Lawyers instructed to institute legal proceedings against Utusan Malaysia for recycling the lies of booklet “The Equity Report (CEC Election Fraud)” of fictitious “Father Augustus Chen”

I have instructed my lawyers to institute legal proceedings against Utusan Malaysia for recycling the defamatory lies of the booklet “The Equity Report (CEC Election Fraud)” of fictitious “Father Augustus Chen”.

In a statement on August 5, 2013, I said:

  • “Father Augustus Chen” who authored the booklet alleging irregularities in the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections last December was “a total figment of imagination of the Umno/BN ‘war-room psy-war’ campaign against the DAP before and after the 13th General Elections”;

  • The allegations of DAP election irregularities by the fictitious “Father Augustus Chan” in his booklet is a regurgitation of the many lies and baseless allegations which had been published in some 400 anti-DAP reports and write-ups in UMNO/BN controlled media since January, particularly in Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times;

  • The appearance of the booklet of lies by the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” in July was to provide a semblance of justification for UMNO/BN and the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to act against the DAP, enabling Umno/BN leaders and Cabinet Ministers to quote the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” as authority why action, such as invalidation of DAP CEC elections and even deregistration, should be taken against the DAP.

Continue reading “Lawyers instructed to institute legal proceedings against Utusan Malaysia for recycling the lies of booklet “The Equity Report (CEC Election Fraud)” of fictitious “Father Augustus Chen””

DAP facing life-and-death struggle with the widening of the battleground and opening of a third phase of the UMNO/BN “DDD” campaign to demonise and destroy DAP

DAP is facing a life-and-death struggle with the widening of the battleground and opening of the third phase of the UMNO/BN “DDD” campaign to demonise and destroy the DAP.

In the past several months, the Umno/BN “DDD” – “Demonise/Destroy DAP” – battalions of propagandists and cybertroopers had launched two phases of assault on the DAP, viz:

Firstly, the outrageous and preposterous allegation of the non-existent DAP-financed “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers with a budget from RM100 million to RM1 billion in past six years to demonise and character-assassinate Umno/BN leaders; and

Secondly, the baseless and malicious campaign about electoral fraud in DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections last December, culminating in the booklet of lies by the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” making two major allegations, namely “753 delegates (mostly Indians)” not notified of the DAP Congress and “543 phantom delegates (mostly from Penang)”, when both are complete lies and falsehoods.

In the two phases of the “DDD” campaign, the battalions of Umno/BN propagandists and cybertroopers had concocted and recycled hundreds of lies and falsehoods against the DAP especially in the Umno/BN media Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times. Continue reading “DAP facing life-and-death struggle with the widening of the battleground and opening of a third phase of the UMNO/BN “DDD” campaign to demonise and destroy DAP”

Today’s New Straits Times front-page report of lies about DAP CEC re-election signals a new phase of the DDD (Demonise/Destroy DAP) propaganda war with lies and falsehoods

The New Straits Times (NST) front-page report today on the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) re-election is a typical example of the mountain of DDD – “Demonise/Destroy DAP” – lies and falsehoods by Umno/Barisan Nasional media, culminating in the July appearance of the booklet of lies by the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen”, in the past seven months.

The lead paragraph of NST front-page report headlined “DAP finally agrees to hold fresh CEC polls” by S.K. Thanusha Devi reads:

“Kuala Lumpur: DAP yesterday conceded that it must hold fresh polls, after it was found to have disallowed 753 party members from attending its congress-cum-elections as delegates in December”.

This is not journalism but a downright blatant and bare-faced lie, for two reasons: Continue reading “Today’s New Straits Times front-page report of lies about DAP CEC re-election signals a new phase of the DDD (Demonise/Destroy DAP) propaganda war with lies and falsehoods”

DAP to hold fresh CEC elections

Media Statement by DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Gelugor, YB Karpal Singh, on 15.8.13:

Despite the strong legal position of the DAP that the directive of the Registrar of Societies that the party holds fresh CEC elections in that that directive does not have the sanctity or authority of law, in the larger interests of the party, and to avert deregistration of the party, the CEC resolved last night, to hold fresh CEC elections.

The DAP had made every effort to receive from the Registrar of Societies the reasons for his directive and the law upon which that directive had been based. In fact, DAP Secretary-General, Lim Guan Eng, as recent as a few days ago, sought to meet up with the Registrar of Societies to discuss the position but the Registrar of Societies declined to give him an appointment. To compound the position, the party’s repeated requests to the Registrar of Societies to be supplied with the complaints made against the party have been futile.

Under the circumstances, it is with regret, that as directed by the Registrar of Societies, the CEC of term 2008-2011 will meet up next Thursday to make the necessary preparations for the fresh CEC elections.

QED – “Father Augustus Chen” a sham, phantom and ghost and his booklet on DAP a tissue of lies and falsehoods

QED – “Father Augustus Chen” is a sham, phantom and ghost, and his booklet on the DAP “The Equity Report (CEC Election Fraud)” a tissue of lies and falsehoods.

The lies and falsehoods about “Father Augustus Chen” were so thick and free that he was even described as my one-time close associate and I had even been challenged to declare whether I still maintain a friendship with him.

The seven days given to “Father Augustus Chen” to surface to prove that he is not a phantom are past, and there is no ghost of a sign that there is such a person in Malaysia or on this earth.

“Father Augustus Chen” is a chimerical and fictitious creature of the fancies and fantasies of the Umno/BN “DDD” (Demonise/Destroy DAP) propagandists and cybertroopers to cram about one hundred lies about the DAP in a 12-page booklet as a culmination of a seven-month DDD campaign over the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections last December which had spawned a few hundred lies and falsehoods about the DAP in the UMNO/BN controlled media in the past seven months.
Continue reading “QED – “Father Augustus Chen” a sham, phantom and ghost and his booklet on DAP a tissue of lies and falsehoods”

Public Inquiry into DAP CEC elections will prove there has been mass production and regurgitation of hundreds of lies and falsehoods against DAP in the Umno/BN media, culminating in the booklet of lies by the fictitious Father Augustus Chen

Will the Registrar of Societies Director-General, Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman, agree to a public inquiry into the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections in Penang last December to establish that there are reasonable and acceptable grounds for his directive to the DAP for CEC re-election?

He should if the RoS DG believes in the accountability, transparency, good governance, the rule of law and the important concept that public officers should not abuse their powers or act arbitrarily and have a special duty at this stage of national development to ensure public confidence in the efficiency, independence, impartiality and professionalism of national institutions and the public service.

Already national institutions and the public service are facing the worst crisis of confidence in the nation’s history as their efficiency, independence, impartiality and professionalism have been subverted by blatant political interference by their political masters, causing them to be guilty of being very biased and selective in their decisions and actions, whether selective arrests, selective prosecutions and other forms of selective persecution and oppression.

Is public confidence in the national institutions and public service to suffer a “quantum” assault in the RoS case with regard to the DAP CEC elections last December, because the decision of the RoS DG is completely based on lies, falsehoods and deception? Continue reading “Public Inquiry into DAP CEC elections will prove there has been mass production and regurgitation of hundreds of lies and falsehoods against DAP in the Umno/BN media, culminating in the booklet of lies by the fictitious Father Augustus Chen”

RoS should not act arbitrarily but should give reasons why not satisfied with DAP CEC elections as DAP is prepared to have public inquiry to rebut all lies and false allegations

There are two days left in the seven days given for the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” who allegedly wrote the scurrilous and utterly false 16-page booklet “The Equity Report (CEC Election Fraud)” to surface and prove he is not a phantom.

Up to now, there are no indications that the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” could appear, as there is simply no such person not just in Malaysia but on this earth.

It is just impossible and unthinkable that there could be a genuine person who could allow his name to be used for a such a scurrilous publication but is afraid to step forward to identify himself!

Whoever steps forward to claim authorship of the scurrilous publication “The Equity Report” must not only be prepared to face multiple mega-defamation suits but criminal proceedings as well for the mountain of malicious lies in the booklet.

If the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” does not surface to prove that he is not a phantom, then the Umno/BN media which had maliciously used the scurrilous booklet as if its lies and falsehoods were gospel truth (despite its being an unlawful publication as it shows neither the printer or publisher as required by law) so as to continue to mount defamatory attacks against DAP and DAP leaders should expect mega defamation suits to be instituted against them.

But the more pertinent question is why the Registrar of Societies (RoS) Director-General is acting against the DAP in invalidating the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections and directing CEC re-elections solely on the lies and falsehoods in the booklet by the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen”?

Has the government of Malaysia, after 56 years and 13 general elections, degenerated into a governance by deception, lies and falsehoods? Continue reading “RoS should not act arbitrarily but should give reasons why not satisfied with DAP CEC elections as DAP is prepared to have public inquiry to rebut all lies and false allegations”

Fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” an evil genius who have packed some 100 lies and falsehoods in his 12-page DDD booklet

This is the second day of the week-long period I suggested to give the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” who allegedly wrote the booklet “The Equity Report (CEC Election Fraud)” which is used by UMNO/BN leaders and the Registrar of Societies (RoS) as authority to invalidate the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections last December to surface and prove he is not a phantom.

I have been told that there is no person by the name of Father Augustus in Malaysia, let alone Father Augustus Chen. But let us give the purported “Father Augustus Chen” the benefit of the doubt for the next five days for him to surface and prove that he is not a phantom.

I for one would like to meet the purported “Father Augustus Chen” or the person camouflaging as “Father Augustus Chen” as he is quite a genius, although an evil genius, for I do not think it is easy to find another person who could pack so many lies and falsehoods into a 12-page booklet, with each page crammed and brimming with lies and falsehoods.

There are easily some 100 lies and falsehoods in “Father Augustus Chen’s” DDD (Demonise/Destroy DAP) 12-page booklet, proving he is quite a “find” for the UMNO/BN “war-room psy-war” campaign against the DAP.
Continue reading “Fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” an evil genius who have packed some 100 lies and falsehoods in his 12-page DDD booklet”

Fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” given seven days to surface and prove he is not a phantom – failing which would RoS reconsider his decision?

I have said that “Father Augustus Chen” whose booklet “The Equity Report (CEC Election Fraud)” is used as authority by Umno/BN leaders and the Registrar of Societies to invalidate the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections last December is a fictitious figure and a total figment of imagination of the Umno/BN “war-room psy-war” campaign against the DAP before and after the 13th General Elections.

Today there is further confirmation that the lies and falsehoods about election irregularities in the DAP CEC elections last year has become fodder in the upcoming UMNO party elections when Utusan Malaysia reported that the UMNO MP for Kuala Pilah and Minister for Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Datuk Hasan Malek has confirmed that he would be contesting for the UMNO Supreme Council elections in October this year.

It was Hasan Malek who over the weekend quoted the fictitious figure “Father Augustus Chen” as authority for the decision by the Registrar of Societies director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman directing the DAP to hold CEC re-election.

Two dubious records are set here –firstly, it is the first time in the 56-year history of public law in Malaysia where Cabinet Ministers and public officials are depending on a fictitious character to justify their decision, and secondly, relying on a scurrilous publication which is no different from a “poison pen letter” which is published against the law as it does not carry the required identity of the printer and publisher.
Continue reading “Fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” given seven days to surface and prove he is not a phantom – failing which would RoS reconsider his decision?”

“Father Augustus Chen” is a total figment of imagination of the Umno/BN “war-room psy-war” campaign against DAP

The statement yesterday by the Minister for Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism and Umno MP for Kuala Pilah Hasan Malek quoting the fictitious figure “Father Augustus Chen” as authority for the decision by the Registrar of Societies director-general

Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman to direct DAP to hold re-elections for the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) has taken the Umno/BN conspiracy to invalidate the DAP CEC elections last December to the realm of the absolutely bizarre.

This is because “Father Augustus Chen”, who allegedly wrote a booklet alleging irregularities in the DAP party elections last year, is a total figment of imagination of the Umno/BN “war-room psy-war” campaign against the DAP before and after the 13th General Elections.

The allegations of DAP election irregularities by the fictitious “Father Augustus Chan” in his booklet is nothing more than a regurgitation of the many lies and baseless allegations which had been published in the some 400 anti-DAP reports and write-ups in the Umno/BN controlled media since January, particularly in Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times. Continue reading ““Father Augustus Chen” is a total figment of imagination of the Umno/BN “war-room psy-war” campaign against DAP”

DAP National Legal Bureau should comb through the over 200 Utusan reports targetting and character-assassinating DAP since January to file multiple defamation suits against the Umno newspaper

The DAP National Legal Bureau headed by DAP MP for Puchong Gobind Singh Deo should comb through the over 200 Utusan Malaysia reports and articles targetting and character-assassinating DAP since January to file multiple defamation suits against the Umno newspaper.

In these reports and articles, Utusan Malaysia have ad nauseum repeated lies and falsehoods against the DAP and DAP leaders, particularly over the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections at the DAP National Congress in Penang last December, in utter disregard of the basic canons of journalism with regard to ethics, honesty and truth.

This campaign directed by the Umno/BN “war room” to demonise and destroy the DAP reached its peak in April just before the 13th General Elections, and although its tempo slowed down immediately after the general elections in May, its momentum was accelerated in June and July, culminating in the directive by the Registrar of Societies to the DAP on CEC re-elections.

Although the Registrar of Societies did not give any reasons to the DAP for its directive on CEC re-elections, two false allegations had been prominently canvassed in the Utusan media offensive in the past six months to justify any RoS invalidation of the CEC elections last December:

  1. That 753 DAP delegates had not been notified of the DAP Congress and denied the right to vote for the new CEC.

  2. That there were 547 phantom delegates, primarily from Penang, who voted at the DAP Congress last December.

Continue reading “DAP National Legal Bureau should comb through the over 200 Utusan reports targetting and character-assassinating DAP since January to file multiple defamation suits against the Umno newspaper”

Umno/BN journalism reached new “heights” when lies become truths and fiction transmuted into fact

Malaysian journalism in Umno/BN country has reached new international “heights” where lies become truths and fiction transmuted into fact.

The Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia gave an illustration of this “transformation” of Malaysian journalism yesterday when its official commentary “Bisik-Bisik” by Awang Selamat, which is the pseudonym of the Umno-Utusan propaganda/psy war command centre, launched another attack on the DAP for its response to the Registrar of Societies asking for reasons for the RoS’ decision to direct the holding of DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) re-elections.

Awang Selamat commented:”Awang teringat desakan orang politik termasuk bekas orang DAP sendiri yang mahukan DAP mengadakan semula pemilihan CEC ekoran dakwaam berlaku penyelewengan dan manipulasi undi membabitkan 547 perwakilan.”

The lie of 547 phantom delegates at the Penang DAP Congress in Penang last December, with the even more ludicrous allegation that all the 547 ‘phantom’ DAP delegates came from Penang, is one of the despicable falsehoods concocted and conjured up by the Umno/BN psy-war journalists when there is no shred of evidence whatsoever, but which Umno/BN propagandists hope can be accepted as fact by gullible Malaysians by implementing the Goebble doctrine that if a lie is repeated a thousand times, it could become a fact.
Continue reading “Umno/BN journalism reached new “heights” when lies become truths and fiction transmuted into fact”

RoS should say so if the reason he wants DAP CEC re-election is because 753 DAP delegates had been denied their right to attend DAP congress last December so that the DAP can pin down and expose the lie

DAP and Malaysians are entitled to know the reasons why and under what powers the Registrar of Societies is directing the DAP to hold re-election of its Central Executive Committee (CEC), which was elected in the DAP Party Congress in Penang last December.

Is the Registrar of Societies (RoS) Director-General Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman directing the DAP to hold a re-election of its CEC because 753 DAP delegates had been denied their right to attend the DAP Congress in Penang last December, and if so, let him state it clearly so that the DAP can pin down and expose the lie.

For the past six months, the Umno/Barisan Nasional “war room” had invested vast resources, personnel and tens of millions of ringgit in a two-prong strategy to “demonise and destroy” DAP (the “DDD” campaign), namely spread the lie about the DAP funding the “Red Bean Army” with 3,000 cybertroopers and a budget from RM100 million to RM1 billion in the past six years to character-assassinate Umno/BN leaders; and secondly, to keep alive the canard about frauds in the DAP Congress CEC elections last December.

Both before and after the 13th general elections on May 5, 2013, there was a sustained campaign by UMNO/BN operatives for action by the RoS against the DAP, from demand for invalidation of the CEC polls to deregistration of DAP on grounds of irregularities, improprieties and frauds in the CEC election last December.

One main ground for such demand is the allegation that 753 DAP delegates had not been notified of the DAP Congress last December as required by the party constitution and that they had therefore been denied their right to attend the congress and vote for the CEC.

In fact, the “753” issue was also used to accuse the DAP of being anti-Indian on the ground that the overwhelming majority of the “753” delegates were Indians and this was why they were discriminated against and denied the right to attend the Congress and vote in the CEC elections. Continue reading “RoS should say so if the reason he wants DAP CEC re-election is because 753 DAP delegates had been denied their right to attend DAP congress last December so that the DAP can pin down and expose the lie”

For Sakmongkol AK47, Malaysia’s future lies beyond just Umno

by Jennifer Gomez
The Malaysian Insider
July 31, 2013

Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz does an admirable job of selling the DAP.

He marvels at the way 38 of his party men won their parliamentary seats with sparse resources; he calls his colleagues the most well-prepared team in the House; he says that he feels nothing but comfort with this group who fight for good government and good governance.

“They are committed and dedicated, and I never feel infringed or overwhelmed by the Chinese nature of DAP. I feel very comfortable being in their environment and they have never stopped me from speaking out about Malay issues,” Mohd Ariff told The Malaysian Insider in an interview.

Now comes the hard part for the former Umno state assemblyman who contested and won the Raub parliamentary seat in the white of DAP: help the party officials convince more Malays across the country that the party of Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Lim Guan Eng are not the ogres or threat to their political power as sketched by Umno leaders, most recently former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“We have to destroy the myth that DAP is bad for the Malays. We are not out to grab political power despite what Mahathir is asserting.

“Even if all the Chinese were to unite under one banner, it is mathematically impossible, they would only form 24 percent, and Mahathir knows this,” said the ardent blogger who goes with the nom de guerre Sakmongkol AK47. Continue reading “For Sakmongkol AK47, Malaysia’s future lies beyond just Umno”

ROS director-general’s groundless comment clearest sign that UMN0/BN government may be preparing a Hari Raya surprise – deregistration of DAP on completely baseless and frivolous grounds

The Star report today “Don’t harbour false hopes” quoting the ROS director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman is the clearest sign that the UMNO/BN government may be preparing a Hari Raya surprise – the deregistration of DAP on completely baseless and frivolous grounds.

The Star report is studded with false and groundless premises showing that the ROS director-general is acting in a completely improper, unfair and unprofessional manner not in keeping with the efficient, impartial and independent discharge of his public duties.

How can the ROS director-general comment on a completely fictitious scenario which is a total concoction or figment of imagination of the Umno/BN propagandists, cybertroopers and their agents, as if it is a fact?

The Star report headlined “Don’t harbour false hopes” states:

‘Don’t harbour false hopes’

PETALING JAYA: DAP members have been told not to harbour hopes of forming a new party if the Registrar of Societies (ROS) decides to de-register it.

ROS director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said they would not likely entertain requests to set up a new party.

“They can apply. But the right to approve is with the ROS. We did not even entertain 29 applications to set up new parties submitted over the last five years,” he said yesterday.

He was asked to comment on the move by DAP members to look into establishing a new political party if de-registration was inevitable following complaints of election fraud in the DAP’s central executive committee (CEC) election in December.

The notion of forming a new party if the DAP is deregistered had never been raised or entertained by anyone in the DAP, whether leadership or membership, as there is no plausible ground for the deregistration of the DAP. Continue reading “ROS director-general’s groundless comment clearest sign that UMN0/BN government may be preparing a Hari Raya surprise – deregistration of DAP on completely baseless and frivolous grounds”

Those in whose name we fight and in whose name we betray

By Sakmongkol AK47 |JULY 20, 2013
LATEST UPDATE: JULY 20, 2013 08:43 AM

Tajudin Rahman, currently a deputy minister was never known for niceness. He has always come across as crude, arrogant and condescending. The nearest term that can best describe him as a person is hubristic. That comes from the word hubris (pronounced hew-bris. It means extreme pride or arrogance and comes as a result of an overestimation of one’s own competence or capabilities. Especially when the person demonstrating these qualities is in power. Hubris is also associated with a person having a tunnel vision believing in only his rendition and explanation of things.

That is how Tajudin Rahman approached the Kuala Besut by election- in an arrogant and hubristic manner. DAP is not contesting in Kuala Besut and the core support group of the DAP- the Chinese is hardly present in Kuala Besut. Its almost 99% Malay. It’s a downtrodden extended village that has suffered or has been marginalized during uninterrupted Umno rule at the federal level. The conditions in which the majority Besut Malays find themselves in today is the result of Umno’s handiwork.
Continue reading “Those in whose name we fight and in whose name we betray”

Launch on “Water Ubah” in Penang in keeping with Malaysian Dream to have a united nation where Malaysians regard themselves as one people despite diversity of race, religion, culture and region

The launch of “Water Ubah” in Penang this morning is in keeping with the Malaysian Dream to have a united nation where Malaysians regard themselves as one people despite the diversity of race, religion, culture and region in the country.

In fact, some 50 years ago, on July 9, 1963, the Malaysian nation was conceived when the Federated Malaya, North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore signed the Malaysia Agreement which gave birth to the new Malaysian federation two months later, and this is why the presence of the DAP Iban Central Executive Committee member Dr. John Brian at the ceremony today is particularly pertinent apart from the fact that the Ubah mascot is inspired by the hornbill in Sarawak.

Credit must be given to Ooi Leng Hang, the “father of Ubah” and his team of creative artists and publicists in conceiving the Ubah mascot for “Change” and capturing the imagination of all generations of Malaysians, regardless of time, place, age or gender.

As signified by the launch of the “Water Ubah” today, we must have the conviction and courage to continue to dream of a better Malaysia for ourselves, our children and children’s children, and to do our part to create a Malaysia:

• which is the model of democratic freedoms and human rights, good governance and public integrity with low levels of corruption in public life;

• where there is the best education for all children, from primary, secondary to university level; and

• which is greener, cleaner and safer, where the people are not haunted by high crime rate and live in fear of crime, so that Malaysia and Malaysians can be internationally competitive with the focus on our competitiveness with the rest of the world instead of Malaysians versus Malaysians. Continue reading “Launch on “Water Ubah” in Penang in keeping with Malaysian Dream to have a united nation where Malaysians regard themselves as one people despite diversity of race, religion, culture and region”

Guan Eng apologises for no Q and A session

by Susan Loone
Jul 5, 2013

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng did the honourable and a rare thing for him – apologise for the suspension of the question and answer session at the current legislative assembly sitting.

Lim said the occurrence was a “mistake” and could have been avoided.

He added that the state has decided to appoint executive councillor Jagdeep Singh Deo to oversee matters in the assembly, to ensure there would be no repeat of such a situation.

“I was shocked and could not accept the excuse of lack of time to suspend the session,” said Lim while wrapping up the debate of thanks to the Governor for his speech on Tuesday. Continue reading “Guan Eng apologises for no Q and A session”

No Red Bean Army ‘command centre’ seen in DAP visit

By Jarni Blakkarly | 11:46AM Jul 4, 2013

A visit last night to the so-called command centre of the ‘Red Bean Army’ of cybertroopers that Malay daily Utusan Malaysia said are paid at least RM100 million to work for the DAP showed no evidence of such a centre in operation.

The 10pm visit to the centre at a four-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur was organised by DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, who wanted to put to rest the allegation against the party.

Lim led a team of party leaders and members of the media to the hotel in the heart of Kuala Lumpur and straight away went to the hotel’s restaurant to hold a press conference to rebut the claim made by the Umno-owned daily.

Soon after May 5 general election, BN leaders and Utusan claimed that DAP had spent between RM100 million and RM1 billion to fund a Red Bean Army of cybertroopers to attack the BN and the government in cyberspace, and named Concorde Hotel as one of its bases.

Among the DAP leaders present last night were vice-president and Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen, national publicity secretary and Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua and treasurer and Bukit Bintang MP Fong Kui Loon.
Continue reading “No Red Bean Army ‘command centre’ seen in DAP visit”

Fictitious tale of DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers being kept alive testimony of power and influence of vested interests who want RM350 million allocation whether from UMNO or public funds to pay UMNO/BN cybertroopers for next five years

I am tickled no end by news report today that the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Shahidan Kassim would raise in the Cabinet on Friday the proposal for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the allegation that DAP funded the “Red Bean Army” cybertroopers during the 13GE to demonise UMNO/BN leaders and supporters.

Shahidan revealed this at a media conference at the Parliament lobby after receiving a memorandum from 130 Malay-Muslim NGOs on the fictitious DAP-funded “Red Bean Army”, which had purportedly 300 to 3,000 cybertroopers with a budget of RM100 million to RM1 billion in the past six years to demonise and character-assassinate UMNO/BN leaders on the cyberspace, and which is credited as a major cause for the defeat of UMNO/BN in the social media war and their 13GE setbacks.

I do not believe that any UMNO/BN leader of minimum intelligence would believe in the tall tale of the DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers with a budget ranging from RM100 million to RM1 billion.

It is now more evident than ever that the so-called DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” is a concoction of a well-funded UMNO/BN conspiracy to demonise and destroy the DAP (the DDD Brigade) which is controlled from the inner sanctum of the 13GE Umno/BN “War Room”, and the ability to keep alive the fictitious tale of the DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” is testimony of the power and influence of vested interests who want RM350 million allocation whether from UMNO or public funds to pay for UMNO/BN cybertroopers for the next five years. Continue reading “Fictitious tale of DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers being kept alive testimony of power and influence of vested interests who want RM350 million allocation whether from UMNO or public funds to pay UMNO/BN cybertroopers for next five years”