MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers should stop tomorrow’s announcement of composition of Royal Commission of Inquiry on Teoh’s death so as not to jeopardize any effort to ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to widen the scope RCI to zero in on Teoh’s death

MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers should stop tomorrow’s announcement of the composition of Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Teoh Beng Hock’s death so as not to jeopardize any effort to ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to widen the scope of the RCI to zero in on Teoh’s death.

Cabinet Ministers, whether from Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC cannot be unaware that the Cabinet decision last Wednesday to refuse to set up a RCI to probe the causes of Teoh’s death had been greeted with consternation and condemnation, together with calls for a Cabinet review to expand the scope of the RCI into the MACC’s interrogation methods to include the causes of Teoh’s death.

The Cabinet decision to have an inquest headed by a magistrate is just not acceptable to the majority of Malaysians who want a completely independent inquiry into Teoh’s death which could command public confidence. Continue reading “MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers should stop tomorrow’s announcement of composition of Royal Commission of Inquiry on Teoh’s death so as not to jeopardize any effort to ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to widen the scope RCI to zero in on Teoh’s death”

Some glimmer of hope that the campaign for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia may not be a totally lost cause

For the first time, I feel that there is some glimmer of hope that the campaign for a new Inspector-General of Police to create a safe Malaysia may not be a totally lost cause.

This is the first time in the 52 year history of the nation that there is so much widespread public disaffection at the prospect of an incumbent being given a second extension of his service in a top public post – the second renewal of Tan Sri Musa Hassan as Inspector-General of Police in September.

Many have regarded the Parliamentary Roundtable for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia in Parliament on Tuesday as a Don Quixote “tilting against the windmill” lost cause – but even if it is a lost cause, it must be fought with every ounce of energy for we are talking about the safety of 27 Malaysian citizens as well as that of tourists and investors so that they can enjoy the two basic human fundamental liberties, to be free from crime and free from the fear of crime.

However, I feel that the tide for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia may be turning.

Firstly, I feel encouraged that we seem to have at last a Home Minister who has grasped what his first duty should be – to make Malaysia safe again for its citizens, tourists and investors by ensuring that the streets, public places and privacy of homes are safe like in the first three decades of Merdeka!

In the last three days, the Home Ministry website has sought feedback from the public as to whether they feel safe from crime in the country, a recognition that safety of citizens from crime must be the No. 1 job of a Home Minister.
Continue reading “Some glimmer of hope that the campaign for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia may not be a totally lost cause”

Finding the truth behind the death of Teoh Beng Hock

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Advisor



The explanation by AG Abdul Gani Patail for a coroner inquest, is an insult to the intelligence of the people. his statement gave the reasons why there has to be a coroner’s inquest besides having a commission of inquiry into the death of TBH, a political aide to a selangor exco member.

Every educated person knows that an inquest is imperative in a case of sudden death from unknown causes in ordinary cases but the case of TBH is no ordinary case. The circumstances of his death in a government building with tight security, point to the conclusion that MACC officers are involved in one way or another.

MACC is a government institution. In such a situation an inhouse panel is out of the question. You can’t have a government officer or officers to be impartial, when investigating the death of TBH where high and topmost officialdom are implicated.
Continue reading “Finding the truth behind the death of Teoh Beng Hock”

Lifting and doctoring of Ronnie Liu’s disclosure of constituency allocations on his blog to make baseless allegation that he and Ean Yong Hian Wah are thieves of public funds are acts of desperadoes in Umno or MACC to distract attention from Teoh’s unusual death at MACC

While the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, UMNO, MCA and Gerakan Ministers publicly speak against “politicizing” of Teoh Beng Hock’s unusual death at the MACC Hqrs, the vicious campaign to politicize and character-assassinate DAP leaders over Teoh’s death has reached a new frenzy.

Two days ago, an anonymous “black blog” surfaced purportedly listing proof that Selangor DAP State Excos Ronnie Liu and Ean Yong Hian Wah are corrupt and thieves of public funds who siphoned off constituency allocations to their own pockets.

The “black blog” with the misnomer Truth for Teoh Beng Hock purported to post documents to back its claims, including the allegation that 84 ‘projects’ amounting to more than RM200,000 in the Sungai Pelek constituency were awarded to one contractor Wong Chuan How.

Ronnie had rebutted the lies in his media conference, as the “black blog” had lifted and doctored Ronnie’s disclosure of constituency disbursements on his blog in November last year to make baseless allegation that he and Ean Yong Hian Wah are thieves of public funds.

These are the acts of desperadoes in Umno or MACC to distract attention from Teoh’s unusual death at MACC and efforts to get to the causes and culprits for Teoh’s death.
Continue reading “Lifting and doctoring of Ronnie Liu’s disclosure of constituency allocations on his blog to make baseless allegation that he and Ean Yong Hian Wah are thieves of public funds are acts of desperadoes in Umno or MACC to distract attention from Teoh’s unusual death at MACC”

Inquest into Teoh Beng Hock’s death on Wednesday should be halted to allow Cabinet to review and widen terms of reference of Royal Commission of Inquiry into causes of Teoh’s death to command public confidence in public institutions and the Prime Minister

The 15-day inquest into Teoh Beng Hock’s unusual death at the MACC headquarters on 16th July 2009 which is to begin on Wednesday, 29th July till August 12 should be halted to allow for the Cabinet to review and widen the terms of reference of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes of Teoh’s death to command public confidence in public institutions and the Prime Minister.

The contention by the Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail that an inquest by the magistrate under the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) was the right recourse, as the CPC was a specific legislation that made provision for a death inquiry, and that “holding a similar inquiry by the royal commission would be duplicitous in such instance” is totally unpersuasive and unconvincing.

In the first place, the Attorney-General should brush up his command of the English language. “Duplicitous” is derived from “duplicity” described as “double-dealing, deceitfulness” (Oxford Compact English Dictionary) What Gani intends to say is “duplication”.

Gani referred to Section 2 of the Commissions of Enquiry Act 1950 to buttress his contention claiming that it “clearly makes reference to the inquiry into the conduct and management of government officers and departments or for the public welfare”.

Section 2(1) of Commissions of Enquiry Act 1950 reads:
Continue reading “Inquest into Teoh Beng Hock’s death on Wednesday should be halted to allow Cabinet to review and widen terms of reference of Royal Commission of Inquiry into causes of Teoh’s death to command public confidence in public institutions and the Prime Minister”

Home Ministry website that 97% of 2,947 Malaysians polled in last 24 hours feel unsafe new reason why Pakatan Rakyat convening Parliamentary Roundtable on a new IGP for a safe Malaysia on Tuesday

The Home Ministry website yesterday started a poll to seek public feedback as to whether the government as delivered its most basic duty in any civilized and organized society – to look after the safety and security of the people.

As at 2.20 pm today, 97% of 2,947 Malaysians polled feel unsafe, with only 1% or 30 people feel safe while 2% or 71 people are “not sure”.

The poll has maintained a consistently high percentage of 97% of the respondents who feel unsafe since the start of the poll, with 96% of 903 respondents at midnight last night and 97% of 1,224 respondents at 7.40 am this morning in the category of “unsafe” while only 2% of the respondents at midnight last night and 1% of the respondents at 7.40 am this morning who feel “safe”.

What a crying shame for the Malaysian police force and the Home Ministry that as high as 96 – 97 per cent of Malaysians feel unsafe in the streets, public places and even in the privacy of their homes with the unchecked galloping crime in the past five years.

Who must bear responsibility for this shocking state of affairs, which is only new to the Barisan Nasional Cabinet Ministers and MPs – as DAP and Pakatan Rakyat MPs have over the years been raising in Parliament and outside the cries and demands of ordinary Malaysians for a Malaysia safe from endemic crime!

Undoubtedly, the Inspector-General of Police and the Home Minister must bear responsibility for this deplorable state of crime in the country.
Continue reading “Home Ministry website that 97% of 2,947 Malaysians polled in last 24 hours feel unsafe new reason why Pakatan Rakyat convening Parliamentary Roundtable on a new IGP for a safe Malaysia on Tuesday”

Are the 10 MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers prepared collectively to lodge official reports with the police and the MACC to protect the life of Ong Tee Keat as well as to uphold the integrity of the Barisan Nasional government and Cabinet against the “dark forces” of corruption?

The joint statement of three MCA Ministers and seven deputy ministers pledging total allegiance to Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat as MCA President and Transport Minister is most extraordinary in more senses than one, including:

  • Nobody in MCA, Umno, Barisan Nasional or outside feels or believes that Ong Tee Keat is fighting a “life-and-death” crisis in preserving his positions as MCA President and Transport Minister.
  • Treated as minor news by the mass media, even by MCA-owned Star when it should be blazoned as front page headline news, with tertiary treatment in the Chinese media while totally ignored by the Bahasa Malaysia media;
  • Hardly a flicker of interest of the Malaysian public or even the one million MCA membership.

MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers are trying to stage a second “David Copperfield” performance in Malaysia in 24 hours.

The first “David Copperfield” – the world famous magician or illusionist – performance was the Cabinet decision on Wednesday giving Malaysians the illusion that there will be a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes of the death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock at MACC headquarters on 16th July 2009 when actually there is no such RCI.

The second “David Copperfield” performance is by the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers in trying to create another illusion that there is a “life-and-death” political crisis for Ong Tee Keat when there is none!

Continue reading “Are the 10 MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers prepared collectively to lodge official reports with the police and the MACC to protect the life of Ong Tee Keat as well as to uphold the integrity of the Barisan Nasional government and Cabinet against the “dark forces” of corruption?”

Teoh family rejects Cabinet decision and demands comprehensive RCI into TBH’s death

I have come to Alor Gajah for the media conference by the family of Teoh Beng Huat who has just announced that they reject the Cabinet decision yesterday on the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock, who went to the MACC Hqrs as a healthy, vigorous and idealistic political worker but ended up as a corpse.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Cabinet Ministers seem to be Malaysia’s David Copperfields, creating the illusion of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) in Teoh’s death when actually there is none.

Like Teoh’s family members, I had at first welcomed the Cabinet decision when there was at first news that it had decided on a RCI on Teoh’s death but when the details of the Cabinet decision became known, we were all dumb-founded, shocked and outraged.

What is the use having two inquiries, with an inquest into Teoh’s death but a Royal Commission of Inquiry strictly prevented from delving into the causes of Teoh death but only to probe into the MACC’s investigative techniques? Continue reading “Teoh family rejects Cabinet decision and demands comprehensive RCI into TBH’s death”

Teoh Beng Hock’s death – Cabinet decision on Royal Commission of Inquiry falls far short of public expectation, unsatisfactory and unacceptable

I am disappointed by the Cabinet decision on the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock.

There will be no Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes of Teoh’s death although an inquest would be held.

A Royal Commission of Inquiry will be set up, but only to look into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) investigative procedures and to determine if there were any human right violations when Teoh Beng Hock was being interrogated.

This falls short of public expectations and is unsatisfactory and unacceptable.

What the Malaysian public want is a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the mysterious causes of Teoh’s death at 14th floor of MACC Hqrs, the investigating procedures of MACC as well as into the independence, professionalism and integrity of the MACC whether it has become the catspaw of its political masters to declare war on the Pakatan Rakyat instead of declaring war on corruption.

MCA, Gerakan, MIC and SUPP Ministers have led the Teoh family and the public “up the garden path” into believing that they support a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh’s death.
Continue reading “Teoh Beng Hock’s death – Cabinet decision on Royal Commission of Inquiry falls far short of public expectation, unsatisfactory and unacceptable”

Arresting the Slide in Our Public Institutions

By Farish A. Noor

The term ‘Asubhabhavana’ is familiar with many historians of Buddhist theology by now, for it refers to a meditative mode of introspection that has become ritual practice over the centuries. In layman’s terms, Asubhabhavana refers to the simple process of self-reflection and mental back-tracking where one contemplates the manifold paths, steps and mis-steps that were taken to get us to where we are today; prompting the simple yet direct question: “Why have I become what I am today, and what were the mistakes that I made that continue to hurt me now?”

As it is with individual subjectivities, so is it with states, governments and institutions. For when we look at the process of historical development and decline of so many post-colonial societies we also need to ask what were the steps and mis-steps that were taken to get them to their present state of degeneration and decline?

A case in point is the recent one in Malaysia, where a young political assistant to the DAP opposition party was found dead under the most suspicious of circumstances. The young man had been summoned by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to its offices in order to answer some questions related to allegations of corrupt political practice. The next time anyone sees him, he is found lying dead on the rooftop of the building next door. Needless to say the fact that the young man may have died while under MACC custody begs the immediate and obvious questions: How did he die, and why? This is the burning question that has brought Malaysians of all walks of life, across the political divide, together. Already the same question is being asked even by the component parties of the BN ruling coalition, and prominent BN leaders have likewise called for an enquiry into what happened that day at the MACC office.
Continue reading “Arresting the Slide in Our Public Institutions”

Five prerequisites for Najib to demonstrate he has the political will to break the back of the problem of endemic crime which has given Malaysia an international notoriety of a nation where citizens, tourists and investors are not safe from crime

Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said yesterday that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib will announce on Monday details of the measures to fight crime under one of the six National Key Result Areas to be implemented in September.

Hishammuddin said the details to be announced by Najib would include the hot areas and crime statistics. Najib would also announce the co-operation to be effected with the non-police sector, such as the Attorney-General’s Chambers, courts and prisons.

In his “Hundred Days as PM” address on 11th July 2009, Najib announced a slew of goodies and pledged delivery of promises in six key areas, viz:

  • The prevention of crime;
  • The fight against corruption;
  • Access to quality education;
  • The improvement of the living standards for the lower income group;
  • Improvement of rural infrastructure;
  • Improvement of public transportation.

In less than a week, Najib’s KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and KRAs (Key Result Areas) in one of these six sectors, the fight against corruption, is in tatters and utterly discredited.
Continue reading “Five prerequisites for Najib to demonstrate he has the political will to break the back of the problem of endemic crime which has given Malaysia an international notoriety of a nation where citizens, tourists and investors are not safe from crime”

Teoh Beng Hock must not die in vain

Don’t let Teoh’s death be in vain
By Oon Yeoh

Much has been said and written about the tragic death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock. There is anger, sadness and confusion over what has happened.

The calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry are growing louder. Perhaps in due time we will be able to find out the truth of what actually happened, and, if some heads have to roll, let them roll.

But that alone will not stop situations like this from reoccurring, just as the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s black eye has not stopped police brutality from persisting. Similarly, the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam video has done nothing to bolster people’s confidence in the judiciary.

That’s because the underlying causes of these various problems have not been addressed, only the specific incidences of wrongdoing.
Continue reading “Teoh Beng Hock must not die in vain”

Eve Open Letter to PM & Cabinet – Form three Royal Commissions of Inquiry, on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal and to propose a blueprint to roll back the crime wave of the past five years to create a safe Malaysia

YAB Prime Minister,
YAB Deputy Prime Minister,
YB-YB Ministers.

Form three Royal Commissions of Inquiry, on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal and to propose a blueprint to roll back the crime wave of the past five years to create a safe Malaysia

YABs and YBs,

It is seven hours since the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak returned from his overseas trip this morning, closeted with top police officers for half an hour immediately on his touchdown at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 11.15 am.

However in the past seven hours, there has been no announcement by Najib of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock, 30, the political secretary to Selangor DAP State Exco and State Assemblyman for Seri Kembangan, Ean Yong Han Hwa who went to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Shah Alam to co-operate in its investigations but end up as a corpse at the MACC Hqrs last Thursday 16th July 2009.

Malaysians regardless of race or religion are deeply disappointed because the Prime Minister is not prepared to be as decisive as the former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who had announced an independent public inquiry into the police nude ear-squat scandal on his touchdown at the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) base in Subang on Monday, 28th November 2005 on his return from the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Malta, well ahead of any Cabinet meeting!

Could it be that the Prime Minister, who is using all the latest Internet gadgets to take the pulse of the people on a 24/7 basis, being the first Malaysian Cabinet Minister and Prime Minister to use the twitter, had not been properly informed of the nation-wide shock, grief, anger and outrage at the unnecessary sacrifice of Teoh in MACC?

Hadn’t the Prime Minister been informed by all the MCA, Gerakan, MIC and even UMNO Ministers – as well as his new political secretary Dr. Oh Ei Sun – that it is not only the MACC and the Police which are on public trial, the very credibility, integrity of legitimacy of his premiership is also on trial?
Continue reading “Eve Open Letter to PM & Cabinet – Form three Royal Commissions of Inquiry, on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal and to propose a blueprint to roll back the crime wave of the past five years to create a safe Malaysia”

Nazri would do the country a greater service to warn New Straits Times group editor Zainul Arifin to stop his outpouring of communal poison which undermines Najib’s 1Malaysia motto and his credibility as Prime Minister

The de facto Law Minister, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, seems to have found a new hobby. He is merrily issuing warnings against all and sundry, regardless of whether he has any basis for such warnings or not. Probably Nazri should be labelled Minister for Warnings.

Nazri warned me not to turn the death of Teoh Beng Hock into a racial issue. Teoh, the political secretary to Selangor DAP State Exco and State Assemblyman for Seri Kembangan Ean Yong Han Hwa died mysteriously on Thursday after plunging from the 14th floor of MACC on Thursday after going to MACC to co-operate in its investigations.

As a de facto Law Minister, Nazri should not act in any lawless manner. I challenge him to substantiate his warning by citing an instance where I have turned Teoh’s death into a racial issue?

If he can’t, is Nazri prepared to be gentleman enough to apologise for his baseless and unfounded warning?

I have dedicated my entire life to the ideal of a united, harmonious, peaceful, just and prosperous Malaysia and have approached Malaysia’s multi-faceted problems from the perspective of a Malaysian nationalist – and not from the vision of a Chinese, Malay, Indian, Kadazan or Iban chauvinist.

I regard Teoh’s death as an indictment of the Malaysian system of governance and not a racial problem.
Continue reading “Nazri would do the country a greater service to warn New Straits Times group editor Zainul Arifin to stop his outpouring of communal poison which undermines Najib’s 1Malaysia motto and his credibility as Prime Minister”

MACC – prove that you are not even worse of a lapdog of Barisan Nasional government than ACA in the past!

On 11th December 2008, the New Straits Times carried a report “Abu Kassim: Lapdog tag won’t stick any more” on the new Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to replace the discredited Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA).

This is the NST report:

KUALA LUMPUR: Five bodies will closely watch over the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to ensure its transparency and integrity.

They are the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board; Special Committee on Corruption; Operations Review Panel; Corruption Prevention and Consultative Panel; and a Complaints Committee.

With the five scrutinising bodies, Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) deputy director-general Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed hopes that the MACC would not be accused of being the lapdog of the government as the ACA had been accused of thus far.

“The difference here is accountability. Now, they (critics of the ACA) say we are accountable to the prime minister and the Prime Minister’s Department, although we are only accountable to him when it comes to the agency’s budget.

“With five independent bodies scrutinising the MACC, no one can say we are accountable to the prime minister. Which other agency do you know of has to answer to five such bodies? Even the ICAC (Hong Kong’s Independent Commission on Anti-Corruption) has only four scrutinising bodies,” he said during a recent briefing on the MACC.
Continue reading “MACC – prove that you are not even worse of a lapdog of Barisan Nasional government than ACA in the past!”

What is the use of MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers remaining in Cabinet if three of the four major Barisan Nasional component parties in Peninsular Malaysia could be overruled on a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s mysterious death at MACC?

MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat has finally said that the four MCA Ministers support the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock, 30, the political secretary to Selangor DAP State Exco and State Assemblyman for Seri Kembangan, Ean Yong Han Hwa who went to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Shah Alam to co-operate in its investigations but end up as a corpse at the MACC Hqrs last Thursday 16th July 2009.

Gerakan President Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon has also finally declared yesterday that Gerakan supports the establishment of a RCI into Teoh’s death.

MIC President, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said yesterday that MIC Minister for Human Resources Dr. S. Subramaniam will support in Cabinet the proposal to set up a RCI.

So far, the only Minister and Barisan Nasional component party to openly declare opposition to the establishment of a RCI into Teoh’s death is Datuk Peter Chin, Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water from SUPP.
Continue reading “What is the use of MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers remaining in Cabinet if three of the four major Barisan Nasional component parties in Peninsular Malaysia could be overruled on a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s mysterious death at MACC?”

Malaysia no longer “Tanah Melayu”

By Azly Rahman

Today is July 19, 2009, 40 years after the May 13, 1969 tragedy.

I dedicate these notes to Teo Beng Hock, a young Malaysian who ought to be an inspiration to many wishing to call Malaysia home.

Because we have agreed to become a country rooted in a social contract that ought to give equality, equity, and equal opportunity to all who have given up their natural rights in exchange for “citizenship” and the rights of the State to tax them (with or without representation), we must recognize that Malaysia is for Malaysians.

This will be the most humane perspective we ought to work towards in holding. What is needed is a system of check and balance that will ensure that each generation of Malaysians will progress without the trappings of mistrust, hatred, and institutionalized racism.
Continue reading “Malaysia no longer “Tanah Melayu””

Najib should stop MACC war against PR and direct it to return to its original purpose of declaring war against corruption and focus on mega corruptions like RM12.5 billion PKFZ and RM24 million Istana Khir Toyo scandals

Right-thinking and justice-loving Malaysians regardless of race, religion or political beliefs must ensure that Teoh Beng Hock, political secretary to DAP Selangor State Exco and Seri Kembangan Assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, should not die in vain.

Firstly, what has happened to Malaysia 52 years after Merdeka that a young, healthy, vigorous and idealistic political activist could enter the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in Shah Alam to co-operate with its investigations to end up as a flying corpse from the 14th floor MACC Hqrs?

The MACC Chief Commissioner, Datuk Ahmad Said, after two days of silence, made a heartless statement that MACC should not be blamed for Teoh’s death, ignoring the fact that Teoh was in MACC premises when the tragedy occurred.

What is even more outrageous is that in his statement, Ahmad Said showed no remorse, compassion or sympathy whatsoever for the death of Teoh.

Is a person who is so cold-blooded and totally bereft of the milk of kindness fit to head the MACC?

We want the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to hear the nation-wide outrage, anger and demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh’s death.
Continue reading “Najib should stop MACC war against PR and direct it to return to its original purpose of declaring war against corruption and focus on mega corruptions like RM12.5 billion PKFZ and RM24 million Istana Khir Toyo scandals”

Twitter updates from Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral at Alor Gajah

From dust 2dust ashes 2ashes TBH buried 230pm in solemn grief dignity resolution 2uncover the truth
Monday, July 20, 2009 03:10 PM

TBH hearse on way 2Semenyih Memorial Park 4burial DAP leaders following Selangor MB Khalid will b there
Monday, July 20, 2009 11:25

After last respects by reps of assns societies public solemn ceremony ended with 1km procession involving thousands 2AG historic funeral
Monday, July 20, 2009 11:21

Pakatan Rakyat leaders of DAP PKR PAS pay last respects 1st time in PR history
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:28

Anwar arrives w PKR leaders 2pay last respects
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:25

Have 2hold back tears in DAP cec last respects
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:22
Continue reading “Twitter updates from Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral at Alor Gajah”

Nation mourns for Teoh Beng Hock

Leaving PJ now for Alor Gajah for Teoh Beng Hock’s last journey.

Nation and all right-thinking people mourn for Teoh Beng Hock.

Even more, they mourn for the country and people.

Nation in shock, grief and anger – greater shock, grief and anger than four days ago when the dastardly deed was committed.

Let us transform our shock, grief and anger into People’s Power to change Malaysia so that there will not be another Teoh Beng Hock and death in custody, whether MACC, Police or any other government agency in Malaysia.