UiTM lecturer: MACC officers should be brought to court

Bernama | Jul 24, 11

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) law lecturer Assoc Prof Abd Halim Sidek said an investigation should be carried out on the allegation by the Bar Council that Teoh Beng Hock died due to the negligence of MACC officers named in the RCI report.

“If Teoh was driven to suicide as a result of the MACC officers’ action then they must be brought to court,” he said.

“I think the Bar Council president’s statement was premature and he jumped the gun. They must be patient and wait for the investigation,” he added.

Meanwhile a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Consultation and Prevention of Corruption Panel, Syed Akhbar Ali, said the non-acceptance of the RCI conclusions by some could also be construed as disrespect for the laws of the country.
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Teoh’s blood is on MACC’s hands

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jul 25, 11

‘Whether they committed suicide or not, MACC cannot be excused from the responsibility of having taken the lives of those two people.’

Teoh’s ‘suicide’ – fact or fantasy?

TKC: From the outset, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Teoh Beng Hock was compromised. The original terms of reference (TOF1) was only to inquire into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) procedures, but after much pressure, they included the second TOF2 to ascertain the cause of Teoh Beng Hock’s death.

Had the scope been restricted to TOF1 only, it would have been rather easy for the RCI because it was glaringly obvious that MACC procedures were rotten to the core and would require an overhaul.
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When will Hishammuddin or IGP announce that it is unlawful and a police arrestable offence for anyone to wear or sport yellow until July 9?

Just four days ago in Ipoh on Saturday, I had called on the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to “stop the madness where a person can be detained by the police for wearing the Bersih 2.0 T-shirt, as if he/she is more dangerous than Osama bin Laden”.

Clearly, I had directed my call at the wrong person as Hishammuddin is now at the heart of the “madness” with his announcement this morning that Bersih 2.0 T-shirts are illegal and that it is a police arrestable offence to wear them.

The question Malaysians must pose is whether Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “Government Transformation Programme” has reached a stage where Ministers can unilaterally make laws like Hishammuddin declaring Bersih 2.0 T-shirts are illegal to justify police arrests and seizures?

Hishammuddin did not mention under what law the Bersih 2.0 T-shirts could be considered illegal and unlawful. The reason is simple – there is no such law, unless Malaysia’s democratic governance has degenerated to a stage where a Minister could unilaterally declare a law “on the run” as the Home Minister has done this morning.

The question is whether the Malaysian judiciary has degenerated to a new low where it would uphold the such Ministerial abuses of power in arbitrarily and unilaterally making a law “on the run” without parliamentary sanction. Continue reading “When will Hishammuddin or IGP announce that it is unlawful and a police arrestable offence for anyone to wear or sport yellow until July 9?”

But wait, Bersih didn’t threaten to torch Umno HQ

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 29, 11

‘Bersih leaders were the first to receive death threats, yet there were no Bersih supporters outside PWTC threatening to burn down Umno’s HQ.’

Umno Youth ‘threatened’ to torch PKR HQ

Swipenter: We are all sick of the threats of violence verbalised by Perkasa and Umno supporters every time when things are disagreeable to them.

This is reminiscent of the threats issued by Umno Youth to burn down the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (SCAH) over the issue of vernacular education.
Continue reading “But wait, Bersih didn’t threaten to torch Umno HQ”

Najib GTP in past two years a depressing failure

I posed a supplementary query in Parliament to Question No. 5 to the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who had boasted about the great success and achievements of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Government Transformation Programme to date.

Puncturing his balloon, I pointed out that the purpose of Najib’s GTP is to restore national and international confidence in the efficiency, independence, integrity and professionalism of key national institutions but the reality in the past two years had been the very opposite – with even greater plunge of public and international confidence in the efficiency, independence, integrity and professionalism of key national institutions like the police, judiciary, elections commission and the anti-corruption commission, the MACC.
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Dr Jeyakumar detained, Ibrahim Ali walks free

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 28, 11

‘Ibrahim will walk away with a small fine, but Pakatan Rakyat leaders will find themselves ineligible to contest elections.’

Ibrahim Ali hauled up for alleged sedition

DannyLoHH: The double standard of treatment is glaring. Sungai Siput MP Dr D Micheal Jeyakumar was arrested and remanded for seven days for having some T-shirts with him, whereas Ibrahim Ali, who had openly threatened bloodshed and violence, is “probed” for two hours and then let go.

Penang deputy police chief Abdul Rahim Jaafar, you are doing a really good job of portraying the image of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) as the running dogs of Umno.
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Gani Patail playing judge in Altantuya case, says Mat Zain

By Shannon Teoh | June 27, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 — A retired senior policeman has accused Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail of superceding the courts by dismissing private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s statutory declarations (SD) regarding the murder of Altantuya Shariibuu.

Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim said in an open letter to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar today that the Attorney-General was trying to ensure that the Mongolian’s murder case is not reopened.

The Shah Alam High Court ended a 159-day trial in April 2009, meting out death sentences to two police officers who are now appealing the judgment.
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Malaysia No. 2 in Asia-Pacific for cargo theft

By Yow Hong Chieh
June 25, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 — Cargo theft in Malaysia is now the second highest in the Asia-Pacific by value and looks to increase as more cargo from Singapore, the world’s busiest port, is routed overland through the Malay peninsula, the New York Times has reported.

The US daily, quoting figures compiled by the Transported Asset Protection Association, said more than US$22.7 million (RM68.9 million) worth of goods was reported stolen from Malaysian ports, airports, warehouses and trucks from 2007 to 2010. Continue reading “Malaysia No. 2 in Asia-Pacific for cargo theft”

Death threat: We shall not be cowed

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jun 24, 11

‘Who are the pariahs here – those calling others demeaning and insulting names or those who put up a fight for our democratic rights?’

SMS death threat against Ambiga making its rounds

TehTarik: I hope that Malaysia doesn’t sink to the level where we see political assassinations. Unfortunately, we seem to be rapidly heading in this direction, particularly due to inaction and selective prosecution by the police and the judiciary.

As many have said, some of the leaders of Perkasa should have been arrested a long time ago under the ISA and interned in Kamunting. Perkasa appears to be similar to the ‘brown shirt’ of the Nazi Party which was formed by Adolf Hitler, and was responsible for political threats and violence, and even assassinations.
Continue reading “Death threat: We shall not be cowed”

Question of efficiency, independence and professionalism of AGC and Police haunting Malaysia’s international image in a bigger way than any time in the past

Two days after the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper on Monday, 21st March 2011, I had warned that police efficiency, independence and professionalism were again the major casualties of the latest criminal attempt to target and character-assassinate Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

My warning of March 23 has proven true. More than three months after my warning, the questions of the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the Police have bulked even larger to haunt Malaysia’s international image in a bigger way than at any time in the past in the nation’s history.

The farce this morning in the magistrate’s court where the “Datuk T” trio were charged for the Sri Carcosa sex tape screening has only served to further lower public confidence and esteem in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the Attorney-General and the Police.
Continue reading “Question of efficiency, independence and professionalism of AGC and Police haunting Malaysia’s international image in a bigger way than any time in the past”

‘Death threat against Ambiga deplorable’

By Joseph Sipalan | Jun 23, 11

Senior Pakatan Rakyat leaders today unanimously condemned the recent death threat against Bersih 2.0 chief S Ambiga, labeling the “deplorable act” a direct result of the government’s alleged whitewashing of extremist behaviour.

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim (PKR-Permatang Pauh) said the death threat is a culmination of unbridled extremism that has been allowed to continue without fear of reprisal from the government.
“Extremists and racists are tolerated, and in some ways condoned. This is not the first time. I remember the threat on Nurul Izzah and her daughter and now against Ambiga,” he said after chairing a Pakatan presidential council meeting at Parliament’s tower block.
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Ambiga receives SMS death threat

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | June 23, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 — Bersih chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan has received a death threat via text message which was also sent this morning to reporters and some members of the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih).

The text message warned Ambiga as well as PAS and PKR leaders from going ahead with the July 9 Bersih rally, and said her life would be in jeopardy should it (the rally) proceed.

“Korg ni buta hati ke?? buat apa sokong ambiga keling paria haramjadah tu? dia ni kapir laknat. korang tau tak dia ni jadi alat anjing2 politik untuk musnahkan keutuhan melayu. dia kata je nak BERSIH kan SPR. bersih kepala bapak dia. puak2 PAS n PKR pun buta tuli n pekak badak.. kalau SPR tak bersih, boleh ke diorang menang kat Sgor, Kedah, Penang, Kelantan n perak dulu?
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Ibrahim Ali as guilty as hell

I have seen the video recording of the speech by the Perkasa President Ibrahim Ali at the launch of the Bersih 2.0 counter-protest in Kampung Baru in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday and there can be no doubt that he is as guilty as hell in his incendiary, inciteful and treasonous “Chinese should stock up food” tirade.

If the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussin and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sir Ismail Ismail Omar have not seen the video recording, I can send them a copy of the video.

The question is why the paralysis of the Home Minister and the Inspector-General of Police in the past three days when confronted by Ibrahim Ali’s open contempt for the law and the authorities?

Is this because the face of Ibrahim Ali is increasingly coming to represent the real power in Umno politics – replacing that of Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
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Notice of urgent Parliamentary motion next week on second MACC death esp report that Sarbaini had “no unusual or extraordinary wealth”

I have today given notice to the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin to move an urgent parliamentary motion next week on the second Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) death since its establishment on 1st January 2009 – senior custom officer Ahmad Sarbaini, another mysterious fall-from-height death at MACC premises at Jalan Cochrane on April 6.

My motion for an urgent parliamentary debate will also focus on the revelation by blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin that the police had conducted a thorough check on Ahmad Sarbaini’s assets and found no “unusual or extraordinary” wealth.

Raja Petra had blogged: “He (Ahmad Sarbaini) had only three modest cars — a Perodua Kancil, a second-hand Honda CRV and a Proton Persona — and a Modenas Kriss bike, which he rode to the MACC office on that unfortunate morning of 6th April, the day of his death.
Continue reading “Notice of urgent Parliamentary motion next week on second MACC death esp report that Sarbaini had “no unusual or extraordinary wealth””

Female journalists break silence on sexual violence

By Kanya D’Almeida
Jun 8, 11 | MalaysiaKini

On Feb 11, while the world was celebrating former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s fall from power, CBS television correspondent Lara Logan was being “mercilessly assaulted” by a group of well over 200 men in a dark corner of Tahrir Square.

“For an extended period of time they raped me with their hands,” Logan, who was ripped away from her bodyguard by a mob and beaten before being attacked, said last month in an interview with the New York Times.

A public statement co-drafted by Logan and CBS chairperson Jeff Fager meant that she “didn’t have to carry the burden alone, like my dirty little secret, something I had to be ashamed of,” Logan said in one of her few interviews on the attack, two months ago.

Though Logan is not the first – and is unlikely to be the last – journalist to be subjected to such brutality, her story exposed the silence around such crimes, which happen far more frequently than the media world has acknowledged or that women themselves are willing to admit. Continue reading “Female journalists break silence on sexual violence”

Perimekar: Chronicle of a death foretold?

By Céline Boileau | June 1, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: Businessman Lodin Wok Kamaruddin has recently been cited by WikiLeaks as one of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s close friends.

What WikiLeaks didn’t reveal is that Lodin Wok was also one of the directors of Perimekar Sdn Bhd until last year.

Last year too, the company registered huge losses.

Perimekar had acted as the go-between for the procurement of two French-made submarines by the Malaysian Defence Ministry. In the process, the company made RM534.8 million in commission.
Continue reading “Perimekar: Chronicle of a death foretold?”

Murder most foul: The truth still eludes us

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘For the two who were convicted of the crime – who has seen their faces? Are they in prison or are they relaxing outside their beach homes?’

Wikileaks releases cables on Najib and Altantuya

Ferdtan: There is nothing new in the Wikileaks cables that we do not know about – but it is nice to get it from an unbiased third party, US embassy’s political section chief Mark D Clark.

It gives credence to ‘gossip’ – and, it seems that these allegations must have some truth. Obviously the US embassy, being professional, must have done some basic investigations into the authencity of some of the allegations against PM Najib Razak before despatching their report to its head office in Washington DC.
Continue reading “Murder most foul: The truth still eludes us”

Nurul Izzah gets threat to kidnap daughter

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani | May 13, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 13 — PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar said today that she had received a text message containing a threat to kidnap her three-year-old, daughter.

The mother of two told reporters that the person warned her against continuing to support Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim or else her daughter would end up sharing the same fate as Sharlinie Mohd Nashar.

Sharlinie, 5, was abducted in 2008 at a playground near her house in Petaling Jaya and remains missing.

The Lembah Pantai MP, who is also Anwar’s eldest child, believes that the threat was politically motivated to end her father’s career.
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Anwar’s driver claims murder attempt on boss

By Clara Chooi | May 10, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

PETALING JAYA, May 10 — PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s driver today alleged a sinister murder attempt on his boss after discovering that the brakes of the Mercedes Benz he was driving had been tampered with last month.

Abdullah Sani Said, the 51-year-old driver who has worked with Anwar for 28 years since the latter was still the deputy prime minister, lodged a police report on the incident at the Tropicana police station outside the party’s national headquarters here this evening.

Abdullah Sani said he made the discovery on April 19 following an incident on his journey back to Kuala Lumpur from Perak in the Mercedes Benz S350 with the number plate KCD 77 which, he said, was on loan to Anwar from a close friend.
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