Stubborn Umno ‘killing’ race relations

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | October 7, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

Umno’s refusal to adapt to the changing socio-political setting in the country is its own doom.

The Malaysian people have already shown that they no longer accept the Umno solution.

The coming together of various races during Bersih 3.0 earlier this year sent shivers along the spine of the Umno leadership unless of course they misread or simply refused to read the signals sent by the tens and thousands of participants who voluntarily rallied.

Umno’s approach to ‘unity’ is something like the Nazi final solution. It thinks it can achieve national unity by pitting one race against one another.

Today the Chinese, tomorrow the Indians and later all other non-Malay Malaysians.

Eventually, it will apply the same gas-chambering treatment to the Malays who dared challenge and reject Umno.

The Malays who are opposed and reject Umno are classed as either not having sufficient Malayness or apostates. The majority of us reject this fascism. Continue reading “Stubborn Umno ‘killing’ race relations”

Aliran condemns slur on Muslims, urges dialogue

By Aliran executive committee
22 September 2012

We refer to the low-budget movie ‘Innocence of Muslims’ that was made by a ‘Sam Bacile’, which depicted the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in a bad light.

We share the global condemnation of the movie by Muslims and people of other faiths alike.

Nobody should be making films like this that publicly condemn other people’s religious beliefs, their founders and other aspects of their faith held sacred. Neither should anyone be coming up with caricatures publicly ridiculing other faiths as happened in the French magazine ‘Charlie Hebdo’.

It is the right of any group to protest against such films or caricatures. In Malaysia, it was appropriate that protests were also held. Continue reading “Aliran condemns slur on Muslims, urges dialogue”

Umno’s sidewinding strategy

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Sep 22, 2012

SEPT 22 — Umno is always trying to ambush and put up red herrings to divert people’s attention. Why, for example, is the hudud issue between PAS and the DAP being made into a big thing? This is a sideshow being elevated to a premier status complete with intellectual gloss from Uncle Tom-ing academics.

PAS and the DAP — they operate on different principles. PAS champions Islamic principles and an Islamic agenda. The DAP champions secular democratic principles as in justice and equality and good governance and all that. Both co-operate on common grounds.

Why is Umno driving a wedge between the two? Umno should be looking out for the MCA which has ridiculed Umno’s stance on an Islamic agenda.

Sometimes I think Umno religious luminaries are not that bright. Umno is in power now. The MCA, which is a party of infidels, works closely with Umno, so Umno labels them friendly infidels (kafir zimmi — infidels who accept the authority of Muslims in power). What does that prove? It proves the classification of infidels is a function of who is in power. That is how Umno plays the game.

Suppose now a new government comes into power. The leaders of the government are also Muslims. The DAP, which will emerge as the dominant Chinese supported party, works closely with PR. The DAP represents the new infidels who accept the authority and leadership of the new PR government. It makes them friendly infidels. The DAP now becomes kafir zimmi.

So ustaz-ustaz, the branding of infidels is therefore a function of which side is in power at that particular time. And by that time, if we were to apply the Umno stance, the MCA will become kafir harbi, which makes the slaughter of MCA people permissible? Continue reading “Umno’s sidewinding strategy”

Hishammuddin should apologise for his unbecoming and deplorable “No safety guarantee” stance or is he going to apologise only after the next general election like his keris-wielding as UMNO Youth Leader?

The Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has made many outrageous statements and done many outrageous things in his political career, like

• his infamous keris-wielding as Youth Leader for three consecutive years since 2005 until he had to apologise for them when MCA, Gerakan and even UMNO leaders blamed him as one of the causes of “political tsunami” in the March 2008 general election;

• his defence and justification of the insensitive and sacrilegious cowhead demonstration in Shah Alam in September 2009;

• his xanthophobia (fear of the colour yellow) in the run-up to the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9, 2011 when he declared the yellow Bersih T-shirt illegal and a police arrestable offence to wear them and his illogical, unreasonable and unlawful ban on Bersih 2.0.

• his wild, reckless and deplorable allegation that “some parties” wanted serious injuries and deaths at the Bersih 3.0 rally at Dataran Merdeka on April 28, 2012 in support of the Prime Minister’s equally wild, reckless and deplorable allegation that the Bersih 3.0 rally was an attempted coup d’etat to topple the government when the hundreds of thousands, regardless of race, religion, age and gender, who came out were peaceful, armed at most with salt and mineral water to protect themselves from police tear-gas and chemically-lacked water cannons, wanted only to send the message of clean, free and fair elections to the government.

However, Hishammuddin has put all his previous outrageous statements and acts in the shade with the “mother of all outrages” when he made it clear yesterday that there will be no guarantee of security for PKR’s nationwide Merdeka Rakyat tour. Continue reading “Hishammuddin should apologise for his unbecoming and deplorable “No safety guarantee” stance or is he going to apologise only after the next general election like his keris-wielding as UMNO Youth Leader?”

Emulate patriotic and public-spirited Ahmad Habib to come forward to save Malaysia and debunk dangerous and despicable lies

Ahmad Habib, the “RealSoldier”

On 4th August last month, I had issued the first of my categorical denial of the preposterous claim which had appeared on the official Facebook page of the May 13 movie, Tanda Putra, that I had urinated on the flagpole in front of the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots in 1969.

The facebook had carried a photo portraying me being manhandled, with the caption:

“Lim Kit Siang telah kencing di bawah tiang bendera Selangor yang terpacak di rumah menteri besar Selangor ketika itu, Harun Idris, (Lim Kit Siang had urinated at the foot of the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag at the then Selangor MB’s Harun Idris’ house)”

The photo was posted in the album in the Facebook titled ‘Peristiwa-peristiwa yang dimuatkan di dalam filem ini’ (Events depicted in this movie).

Although the photo and caption have since been removed from the movie’s official page, I have a screenshot of the earlier posting. Continue reading “Emulate patriotic and public-spirited Ahmad Habib to come forward to save Malaysia and debunk dangerous and despicable lies”

Jabu gets a tongue-lashing

Joseph Tawie | November 24, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

A landowner has accused the deputy chief minister of twisting the truth over a joint-venture project.

KUCHING: A native customary right (NCR) landowner gave Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu Numpang a verbal slap yesterday for twisting the truth and claiming that the government was supportive of native rights.

Declining to be named, the landowner said he and many others were present during the “Kanowit incident” in 1996 which Jabu had referred to at the State Legislative Assembly sitting yesterday.

“We were there in 1996. We know about the joint-venture (JV) concept. We were cheated of our rightful dividends,” he said in reference to Jabu’s accusation that DAP was the stumbling block to poverty eradication programmes among the rural community.

Jabu, during his debate on the state’s 2012 budget yesterday, revisited the 1996 Kanowit incident and recalled that some 20 to 30 DAP members had objected to the government’s NCR joint-venture poverty eradication programmes to assist rural Sarawakians.

“In 1966, about 1,500 landowners turned up for the launching of the NCR joint-venture concept at the Dewan Suarah Kanowit. We then saw some 20 to 30 DAP members climbed on stage to protest against the programme,” said Jabu.

He also pointed out that Machang assemblyman Gramong Juna and Land Development Minister James Masing were also witnesses to the incident. Continue reading “Jabu gets a tongue-lashing”

Will DAP dominate PR?

By Sakmongkol AK47
September 07, 2012 | The Malaysian Insider

SEPT 7 — A close Umno friend asked me this question: if PR takes over, wouldn’t it lead to DAP dominance over PR? Wouldn’t the Chinese be in control? Just take the example of Nizar when he became MB of Perak by courtesy of the DAP. He gave out land to the Chinese because the DAP must have pressured him to.

The DAP has become the favourite bogeyman that must be attacked from all possible angles. Lim Kit Siang was behind the May 13 incident, ignoring the records which showed that Kit Siang was in Sabah at that time. Lim Guan Eng, who was eight years old at that time, was also instrumental in creating the racial clashes. The DAP has never detached itself as a proxy to Singapore’s PAP. The list of wrongs is seemingly bottomless. And now, a spectre is haunting Malaysia. The DAP shall dominate a PR government.

I have long wanted to answer this anxiety. Apparently this is the propaganda being sold by Umno leaders all over the country. It’s simply called scare mongering. It indicates that Umno is scared. Barisan Nasional’s other component party members, which are essentially stooges of Umno, are now irrelevant. It has also shown that Umno now realises it can lose power.

Let us dispel the myths before we answer as to what Nizar has actually done. Continue reading “Will DAP dominate PR?”

PAS dan Umno, hudud dan perlaksanaan: Realiti semasa

— Pak Sako
Aug 31, 2012

Mahathir Mohamad telah mempelawa PAS untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud di bawah payung Barisan Nasional (BN).

Nyata bahawa pelawaan ini cuma sebuah taktik politik yang kecil.

Namun begitu, satu pertimbangan yang ringkas boleh dilakukan mengenai kemungkinan PAS bersekutu dengan Umno, sama ada untuk tujuan melaksanakan hukum hudud atau untuk sebarang sebab yang lain.

Kesimpulannya perpaduan atau kerjasama seperti itu tidak realistik dan ditakdirkan gagal kerana tiga faktor yang fundamental. Continue reading “PAS dan Umno, hudud dan perlaksanaan: Realiti semasa”

Why Join Politics?

Media Statement by Yeo Bee Yin on joining the Democratic Action Party on Monday 27 August 2012 in Kuala Lumpur:

My mom has rightly asked, “you can have a decent and comfortable life now already, why choose such a hard life?” The reason is because I love this nation and desire to see a better Malaysia.

I have met just so many young and bright Malaysians who left home for better opportunities abroad. If all of these continue, we’ll soon reach a point of no return.

Therefore I decided to join DAP to make a change. I do not want to be a bystander as my country is going through one of the most important turning points of history, either for the better or worse future. I do not want to regret at the latter part of my life, seeing my country at peril, just because people of my generation have not done enough and have chosen comfort over sacrifice. To quote Edmund Burke (埃德蒙·伯克), “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.

I believe that Malaysian youths can make a difference, and am always encouraged by Apostle Paul who wrote in a letter to his spiritual son, Timothy, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set an example in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, faith and purity.” Continue reading “Why Join Politics?”

Why I joined the DAP

By Dr Ong Kian Ming
The Malaysian Insider

AUG 27 — Before joining the DAP, I have never been a member of any other political party despite having worked for two think-tanks that were linked to the MCA and Gerakan. Why am I making the decision to join a political party now and why did I choose the DAP?

I believe that our country is at a critical juncture in its history where for the first time since achieving our independence, we have a credible and strong opposition capable of governing at the federal level. This has been most clearly demonstrated in the state governments in Penang and Selangor which have vastly outperformed their predecessors in terms of delivering transparent, accountable, responsiveness and caring governments.

At the same time, despite the various transformation initiatives which have been rolled out by our Prime Minister Najib Razak, there is still a glaring absence of fundamental structural reforms that are necessary to spark a genuine process of transformation. Not only is there the business-as-usual way of ill-conceived and murky deals being done — via the various 1MDB-linked land and asset acquisitions, just to name one — we also see a disturbing ramp-up in fear-mongering attempts by the BN-linked papers such as Utusan in order to raise feelings of ethnic insecurity.

Things seem to be getting worse for the country as a desperate regime clings to power, seemingly at all costs. As such, the time for sitting on the academic sidelines and commentating as an analyst is over. It is time, at least for me, to take the plunge and to play a more active role to bring about a necessary regime change in the country. Continue reading “Why I joined the DAP”

Coretan rengkas dari Pahang

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 21, 2012

21 OGOS — Saya berada di Pahang beberapa hari raya ini. Disamping beraya, perbualan tetap berkisar pada politik. Kegilaan apa yang melanda Pahang?

Berapa kerusi pembangkang boleh menang? Mereka bertanya saya. Saya kata nanti dahulu. Saya akan tulis artikel khusus untuk Pahang. Kali ini Pahang akan hilang lebih banyak kerusi DUN dan kerusi parlimen. Hampir semua pemimpin MCA akan kecundang. Taruhlah siapa pun.

Pemimpin Umno masih lagi menyandarkan optimism kepada kaji selidik mereka. Tapi bolehkah hasil kajiselidik ini dipercayai? Semua orang tahu, kaji selidik Umno ditambah 30%. Ertinya, kajiselidik Umno hanya 70% tepat. Dalam bahasa mudah, jika kajiselidik Umno kata dia akan menang 100 kerusi parlimen, mereka akan menang 70 kerusi. Itu pun jumlah kerusi yang Umno akan menang kali ini.

Kenapa Najib lambat buat pilihanraya? Ramai orang lupa saya lama menjadi AJK Umno bahagian Pekan dan jadi ketua penerangan Umno bahagian. Najib lambat kerana dia tidak yakin dengan hasil kajian ejensi-ejensi yang diupah kerajaan. Kecuali dia sudah yakin, baharulah dia akan buat pilihanraya. Takkan kita lupa, Najib ini bukan nya orang berani. Continue reading “Coretan rengkas dari Pahang”

‘Tanda Putera’ itu ‘tanda Umno terdesak’

— Aspan Alias
The Malaysian Insider
Aug 17, 2012

17 OGOS — “Tanda Putera” merupakan filem yang dipergunakan oleh Barisan Nasional lebih-lebih lagi Umno untuk “discredit” Lim Kit Siang dan ini merupakan tindakan “desperate” pihak BN dalam menunggu pilihanraya yang paling mencabar dalam sejarah negara ini.

Isu perkauman dan agama diperbesarkan oleh pihak Umno kerana itu sahaja yang mereka rasakan boleh menyekat peningkatan pengaruh DAP dalam kancah politik tanahair. DAP sudah diterima oleh sebahagian orang Melayu sebagai parti yang mampu membawa kebaikan kepada negara bersama-sama dengan PAS dan PKR.

Tohmahan dan tuduhan palsu ke atas LKS itu merupakan jalan yang terakhir untuk BN mengelakkan diri daripada terjatuh tersungkur di hadapan mata rakyat kerana momokan terhadap parti itu sejak lebih empat dekad lalu sudah secara deras tidak diterima lagi oleh ramai orang Melayu. Continue reading “‘Tanda Putera’ itu ‘tanda Umno terdesak’”

‘Tanda Putera’ doesn’t unite but divides

— The Malaysian Insider
Aug 15, 2012

AUG 15 — The jury is already out on “Tanda Putera” even before the Datin Paduka Shuhaimi Baba film has hit the silver screen.

From the little scraps of information gleaned from one preview, the script, Shuhaimi herself and chatter within the crew, the movie presents one view of the May 13, 1969 race riot.

A view that is not shared by many, especially those who feel it is an inaccurate portrayal of events on that blood-spilled day in Kuala Lumpur.

And just like the riot, the movie has become divisive, not unifying. Continue reading “‘Tanda Putera’ doesn’t unite but divides”

Siapa kafir harbi?

By Aspan Alias
15 Ogos |The Malaysian Insider

Setakat ini belum ada apa-apa tindakan pihak kerajaan terhadap pihak yang memfatwakan DAP sebagi parti untuk ‘kafir harbi’. Sikap kerajaan membiarkan perkara ini terus menerus di sebut oleh pihak tertentu yang ‘desperate’ ini, membawa tanggapan yang pihak kerajaan BN hari ini tidak prihatin terhadap sensiviti rakyat berbilang kaum dan agama dalam negara ini.

Tidak ada sesiapa berhak untuk melebelkan pihak yang menyokong dan bermuafakat dengan DAP bagi kebaikan negara menggelarkan mereka sebagai kafir. DAP merupakan sebuah parti politik yang terdaftar secara halal dengan pendaftaran pertubuhan dan parti itu telah menjunjung segala peruntukan yang tertulis di dalam perlembagaan negara. Hanya pihak Umno sahaja yang cuba menafikannya.

Ulamak sesat yang memberikan fatwa itu wajar di ambil tindakan kerana ia merupakan satu tindakan memecah belahkan rakyat berbilang agama dan kaum dan ini merupakan tentangan secara ‘direct’ terhadap agama suci kita. Memecah belahkan masyarakat merupakan tindakan yang tercemar dari pandangan agama suci kita, kerana kita di tuntut untuk saling menghormati diantara semua puak dan bangsa serta agama.
Continue reading “Siapa kafir harbi?”

Why is Shafie Apdal telling bare-faced lie that UMNO does not use religion for politics when it is so easily debunked by UMNO/ Utusan’s “Sokong DAP Haram” campaign in past 6 days?

I am astounded by the growing frequency and the increasing number of instances of Umno/Barisan Nasional leaders abandoning principles, scruples and elementary ethics just to score political points with the approach of the 13th general elections.

The closer the approach of the next general elections, and the more uncertain and even more desperate UMNO/BN leaders feel about their electoral prospects in the next general elections, UMNO/BN leaders have shown their preparedness to be even more unscrupulous, unprincipled and unethical than in the past in their attempt to remain in power.

Yesterday for instance Umno vice president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal was caught red-handed telling a bare-faced lie when he said in Kota Belud that UMNO does not use religion for its political interests.

How could Shafie make such a preposterous claim when it could be so easily debunked by UMNO and Utusan Malaysia’s irresponsible, seditious and anti-national “Haram Sokong DAP” campaign in the past six days? Continue reading “Why is Shafie Apdal telling bare-faced lie that UMNO does not use religion for politics when it is so easily debunked by UMNO/ Utusan’s “Sokong DAP Haram” campaign in past 6 days?”

Konsep kafir harbi-zimmi, satu penjelasan

Dr Muhammad Nur Manuty
Ketua Penerangan, PKR
11 Ogos 2012

Sesungguhnya, di bulan Ramadan yang penuh dengan kerahmatan Ilahi ini, kita dikejutkan dengan pandangan seorang Tok Guru yang mendakwa bahawa umat Islam di Malaysia haram menyokong DAP kerana DAP menentang hudud and tidak mahu mendaulatkan Islam. Tuan Guru Haji Abdullah Sa’mah, seorang guru pondok dari Geting, Tumpat, Kelantan, berhujah bahawa umat Islam di negara ini tidak boleh menyokong PAS dan PKR justeru kedua-dua parti tersebut bersekongkol dengan DAP.

KEADILAN berpendirian bahawa konsep kafir harbi (boleh diperangi dan dibunuh) serta kafir zimmi (patuh kepada pemerintahan Islam) perlu diperjelaskan kepada umum secara lebih tepat. Ini bagi memastikan supaya konsep ini difahami mengikut perkembangan semasa bersesuaian dengan perkembangan dunia pemikiran Islam yang bersifat global. Sebenarnya, begitu ramai figur ulama dan cendekiawam Islam yang telah memberikan pandangan mereka yang lebih bersifat kontemporari berasaskan pemahaman yang nyata mengenai perbezaan di antara syari’ah dan fiqh serta menganalisis fiqh berasaskan realiti semasa (fiqh al-waqi’),

Sheikh Rashid Ghanoushi (Ketua Parti al-Nahdah, Tunisia), yang kini menjadi penasihat kepada Kerajaan baru Tunisia, dalam beberapa tulisan ilmiahnya menyatakan bahawa idea kafir harbi dan kafir zimmi serta kewujudan Negara yang boleh diperangi (dar al-harb) memang relevan pada zaman keagungan empayar Islam di masa yang silam. Namun, pada hari ini, ketika umat Islam tergabung dalam sebuah entiti dunia yang terbahagi di antara warga Muslim dan bukan Muslim yang berimbangan serta semakin bersifat global, maka kedudukan kafir harbi dan kafir zimmi sudah tidak praktikal lagi. Justeru, beliau menganjurkan konsep al-muwatinun (kewarganegaraan) diguna pakai sebagai alternatif yang praktis. Continue reading “Konsep kafir harbi-zimmi, satu penjelasan”

Isu haram undi DAP: ‘Utusan tak serik’

Zairil Khir Johari
Ogos 9 2012


Walaupun sudah dua kali didapati bersalah oleh mahkamah kerana menyiarkan laporan-laporan yang berunsur fitnah terhadap ketua menteri Pulau Pinang merangkap Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng, akhbar Utusan Malaysia tampaknya masih tidak serik.

Dengan tajuk sensasi, “Haram sokong DAP” pada muka hadapan serta laporan susulan di muka surat dalaman, Utusan Malaysia telah menyiarkan beberapa tuduhan liar seperti yang dipetik di bawah:

Adalah haram dan berdosa untuk umat Islam menyokong DAP yang secara terang-terangan menentang penubuhan negara Islam serta pelaksanaan hukum hudud.

Beliau berkata, agenda perjuangan DAP berbeza dengan MCA dan MIC dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) yang digolongkan sebagai bukan kafir harbi iaitu tidak membawa kemudaratan kepada kedudukan Islam dan umat Islam.

“Perjuangan DAP tidak terima Perlembagaan negara, mereka mahu sama rata Islam dan bukan Islam, kuil dan masjid juga mahu sama rata…”

(Dipetik daripada “Haram, berdosa undi DAP”, mukas urat 5, Utusan Malaysia 8 Ogos 2012.)

Adalah jelas di sini bahawa laporan tersebut bermotif politik dan bertujuan untuk menabur fitnah dan implikasi bahawa:

1.DAP merupakan parti yang haram.
2.DAP tidak menerima Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
3.DAP merupakan parti kafir harbi. Continue reading “Isu haram undi DAP: ‘Utusan tak serik’”

‘Kafir harbi’ umpama lampu hijau untuk membunuh

Maszlee Malik
Ogos 12 2012

Saya ingin merujuk kepada kenyataan Abdullah Samaah yang dikeluarkan oleh Utusan Malaysia berkaitan haram menyokong DAP kerana mereka merupakan kafir harbi.

Istilah kafir harbi merupakan istilah fiqh yang membawa konotasi suasana zaman perang di antara wilayah Islam di zaman dahulu dengan negara musuh.

Kafir harbi adalah merujuk kepada negara musuh yang berperang dengan Muslim di mana darah mereka adalah halal ditumpahkan kerana ianya di dalam suasana perang, di mana kafir harbi itu sendiri berusaha membunuh umat Islam.

Kafir harbi adalah wajib diperangi di peringkat negara di atas dasar peperangan.

Di zaman ini, warga atau rakyat bukan Islam yang tinggal bersama umat Islam tidak dikira sebagai kafir harbi. Malah pengklafikasian harbi atau dhimmi yang digunakan oleh ulama klasik telah diperbaiki oleh ulama moden, memandangkan negara-negara moden mempunyai konsep kewargenegaraan yang memberikan hak dan tanggungjawab yang saksama di antara Muslim dan bukan Islam.

Pengkelasan Abdullah Sama’ah bahawa DAP adalah kafir Harbi adalah tidak tepat sama sekali, malah membahayakan. Beliau seolah-olah memberikan lampu hijau untuk umat Islam memerangi parti DAP dan membunuh ahli-ahli dan kepimpinannya. Continue reading “‘Kafir harbi’ umpama lampu hijau untuk membunuh”

CONFIRMED! Umno NOT able to unite the Malays: Latest hudud card backfires

by Moaz Nair
Malaysia Chronicle
11 August 2012

A self-professed Islamic pondok (a village madrasah) “religious scholar” declared it “haram (forbidden)” for Muslims to support DAP, according to a front page story in Umno’s Utusan Malaysia, but added that MCA and MIC were acceptable because the two BN (Barisan Nasional) parties recognised Islam’s supremacy.

He said that Muslims must not vote for DAP and its two allies PAS and PKR in the federal Opposition pact of PR (Pakatan Rakyat) in the 13th general election that must be called before April next year.

To the majority this statement sounds more politics than Islamic. It only infers how “retarded” a person can be when it comes to understanding Islam. Utusan being UMNO’s mouthpiece, this statement has gravely backfired on the party.

UMNO is shuffling the race-cum-religious cards for political mileage much to the chagrin of right-minded Malaysians. The next general election will only see more non-Muslim and Muslim votes going to the Opposition. Is UMNO aware that DAP, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other non-Muslim parties and in fact all the non-Muslims in the country recognise that Islam is the official religion of this country?

Has DAP-led Pakatan government in Penang become anti-Islam in Penang since the takeover of the state in 2008? In fact the state government of Penang has done more than BN for the Muslims in Penang just within 4 years to build up a better image of Islam in the state.

“We have no problems with DAP-led government,” commented a mosque Imam in Penang. “They support us and we don’t see them against Islam,” he added. Continue reading “CONFIRMED! Umno NOT able to unite the Malays: Latest hudud card backfires”