Kit Siang: Unleash political storm in the south

by Lee Way Loon
11:12AM Mar 19, 2013

Leaders holding hands saluting Johor crowd

Some predict a handsome win for Pakatan Rakyat in the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat when the general election is held, but its candidate does not expect the battle to be easy.

Anwar and Lim Kit Siang Nevertheless, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang is willing to take the risk, in order to “set off a political storm” in south Malaysia and in Sabah and Sarawak as well.

Lim coined the term “political tsunami” to describe Pakatan’s gains in the last election in March 2008.

“This is a historic chance to decide whether there will be a regime change. We need to set off a political storm in Johor, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan,” he told a press conference in Skudai, Johor, last night after he was named as the Pakatan candidate for Gelang Patah by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Malaysiakini infographic on Gelang Patah constituency “And then the storm must cross the South China Sea and reach Sabah and Sarawak. With this, the people can complete a movement for political awareness and democracy.”

Lim, the Ipoh Timor MP, said this would be his fifth move into a new state to contest the election in his political career spanning 47 years.

“This is not an easy battle… but it is worth (fighting for) as it is for our goal, as well as for the nation and people,” he said.

He reiterated that Pakatan was targeting to win at least 18 parliamentary seats from BN in these three southern states: 15 in Johor, two in Negri Sembilan and one in Malacca.

DAP to contest seven seats Continue reading “Kit Siang: Unleash political storm in the south”

Confirmed! Kit Siang will do battle in Gelang Patah

by Lee Way Loon
9:47PM Mar 18, 2013

After weeks of speculation, Pakatan Rakyat officially announced tonight that DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang will be contesting the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat in Johor.

The announcement was made by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim at DAP’s 47th anniversary celebration and ceramah in Skudai.

“It’s true that Gelang Patah was a PKR seat. But we can discuss.

“I hold the opinion that it is still a PKR seat. But if Kit Siang comes and assists us, leads us and becomes the Gelang Patah candidate, I give him my full support,” Anwar told a cheering 20,000-strong crowd.

The PKR de facto leader then invited Lim and all the DAP leaders to come on stage to endorse his decision. Continue reading “Confirmed! Kit Siang will do battle in Gelang Patah”

Kit Siang set to announce candidature in Johor

By Lee Way Loon | 4:13PM Mar 15, 2013

In an attempt to win federal power, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, who has been visiting Johor frequently of late, is expected to contest a parliamentary seat in the state in the coming general election.

It is learnt that the Ipoh Timor MP will be making an official announcement on his shift to the southern BN stronghold at DAP’s 47th anniversary celebration and ceramah in Skudai, near Johor Bharu, on Monday.

Several party insiders told Malaysiakini that the possibility of Lim contesting a Johor parliamentary seat in GE13 was “very real”.

However, it could not be confirmed that whether Lim would also name the seat he intended to contest, tough speculation has been that it could be Gelang Patah.

Lim,when contacted on this matter, refused to comment.

On Tuesday, DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke (left) said a “major announcement” would be made at the party’s anniversary celebration in Skudai.
Continue reading “Kit Siang set to announce candidature in Johor”

Pakatan victorious: How frightening!

RK Anand | February 26, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

BN propagandists strike fear in the hearts of the Chinese about PAS and in the hearts of the Malays about DAP. But still a substantial of number of Malaysians dream of change.


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Scene I

The Honda Cub coughed up a trail of black smoke as it chugged along the labyrinth of dimly-lit alleys until it came to a screeching halt outside a dilapidated budget hotel. Chua missed the comforts of his Mercedes Benz but these were difficult times. The government’s decision to stop trade with evil nations like the United States had been a fiscal nightmare. Much had changed since that fateful general election.

With his helmet still on, he tiptoed up the creaking stairs and into the room where she was waiting for him. He then scanned the walls for hidden cameras. Satisfied, he slipped out of his clothes, climbed into the bug-infested bed and snuggled under the sheets next to his mistress. He recognised the fragrance of the Chanel perfume which seduced his nostrils. He had given it to her as a gift for Chinese New Year. It had to be smuggled from Singapore as such immoral items were banned. He leaned closer and his pulse raced with excitement and trepidation. He craved for a glass of Cognac to calm his nerves but alcohol, like Viagra, had been banned as well. These clandestine meetings placed them at severe risk with the ever vigilant moral police keeping watch for adulterous couples.

Chua’s greatest fear was that those bearded men in robes would burst through the door, drag him in chains to the public execution square Dataran Nik Aziz, once known as Dataran Merdeka, and stone him to death. Continue reading “Pakatan victorious: How frightening!”

Pengiraan Detik 50 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran untuk Najib menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969

Saya mencabar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969.

Perdana Menteri perlu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap penghinaan yang amat bersifat perkauman dan tidak mengikut sejarah di dalam filem 13 Mei kerana menurut Timbalan Menyeri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Ahmad Maslan, Najib yang mengarahkan filem itu ditayangkan secara eksklusif kepada 3,000 peneroka Felda yang bertemu di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra pada Isnin lalu.

Hanya peneroka Felda yang dibenarkan menonton filem itu, yang ditayangkan selepas wartawan yang hadir diminta meninggalkan dewan.

Jurucakap filem berkenaan mendakwa filem itu dibuat berdasarkan banyak kajian, seperti mengkaji bahan-bahan yang didokumenkan dan gambar-gambar, bagi memastikan adegan-adegannya disokong oleh fakta sejarah.

Di manakah bahan dokumen dan gambar kepada insiden kencing pada tiang bendera yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di luar rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu yang mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 50 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran untuk Najib menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969”

50-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Menteri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969

I challenge the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film Tanda Putera about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969.

The Prime Minister must assume full responsibility for this most racist and unhistorical slur in the May 13 film, as it was Najib, according to the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Maslan, who instructed that the May 13 film be exclusively screened to some 3,000 Felda settlers meeting at the Putra World Trade Centre on Monday.

Only the Felda settlers were allowed to watch the film, which was screened after the journalists present in the hall were asked to leave.

The spokepersons of the movie had claimed that the film was based on a lot of research, such as studying documented materials and photographs, to make sure the scenes were backed by historical facts.

Where are the documented materials and photographs of such an urination incident on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag outside the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969? Continue reading “50-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Menteri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969”

Pengiraan Detik 51 Hari ke PRU13: Pengakuan terdesak terakhir Najib dalam memainkan “kad 513” dengan menayangkan filem 13 Mei yang tidak jujur dan berat sebelah kepada peneroka Felda selepas meminta wartawan pergi

Tayangan eksklusif filem berat sebelah dan tidaj jujur berkenaan 13 Mei, Tanda Putra, kepada peneroka Felda di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra semalam selepas Najib meminta wartawan meninggalkan tempat itu merupakan pengakuan terakhir Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak bahawa beliau dalam keadaan terdesak berdepan dengan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang tidak dapat dielakkan lagi dan kegagalan semua usahanya setakat ini untuk memenangi semula sokongan pengundi Malaysia – termasuklah kemusnahan besar inisiatif membelanjakan RM3.5 juta untuk menjemput bintang K-Pop Korea Psy ke Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Barisan Nasional Pulau Pinang yang meninggalkan kenangan peristiwa “3 Ya untuk Psy, 3 Tidak untik BN”.

Saya terkejut apabila seorang Perdana Menteri yang telah mewujudkan “1Malaysia” sebagai dasar pengenalannya kini mengingkari Program Transformasi Nasionalnya dan mencemarkan semua anjurannya terhadap kesederhanaan dan etika sewaktu forum dalam dan luar negara dengan merestui secara rasmi kepada sebuah filem yang berniat jahat memaparkan saya sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab terhadap rusuhan 13 Mei 1969.

Saya tidak pernah diberi peluang menonton filem itu tetapi apa yang pernah dilakukan bagi publisiti filem itu sudah pun diketahui umum. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 51 Hari ke PRU13: Pengakuan terdesak terakhir Najib dalam memainkan “kad 513” dengan menayangkan filem 13 Mei yang tidak jujur dan berat sebelah kepada peneroka Felda selepas meminta wartawan pergi”

51-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib’s final admission of desperation in reaching for the “513 card” by screening the dishonest and unbalanced May 13 film exclusively to Felda settlers after asking journalists to leave

The exclusive screening of the dishonest and unbalanced May 13 film, Tanda Putera, to Felda settlers at the Putra World Trade Centre yesterday after asking journalists to leave is a final admission by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak that he is in desperate straits in facing the unavoidable 13th General Elections and the failures of all his efforts so far to win back support from Malaysian voters – including the spectacularly disastrous initiative spending RM3.5 million to invite Korean K-Pop superstar Psy to the Penang Barisan Nasional Chinese New Yew Open House leaving behind the unforgettable “3 Yes for Psy, 3 Noes for BN” episode.

I am shocked that a Prime Minister who has made “1Malaysia” his signature policy has now repudiated his National Transformation Programme and discredited all his preaching of moderation and ethics at national and international forums by giving official blessings to a film which mischievously and maliciously tried to portray me as responsible for the May 13 riots in 1969.

I have not been given an opportunity to see the film but the history of its publicity is on public record. Continue reading “51-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib’s final admission of desperation in reaching for the “513 card” by screening the dishonest and unbalanced May 13 film exclusively to Felda settlers after asking journalists to leave”

RoS confirms it received DAP’s report; apologises for confusion

The Star
February 17, 2013

PETALING JAYA: The Registrar of Societies (RoS) confirmed Sunday that it had received the DAP’s Dec 15 Central Executive Committee’s polls report on Feb 8, ahead of the Feb 15 deadline it had set for the party.

“Here I would like to clarify that my previous statement was based on information that was not updated and this has led to confusion,” Registrar Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said in a statement late Sunday.

“RoS apologises to all parties concerned over this mistake,” he said. Continue reading “RoS confirms it received DAP’s report; apologises for confusion”

Pengiraan Detik 68 Hari ke PRU13 – Penyimpangan dan histeria Chua Soi Lek yang kian menjadi-jadi ketika semakin hampir dengan PRU13 amat menyedihkan

Amat menyedihkan untuk melihat menjadi-jadinya penyimpangan dan histeria Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek ke tahap beliau perlu merayu ahli MCA untuk memberikan tepukan kepada ucapannya dan pemimpin MCA lain dalam acara terbuka MCA seperti “makan malam mega” MCA yang diadakan di seluruh negara.

Chua membuat rayuan ini ketika majlis makan tengah hari sambutan ulangtahun MCA ke-64 Wilayah Persekutuan di Kepong semalam akan tetapi apa yang beliau dapat daripada ahli MCA yang hadir hanyalah sambutan yang dingin dan tidak sepenuh hati meskipun berkali-kali merayu tepukan untuk ucapannya.

Malah Chua cuba untuk mengelirukan ahli MCA untuk mengukuhkan rayuannya – meminta ahli MCA untuk mencontohi DAP dengan mendakwa bahawa apabila pemimpin DAP bercakap atas pentas, ahli DAP di bawah akan menyambut tanpa henti dengan tepukan untuk memberikan gambaran apa yang dikatakan adalah betul. Begitu juga, beliau meminta ahli MCA untuk melakukan perkara yang sama dengan memberikan tepukan gemuruh kepada pemimpin MCA ketika mereka bercakap atas pentas untuk mewujudkan keyakinan buat MCA.

Pertama sekali, izinkan saya nyatakan sepanjang 47 tahun di dalam politik, saya tidak pernah merayu supaya ucapan saya diberikan tepukan dan sorakkan – dan begitu juga dengan semua pemimpin DAP yang lain.

Kedua, jawapan mudah kepada Chua adalah bukan sahaja orang biasa, tetapi juga ahli MCA yang berasa marah dan terasing dengan lakonan yang dimainkan oleh kepimpinan MCA sebagai penyebar pembohongan dan ahli nujum malapetaka bagi membantu UMNO untuk menakut-nakutkan pengundi Cina bagi menyokong Barisan Nasional dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 68 Hari ke PRU13 – Penyimpangan dan histeria Chua Soi Lek yang kian menjadi-jadi ketika semakin hampir dengan PRU13 amat menyedihkan”

68-Day Countdown to 13GE – Chua Soi Lek’s increasing irrelevance and hysteria with the approach of 13GE is really pathetic

It is really pathetic to witness the increasing irrelevance and hysteria of the MCA President, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, to the extent that he has to publicly plead for MCA members to give “claps and applauses” to his speeches and those of other MCA leaders at MCA public functions like the recent MCA “mega dinners” held all over the country.

Chua made this plea at the Federal Territory 64th MCA anniversary celebrations luncheon in Kepong yesterday but to little effect, as all he got from MCA members attending the luncheon was a very tepid and half-hearted response despite his repeated pleas for applauses to his speech.

Chua even tried to mislead MCA members to fortify his plea –asking MCA members to emulate DAP by claiming that when DAP leaders speak on stage, DAP members on the floor would respond with ceaseless applauses to give the impression that what the speakers said were right. Similarly, he asked MCA members to do the same by giving warm applauses to MCA leaders when speaking on stage so as to create confidence in MCA.

Firstly, let me state that in my 47 years of political work, I had never pleaded for claps and applauses for my speeches – and that goes for all other DAP leaders as well.

Secondly, the simple answer to Chua is that it is not only the ordinary public, but also MCA members who are antagonized and alienated by the present role played by the MCA leadership as purveyors of falsehood and prophets of doom to help UMNO to frighten and stampede the Chinese voters to support the Barisan Nasional in the 13th general elections. Continue reading “68-Day Countdown to 13GE – Chua Soi Lek’s increasing irrelevance and hysteria with the approach of 13GE is really pathetic”

Pengiraan Detik 77 Hari ke PRU13 – Senjata terakhir untuk menyelamatkan perikatan UMNO/BN daripada dihantar ke bangku Pembangkang ialah dengan mewujudkan perpecahan di dalam Pakatan Rakyat dengan memisahkan PAS dan DAP

Senjata terakhir untuk menyelamatkan perikatan UMNO/BN daripada dihantar ke bangku Pembangkang ialah dengan mewujudkan perpecahan di dalam Pakatan Rakyat dengan memisahkan PAS dan DAP

Tindakan itu mencerminkan tahap terdesaknya pemimpin, propagandis dan tukang putar UMNO/BN mengenangkan peluang mereka untuk mempertahankan Putrajaya dalam PRU13 yang semakin hampir sehingga keterdesakkan itu terpapar di dalam harapan dan strategi mereka.

Salah seorang tukang putar media UMNO/BN semalam menganjurkan bahawa “Pakatan parties may go own way”, berdasarkan andaian “Dengan peluang menawan Putrajaya semakin tipis, PAS dan DAP mungkin mahu merampas negeri yang mereka suka”.

Beliau menyatakan:

“IS there a case to be made that DAP and Pas may be privately ditching the idea of taking over Putrajaya and are preparing themselves to keep the spoils of March 2008 instead?
Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 77 Hari ke PRU13 – Senjata terakhir untuk menyelamatkan perikatan UMNO/BN daripada dihantar ke bangku Pembangkang ialah dengan mewujudkan perpecahan di dalam Pakatan Rakyat dengan memisahkan PAS dan DAP”

Pengiraan Detik 78 Hari ke PRU13 – UMNO/BN akan menghidangkan “Penipuan, penipuan dan banyak lagi penipuan” menjelang PRU13 tetapi rakyat Malaysia janganlah dialihkan perhatian daripada Isu Penting Reformasi dan Pembaharuan Nasional dalam PRU13

Tiada tanda penyesalan atau keinsafan pada pemimpin, propagandis dan media perdana UMNO/BN dalam menghujani parti-parti dan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dengan penipuan dan pembohongan, tanpa sedikit pun rasa hormat kepada kesengsaraan dan kesedihan keluarga yang berpunca daripada kesakitan dan kesukaran seperti yang terjadi pada Pengerusi DAP Sarawak dan Ahli Parlimen Sibu Wong Ho Leng, isterinya Irene Change dan lima anak mereka.

Benar-benar keji dan hina apabila walaupun Irene tidak pernah diwawancara atau merungut tentang parti dan pemimpin parti, namun sebuah kenyataan palsu telah diterbitkan kononnya mengatakan beliau bertindak menyelar parti dan pemimpin parti sebagai tidak berhati perut berkenaan rawatan “tumor otak” Ho Leng, malah mendakwa Ho Leng mengumpul RM10 juta belanja pilihan raya tetapi Cuma RM4 juta yang dibelanjakan sementara RM6 juta dirampas oleh DAP Sarawak dan ibupejabat DAP.

Seperti yang telah Ho Leng katakan berkenaan kenyataan yang palsu dan rekaan berkenaan Irene, “tiada satu ayat pun yang benar”, dakwaan RM10 juta itu pula sama seperti dakwaan tidak munasabah bahawa DAP membelanjakan RM1.3 juta untuk menghasilkan video klip Gangnam baru-baru ini, semuanya rekaan semata-mata.

UMNO/BN akan menghidangkan “Penipuan, penipuan dan banyak lagi penipuan” dengan menjelangnya PRU13 tetapi rakyat Malaysia, termasuklah pemimpin, ahli dan penyokong DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat, jangan dialih perhatian daripada Isu Penting Reformasi dan Pembaharuan Nasional dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13, memandangkan kini Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak sukar untuk menangguh lagi pilihan raya ke suatu waktu yang tidak pasti. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 78 Hari ke PRU13 – UMNO/BN akan menghidangkan “Penipuan, penipuan dan banyak lagi penipuan” menjelang PRU13 tetapi rakyat Malaysia janganlah dialihkan perhatian daripada Isu Penting Reformasi dan Pembaharuan Nasional dalam PRU13”

77-Day Countdown to 13GE – The last weapon to save UMNO/BN coalition from being sent to Opposition benches is to force a split in Pakatan Rakyat by driving apart PAS and DAP

The last weapon to save UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition from being sent to the Opposition benches in Parliament in the 13th general elections is to force a split in Pakatan Rakyat by driving apart PAS and DAP.

It is a reflection of the degree of desperation of UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and spin doctors about their prospects of retaining Putrajaya in the 13GE which is looming ever nearer that they have revealed their hand by publicly putting in black-and-white their hope and strategy.

One of the chief UMNO/BN media spin doctors yesterday postulated that “Pakatan parties may go own way”, on the ground that “With chances of capturing Putrajaya slim, Pas and DAP may want to just wrest the states they fancy”.

He fancied:

“IS there a case to be made that DAP and Pas may be privately ditching the idea of taking over Putrajaya and are preparing themselves to keep the spoils of March 2008 instead? Continue reading “77-Day Countdown to 13GE – The last weapon to save UMNO/BN coalition from being sent to Opposition benches is to force a split in Pakatan Rakyat by driving apart PAS and DAP”

78-Day Countdown to 13GE – UMNO/BN will dish out “Lies, lies and more lies” with approach of 13GE but Malaysians must not be distracted from the Big Issues of National Reform and Renewal in 13GE

There is no sense of remorse or contrition by UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and their mainstream mass media (MSM) at the deluge of lies, falsehoods and invectives directed at Pakatan Rakyat parties and leaders, without regard for the most basic human decencies to respect family sufferings and sorrows because of private pain and hardships as in the case of Sarawak DAP Chairman and MP for Sibu Wong Ho Leng, his wife Irene Chang and their five children.

It is really despicable and contemptible that although Irene never gave any interview or complained against the party or party leader, a totally false and fictitious account had been published quoting her as castigating the party and party leaders as “heartless” over Ho Leng’s “brain tumour” treatment, even claiming that Ho Leng collected RM10 million for election expenses but only RM4 million were spent while RM6 million were hijacked by DAP Sarawak and DAP Hq.

As Ho Leng has said about the totally false and fictitious account about Irene complaint, “there is not even one sentence in there which is true”, the RM10 million allegation like the equally preposterous claim that the DAP spent RM1.3 million to produce the recent Gangnam video, are complete fabrications.

UMNO/BN will dish out “Lies, lies and more lies” with approach of 13GE but Malaysians, including DAP and Pakatan Rakyat leaders, members and supporters, must not be distracted from the Big Issues of National Reform and Renewal in the 13th general elections, now that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has come up against the wall against any indefinite postponement of the polls. Continue reading “78-Day Countdown to 13GE – UMNO/BN will dish out “Lies, lies and more lies” with approach of 13GE but Malaysians must not be distracted from the Big Issues of National Reform and Renewal in 13GE”

Pengiraan Detik 79 Hari ke PRU13 – Ke dasar tanpa etika dan lubang mana lagi yang pemimpin UMNO/BN dan media perdana mereka akan gali sebelum PRU13?

Semalam, saya telah meminta agar diakhiri politik penipuan dan pembohongan menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13, yang akan diadakan paling lewat sekitar 156 hari lagi pada 27 Jun, akan tetapi dijangkakan akan berlangsung kurang daripada 70 hari.

Saya merujuk kepada kalahnya lidah rasmi UMNO, Utusan Malaysia di dalam saman fitnah, kali ini kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, mendapat teguran daripada Hakim V.T. Singham yang mendapati Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd dan ketua editornya Abdul Aziz Ishak bersalah merosakkan reputasi Anwar dan mendedahkan dirinya kepada cemuhan.

Di dalam penghakimannya, Singham menekankan bahawa wartawan dan editor perlu berhati-hati dengana apa yang mereka tulis supaya tidak memasukkan komen yang mungkin menimbulkan keraguan kepada seseorang.

Hakim berkata: “Akhbar sepatutnya tidak mempunyai kuasa yang lebih besar dalam menarik perhatian atau mengelirukan fikiran rakyat apabila dibandingkan dengan reputasi individu.

“Adalah penting bagi wartawan, editor dan penerbit mengambil langkah berhati-hati sebelum sebarang artikel yang cenderung merosakkan reputasi individu diterbitkan. Rencana sebarangan yang mengandungi sindiran atau tohmahan tanpa pengesahan hendaklah dielakkan.”

Akan tetapi nasihat hakim tidak mempunyai sebarang kesan kepada media perdana UMNO/BN dan begitu juga permintaan saya agar diakhiri segala politik penipuan dan pembohongan , terutamanya media perdana UMNO/Barisan Nasional sepatutnya memelihara peraturan dan etika kewartawanan dan berhenti menjadi “Akhbar Tipu”.

Ini ditunjukkan oleh satu lagi penipuan dan pembohongan melampau media perdana UMNO/BN hari ini – kali ini New Straits Times dan laporan palsunya bertajuk “Wife of ailing MP angry at DAP” (ms. 6) yang tidak lain hanyalah penipuan tanpa secubit pun kebenaran.

Memetik daripada satu lagi portal berita yang jahat, NST mendakwa Irene Chang, isteri kepada Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu dan Pengerusi DAP Sarawak Wong Ho Leng, “dikatakan mengkritik parti kerana gagal memberikan bantuan kewangan kepada suaminya, yang menghidap tumor otak” malahan memetiknya sebagai berkata “kepimpinan parti tidak berhati perut” dan memarahi Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 79 Hari ke PRU13 – Ke dasar tanpa etika dan lubang mana lagi yang pemimpin UMNO/BN dan media perdana mereka akan gali sebelum PRU13?”

79-Day Countdown to 13GE – What unethical depths and bottomless pits are going to be plumbed by UMNO/BN leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) before the 13GE?

Yesterday, I made a plea for an end to the politics of lies and falsehoods in the run-up to the 13th General Elections, which must be held latest in 156 days by June 27, but is expected to be held in less than 70 days.

I was referring to the latest defamation suit lost by UMNO mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia, this time to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, earning a rebuke by the judge, Justice V.T. Singham who found Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd and its chief editor Abdul Aziz Ishak as guilty of damaging Anwar’s reputation and exposing him to ridicule and scorn.

In his judgment, Singham stressed that journalists and editors should be careful with what they write so as not to include comment, which may impugn somebody.

The judge said: “The press should have no greater power in impressing or misleading the minds of the people when compared to the reputation of an individual.

“It is essential that journalists, editors and publishers should take great care before any article which tends to harm the reputation of an individual is published. Reckless articles that contain insinuation or imputation without verification are to be avoided.”

But the judge’s advice had no effect whatsoever on the UMNO/BN mainstream media and neither my plea for an end to the dishonest politics of lies and falsehoods, and in particular that the UMNO/Barisan Nasional mainstream media (MSM) should observe the most rudimentary canons of journalistic ethics and to stop being ‘Lies-Papers”.

This was shown by another egregious lie and falsehood by the UMNO/BN mainstream media today – this time by New Straits Times in its false report headlined “Wife of ailing MP angry at DAP”, (p.6) which was nothing but a pack of lies without an ounce of truth. Continue reading “79-Day Countdown to 13GE – What unethical depths and bottomless pits are going to be plumbed by UMNO/BN leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) before the 13GE?”

MCA’s irrelevance

— Jimmy Chua
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 08, 2013

JAN 8 — Really? On a day in which a good number of Malaysians were upset at the decree by the Selangor Sultan prohibiting non-Muslims from using the word “Allah”, the time warp Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) was engaging in nonsense.

Granted, the party is in a fight for its political life against DAP and can’t resist a point-scoring opportunity but surely, speaking up for non-Muslims is an important part of its remit. Surely, you show your relevance to Malaysians by speaking up on important issues.

No. It appears that the MCA of Chua Soi Lek and Liow Tiong Lai is incapable of anything substantial.

So, instead of making its position clear on the Sultan’s decree or at least adding some clarity to the issue, they chose to focus only on the DAP election fiasco. Continue reading “MCA’s irrelevance”

Pengiraan Detik 95 Hari ke PRU13 – Sekiranya Deepak membuat cuma 10% dakwaan terhadap pemimpin DAP/PR sepertimana yang dia lakukan terhadap Najib dan pemimpin UMNO/BN, dia mungkin kini sedang muncul dalam semua media perdana BN sejak enam minggu lalu dan bukannya digelapkan terus.

Sepanjang tiga hari lalu merupakan hari-hari yang sukar buat pemimpin, ahli dan penyokong DAP di dalam 47 tahun sejarah parti, kerana DAP telah memenuhi muka depan media perdana Barisan Nasional sejak dua hari lalu dan memenuhi semua siaran yang dikawal Barisan Nasional.

Berikut adalah tajuk berita muka depan yang lantang di dalam media perdana BN sejak dua hari lalu:

DAP silap kira undi? – Pengarah pilihan raya parti itu letak jawatan (Utusan Malaysia 5.1.13)

Drama DAP – Lagi persoal isu silap kira undi (Mingguan Malaysia 5.1.13)

DAP election FIASCO – Error raises doubts about party’s ability to rule country (New Straits Times 5.1.13)

‘Embarrassing glitch’ – (New Sunday Times 6.1.13)

Sandiwara DAP pujuk Melayu – Ambil masa tiga minggua akui kesilapan pemilihan CEC (Berita Harian 5.1.13)

Tindakan DAP ‘luar biasa’ – Pinda keputusan pemilihan janggal, timbul banyak persoalan: Muhyiddin (Berita Harian t6.1.13)

It doesn’t add up (Star 5.1.13)

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 95 Hari ke PRU13 – Sekiranya Deepak membuat cuma 10% dakwaan terhadap pemimpin DAP/PR sepertimana yang dia lakukan terhadap Najib dan pemimpin UMNO/BN, dia mungkin kini sedang muncul dalam semua media perdana BN sejak enam minggu lalu dan bukannya digelapkan terus.”

Pengiraan Detik 96 Hari ke PRU13 – Kejujuran dan rendah hati mestilah sentiasa menjadi kualiti pemimpin DAP sekiranya DAP mahu terus mendapat kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat Malaysia

Telah dibangkitkan persoalan bagaimana boleh berlakunya kesilapan “kiraan semula” yang begitu besar dan kesilapan di dalam pemilihan Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Pusat (CEC) DAP yang mana bilangan undi Zairil Khir Johari untuk pemilihan CEC DAP meningkat sebanyak 498 undi daripadas 305 undi kepada 803 seperti yang diumum kan pada 15 Disember 2012 (meletakkan beliau di tempat ke-20) sementara Vincent Wu Him Ven boleh bilangan undi jatuh sebanyak 533 undi daripada 1,202 undi kepada 669 undi seperti yang diumum kan pada 15 Disember 2012 (meletakkannya di tempat ke-26).

Kesilapan itu bagaimanapun bukan hasil daripada mana-mana kiraan undi, kerana undian Zairil dan Wu telah dikira dengan betul dan terjadual sebagai 803 undi dan 669 undi. Akan tetapi kesilapan itu adalah daripada ralat komputer yang menyebabkan jumlah undian untuk lapan calon terakhir (iaitu No. 61 – 68) dikeluarkan sama seperti undi calon-calon nombor 31 hingga 38, seperti berikut:

No Calon Jumlah Undi No Calon Jumlah Undi
38 NG WEI AIK 407 68 TAN BOON PENG 407

Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 96 Hari ke PRU13 – Kejujuran dan rendah hati mestilah sentiasa menjadi kualiti pemimpin DAP sekiranya DAP mahu terus mendapat kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat Malaysia”