HPAIR Conference 07 in Beijing


Email from Sri Ram Krishnan: “Wishing you a happy CNY. Hope all is well during this period. I need a small favour, again. HPAIR 07 (the conference which you helped me publicize last year) has just been finalised and I have forwarded the publicity flyer with this email. I would appreciate if you could put it up on your blog so that Malaysian students can be part of the two conferences again.

“Btw, last year we had quite a number of Msian students! Much better than 05..thanks partly to you and other bloggers out there!

“p.s : I am not the chairperson anymore but helping the organising committee at harvard and in china as much as I can. as usual, any questions out there regarding hpair can be forwarded to me. – Sriram Krishnan


DATES: August 17-20, 2007
WEBSITE: http://www.hpair2007.org/aconf/

The Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) invites you to participate in our annual summer student conference in Asia.

HPAIR is a partnership between the students and faculty of Harvard University, offering a sustained academic program and a forum of exchange to facilitate discussion of the most important economic, political, and social issues relevant to the Asia-Pacific region.

HPAIR’s international conference has emerged as the largest annual Harvard event in Asia and the largest annual student conference in the Asia-Pacific region, attracting a wide variety of distinguished speakers and future leaders as Harvard’s student outpost in Asia. Past speakers at our conferences include former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, Singapore President S.R. Nathan, Secretary-General of ASEAN Ong Keng Yong, and former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takanaka.

Both delegates and papers are welcome! Applications for both are online and located at www.hpair2007.org/apply/

The theme will be Engaging Asia: Discourse and Dialogue

Our HPAIR 2007 workshops will focus on the following six topics:
-Economic Growth in Asia and its Effects on Society -Comparative Notions of Leadership -Understanding Security Issues in East Asia -Inequality and Social Policy in Asia -Asia’s Information Society -Popular Culture in Asia Continue reading “HPAIR Conference 07 in Beijing”

Site Down

Dear Readers,

Very bad news.

The blog (blog.limkitsiang.com) has been down for three days.

We have just received the following message from our US host server:

“We regret to inform you that during the transfer to the new data centre your account was erased by the data centre before we had time to back it up, we apologies for the inconvenience and all attempts to recover the data was unsuccessful.”

IT Support is checking what is irretrievable. Thank you for your support and many apologies for the inconvenience.

16th February 2007 (1700 hours)

Happy Chinese New Year.

[Update 16th February 2007 (2100 hrs) – While recovery attempts are being made for the original blog.limkitsiang.com, we will start off with a new blogsite in the meanwhile. This new blogsite (english.limkitsiang.com) directly linked to the previous site is still being tested. – Kit]