman Datuk Chian Heng Kai died from liver cancer in Muar today. He was 71.

The former Bukit Mertajam and Batu Gajah MP was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in 1976 for four years after fighting for the right of Malaysians to be educated in their mother tongue, the DAP said in a statement today.

Chian, who joined the DAP a year after it was formally registered in 1966, won the Batu Gajah parliamentary seat in 1978 and the Bukit Mertajam seat in 1986 and 1990. Continue reading “Former DAP MP Chian Heng Kai dies”

Sdr Chian Heng Kai’s last blog posting: “入阁为了谁?”

Thursday, May 5, 2011




快人快语的马华总会长拿督斯里蔡细历医生立刻建议人联党不在砂州议会内入阁。可是他这项快人快语却被急智的槟城首席部长兼民主行动党秘书长林冠英指出,如果马华公会建议人联党不入阁,那么马华公会在西马的成绩也好不了多少,所以马华也应该在西马的议会内不要入阁。 Continue reading “Sdr Chian Heng Kai’s last blog posting: “入阁为了谁?””

Police detain four DAP members in anti-Lynas protest

By Clara Chooi
May 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUANTAN, May 15 — Police arrested four DAP members here this morning for holding a demonstration to protest the Lynas Corp rare earths refinery in Gebeng.

DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) chief Anthony Loke (file picture), who was present at the time, told The Malaysian Insider that the police moved in to arrest the four just as the event on was nearing its tail end.

He explained that the programme had began with the opening of the Kuantan DAP service centre on Jalan Beserah at 10am this morning before moving on to a short demonstration.

“It was just a small one… three of us gave speeches, (Triang assemblyman) Leong Ngah Ngah, (PKR’s Indera Mahkota MP) Azan Ismail and then me. Continue reading “Police detain four DAP members in anti-Lynas protest”

Four arrested at anti-Lynas protest

By S Pathmawathy
May 15, 11 | Malaysiakini

At least four people were arrested in Kuantan, Pahang today during at a rally organised by the anti-Lynas Advanced Material Plant (LAMP) movement.

The protestors had gathered in front of DAP’s service centre in the state capital at about 11.30am.

Barely 10 minutes into the demonstration, the police had moved in.

DAP Pahang publicity secretary Chow Yu Hui and organising secretary Lee Chin Chen as well as Khor Huey Ying and Thing Siew Shuen, from the DAP’s headquarters were arrested. Continue reading “Four arrested at anti-Lynas protest”

‘Utusan’ best recruiting agents for Pakatan

By Yin Ee Kiong | 12 May 2011
CPI Asia

First things first: DAP’s ban on Utusan Malaysia is wrong. Wrong because it is hypocritical to damn Umno-BN when they ban certain media from covering party or official functions and now DAP is doing the same thing.

DAP banning Utusan is wrong because it is the right of every paper to attend events so that they can report to their readers. Let the readers decide on the veracity of each report and let the authorities deal with the paper if it has overstepped the mark. Wrong because to call for freedom of the press on the one hand and now to ban a paper on the other all only the party does not like what it’s reporting is an indefensible position to take.

And wrong again to kick up such a ruckus as it did over the Utusan issue. It is enough to refute such false statements. There is no need for the brouhaha because it is in the opposition’s interest that Utusan and their fellow travellers be given enough rope to hang themselves.
Continue reading “‘Utusan’ best recruiting agents for Pakatan”

The rise of pop-litical culture

By Zairil Khir Johari | May 12, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

Midway through the Sarawak campaign I received a text message from an unfamiliar number. The sender turned out to be a woman in Kuching, wanting to know when my next layover at the state capital would be.

Feeling perplexed, I glanced at my campaign itinerary. Some days I didn’t even know where I was. Spaced out as I was by the constant travelling, I was even more bemused by the rest of her message.

She went on to explain that her teenage daughter had a collection of five Ubah (the DAP hornbill mascot) plush toys, four of them bearing autographs of various party leaders and ceramah speakers. One of them, still in its original plastic wrapping, had been especially reserved for my John Hancock. Hence, she wanted to know if Kuching would be part of my tour.
Continue reading “The rise of pop-litical culture”

DAP plans to censure Hisham, Rais

By Patrick Lee | May 12, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: The DAP may move motions of censure in Parliament against two Umno ministers for their reactions over an alleged Christian plot.

DAP national vice-chairman M Kulasegaran took Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim to task for their acceptance of the plot without any prior investigations.

“These are two government leaders in charge of ministries that should immediately investigate the malicious and baseless report.”

“Yet, instead of giving immediate orders to investigate the report and calling for calm among the people, they have chosen to play politics,” he said.
Continue reading “DAP plans to censure Hisham, Rais”

Up and around, here and there

Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
May 11, 2011

MAY 11 — Umno and its mathematics.

I was “bad” at math when I said out of 10, 11 do not believe. I almost believe that I was terrible at math until I scanned the mainstreams papers screaming that DAP wants a Christian PM and Christianity to be made an official religion.

I know, the trappings of power have made some people soft. What I didn’t realise as quickly as I should have is they have made some people soft in the head.

We have 222 parliamentary seats for grabs. DAP contests, at most, 40. Assuming they win all the 40 parliamentary seats, perhaps Umno mathematicians can tell me how, with 40 seats, DAP or anyone else can form a national government? You have 82 seats and even you can’t form a national government.

Malays number 17-18 million. They form 60 over per cent of the population. Even if DAP marshals the entirety of the Chinese support, can 20 per cent of the population outnumber the 60 over per cent? Perhaps the Umno mathematicians can enlighten me.

Next we have the screamer who says “hidup Melayu”. There is no way we will allow DAP to take over the country. If that makes you happy, please scream some more. We can’t argue much against such emotions and illogic.

But PAS is also Malay. So “hidup Melayu” can also mean “hidup PAS” in as much as it can also mean Umno. Umno people have this self-conceited idea, borne from uncontested arrogance perhaps, that Umno is Malay and Malay is Umno. Continue reading “Up and around, here and there”

Do opposition ties run only as deep as Utusan’s lies?

Breaking Views
The Malaysian Insider
by Lim Yin Kuin
May 10, 2011

MAY 10 — Utusan Malaysia never ceases to confound us with the most flagrant reporting, reinforced by the most inciteful editorials.

However, their fear-invoking propaganda designed to stoke racial sentiments among the less informed seemed to have grown stale over the last few months. Awang Selamat’s consistent output of outlandishness somehow plateaued, and even “his” detractors were beginning to yawn.

Then came last week.

An alleged conspiracy by Christian leaders to replace Islam as Malaysia’s official religion was exclusively leaked by Utusan’s fearless investigative journalists (exclusive in the conventional media, at least). Just as we were digesting the treacherous plans by non-Malays to subordinate Malay rights, Utusan (or should I say Umno) stepped up their fact-finding adventures a notch: flat out accusing Christians of attempting to subvert Islam. Continue reading “Do opposition ties run only as deep as Utusan’s lies?”