19 new/relocated Chinese primary schools – question each for the five BN leaders

It is front-page headline news in all the Chinese newspapers – the approval for six new Chinese primary schools and the relocation of 13 Chinese primary schools by the Education Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein with the “All-for-one and one-for-all” group photograph of Hishammuddin with MCA President, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, MCA Deputy President Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy, MCA Secretary-General Datuk Ong Ka Chuan and Gerakan President Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon.

Nobody will say no to general election goodies, just as nobody will say no to gifts by “Santa Claus” on Christmas Day, although one is fully aware of the real intent of such goodies – which I will reserve for another occasion to touch on.

For the moment, I will like to ask a question each of the five BN leaders in the “one-for-all, all-for-one” group photograph “celebrating” the approval for six new Chinese primary schools and relocation of 13 Chinese primary schools.

To Hishammuddin – why didn’t he take the opportunity of his visit to MCA headquarters, his first as UMNO Youth leader, to publicly apologise for his “keris-wielding” at previous Umno Youth general assemblies which was highly offensive, even by MCA and MCA youth leaders and members, for being utterly insensitive to the rights and feelings of other ethnic communities?

To Ong Ka Ting – why he had not given a full public accounting as to why previous general election promises for the building of new Chinese primary schools and relocation of Chinese primary schools for the 1999 and 2004 general elections had not been fulfilled 100%?

To Chong Kong Choy – why he had failed to give full accounting for the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal as RM4.6 billion could have been better spent to build new Chinese primary schools throughout the country to meet needs based on increased enrolment and not to win votes before each general election.

To Ong Ka Chuan – why as MCA Perak leader he has failed to ensure that the Perak state benefit from the latest Chinese school “election goodies” as Perak has been excluded from the list of six new Chinese primary schools and 13 relocations – especially when at least two new Chinese primary schools should be built to ease the overcrowding in the Bercham Chinese primary school in Ipoh as it has over 3,300 students.

To Koh Tsu Kooon – what is he doing at the MCA Headquarters over the announcement when as Gerakan President and Penang Chief Minister, he has not been able to get a single school for Penang to be included in the latest “Chinese school election goodies” when Dong Jiao Zong has stated that Penang state urgently needs 13 new Chinese primary schools.


121 Replies to “19 new/relocated Chinese primary schools – question each for the five BN leaders”

  1. Hello, it is NOT a gift. It is our right to have those schools built according to our needs a long time ago. It should have been approved and built by the Education Ministry in its normal course of event. Why five so-called leaders sit down to announce a few Chinese primary schools? How much do they cost, if indeed they get to get off the ground? For every five years or so, UMNO led BN will give the Chinese some scum and we will get excited over it. How despicable the Chinese leaders in BN and the Chinese newspapers can be? Boycott the Chinese newspapers too! Hurt their pockets – that is what they care most about. Never mind, if we have no Chinese newspapers. They don’t make a difference anyway. All these bunkum people!

  2. These 19 schools (if ever built /relocated) is still GROSSLY INADEQUATE, compare with the actual need. This is nothing to shout about, as we know after GE, the approvals can easily be withdrawn or need more time to “Kaji” items A to Z
    Other govt depts (eg local Govt, building section, water supply auth. road n drainage, etc) can still take donkey years to study building plans submitted. Min of Educ. approval is not all!

  3. I think the schools are our Right as citizens and tax payers. I think schools are more important than sending “observers” for space missions. Once the schools are in order (sufficient), I am sure there will be plenty of astronouts and not obervers in Malaysia and we can then spend good money for all these activities. Surprising to see Gerakan Head in MCA camp, smells like another merger / take over in the making………?????

  4. The way I see it the only reason why the opposition cannot win this time is because there are too many stupid voters around who do not know what is good for them. Most of them really buy the government claims that they have done a fantastic job and the opposition cannot do better. That is why democracy in a primitive society like Malaysia cannot work. At this level of development what we need is benevolent dictator. But please not like the last one with his warp and racist thinking.

  5. here we go again, with all the morsels thrown at the chinese hoping that they will lick it all up from the floor.
    As a chinese, I would feel terribly ashamed if any other chinese were to think that such a fake show of goodwill is acceptable.

  6. sure its every Chinese right to the new schools.Its long over due.Just dont be bought so easily by these crumbs thrown at you.Vote wisely for the end of police abuses, rotting judiciary,race based politics among others.We have the power to change.Even the devil has said UMNO will not change by itself. Its now up to all Malaysians including our Malay brethrens to make it known via their vote.

  7. It’s not a gift or present. It’s a political bribe. Why doesn’t ACA go and investigate the issues? Why doesn’t JAKIM go and investigate the issue when giving bribe is not halal from Islam’s perspective?

    And when the election is over, nothing is going to be realised. And when GE13th arrives, they will say the same thing. This is what we get after giving them the mandate to rule for the past 11 terms. Malaysians, please wake up to your senses. Are you going to be bribed again for the 12th time? You deserve something much better than those liars in BN.

  8. YB,

    Good questions, but they wont be answered. All the more reason for DAP to move away from its policy of just reducing BN’s majority, to working seriously on forming the next Gov’t with its allies.

    We want change! We want change! We want change! Denying BN of its 2/3rds is not enough!

  9. This is a usual and very old tactic employed by MCA to extort Chinese votes. Is MCA implying that only during GE will the government approve and build Chinese schools? And at other times, where are Chinese children going to get their education? So to say, our children will have to wait for 5 whole years in order to get a chance to study Chinese? What ridiculous policies.

    And MCA has the guts to announce in the papers that Chinese will be an important international language and encourage the Malaysian population to study it. But where are these people going to study when there are not enough Chinese schools to go around? The Chinese schools today don’t only house Chinese children but children of other races whose parents have long foresight. So if we were to depend on MCA for “fighting” for our rights to build Chinese schools, we will never be able to achieve the objective of making Chinese an important language in Malaysia.

  10. Talking about Perak. I want to narrow it down to Ipoh. Yuk Choy Primary(2000+ pupils) has the best facilities in town. Indoor hall, covered court and a few new blocks. KPM/JPN Perak did not foot a single ringgit.

    Wan Hwa 2, Menglembu, has been sharing the same building with Wan Hwa 1 for years. Altogether they have more than 3000 pupils.It is in the midst of building a new school but due to insufficient funds, the opening of the school is being delayed(many times). So many rounds of donations, jogathons, dinners but still not enough. What is KPM doing?

    Gunung Rapat(2000+ pupils) has a 2 new blocks but not a single sen from KPM. A few new Malay schools have cropped up over the years. Complete with facilities and amenities. What has OKC/OKT done?

    AMC and Sam Tet needed new chairs and tables. Who gave? A generous Chinese. What did JPN give? Circulars to wear batik every Thursday. Just because somebody wanted to carry balls.

    All over the country. How much money did KPM give to Chinese schools over the years? Most of it comes from public donations.MCA should know as it had carried out many donation drives.

  11. Come every GE,the BN plays the ‘promise to build more chinese schools’ issue to please the chinese community and win their votes.But why doesn’t the BN government build chinese schools based on need and requirement ? Just like what they have been doing for national schools.Maybe they think some chinese are ‘bodoh’ and can be easily fooled every four years.

  12. Basically, this is ransom. A threat. If they get kicked out, they will withdraw the schools. Its no different than kidnapping someone and then asking to be paid. In this case, the Chinese pay the taxes, and if they don’t vote BN, they don’t get a discount back.

    We Chinese pay most of Kerismuddin wages and his ill-gotten wealth, and all these years, he never come even talk to his employer. Now he come and threaten the wage payers? He basically think we are p**sies?

    Here is a novel idea. How about them people do the work AND THEN WE reward them after its done, not before.

  13. Enough of those BN empty n unfulfilled promises. We all know that these bunch of a_s will shout about it before the GE. We all have been very patience and quiet about it for 50 years but please swallow back all your BN promises.

    Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ONLY THE OPPOSITION DAP can deliver those promise BUT NOT BN.

    BN, please keep your blo__y mouth shut. Dont try to lie to us again. This time we are not as stupid as you. We are smarter now after you have bulls__t us for 50 years.

    Its time for you to pack up and go and dont waste our tax payers money.

    GOD Bless DAP.


    Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein presented the approval letter to MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting and Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon at Wisma MCA here. TheStar

    Please read the Star’s report carefully. Don’t be so gullible! Kerismuddin has only presented the approval LETTER to the leaders MCA and Gerakan. Based on past experience an approved plan of BN doesn’t worth the paper it is written on. Have you forgotten the stop-work order on the Mazu statue project in Sabah?

  15. During elections the government leaders behave as though the government and the people are two different entities.
    They, the givers and we the takers. They the masters and we the slaves.
    They behave as though they are giving out these goodies from their pockets and therefore we have to be grateful to them.
    When will they realize that those days are gone.

  16. Have you wondered why all the BN heads are smiling during the photograph session? I guess this is what happens:

    Hishammuddin: OKT, are you sure the Chinese will be happy with just a letter?

    Ong Ka Ting: This is the proven trick. Chinese are very forgetful people.

    Koh Tsu Koon: I’m worried if reporters raise the issue of Damansara school.

    Ong Ka Chuan: I have taken care of that. I have asked my kaki to warn them not to ask question regarding the Damansara school.

    Hishammuddin: You are very good, not like the stupid Chua. He should have said something looks like me, sound like me! I’m sure you will be the next Minister of Health.

  17. After some many GE, n so many promise to resolve shortage of Chinese Pri school roblem, still cannot resolve,
    Look like, the only way to solve, is to vote the old govt OUT! n get a new Govt. If an emloyee cannot solve a problem, after promise 11 times to do so, would any boss still trust this fella?

  18. I think all of you just focus on the Chinese primary schools and miss out the dwindling number of Chinese primary school’s teachers. Almost all Chinese primary school don’t have enough qualified teachers, they have to depend on temporary teachers. This problem was compounded when those qualified teachers retire and not enough new intakes to fill their post. This is the UMNO strategy to let the Chinese primary school for a nature death. What to shout about the few new schools, perhaps 10 to 20 years from now, UMNO can give 100 new schools as goodies but not enough teachers to teach. Head or tail, we lose! This problem was highlighted by Lim Guan Eng sometime back. I hope DAP don’t lost sight about the Chinese primary school’s teachers intake too.

  19. We all the stunt put up is just a mere General Election gimmick. On Ka Ting and Koh Tsu Koon can deny till the cows come home. But the fact remains, an election gimmick, we do not even consider it to be an election carrot.

  20. MCA and UMNO leaders taking photo together., how many times do that happen, all this is farce to mislead the public , they are champions at race based polictics, next Kerismuddin ‘ll taking pics with ayo ayo Samy Velu for the buliding of Tamil Schools.
    They still think we’re dumb azzes. We should always remind them this is 2008, not., 50 yrs of misleading is now clearly so evident and ‘ll becoming clearer as time passes by. They should go fool someone in the middle of the dessert provided that there is no satellite communication there.

  21. You are right, these are election goodies and at this point in time we should take any given. But let us not forget that we have been left in this situation because the BN non-Malay parties have not fought for the rights of those whom they claim to represent. Let us not be blinded by this false act of generoisity but to see through it for the insincere act it is. Let us use our votes to teach the BN a lesson in humility – I believe we shall see a much more responsive government if they are to lose their 2/3 majority.

  22. This joke can be enjoyed by everyone. Not only that . It is politically correct and with a moral lesson.


    While walking down the street one day a Malaysian Boleh Minister is tragically hit by a truck and dies.

    His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

    “Welcome to heaven,” says St. Peter. “Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.”

    “No problem, just let me in,” says the man.

    “Well, I’d like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.”

    “Really, I have made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,” says the Yang Berhormat

    “I’m sorry, but we have our rules,” says St. Peter.

    And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

    Everyone is very happy and dressed in the finest batik there is. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then indulge themselves on lobsters, caviar and the most expensive food there is.

    Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.

    Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.

    The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

    “Now it’ s time to visit heaven.”

    So, 24 hours pass with the Yang Berhormat joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

    “Well, then, you’ve spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity.”

    The Yang Berhormat reflects for a minute, then he answers: “Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think Ai yam better off in hell.”

    So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he’s in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

    He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

    The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder.

    “I don’t understand,” stammers the Yang Berhormat. “Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there’s just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?”

    The devil looks at him, smiles and says, “Yesterday we were campaigning just like you during an election…. .. Today you voted.”

  23. On the one hand, MCA is making announcements that Chinese will soon be an important international language while on the other hand, no new Chinese schools are being built. This is equivalent to chopping one’s right hand with one’s left hand.

    If at all Chinese is to become an important language whether locally or on the international scene, there must be sufficient opportunity for Malaysians to learn and acquire the language. To acquire Chinese, Chinese schools are the obvious choice. Today, you can see many non-Chinese children attending Chinese schools. The reason for this is very simple, the parents of these children have fore-sight. They foresee Chinese as an important language in future and want to prepare their children for it.

    Why is it that MCA has to wait till the GE before taking action in remedying the shortage of places in Chinese schools? I think even the blind knows that this is political gimmick. Charity done with an evil motive to cheat Malaysian Chinese of their votes. But one thing MCA forgot is that this is no longer the 20th century when Malaysian Chinese were so ignorant. Today, with most of the original migrants from China having left this world, the Chinese in Malaysian are mostly “local bred” and wish to stay in a land they can call “home”.

    Many used to look up to MCA to get things done those days, but having gone through half a century of representation with “talk only” action, Malaysian Chinese are beginning to wake up for they realize that MCA, despite putting up a huge signboard depicting “MALAYSIAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION” which claims to represent the Malaysian Chinese is run by a group of selfish and self-centred leaders who are nothing else but vultures.

    Recent events within the party itself has made many Malaysian Chinese disappointed. The Chua Soi Lek scandal is one major earthquake whose magnitude is sufficient to shake up the whole structure of MCA. Can you imagine a Minister of Health who does not practise hygienic sex? But if we look deep enough, this is all due to the MALAYSIA BOLEH!! syndrome. Very soon, you will discover that:

    1. The Minister of Transport not knowing how to drive a car;
    2. The Minister of Defence not knowing how to handle ammunition;
    3. The Minister of Finance not knowing how to count;
    4. The Minister of Agriculture not knowing how crops are grown;
    ………. and many more such disgraceful things.

    And what about SJK (C) Damansara? It has been closed for nearly 8 years now. Why is a properly-built school being desserted while those who wish to get admitted to Chinese schools are fighting so hard just to get a place? Reopening the school would definitely benefit the people around the area and ease the problem of limited places. Wouldn’t it be more practical than to build a new one? Why didn’t MCA study this fact in detail??

  24. IT IS ELECTION GIMMICKS! If the Chinese voters still have any pride in themselves, treat these gestures as their right to have it. After all they are FUNDED BY OUR VERY OWN TAXES NOT HISHAMUDDIN NOR BN!
    Just wait, you will see that therewould be Chinese tycoons with big fat bellies giving donations to schools and temples with the likes of OKT, KTSU KHOON making speeches.
    My Advice is , do not be taken in. The tycoons make use of us to vote BN in and then when everyhting is over, we are forgotten while they reap big harvests in getting contracts or Datukships to facilate their business dealings

  25. DAP should make education an issue through ‘state rights’. This means amend the Constitution to allow states to have more control over education. This way, i’m sure that we will see a drastic improvements in the quality of our education and that the states themselves can plan for the number of schools needed.

  26. As a Chinese story says, Wolves r coming ! wolves r coming !
    But the shepherd was found to be a Liar at last.
    Lets take everything that BN provide after all the 80% of the tax payee r Chinese. yet, lets VOTE FOR DAP and reject racist party like UMNO, MIC And MCA Plus other nyamok parties in BN.
    To build more Chinese Primary Schools is the right of the Chinese and i see there is nothing to be particular about. Only Stupid politicians OKT, KTSU K AND HISAPUDING ARE MAKING USE OF Education as political tools to cheat the Chinese . Do not fool the Chinese any more throw out Racists from this election!!!

  27. This promise will not come true, is like a bait putting up every general election to trap the cheap scale Chinese. The Chinese are not stupid but they are greedy and they can even trade off their principle to gamble for this empty promises from BN. Wake up please you Chinese.Enough is enough, please vote for opposition this time.

  28. ‘We Chinese pay most of Kerismuddin wages and his ill-begotten wealth, and all these years he never come even talk to his employer.’. Bigjoe.

    He doesn’t need to and he knows that you’ll vote him in again like you always have over and over again throughout last 50 years, and very likely over the next 50 years for he knows you people are a unique species not found elsewhere in the world ….a special species that enjoy being thrashed over and over again and still asking for more of it!

  29. Chinese education and Chinese schools have always been a hotbed of constitutional issues, easy pickings for both opposition as well as those in the ruling coalition, exploited to serve the narrow interests of all those who care to pitch in their support especially at election time.

    What’s new??

  30. “DAP should make education an issue through ’state rights’. This means amend the Constitution to allow states to have more control over education.” Steven T

    Malaysia is not a true federation.

    There is a state constitution but there are no state courts or the equivalent of the state supreme court. There is no such bodies as state police, state courts or organs controlled by the state. Only State Legislative Assemblies (or SLAs) and state chief executives (or Mentri Besars) to duplicate what we have at the federal level. Only land and the religion of Islam and Malay customs are state matters.

    There is no state income tax and funding is from the federal government.

  31. I remember some time back, when the government set up the vision schools, Chinese were told that eventually Chinese students must attend either national schools or vision schools because there are simply not going to have sufficient number of Chinese schools to cater to their need. To me this is the overarching policy of the government on education and not the announcement made recently on Chinese language being the language of choice for the future.

    Many of you have asked, “do they really think that Chinese are that stupid?” I really don’t know. May be those who are here are not, but I think many who are not here are stupid. Otherwise how can we vote for BN election after election at our own detriment? Many of you said, this time it is going to be different. I also heard this before. Remember the slogan: enough is enough?

    no 2 ways about it!!

    Please OKT and All BN gundo: Do not treat us like kids!!
    It is a TOTAL INSULT to our INTELLIGENCE…!! Mind you
    we have MUCH HIGHER IQ than You BN Pariahs(parliatives)!!

  33. One of my young friend from Sarawak told me that his 60 year old mom ask him to vote BN coz every election come they build good roads and they promises lots of goodies.

    What ???????

    This young man is not stupid like the BN anymore. He told his mom that this is not what we want now. Things have changed but the stupid BN still repeat that same old tricks during election. And we still hear those BN tricks today.

    Enough is enough.

    After convincing his mom, she voted DAP. Man, the issue was hot over there in Sarawak the last election.

    Well, you know what?

    DAP WON :)


  34. This seems to be the cyclical stunts of BN, come GE. They forgot that over 10% of those pupils are non-Chinese. Why do these non-Chinese parents crave to send their children to such schools. Since this obviously race based, it actually deprived the Chinese children of their places.
    Would it be possible to survey the performance of these students when they enter the market. How do they performance? If by all accounts, they do better in life, shouldn’t the GOMEN have a rethink of their policy in education? I have two kids, the 1st was wholly in national school and he told me that he regretted not going to the Chinese-type primary school so that he could continue to pick up Madarin in secondary school, now that he works in the international market.
    The 2nd went to a Chinese-type primary school and she found so much advantages when she works in the international environment. If the GOMEN have any grey matter amongst our self proclaimed world class leadership. they would certainly taken advantages our diversified human resources.
    Instead, we get 1/2 past 6 graduates for the sake of cheating the rural folks with propoganda, that we have plenty of graduates but who can’t write or explain anything with common sense. Having to deal with them since the 80s, I dare bet that many can’t pass the SC examinations set earlier than the 70.
    The crave for title for title sake is duely amplified by 1/2 past 6 small brain politicians and businessmen who bought PhDs just to impress the kampong and new village folks!!! At one time, some GOMEN department wanted to register all PhD holders. What happen? Suddenly everything went silent. Did they found out all of them are from BN or its supporters and the public service??

  35. Looking into the global perspective in the allocation of government budgets into primary ethnic schools over the last 50 years of Independence, it can’t be denied by any fair-minded person dedicated to fair play that there is rampant shameless discrimination and margination of minorities in that the Chinese primary schools only received 2.5% of the budget,Indian schools obtained 1% whilst Malay primary schools got 96.5%.
    Besides,non-Malay parents earning $1000 monthly salary cannot get school-text-book-loan whilst Malay parents earning $2ooo salary is eligible.How disgusting can that be?
    And yet over and over again the Chinese votes go to MCA and the Indian votes go to MIC.50 years already and yet we don’t know MCA and MIC are UMNO’s lap dogs and not our watch dogs looking after our interests they claim they do.Yet the funniest part of it is we think we don’t deserve this government!

  36. If we want change for our future generation. We must work hard now. Chinese and Indian have to combine power in order to get a better chance to win. If we only think of our own benefits by being kiasu and kiasi. We will always be second class citizen. Malay wills dominion the politic. BN’s Chinese and Indian ministers are just puppet to the PM. Malay get all the government support and benefit.
    Other races work like a dog and get low pay which cannot even support theirs families.

  37. How many times do they have photo shoots when new agama schools are opening., non ,becos there is no restrictions., but so much of huha when coming to Chinese and Tamil schools . What does that proof ? IT shows that the nons are at the mercy of these radicals , and when they are dangling the carrot , we must say wow they are great , tell these azzes to stuff it and go fool some animal out there in the jungle.

  38. waterfrontcoolie Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 03.21
    This seems to be the cyclical stunts of BN, come GE. They forgot that over 10% of those pupils are non-Chinese. Why do these non-Chinese parents crave to send their children to such schools. Since this obviously race based, it actually deprived the Chinese children of their places.


    10% malays enrolling into chinese schools add more financial burden to chinese community who has to pay “chinese school tax” year after year.

  39. Would it be possible to survey the performance of these students when they enter the market. How do they performance?


    A malay immigration official in PJ HQ who studied in chinese school got boycotted by his peers for his hardworking attitude.

    He told my friend he got transferred to other state by his boss for “not working like a Malay official”.

  40. BN, common lah, want to bluff us again with all these goodies? What can that piece of paper do? Better put sweep it underneath the carpet.

    Dont show and tell lies on papers anymore. Time for you BN junk to pack and go to hell just like what they did in Sarawak.

    I heard 1 of the Datuk in Sarawak wash his own massion during night time to avoid people seeing him. He used to be very proud with BN. Now people avoid him. Hes also a vacuum cleaner when with BN. Anyway,he say his leaving Malaysia soon.

    Let the opposition show you (BN) what to do with the tax payers money.


  41. As suspected, the details of these ‘goodies’ is suspicious. It is significant but it does not even come close to what was expected 4 years ago. 4 years ago, they promised they were going to move some 40 schools. Given there was allocation for building hundreds of schools, it look promising.

    Now you look at the details, its clear the money or the land has not been allocated or rather there is only money and allocation of land for a few. In other words, most of these schools won’t be seen for years, not enough for anyone whose children is attending primary schools now. If your child is less than 5 year old and lucky to get in, then you will benefit. No one else will.

    This is typicaly ransom of BN, looks good and just enough to cheat the people because that is the real intent.

    The way Chinese voters have to think of it is. What if your relative borrow money for years, then give back a small sum of it after many years and say he has done no wrong?

  42. This Min of Educ approval is NATO (No action, talk only) after GE, if u submit building plans etc, it will take many years for them (Local govt, water works, road n drainage, traffic control , environment impact, etc, etc). to study, then after 4 or 5 years, may be only 1 or 2 schools built or relocated, then MCA, Gerakan will claim that they hv done a lot for Chinese school! What rubbish!

  43. Bigjoe is hitting the bull eye!

    THIS is a political ransom! IT IS a SILENT warning! – NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS!!!!!!!!

    If the BN didn’t lost the Chinese votes – THIS carrot will forever be hanging out to parody the Chinese Malaysian for every coming elections.

    Most of the time ONLY small crumbs will be fulfilled here and there, with the majority of the PROMISES BROKEN – TIME AND AGAIN!

    Reasons – no fund, no land, still in planning ( after all the sleepings & tea-talikings ) _ Worst still – still in negotiations!

    The desperate parents are been hanged out to dry by themselves!!!!! Meanwhile YOU see all the wastages/leakages happening daylight-robbery-style all year round around those YOU-KNOW-WHATS.


    If the Chinese Malaysian votes swing to the OPPOSITIONS then THIS POLITICAL RANSOM will turn to ITS true colour – since YOU don’t support BN then DON”T expect ANY rewards, be they crumbs!!!!!!

    So HEAD WE lost, TAIL THEY win!!!!!

    The only positive outcome IS unless BN LOST _ and losing BIG!!!!

    So vote carefully AND make sure YOUR vote count!!!!!!!!!

  44. MCA – Most Conniving Asssocation

    MCA – Most Confusing Association

    MCA – Most Ciplak Association

    MCA – Most Cepeh Association

    MCA – Most [C[deleted]] Association.

    Enuff said…..

    I once remembered an official visit by OKT into a colly, many stood for hours in the sun, forced by colly officials to greet him….( like we had nothing better to do), and when he finally arrived ( late by the hour as usual), all were forced to get a handshake with him, oh well, for publicity sake…..

    the best remark i heard, from a malay chap :-

    “Hey iyamwhoiyam, tangan OKT lembut macam perempuan la”

    now u take that……….. =P

    there is not a truer statement than to say we are picking up crumbs on the floor thrown in by our goverment ….not only schools, goverment projects, rights of usage of govt facilities, even the national library contains a large number of PRO malay PRO UMNO idiots who make life hell for a chinese boy to study there….

    I am sure many of us would have spoken on the unfair treatment of university placements and “so called” matriculation programmes and how we have been, oh well, systematically marginalized, ( no truer statement by our friendly neighbor)

    yeaps, it is true, these are all sweets in preparation for the coming GE….again….rakyat forgets easily….it takes ppl like YB LKS to raise it up for us, on all the empty promises made by the BN gomen…

    Mark my words, if they succeed in this, and when u actually do go to the schools, u will find cracked walls, collapsing roofs, toilets with no proper pipings, no water taps, doors that break into half when someone opens it…..

    The milestone we should look at is Chung Hwa Independent, in Setapak….with sheer sweat, tears and donations from the true blood chinese community, they have built one of the finest “academically inclined” school in malaysia.

    But one thing, if we were to stand up and shake the heavens, and have equal rights, we must start from grassroot levels….the only problem with chinese school these days is the approach to education…it is purely academic and purely exam based, the kids need to learn about injustice, fair treatment for all and most importantly, BE EDUCATED…..many a time, it is sad to see our chinese kids, with so much potential, end up working for organizations that keep them locked up in a room to work on a complex mathematical calculation and go home at 6 Sharp…….

    We need them to convert that mindset, and then, we can bring the chinese community to the next level……to give them, TRUE Education….

    That way, DAP can succeed, true politics can regain momentum, and we will not have to back down from the sheer oppression…this is OUR country too

  45. (iyamwhoiyam Says:
    Today at 10: 19.04 (1 minute ago)

    hey btw, anyone saw malaysiatoday.com here??)

    He’s always comparing himself with Jeff Ooi, and Raja Petra forgetting these are honourable bloggers who have their names, photos, emails, phones (also) in their blogs. No, he doesn’t display all these instead he go around stealing from others and asking his victims to challenge him in court.

  46. bennylohstocks Says:

    Today at 10: 31.12 (14 minutes ago)

    He’s always comparing himself with Jeff Ooi, and Raja Petra forgetting these are honourable bloggers who have their names, photos, emails, phones (also) in their blogs. No, he doesn’t display all these instead he go around stealing from others and asking his victims to challenge him in court.

    “He’ll bring two feet machettes along too” =P”

    no offense malaysiatoday.com

  47. Like “Erection” goodies..this will last for only a few minutes.

    Election goodies, Hishamuddin Santa claus has a lot of sweets in his bag..they are called ‘new Chinese schools’ sweets.

    After the election/erection, back to business as usual, keris wielding, rights trampling, power abusing. Saya pantang dicabar..yada yada yada

    people like OKT and OKC falling over one another to lick the crumbs.
    Well, it is sad that what these people can do for their own political survival

    Vote Opposition to teach these morons a big lesson
    Even Tun Dr M said that…haha

  48. BlackEye Says:

    Today at 07: 19.30 (4 hours ago)
    Malaysiatoday.com, what happened to your four little Indian boys? Did you manage to identify them in the police lineup?


    Do you expect police got super efficiency to nab Indian robbers?

    Fuuny is they are so good to catch another non-violent indians on the street.

  49. “After 30,000 Indians went to the streets to demand equality and protest marginalisation, what concrete steps did the PM do address the issues? He gave them a holiday,” said Santiago.

    According to Santiago, there are indications that this unfair treatment was due to the belief held by the BN leadership – especially its leading member Umno – that Chinese support can be maintained while Indian votes have already been ‘lost’ to the opposition.

    It seems, therefore, that MIC had been ditched and this explains the lack of accountability on the part of the government as far as the Indian community is concerned.

    “By all means give the allocations for Chinese education, but be fair to everybody”, said Santiago.

  50. TAKE NOTE:

  51. bennylohstocks Says:

    Today at 10: 31.12 (1 hour ago)
    (iyamwhoiyam Says:
    Today at 10: 19.04 (1 minute ago)

    hey btw, anyone saw malaysiatoday.com here??)

    He’s always comparing himself with Jeff Ooi, and Raja Petra forgetting these are honourable bloggers who have their names, photos, emails, phones (also) in their blogs. No, he doesn’t display all these instead he go around stealing from others and asking his victims to challenge him in court.


    Anyway, who is Jeff Ooi?

    I am not interested to be a politician, why the heck I make name in the internet.

    If back linking can be sued, Raja Petra already bankrupt long time ago.

    I also received email from someone named samy vellu, but he is a real samy vellu is still need to be tested in court.

    Get a lawyer to advise you on the cyberlaw before you claim that you are owner for a website or blog?

    Did you register your blog with Malaysian government? If not, how you prove you are the legitimite owner for a website? There are tons of legal questions for you before your open your mouth to challenge me or anyone.

  52. According to Santiago, there are indications that this unfair treatment was due to the belief held by the BN leadership – especially its leading member Umno – that Chinese support can be maintained while Indian votes have already been ‘lost’ to the opposition.


    BN is dreaming Chinese support can be maintained 70% as previous GE . They can get 50-55% chinese vote is considered hit a jackpot.

  53. If BN was a responsible government, they wouldn’t be “rolling in” anywhere to give “goodies.”

    They would have provided good governance, people oriented policies and sincere service every single day they’ve been in power, and there would be no need for last-minute election gimmicks.

    Roll into Penang to hand out goodies, goodness! What kind of prostitutes do they take the rakyat for??

  54. iyamwhoiyam Says:

    Today at 10: 19.04 (2 hours ago)
    hey btw, anyone saw malaysiatoday.com here?? gee…when got educated topic to talk about, he’s nowhere to be seen…=


    Nowadays I have no mood to talk cock in internet. At the end of day, BN still win the GE handsomely.

  55. BlackEye Says:

    Today at 10: 55.40 (2 hours ago)
    “hey btw, anyone saw malaysiatoday.com here??”

    Malaysiatoday.com is busy helping the police identify the Indian robbers.


    Your luck may be turned bad very soon IF you think robbery is not your business.

    I just talked to a few Chinese nationals two weeks ago that Malaysia is very safe place because I never get robbed in my entire life. But two weeks later…

  56. A recent study found 80 percent of urban macaques carried diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis and AIDS, he said. “Only 20 percent were healthy and, of this, only half the number were suitable for export,” he added.

  57. The cows, dogs and animals do not try to appease us by giving ‘special gifts’ at special time, instead they serve sincerely for us. But, our so called members of ruling parties at their worst impression that they can coax us by such last minute gifts or assistance. Unless we are ignoramus who simply assume that they are doing good for the ‘people’ of this land and decide to elect them again, so after another five years term, they will come again with same kind of approaches. Public should be well aware of these notorious bunch. For 5 years there were no such immediate responses, everything has to go through all the red tapes in the government departments and after much hoo haas in the house of parliament, the proposal for some grants, buildings or schools will be approved. Do we need these fellas again? As Helen Keller said once, why must we crawl when we can soar. Think and evaluate a second before marking the ballot papers. And make sure you get TRULY INDELIBLE INK. Hopefully :)).

  58. When I hear Ong Ka Ting thanking Hishamuddin profusely for any relocation of schools, my goose pimples popped up like mad! Looks likeas if Hishamuddin is the fairy godfather handing out some goodies!
    It is our hard earned money and not Hishamuddin. You should thank us, the tax payers!!!
    Ong Ka Ting, please do not open your mouth! Makes my ear turn deaf!!!

  59. Hey BN, why the rush last minute to “pretend” to hand out goodies which should have been part of your job to deliver all year long thru the whole period? Have you been able to show this thru the years you wouldn’t have landed in this situation every 4 years and try to lie your way thru each election. You had all these years to show the public what you can deliver….why wait till this very last minute?

    Who have seen a develop country where only ONE party rules all the way? Till today I still don’t think we are a develop country yet looking at all the substandard things that we have built in the name of developent.

    Pls focus on build AND MAINTAIN extremely well good infrastructures, not white elephants that we need to subsdize. Transparancy in al your spending, show the rakyat how you spend evey sen. Fix the education system, remove all the quota and allow fair competition, then we’ll see about who deserves to win.

  60. A friend’s relative’s transportation company was booked solid for Jan, Feb and March. His workers have been working around the clock at a hectic pace.

    Transporting Chinese New Year goodies?, I asked.

    No, he said. Transporting all kinds of school equipment all over the country – desks, tables, chairs etc etc.

    There you have it.

  61. We have 25% Chinese population now and Ong Ka Ting should DEMAND 25% worth of education funds and stop behaving like a beggar. Even DOGS don’t do that!
    Sorry this sounds like an attack on OKT but its truth & I hope he can wake up in time to do something REAL for the Chinese in the long run. By the time Chinese population drops down to 8%, it will be too LATE!
    All Chinese must cast their votes to the opposition in the coming GE to send a powerful message to the nation who should be serving who!

  62. Ong Ka Ting,
    You are a shame to us la!
    Niw the BN ould do anything just to hoodwink the voters especially the rural and uneducated.
    I won’t be surprised to see Hishamuddin hugging an old Indian man or Ong Ka Ting’s wife feeding a bed rideen old mate or Chong Kong choy going downt in his pants to plow tha padi field. All these sandiwara are best played by the BN candidates. Then Pak Lah would most probably duet with Jeane a Tamil song.
    Oh please do not do that! OLd trocks and sheer acting! GELI aaa!!!

  63. “Najib is not just a racist, he is also a liar

    The development budgets allocated for national and national-type (Chinese) primary schools are 4598 million and 170 million respectively under the 9th Malaysia Plan. In percentage point, national primary schools get 95% whopping share while Chinese schools only get 3.6% handout.

    Shall I teach basic mathematics to Najib?

    What is the best weapon to cripple Chinese schools? Cutting off money flow to Chinese schools is the most effective way to kill Chinese schools naturally and slowly. Chinese schools can survive because Chinese people have to fork out their own money to fill up deficits.

    Therefore, Khairy complimented Chinese people love to donate money to schools! !

    If you are passing Panchur town at Muar Utara, you will see a modern concrete building typed of Malay school at one side and a wooden hut typed of Chinese school at another side.”

    – taken from :-
    Please NOTE – only 3.6% funds for Chinese!!!!!OKT should be ashamed as a head man to represent the Chinese!
    BN, stop throwing a few sweets to us before GE, just give us our PROPER portion any time any day as and when we need the fund!

    Can somebody take the photos of those 2 schools and show them to the world?

  64. “Malaysia today .com wrote:
    Anyway, who is Jeff Ooi?”
    You have short memories, You wrote this:
    “If you like to read BN government bashing news, go to Raja Petra’s website. He is a royal family and is considered “untouchable” in Malaysia, we are not like him.

    Jeff Ooi was sued by BN people is an example.

    By Malaysiatoday.com ”

    I am not interested to be a politician, why the heck I make name in the internet.

    If back linking can be sued, Raja Petra already bankrupt long time ago.

    I also received email from someone named samy vellu, but he is a real samy vellu is still need to be tested in court.

    Get a lawyer to advise you on the cyberlaw before you claim that you are owner for a website or blog
    This website is to provide another alternative voices, neutral to any political parties.

    If you like to read BN government bashing news, go to Raja Petra’s website. He is a royal family and is considered “untouchable” in Malaysia, we are not like him.

    Jeff Ooi was sued by BN people is an example.

    By Malaysiatoday.com

  65. “Malaysia today .com wrote:
    Anyway, who is Jeff Ooi?”
    You have short memories, you wrote:

    “I am not interested to be a politician, why the heck I make name in the internet.

    If back linking can be sued, Raja Petra already bankrupt long time ago.”
    My answer:
    This is not backlinking, you are deviating all the while, despite the below notice you continue and steal and you are deviating
    …5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

    XXXXX.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED XXXX ® ALL IMAGES ON THIS SITE ARE FOR WEB BROWSERS VIEWING ONLY. ANY UNAUTHORISED DOWNLOADING OR DUPLICATION IS PROHIBITION BY COPYRIGHT LAW The contents of this website are protected by copyright all rights are reserved and commercial use is prohibited. For reprint information please contact [email protected].

    “I also received email from someone named samy vellu, but he is a real samy vellu is still need to be tested in court.”
    My answer:
    This one must be like you no details/profile the difference is he is not a thief (you deviate here again)

    “Get a lawyer to advise you on the cyberlaw before you claim that you are owner for a website or blog”
    My answer:
    Thief, get yourself a lawyer (Another example of your deviations)
    “This website is to provide another alternative voices, neutral to any political parties.”
    My answer:
    This site is provided free to you to operate a forum by Invision Free so that the provider can make some monies from advertisement. You earn nothing?

    Malaysia Today.com

  66. There are people who know about our education system in the country well better than me, but they are not posting any comments here. So I post what I know to give you a clearer picture why this “approval” of new schools are “significant” to MCA.

    Our country has few type of schools. I touch only Secondary schools (no primary).

    1. Government schools – about 10,000 of them in the country. All with the name “SMK”. The Vision school is one of it. The government is using all our tax payers money to build these schools, provide tables, chairs, electricity, curriculum, teachers and so on. Basically, it is completely run by government.

    2. Chinese school under PIBG – this is called “SMJK” schools and only 78 of them (see http://www.smjk.edu.my/).

    The land to build the school belonged to the Chinese community who settled here long time ago. A lot of individuals donate the land to this community. These ancestors have long passed away. But their contributions to the society is very much appreciated. The PIBG is a team consist of mostly volunteered businessmen and businesswomen, mostly quite well to do, and always wanted to do something for the Chinese community. They fought hard to collect money to support school’s expenses. Some even use their own money to throw into the school. When they passed away, their children always have funeral event to donate thousands of money to the schools. They frequently has the “walk” to collect money from the public as donation. So PIBG is a team to manage the public fund collected to cover school’s infrastructure (tables, chairs, building maintenance – all the “physical” part of the schools).

    But our government want to control them. Their “control” come in “courseware” and “teachers” (human resources). This is so that, all children come from SMJK schools are taught the same national education that is set forward by our government.

    These SMJK schools are MCA’s school. They are “only” allowed to have authority (you can said “licenses”) to operate just 78 of them. Don’t even think about asking more! The BN government won’t approval it. Yes, this 78 is the “quota”.

    It had been a long fight for MCA to get more school approved by BN government, but it had never succeed. Today, yes, may be they finally got it. So it is a BIG deal to them, right? Well, think about this… only 78 of them… while government school is 10,000 of them! What a ratio?

    3. Chinese Independent schools. These schools are called ST schools. I don’t know their number, but I think just 60 (from the http://www.djz.edu.my” web site).

    The early Chinese settlers were the first to setup these schools. They used their own money to build the school, create courseware, employ teachers and basically everything under their control. Their courseware is chinese based.

    I am not sure when (may be during Merdeka), the government need to have a single Education system for the country. The DJZ wants the government to adopt their already successful chinese education system and continue to improve on it. But the BN government wanted their own. The result? Chinese education was split between ST, who insist to use their own courseware but with a consequence of NOT getting any funding from the government; whereas under MCA, they formed the 78 SMJK schools with the funding from government to cover courseware and human resources. It was reported somewhere in the Internet, some of these Chinese who agreed to setup SMJK schools were bribed.

    It was politic and it was dirty. And the result is sacrificing our educational system for the sake of some people’s pocket money.

    Which one is doing well? ST or SMJK?

    ST was not doing well. They basically lack of fund. They have strong leadership at the beginning, but not so after that. After all, money is important even though we always put it as secondary to the Education. Without money, you can hold back good leader.

    They did a lot in the past 20 to 40 years to collect fund from public to continue their school’s operation. Those were heroes. They also have to consider the poor who could not afford the school fees. Today’s DJZ still not getting any support from the government. The MCA people can really ignore them – like let them die naturally… (remember they are all Chinese).

    Today, DJZ is revamping. Although Chinese language is still the primary language, but they do not refuse English to be used in teaching. The world is changing. While it is good to teach and maintain Chinese culture in ST schools, we should not forget the demand of the world outside. After all, this is Education. We must give the best to the younger generation and nurture them well so that they can excel us one day.

    What happen to SMJK today? Some are doing well. Some aren’t. Most of them have the same mentality like the SMK – hoping the government to continue feeding them and just follow the formula given to them to teach the students. No wonder our new generation today are so spoon feed! Not creative at all! It is only if you are lucky to graduate from some of the good SMJK schools, you are different.

    But I guess at the end of the day, as long as we work with BN government, we will ALWAYS suffering for unfair treatment.

    Come one, think about this: 10,000 : 78 : 60. What is this power sharing formula about?

    I haven’t talked about Primary schools. I don’t even know about Tamil schools!

    Do you know that, when any of the Chinese school is not doing well, they cannot close down! If they close down, they will not get any more approval to open a new one. This 78 is a “quota”. They have to think of creative way to workaround the quota limit. Such creative idea is “migration” or “moving”. That’s what you see in the newspaper. The BN government is making it looks “nice” see.

    Why our Chinese end up like rats running along the street and must cover ourselves from being beating up?! Aren’t we the same Malaysian? Isn’t it more important we must throw away the “race base politics”? Bangsa Malaysia is the way to go. We are all equal. We must see beyond races.

    I hope thing will change after this 2008 General Election. Please vote not for yourself, but for the interests of all Malaysian who wants a better place for current and young generations.


  67. So far, I have not being able to get someone to provide a compilation of ALL those super doper Students who scored 12 to 17 As at SPM. What have they achieved at U-level, what subjects did they do, what are they doing now? If the SPM results are quality based, then those students should have gone to do their PhDs and be able to contribute to our research programmes, teaching in our Us which I just received from a email based on a Spanish Research which places ALL the Universities [ at least the better ones] in Thailand, Phillippines, of course with Singapore right at the top; all above ALL Malaysian Us!!!
    Some times, I wonder if our ‘leaders’ have got skin thicker than the African elephant’s. With all these international assessments, they continue to brag in the press that we are OKAY!! SEMUA NYA OKAY!!! This, my friends cannot last very long, as Friedman said’ it is a flat world!!’ and he told TDM that even the President of US couldnot prevent it! And you dared to? And with the presnt bunch? Ha! Ha! Ha! Just look into the mirror, man!

  68. ehhh now only i realise…its a bad bad bad bad bad bad feng shui gesture by the UMNO baskets…..give schools during chinese new year period…

    In chinese ” Song Shee Kun” AMA! * slaps forhead *

    Means, give lose fast…aiyoyoyo…why we never see it…like that die la….how??…aiyo yo cannot buy lumba kuda already…

    ish ish ish

  69. malaysiatoday.com Says:

    Today at 13: 01.07 (10 hours ago)
    iyamwhoiyam Says:

    Today at 10: 19.04 (2 hours ago)
    hey btw, anyone saw malaysiatoday.com here?? gee…when got educated topic to talk about, he’s nowhere to be seen…=


    Nowadays I have no mood to talk cock in internet. At the end of day, BN still win the GE handsomely.

    Then my dear friend, why in the bloody world are u getting so defensive??

    *slaps forehead again*……

    sigh…….kids that never grow up……can’t wait till you finish law school though

  70. Let’s open as many new Chinese schools as we can now – or get approval & land immediately….

    …do now, before mid-March 2008, before elections.

    After elections and when BN realised they lost so much, it will be too late, they may retract all this good offers…. & we have to wait another 4 years for the next offer.

  71. Colonel Says:

    Today at 00: 18.39 (10 hours ago)
    Who is in law school? Don’t make me laugh!

    malaysiatoday.com Says:

    Yesterday at 13: 40.17
    …..four dark skin indians…lalalalalala….

    “I will do so after I pass my lawyer buruk exam…hohoho…” quote and unquote ‘malaysiatoday.com’
    ( from another post )

    Colonel, yeaps, he claims he went to law school and trying to pass his lawyer buruk exam……..*slaps forehead* a dark day for the Bar Council and the legal profession throughout….luckily he aint’ an accountant

    *sweat on forehead*

    -iyamwhoiyam- peace out =)

  72. bennylohstocks Says


    Back linking involves no downloading and duplication for any materials from a website. The link is directly to its website.

    I wish web provider can share their profits with me. How you ask your “share” from them?

    You are quite “honourable” also to publish private emails in the public forum without consent.

  73. Colonel, yeaps, he claims he went to law school and trying to pass his lawyer buruk exam……..*slaps forehead* a dark day for the Bar Council and the legal profession throughout….luckily he aint’ an accountant


    Malaysia with a bunch of lawyers from a group of race already make the world laughing at Bolehland legal system. Dun wasting your time to be part of a corrupted system.

    It’s hard to believe there are still got people in Malaysia cannot understand sarcastic comment on lawyer buruk.

  74. Can somebody take the photos of those 2 schools and show them to the world?


    Actually I took photos for both schools in Panchur Muar Utara last Novemeber. But Malay school’s photo was missing from my PC.

    That Chinese school was in the “suck dry” scandal exposed by Ong Tee Kiat, fund to kill termites was stolen by someone.

  75. They declared Thaipusam a holiday to appease the Indians and now they announce such “goodies” to the Chinese during the coming Chinese New Year festivity. What good timing? But do they ever need to consult the “almanac” to bring benefits to Bumiputras? To them, everyday is Hari Raya. They get everything at the expense of the other races.

    The recent “privilege” which OKT “fought” for the Chinese – obtaining government contracts below RM50K has been blown out of size by MCA. What is RM50K compared to the millions and billions awarded to Bumiputras? It’s leftovers, it’s chicken feed, it’s pure charity, it’s pathetic!!!! This has lowered the Chinese in Malaysia to the depths and MCA has the guts to say “We represent the Chinese in Malaysia”. Even beggars have dignity but MCA has never ever considered this fact.

    If the announcement to build new Chinese schools at this crucial time is not “political gimmick”, then what is it? It has been more than 4 years, the BN has been in power since the last election but have they done anything about Chinese education? Why wait till this very last minute, just days before the next GE to make such an “obvious” announcement? Does MCA mean the Chinese don’t need new schools until the arrival of the next GE?

    A racial-based political party, which cannot even take care of the race it represents, is not fit to put up “misleading” signboards at its headquarters to confuse the people of Malaysia and visitors that “it represents the Chinese in Malaysia”.

  76. Hishammudin has been well-known for his arrogance. When he was the Minister of Youth and Sports, he led a whole gang of “hooligans” shouting all the way to the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, threatening to burn it down. Now, he wields the kris at the UMNO general assembly, then turns back and tell Malaysians that this is done so that the kris can “protect” all Malaysians. What big joke, especially from a MINISTER OF EDUCATION! What education system can we expect from such a minister?

  77. Agreeing to build and relocate Chinese schools at this wee hour reminds me of the same situation during the Suqiu era. Remember they actually “accepted” the terms of the Suqiu committee prior to the GE but right after the GE, they went back on their words?

    Such is the attitude of the “untrustworthy” BN government! So can we trust BN again during this election period with such promises? It has broken its promise once and to trust it again may be disastrous. OKT can even promise to bring the moon to the Chinese right now but when he gets elected and is comfortably seated in his “throne”, can we be sure what happened during the Suqiu era does not happen again?

  78. # malaysiatoday.com Says:
    Today at 11: 54.39 (2 hours ago)

    bennylohstocks Says


    Back linking involves no downloading and duplication for any materials from a website. The link is directly to its website.
    My answer:
    You took my image and posted at your forums. No you find somebody to “link backs” with you.

    I wish web provider can share their profits with me. How you ask your “share” from them?
    My answer:
    You are that stupid/idiotic? You get nothing and risk you life stealing from others? They provide you the free forum but not for you to steal images/or photos from others. Stupid people like you cannot understand, must repeat. Others spent time and money producing but you spend time stealing

    You are quite “honourable” also to publish private emails in the public forum without consent.
    My answer:
    Whatever you stole from me is not for your sharing, they are private material also. I am “honourable” and I call you a thief. I have my details in my blog call your lawyer then

  79. Badawi & UMNO said recently in press that Hishamuddin has built more Chinese schools than Anwar Ibrahim.
    If this is true, I want to also see this continue 2 yrs after this GE.
    If not – only election gimmick.

    But whatever, Hishamuddin is unworthy – vote him & his gang out this GE.

  80. bennylohstocks Says


    You are so honourable to abuse YB Lim’s blog for your personal dispute with other people.

    The right thing to do for you is get a lawyer to sue me or anyone steal your “private” materials. BTW, my server is in USA, make sure you send subphoena to them to find out who was stealing your private material from a blog.

    You know a dog is chasing it tail is stupid and go no where. American court did not rule back linking is illegal. You are crying like a baby.

  81. Whatever you stole from me is not for your sharing, they are private material also. I am “honourable” and I call you a thief. I have my details in my blog call your lawyer then


    Another stupid advice. Unless there is a real name with Malaysia government recognized digital signature to prove a dog is a dog. You can me call a rapist who raped your loved one, legally I still cannot sue you.

  82. sorry continue..to give some advices to those crying babe knows nothing about Malaysia cyberlaw. Let say, I set up a mirror site with same exact contents with YB Lim’s blog and put my phone number and photo on it.

    Can YB Lim prove thta he is a legitimate owner for materials in the mirror site? The answer is no because YB Lim site is not installing digital certificate recognized by Malaysian government.

  83. One more…bennylock, let say I set up a porno site with your name, email and telephone with you listed as owner? Let day again, someone decides to sue you for displaying their sexual action video.

    Are you going to tell court that the porno website is yours based on the name, email, tel displayed?

    You are too naive to tell the world that name, email, tel etc. are evidence to prove you are a legitimate owner. Let forget about suing anyone if your website is not digitally protected.

  84. You are too naive to tell the world that name, email, tel etc. are evidence to prove you are a legitimate owner
    My answer:
    You insult all bloggers who have their details.

    Are you going to tell court that the porno website is yours based on the name, email, tel displayed?
    My answer:
    Remember you started the porn website and your familys photo must easily accessible I presume. I can’t do that, the porno site belongs to you.

    The Star, NST, etc accusing me that back linking is stealing thier IPs
    My answer:
    Offer them your back to link, sure no problem. You copied copyrighted images and post them to your site as if I am your stepfather and they belong to you too, so no permission is needed

    You can me call a rapist who raped your loved one, legally I still cannot sue you
    My answer:
    I called you a thief, continue your raping ok?

    The right thing to do for you is get a lawyer to sue me or anyone steal your “private” materials. BTW, my server is in USA..
    My answer:
    The right thing is for you to sue me as I called you a thief. You want all my details I can provide you.

    You are so honourable to abuse YB Lim’s blog for your personal dispute with other people
    My answer:
    my duty to inform all responsible bloggers of this thieving site Mlalysia Today.com.

  85. “…approval for six new Chinese primary schools and the relocation of 13 Chinese primary schools by the Education Minister…”

    These morons only work once in 4 years. I consider it an insult, BN rasuah the rakyat every 4 years to get reelected. These are handouts!!! What do you take us for? BEGGARS!!!


    Woof Woof.

  86. bennylohstocks Says:


    Crying babe…Google Image archived images from any website with back linking to original website. Why don’t you sue them? Did Google ask permission from you to archive your image in their server?

    Loser, you are crying like babe for a practice accepted in internet world.

    Your duty is to sue me or anyone if you believe “thiefs” stealing your IP. You simply can’t anyone legally and technically. You are just a hopeless loser shouting for attention.

    I can put a free banner to make your site more popular if you beg me instead of spamming in YB Lim’s blog.

    Shall I teach you how to set password to make your material “private”? Stupid….

  87. You are too naive to tell the world that name, email, tel etc. are evidence to prove you are a legitimate owner
    My answer:
    You insult all bloggers who have their details.


    Crying babe..you are just ignorant on Malaysia cyberlaw. Your stupidity shown here and there does not help to project good image of Malaysian bloggers IF you are one of them.

  88. Crying babe…Google Image archived images from any website with back linking to original website. Why don’t you sue them? Did Google ask permission from you to archive your image in their server?
    My answer:
    Yes I tried , I am very naive. The second picture on the first page.. here must be your stepfather no:2 ( I can’t find myself there. Unless I want to have my images there-I do allow a little in the pastand even if they do without permission, they will tell viewers it is copyrighted.. Googles (they normally do) is search engine and yours is a news portal equivalent to Jeff Ooi and Raja Petra.This is the difference so it is free educatioin to you about cyberlaws
    I can put a free banner to make your site more popular if you beg me instead of spamming in YB Lim’s blog.
    My answer:
    Uncle Lim don’t think so-lah. Uncle Lim like you loves my cartoon but the difference is you love it too much that you hate me for not putting /spamming your site Malaysia Today.com as a result you put my cartoons on your sight!
    Crying babe..you are just ignorant on Malaysia cyberlaw.
    My answer:
    Cyber Law Dept -your family business?, I am not interested to know
    You are insane poor child, when anybody ask you to take down their copyrighted material, you look for the C -copyright sign and name and give it some respect and proceed no more.
    Why talk to the public about how much you know. You don’t seem to be related to Bill Gates to me

  89. Google Image archived images from any website with back linking to original website.
    My answer:
    Thiis is a link: (you get the full page on display)

    The cartoon alone in this link is a copyrighted image, on the image you see the copyright sign and name and you should stop here.

    Googles warn you on the first image (below) that the image is copyrighted, try clicking on the first image (and especially Malaysia today.com should not copy paste and make use of.

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