Guan Eng on the road ahead for Malaysia

Mariam Mokhtar
Free Malaysia Today
July 18, 2015

Lim Guan Eng shares his thoughts about the state of the country, the death of Pakatan Rakyat and the Opposition chances in the next GE.

Lim Guan Eng, the chief minister of Penang, was in London recently but took time-off from his busy schedule to meet some Malaysians and share his thoughts on a variety of issues. These ranged from the Malaysian mess to Malay votes, the economy to the end of Pakatan Rakyat, and the challenges of Sarawak, to his choice of a cell-mate. Here is a condensed account of that interview.

1.“Malaysia is in a mess.” What solution does DAP have to take Malaysia out of its predicament?

Malaysia is not in a mess, but in a state of crisis. We have a challenging year ahead and we must not lose hope and faith. Our economy is tanking because of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), and the ringgit is dropping. Our leaders are not saving the economy but are only saving themselves.

The first step will be a change of leadership. To get to the root of the crisis, Najib Abdul Razak must take a leave of absence. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the Bank Negara Governor, and Inspector-General of Police (IGP) are all under the authority of the prime minister, so they are unable to conduct an independent and neutral investigation of their own boss.

We cannot continue without change. In the short-term Najib must go on leave. In the long term, there must be free and fresh elections, so that a new, clean and legitimate government can be elected. Continue reading “Guan Eng on the road ahead for Malaysia”

YB Lim Guan Eng in conversation

Farouk A. Peru
The Malaysian Insider
17 July 2015

Two weeks in a row of top DAP men (the first being Zairil Khir Johari) would be too much for any writer, I think. Especially a writer on a 20-hour long fast each day.

Fortunately, last Sunday’s weather was rather cool. The rain made it very much more acceptable. But let’s face it, I would have made it to this talk even if the weather was Saudi Arabian hot! It was not often London enjoyed the presence of DAP’s secretary-general as well as the Chief Minister of Penang, YB Lim Guan Eng.

I had been generously granted an interview with Lim after today’s main event – his conversation with my friend and compadre, Mariam Mokhtar.

Mariam has been known to fire off some difficult questions so I hope Lim would not be too shell-shocked to answer my own questions later.
Monsoons Book Club (MBC) efficiently organised this event as they did Zairil’s the week before. Although only six months old, the MBC have organised very thought-provoking talks to stir up deep political debates for overseas Malaysians.

Mariam began by asking Lim to comment on the former deputy prime minister, Tun Musa Hitam’s remark to her that Malaysia was in a mess. Lim went further by saying that it was not just in a mess but in a crisis. Continue reading “YB Lim Guan Eng in conversation”

Get used to us, opposition tells Umno in Pasir Gudang after fracas

by Shufiyan Shukur
The Malaysian Insider
16 July 2015

Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) have to get used to the opposition’s presence in Pasir Gudang, Johor, said DAP and PKR politicians who were recently on the receiving end of harassment by people said to be Umno members.

DAP and PKR leaders today returned to the “hornet’s nest” of Taman Megah Ria in Pasir Gudang to distribute Hari Raya hampers to the needy, and were blocked at one point by a disgruntled bystander.

This was near the scene of a fracas on July 5, which saw several opposition politicians roughed up while attending a DAP event called “Forum Kedai Kopi”.

The bystander today took exception to PKR members who were carrying party flags near Pasar Borneo and tried to block their way as they were walking towards a coffee shop to hold a press conference. Continue reading “Get used to us, opposition tells Umno in Pasir Gudang after fracas”

Ex-PAS man chides party over vote-splitting plan

By Terence Netto
Jul 16, 2015

PAS would be doing a ‘childish thing’ if the party decides to field candidates from its supporters’ wing against the DAP in the next general election.

This intention was broached by the Islamic party’s Election Director Mustafa Ali in the course of remarks made to a web news portal on the DAP and the new political entity being set up by PAS progressives who were routed in internal elections at the party’s muktamar held last month.

Hu Pang Chow, a founding member of the Dewan Himpunan Penyokong PAS (DHPP), said PAS should instead engage in public debates with the DAP over its vision of Malaysia rather than choose to split the votes for the opposition by fielding candidates against established opposition political parties.

“Engage in public debates with the DAP, outline your vision of a new Malaysia,” was the advice to PAS offered by Hu, who was chairman of DHPP from its inauguration in 2004 until 2010. Continue reading “Ex-PAS man chides party over vote-splitting plan”

DAP nation-wide must be prepared for three-cornered contests, both parliamentary and state assembly, in the next general elections

With the demise of Pakatan Rakyat as a result of the PAS Muktamar resolution on June 3, 2015, DAP nation-wide must be prepared for three-cornered contests, both parliamentary and state assembly, in the next general elections.

DAP will co-operate with all progressive political parties and forces, including PKR and the progressive PAS leaders who are in the process of forming a new political party, to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state because of rampant corruption, socio-economic injustices and collapse of good governance so as to re-set the country on the correct course towards an united, harmonious, ethical, democratic, just, progressive and prosperous Malaysia.

I feel sad at the demise of Pakatan Rakyat after seven years of a common political struggle based on the Pakatan Rakyat Common Policy Framework (CPF) and the operational consensus principle that any PR decision must be based on the consensus of the three component parties, but when the PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi repeatedly violated the PR CPF and the PR consensus principle, even ignoring the decision of the previous PAS Central Committee, followed by the PAS Muktmar resolution to sever ties between PAS and DAP, we must accept the unmistakable signs that the PR had died. Continue reading “DAP nation-wide must be prepared for three-cornered contests, both parliamentary and state assembly, in the next general elections”

Malaysian politics are dirty and polluted enough without Mustafa having to leap into the swamp with lies and falsehoods to demonise and character-assassinate PAS progressives

(Scroll down for English text)

Politik Malaysia sudah pun kotor dan tercemar tanpa perlu Mustafa Ali melompat masuk ke dalam lubuk politik ini dengan pembohongan dan fitnah untuk memburukkan serta membunuh wibawa Progresif PAS yang masih lagi bersamanya sebagai rakan seperjuangan PAS

Dua hari lalu, saya terkejut apabila Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, telah meniru suara propagandis dan tentera maya UMNO dengan menuduh DAP sebagai “cauvinis” semata-mata kerana DAP menuntut dihidupkan kembali pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan, yang sememangnya terkandung dalam Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat Nasional dan Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat Selangor dalam pilihanraya umum ke-13 yang lalu.

Hadi seolah-olah tidak tahu bahawa pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan wujud di Indonesia, Turki dan Iran. Tak kanlah Hadi nak menuduh Presiden Jokowi dari Indonesia, Presiden Erdogan (Turki) dan bekas Presiden Ahmadinejad (Iran) adalah “komunis” dan “cauvinis” kerana mereka melaksanakan pilihanraya tempatan?

Hari ini saya terkejut apabila seorang lagi pemimpin kanan PAS, bekas Setiausaha Agungnya Datuk Mustafa Ali yang turut meniru suara propagandis dan tentera maya UMNO kononnya parti baru yang akan ditubuhkan oleh kumpulan progresif PAS bakal menghadapi masalah kerana ia adalah proksi DAP, dan dengan itu, orang Melayu tidak akan percaya kepada parti itu.

Sedangkan Mustafa sendiri telah mengakui bahawa label “proksi DAP” ini telah digunakan terhadap PAS apabila PAS bekerjasama dengan DAP dalam Pakatan Rakyat.

Adakah PAS pernah menjadi proksi DAP? Adakah ia menjadi sebab mengapa PAS sukar mendapat sokongan orang Melayu? Continue reading “Malaysian politics are dirty and polluted enough without Mustafa having to leap into the swamp with lies and falsehoods to demonise and character-assassinate PAS progressives”

DAP welcomes like-minded Malays and Muslims to join the DAP in furtherance of the nationalist and patriotic cause to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state because of rampant corruption, injustices and collapse of good governance

DAP welcomes like-minded Malays and Muslims to join the party in pursuit of the nationalist and patriotic cause to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state because of rampant corruption, injustices and collapse of good governance.

DAP is not a non-Malay or non-Muslim political party and we must not allow ourselves to be locked into non-Malay and non-Muslim areas and spheres of activities in the country, as the DAP had right from the beginning of our formation some five decades ago in 1966 espoused the Malaysian Dream to advocate justice, freedom and human dignity for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.

This is why the DAP had always presented a multi-racial slate of candidates for parliamentary and state assembly constituencies in general elections from the very first general election contested by the DAP in 1969.

In Perak, DAP had elected five Malay state assemblymen into the Perak State Assembly from the 1969 to 1990 general elections – Ibrahim Singgeh (Tapah Road – 1969) followed by Daing Ibrahim bin Othman (Pasir Puteh – 1974), Salleh Nakhoda Hitam, (Guntong – 1974 & 1978), Fadzlan Yahya (Pasir Bedamar 1982 & 1986) and Asri Othman (Dermawan – 1990). Continue reading “DAP welcomes like-minded Malays and Muslims to join the DAP in furtherance of the nationalist and patriotic cause to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state because of rampant corruption, injustices and collapse of good governance”

Why is Hadi parroting the line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers accusing the DAP of being “chauvinist” in wanting to have local government elections?

PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is quoted as calling the DAP “chauvinist” for trying to restore local council elections in his press conference inBatu Pahat on Sunday.

I am amazed as to why the head of a political party which rivals UMNO is parroting the line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers who had been accusing the DAP of being “chauvinistic” in wanting to have local government elections, as one would expect more originality and even creativity from Hadi!

I am particularly surprised by Hadi’s charge of “chauvinism”, after he and PAS leaders had asked for DAP agreement after the 13th General Election that Hadi should be seated at the second Opposition seat next to the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, although PAS parliamentary representation was the smallest with 21 MPs as compared to DAP’s 38 and PKR’s 30.

However, without hesitation, I consented to the arrangement for Hadi to be seated in the second Parliamentary seat for Pakatan Rakyat benches, which would not be the case if DAP is “chauvinistic” as Hadi is now charging, as we would then be subjecting all considerations to the question of racial interest.

However, I had no qualms in immediately agreeing to the PAS request for Hadi to be seated in the second Opposition front-bench seat in Parliament although PAS had the least number of MPs among the three Pakatan Rakyat parties, for we in the DAP are always prepared to rise above self and party interests if this would serve the larger purpose of promoting the Pakatan Rakyat cause of bringing about political change in Malaysia towards restoring freedom, justice, human rights and dignity and save Malaysia from becoming a failed state because of rampant corruption, injustices and collapse of good governance.

It is to say the least, an “unkind cut” that after securing the second seating in Parliament by pleading the cause of ‘face” for the Malay ground and among PAS members, for Hadi to turn around and accuse me and DAP of being “chauvinist”. Continue reading “Why is Hadi parroting the line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers accusing the DAP of being “chauvinist” in wanting to have local government elections?”

DAP, NGOs fight the monsoon clock to raise RM2.5m for Kuala Krai flood victims

The Malay Mail Online
Saturday July 11, 2015
11:28 PM GMT+8

he DAP organised a fundraising dinner July 11, 2015 for its Gabungan Impian Kelantan project aiming to build 40 new homes for the village of Guchil whose occupants were displaced by last year’s floods.

The DAP organised a fundraising dinner July 11, 2015 for its Gabungan Impian Kelantan project aiming to build 40 new homes for the village of Guchil whose occupants were displaced by last year’s floods. — Pix by Choo Choy May

KUALA LUMPUR, July 11 — With just four months to go before the northeast monsoon hits Malaysia’s east coast, DAP and several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are in a race against time to raise the RM2.5 million needed to rebuild homes for villagers in Kuala Krai who were badly hit by last year’s floods.

In the first phase of their campaign, dubbed the Gabungan Impian Kelantan, the participating parties hope to build 40 new homes for the village of Guchil whose occupants were displaced last year when muddy waters hit the state.
Continue reading “DAP, NGOs fight the monsoon clock to raise RM2.5m for Kuala Krai flood victims”

DAP has made progress in ‘Malay-nisation’

By Kow Gah Chie and Adrian Wong | 9:29AM Jul 9, 2015

INTERVIEW In the attempts to get rid of its Chinese-based party label, DAP’s pro-Malay approach has caused some anxiety among certain members who feel the party may gone overboard for the ‘hypercorrection’.

To this, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang said he wasn’t aware the party was now being perceived as pushing too hard towards being a Malay-friendly party.
Continue reading “DAP has made progress in ‘Malay-nisation’”

DAP’s door open to all Malays who share the Malaysian Dream of an united, inclusive, progressive, just and prosperous Malaysia for all Malaysians

(Scroll down for English text)

Pintu DAP terbuka untuk semua orang Melayu yang mahu kepada Impian Malaysia yang bercita-cita untuk mewujudkan Malaysia yang bersatu, inklusif, progresif, adil dan makmur untuk semua rakyat Malaysia

DAP mempunyai lebih ramai Ahli Parlimen dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dari kaum India berbanding dengan MIC – sama ada pada hari ini atau pada tahun 1969 apabila DAP bertanding pilihanraya umum buat kali pertama.

Selepas PRU13, DAP mempunyai enam Ahli Parlimen dan 13 ADUN dari kaum India mewakili Pulau Pinang, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor dan Pahang.

Sebaliknya, MIC hanya mempunyai empat Ahli Parlimen dan lima ADUN walaupun tiada siapa akan tahu berapa ramai lagi Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN MIC yang akan tinggal selepas krisis dalaman yang sedang dialami oleh parti itu sekarang.

Tetapi DAP bukan parti kaum India. Continue reading “DAP’s door open to all Malays who share the Malaysian Dream of an united, inclusive, progressive, just and prosperous Malaysia for all Malaysians”

Door for PAS still open, says Kit Siang

By Kow Gah Chie and Adrian Wong | 8:31AM Jul 7, 2015

INTERVIEW While DAP may have repeatedly proclaimed that Pakatan Rakyat is “dead”, the party does not rule out the possibility of teaming up with PAS in the future.

Asked whether DAP and PAS would form an alliance, for their fourth time, in the next general election, veteran DAP leader Lim Kit Siang said it was a possibility.
Continue reading “Door for PAS still open, says Kit Siang”

An evening with Zairil

Farouk A. Peru
The Malaysian Insider
8 July 2015

London has a thriving scene of Malaysian political activism. I began taking notice of it a few years ago when Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to win over the London crowd.
Since then, much has changed. The Pakatan Rakyat (PR) which was just a newborn back has now met a timely demise.

However, I have to express admiration for DAP which is still going strong. They retained Penang in the 13th general election and have now weathered the breakup of PR.

Last Sunday, I steeled myself for a ride on the London underground to attend a talk by Zairil Khir Johari.

For those of you who don’t know, riding on the tube during hot London summers is like almost like a taking shower! Continue reading “An evening with Zairil”

DAP “egosentrik”? Benarkah begitu wahai anak muda?

3 Julai 2015

Sekalung tahniah untuk sekumpulan 146 aktivis politik yang menggelar diri sebagai Anak Muda atas keberanian menyuarakan keinginan mereka kepada sebuah kerajaan alternatif.

Pada masa yang sama, mungkin kerana salah faham atau kurang maklumat, ada yang membuat generalisasi bahawa “Anak muda berasa mual melihat parti-parti yang kononnya berpakat, tetapi gagal mengurus egosentrik lantas memberi talian hayat kepada Kerajaan minoriti Barisan Nasional”.

Sebenarnya ayat lazim seperti ini tidak akan membantu kepada penyelesaian masalah. “Mual”, “egosentrik”, “talian hayat” kepada musuh politik adalah antara kata-kata yang penuh dengan pelbagai telahan negatif.

Tuduhan seperti itu sama seperti sikap seorang guru sekolah yang menyangka dirinya adil dengan menghukum kedua-dua pembuli dan mangsa yang dibuli tanpa sebarang siasatan. Continue reading “DAP “egosentrik”? Benarkah begitu wahai anak muda?”

Pak Samad hopes Ambiga will join DAP, too

By Yap Jia Hee and Radzi Razak | 9:15AM Jul 4, 2015

DAP latest star recruit, national laureate A Samad Said is of the opinion that his former co-chair in electoral watchdog Bersih 2.0 Ambiga Sreenevasan and student leader Adam Adli Abdul Halim could do more in politics after having served for many years in the civil society.

“I welcome her (Ambiga). She is very good. She is very knowledgeable, so I hope she joins DAP.

“I hope Adam too will join DAP as will most of the student leaders because I think they can contribute more […] to the young generation,” he told Malaysiakini in an interview last Saturday.
Continue reading “Pak Samad hopes Ambiga will join DAP, too”

Pak Samad pens bold new chapter in politics

By Yap Jia Hee & Radzi Razak | 9:38AM Jul 3, 2015

Pak Samad pens bold new chapter in politics

The sight of A Samad Said – a slight figure with snow white long hair and beard, clad in his signature white – addressing thousands of protesters at rallies is nothing short of inspiring,

It would not be an exaggeration to say that many – especially young people from all ethnic backgrounds – think of him as a living legend. He also has another nickname – Gandalf – a nod to the wise wizard in white from author JRR Tolkien’s masterpiece Lord of the Rings.
Continue reading “Pak Samad pens bold new chapter in politics”

What WILL break the camel’s back?

Hussein Hamid

Scandal after scandal but still the ruling party and its leaders continue to hold control over us. What make Malaysians wake up to the rot that is now all around them?

Last week saw the Mara Dudley House corruption story break in Melbourne and the arrest of Xavier Justo Andre in Bangkok. As in all things Malaysian, however tenuous and fragile the link, all things lead back to the Prime Minister Najib Razak – and rightly so.

The troubles that beset Najib’s administration are self inflicted. They are not caused by Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar Ibrahim, not by Lim Kit Siang or by Hadi Awang. Nor were the Chinese or the Christians responsible.

The state of the global economy can be labelled a contributing factor only because in good times corruption and bad governance by inept politicians can be ignored or simply papered over as the rakyat’s attention can be distracted by the feel good spending by the government on projects that seemingly benefit the public.

But at a time when money is a premium and the lack of it is already being felt by those most in need of it – the millions being lost through capers such as the Mara Dudley House purchase and the 1MDB stretches the ability of the rakyat to tolerate anymore what Barisan Nasional is doing in the name of government.

The question is without doubt more pressing when the ailing opposition Pakatan Rakyat is in no position to offer a credible alternative. Continue reading “What WILL break the camel’s back?”

A new RM17.8 bil twist in 1MDB ‘guarantee’

JUNE 29, 2015


Tony Pua and 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) are in dispute over whether there’s a government guarantee or not over US$4.71 bil (RM17.8 bil) IPIC loans to the latter. But taking off the semantics and just maintaining the meaning shows Pua is clearly right.

Latest developments at self-styled strategic development company 1MDB indicates yet again that it is not fully forthcoming on the problems that are affecting it, in this case a loan and guarantee arrangement between 1MDB and Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) and its subsidiary Aabar Investments PJS involving US$4.5 billion (RM17 billion).

MP Tony Pua first highlighted this referring to a London Stock Exchange (LSE) statement by IPIC on changes to its debt settlement arrangements with IPIC. Presumably, since IPIC is an international borrower whose debts are listed on the LSE, it had to make those disclosures to the exchange.

That IPIC statement clearly sets out obligations under the debt settlement agreement. Essentially, the terms covered were as follows:

*on 4 June 2015, IPIC provided US$1 billion to 1MDB for it to immediately settle some liabilities. On the same day IPIC assumed obligations to pay (on an interim basis) all interest due under two IPIC guaranteed 1MDB financings amounting to US$3.5 billion.

*by 30 June 2016, about a year from now, IPIC is to have received a transfer of assets representing the RM1 billion cash payment, the US$3.5 billion debt and any debt forgiveness.

*Upon the completion of the transfer of assets, IPIC will directly assume liability for all payment obligations under the US$3.5 billion debt and forgive certain financial obligations of the 1MDB Group to the IPIC Group.

*Finally, 1MDB and MOF (Ministry of Finance) have agreed to perform the obligations in the binding term sheet and to indemnify IPIC and Aabar for any non-performance, and vice versa. IPIC has met the US1 billion cash payment and will meet the interim interest payments under the US$3.5 billion debt from existing liquidity available.

From the fourth condition, it emerged clearly that the MOF now also assumes liability together with 1MDB for transferring the necessary assets to IPIC. Continue reading “A new RM17.8 bil twist in 1MDB ‘guarantee’”

Malay youths deny joining DAP to champion race

The Malaysian Insider
29 June 2015

Malay Subang DAP Socialist Youth (Dapsy) leaders have denied that they joined the party to champion their own race, saying instead that they fought for all Malaysians regardless o‎f their background.

They said they chose DAP because they were tired of race-based politics, and they believed a multiracial party was the best platform to ensure that democracy thrived in the country.

“In contrast to the allegations that we joined DAP to fight for Malay rights, we actually joined DAP because we are tired of hearing and seeing our country’s politics revolve around championing a certain race.

“‎We joined DAP not to alleviate our race’s leadership, but to raise the leadership of the rakyat. Not to fight for our race’s rights, but the rights of every rakyat as enshrined in the Federal Constitution,” they said in a statement.

The statement was signed by Subang Dapsy chief E‎dry Faizal Eddy Yusof‎,‎ Subang Dapsy vice-chief Young Syefura Othman, Subang Dapsy treasurer Tarmizi Anuwar and Subang Dapsy publicity chief Numan Saadan. Continue reading “Malay youths deny joining DAP to champion race”


A. Samad Said

Jalan bersama Waibi Kit Siang
di Pasir Tumboh di suatu petang
cepat terimbas papan dan paku,
palang jendela dan ensel pintu.

Petang sejarah langit yang lusuh
waktu unggas menghindari ribut,
gema guruh di ufuk nan jauh
mengerdip kisah banjir yang kalut.

Di Pasir Tumboh letih dan mengah
mereka julang panji maruah
sementara pondok dipulihkan
watikah qalbu pun dimasyurkan. Continue reading “LAGU PASIR”