Ean Yong denies DAP, Teoh ever took kickbacks

By Melissa Chi
April 24, 2011

SERI KEMBANGAN, April 24 — Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah again denied today DAP and his dead aide Teoh Beng Hock ever took kickbacks, an issue speculated in a royal panel investigating the death.

Teoh was called as a witness in a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) probe into alleged misuse of state funds by Ean Yong but was found dead on July 15, 2009 at the agency’s Selangor office after overnight questioning.

“I need to stress here that, the DAP branches and Teoh Beng Hock have never taken any cut or kickback from the contractors or suppliers. We have documents to prove that these are baseless accusations.

“What happened was, in many cases the DAP branch or certain party members are part of the organising team and footed some of the bills of the programmes. When we got back the claim from the district office, we then reimburse to the branch or members who have paid the bills earlier,” he told reporters here.

Teoh, 30, was the political secretary to Yong, who is also the Seri Kembangan assemblyman from the DAP, at the time of his death. An inquest turned in an open verdict, saying it was neither suicide or homicide. Continue reading “Ean Yong denies DAP, Teoh ever took kickbacks”

Sarbaini’s kin not satisfied, wants police to reveal the truth

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani
April 22, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, April 22 — The family of dead Customs official Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed are dissatisfied with police investigations and claim his death is being covered up.

They also want to know the “real story” behind his death plunge at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office here on April 6 — the second such case in an anti-graft office.

“We know that the late Ahmad Sarbaini fell from a high place but what caused him to fall? What caused his death?” asked a family member who declined to be named.

“Because from what I understand is that if someone falls from the third floor then the person will only suffer from broken bones but will not die from it,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

Police said yesterday that the Selangor Customs assistant director died from head injuries due to the fall at the MACC building in Cheras.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah told reporters that it was now up to the Attorney-General to decide on the next course of action.

But the family said the police details were sketchy. Continue reading “Sarbaini’s kin not satisfied, wants police to reveal the truth”

Sarawak election aftermath: Investigating Taib’s billions

by Koon Yew Yin | CPI Asia

The Sarawak election results have come and gone. It has not been able to change the power equation in the state which has for so long been under the control of Taib Mahmud. A combination of dirty tricks and the well-honed BN election firepower of goodies, spin and support from public and private sector bodies, including those that are supposed to be neutral stake players, helped ensure the victory. What lies ahead for the Chief Minister and his state?

During his three decades of rule, Taib – together with members of his extended family – amassed an enormous fortune whilst the great majority of the population sank further into poverty. Several years ago, Transparency International in its Global Corruption Report named 10 of the world’s most corrupt leaders, “whose corruption has contributed to their countries’ low economic status, placing them among the poorest on the planet” (Forbes magazine). At that time, Taib Mahmud’s name did not appear on the list.
Continue reading “Sarawak election aftermath: Investigating Taib’s billions”

Just a matter of Taib for Sarawak polls

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 16, 2011

The election is a referendum on Taib’s 30-year rule. — File picANALYSIS, April 16 — Up to a million Sarawakians go to the polls today in what has become a referendum on Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud’s 30 years as chief minister of Malaysia’s largest state.

As the country’s longest-serving head of government, the 74-year-old has been accused of being a corrupt nepotist and lauded for developing a state once covered with the world’s oldest rainforest.

Results from what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has called the stiffest contest in Sarawak’s history will tell us which narrative the Sarawak public really believes.

Seemingly, every issue — whether land grabs or corruption — that has been played up by the opposition over the 10-day campaign finds its final source in the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) president. Continue reading “Just a matter of Taib for Sarawak polls”

Mad scramble for Tupperware mars PM’s do

By Andrew Ong

Chaos erupted at the MBKS indoor stadium last night immediately after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak left the rally venue as people jostled to get hold of goodie bags containing Tupperware brand containers.

As some 2,000 participants at the rally were streaming out of the stadium, hundreds crowded around part of the entrance, grabbing goodie bags that were being distributed.

The bags contained a poster of Najib and either a water tumbler or a small food container of Tupperware fame.

As the rush for goodies grew out of hand, workers were forced to relocate some of the boxes of goodies away from the entrance.

As soon as the boxes touched the floor, dozens of people, many of them elderly and children, ripped opened the boxes and carried with them whatever they could.
Continue reading “Mad scramble for Tupperware mars PM’s do”

Warning to Najib not to discredit RCI by setting one to serve dishonourable and selfish political objectives and challenge to set up 5 RCIs on pressing issues of public importance

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak must be warned that he should not discredit the concept of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI), which is an important device to establish government transparency, integrity and good governance, as by setting one to serve dishonourable and selfish political objectives as into the Carcosa sex video tape scandal.

Under the Barisan Nasional, public confidence in more and more key national institutions and concepts have plunged to unprecedented lows, whether it be the judiciary, the elections commission, the police, the anti-corruption agency.

All efforts by Najib under his 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) in the past two years had failed to check the rot as things have got worse instead of better.

For instance, in a matter of two years, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has proved to be an even greater failure than its predecessor, the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) in securing public confidence in its efficiency, independence and professionalism in combating corruption, particular the “grand corruption” of political “sharks” and their cronies despite getting more powers, funds and staffing from Parliament.

Now, Malaysians don’t even trust the MACC with their personal safety after the scandalous tragedies of Teoh Beng Hock who fell to his death from the 14th floor of MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16,2009 and Ahmad Sarbani Mohamad who fell to his death from the third floor of MACC office in Jalan Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.

It will a real national tragedy if the RCI concept is discredited because it is abused to serve dishonourable political objectives to attack opponents in the political arena, as in the Carcosa sex video tape scandal, instead of serving national or public purpose. Continue reading “Warning to Najib not to discredit RCI by setting one to serve dishonourable and selfish political objectives and challenge to set up 5 RCIs on pressing issues of public importance”

Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA in Kuching in Sept 2004

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak seems to be amenable to the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Carcosa sex videotape scandal, not into the roles of the Attorney-General and the Police to ascertain why the threesome forming “Datuk T” had not been arrested and prosecuted for crimes after three long weeks, but to establish the identity of the “key character” in the video.

Would Najib seriously consider the possibility of a RCI if the target of the Carcosa sex video tape screening had been the Prime Minister himself, the Deputy Prime Minister or anyone of the Cabinet Ministers?

The people of Sarawak and Malaysia are entitled to ask why the Prime Minister is not prepared to establish RCI for a whole host of more important and pressing public issues.

For a start, is Najib prepared to establish a RCI to re-open the riddle of the seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak Department of Environment (DOE) investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of Sarawak Timber Association (STA) in Kuching on 17th September 2004 just before 11 am? Continue reading “Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA in Kuching in Sept 2004”

Najib backing MACC in latest tragedy, says Kit Siang

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 08, 2011

KUCHING, April 8 — DAP accused Datuk Seri Najib Razak today of siding with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in the recent death of a Customs officer under its probe, casting doubt on the prime minister’s pledge of a thorough investigation into the incident.

Party advisor Lim Kit Siang said Najib should have abstained from giving his own evaluation of the circumstances surrounding Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed’s death on Wednesday as it gave the impression that he was taking the side of the graftbusting agency.

“Najib claimed Sarbani’s case was different from Teoh Beng Hock’s as he was not being questioned at the time of his death.

“Najib said that Sarbani went to the MACC’s office voluntarily to change his statement and thereon, died in the blink of an eye,” he told a press conference at DAP’s city headquarters here today.

Lim was referring to Najib’s statement to reporters here yesterday, in which the prime minister explained his understanding of the circumstances prior to Sarbani’s death. Continue reading “Najib backing MACC in latest tragedy, says Kit Siang”

10 more deserving RCIs

The Malaysian Insider
April 04, 2011

APRIL 4 — The Barisan Nasional (BN) is apparently seeking to file a parliamentary motion seeking a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to investigate a sex video clip allegedly featuring Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in a sexual tryst with a prostitute.

Perhaps because he is a lawmaker and also the parliamentary opposition leader. Then again, he is already facing his second sodomy charge in 12 years. So why not another trial.

However, if the ruling coalition is keen on holding RCIs to investigate a tape of a man having sex, perhaps it should consider setting up royal panels for the following issues:

1. Corruption involving ministers, senior government officials and other decision-makers

2. Leakage and other distortions in Malaysian policies and initiatives, including the New Economic Policy (NEP)

3. Racial polarisation and discrimination in Malaysia

4. Religious freedom and the rights of minorities to practise their religion Continue reading “10 more deserving RCIs”

Now every crook can fight corruption

by Tunku Aziz
The Malaysian Insider
1st April 2011

April 01, 2011APRIL 1 — In late 2006 as I was completing my term of office as a Special Advisor to the Secretary-General of the United Nations in New York, I received an unexpected invitation to deliver a speech at an anti-corruption conference in Jerusalem, Israel. It was an important gathering of academics, senior government officials and NGO luminaries.

The president of Israel, Moshe Katsav, the guest of honour, made a stirring speech about the evils of corruption, enjoining us all to fight it in our society.

Even as he was extolling the virtues of integrity in personal and public life, the police were crawling all over the presidential mansion rummaging through documents as part of an investigation into multiple allegations of rape and sexual harassment by several members of his female staff, over an extended period of time going back to when he was the tourism minister. He was finally sentenced to seven years in prison last week by a Tel Aviv District Court.

I mention all this for two reasons. The first is that I have never known any president, prime minister, chief minister or even a garden variety politician, however corrupt he is known to be, opposing measures to fight corruption. Many are so sincere and convincing that you think a new corruption-free dawn is about to break.

In our case, we have political leaders swearing blind that corruption is evil. They, by any standard, even if you want to be charitable, cannot in all honesty be described as morally upright where corruption is concerned. Continue reading “Now every crook can fight corruption”

Rahim not prosecuted for RM40 million corruption in the nineties in return for relinquishing all government, statutory and party positions?

In Parliament yesterday, I had asked for the government response to Monday’s Open Letter to the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar by former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ismail who had expressed lack of confidence that Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik would be prosecuted over the Carcosa sex video scandal because of the ultimate involvement of Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail as Attorney-General.

Mat Zain was the police officer who headed the initial investigation into the 1998 case of Anwar Ibrahim’s “black eye” assault while in police custody in Bukit Aman but whose recommendation that the then Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Rahim Noor be prosecuted for criminal assault against Anwar had been ignored until the subsequent establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

As KL CID chief in 1999, he handled the four police reports lodged by Anwar Ibrahim in Sungai Buloh prison, one of which was on the abuses of power by the then Prime Minister Tun Mahathir, the late Mohtar Abdullah who was Attorney-General and Gani Patail who was head of prosecution AG’s Chambers, although the Anti-Corruption Agency had compiled enough evidence to prove a “prima facie” case against Rahim for corruption involving money and shares worth RM40 million.

The questions which Mat Zain posed, and which I asked for answer in Parliament yesterday, were: Continue reading “Rahim not prosecuted for RM40 million corruption in the nineties in return for relinquishing all government, statutory and party positions?”

The “mother of all moral scandals” perpetrated by titled politicians and so-called leaders

On Sunday, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed success in its first annual report of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) particularly in the six pillars or National Key Result Areas (NKRAs).

All these NKRAs whether in fighting corruption or reducing crime can be challenged but one NKRA which the Najib administration has indisputably achieved is the plunge of Malaysian politics to the lowest and dirtiest gutter level in the nation’s history.

The lowest and dirtiest gutter politics was reached in the shameful and despicable Carcosa Sri Negara sex videotape screening scandal which has been condemned by all right-thinking Malaysians.

The Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has described it as the “mother of all moral scandals” perpetrated by titled personalities and so-called leaders.
Continue reading “The “mother of all moral scandals” perpetrated by titled politicians and so-called leaders”

Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP – on Anwar, Gani Patail and Rahim

Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP:

Mat Zain bin Ibrahim,
SAC II G/5776(Retired),


YDH Tan Sri Haji Ismail bin Haji Omar,IGP,
Ketua Polis Negara,
Polis Di-Raja Malaysia,
Bukit Aman,
50560 Kuala Lumpur.
Email:[email protected]

28hb.March 2010

YDH Tan Sri,


Semoga Tan Sri tenang dan tabah menangani cabaran mendatang.

2. Saya percaya Tan Sri sedar video lucah mana yang saya maksudkan.Saya yakin sepenuhnya bahawa PDRM mampu menjalankan tanggung jawabnya menjalankan siasatan tersebut secara professional dan berkecuali dan tidak terpengaruh dengan tekanan mana-mana pihak sekalipun, lebih-lebih lagi dibawah pimpinan Tan Sri ketika ini.

2.1. Namun begitu kertas siasatan ini kelak akan diteliti dan diputuskan olih Gani Patail,Peguam Negara.Diperingkat inilah dijangka akan berlaku,putar belit,manipulasi,penipuan dan pemalsuan apabila sedar akan caramana Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan menangani penyiasatan kes-kes jenayah apabila melibatkan Anwar Ibrahim(Anwar) dan Rahim Thambi Chik (Rahim) dimasa lampau. Continue reading “Open Letter by Mat Zain to IGP – on Anwar, Gani Patail and Rahim”

Ex-cop says Rahim likely to escape blame for sex video

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
March 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 — A former senior police investigating officer said today that he did not expect Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik to be prosecuted over the sex video scandal because of the ultimate involvement of Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail as Attorney-General.

Former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim also accused Abdul Gani of hijacking an investigation against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in 1999 in order to conceal his role in “indemnifying” the former Malacca chief minister from being prosecuted for corruption.

The investigation, he explained, had been wrested from him and given instead to former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan, who was then an investigating officer. Continue reading “Ex-cop says Rahim likely to escape blame for sex video”

BN’s fatal screw-up

Dean Johns | Mar 23, 11

Gleefully following the victories of the people against one government after another in North Africa and the Middle East, I keep recalling that these revolutions were ultimately triggered by the death of just one young man, Mohamed Bouazizi, in Tunisia.

That proved the tipping point, the final straw that raised popular resentment against decades of corruption, repression and injustice to what nuclear scientists call ‘critical mass’, resulting in the chain reaction that’s already blown several regimes away and still threatens a great many others.

So, as a long-time loather of Malaysia’s Barisan Nasional regime, I’ve been closely watching to see if it would succumb to the fall-out of the Arab revolt, or survive to later implode of its own accord.

But now I suspect that the seeds of BN’s destruction have been sown, not by explosive events in the Arab world, but by the ongoing nuclear emergency in earthquake- and tsunami-devastated northern Japan. Continue reading “BN’s fatal screw-up”

Why Chua Soi Lek dare not declare that Ling and Chan were innocent and that they are victims of selective prosecution by Attorney-General?

Just saw the unusual Merlimau and Kerdau double by-election polling day statement by MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, which is reported by The Malaysian Insider under the headline “Dr. Chua: Kit Siang using PKFZ as vote bait”.

Congratulations! The MCA President has issued a statement which even MCA leaders and members don’t believe, let alone the Malaysian people at large.

I am not interested in trading accusations.

What is obvious is that Chua continues to avoid the issues raised by the corruption charges preferred against the former No. 1 and No. 2 of MCA when they were Transport Ministers in connection with the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, including:

Firstly, why the MCA President dare not declare that the MCA and in particular the MCA leadership are convinced that the two former top MCA leaders were innocent of the corruption charges made against Ling and Chan in connection with the PKFZ scandal?

Secondly, why he dare not declare that Ling and Chan are victims of selective prosecution by the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail, when no other political personalities particularly from UMNO, have been charged for the same PKFZ scandal? Continue reading “Why Chua Soi Lek dare not declare that Ling and Chan were innocent and that they are victims of selective prosecution by Attorney-General?”

Why no protest by CSL at Ling and Chan being singled out for corruption charges in connection with RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal without any Umno personality being charged?

Many questions are swirling in the minds of Malaysians over the corruption charges against former MCA President, Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik and former MCA Deputy President, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy in connection with the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal which do not enhance public confidence in the independence, professionalism and integrity of the Attorney-General, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the judiciary.

Firstly, why the MCA President Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek endorsed the Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s prosecution of Ling and Chan as Chua had publicly said after Chan was charged in court on Monday that “anyone who had committed an offence in the eyes of the Attorney-General’s Chamber should face the music”.

It is no secret that there is considerable questioning, not only among the general public but particularly at all levels of the MCA leadership and membership, why the two former Transport Ministers who were MCA No. 1 and 2 had been singled out for corruption charges for the PKFZ scandal when there has not been a single prosecution against any Umno personality. Continue reading “Why no protest by CSL at Ling and Chan being singled out for corruption charges in connection with RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal without any Umno personality being charged?”

CSL and MCA leadership should declare whether they believe in Ling and Chan’s innocence or that both were “political scapegoats” for Umno

The MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek and the MCA leadership should declare their stand – whether they believe that former MCA President Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik and former MCA Deputy President Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy are innocent of the corruption charges which have been preferred against them when they were Transport Minister in connection with the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal or that both were “political scapegoats” for Umno.

Ling and Chan have made infamous Malaysian history for being the first two Cabinet Ministers to be charged for “grand corruption” in misleading the Cabinet in September/November 2002 (Ling’s charge) and the Prime Minister in February 2004, October 2005 and March 2006 (Chan’s charges).

Two of Ling’s contemporaries as Cabinet Ministers in 2002 are still MPs although backbenchers – Datuk Ong Ka Ting who was then the Minister for Housing and Local Government and Datuk Fong Chan Onn, then the Minister for Human Resources. Continue reading “CSL and MCA leadership should declare whether they believe in Ling and Chan’s innocence or that both were “political scapegoats” for Umno”

Is CSL going to apologise for producing a MCA President and MCA Deputy President who betrayed the trust of the people and country as Transport Minister in the RM12.5b PKFZ “grand corruption”?

MCA President Datuk Dr. Chua Soi Lek astounded Malaysians and the world with his smug reaction to the corruption charges against a second MCA Minister yesterday – former MCA Deputy President and former Transport Minister Tan Sri Chong Kong Choy – in connection with the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) “scandal of scandals”.

Chua said Chan’s court case will not affect MCA. He said when a person was charged in court, it did not mean he was guilty.

He said: “We should let the legal process take its course.”

Chua’s comments raise many intriguing questions. Has the MCA President been given an assurance by the “higher-up” that Chan was not guilty of three charges of corruption laid against him yesterday for which a RM1 million bail was posted – and that the former MCA Deputy President would be cleared in the trial, most likely after the next general elections?

Or has Chua any good reason to believe that the corruption charges against Chan as well as the corruption charges made previously against former MCA President and former Transport Minister Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik were just “a political charade” and that the charges would be quashed with the duo declared innocent after the next general elections? Continue reading “Is CSL going to apologise for producing a MCA President and MCA Deputy President who betrayed the trust of the people and country as Transport Minister in the RM12.5b PKFZ “grand corruption”?”

London protesters want Taib’s assets frozen

Mar 1, 11

Some 20 protesters comprising Malaysians and foreigners have staged a ‘Stop Timber Corruption’ demonstration in the British capital to highlight alleged abuses of long-serving Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud.

The demonstration, organised yesterday by NGO Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), was held outside a property company controlled by the Taib family, Ridgeford Properties Ltd, in central London.

It was led by Clare Rewcastle Brown, the sister-in-law of former British premier Gordon Brown, and Sarawak native Peter John Jaban. Continue reading “London protesters want Taib’s assets frozen”