No MRT land return guarantee shows bad faith, says DAP

By Yow Hong Chieh
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 07, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 7 — DAP has accused Putrajaya of bad faith for not guaranteeing the return of land acquired for the Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (KVMRT) project even while admitting that the wholesale acquisition was done for the sake of convenience.

DAP publicity chief Tony Pua said expediency was no reason to abuse the law and jeopardise landowners’ rights, particularly since the National Land Code 1965 had been amended in 1990 to allow underground land to be acquired without affecting surface property.

The “convoluted” explanation from the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) yesterday justifying the government’s decision to acquire land in toto in spite of these existing legal provisions showed that acquisition was little more than a land grab, he alleged.

“All the various untenable excuses being raised leads only to a single possible conclusion — the land acquisition exercises proposed in Chinatown, Bukit Bintang and other prime locations are nothing but poorly masked attempts at profiteering and land grab,” Pua said in a statement today.

“They are in breach of the spirit of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 where the government is only to acquire private land, and only that which is necessary for public use and benefit, and not for profit.” Continue reading “No MRT land return guarantee shows bad faith, says DAP”

Lim: M’sia will have been governed by Pakatan if…

Monday, September 05, 2011
Daily Express Sabah

KEMABONG: DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang said if Sabah and Sarawak followed the political tsunami in 2008, Malaysia will have been governed by the Pakatan Rakyat now.

Speaking at the Kampung Kalibatang Lama about 40km from here, Lim believed that the participation of many people in the interior with the opposition showed that it is gaining momentum and prepared to give the Barisan Nasional (BN) a run for their money.

He said during the formation of Malaysia in 1963, Sabah was the richest state in the country but now it was being labeled as the poorest.

“That is why we want to take out the present government. We want the people power to clean them up,” he said. Continue reading “Lim: M’sia will have been governed by Pakatan if…”

DAP mahu rakyat buat perubahan

– Muda Mohd. Noor
Free Malaysia Today
August 27, 2011

PETALING JAYA: Naib Presiden DAP Tunku Aziz Ibrahim menyeru rakyat di negara ini melakukan perubahan kerana kerajaan Barisan Nasional sudah lama sangat memerintah negara ini.

“Sudah tiba masanya rakyat melakukan perubahan kerana selama 54 tahun itu kerajaan yang ada tidak pernah berubah atau melakukan reformasi,” katanya ketika ditemui FMT pada majlis iftar Ramadhan anjuran parti itu di ibu negara kelmarin.

Ujar beliau, “saya percaya perubahan yang akan berlaku nanti (dalam pilihan raya umum ke 13) merupakan satu perubahan yang sangat bermakna kepada rakyat.” Continue reading “DAP mahu rakyat buat perubahan”

Sentimen perkauman membuat BN tidak relevan

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 25, 2011

25 OGOS — Mengenengahkan isu perkauman memang sudah menjadi isu basi bagi generasi yang muda. Generasi muda sudah menganggapnya sebagai isu lapuk yang hanya di gunakan oleh pihak yang desperado untuk terus menunggangi rakyat untuk kepentingan kuasa yang berlandaskan kepada pemikiran sempit setengah pihak.

Sebenarnya jika seseorang itu mempunyai pemikiran yang tenang tanpa di saluti oleh pemikiran sempit politik, isu perkauman amat menjemukan kerana itu bukanlah isu pratikal lagi dalam kehidupan rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan.

Oleh itu telah mula kita nampak jelas tanda-tanda yang menunjukan yang rakyat sudah tidak mahu lagi menerima pihak-pihak yang menggendangkan isu perkauman kerana isu itu hanya akan membuatkan mereka tidak tenang untuk hidup dalam masyarakat majmuk yang merupakan realiti kehidupan di Malaysia ini.

Rakyat sudah mula menggorak langkah untuk menghindarkan dari isu perkauman ini menjadi lebih menebal di kalangan berbagai kaum di negara ini. Dalam masa yang terdekat ini sudah ada kecenderungan yang orang Melayu untuk menyertai DAP yang sekarang ini di dominasi oleh kaum Cina dan PAS yang bukan sebuah parti perkauman. Continue reading “Sentimen perkauman membuat BN tidak relevan”

Question of DAP joining BN to replace MCA does not arise at all

The media has been abuzz following the Sin Chew Daily interview with Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz and his notion that DAP should join the Barisan Nasional.

The question of DAP joining the Barisan Nasional to replace MCA does not arise at all.

DAP is not a Chinese party fighting for Chinese rights but a Malaysian party fighting for the rights of all Malaysians whether Chinese, Malays, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans or Orang Asli as common Malaysian citizens who are entitled to an equal place under the Malaysian sun.

DAP leaders have toiled and sacrificed for their political beliefs in the past 45 years, persecuted and prosecuted in court, detained under the Internal Security Act for as long as four year and nine months, jailed and disqualified as MP and barred from elective office for five years for standing firm and steadfast on a matter of principle to fight for the rights of all Malaysians transcending race and religion – all these sacrifices not just for the DAP to replace MCA in the Barisan Nasional. Continue reading “Question of DAP joining BN to replace MCA does not arise at all”

Guan Eng: US economic woes could prompt snap polls

By Lisa J. Ariffin
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 07, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 — The weak US economy and last week’s downgrade of Malaysia’s credit ratings could prompt the Najib administration to call for snap polls as early as November, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said today.

He said the US debt crisis “will not only have impact on the economy but also the date of the next [general election]”.

“If the impact continues, we will see early elections as early as November because it is very important for the economy,” Lim told a press conference at the party headquarters here today.

“After Bersih, this seems more likely because of a contagion effect,” Lim added. Continue reading “Guan Eng: US economic woes could prompt snap polls”

DAP raps MCA for carping about church raid

By Boo Su-Lyn
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 06, 2011

PUCHONG, Aug 6 — The MCA has no right to denounce the DAP over its purported silence on the state religious Islamic authorities’ raid on a church as the Chinese party has been powerless when non-Muslims’ rights are threatened, Teresa Kok said today.

The Selangor DAP chief pointed out that her party has expressed its “dissatisfaction” with the Selangor Islamic Religious Department’s (Jais) Wednesday late-night raid on Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC).

“MCA is a party that is least qualified to talk about political courage,” Kok told reporters today.

“Umno has done so much nonsense against MCA and the non-Malay community, yet MCA still sticks as Umno’s partner,” added the Seputeh MP. Continue reading “DAP raps MCA for carping about church raid”

Kit Siang: Five days, I was in darkness

Joseph Sipalan and Lee Way Loon | Jul 30, 11 12:23pm


Waking up blind was the last thing Lim Kit Siang had expected.

It happened at a jubilant time, when DAP had just seen its best ever performance in the Sarawak state election on April 16, tripling their presence to 12 seats in the 71-seat state assembly.

Lim, who is DAP advisor, had just spent the evening celebrating the achievement with his party colleagues in Kuching, later retiring to his room where he was reading up on news online till about 2am.

“Then I was up at 6am, and I couldn’t see anything out of my left eye,” he said in an exclusive interview with Malaysiakini.

“Of course, it was quite a frightening thought. Suddenly you’re incapacitated. I was a one-eyed jack and that was my good eye, my right eye is my lazy eye.” Continue reading “Kit Siang: Five days, I was in darkness”

Seat negotiations will test Pakatan unity

Joseph Sipalan and Lee Way Loon | Jul 29, 11

INTERVIEW It appears that Malaysia’s opposition is looking at covering all its bases in anticipation of a snap general election that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may call at any time.

With speculation that snap polls could be called as early as November, Pakatan Rakyat has already gone into discussions to determine its candidates for each of the 222 parliamentary seats up for grabs.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang (left) said the plan is for Pakatan leaders at state level to finalise their seat negotiations by Sunday (July 31), though he did not discount the possibility that the negotiations may require more time.

What is more significant, however, is how the three Pakatan member parties – PKR, DAP and PAS – iron out their differences and accommodate one another’s needs for growth, both within the confines of the coalition and in the broader scope of Malaysian politics.
Continue reading “Seat negotiations will test Pakatan unity”

Christian plot: What have police uncovered?

By Hawkeye
July 25, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

BUTTERWORTH: DAP has demanded that police reveal the outcome of their investigation into an alleged conspiracy to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia.

Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow said police wrapped up the investigation some time ago and should have informed the public what they had found out.

The seriousness of the allegation and the uproar it caused warranted the public disclosure, he added. Continue reading “Christian plot: What have police uncovered?”

DAP says RCI report tarnished party image

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
July 25, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 25 — The DAP today continued criticising the results of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock’s death, claiming that the report was “inconsistent” and had affected the party’s political image.

The late Teoh’s boss, Ean Yong Hian Wah, charged that the RCI report had failed to include the fact that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation on him and Teoh had concluded that there were no “elements of corruption and abuse of power”. Continue reading “DAP says RCI report tarnished party image”

DAP Dayak Consultative Council (DCC) formed

by Dr. John Brian Anthony

On his visit on 11th of June to Sarawak, DAP Adviser Saudara Lim Kit Siang proposed the formation of a Dayak Brain Trust (DBT) which was discussed in this blog earlier.

LKS vision for DBT is for it “to advise DAP Sarawak and DAP Malaysia on a strategy to end Dayak marginalization and spur a Dayak awakening as a integral part of a Malaysian renaissance”.

DAP has also stated that it is interested to go into some Dayak areas in Sarawak and are looking for Dayak who has interest in joining DAP. In this respect, DAP is interested to get the support from Dayak and also their services.

Formation of Dayak Consultative Council

After some serious work and preparation the name “Dayak Brain Trust” has now being changed to “Dayak Consultative Council” (DCC) to capture the essence of the role and spirit of the new organization. Continue reading “DAP Dayak Consultative Council (DCC) formed”

Wear Yellow to support Bersih 1Malaysia generation coming of age

"Yellow Saturday" at DAP National Retreat in Seremban

DAP MPs and Assemblymen representatives meeting in the Seremban National Retreat are wearing yellow today to support the “Yellow Saturday” campaign.

We call on Malaysians to wear yellow every Saturday to support the Bersih 1Malaysia generation which came of age on 709, when Malaysians regardless of race, religion, region, age or gender braved police threats, mass arrests, tear gas and chemically-laced water cannons to endorse Bersih 2.0 demand for free and fair elections.

Let today, 716 be the beginning of the long march to A Clean Malaysia, not only in elections but also in political system and national governance. Continue reading “Wear Yellow to support Bersih 1Malaysia generation coming of age”

Men in blue pounce on MP in yellow

By G Vinod
July 15, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: DAP MP Er Teck Hwa landed in trouble when he wore the banned Bersih 2.0 yellow T-shirt on his way to a memorial service for the late Teoh Beng Hock yesterday.

Relating the incident, the Bakri MP’s aide Liew Choan Chee said some 50 people gathered at Wisma DAP in Muar, Johor, for the service at 8pm.

There was a FRU truck and several policemen stationed nearby.

“We were supposed to march to Er’s service centre which is about 300 yards from the DAP building. When we started walking, several police officers stopped our procession,” said Liew. Continue reading “Men in blue pounce on MP in yellow”

Kit Siang accepts challenge by Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman to a public debate in Kota Belud on the proposed Tambatuon Dam and suggests September date

The Sabah Daily Express on Wednesday 6th July 2011 carried a report of the Barisan Nasional Kota Belud MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan challenging me to an open debate regarding the proposed Tambatuon Dam.

The Daily Express report reads:

“Let’s debate: Rahman

“Kota Kinabalu: Kota Belud MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan on Tuesday challenged DAP Advisor Lim Kit Siang to an open debate regarding the proposed Tambatuon Dam.

“Expressing disappointment with the Ipoh Timur MP, he said the latter has been continuously instigating the people of Kg Tambatuon with misleading facts about the issue. Continue reading “Kit Siang accepts challenge by Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman to a public debate in Kota Belud on the proposed Tambatuon Dam and suggests September date”

Of songkoks, uniforms and managing expectations

by Zairil Khir Johari
July 01, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JULY 1 — I must admit to feeling a tad slighted when I read the recent reports of my friends and fellow comrades turning up on the first day of the Sarawak State Assembly in lounge suits instead of the ceremonial “number one” dress with songkok that was worn by everyone else.

Now, it must first and foremost be stated that no wrong was committed. The ceremonial uniform is not compulsory, and at no time did any breach of protocol occur. Neither is this issue a new one, having become a recurrent, though not persistent, occurrence at some of the legislative assemblies nationwide. Continue reading “Of songkoks, uniforms and managing expectations”

Police intensify clampdown on pre-rally roadshow

by Regina Lee
Jun 25, 11

The police have intensified its efforts to clamp down on polls watchdog Bersih’s pre-rally roadshow as it kicked off nationwide yesterday.

Supposed to begin in Uptown market in Shah Alam last night with a series of speeches, the police had cordoned off the commercial centre as early as 5pm as well as erecting roadblocks around the city.

The law enforcers made their presence felt by bringing along three police trucks and 50 police personnel together with scores of other plainclothes police officers.

One of the speakers, PKR Youth deputy chief Khairul Anuar Ahmad Zainuddin, was quickly arrested and whisked off by the police 10 minutes after he arrived, even though he was “doing nothing” in the area, according to him. Continue reading “Police intensify clampdown on pre-rally roadshow”

Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’

By Kuek Ser Kuang Keng
Jun 16, 11 | MalaysiaKini

A DAP assemblyperson in Selangor is seeing red after finding a photograph of him superimposed with a pig’s nose in a blog posting that also contained a fabricated ‘report’ that he had attempted sabotage his counterparts in PAS.

Sekinchan assemblyperson Ng Suee Lim submitted a printed copy of the doctored picture as well as a copy of the blog posting in his complaint filed at the Sekinchan police station yesterday.

The offending picture and posting were found on pro-Umno blog ‘Sungai Rapat Online’.

“I suspect the blog is owned by Perak exco member Hamidah Osman or her supporters, because 90 percent of the content is about her,” Ng told Malaysiakini when contacted. Continue reading “Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’”

DAP masterminding UMNO for more than four decades?

UMNO’s Utusan Malaysia has today concocted a new wild allegation – accusing DAP of masterminding PAS’ welfare state agenda as a cover for the DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia concept.

Based on Utusan’s latest wild accusation, I am wondering whether to confess that DAP had been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades.

Let me put it straight to Utusan Malaysia – do you want DAP to confess that we have been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades? If so, I am prepared to give Utusan the “scoop of the century” of how the DAP had been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades.

The allegation was made today by Utusan Assistant Chief Editor Datuk Zaini Hassan in his “Cuit” column: “Negara kebajikan, negara Islam dan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’”.

If Utusan’s Assistant Chief Editor is serious about his allegation that DAP has masterminded PAS’ welfare state adopted at the recent Muktamar PAS, he should have the political acumen to discern that the DAP had in fact been masterminding the UMNO for more than for decades. Continue reading “DAP masterminding UMNO for more than four decades?”

A re-branded PAS?

By Tan Siok Choo
13 Jun 2011

TAKEN collectively, three developments at PAS’s recent muktamar or general assembly have the potential to re-define Malaysian politics.

For the first time since 1983, an ulama (or religious leader) wasn’t retained or elected as deputy president, the second highest-ranked party official. The ulama also lost all three vice-presidential contests and reportedly won only six out of 18 central committee positions, which underscored the extent of the party’s makeover.

Equally notable, in his keynote speech at the muktamar, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang Hadi announced that the party now aspired to create a welfare state while maintaining it wasn’t abandoning its quest for an Islamic state. Continue reading “A re-branded PAS?”