95-Day Countdown to 13GE – If Deepak had made only 10% of allegations against DAP/PR leaders he made against Najib and UMNO/BN leadership, he would be crawling all over BN MSM in past six weeks instead of total blackout

The past three days have been the most difficult days for DAP leaders, members and supporters in the 47-year history of the party, testified by the fact that the DAP had dominated the front-pages of the Barisan Nasional mainstream media (MSM) in the past two days and hogged the Barisan Nasional-controlled air waves.

The following are the screaming front-page headlines in the BN MSM in the past two days:

DAP silap kira undi? – Pengarah pilihan raya parti itu letak jawatan (Utusan Malaysia 5.1.13)

Drama DAP – Lagi persoal isu silap kira undi (Mingguan Malaysia 5.1.13)

DAP election FIASCO – Error raises doubts about party’s ability to rule country (New Straits Times 5.1.13)

‘Embarrassing glitch’ – (New Sunday Times 6.1.13)

Sandiwara DAP pujuk Melayu – Ambil masa tiga minggua akui kesilapan pemilihan CEC (Berita Harian 5.1.13)

Tindakan DAP ‘luar biasa’ – Pinda keputusan pemilihan janggal, timbul banyak persoalan: Muhyiddin (Berita Harian t6.1.13)

It doesn’t add up (Star 5.1.13)

When DAP appears in the BN MSM, especially on their front-pages, it is not good news. In fact, often they are about lies – as in the infamous case on May 7, 2011 when Utusan Malaysia carried a front-page article headlined “Kristian agama rasmi?” (“Christianity the official religion?”), claiming that DAP was conspiring with Christian leaders to instal Christianity as the religion of the federation instead of Islam and the other infamous case on July 9, 2012 on the Utusan Malaysia front-page about the falsehood that the DAP would contest 90 of the 222 parliamentary seats to dominate Pakatan Rakyat and appoint the Prime Minister in the 13th general election. Continue reading “95-Day Countdown to 13GE – If Deepak had made only 10% of allegations against DAP/PR leaders he made against Najib and UMNO/BN leadership, he would be crawling all over BN MSM in past six weeks instead of total blackout”

96-Day Countdown to 13GE – Honesty and humility must always remain qualities of DAP leaders if DAP is to continue to command trust and confidence of Malaysians

Questions have been raised as to how there could be such a huge “recount” discrepancy and mistake in the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) election results where Zairil Khir Johari’s votes for election to the DAP CEC increased by 498 votes from the 305 votes announced on 15th December 2012 to the actual vote of 803 (placing him in the 20th elected position), while Vincent Wu Him Ven could drop 533 votes from the 1,202 votes announced on 15th December 2012 to the actual vote of 669 votes (putting him in the 26th elected position).

The blunder however did not arise from any vote counting, as Zairil and Wu’s votes were properly counted and tabulated as 803 and 669 votes respectively but from a computer error resulting in the votes for the last eight candidates (i.e. No. 61 – 68) also being posted with the same votes as those of Candidates Number 31 to 38, as follows, viz:

No Candidate Votes No Candidate Votes
38 NG WEI AIK 407 68 TAN BOON PENG 407

Continue reading “96-Day Countdown to 13GE – Honesty and humility must always remain qualities of DAP leaders if DAP is to continue to command trust and confidence of Malaysians”

Out with the old, in with the new

by Mariam Mokhtar
Dec 31, 2012

Puppet shows, ‘Punch and Judy’ politics, farcical presentations, tragicomedies, drama queens, flip-flops, U-turns, dress rehearsals and of course, pornographic productions can be used to sum up current Malaysian politics.

It is amazing what the subconscious reveals. When MCA keeps asking if Hadi Awang or Anwar Ibrahim would make the better prime minister, you know what the ruling coalition are thinking – that BN is doomed.

Why would one of the main component parties in BN talk about opposition candidates for the post of prime minister? If they thought they stood any chance of winning GE13, they would be discussing which BN candidate should lead the country, rather than which opposition politician would make the best PM.

In November 2011, the Umno information chief, Ahmad Maslan, talked about a hung parliament: “If there is a hung Parliament scenario like Australia, let’s say 112 government seats to 110 opposition seats, it is the worst thing that could happen.”

This showed that Umno had no confidence of victory at the polls. Continue reading “Out with the old, in with the new”

Tunku Aziz’s misplaced anger with the DAP

– Fikry Osman
The Malaysian Insider
Dec 23, 2012

DEC 23 ― There was a time when Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim was at the forefront of righting the wrongs of Malaysia, seeking for a well-governed and transparent nation.

To further his cause, he joined the DAP in 2008. But he left earlier this year and has since been a thorn to the party.

One must ask why this volte-face? Especially with Tunku Aziz’s latest attack that DAP members were barred from accepting state awards from Malay rulers.

Why is the once-respected man now dancing to Umno’s tune and its barrage of attacks against the DAP? Why is he angry with the DAP?

DAP chief Karpal Singh has rejected Tunku Aziz’s allegations by saying the DAP’s policy has been consistent in rejecting state honours except for those issued for bravery. Continue reading “Tunku Aziz’s misplaced anger with the DAP”

Don’t see DAP congress with Umno mindset

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | December 21, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

The recent DAP polls showed that Malays in the party must earn their keep and keep their peace.


A total of eight Malay candidates contested for places in DAP’s central executive committee (CEC) last week. But no Malay candidates won any place.

Also, more Indians offered themselves in the contest but only M Kulasegaran got in.

I don’t hear them grumbling or getting gruffy. Perhaps the Malay DAP members must learn from them a thing or two.

Why didn’t any of the Malays get selected? Perhaps it’s the fault of the candidates and the delegates and also the DAP leadership.

But first let’s set aside one issue – viewing the results with an Umno mindset. Continue reading “Don’t see DAP congress with Umno mindset”

Malaysia poised for pivotal polls

By Simon Roughneen
Asia Times
21st December 2012

Ahead of what reform campaigners believe will be Malaysia’s “dirtiest ever elections”, the long-ruling United Malays National Organization (UMNO) has engineered something of a clean-up. In recent months, it has reformed some old and oft-derided laws, such as allowing indefinite detention without trial and forcing local newspapers to apply each year for a publication permit, a stipulation that encouraged self-censorship.

UMNO and its allies have governed Malaysia consecutively since achieving independence from colonial rule, a longevity not usually associated with electoral democracies. UMNO and its Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition survived the last election in 2008, though it ceded its two-thirds parliamentary majority for the first time and lost five out of 13 federal states to the opposition, a coalition of three parties led by controversial former UMNO firebrand Anwar Ibrahim that includes the Islamic party PAS and the Chinese-dominated Democratic Action Party (DAP).

While some in the Malaysian opposition and rights groups have criticized the recent reforms as piecemeal electioneering for next year’s vote, there are indications that the government has made some real positive changes, particularly regarding the overhaul of certain emergency laws and repealing the old Internal Security Act, a law which has in the past been used against the government’s political opponents. Continue reading “Malaysia poised for pivotal polls”

Senator DAP buat laporan polis terhadap Muhyiddin, portal berita

Jamilah Kamarudin | December 20, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

Ariffin membuat laporan tersebut di Balai Polis Tun H S Lee di Jalan Stadium dekat sini tengahari tadi.

PETALING JAYA: Naib Pengerusi DAP, Senator Dr Ariffin SM Omar hari ini membuat laporan polis terhadap Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan laman portal, Antarapos kerana menuduhnya mengamalkan perkauman sempit.

Ariffin yang ditemani peguam iaitu ahli parlimen Segambut Lim Lip Eng membuat laporan tersebut di Balai Polis Tun H S Lee di Jalan Stadium dekat sini tengahari tadi.

Laporannya terhadap Muhyiddin itu berdasarkan petikan berita “Kenyataan Ariffin Melayu Punca Rasuah Diselar” pada 18 Disember lalu apabila menyifatkan ia sebagai satu perbuatan bodoh dan sangat tidak bertanggungjawab.

Respon itu dibuat Muhyiddin selepas Antarapos dalam laporannya 15 Disember lalu memetik Ariffin sebagai berkata rasuah boleh dibanteras dengan lebih berkesan jika perkhidmatan awam dan polis tidak dimonopoli oleh kaum Melayu sahaja. Continue reading “Senator DAP buat laporan polis terhadap Muhyiddin, portal berita”

Perkasa Chief Insults the Malays

By Kee Thuan Chye
Malaysian Digest
19 December 2012

To say that Perkasa President Ibrahim Ali has little between his ears because of his recent pronouncements is to say something too obvious. And yet one might be tempted to do it to dispel the misinformation he seems to be spreading.

His point about the Malays being unable to compete with the non-Malays because Islam forbids the former to participate in businesses involving gambling, liquor and entertainment outlets is, to put it mildly, moronic. And terribly misleading.

What’s more inexcusable is his statement that the Chinese will become a national security threat if they acquire more political and economic power. It could lead, he warned, to another bloody racial conflict like the May 13 riots. This, I have to say, insults not only the Chinese but the Malays as well.

But there’s surely more to Ibrahim’s antic than what’s on the surface. He has not been in politics this long to appear so simple-minded. His agenda was to strike terror into the hearts of voters. He was employing the scare tactics that Prime Minister Najib Razak and Barisan Nasional (BN) have been resorting to of late as the general election draws near. Coincidentally, at the Umno general assembly last month, Wanita Umno President Shahrizat Abdul Jalil also irresponsibly raised the bogey of May 13.

Ironically, such scare tactics betray a lack of self-confidence on the part of Najib and BN. Ibrahim must have caught on to it and sensed that BN may even lose the elections for the first time. But this does not exonerate him from saying things that are insulting, that could engender hatred. Based neither on fact nor reasoned argument. Continue reading “Perkasa Chief Insults the Malays”

Muhyiddin’s got it all wrong

G Vinod | December 19, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

I did not attribute corruption to the Malays, says DAP senator Ariffin Omar.

PETALING JAYA: DAP Senator Ariffin Omar today denied claims that he had attributed corruption in the civil service to the fact that the institution is dominated by one race only.

“I did not make such statement. It’s pure slander. The reason why there are more Malays in the civil service is due to the fact that they form 60% of our population.

“All I did was to suggest that the civil service offer more opportunities to non Malays to join the institution,” said Ariffin.

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin criticised Ariffin, 63, who was alleged to have attributed the monopoly of civil service by the Malays as a source of corruption. Continue reading “Muhyiddin’s got it all wrong”

Hanya kroni yang tergugat dengan dasar ekonomi DAP yang telus dan bertanggungjawab.

Zairil Khir Johari | 18 Disember 2012
Penolong Setiusaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP

Dalam laporan akhbar Sinar Harian yang bertajuk “Izat: Ekonomi Melayu gugat jika DAP diberi kepercayaan” pada 17 Disember 2012, Presiden Persatuan Pedagang dan Pengusaha Melayu Malaysia (Perdasama), Datuk Moehamad Izat Emir telah dipetik sebagai berkata bahawa “sokongan orang Melayu terhadap DAP akan hanya menyebabkan ekonomi dan masa depan orang Melayu terumbang-ambing.”

Kenyataan Datuk Izat ini jelas dangkal, bermotif politik perkauman dan langsung tidak berasas. DAP adalah sebuah parti politik yang konsisten dalam pelaksanaan dasar tadbir urus yang cekap, bertanggungjawab dan telus, sepertimana yang dibuktikan oleh pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang selama hampir lima tahun ini. Keberkesanan tatakelola pentadbiran yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan Pulau Pinang telah pun mendapat pengiktirafan dan pengesahan daripada Laporan-laporan Ketua Audit Negara setiap tahun.

Bagaimanakah ciri-ciri ketelusan dan kebertanggungjawaban boleh menjadi ancaman kepada orang Melayu? Hipotesis yang kurang waras ini hanya digunakan oleh sesetengah pihak yang tidak mampu berdaya saing akibat kebergantungan mereka kepada sistem kroni dan amalan rasuah.
Continue reading “Hanya kroni yang tergugat dengan dasar ekonomi DAP yang telus dan bertanggungjawab.”

Orang Melayu – Teruskan Bersatu diluar UMNO!

Ariff Sabri | 18 Disember 2012

Sungguh menghairan kita, perkara yang amat mudah tidak boleh difaham oleh UMNO dan pengikut nya. Orang Melayu yang diluar UMNO pun Melayu juga. Melayu, DAP, Melayu PAS dan Melayu PKR tidak kurang keMelayuan mereka dari Melayu UMNO. Yang UMNO hendak sombong dan angkuh mengakui bahawa yang Melayu itu hanya mereka sahaja, mengapa? Kerana mereka membela agama, bangsa dan tanah air?

Hang Jebat tidak kurang Melayu daripada Hang Tuah. Jebat hanya berpegang kepada prinsip raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah.Ini prinsip yang mudah difaham oleh mereka yang berakal waras.

Pemimpin UMNO kesana kemari bercerita mengenai wasatiyah dan maqasid shar-iyah, tapi ketawa bila orang kafir mempermainkan, mengejek dan mempersenda agama Islam. Ketua besar UMNO, parti Melayu yang terbesar memakai baju kami tentang hudud bersama sama dengan orang kafir. Ini tidak mengeherankan sangat kepada mereka yang tahu latar belakang ketua besar UMNO ini.

Pemimpin UMNO bersyarah kepada orang Melayu bawahan supaya berbelanja berjimat cermat dan berhemah, tapi gagal melakukan apa yang mereka nasihatkan. Isteri ada cincin RM74 juta , beg tangan RM300-400 ribu sebuah, jam tangan RM 600 ribu- orang yang serupa menasihati rakyat mengurus wang RM500 dengan berhemah.
Continue reading “Orang Melayu – Teruskan Bersatu diluar UMNO!”

The DAP Malays

Ariff Sabri | 16 December 2012

UMNO and its supporters are making cannon fodder of the unsuccessful attempts by 8 Malay DAP members to get placement in the 20-person CEC. I wrote this article before the appointment of 2 Malays into the CEC.

Lt Colonel Rosli a former serviceman who is now practising as a lawyer in Seremban said it best. The next person sitting to me asked for my name, told him and he didn’t even know I was contesting. I wasn’t going to campaign to him there and then.

Which means, the unsuccessful bid for places in DAP’s CEC is more a case for being relative unknowns. Malay DAP leaders if they wish to get into the CEC must catch the attention and imagination of DAP delegates. Which means the Malays in DAP must earn their keep and keep their peace. Don’t go doing a Tunku Aziz stunt.

The worse thing any Malay DAP member or leader can do is to read what has just happened at the 16th DAP National Congress with an UMNO mindset. Yes, we shall continue to talk about UMNO- because UMNO stands in our way to form the next federal government. We must continue to expose the rotten system that UMNO leaders have built up and that has caused misery to this country, especially to Malays.

The UMNO mindset is that you deserve to get something just because you are UMNO. UMNO is built on the idea, which says you can get ahead by cutting corners, leveraging on politics, exploiting inherited status and so forth. The world does not operate on the terms of a world by which UMNO operates. The world moves on, driven by people’s abilities and on the basis on what they can contribute. That is NOT the UMNO mindset.
Continue reading “The DAP Malays”

Sesiapa pun boleh kata apa tentang DAP, BN wajar di jauhi

Aspan Alias | 17 Disember 2012

Media perdana sekarang memainkan isu DAP parti chauvinis dan sebagainya. Media arus perdana memainkan isu DAP sebagai parti Cina kerana tidak ada seorang pun calon Melayu yang bertanding memenangi walau satu kerusi pun. Hanya yang perlu kita ketahui yang DAP tidak seperti UMNO yang telah membentuk mentaliti ‘quota’ dalam mana Melayu mesti di berikan segala keistimewaan dalam semua hal kerana Melayu yang mempunyai negara ini.

Bangsa lain kononnya hanyalah bangsa yang menumpang sahaja sedangkan sekarang ini seorang kaum cina itu merupakan generasi ke empat berada di dalam negara ini. Bangsa Cina yang lahir sekarang ini tidak tahu pun yang mereka itu bukan bangsa Malaysia (seperti yang di katakan oleh pemimpin UMNO) kerana mereka lahir di sini. Mereka (kaum Cina) tidak ada negeri lain seperti juga orang Melayu yang tidak ada negeri lain selain dari Malaysia ini.

Itu sebabnya kita rakyat semua kaum ingin melakukan perubahan kerana jika tidak dilakukan perubahan itu satu-satunya negara yang kita ada ini akan hanyut di telan masa kerana tidak berkemampuan untuk wujud mngikut kehendak masa dan zamannya. Kita tidak ada negara lain dari negara ini. Bagi mereka yang telah mengaut kekayaan melalui kuasa yang ada kepada mereka boleh duduk dan mendiami negeri lain kerana mereka adalah kaum yang mewah dan boleh hidup dimana-mana sahaja hasil dari rompakan harta rakyat yang telah berlaku sebegitu lama tanpa had itu.

Baik DAP mahu pun PAS dan PKR, mereka mewakili semua kaum yang menuntut perubahan ini. Dalam usaha menuntut perubahan sememangnya satu usaha yang sangat susah tetapi apa pilihan yang ada kepada rakyat ini. Jika tidak di ubah rakyat negara kita sendiri akan berubah menjadi rakyat yang hina di sisi rakyat dan masyarakat antarabangsa yang sedang berubah mengikut kehendak zamannya.
Continue reading “Sesiapa pun boleh kata apa tentang DAP, BN wajar di jauhi”

DAP polls a bitter pill for rivals

By Stanley Koh | December 18, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

In 1995, when DAP suffered the worst electoral defeat in its history, pundits and other soothsayers lost no time in predicting the demise of the then 30-year-old social-democratic party.

Even Lim Kit Siang could not hide the tinge of despair in his heart. “Reform or die,” he told his party.

As it turned out, the supremo’s call rang out clear and loud among the party faithful. A year later, at their national congress, delegates endorsed a thorough review of the party’s political strategies. This resulted, among other things, in the recruitment of some 800 young professionals to help carry out the political renewal.
Continue reading “DAP polls a bitter pill for rivals”

Congress marks the coming of age of the DAP

Ong Kian Ming
Dec 17, 2012


The recently concluded 16th DAP Congress held at the Penang International Sports Arena (Pisa) was my first as a DAP member. It was also my first time seeing a DAP national election up close. The following are some of my observations which may not have received the necessary attention in the media, whether mainstream or online.

DAP as a national party

With 2,576 delegates (an increase from 948 in 2008), 150,000 members (from 84,000) and 1,128 branches (from 311) and with representatives from all 13 states in Malaysia, this congress represented the coming of age of the DAP by firmly cementing its status as a national party and a significant political player on the national stage.

The 29 parliamentarians and 82 state representatives from 10 states and the Federal Territories makes DAP the 2nd largest political party in the country in terms of elected representatives. The capacity crowd at the congress venue, which included 700 observers, was the largest in party history.

With greater political influence comes greater scrutiny, which is probably why this congress was covered by approximately 100 members of the press core. And with this scrutiny, also came more discussion and headlines, including critiques against the DAP’s election system and the subsequent results.

In a sense, this kind of spotlight and scrutiny should be welcomed since it means that the party matters in the public’s eye and is an important part of the larger political landscape. Continue reading “Congress marks the coming of age of the DAP”

Apology to Najib and UMNO/BN leaders for being elected into DAP CEC at the 16th DAP National Congress and with highest votes

I wish to apologise to the Prime Minister and UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the UMNO/BN leaders that I was elected into the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) at the 16th DAP National Congress – and with the highest votes.

UMNO leaders, including Najib, had been going round the country castigating the DAP for being undemocratic, alleging that I was in the DAP national leadership although I was not an elected DAP leader.

At the recent 66th UMNO General Assembly at the end of last month, Najib returned to the same theme in his UMNO Presidential Address when he flayed the Pakatan Rakyat parties of PKR, PAS and DAP.

This is what he said about me: “Although only holding the position of member of parliament despite not being an elected leader, Lim Kit Siang is evidently quite a powerful individual in the opposition party”.

It had always amused me when Najib made these attacks against me in his political tours up and down the country, wondering whether he had been misled by his cohorts of political advisers and aides or whether he had deliberately lied although he knew the truth. Continue reading “Apology to Najib and UMNO/BN leaders for being elected into DAP CEC at the 16th DAP National Congress and with highest votes”

UMNO/BN must renounce the tactics and ideology of extremist politics including Ketuanan Melayu and the four hate politics of race, religion, lies and fear if they want to compete for the support of Middle Malaysia

The unity, solidarity and commitment of DAP and reaffirmation of the Middle Malaysia concept by the just-concluded 16th DAP National Congress in Penang have struck fear in UMNO/BN and reverberated throughout the country, ringing alarm bells in UMNO/Barisan Nasional, as they realize that the agenda has been set for the crucial and critical battle in the 13th General Elections in the next 100 days to decide for the first time in the nation’s 55-year history whether there shoud be a change of federal government in Putrajay.

It jolted UMNO leaders including the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak into quick reaction, claiming that it was the Barisan Nasional and not the DAP that represents “Middle Malaysia”.

If Najib is confident that it is UMNO/BN which represents Middle Malaysia, and has overwhelming support of the four million middle ground voters in the 13 General Elections – the three million new voters and the one million swing voters from the 12GE in 2008 – Najib would have dissolved Parliament and the 13GE would have been held already.

Furthermore, Najib would not have to suffer the “To Be or Not To Be” agony in the past two years to decide on the dissolution of Parliament (an agony which he is still undergoing despite Parliament having only some four months’ tenure before it is automatically dissolved under the Constitution on April 28, 2013) and the ignominy of being the longest unelected Prime Minister in Malaysia without his own mandate from the people.

The former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah was also awakened to describe the 16th DAP National Congress as an unhealthy phenomenon on the ground that it showed that DAP is monopolised by a particular race.

But the most laughable comment must go to the Gerakan President and former Penang Chief Minister, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who described the non-election of any Malays in the DAP central executive committee as against the 1Malaysia spirit. Continue reading “UMNO/BN must renounce the tactics and ideology of extremist politics including Ketuanan Melayu and the four hate politics of race, religion, lies and fear if they want to compete for the support of Middle Malaysia”

DAP adds non-Chinese, East M’sians to CEC

by Leven Woon | December 16, 2012
Free Malaysia Today

Of the 10 members co-opted into the CEC this morning, seven of them are non-Chinese and East Malaysians.

GEORGE TOWN: The newly-minted DAP central leadership today appointed seven non-Chinese and East Malaysian leaders into the centre executive committee (CEC) in a bid to sharpen its multiracial appeal.

DAP first-term senator Ariffin M Omar was made a vice chairman to replace Tengku Abdul Aziz who quit the party in May.

Besides him, Zairil Khir Johari, Sabah party chairman Jimmy Wong, Sarawak member John Brian Anthony, Sabah member Edwin Bosi, former Perak speaker V Sivakumar were also the new faces in the CEC.

Both Tan Seng Giaw and P Ramasamy, who were bitterly voted out by party members yesterday, made their way back to the CEC through appointments. Continue reading “DAP adds non-Chinese, East M’sians to CEC”

16th DAP national congress crucial for party: Lim

The Sun
14th December 2012

GEORGE TOWN (Dec 14, 2012): DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has described tomorrow’s 16th DAP National Congress as crucial, “both internally and externally”, to select a new party leadership line-up, as well as begin the 100-day countdown before the 13th General Election.

He said, this time around, the selection of the leadership line-up was a record by itself, as 2,576 delegates were eligible to vote in the party’s election.

“This DAP party congress will select the new leadership for the next three years. As such, the congress is important both internally and externally. Continue reading “16th DAP national congress crucial for party: Lim”

16th DAPNC – sound the call to arms for a PR government in Putrajaya with 125 PR seats in Parliament with distribution of 45:40:40 seats respectively for PKR, PAS and DAP

The 16th DAP National Congress the next two days is the focus of national attention for more reasons than one, viz:

• It is the last national conference this year for any political party in Malaysia;

• In fact, it is the last national conference for any political party before the 13th General Elections which would be held in the next 100 days;

• DAP is the only political party in the country which dares to hold party elections on the eve of impending general elections, as all other political parties have postponed their party elections until after the elections;

• Will the DAP emerge stronger or weaker after the 16th DAP National Congress;

• Will Pakatan Rakyat and the cause for “UBAH” to effect political change in Malaysia all the way to Putrajaya be strengthened or weakened?

In the past month, Pakatan Rakyat suffered a serious setback when the four million middle-ground voters who will be the arbiter as to whether it is the Pakatan Rakyat or the Barisan Nasional which will appoint the Prime Minister and form the government in Putrajaya after the 13GE developed doubts and hesitations as to whether Pakatan Rakyat parties of PKR, PAS and DAP are fully committed to the PR Common Policy Framework and Buku Jingga common platforms.

This is a salutary lesson to all the component Pakatan Rakyat parties that in the “hot-house atmosphere” which will further intensify with the approach of the long-awaited 13th General Elections, that they must always be conscious that every statement and action not only of the national leaders but of the other echeleons can have an impact many times larger than ordinary times when exploited and distorted by unscrupulous and unprincipled political propagandists with their biased mainstream media.

The Kelantan gender-segregation ruling affecting non-Muslim hair salons is a case in point where on the one and same issue, DAP is accused of being “subservient” to PAS while PAS is accused of compromising to “appease” the DAP. Continue reading “16th DAPNC – sound the call to arms for a PR government in Putrajaya with 125 PR seats in Parliament with distribution of 45:40:40 seats respectively for PKR, PAS and DAP”