Pengajaran daripada kes Zacharevic untuk pihak berkuasa – semakin besar tekanan diberikan oleh pihak berkuasa tanpa sebab yang munasabah, semakin panas reaksi orang ramai

Keratan gambar grafiti “jenayah tinggi” oleh seniman jalanan kelahiran Lithuania Ernest Zacharevic kini bukan saja boleh dilihat di Johor Baru malah juga di beberapa tempat lain dalam negara ini.

Menurut laporan, keratan berkenaan mula muncul di Kuala Lumpur dan Rawang dan tidak lama lagi ia tentu boleh dilihat di seluruh negara.

Ini pengajaran buat semua pihak berkuasa – semakin besar tekanan diberikan oleh pihak berkuasa tanpa sebab yang munasabah, semakin panas reaksi orang ramai.

Zacharevic boleh berterimakasih kepada beberapa pihak berkuasa, khususnya Majlis Bandaraya Johor Baru dan Kerajaan Negeri Johor kerana berkat tindakan mereka ke atas mural “jenayah tinggi” beliau di JB, namanya masyhur bukan hanya di JB, Johor, dan Malaysia, malah juga di peringkat dunia dalam zaman maklumat yang memungkinkan sesuatu berita disebarkan dengan cepat dalam dunia tanpa batas.
Continue reading “Pengajaran daripada kes Zacharevic untuk pihak berkuasa – semakin besar tekanan diberikan oleh pihak berkuasa tanpa sebab yang munasabah, semakin panas reaksi orang ramai”

The Zacharevic lesson all those in authority must learn – the greater the unreasonable pressure by those in power, the greater the righteous reaction by the public

The cut-out figures of the graffiti by Lithuanian-born street artist Ernest Zacharevic on “high crime” are not just a feature in Johor Baru but are being plastered in other parts of the country.

It is reported that such cut-outs are appearing in Kuala Lumpur and Rawang and very soon, undoubtedly, will be sighted all over the country.

This is a Zacharevic lesson that all those in authority must learn – that the greater the unreasonable pressure by those in power, the greater the righteous reaction by the public.

Zacharevic has the various authorities, in particular the Johor Baru City Council (MBJB) and the Johore State Government to thank for the fame he has acquired for his “high crime in JB” mural, not only in JB, Johore and in Malaysia and even world-wide in this information age of instant communication in a borderless world.
Continue reading “The Zacharevic lesson all those in authority must learn – the greater the unreasonable pressure by those in power, the greater the righteous reaction by the public”

MB Johor perlu menasihatkan MBJB untuk berhenti melakukan serkap jarang dan berhenti mengganggu para penyewa dan pemilik yang mempamerkan keratan gambar grafiti Zacharevic

Menteri Besar Johor Datuk Mohamed Khaled Nordin pada hari Ahad lalu menyebut bahawa jika wartawan bertanya lebih awal kepada beliau, nasib mural “jenayah tinggi” seniman kelahiran Lithuania Ernest Zacharevic di Johor Baru mungkin berbeza, kerana tiada guna bercakap tentang mural tersebut sekarang memandangkan ia telah dipadamkan oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan Johor Baru.

Kenyataan itu amat menghairankan, memandangkan mural jalanan Zacharevic telah menjadi bahan berita dalam negara selama hampir seminggu dan malah mendapat liputan media antarabangsa sebelum ia dipadamkan oleh para pekerja majlis bandaraya JB.

Khaled mungkin satu-satunya pegawai kerajaan dalam Johor yang tidak menyedari adanya kontroversi tentang mural jalanan “jenayah tinggi” Zacharevic di Johor Baru selama seminggu sebelum ia dipadamkan oleh para pekerja majlis bandaraya JB.

Apakah ini mungkin, memandangkan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri DAP bagi Johor Jaya Lio Cai Tong telah menyentuh tentang isu mural tersebut dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Johor sewaktu beliau membahaskan belanjawan negeri Johor 2014 dan beliau malah telah mengusulkan supaya perbahasan dibuat tentang grafiti Zacha itu sebelum ia dipadamkan oleh para pekerja majlis bandaraya JB?
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Pihak berkuasa berkenaan di JB tidak sepatutnya berdiam diri tetapi sebaliknya perlu memanfaatkan kontroversi mural “jenayah Tinggi Zachas untuk melancarkan inisiatif baru bagi menghapuskan reputasi JB sebagai pusat jenayah negara

Sesuatu yang menyedihkan dan tragis apabila “kreativiti luar biasa” digunakan untuk menghilangkan sengat mural “jenayah tinggi” yang dibuat oleh seniman jalanan kelahiran Lithuania Ernest Zacharevic di Johor Bahru sedangkan tiada tanda-tanda pihak berkuasa berkenaan – Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru, Polis dan Kerajaan Negeri Johor – mula mengambil langkah untuk memanfaatkan peningkatan kesedaran orang awam sejak seminggu lalu tentang kadar jenayah yang amat tinggi di JB bagi melancarkan inisiatif baru untuk menghapuskan reputasi bandar itu sebagai pusat jenayah negara.

Dua seniman tempatan telah berhempas-pulas sepanjang malam untuk menambah imej seorang pegawai polis Lego yang memegang sepasang gari ke atas mural kontroversial itu – menampilkan seorang lelaki Lego memakai topeng sambil memegang pisau, menunggu untuk merompak seorang wanita Lego yang sedang menjinjit beg “Chanel”. Zacharevic menafikan dirinya mempunyai kaitan dengan penambahan tersebut apabila beliau mengulas menerusi Facebook tentang penambahan tersebut sebagai “vandalisme sebenar”.

Urutan keutamaan pihak berkuasa sama sekali salah apabila ia menyalurkan tenaga mencari jalan untuk menghilangkan “sengat” mural “jenayah tinggi” Zachas di JB dengan pelbagai idea kreatif bagi membolehkan mural yang “menghina” itu terus boleh dilihat di JB, sedangkan yang paling kita harapkan ialah agar pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan yang bermakna dan berkesan untuk memastikan JB menjadi bandaraya rendah kadar jenayah dan selamat untuk penduduknya, pelawat dan pelabur.
Continue reading “Pihak berkuasa berkenaan di JB tidak sepatutnya berdiam diri tetapi sebaliknya perlu memanfaatkan kontroversi mural “jenayah Tinggi Zachas untuk melancarkan inisiatif baru bagi menghapuskan reputasi JB sebagai pusat jenayah negara”

Mural “jenayah tinggi” Zachas patut dikekalkan sebagai cabaran untuk pihak berkuasa menjadikan JB bandar rendah jenayah dan sebagai testimoni bahawa kadar jenayah yang tinggi di JB “hanya tinggal dalam lipatan sejarah”

Sejak beberapa hari lalu, pihak berkuasa di Johor Bahru, termasuk Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru, Polis, dan kerajaan negeri Johor terganggu dengan salah satu dari tiga mural yang dibuat oleh seniman jalanan bertaraf antarabangsa kelahiran Ernest Zacharevic yang menonjolkan isu kadar jenayah yang tinggi dalam bandaraya tersebut.

Bandaraya Johor Bahru dan penduduknya akan meraih faedah lebih besar jika tenaga yang mereka gunakan untuk berdebat tentang apa yang perlu dilakukan terhadap mural jenayah tinggi di JB disalurkan ke arah mengurangkan kadar jenayah dalam ibu bandar Johor itu.

Mural “jenayah tinggi” Zachas tidak perlu dihapuskan, sebaliknya ia patut dikekalkan sebagai cabaran untuk pihak berkuasa menjadikan JB bandar rendah jenayah dan sebagai testimoni bahawa kadar jenayah yang tinggi di JB “hanya tinggal dalam lipatan sejarah”.

Satu-satunya cara untuk menghilangkan ‘sengatan’ mural jenayah tinggi Zachas itu ialah dengan menghapuskan reputasi JB sebagai pusat jenayah negara sehingga mural Zachas itu boleh dianggap sebagai tanda kejayaan transformasi Johor Bahru menjadi sebuah bandaraya selamat.

Gambaran yang terdapat pada mural Zachas tidak akan menyengat jika kadar jenayah di bandaraya itu tidak tinggi.
Continue reading “Mural “jenayah tinggi” Zachas patut dikekalkan sebagai cabaran untuk pihak berkuasa menjadikan JB bandar rendah jenayah dan sebagai testimoni bahawa kadar jenayah yang tinggi di JB “hanya tinggal dalam lipatan sejarah””

Registration Department staff from Putrajaya nabbed in police bust on IC syndicate in Miri

by Desmond Davidson
The Malaysian Insider
November 18, 2013

A National Registration Department (NRD) assistant officer was among dozens arrested by police in Miri as authorities smashed the state’s biggest syndicate behind the falsifying of MyKads and birth certificates.

The 57-year-old officer, attached to the NRD office in Putrajaya, is one of the key players in the syndicate, said Sarawak police commissioner Datuk Wira Mohammad Sabtu Osman.

Mohammad said there could be more arrests as police investigation widens.

“We will be hunting members of the syndicate that have escaped arrests,” Mohammad told a press conference today.

Mohammad said police made the arrests on November 16 after a week of surveillance at a residential estate in Desa Pujut in the Kuala Baram district. Continue reading “Registration Department staff from Putrajaya nabbed in police bust on IC syndicate in Miri”

Johor MB Khaled should advise MBJB to end its “wild goose chase” and stop harassing tenants and landowners over cut-outs of Zacharevic wall graffiti which gives “vandalism” a good name

Johore Mentri Besar Datuk Mohamed Khaled Nordin said on Sunday that things might have turned out differently about street artist Lithuanian-born Ernest Zacharevic’s “high crime” street mural in Johor Baru if he had been asked the question by the press earlier, but the issue had become academic as the mural had been wiped out by the Johor Baru local authority.

This is a most extraordinary statement, considering that Zacharevic’s street mural had dominated not only Johor but national headlines for almost a week, and even hitting international coverage, before it was “white-washed” by JB city council workers.

Khaled must be the only potentate in Johor State blissfully unaware of the boiling controversy over Zacharevic’s “high crime” street mural in Johor Baru in the week before it was white-washed by JB council workers.

Could this be true, when DAP State Assemblywoman for Johor Jaya, Liow Cai Tong had even spoken on the subject in the Johor State Assembly during her debate on the 2014 Johor state budget and even tried to move an emergency debate on Zacha’s wall graffiti before it was “white-washed” by the JB council workers?
Continue reading “Johor MB Khaled should advise MBJB to end its “wild goose chase” and stop harassing tenants and landowners over cut-outs of Zacharevic wall graffiti which gives “vandalism” a good name”

Kit Siang questions how Ambank guard got MyKad

Hemananthani Sivanandam
The Sun Daily
18 November 2013

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 18, 2013): Gelang Patah DAP MP Lim Kit Siang today questioned how the security guard in the AmBank officer murder case received a MyKad which enabled him to work in the bank.

Lim said it is rather disturbing on how the suspect, who is a Sulawesi native, managed to circumvent the country’s security system in securing a MyKad.

“How can this person get a MyKad, and even if the MyKad is fake, how can he be allowed to open up a bank account, receive monthly salary and in fact be given a firearm license by the Home Ministry?

“Did this person also vote in the 13th General Election? Is it because the owner of the security firm is a crony of the ruling party?

“How many foreigners have enjoyed these privileges?” he questioned during his speech at the committee stage of the Budget 2014 debate in Parliament today.

The DAP stalwart also said such system has caused states such as Sabah and Sarawak to lose its sovereignty as it seems so easy for foreigners to obtain a MyKad and take over the economy.

“This directly effects the stability and the nation’s security. This also infringes the rights of the people of Sabah who live in such a rich state but are still poor,” said Lim. Continue reading “Kit Siang questions how Ambank guard got MyKad”

Masanya sudah tiba untuk kita berusaha bersama demi merealisasikan Impian Malaysia, dan menyelamatkan rakyat daripada ‘Mimpi Ngeri Malaysia’ yang panjang ini

Masanya sudah tiba untuk kita berusaha bersama demi merealisasikan Impian Malaysia, dan menyelamatkan rakyat daripada ‘Mimpi Ngeri Malaysia’ yang panjang ini

Saya bangun untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan peringkat Jawatankuasa Bajet 2014 mengenai Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan Jabatan-jabatan yang lain termasuk Majlis Keselamatan Negera (MKN), Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN), Biro Tatanegara, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Jabatan Peguam Negara, Pejabat-pejabat Setiausaha Persekutuan, Sabah dan Sarawak.

Pertama sekali, saya ingin merakamkan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham Mohd Raffli Abdul Malik yang mati ditembak di Kuantan, Pahang; keluarga Allahyarham Norazita Abu Talib, yang menjadi mangsa rompakan Ambank tempoh hari; serta Allahyarham Hussain Ahmad Najadi, yang turut menjadi mangsa tembakan beberapa lama dahulu.

Kesemua mangsa jenayah ini adalah korban-korban tidak berdosa akibat daripada kelalaian dan kerakusan pihak yang berkenaaan mengejar kuasa dan jawatan, sehingga mengabaikan persoalan integriti, tanggungjawab kepada negara dan impian besar rakyat Malaysia.

Saya juga ingin merakamkan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa warga Taiwan dalam tragedi pembunuhan dan penculikan di Pulau Pum-Pum beberapa hari sudah. Ternyata Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) tidaklah efektif dalam menjaga keselamatan negara sungguhpun ia ditubuhkan sebagai tindakbalas terhadap peristiwa pencerobohan di Lahad Datu. Walaupun Ketua Polis Negara dan Menteri Dalam Negeri menyifatkan ini sebagai kejadian terpencil, nyawa yang hilang pasti tidak dapat diganti. Keyakinan rakyat terhadap kesungguhan pihak berkuasa dalam melaksanakan tugas menjaga keselamatan negara dan rakyat jelata sekali lagi berkecai.
Continue reading “Masanya sudah tiba untuk kita berusaha bersama demi merealisasikan Impian Malaysia, dan menyelamatkan rakyat daripada ‘Mimpi Ngeri Malaysia’ yang panjang ini”

JB mural clones spring up, even on T-shirts

Malaysiakini | 2:00PM Nov 16, 2013

The Johor Bahru City Council may have hastily removed the controversial mural depicting a lady about to be mugged, but it appears to have spawned at least 10 reincarnations of the increasingly popular artwork.

According to an anonymous local who spoke to Malaysiakini today, the lego character with the channel bag and the mugger around the corner have shown up on not just the city’s walls, but also on vans and even T-shirts.

He reported that people have put up stickers of the mural in Sutra Mall, Perling, Taman Molek and Bukit Indah among others.

Netizens have also posted their photos of the clones on Facebook, and one is even selling the T-shirts online.
Continue reading “JB mural clones spring up, even on T-shirts”

Mural mural on the wall

— Thomas Fann
The Malay Mail Online
November 16, 2013

In the same week that Super Typhoon Haiyan slammed into the Philippines, a different kind of storm came upon the southern city of Johor Bahru. It was a most innocuous beginning, a series of wall murals by an internationally-recognised Lithuanian-born street artist known as Ernest Zacharevic or simply Zachas. When it was first unveiled in early November it created a buzz among the local community. Many have long admired Zachas’ works for Penang and was delighted that he has finally brought it to JB, a city not known for its appreciation of the arts.

With news spreading of the existence of four murals around Taman Molek and Johor Jaya area, people began seeking out these works of art and to have their photos taken with them. My family and I joined in the search and snap trail. It was most amusing to find people snapping away at these murals in dirty back lanes of non-descript shophouses and treating them like treasures. Perhaps to a city that is like an art desert, it was a breath of arty fresh air that has finally blown in. Continue reading “Mural mural on the wall”

Najib should give Ministerial statement in Parliament on the Esscom security lapses resulting in a Taiwanese tourist shot dead and his wife abducted by suspected Abu Sayyaf terrorists on Pom Pom island off Semporna

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should give a Ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday on the Esscom security lapses resulting in a Taiwanese tourist shot dead and his wife abducted by suspected Abu Sayyaf terrorists on Pom Pom island off Semporna early this morning.

Najib should tell Parliament what actions would be taken by Esscom to tighten security to ensure that such killing and kidnap by Filipino terrorists would not be allowed to recur in Sabah.

Initial reports indicated a group of heavily armed men arrived at the Mandur Pom Pom island resort and stormed into the resort restaurant, where the Taiwanese couple were the only customers and fired several shots.

The victim Lim Min Hsu, 57, was shot twice in the chest and ribs. He died at the scene. His wife, Lim Min Hsu, 57, was taken away by the gunmen who fled in a pump boat towards southern Philippines. Continue reading “Najib should give Ministerial statement in Parliament on the Esscom security lapses resulting in a Taiwanese tourist shot dead and his wife abducted by suspected Abu Sayyaf terrorists on Pom Pom island off Semporna”

Trending: Ernest Zacharevic, Malaysia’s answer to Banksy

By BBC Trending
What’s popular and why
13 November 2013 Last updated at 18:40

Malaysia has its own version of Banksy – street artist Ernest Zacharevic. His latest piece of work, which highlights the problem of crime, has been painted over by the authorities – but not before being widely shared on social media.

Across the water from wealthy Singapore is the Malaysian city of Johor Bahru, known as one of the country’s crime hot spots. Late last Thursday evening, 27-year-old street artist Ernest Zacharevic was at work on a wall there with his spray can. Zacharevic is from Lithuania but is a permanent resident of Malaysia, and is well-known in the region for his street art.
Continue reading “Trending: Ernest Zacharevic, Malaysia’s answer to Banksy”

The relevant authorities in JB must not “do nothing” but must use the controversy over Zachas’ “high-crime” mural to launch a new initiative to wipe out JB’s reputation as the nation’s crime capital

It is sad and tragic that while “unusual creativeness” are being exhibited to remove the “sting” of Lithuanian-born street artist Ernest Zacharevic’s “high crime” mural in Johor Bahru, there are no signs that the relevant authorities – JB City Council, the Police and Johore State Government – are being moved to capitalise on the heightened public awareness in the past week of unacceptably high crime rate in JB to launch a new initiative to wipe out JB’s reputation as the nation’s crime capital.

Two local artists had worked through midnight to add a Lego policeman armed with a handcuff to the controversial mural – a Lego man wearing a ski mask and holding a knife waiting to rob a Lego woman carrying a “Chanel” bag – but Zacharevic has dissociated himself from the addition with the comment on his Facbook that this is “a true vandalism”.

The authorities show a completely wrong sense of priorities, in expending energy on how to remove the “sting” of Zachas’ “high crime” mural in JB with various “creative” ideas to allow the “offensive” mural to remain in JB, when what is most important of all is for the authorities to take meaningful and effective action to ensure that JB becomes a low-crime city which is safe and secure for residents, visitors and investors. Continue reading “The relevant authorities in JB must not “do nothing” but must use the controversy over Zachas’ “high-crime” mural to launch a new initiative to wipe out JB’s reputation as the nation’s crime capital”

Cop ‘joins’ Zachas’ JB mural to ‘pounce’ on robber

By Aidila Razak | 11:59AM Nov 13, 2013

Local artists have added a Lego policeman to the controversial Johor Bahru mural by artist Ernest Zacharevic – a move that appears to soften the message and possibly, save the mural.

With his eyes set on a Lego woman carrying a Chanel handbag, the Lego mugger appears unaware that an police officer – complete with handcuffs – is ready to nab him.

It is unclear who the local artists behind the addition are, but according to the photograh uploaded by Zacharevic on his Facebook page, duo worked on the mural last night.

“Now that’s a true vandalism! Malaysia never fails to amuse me,” Zacharevic quipped in his caption.

A number of those commenting on the mural’s expansion were not too amused.
Continue reading “Cop ‘joins’ Zachas’ JB mural to ‘pounce’ on robber”

Instead of removing Zachas’ “high crime” mural, it should be allowed to remain as a challenge to all relevant authorities to make JB low-crime and a standing testimony that high crime rate in JB is a “story of the past”

For the past few days, the relevant authorities in Johor Bahru including the Johor Bahru City Council, the Police and the Johor State Government had been most vexed and upset by one of three murals painted by internationally-recognised street artist Lithuanian-born Ernest Zacharevic highlighting the high crime rate in the city.

The city and people of Johor Bahru would have been the real beneficiaries if the energies expended on debating and deciding on what to do with Zachas’ mural of high crime rate in JB had been devoted to reducing the high crime rate in the Johor capital.

Instead of removing Zachas’ “high crime” mural, it should be allowed to remain to serve as a challenge to all relevant authorities to make JB low-crime and a standing testimony that high crime rate in JB is a “story of the past”!

The only way to remove the sting of Zachas’ “high crime” mural would be to remove JB’s notorious reputation as crime capital of the nation, when Zachas’ mural can become a tribute to the transformation of the Johore capital into a safe and secure city. Continue reading “Instead of removing Zachas’ “high crime” mural, it should be allowed to remain as a challenge to all relevant authorities to make JB low-crime and a standing testimony that high crime rate in JB is a “story of the past””

Sworn statement on Gani’s alleged misdeeds out due to Putrajaya inaction, says former top cop

by Lionel Morais
The Malaysian Insider
November 12, 2013

Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim has revealed the alleged wrongdoings of Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail after Putrajaya failed to act on the retired senior police officer’s statutory declaration which contained a litany of complaints against the Attorney General.

Mat Zain’s initial revelation about the meeting with former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah on Gani’s failings only amounted to two pages of his 31-page sworn statement.

He promised more disclosures soon and said he was also mulling the possibility of having the statutory declaration (SD) tendered in court.

“Since my SD was made in accordance with the Statutory Declaration Act 1960 it can be used in any judicial proceeding, civil or criminal. In that manner the SD will be considered a public document,” the former Kuala Lumpur CID chief told The Malaysian Insider. Continue reading “Sworn statement on Gani’s alleged misdeeds out due to Putrajaya inaction, says former top cop”

JB to remove ‘inappropriate’ mural by foreign artist

By Kow Gah Chie | 11:34AM Nov 11, 2013

The Johor Bahru City Council will remove three murals painted by an internationally-recognised street artist, following a controversy over one mural that addresses the high crime rate in the city.

However, city mayor Ismail Karim said, all the three murals by Lithuanian-orn Ernest Zacharevic will be removed as they were painted at inappropriate places, China Press reported today.

Earlier, Malaysiakini reported that Zacharevic – better known as Zachas – defended his mural, which has been criticised by the state government has having ‘tarnished’ the city’s image.

“Art does not damage a city’s image, crime does,” rebutted Zacharevic (right) yesterday in an email response.

The Lithuanian-born artist had reportedly been invited to the city to put up his artwork, and contributed three pieces earlier this month.

The ‘contentious’ mural, dubbed ‘JB, home of Malaysia’s very own Legoland’, shows Lego figures portraying an armed robber lying in wait to rob from a woman carrying a Chanel handbag.
Continue reading “JB to remove ‘inappropriate’ mural by foreign artist”

AG’s report: Charge the culprits for CBT

— Ravinder Singh
The Malay Mail Online
November 10, 2013

NOV 10 — To tackle the problem of “stupid” people in the public service who have been enriching certain people with their not so stupid purchases of laptops for RM40,000.00 a piece and wall clocks for RM3,800.00 a piece, the MACC has proposed that Integrity Management Units be set up in each ministry to help the MACC prevent corruption. Is it not the duty of each and every head of department to ensure their own integrity and that of all others below them?

Sorry to say so, but this whole idea looks stupid. The best way to deal with stupid people is to educate them using the most effective means of doing so. In this case, the educational process has to take the form of ENFORCEMENT. If stupid people begin to be charged for CBT, you will see how fast they change without the need for any Integrity Management Units.

The Auditor General has already done most of the job. He has identified the stupid things that were done. The MACC and the commercial crime police should take it to the next stage of tying up any loose ends and filing appropriate court cases. For the MACC to declare that stupidity is not a crime and no action can be taken against anyone for being stupid, itself looks stupid. Civil servants in charge of government procurement are bound by rules and regulations. Continue reading “AG’s report: Charge the culprits for CBT”

Why did Norazita die?

– Liew Chin Tong
The Malaysian Insider
November 07, 2013

The murder robbery of Norazita Abu Talib shocked the nation. She was brutally shot in the face by a security guard who was said to possess a fake identity card. The senseless death of the Ambank officer late last month has opened yet another can of worms pertaining to our worsening crime situation.

Why did Norazita have to die like that? Let me be blunt here; yes, we can blame Umno leadership – for refusing to reform the police and for allowing cronies to run security firms.

There’s no need to cringe or get upset. Please bear with me. The facts are all there. Continue reading “Why did Norazita die?”