Kedah School- Sports selection on Thaipusam Day

by A Parent

I hope you can publish this in your blog. The publication can be an effective deterrent for future. Your blog has helped lots of cases in this way.

I am parent of Form 1 student of Sek Men Taman Hi-Tech in Kulim.

I attended the school Sports Day yesterday (Feb. 4) and I am just shocked at what I saw.

The Malaysian government started the National Service Program, with the objective of racial integration, my foot. That 3-month stint is just a show to make money when the situation in schools are totally different.

This is what I saw yesterday.

Very few Indians participated in the sports event

Indians are supposed to be good in running, but there were very few, I asked the boys. And they said the reason is because the final selection was done on Thaipusam Day. Although it was not a public holiday, Indians took leave and went to temples that day. The school purposely chose that day to select the final participants. That was purposely done.

March Past

It was racially divided. The army/police cadet was 100% Malays whereas Cadet Bomba was 100% non-Malays.The army cadet uniform was perfect, 100% given, whereas the Bomba was crazy, some wore T-Shirts, different kinds of shoes because all the cost need to be borne by the parents. Why?

I really felt very saddened at what happened. It is a rubbish to say the Education Ministry is looks into ways to integrate the races, but in fact they are purposely segregating them.

Is this what the government say ‘We care for all races, we are fair to all’????


62 Replies to “Kedah School- Sports selection on Thaipusam Day”

  1. It is very sad that the races have become so polarized. Kedahans are not known to be racists and mingling among the races was better than some of the other states.

    When it becomes this polarized in a state like Kedah, alarm bells should sound every where.

  2. “Kedahans are not known to be racists and mingling among the races was better than some of the other states.” – Darkhorse.

    Malaysians are not known to be a racist, no matter which states you came from. TDM is from Kedah, what more do you expect the damage he has done for the past 2 decades?

  3. What happened to the disciplinary action that Gerakan was taking action against its Indian VP for racist comments.

    It is already 2 months. If they take so long to do a simple thing they will never be able to do big things.

    The useless Gerakan should be rejected by the Penang voters by landslide.

  4. “Malaysians are not known to be a racist, no matter which states you came from. ”

    The danger of being in a denial mode is that you’d fail to recognize the symptoms until it is too late.

    Malaysians are racists. We should not expect anything less because racism has been institutionalized by our government aided by our Constitution. But in states like Kedah and Kelantan for example where a single race dominates, racial polarization has always tended to be less. It is only in states where no one race dominates that racial polarization is most acute. Don’t you think so?

  5. This is expected from the decades of grossly narrow, divisive and damaging politics of race and religion.

    There is no quick fix……enormous damage been done with permanent, long term and far reaching consequence.

    We have our leaders to thank for this mess.

  6. Of course, when I say Kedahans are not known to be racists I’m referring to the ordinary people – folks in the kampongs and even in the towns. Mahathir is not the typical Malay. Politicians are not a good example.

  7. “TDM is from Kedah,… – posted above

    Who said he is not a racist. He promotes racism through his UMNO. Also Nah-jib A/L Tun Razak his deputy.” – Tickler.

    That’s exactly what I’m trying to say….

  8. “Malaysians are racists…..”

    “Of course, when I say Kedahans are not known to be racists I’m referring to the ordinary people – folks in the kampongs and even in the towns.” -Darkhorse.

    Quite contradictory, don’t you think so?

  9. When I was a student in the state’s premier school, better known by its abbreviations SAHC i.e. the alma mater of Mahathir, Daim and Tajuddin Ramli and Megat Junid the students were not separated by race or religion. In fact we never looked at each other as being so different. Some of the best sportsmen and women were Indians. There were not that many Indian students though.

    Perhaps this is from a different time.

  10. Do you realise that both the mayor and his spokesman have no clue as to why Jawi scripts appear on the signboards. Arabs and Islam Hadhari have no bearing on the issue. Both these guys are emulating what the Prime Minister and his Government does. A good thing the reply was not the people in Taman Seputeh are given free Jawi lessons and the Mayor will nod his head and say yes.

    The MP for Taman Seputeh is from DAP. Is UMNO sending a message?

  11. “Malaysians are racists…..”

    “Of course, when I say Kedahans are not known to be racists I’m referring to the ordinary people – folks in the kampongs and even in the towns.”

    “But in states like Kedah and Kelantan for example where a single race dominates, racial polarization has always tended to be less.”

    Hmmmm…..what wonder what he is trying to say?

  12. What a half past six Government! In front the Rakyat, Kita bersatu, kita maju. But when come to reality, the Government just want to divided the people. Let’s we all see what the Government will do next? Come Malaysian, use the People’s Power against the racial Government. Send a strong message what we all Malaysian wants. Use your vote wisely, once only in a five years. Kerajaan cakap lain buat lain, cakap tak serupa bikin, buat apa saja yang dia ingin, tak kira rakyat punya angin!

  13. The other major races, Chinese and Indians, contributed and sacrified so much to building a modern, progressive and prosperous country.

    Why not the government use their language in the administration to show their appreciation and recognition of the significant contributions, including road signs and buildings???

  14. Not necessarily so. Distortion can apply to many situations without cut and paste. Have seen it countless times. To avoid misreading it would be best to call for more information. Distortion would be on the lack of information, if any.

  15. “Not necessarily so. Distortion can apply to many situations without cut and paste. Have seen it countless times. To avoid misreading it would be best to call for more information. Distortion would be on the lack of information, if any.” -Tickler.

    Spot on, buddy! :)

  16. “Kedahans are not known to be racists and mingling among the races was better than some of the other states.” – Darkhorse.

    I can agree to this statement in some sense. I remember few years back, my friend drove me (not once) to the IPK’s narcotic bureau to meet Malay officers to score some Ice. I mean those officers were so friendly, they can even get high together with the Chinese, as long as you got money.

  17. In banting. an Indian top notch hockey player was not included in the selection as he did not have the necessary qualifications on account of his skin color.
    Proton refused to sponsor the `Flying Singh` as he was not (unspeakable word – moderator might get me). He kicked the desk and walked out. Someone else later picked up the sponsorship.
    There are thousands of such cases all over the country.

  18. Saturday December 8, 2007

    Close watch on Hindraf

    BATU PAHAT: The police will monitor the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) closely because of its alleged links with terrorists, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

    The Prime Minister said he knew about the links and had asked Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan to make it public.

    Up to today Musa Hassan has not made the links public. He should be SACKED for not following orders. All we kear is Nut-jib apologising and vague comments on Kg. Baru terr-or-ists.

  19. LadyGodiva Says:

    Today at 12: 55.39 (26 minutes ago)
    I thought this is a political blog. Do I see kids in the room?

    Yeaps, butt naked too =P

    Darkhorse, i thought u are more matured that this?? =p ( refer the robbery blog )


    With regards to national service(NS), my sister was enrolled into the first batch, the one which she so dearly compares with the current batch of NS trainees…she says the new ones have proper bunks, proper walls, toilet facilities…i’ve visited the Muadzam Shah centre every week ( eventhough we are from KL and it is a 6 hour drive back and forth, we make it a point to see my sis every weekend)….and i was shocked to find the conditions of the FIRST NS programme, so, much has changed since the first phase…

    Her reaction of course, at first was “aww shucks…me in NS??” but she relishes the days when she was there and really, managed to pull through her homesickness along with other 17 year olds regardless of race and religion….they provided the chinese and christians busses to go to churches each week, and for the indians, the nearest temples possible….a string of positive notes were also related to us when we asked how she fared there….it was well, much more than she expected….

    To say that it is a farce, has many implications…i initially felt it was a farce, but when the trainees ( well some of them ) came back, and live life normal again ( after 3 months of being away from home), they act, walk, speak differently….

    Some are still keeping in touch with each other till today regardless of race…

    Yes, i have my share of contradictory statements with regards to racial biasness and so called tolerance, but i am not too quick to put my finger on the national service programme.

    as usual, there will be some rotten idiots who will create stupid ruckuses like these to incite more racial hatred, but its not the majority who are doing it.

    Darkhorses’ era ( which is not dissimilar from my parents’) is definitely different from today’s generation on the definition of muhhibahness…

    We need to pinpoint the exact faultline….

    DO NOT make it a racial point, but rather an individual point.

    Malaysians, well, we are generally “tolerant racists” or i shall put it in some kinder words ” subtle racists”

    We make jokes on racial anamolies and a good illustration is the coconut tree….we say

    Indians roll around the coconut tree
    Chinese start chopping down coconut trees
    and well, the malays still send monkeys to climb coconut trees

    Racial isnt it?? when i see, indians climbing coconut trees, chinese walloping the monkeys who refuse to climb the tree, and malays cooking the santan from the coconut tree to make fresh nasi lemak..

    so, i agree with the posters here whom have argued on the sweeping statement Jamesy made, for i believe that we are nevertheles a tolerant society, well, STILL tolerant…

    We should go after the ones who are practising cronism, nepotism and public-fund-wasters and not generalise the public.

  20. Malaysians are racists simply because our Constitution made it that way. When you give preferential treatment to some and not to all, you encourage racists sentiments, all the more funny when you consider that Malaysia is the only country whose laws protect the majority.

  21. “Malaysians are not known to be a racist, no matter which states you came from.” – Jamesy.

    I tend to agreed with Jamesy. Malaysians are NOT KNOWN to be a racist when we celebrated Merdeka on the 31st August 1957. The Malays, Chinese and Indians Malaysians were united in one voice shouting “Merdeka” 7 times and a new historic birth of a nation known as Malaya, later Malaysia and its people were conceived. People from all walks of life from Perlis to Johor were all united and pretty excited that finally we are an independent nation and we are masters of our own destiny.

    However, do we experience the same excitement today? Why is there racial polarisation and marginalisation of some races? Why do we to fill in a form whether in government department or private sector the many racial tones such as whether we are Malay, Chinese, Indians and etc? Aren’t we Malaysians? Why is May 13 1969 came about? What’s the reason this tragedy happened? Why do we need an NEP even today?

    To say that ALL Malaysians are racists are a sweeping statement. Who are the REAL RACISTS today? Some UMNO politicians, right? Latest episode by one UMNO goon waving his keris to entertained the crowd in national television and some racist idiot ask him when he is going to use it. Because of these racists politicians, we, Malaysians are “conditioned” to think like them. We acted like them. It only takes a spark to light up the fire.

    Many examples can be seen in many “little napoleans” racial policies in our schools, government agencies and etc. And indeed this “conditioned factor” is passed down to ordinary Malaysians like you and me. Some are caught with in this trap while some, or I would say many Malaysians ARE NOT. Like one commentor said we are still a tolerant society, well, STILL tolerant. And the use of the word “tolerant” is not good at all. The question is how long can our society be tolerant of each other? For how long can we stop these “conditioning factor” by those racists politicians from seeping into our mind and call it “home”? I dreaded the day where our minds have a “racist mind”. And remember, it takes a spark to light up a fire!

    So we, fair minded Malaysians should kicked out these racists politicians who craved for position and authority, starting with this coming General Elections. Racists politicians have no place in our life, especially in a multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-racial society like Malaysia. Never. Ever.

  22. Scrap the National Service Program altogether. So many pointless deaths and a total waste money. I feel it is just a ploy for some to earn money. The camps are sub-contracted out. So when the time comes to defend the country we can sub-contract that out too! Racial harmony is just an excuse this is not the way to solve the problem. Dr.M said after 911, ‘address the grievances’. If the putras act and behave superior then the rest by wielding kriss and threatening to bath it with this and that’s blood. How the hell can BN complain about ‘Racial Harmony’ being absent? How can there be ‘Racial Harmony’ with leaders like that? I don’t expect anyone in the gov to understand what I’m saying cause I know you are products of your ‘Local’ punya education system. The most troubling fact is how can we trust our children with these nincompoops when they cannot secure their own armory? !!!

  23. To say that it is a farce, has many implications…i initially felt it was a farce, but when the trainees ( well some of them ) came back, and live life normal again ( after 3 months of being away from home), they act, walk, speak differently….iyamwhoiyam

    That`s nice. But then it`s a 3 month OBS programme of sorts.
    My example of someone studying matriculation at a boarding school in m`cca is totally opposite.
    I suppose when it has a longer period the colors really surface.

  24. To the non Malays in Kedah…….PAS is your best bet……the evil in the BN system slithers in a civil service that has now found a life of its own….it preys on specifically on non Malays. This monster must be struck down by the opposition for it has already engulfed Badawi and the BN…….

  25. “Darkhorses’ era ( which is not dissimilar from my parents’) is definitely different from today’s generation on the definition of muhhibahness…” jamesy

    Agreed. But I’m not from the same era as Mahathir and Daim!

  26. “To say that ALL Malaysians are racists are a sweeping statement. Who are the REAL RACISTS today? ”

    We are all more racists than we’re willing to admit. This racist mindset if you will, protected and nurtured by our laws and our values should not be surprising. It is a matter of degree. The values have been internalized in our thought processes such that we do not need to be conscious of them ourselves.

    The use of racial profiling in everyday conversations is a good manifestation of what I mean.

    But I would say there are two types of ‘racism’ and ‘racist’ behavior that Malaysians exhibit. One is passive and the other active, if you will. One is grounded more in culture and expediency necessitated by the degree and intensity of our interactions in everyday life existing mainly in our subconsciousness, the other grounded in the conscious desire to be different and to compete. I am no sociologist and so we’ll just leave it at that.

    It is into this mindset that racist bigots and politicians tap into each time they make their populist appeal.

    The earlier we recognize and accept it, the easier the job will be in the process to dismantle the racial barriers that have been built around us.

    I may dream of an ‘era’ that has gone by, but I am not a dreamer.

  27. The National Service Program is also very biased against the non-Muslims.

    Facts :
    1. Doa recital is still there.
    2. Some non-Muslims are forced also to take hands up when the Muslims recite the doa.
    3. Female NS trainees have to wear long sleeves. in hot sweltering weather. (all this due to Islam – aurat & they want to standardise).
    4. Friday is observed as religious day for all religions (konon) – why not Sunday??? How about church attendees on Sunday??? How about Chinese observing 1st & 15th of the lunar calender.
    5. Trainees are still mostly Malays & overzealous.
    6. Strict Islamic principles rule all NS training program.
    7. Charity work (3rd mth) is mostly for Malay/Muslim organisations.

    After the NS program, the trainees are even more polarised!!!

    Moral = If you force people of a race/religion to follow the principles of another, although the principles are good, the former will be afraid & avoid the latter, resulting in segregation.

    I’m not against the NS – but the Govt should regulate NS by giving power to all component parties MCA, MIC, UMNO, Gerakan, SUPP, PBS to work out a joint committee to organise the joint committee with balanced trainers from all races.

    That is the spirit of true NS.

  28. Forcing someone to follow some rituals sounds really STUPID!!!The ALMIGHTY must surely feel insulted. HE has given the human kind the better brain of the animal world and yet having believed in HIM, we also cheated HIM by having those who have had doubts to pretend that they part of the set-up! What BALONEY!!
    When would the human race learn that the ultimate judge would be the CREATOR himself? IF it is so, let him/her do as he/she pleases and leave it to HIM to decide! It sounds pretty hollow when some one much ‘younger’ tries to teach the truth of belief. Those with older believes certainly require more than just just the claim: This is MADE in HEAVEN by the CREATOR HIMSELF!

  29. # DarkHorse Says:
    Today at 21: 13.46 (2 hours ago)

    “To say that ALL Malaysians are racists are a sweeping statement. Who are the REAL RACISTS today? ”

    We are all more racists than we’re willing to admit. This racist mindset if you will, protected and nurtured by our laws and our values should not be surprising. It is a matter of degree. The values have been internalized in our thought processes such that we do not need to be conscious of them ourselves.[“WE”, DOES THAT INCLUDE ME AND YOU?]

    The use of racial profiling in everyday conversations is a good manifestation of what I mean.[IS THIS A RACIST BLOG AS WELL?]

    But I would say there are two types of ‘racism’ and ‘racist’ behavior that Malaysians exhibit. One is passive and the other active, if you will. One is grounded more in culture and expediency necessitated by the degree and intensity of our interactions in everyday life existing mainly in our subconsciousness, the other grounded in the conscious desire to be different and to compete. I am no sociologist and so we’ll just leave it at that.[PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION HONESTLY AND TRUTHFULLY, ARE YOU ARE RACIST? AND WHICH OF THE 2 TYPES ARE YOU?]

    It is into this mindset that racist bigots and politicians tap into each time they make their populist appeal.[DOES THAT INCLUDE UNCLE LIM, GUAN ENG, KARPAL, KULA AND OTHER DAP LEADERS AND SUPPORTERS TOO?]

    The earlier we recognize and accept it, the easier the job will be in the process to dismantle the racial barriers that have been built around us.[HOW TO DISMANTLED THE RACIAL BARRIERS THAT HAVE BEEN BUILD AROUND US WHEN ALL MALAYSIANS ARE RACISTS? AND WHO IS GOING TO DO THE DISMANTLING FOR ALL THE MALAYSIANS RACISTS?]

    I may dream of an ‘era’ that has gone by, but I am not a dreamer.[DREAM ON?]

  30. “WE” (I dont need to spell it out) in Malaysia are living in dangerous times !!!

    1st One party UMNO led government is a BIGOT
    2nd Now “WE” (I dont need to spell it out) are facing RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION !!!

  31. Please don’t center your thoughts on ‘racist attitudes’.
    Let that be done by the ‘racist’ themselves.
    All of us her should instead think of ways to unite our glaring divisions.
    Work towards correcting the root of the problem and don’t waste time harping on the effects and results of 50 years of crap.
    The time for elections is near.
    Have we made up our minds yet?

  32. Cut it out! This is no place to outsmart everyone here!

    Get to the point…The school is giving birth to rasism and we’ve got to voice it out to stop it as least to let all malaysian know about it.

    I would urge all parents to ask their children to boycott all school extra activities.

    Think Dap should take some kind of lead here…

  33. “How to dismantled the racial barriers that have been build around us when all Malaysians are racists? And how is going to the dismantling for all the Malaysians racists”

    A ‘new’ Malaysian must emerge from among our leaders to lead us in a new direction. For the rest of us it begins with the knowledge and awareness of our own shortcomings, our own flaws – and a mindset that decades of indoctrination have nurtured and given rise to. That would be the first step towards the creation of a new Malaysian and a new Malaysia.

    There is hope yet says leaders like Obama. Hope never dies.

  34. “There is hope yet says leaders like Obama. Hope never dies.”

    I couldn’t agreed with you more. Thanks mate.

    But I think ‘new’ Malaysians have already emerged among us. It’s you and me, mate. ;)

  35. Thanks to our so called ” leaders “, we are made to be racists in varying degree.

    Decades of bad leadership and role models are destroying a multi racial and religious country eg. dangerous behaviours like aggression, threat, bullying and intimidation were constantly used by some politicians to achieve narrow, short sighted, personal and damaging objectives.

  36. I am a little puzzle here. UMNO and the Malays in general are fighting for an Islamic Malay Malaysia. The Non-Malays are essentially struggling to be a part of Malaysia. Who is racist here? If by fighting to be a part of Malaysia is racist, then I think DAP ought to close shop long ago.

    We ought to differentiate slightly the role of Obama in the US and DAP leaders in Malaysia. In the US, the GOP (the Republicans) does not have an official policy that discriminate the non-White. Perhaps we should compare Obama’s struggle now with that of Martin Luther King or Mandela during apartheid South Africa. If DAP is labelled “racist” in any way, that label is legitimate under the circumstance.

  37. Bring in PRakyat to sapu the Federal Govt and we can have a proper, fair execution of education matters at school level.

    As it is, schools “can’t” invite our Wakil Rakyat to school coz “priority” to be given to Minister of Education, his officers, State Education Director, his oficers etc….

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