Konvensyen DAP Negeri dalam tempoh beberapa minggu akan datang perlu menyampaikan satu mesej jelas kepada semua rakyat Malaysia –bahawa pemimpin DAP di peringkat negeri bersama-sama pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia

Selepas Kongres Khas DAP yang diadakan pada 29 September 2013 untuk memilih semula barisan pimpinan DAP kebangsaan, pemilihan agung Umno pada bulan Oktober, dan Muktamar PAS ke-59 minggu lalu yang telah berjaya mengadakan pemilihan untuk barisan pimpinan PAS bagi tempoh dua tahun ke depan, perhatian kini beralih semula kepada DAP.

Bermula hujung minggu ini, Konvensyen DAP Negeri akan memilih barisan pimpinan baru untuk DAP di peringkat negeri – dan selari dengan itu para konspirator Umno/BN telah mula bekerja lebih masa untuk memburuk-burukkan para pemimpin DAP dan berusaha memecah-belahkan parti ini dan juga Pakatan Rakyat secara umum.

Para konspirator Umno/BN menerusi media bercetak dan Internet telah gagal untuk menghancurkan Pakatan Rakyat dan parti-parti komponennya, iaitu DAP, PAS, dan PKR, sebelum, semasa, dan sepanjang setengah tahun selepas PRU13. Kesempatan yang baik ini perlu diambil oleh para perwakilan Konvensyen DAP Negeri yang akan diadakan sepanjang beberapa minggu akan datang untuk bersatu padu di belakang barisan pimpinan DAP kebangsaan bagi menyampaikan satu mesej yang jelas kepada Umno/Barisan Nasional dan juga semua rakyat Malaysia.

Mesej jelas yang perlu disampaikan ialah bahawa DAP di semua peringkat dalam negara berdiri teguh di belakang pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan dua lagi rakan kongsi Pakatan Rakyat, iaitu PAS dan PKR, untuk menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia – sebuah Malaysia untuk semua warga tanpa mengira latar kaum, agama, kelas, atau negeri; sebuah Malaysia yang di dalamnya demokrasi, tadbir urus, dan keadilan sosioekonomi berkembang dengan baik bagi membolehkan setiap warga Malaysia mencapai sepenuhnya potensi mereka demi kebaikan bersama semua rakyat dan demi keagungan negara.

Saya telah sebutkan kelmarin bahawa ketiga-tiga parti DAP, PAS, dan PKR telah mendapat faedah daripada kerjasama dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
Continue reading “Konvensyen DAP Negeri dalam tempoh beberapa minggu akan datang perlu menyampaikan satu mesej jelas kepada semua rakyat Malaysia –bahawa pemimpin DAP di peringkat negeri bersama-sama pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia”

Call on all DAP State Conventions in coming weeks to send out one clear message to Malaysians – one with DAP national leadership and Pakatan Rakyat parties to conquer Putrajaya in 14GE to achieve Malaysian Dream

After the DAP Special Congress on September 29, 2013 to re-elect the DAP national leadership, the UMNO national elections in October and the 59th PAS Muktamar last weekend to elect the PAS leadership for the next two years, the national focus for the coming weeks will be back on the DAP.

Beginning this weekend, most of the DAP State Conventions will be electing the new DAP State leaderships – and true to form, the Umno/BN plotters and conspirators are already working overtime to demonise the DAP leaders to cause maximum dissension, division and damage to the DAP in particular and Pakatan Rakyat in general.

But just as the UMNO/BN plotters and conspirators, through their media, printed and Internet, had failed in their sinister design to destroy Pakatan Rakyat and the component parties of DAP, PAS and PKR, whether before, during and in the half-year after the 13th General Elections, DAP delegates to the DAP State Conventions in the coming weeks must mobilise to rally behind the national DAP leadership to send out one clear and unmistakable message not only to Umno/Barisan Nasional but also to all Malaysians.

This clear and unmistakable message all DAP State Conventions in the coming weeks should send out to all Malaysians is that the DAP at all levels in the country are one with the DAP national leadership and the other Pakatan Rakyat partners, PAS and PKR, to conquer Putrajaya in the 14GE to achieve the Malaysian Dream – a Malaysia for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, class or region where democracy, good governance and socio-economic justice could flourish to allow every Malaysian to achieve his or her fullest potential for the collective good and greatness of the nation.
Continue reading “Call on all DAP State Conventions in coming weeks to send out one clear message to Malaysians – one with DAP national leadership and Pakatan Rakyat parties to conquer Putrajaya in 14GE to achieve Malaysian Dream”

Dr Dzul: Sokongan Melayu kepada DAP meningkat, PKR, PAS menurun

Oleh Mohd Farhan Darwis
The Malaysian Insider
November 24, 2013

PKR menerima penurunan tertinggi sokongan masyarakat Melayu.PKR menerima penurunan tertinggi sokongan masyarakat Melayu.Sokongan masyarakat Melayu kepada DAP ketika Pilihan Raya Umum 2013 (PRU13) meningkat, namun sokongan etnik berkenaan terhadap rakan komponen Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang lain mengalami penurunan, kata Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.

Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja (AJK) PAS Pusat itu ketika membentangkan dapatan itu di Muktamar Tahunan PAS ke-59 PAS berkata, PKR menerima penurunan tertinggi sokongan masyarakat Melayu, iaitu sebanyak 7%, dan sokongan Melayu terhadap PAS turut menurun 2%.

DAP bagaimanapun menerima peningkatan sokongan sebanyak 2%.

“Bagaimanapun, sokongan masyarakat Melayu terhadap PAS meningkat di Terengganu dan Johor,” kata bekas ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor itu di Stadium Malawati, Shah Alam hari ini. Continue reading “Dr Dzul: Sokongan Melayu kepada DAP meningkat, PKR, PAS menurun”

Keep faith with the Malaysian Dream – the ration d’etre of the DAP for 47 years

Nearly half a century ago, a band of Malaysians came together and despite considerable difficulties and obstacles, succeeded on March 18, 1966 to register the Democratic Action Party (DAP) as a new political party to rally and mobilise Malaysians behind our call for a Malaysian Malaysia.

Transcending ethnic, religious and socio-economic differences, this band of idealistic Malaysians, regardless of whether Malays, Chinese or Indians, shared a common vision and Malaysian Dream – a Malaysia for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, class or region where democracy, good governance and socio-economic justice could flourish to allow every Malaysian to achieve his or her fullest potential for the collective good and greatness of the nation.

In the past 47 years, DAP had traversed a long political road, with many DAP leaders and stalwarts tested to the limits of their convictions undergoing many trials and tribulations.

While many had fallen by the wayside, the party had kept faith and stayed true of our founding principles of freedom, justice, solidarity, integrity and good governance. Continue reading “Keep faith with the Malaysian Dream – the ration d’etre of the DAP for 47 years”

Why is it always about race, asks Lim Guan Eng

by Looi Sue-Chern
The Malaysian Insider
November 11, 2013

Lim Guan Eng slammed former information minister Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin today for turning his criticisms of Felda buying an expensive hotel in London into a racial issue.

The Penang Chief Minister accused Zainuddin of playing the race card when the latter did not address the issue at hand.

“The problem with Umno is when they cannot give an explanation, they go back to racism. They can’t answer the two important questions I had asked.
Continue reading “Why is it always about race, asks Lim Guan Eng”

Mahathir vs Kit Siang – no penance for old men

Nov 10, 2013

YOURSAY ‘This is a classic case of David vs Goliath. Mahathir had everything at his disposal to get rid of Lim.’

‘Mahathir wants me dead, but I want him to live’

Slumdog: DAP leader Lim Kit Siang, you are a true statesman and you always conduct yourself with dignity and decency, qualities that former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad does not possess.

Your eloquence in rebutting whatever Mahathir dishes out to you is said with decorum and intelligence. This is in contrast to Mahathir’s usual vile and sarcastic manner in which he attacks his political foes.

The legacy that Mahathir leaves behind with not be cherished by the majority of the rakyat but he will be remembered with much disdain.

Swipenter: This is a classic case of David vs Goliath. Mahathir had everything at his disposal to get rid of Lim. He tried but did not succeed just like he tried to kill off his then deputy Anwar Ibrahim.

Slowly but surely Lim is getting the respect and admiration of Malaysians for standing up to Mahathir and Mahathirism whereas the latter is receiving the opposite from Malaysians. Continue reading “Mahathir vs Kit Siang – no penance for old men”

In Dr M vs Lim it’s advantage, Kit Siang

Terence Netto
Nov 9, 2013

COMMENT The latest round of skirmishing between Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Lim Kt Siang testify to the enduring nature of some political vendettas.

It appears ageing politicians don’t easily forget their resentment of some opponents; they just nurse it to higher degrees of virulence.

Former prime minister Mahathir has often displayed a visceral antagonism towards DAP adviser Kit Siang, one that goes beyond the usual bounds of political rivalry and contention.

From the time they first jousted in Parliament in the 1970s, through the 22 years of Mahathir’s premiership (1981-2003), and continuing into the post-Mahathir era, the Umno stalwart and the DAP strongman have traded blows in one of Malaysian politics’ more enduring examples of loathing.

An examination of this antagonism would find that Mahathir had more often than not been the initiator of hostilities. Continue reading “In Dr M vs Lim it’s advantage, Kit Siang”

Jaga-jaga, ada usaha untuk hancurkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat. Karpal tidak menyeru supaya batalkan pendaftaran PAS.

Semua orang mesti berjaga-jaga memandangkan ada pihak yang sedang cuba merosakkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat.

Terbaru ialah dakwaan bahawa Pengerusi Kebangsaan DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelurgor, Karpal Singh mahu pendaftaran PAS dibatalkan.

Saya telah bercakap dengan Karpal dan beliau telah menjelaskan bahawa beliau tidak langsung menyeru supaya pendaftaran PAS dibatalkan.

Beliau mengkritik Persatuan Peguam Persatuan Peguam Peguam Muslim Malaysia (PPMM) kerana mengugut Majlis Peguam lantaran sokongan yang diberikan badan tersebut terhadap akhbar mingguan Katolik, Herald; sambil menekankan bahawa demi kepentingan perpaduan nasional, badan-badan politik atau preofesional tidak wajar beroperasi dalam kerangka perkauman atau keagamaan.

Rakyat Malaysia yang rasional dan patriotik kian bertambah runsing dengan melonjaknya kadar retorika perkauman, kurangnya toleransi agama serta kebencian di negara ini. Kerisauan sebegini tidak wajar dibiar terpinggir dan diputarbelitkan dengan dakwaan-dakwaan tidak berasas kononnya Karpal mahu PAS dibatalkan pendaftarannya.
Continue reading “Jaga-jaga, ada usaha untuk hancurkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat. Karpal tidak menyeru supaya batalkan pendaftaran PAS.”

Beware of people trying to wreck unity of Pakatan Rakyat as Karpal did not call for the deregistration of PAS

All should beware of people trying to wreck the unity of Pakatan Rakyat.

The latest is the allegation that DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh wants PAS to be deregistered.

I spoke to Karpal and he made it clear that he did not call for the deregistration of PAS.

He was criticising the Muslim Lawyers’ Association (MLA) for threatening the Bar Council over its support for Catholic weekly Herald, stressing that in the interests of national unity, political or professional bodies should not operate along racial and religious lines.

Rational and patriotic Malaysians have been increasingly concerned by the escalation of the rhetoric of racial and religious intolerance and hatred in the country, and this concern should not be allowed to be sidelined and distorted by baseless allegations like Karpal calling for the deregistration of PAS. Continue reading “Beware of people trying to wreck unity of Pakatan Rakyat as Karpal did not call for the deregistration of PAS”

Happy Deepavali? DAP MP and SA prevented by MIC from entering Deepavali bazaar

by K Siladass

On the eve of Deepavali (1st November 2013), Member of Parliament for Kluang, Liew Chin Tong; State Assemblyman for Mengkibol, Tan Hong Pin and I, along with several others decided to take a stroll along Jalan Station, Kluang to see the stalls set up to peddle Deepavali wares.

At the entrance of the row of stalls, a group of men holding out to be MIC officials stopped Chin Tong and Hong Pin from entering on the ground that they had organised the stalls and that they, as the purported organisers, were not given notice of Chin Tong and Hong Pin arriving there.

Chin Tong politely pointed out that it was a public road and he could walk. The men refused to yield and spoke aggressively whilst claiming that it was an MIC organised event. Continue reading “Happy Deepavali? DAP MP and SA prevented by MIC from entering Deepavali bazaar”

DAP bigwigs come together in bid to help PAS retain seat

by Md Izwan and Musliza Mustafa
The Malaysian Insider
November 03, 2013

PAS roped in its Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners to organise a dinner last night to meet Chinese voters in the Sungai Limau constituency, which goes to the ballot tomorrow.

Called Super Saturday, the event was attended by top DAP leaders including Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Zairil Khir Johari, as well as PAS’s Datuk Mahfuz Omar, Mohamad Sabu, Dr Hatta Ramli and its candidate Mohd Azam Abdul Samat.

Kit Siang in his speech urged the 1,000 Chinese voters who attended the function to help the Islamic party win with a bigger majority,

“This time, let us create history by securing the seat with a bigger majority through our candidate from PAS Ustaz Azam,“ he said.

Dr Hatta, who is PAS election director, described the event as one of friendship between the PR component parties. Continue reading “DAP bigwigs come together in bid to help PAS retain seat”

The DAP Malay and Islam

Sakmongkol AK47
Friday, 25 October 2013

I said these things:

I agree to Islamic laws as long as they do not contradict our present constitution. 2) I agree to the bigger agenda of Islamic law of establishing a state founded on the principle of the rule of law. 3. I will not object if the laws do not tyrannize others not of Muslim faith.

How are these objectionable? These are the things I said in response to questions asked by a reporter.

To Muslim conservatives, if these views cannot be pigeonholed into specific categories, it is because of my own shortcomings. To secular politicians if they appear alarmingly Islamist, the fright is unnecessary.

Let me offer a more sophisticated explanation.

There seem to be misplaced furore and confusion over statements attributed to me on the implementation of Islamic laws. As I see statements going around especially from people remote from what actually transpired and the absurd and the manic responses arising thereafter, I am now convinced that in general, there is a morbid and irrational fear about anything said in relation to Islam and Islamic laws. Perhaps this morbidity and irrationality and regrettably manic disposition stem from years of self-induced personal bigotry. But perhaps also because Muslims have themselves to blame for so much negativity about them. But that is another subject matter. Continue reading “The DAP Malay and Islam”

What Utusan doesn’t know about DAP

Liew Chin Tong
DAP MP for Kluang
The Malaysian Insider
October 08, 2013

Falsehoods and pseudo-logic are being fed to Utusan Malaysia readers and the TV3 audience just to prevent the Malays from truly understanding the DAP. Here are some of the things that Umno, Utusan and TV3 ought to know about DAP.

First, is Umno’s electoral system superior to DAP’s?

It is comical to see Utusan and TV3’s recent tirade against DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng for not winning the top spot in the re-election of its central executive committee and why I, being the candidate who received the highest number of votes, should be handed the secretary-general’s post immediately.

Underlying this is the notion that DAP’s party electoral system is faulty and undemocratic. Systems that are dissimilar to Umno’s are not necessarily faulty. Each type of electoral system comes with its own reasoning which requires deeper analysis. Continue reading “What Utusan doesn’t know about DAP”

Of running dogs, misunderstanding and proving the phrase

The Malaysian Insider
October 07, 2013

The police are looking into five reports against DAP publicity chief Tony Pua for calling the Registrar of Societies and Utusan Malaysia Umno’s running dogs.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin reportedly said they want to decide whether Pua should be investigated under criminal law or the Sedition Act.

This is where it gets farcical. Why investigate a man for calling someone else a lackey?

Do the police, Utusan Malaysia, the five groups that lodged the reports or even Umno understand what running dogs even means? It’s an English translation of the Mandarin word that refers to lackeys or lapdogs. Continue reading “Of running dogs, misunderstanding and proving the phrase”

Soi Lek stays silent as party roiled by sacking of former port chief

By Ida Lim
The Malay Mail Online
October 4, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek refused last night to confirm or deny reports that former port boss Datuk Lee Hwa Beng had been sacked from MCA for inviting DAP political foe Lim Kit Siang to the launch of his whistleblowing book on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

Last night the MCA president ran the gauntlet of reporters who had door-stopped him after an event in Petaling Jaya, and stayed silent amid a barrage of questions thrown at him over the reported sacking of Lee.

Lee, who was last week elected to be a national delegate to the Chinese party’s polls later this year, had taken to Twitter to broadcast his sacking earlier yesterday afternoon while the MCA central committee was holding a news conference.

“Just heard @drchuaSL just sacked me as an MCA member. Am honored as he see me as a threat once I was voted in as a national delegate,” the former Port Klang Authority (PKA) chairman wrote on his Twitter account @hwabeng.

“Was told I was sacked as MCA member 4 inviting @limkitsiang 2 launch my PKFZ bk.But why now?Must b when I was elected a nat delegate last wk,” he added in a series of tweets in reply to a bombardment of questions.

However, when contacted by The Malay Mail Online over the phone, Lee said there was “no letter, no notice” informing him of the sacking.

He declined to comment further until he found out the reason behind his sacking from the political party. Continue reading “Soi Lek stays silent as party roiled by sacking of former port chief”

Memugar sokongan di negeri Melayu

A Shukur Harun
The Malaysian Insider
October 01, 2013

Kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng bahawa sokongan pengundi Melayu kepada Umno/BN dalam PRU yang lalu telah merosot di empat negeri, memberi makna yang besar kepada dinamika politik negara ini di masa depan.

Dalam ucapannya di Kongres Khas Kebangsaan DAP bagi pemilihan semula pucuk pimpinan parti itu di Petaling Jaya kelmarin, Lim menyatakan bahawa sokongan undi Melayu kepada Umno/BN telah merosot, iaitu lebih dari 3% di Terengganu dan Perlis sementara 1% di Pahang dan Pulau Pinang.

Ini berlaku, kata Lim, walaupun Umno/BN mempunyai sumber kewangan yang banyak, mengawal media, meniupkan semangat perkauman dan lain-lain, tetapi undinya tetap merosot.

Kenyataannya ini yang tentunya datang dari hasil kajian partinya membuktikan bahawa politik di negara ini sangat dinamik sifatnya. Ia tidak statis atau beku, tetapi pantas berubah. Oleh itu, siapapun, baik pemimpin dan pendukung parti politik dalam Pakatan Rakyat serta individu yang berminat politik memikirkan dinamika politik ini.

Walaupun perubahan di empat negeri itu kecil saja kelihatannya seperti yang disebut oleh Lim, tetapi sudah ada “gegaran” di kalangan pengundi Melayu walaupun bersekala kecil. Boleh jadi dalam PRU akan datang, “gegaran” itu akan bertambah besar. Continue reading “Memugar sokongan di negeri Melayu”

Audit finds Registrar of Societies failing in duties

Auditor-General’s 2012 Report (16)
by Koh Jun Lin
Oct 2, 2013

AUDIT REPORT In contrast with the crackdown on DAP by the Registrar of Societies’ (ROS), the Auditor-General’s Report 2012 has found that enforcement by the ROS lacking.

Among others, a check on its files kept in its Putrajaya, Penang, Johor and Pahang has shown that 90 societies have not submitted any report to the ROS, but no notice was issued against them.

This includes files of 17 of the 31 political parties included in the Putrajaya audit, and that of 150 non-political organisations from the three states. Continue reading “Audit finds Registrar of Societies failing in duties”

EC must call for GE13 re-election

– Richard Loh
The Malaysian Insider
September 30, 2013

Which is more important and critical in a democratic nation, a general election or a political party election?

From what we observed in this nation, political party like Umno and its component Barisan Nasional parties have been postponing their party elections due to an impending general election hovering between last quarter of 2011 to 2013. This indicates that the general election is more important and critical that overrides any matters in a political party.

The overwhelming perception is that the laws of this nation can be manipulated, misrepresented and realigned to suit those in power. As they are only perceptions, we will not take them as face value and assume that no one is above the law and those in power are acting accordingly and abide by the law.

“RoS acted on the complaints of several disgruntled members who claimed the December election was not properly conducted after the party announced that a tabulation glitch had resulted in the wrong candidate being elected to the central executive committee.” reported by The Malaysian Insider

Accordingly, the Registrar of Societies (RoS) must have investigated the matter and came to the conclusion that DAP must hold a re-election. Their conclusion is not transparent without providing what exactly DAP has done wrong to insist that they hold a re-election but just base on complaints from a handful of members and an unverified anonymous handbook. Continue reading “EC must call for GE13 re-election”

DAP elections: Status quo for top leaders, more votes for Zairil

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid
The Malay Mail Online
September 29, 2013

PETALING JAYA, Sept 29 — DAP delegates sent a clear message to the Registrar of Societies (RoS) by re-electing the same 20 people as the ones chosen in the ‘illegal’ party council polls held last year.

Compelled to re-hold elections by the regulatory body, the opposition party’s grassroots voted in the same central executive committee (CEC) lineup that made the cut in the party’s December polls, which the RoS later declared illegal.

Many more of the 2,000-plus delegates who qualified to vote also chose to cast their ballot for the sole Malay representative on the committee, Zairil Khir Johari, pushing his ranking from the bottom rung in December to 12th spot this time around.

The young politician garnered 1,132 votes or 329 more than the 803 votes in the December 15 party leadership election last year.

“I’d like to congratulate those elected and those who cast their votes because they endorsed the decision made by last year’s congress and they elected the same lineup,” party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng told a press conference after holding a brief meeting with the newly elected lineup here. Continue reading “DAP elections: Status quo for top leaders, more votes for Zairil”

Post-polls, an air of vindication in DAP

by Nigel Aw and Koh Jun Lin
Sep 29, 2013

As DAP retained the exact 20-member central executive committee (CEC) line-up from the last election, it was apparent that delegates were determined to send a signal to the Registrar of Societies (ROS) that had created a host of problems for the party.

There was a sense of vindication among DAP delegates after the election results were announced this evening – that there was absolutely no manipulation of its CEC election held last December.

“Basically, it is a slap in the face of the ROS,” a delegate from Selangor told Malaysiakini.

The drama over the CEC election began in January after DAP admitted that there was a tabulation error resulting in Zairil Khir Johari being wrongfully excluded from the CEC. Continue reading “Post-polls, an air of vindication in DAP”