Why is Hadi parroting the line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers accusing the DAP of being “chauvinist” in wanting to have local government elections?

PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is quoted as calling the DAP “chauvinist” for trying to restore local council elections in his press conference inBatu Pahat on Sunday.

I am amazed as to why the head of a political party which rivals UMNO is parroting the line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers who had been accusing the DAP of being “chauvinistic” in wanting to have local government elections, as one would expect more originality and even creativity from Hadi!

I am particularly surprised by Hadi’s charge of “chauvinism”, after he and PAS leaders had asked for DAP agreement after the 13th General Election that Hadi should be seated at the second Opposition seat next to the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, although PAS parliamentary representation was the smallest with 21 MPs as compared to DAP’s 38 and PKR’s 30.

However, without hesitation, I consented to the arrangement for Hadi to be seated in the second Parliamentary seat for Pakatan Rakyat benches, which would not be the case if DAP is “chauvinistic” as Hadi is now charging, as we would then be subjecting all considerations to the question of racial interest.

However, I had no qualms in immediately agreeing to the PAS request for Hadi to be seated in the second Opposition front-bench seat in Parliament although PAS had the least number of MPs among the three Pakatan Rakyat parties, for we in the DAP are always prepared to rise above self and party interests if this would serve the larger purpose of promoting the Pakatan Rakyat cause of bringing about political change in Malaysia towards restoring freedom, justice, human rights and dignity and save Malaysia from becoming a failed state because of rampant corruption, injustices and collapse of good governance.

It is to say the least, an “unkind cut” that after securing the second seating in Parliament by pleading the cause of ‘face” for the Malay ground and among PAS members, for Hadi to turn around and accuse me and DAP of being “chauvinist”. Continue reading “Why is Hadi parroting the line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers accusing the DAP of being “chauvinist” in wanting to have local government elections?”

Harapan kepada ustaz muda progresif

A Shukur Harun
The Malaysian Insider
14 July 2015

Bagi umat Islam di Malaysia yang mengikuti perkembangan gerakan Islam atau politik Islam yang kini menghadapi pelbagai masalah, menyebabkan pelbagai persoalan dan tanda tanya berlegar di sekitar mereka – apakah sebenarnya yang terjadi.

Apakah tidak ada penyelesaian, atau menempuh jalan mati? Sedangkan mereka mendakwa berpandukan ajaran Al-Quran dan Sunnah sejak berabad-abad lamanya.

Persoalan yang menimbulkan perbalahan ini antaranya disebabkan perbezaan pandangan antara mereka yang sempit dan keras (shadid) dalam memahami Islam dengan pandangan mereka terbuka dan lunak didukung dengan kebijaksanaan – sesuai dengan watak Islam itu sendiri yang unggul, anjal, diterima di sepanjang aman dan keadaan, mampu menangani perubahan dan segalanya.

Bagi golongan jalur keras, Islam itu lebih banyak dilihat daripada aspek hukum daripada aspek yang lain. Continue reading “Harapan kepada ustaz muda progresif”

1MDB scandal won’t end Najib’s career, regional analysts say

Malay Mail Online
Monday July 13, 2015

KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — Although the allegations of corruption and impropriety against Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his brainchild 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) have been relentless, several regional observers believe the prime minister will likely weather the storm and continue to remain in office as prime minister.

Speaking to American news channel CNBC, the pundits said despite even the latest exposé by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that saw a direct link drawn between Najib and 1MDB’s billions, the embattled prime minister still enjoys immense support and does not face much competition to his position from those in Umno.

“As I see now, the way the investigation has been playing out, it’s playing to form. I think Najib has control over the investigative process,” said William Case, a professor at the Southeast Asia Research Center of the City University of Hong Kong.

“He will remain in office. The investigation panel will report directly to him. In consequence, he will probably be able to survive this,” Case said in CNBC’s talk show Squawk Box.

Case also added that Najib had previously survived many other scandals, although the 1MDB scandal seemed to be “more serious than most”.

The academic’s remark echoed that made by some of Najib’s critics such as DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang who had cast doubt on the impartiality of the special task force currently probing WSJ’s report, noting that its members are civil servants who not only report to the Cabinet but also directly to the prime minister himself – the subject of the investigation. Continue reading “1MDB scandal won’t end Najib’s career, regional analysts say”

Replace the “special task force” of four Tan Sris with a Royal Commission of Inquiry of three Tuns – Mahathir, Abdullah and Musa – to get to the bottom of the WSJ allegations

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) is to be commended for its swift and prompt denial at allegations that its officials were behind the leak of information concerning the 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) funds.

Denying the allegations, the bank said it had lodged a police report concerning the
Malaysia Today blog on Saturday naming three central bank officials who it said leaked information on the money trail.

In a statement yesterday, the central bank said such allegations were without basis.

It said “Bank Negara Malaysia remains steadfast in our quest to uncovering the truth in a fair and just manner,” and that it will investigate any potential breaches to the laws it administers.

“In discharging its accountability, the bank is not aligned to any faction and will not betray the trust of the public.”

I believe the overwhelming majority of Malaysians appreciate this statement by Bank Negara and are asking why the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak cannot emulate the example of Bank Negara and make swift and prompt denial if an allegation is untrue. Continue reading “Replace the “special task force” of four Tan Sris with a Royal Commission of Inquiry of three Tuns – Mahathir, Abdullah and Musa – to get to the bottom of the WSJ allegations”

Call on Police to uphold law and order and on all Malaysians regardless of race and religion to be calm and unite against corruption and abuses of power

The Low Yat rampage in Kuala Lumpur is a stain on Malaysia’s reputation.

The Police have established that it was a simple case of theft.

This is clearly reported by the media, for example the New Straits Times, “Low Yat theft case solved, says police”, which stated:

“Police have solved a theft case at Low Yat Plaza in Bukit Bintang, here, which sparked a riot incident on Saturday.

“Police sources said the case was a clear-cut theft involving a 22-year-old suspect, who took away a cellular phone from a shop there without paying.

“’Investigation revealed that the man had stolen a phone, which led to him being arrested by public members. Continue reading “Call on Police to uphold law and order and on all Malaysians regardless of race and religion to be calm and unite against corruption and abuses of power”

PAS Syura Council decision a non-event as it is completely overshadowed by latest developments in PAS where the two top PAS leaders have become Najib’s strongest defenders

The decision of the PAS Syura Council endorsing the PAS Muktamar resolution last month for PAS to sever ties with DAP is a non-event, as almost all Malaysians know that Pakatan Rakyat had been killed by the new PAS leadership at the PAS Muktamar more than a month ago on June 3.

I had said at the time that with Pakatan Rakyat dead after the PAS Muktamar resolution, what was left to be done were the funeral rites for Pakatan Rakyat.

I must admit that I had not expected that it would take more than a month for the final funeral rites for Pakatan Rakyat to be completed.

The PAS Syura Council decision is a non-event as it has been completely overshadowed by the latest developments under the new PAS leadership, with the two top PAS leaders emerging as the strongest defenders of Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak at a time when Najib’s leadership is being increasingly questioned and challenged even in internal Umno circles because of the Prime Minister’s inability to establish his innocence and integrity in the face of unprecedented scandals like the 1MDB scandal. Continue reading “PAS Syura Council decision a non-event as it is completely overshadowed by latest developments in PAS where the two top PAS leaders have become Najib’s strongest defenders”

A Leader’s Massive Ego in Attempting to Change A Culture

M. Bakri Musa

Terrible things are done in many cultures in the name of honor. To some, the natural reaction would be either smug dismissal (those barbarians!) or comforting acceptance (all cultures have their warts!). That would also provide a ready excuse for continuing on business as usual.

Or we could have wannabe heroes or even real ones with a messianic mission to change that culture. Many have tried, and equally many have failed. For Malays, there was Mahathir, and before him, Datuk Onn. Undoubtedly there will be many more.

This wanting-to-change-our-people (or culture) zeal is a particular delusion of leaders with massive egos. Our only solace is that Onn and Mahathir did not do more damage. The Chinese under Mao were not so lucky. Millions perished under his Cultural Revolution and other dubious endeavors aimed at “changing” his people. Continue reading “A Leader’s Massive Ego in Attempting to Change A Culture”

DAP, NGOs fight the monsoon clock to raise RM2.5m for Kuala Krai flood victims

The Malay Mail Online
Saturday July 11, 2015
11:28 PM GMT+8

he DAP organised a fundraising dinner July 11, 2015 for its Gabungan Impian Kelantan project aiming to build 40 new homes for the village of Guchil whose occupants were displaced by last year’s floods.

The DAP organised a fundraising dinner July 11, 2015 for its Gabungan Impian Kelantan project aiming to build 40 new homes for the village of Guchil whose occupants were displaced by last year’s floods. — Pix by Choo Choy May

KUALA LUMPUR, July 11 — With just four months to go before the northeast monsoon hits Malaysia’s east coast, DAP and several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are in a race against time to raise the RM2.5 million needed to rebuild homes for villagers in Kuala Krai who were badly hit by last year’s floods.

In the first phase of their campaign, dubbed the Gabungan Impian Kelantan, the participating parties hope to build 40 new homes for the village of Guchil whose occupants were displaced last year when muddy waters hit the state.
Continue reading “DAP, NGOs fight the monsoon clock to raise RM2.5m for Kuala Krai flood victims”

Why is Najib allowed to be the one and only person responsible for the metamorphosis from three-agency government probe to four “Tan Sri” special task force on WSJ report and now wide-ranging powers to investigate all allegations about 1MDB scandal when he is the “accused” in the investigation?

Yesterday, the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has joined the chorus of support for Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak expressing confidence that the special task force set up to investigate all insinuations and allegations hurled against 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) recently will conduct its investigations in a transparent and fair manner.

He said all parties should have confidence in the special task force set up to find whether the allegations were true or otherwise, stressing that “the task force was established not to find faults, but to investigate comprehensively all allegations made”.

Muhyiddin’s support for the special task force, although calling for the investigation to be “transparent and according to the law, without fear or favour” should ignite more concerns about the purpose, scope, credibility and even composition of the special task force investigation by the four Tan Sris, namely Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed.

I am very concerned by Muhyiddin’s statement for it bears the strongest proof that the government keeps changing its goal post about investigations into Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report on July 3 that Malaysian government investigators have found some US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) deposited into Najib’s personal accounts at AmBank in March 2013, shortly before the dissolution of Parliament on April 3, 2013 in the run-up to the 13th General Election. Continue reading “Why is Najib allowed to be the one and only person responsible for the metamorphosis from three-agency government probe to four “Tan Sri” special task force on WSJ report and now wide-ranging powers to investigate all allegations about 1MDB scandal when he is the “accused” in the investigation?”

DAP has made progress in ‘Malay-nisation’

By Kow Gah Chie and Adrian Wong | 9:29AM Jul 9, 2015

INTERVIEW In the attempts to get rid of its Chinese-based party label, DAP’s pro-Malay approach has caused some anxiety among certain members who feel the party may gone overboard for the ‘hypercorrection’.

To this, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang said he wasn’t aware the party was now being perceived as pushing too hard towards being a Malay-friendly party.
Continue reading “DAP has made progress in ‘Malay-nisation’”

Sudah sampai masanya orang kampung diberitahu perkara sebenar

Amin Iskandar
The Malaysian Insider
12 July 2015

Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor mengatakan semalam “orang kampung” jangan menyangka kehidupan di kota besar Kuala Lumpur lebih baik berbanding di luar bandar.

Menurut menteri Wilayah Persekutuan itu, ini kerana kos kehidupan di kota besar jauh lebih tinggi dan menyebabkan sesetengah penduduk luar bandar yang mempunyai cita-cita untuk hidup mewah akhirnya menjadi gelandangan.

Benar apa yang dikatakan setiausaha agung Umno itu. Di luar bandar jika kita diwariskan tanah keluarga, sekurang-kurangnya kita ada tempat tinggal.

Barangkali sudah sampai masanya Tengku Adnan yang dikenali sebagai Ku Nan dan Umno memberitahu penduduk luar bandar perkara sebenar tentang Malaysia.

Selama ini, penduduk luar bandar hanya diberitahu “cerita-cerita yang indah” saja tentang Malaysia sehingga ramai tertipu dan berhijrah ke kota besar di Kuala Lumpur dan akhirnya merempat.

Oleh kerana kebanyakan penduduk luar bandar selama ini hanya mendapat berita daripada Utusan Malaysia, RTM dan TV3, mereka mungkin tidak berapa tahu tentang Malaysia yang sebenar. Continue reading “Sudah sampai masanya orang kampung diberitahu perkara sebenar”

DAP’s door open to all Malays who share the Malaysian Dream of an united, inclusive, progressive, just and prosperous Malaysia for all Malaysians

(Scroll down for English text)

Pintu DAP terbuka untuk semua orang Melayu yang mahu kepada Impian Malaysia yang bercita-cita untuk mewujudkan Malaysia yang bersatu, inklusif, progresif, adil dan makmur untuk semua rakyat Malaysia

DAP mempunyai lebih ramai Ahli Parlimen dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dari kaum India berbanding dengan MIC – sama ada pada hari ini atau pada tahun 1969 apabila DAP bertanding pilihanraya umum buat kali pertama.

Selepas PRU13, DAP mempunyai enam Ahli Parlimen dan 13 ADUN dari kaum India mewakili Pulau Pinang, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor dan Pahang.

Sebaliknya, MIC hanya mempunyai empat Ahli Parlimen dan lima ADUN walaupun tiada siapa akan tahu berapa ramai lagi Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN MIC yang akan tinggal selepas krisis dalaman yang sedang dialami oleh parti itu sekarang.

Tetapi DAP bukan parti kaum India. Continue reading “DAP’s door open to all Malays who share the Malaysian Dream of an united, inclusive, progressive, just and prosperous Malaysia for all Malaysians”

Should Najib resign?

Hafidz Baharom
The Malaysian Insider
11 July 2015

Personally, yes. He has tarnished the office of prime minister with his continued failure in doing the one thing he had to do: lead.

And quite frankly, I would rather he do so before succumbing to his “media triggered” depression, letting this country fall further into economic ruin and then promoting a “Twinkie defence”. Or, before he calls for martial law.

So respectfully, it is time to clock out, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

And I’ll tell you why? In fact, I’ll write it out. Continue reading “Should Najib resign?”

After ‘failed’ PAS, Mat Sabu says new party will be Malaysia’s Islamic Renaissance ‘beacon’

by Kamles Kumar
Malay Mail Online
July 11, 2015

KUALA LUMPUR, July 11 — PAS’s ousted progressives plan to muscle their way ahead of the Islamist party back to the forefront of Malaysian politics with a new party one leader has described as a “beacon” of the Islamic Renaissance movement both locally and to the world.

The leader – Mohamad Sabu, who is more popularly known as Mat Sabu – said the current PAS leadership has deviated from the party’s original Islamic ideals, become corrupted by material wealth and lost its way.

The new yet-to-be-named movement of “new hope” or Gerakan Harapan Baru as it is referred to, will pick up the slack for the Islamist party, the former PAS deputy president said.

Speaking to Malay Mail Online in an interview yesterday, Mat Sabu said what he wants is to reunite “akidah” (creed) with “akhlak” (morals), both of which he said have been separated from one another due to corruption and materialism.

“If this new party is just to replace Umno or PAS, I don’t agree. But we must introduce that akidah and akhlak must go together in this party.

“Our akidah and akhlak is separated already. Now my struggle is I want to combine both of these back,” Mat Sabu said. Continue reading “After ‘failed’ PAS, Mat Sabu says new party will be Malaysia’s Islamic Renaissance ‘beacon’”

Musa Hitam can be caretaker Prime Minister if agreement can be reached for him to be elected to Parliament in an early by-election or the search should look at other candidates like Tengku Razaleigh or someone from Sabah or Sarawak

Although it is more than a week since the publication in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) previous Friday on July 3 that Malaysian government investigators have found almost US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) deposited into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s personal accounts at AmBank in March 2013, Najib has failed to answer four simple questions, viz:

*Whether he has three personal accounts in AmBank;

*Whether some US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) of funds were deposited into his personal accounts in 2013 just before the dissolution of Parliament on April 3, 2013 in the run-up to the 13th General Election;

*If so, where the RM2.6 billion came from; and

*Where these RM2.6 billion have gone to.

I call on Najib to publicly answer these questions before Hari Raya, latest in his Hari Raya message, so that the 1MDB will not become the dominant subject during the Hari Raya holidays and in the weeks leading up to the 58th Merdeka anniversary on August 31 and 53rd Malaysia Day anniversary on Sept. 16, 2015. Continue reading “Musa Hitam can be caretaker Prime Minister if agreement can be reached for him to be elected to Parliament in an early by-election or the search should look at other candidates like Tengku Razaleigh or someone from Sabah or Sarawak”

New Islamist party has higher purpose than hudud, says Mujahid

Looi Sue-Chern
The Malaysian Insider
11 July 2015

The new political party being mulled by a group of “purged” progressive PAS leaders will take the position that Islam is bigger than just the Islamic penal code or hudud.

Former PAS central committee member Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa said Islam instructed its believers to preserve the greater peace, instead of bulldozing laws.

“This was why the late spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat put hudud on hold. He understood this very well. He knew that the issue had not been settled.

“Is hudud everything? It is just a criminal law,” he told The Malaysian Insider in an interview at his office in Parit Buntar. Continue reading “New Islamist party has higher purpose than hudud, says Mujahid”

Cut losses in 30 BN bastions, DAP strategist says in polls gambit

The Malay Mail Online
July 10, 2015

KUALA LUMPUR, July 10 — The opposition should forgo 30 Barisan Nasional (BN) strongholds in its bid for Putrajaya and focus resources on 38 marginal seats to make Umno fall like dominoes, a DAP strategist said today.

Liew Chin Tong, the DAP election planner whose brazen plan to contest against Umno in its stronghold state Johor in Election 2013 saw Pakatan Rakyat taking five out of 26 seats, said the opposition should not stretch itself by trying to take seats where the odds of victory are low.

“Let’s be clear, elections are won or lost in marginal seats. For the new Opposition coalition to form the next government which is stable and with a strong legitimacy, defeating Umno in the Peninsula has to be the priority.

“But to cause Umno to fall like dominoes, we should not set our sights on its strongholds but work on where it is weakest: the marginal seats,” the DAP national political education director said in his analysis titled “The Peninsula Dominoes”. Continue reading “Cut losses in 30 BN bastions, DAP strategist says in polls gambit”

16th IACC Conference in Putrajaya in September should have sub-theme of “1MDB Financial Scandal” as it provides perfect and rare counter case study why the conference theme “Ending Impunity: People, Integrity and Action” so difficult to achieve

May be the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of integrity, Paul Low, is right – the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) to be held in Putrajaya in September should go on as scheduled as Malaysia would be presenting a perfect and rare counter case study why the conference theme of “Ending Impunity: People, Integrity and Action” is so difficult or even impossible to achieve.

In fact, the 16th IACC, which has described itself as “world’s premier global forum for bringing together heads of state, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders to tackle the increasingly sophisticated challenge posed by corruption” should have a sub-theme of “The Mother of all Financial Scandals in Malaysia – the RM42 billion 1MDB Scandal”!

The 16th IACC is very lucky for it will have the special privilege and honour not only to have a major participant but the key player of 1MDB scandal to give the keynote address which will allow the 800 to 2,000 international participants an excellent opportunity to have special insights to discuss and dissect a live case example of the need to achieve the conference theme of “Ending Impunity: People, Integrity and Action” in the global fight against corruption.

In fact, not only the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak but the quartet of four Tan Sris who head the special task force, Attorney-General Gani Patail, Bank Negara Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamad should appear before the ICAC sessions to impart their experience and expertise to an international cionference as they must the only outfit in the world of subordinate officers investigating the No. One authority in government and nation, the Prime Minister.

As former Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Musa Hitam, conceded in his interview with The Malaysian Insider today, “An unprecedented thing is happening as a sitting prime minister is being investigated by a task force”. Continue reading “16th IACC Conference in Putrajaya in September should have sub-theme of “1MDB Financial Scandal” as it provides perfect and rare counter case study why the conference theme “Ending Impunity: People, Integrity and Action” so difficult to achieve”

Default risk climbs for Malaysia as Najib probe outweighs Fitch

The Edge
July 10, 2015

(July 10): Less than two weeks after Fitch Ratings refrained from downgrading Malaysia, the cost of insuring the nation’s debt is at a six-month high amid a graft probe involving Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Five-year credit-default swaps protecting sovereign notes climbed as much as 12 basis points in July to 148 after the Wall Street Journal reported last week that $700 million of a state investment company’s funds may have ended up in Najib’s bank accounts, a claim he is disputing. The contracts could rise toward 200, a level last seen in 2011, according to Macquarie Bank Ltd.

Heightened credit risk is lifting bond yields, raising funding costs to build railways, roads and power plants as Najib presses ahead with a $444 billion development program. It’s also weighing on the ringgit, which has led losses among Asian currencies this year as lower oil prices hurt Malaysian exports. Brent crude is down 7.2 percent this month and is 49 percent cheaper than it was from its high a year ago.

“Everything seems to conspire against Malaysian bonds and the ringgit in the last couple of weeks,” said Nizam Idris, head of currency and fixed-income strategy at Macquarie Bank in Singapore. “The political scandal involving the prime minister was a big surprise that hit market sentiment” and the CDS price could surpass 160 and head toward 200, he said. Continue reading “Default risk climbs for Malaysia as Najib probe outweighs Fitch”

Najib Razak’s links to Malaysia fund need transparency

Financial Times
July 9, 2015

Prime minister is under pressure over allegations regarding 1MDB

Ever since Malaysia gained its independence from Britain in 1957, the country has been ruled without interruption by one party, the United Malays National Organisation.

After more than six decades in power, UMNO, which represents the Muslim Malay majority, has much to celebrate. Malaysia has the third-largest economy in Southeast Asia, and is an all-too rare example to the world of a moderate and democratic Muslim state. But UMNO’s longstanding grip on power is under threat, raising doubts about the country’s political stability.

One sign of the pressure on the ruling party came at the 2013 general election, when Anwar Ibrahim, leader of the three-party Pakatan Rakyat coalition, came close to toppling UMNO from power. Campaigning to reform Malaysia’s political system, which he stigmatised as ossified and corrupt, Mr Anwar’s performance was good enough to raise fears within UMNO about a possible defeat at the next election in 2018. Continue reading “Najib Razak’s links to Malaysia fund need transparency”