Will Cabinet today resolve that all Ministers and Deputy Minister should seal their lips on the amounts of funds they received from Najib’s RM2.6 billion personal accounts for 13GE campaigning?

I have given the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the expanded Cabinet of 37 Ministers 96 hours to prove that they are sincere in political funding – and this 96-hour challenge expires at the Cabinet meeting later in the morning.

Will there be any surprises from Najib and the Ministers in announcing steps and measures to demonstrate that they are sincere in political funding as a follow-up to the Prime Minister’s recent proposal for a national consultative committee of political parties, NGOS, civil societies and youths to formulate guidelines on political funding with the aim of ensuring that funds are sourced with integrity?

Malaysians do not expect any surprises, and will in fact be shocked if the Cabinet could produce a rabbit from the hat and come up with initiatives to demonstrate that it is sincere about regulating the baneful effects of money politics in Malaysia.

Najib suffers from a grave case of trust-deficit in the country, but he is making a grave error if he thinks Malaysians suffer from an equally serious case of judgment-deficit.

All Malaysians can see through what Najib is up to when he proposed a National Consultative Council on Political Funding which will be given a year to come up with proposals and guidelines in place in time for the next general election.

Najib wants to buy time for up to one whole year to be able to continue stonewall from giving a full and satisfactory account of the RM2.6 billion deposited into his personal accounts in AmBank in March 2013 before the 13th General Election – where the money had come from, who had received handouts from Najib’s accounts, what is the remainder in the accounts after the 13th General Election, and whether there is any truth in last Saturday posting on Sarawak Report website that over US$650 million (RM2 billion) was transferred from Najib’s AmPrivate Bank account in Kuala Lumpur to an account in Singapore after the 13th general election. Continue reading “Will Cabinet today resolve that all Ministers and Deputy Minister should seal their lips on the amounts of funds they received from Najib’s RM2.6 billion personal accounts for 13GE campaigning?”

From trust deficit to moral and ethical bankruptcy

– K. Haridas
The Malaysian Insider
18 August 2015

Who gives a donation amounting to RM2.6 billion? All that Malaysians would like to know are details about this amazing donor. Is such a person alive? We would like to know what motivated him or even a brotherly nation to give such a sizeable amount to Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Was it really for Umno or was it a personal donation or as also claimed for supporting anti-Isis positions?

This is the biggest lie that has been floated on Malaysian citizens. Believe me, the way money has entered into Najib’s accounts stinks of misuse of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds. If this is revealed, it is a crime of great magnitude. So, present it as a donation and the kampong and Umno folk will then buy it.

The way the money was moved from account to account and then disappeared raises questions regarding deceptions. Umno diehards who are loyal to Najib are not interested in these questions. The scale of the amount and the manner in which money was brought into the country smells of dishonesty, intrigue and exploitation. Continue reading “From trust deficit to moral and ethical bankruptcy”

Himpunan ulama progresif serlah keterbukaan politik Islam

A Shukur Harun
The Malaysian Insider
18th August 2015

Sehari suntuk mengikuti sekumpulan ulama progresif dalam majlis Nadwah Ulama Nahdhah Jadidah 2015 (Nunji ’15) di Shah Alam Sabtu lalu mendedahkan kita kepada keterbukaan fiqh yang merangkumi politik Islam sesuai dengan keadaan masyarakat majmuk di negara ini.

Nunji ’15 itu berjaya mengumpulkan ulama yang berfikiran terbuka dan mendukung aspirasi Gerakan Harapan Baru (GHB) yang bercita-cita membawa rakyat Malaysia kepada Islam sebagai “Rahmatan lil Alamin” (Rahmat seluruh alam) dengan sifatnya yang teguh, anjal, toleran dan adil.

Ini satu perkembangan baharu dalam memahami kemurnian tasawuur Islam, terutama mengenai hukum-hakam yang dilihat sering diselubungi kejumudan dan shadid (keras), menyebabkan wajah Islam yang sepatutnya ceria dan ramah menjadi bengis, malah menakutkan. Continue reading “Himpunan ulama progresif serlah keterbukaan politik Islam”

The DAP and I

By Mohd Shahrir Asri
18th August 2015

“DAP parti komunis cina. Mereka hendak melenyapkan Melayu dan Islam di Malaysia. Cina2 babi semua tu”. I have been hearing that from almost all Malays since 1987 (I have been interested in politics since I was 12 years old) and I thought it will still be that for years to come.

However, despite all that, I decided to join DAP on July 10, 2015 because I see hope in them and I think I can contribute to make things better for Malaysia, Pakatan and DAP. By the way, my name is Mohd Shahrir Asri and I am a Malay. Continue reading “The DAP and I”

The Arrival of Islam as a Momentous Event in Malay Culture

M. Bakri Musa

The arrival of Islam was “the most momentous event in the history of the Malay archipelago,” to quote Syed Naquib al-Attas. It came not through the point of the sword but peacefully through trade. Islam did not land in a cultural and religious vacuum as Malays were already steeped in Hindu and animist traditions. Nor did the Arabs come to emancipate our ancestors; there was no messianic zeal or even an inclination to engage in their salvation.

Those Muslims came only to trade; there was no intention to dominate or colonize. Their Islamic faith and the prevailing Malay culture interacted through gradual and mutual accommodation. The result was that “the local genius of the people shone through” in the melding of the two, to quote Farish Noor, respected scholar and frequent commentator on Malaysian affairs.

This was vividly illustrated with my matriarchal Adat Perpateh. It coexisted peacefully with traditional male-dominated Islam, demonstrating a brilliant and workable synthesis of the two. Malays did not repudiate our traditional ways to become Muslims, and Islam was not adulterated to accommodate Malay culture. Both were remarkably malleable to and adaptive of each other. Continue reading “The Arrival of Islam as a Momentous Event in Malay Culture”

IGP should ensure that police single-mindedly focus on fighting crime to make Malaysians safe instead of playing the game of their political masters like probing Zahid’s ridiculous claim of a campaign to topple the government

The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar should ensure that the police focus single-mindedly on fighting crime to make Malaysians safe in their homes, offices and public places instead of playing the game of their political masters like probing the Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi’s ridiculous claim of a campaign to topple the government, when no offence has been disclosed.

Khalid was very proud to say yesterday that the police had received three reports in relation to Zahid’s calim that there is a campaign to topple the government and that the reports will be investigated under Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” which carries maximum penalty of 20 years in jail.

Did Khalid sense the nation-wide gasp of disgust and disbelief that the police under his leadership are continuing to squander scarce police resources and precious police time to play the game of their political masters and go on a wild goose chase when the police priority should be an unerring agenda to slash the crime rate to make Malaysia a safe country for citizens and investors?

Firstly, can Khalid explain what offence had been disclosed by the so-called three police reports based on Zahid’s claim that there is a campaign to topple the government? Continue reading “IGP should ensure that police single-mindedly focus on fighting crime to make Malaysians safe instead of playing the game of their political masters like probing Zahid’s ridiculous claim of a campaign to topple the government”

If a new Islamist party is formed by Merdeka Day, hopefully a new Pakatan Baru would be formed by Malaysia Day

Dr. Dzukefly Ahmad, the secretary of Gerakan Harapan Baru, expects a new Islamist party to be formed by Merdeka Day on August 31.

If a new Islamist party is formed by Merdeka Day, hopefully a new Pakatan Baru, whether called Pakatan Rakyat 2.0, Harapan Rakyat or any other name, would be formed by Malaysia Day and be the rallying point of Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region for fundamental political changes in Malaysia to save Malaysia from the disasters of a rogue and failed state.

The seven-year Pakatan Rakyat from 2008 to 2015 had been a seminal period in the political life of Malaysia, arousing anew the hopes and aspirations of Malaysians, cutting across race, religion, region, gender and age, for the fulfillment of the Malaysian Dream where every Malaysian can achieve his or her potential in the country, and to be treated as an equal citizen with political freedom, human rights, economic justice and enjoying all the human dignity and basic socio-economic rights which every human being in a modern society in the 21st century is entitled to.

Unfortunately, the Pakatan Rakyat died after fighting one general election in 2013, breaking the hearts of all Malaysians who had vested such high hopes and trust in PR. Continue reading “If a new Islamist party is formed by Merdeka Day, hopefully a new Pakatan Baru would be formed by Malaysia Day”

Eight Ministers and two Deputy Ministers asked to declare the amounts of funds received from the infamous Najib RM2.6 billion personal accounts for the 13th General Election campaigning

Former Minister and Barisan Nasional Backbenchers’ Club (BNBBC) Chairman Tan Sri Shahrir Samad is the first to confirm the posting on the Sarawak Report website on Saturday which named him as one of those who had received funds from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s infamous RM2.6 billion personal accounts for the 13th General Election campaigning.

In the past two days, I had asked the two individuals whom Sarawak Report had revealed as having received RM1 million and RM2 million respectively to publicly confirm or deny, that they cannot keep silent as they are bound to be questioned on the matter when Parliament reconvenes on Oct. 19, as both of them are Members of Parliament.

Now that Shahrir has admitted receiving RM1 million from Najib’s RM2.6 billion personal accounts for the 13th General Election campaigning, it is now the turn of the Deputy Minister for International Trade and Industry, Datuk Ahmad Maslan to confirm whether he has received RM2 million from Najib’s RM2.6 billion personal accounts for the 13th General Election campaigning. Continue reading “Eight Ministers and two Deputy Ministers asked to declare the amounts of funds received from the infamous Najib RM2.6 billion personal accounts for the 13th General Election campaigning”

Call on the IGP to arrest Housing Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan for publishing “false news” under the PPPA for his Star Online Interview unless Abdul Rahman can prove that there was actually a plot to criminalise the Prime Minister and topple him from office

In his Star Online interview, which is not available on the printed edition of The Star today, the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan who is also Minister for Housing and Local Government, is guilty of publishing two false news unless he could prove their truth and veracity, viz:

Firstly, that there was an attempted coup against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak by criminalising him and topple him from office; and

Secondly, that there was already a coup and unconstitutional grap for power by the then Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail when illegally and arbitrarily, the Special Task force headed by him investigating into the 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion deposit in Najib’s personal accounts in AmBank investigated the Prime Minister in order to “criminalise” the Prime Minister.

These are serious assertions by a Minister of the country, and must be considered as “false news” falling under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 unless Rahman could prove their truth and veracity.

I call on the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar to arrest Housing Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan for publishing “false news” under the Printing Presses and Publications Act for his Star Online Interview on a plot to criminalise the Prime Minister and topple him from office unless Rahman can prove the veracity or truth of these serious allegations.

Three important strands of police investigations into Abdul Rahman’s Star Online interview should be:

(1) Whether there was a plot in the last days of July to stage a coup against Najib as Prime Minister by criminalizing him and toppling him from office;

(2) Whether there had been illegal and unconstitutional acts to overawe and frustrate the Attorney-General from exercising his discretionary powers under Article 145(3) of the Constitution to “institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence”;

(3) Whether there was any basis for charging the Prime Minister for the offence of corruption. Continue reading “Call on the IGP to arrest Housing Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan for publishing “false news” under the PPPA for his Star Online Interview unless Abdul Rahman can prove that there was actually a plot to criminalise the Prime Minister and topple him from office”

Najib should come clean about the RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts and stop spawning lies like the latest one that ‘PM’s RM2.6 billion was thanks for fighting IS’

It has been said that once you tell a lie, you need to tell ten more lies to cover the first lie.

This is what is happening almost every day, to cover up the multiple and monstrous lies that are being told about the twin scandals of RM42 billion 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts before the 13th General Election.

In a way, it is quite entertaining the manner that the Prime Minister and his media communication strategists are busy spinning stories about these twin scandals, and if not for the vital fact that national interests and the people’s future are at stake, one could sit back to enjoy the burlesque and the clumsy attempts to get the Prime Minister to get out of a very sticky and nasty situation.

But the latest spin that the RM2.6 billion deposited into Najib’s personal bank accounts originated from Saudi Arabia as an appreciation to Malaysia for championing Islam, fighting Islamic State (IS) and for practicing Sunni Islam (Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah) really takes the cake for being the most ludicrous and outrageous explanation so far. Continue reading “Najib should come clean about the RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts and stop spawning lies like the latest one that ‘PM’s RM2.6 billion was thanks for fighting IS’”

Was there an attempted coup against Najib involving charging him for corruption in last week of July which was pre-empted by the sudden sacking of the then Attorney-General Gani Patail?

Was there an attempted coup against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak involving charging him for corruption in the last week of July which was pre-empted by the sudden sacking of the then Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail?

In fact, was there already a coup and unconstitutional grab for power when Gani illegally and arbitrarily set up the four-agency Special Task Force comprising Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) and the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) to investigate the 1MDB scandal and RM2.6 billion deposit in Najib’s personal bank accounts by foreign sources just before the 13th General Election?

These are among the questions buzzing the everybody’s mind from the interview in Star Online by the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan who is also Minister for Housing and Local Government. Continue reading “Was there an attempted coup against Najib involving charging him for corruption in last week of July which was pre-empted by the sudden sacking of the then Attorney-General Gani Patail?”

Najib badly served by the world’s worst but probably most expensive media communications strategists as witnessed by the “dud” of the National Consultative Committee on Political Funding

Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is badly served by the world’s worst but probably most expensive media communications strategists as witnessed by the “dud” of the National Consultative Committee on Political Funding.

Those responsible for mooting the idea of National Consultative Committee on Political Funding at this stage deserve to be sacked immediately, as only the naïve and the dim-witted could believe that this is the best timing for the Prime Minister to surface such a proposal.

Those who convinced Najib to go public on this idea at this stage must have sold the Prime Minister with the argument that this was a panacea for Najib’s recent woes, pushing to the backstage the twin scandals of 1MDB and RM2.6 billion deposit into Najib’s personal bank accounts, which had haunted the Prime Minister for months, but even more tempting, allow Najib to go from the defensive to the offensive against opposition parties – by taking a moral ground vis-à-vis his critics and dissenters.

But only the naïve and the nincompoop could fail to see that this is the worst possible timing to surface the proposal of a National Consultative Council on Political Funding, and in fact, may even be inviting a death certificate for the idea.

This is because with Najib’s failure to uphold accountability and transparency in the two biggest scandals in the nation’s history, the RM42 billion 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion deposited in Najib’s personal accounts in AmBank in March 2013 just before dissolution of Parliament and holding of 13th General Election, the Prime Minister has lost all moral authority to talk about transparency and integrity in political funding. Continue reading “Najib badly served by the world’s worst but probably most expensive media communications strategists as witnessed by the “dud” of the National Consultative Committee on Political Funding”

The culture of integrity

By Anwar Fazal
Aug 15, 2015

Ensuring integrity and fighting corruption has been among the greatest challenges of all times to humanity. Religions have addressed the issues as have governments of all shapes, sizes and structures.

Sadly, it continues to be an unremitting scourge globally. It is a deep malaise that, like a malignant cancer, continues to grow, destroy, while sometimes appearing in unexpected and even in quasi-legal ways with the complicity of the very institutions established for ensuring justice and good governance.

Malaysia’s journey in meeting these challenges continues to be a struggle. One of the most significant publications in this field was done in Malaysia appearing first as ‘The Sociology of Corruption’ in 1968, and subsequently and extensively updated.This globally classic intellectual work on corruption was published in Malaysia by one of its outstanding public intellectuals, Dr Syed Hussein Alatas.

The 1991 edition was entitled ‘Corruption: its nature, causes and functions’. The book was reprinted in 2005 and the distinguished Malaysian prince who launched it warned us that “Corruption may become an industry”. Continue reading “The culture of integrity”

Malaysia’s Ringgit in a Tailspin

Wall Street Journal
Aug. 14, 2015

Currency falls more than 3% Friday to a fresh 17-year low

Malaysia’s ringgit suffered its largest one-day loss in almost two decades, with investors pulling cash out of stocks and bonds, as the nation’s list of challenges appears to be getting longer.

The ringgit shed more than 3% against the U.S. dollar Friday, leading the losses in global currency markets and falling to a fresh 17-year low.

Malaysia’s benchmark index was down 5.4% for the week, the region’s worst-performing stock market. Yields, which move inversely to prices, on five-year Malaysian government bonds rose 0.20 percentage point this week to their highest level since the global financial crisis. Continue reading “Malaysia’s Ringgit in a Tailspin”

Is Zahid referring to Muhyiddin as the UMNO leader plotting to topple the Najib government?

I am intrigued by the latest news reports online quoting the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi as saying that an Umno leader is leading an attempt to topple the Najib government “using the backdoor”.

Citing “trusted sources”, Zahid said there is an attempt to obtain statutory declarations (SD) of opposition and Barisan Nasional MPs to claim that they have the voice of the majority.

Is Zahid referring to former Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who though sacked at DPM is still the UMNO Deputy President or some other UMNO leader?

Be that as it may, “toppling” Najib as Prime Minister is no crime and cannot fall under the ambit of Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” as this is part and parcel of parliamentary democracy, unless the proposed “toppling” of the Prime Minister and the government is by “violent and unconstitutional” means. Continue reading “Is Zahid referring to Muhyiddin as the UMNO leader plotting to topple the Najib government?”

72 hours to Najib and Cabinet to prove that they are sincere in political funding proposals

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday proposed a national consultative committee of political parties, NGOS, civil societies and youths to formulate guidelines on political funding with the aim of ensuring that funds are sourced with integrity.

The Prime Minister could not have made such a proposal in worse circumstances, for though the concept that funds for political parties are sourced with integrity and in a transparent manner is right, proper and deserves support, Najib’s timing of such a proposal could only ensure its rejection or reception with great skepticism.

I fully support the idea that funding for political parties and elections should be transparent with regard to its source and expenditure, but this is clearly secondary for Najib as the largest concern about him is his continued stonewalling from giving a full and satisfactory accounting of the RM2.6 billion deposited into his personal accounts in AmBank in March 2013 before the 13th General Election remains – and the main question for Malaysians and the world remains: where the RM2.6 billion came from and where they have gone to.

It is a blot on Najib’s record of transparency and integrity that for over a month he could not say a simple “yes” or “no” as to whether RM2.6 billion was deposited into his personal bank accounts, and where the money came from and where they have gone to. The question uppermost in everybody’s mind is what had Najib got to hide? Continue reading “72 hours to Najib and Cabinet to prove that they are sincere in political funding proposals”

Call on new AG and IGP to declare whether they will halt the current spate of police arrests and investigations under Section 124B of Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” as there is not a single case which contains the required element of being “by violent or unconstitutional” means

I call on the new Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali and the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar to declare whether they will halt the current spate of police arrests and investigations under Section 124B of Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” as there is not a single case which contains the required element of being by “violent and unconstitutional” means.

What we are seeing in the past few weeks when Section 124B of the Penal Code has suddenly become a new monstrous weapon by the Najib government to arrest, intimidate and cow Malaysians from standing up for their democratic and constitutional rights is nothing less than a gross abuse of power and perversion of Parliament’s intention for the enactment of Section 124B of the Penal Code in 2012.

Parliament was given the assurance by the Najib Executive that Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” which can send a person to jail for a maximum of 20 years was intended only for those who carried out “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” by “violent and unconstitutional means”.

When the tthen de facto Law Minister, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was pressed in Parliament in 2012 why Section 124B had not spelt out clearly that it only referred to “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” by “violent and unconstitutional means”, Nazri answered that this was understood and even referred to Oxford Dictionary that “activities detrimental to Parliamentary Democracy” means “by violent and unconstitutional means”. Continue reading “Call on new AG and IGP to declare whether they will halt the current spate of police arrests and investigations under Section 124B of Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” as there is not a single case which contains the required element of being “by violent or unconstitutional” means”

Call on newly-appointed Minister for Higher Education Idris Jusoh to advise university administrators to respect the intellectual freedom of students and stop treating them as children as Malaysia aspires to university academic excellence

I call on the newly-appointed Minister for Higher Education, Datuk Idris Jusoh to advise university administrators in the country to respect the intellectual freedom of students and to stop treating them as children if Malaysia truly aspires to achieve university academic excellence in the world.

Idris should advise Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) to withdraw the suspension of two students, Hanif Mahpa and Afiqah Zulkifli for organising a forum on the goods and services tax (GST) and inviting a Member of Parliament and PKR vice president Rafizi Ramli to the forum last May. Continue reading “Call on newly-appointed Minister for Higher Education Idris Jusoh to advise university administrators to respect the intellectual freedom of students and stop treating them as children as Malaysia aspires to university academic excellence”

Anwar Ibrahim should be released to take part in “Save Malaysia” National Summit which should focus on change of policies and not change of Prime Minister to prevent Malaysia becoming a rogue and failed state

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should be released to take part in a
“Save Malaysia” National Summit involving all political parties, NGOs and national elders as the real challenge confronting Malaysia today is to prevent the nation from becoming a rogue and failed state and not about the change of the Prime Minister. It is about the change of national policies.

Malaysia has clearly lost our way since the nation’s Merdeka 58 year ago and the formation of Malaysia 52 years ago, and a “Save Malaysia” National Summit involving all political parties, NGOs and national elders like former Prime Ministers like Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah, former Deputy Prime Ministers like Tun Musa Hitam, Anwar Ibrahim and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, political and NGO veterans like Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, Tan Sri Simon Sipaun, Datuk Seri Daniel Tajem, Datuk Ambiga Sreenivasan, Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, Rev Paul Tan and others is the best way to return to our bearings and what is the best medicine for the country to take at present.

Compare the achievements of Malaysia and Singapore after 50 years of separation, and Malaysian leaders cannot continue to belabor under the denial syndrome that everything in Malaysia is fine, when the country is sliding down the slippery slope of collapse of good governance, worsening corruption, losing out in the international competitiveness race for a robust economy and educated citizenry, accompanied by the most worrying national division caused the worst racial and religious polarization in the past few years.

A “Save Malaysia” National Summit pooling the talents, expertise, resources and experience of patriotic Malaysians should be able to come out with a blueprint to halt Malaysia from hurtling towards a rogue and failed state, and set the national direction to become a showcase to the world of an economically successful and political vibrant plural society, where democracy, rule of law and human rights are examples for the rest of region if not the world. Continue reading “Anwar Ibrahim should be released to take part in “Save Malaysia” National Summit which should focus on change of policies and not change of Prime Minister to prevent Malaysia becoming a rogue and failed state”

Police arrests and investigations under Section 124B in the current crackdown against the Ministerial assurances when the law was passed in Parliament that this section will only be used against those who used “violent and unconstitutional means”

Until a month ago, nobody has heard of Section 124B but in the past few weeks, Section 124B of the Penal Code has forced itself into public consciousness as the new monstrous weapon which the Najib administration is using to launch a major crackdown and usher a new Dark Age in Malaysia.

How many people have been arrested or investigated under Section 124B of the Penal Code.

I do not know, but it is safe to say that never have so many people been arrested or investigated under Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” which can send a person to jail for a maximum of 20 years – and all these police arrests and investigations are against the ministerial assurances given to Parliament in 2012 when the new law was enacted that it would only be used against those who carry out “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” by “violent and unconstitutional means”.

When pressed in Parliament on why Section 124B had not spelt out clearly that Section 124B only referred to “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” by “violent and unconstitutional means”, the then de facto Law Minister, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz claimed that this is understood and even referred to Oxford Dictionary that “activities detrimental to Parliamentary Democracy” means “by violent and unconstitutional means”.

When Nazri presented the Penal Code amendment of the new Section 124B, Parliament was in fact given to understand that it was meant to tackle terrorism previously covered by the already repealed Internal Security Act. Continue reading “Police arrests and investigations under Section 124B in the current crackdown against the Ministerial assurances when the law was passed in Parliament that this section will only be used against those who used “violent and unconstitutional means””