August 31st Merdeka Day to Sept 16 Malaysia Day – “bumper harvest” of bad news for Malaysia

Never before in the nation’s history has the country been buffeted by such a “bumper harvest” of bad news in the 17 days between Merdeka Day on August 31 and Malaysia Day on September 16.

This plethora of bad news for Malaysia cannot be more detrimental to Malaysia’s ability to escape from her decades-long “middle-income trap” and the terrible fate of a bankrupt nation in 2019 by undertaking a national transformation to achieve an inclusive and sustainable high-income developed nation in 2020.

Today for instance, there are two such bad news.

First is today’s Malaysian Insider story “Investors shun Malaysia for neighbours” which reports:

“Malaysia is now the “least favoured market” in Asia Pacific for investors after nearly doubling its underweight rating from last month, according to a recent Bank of America Merrill Lynch report.

“The country slipped two spots — from 10th place to dead last — in the investment bank’s latest Fund Managers Survey, even as the Najib administration prepares to unveil ambitious economic reforms meant to boost investor confidence.

“The report appears to be the latest indictment of Malaysia’s inability to compete with rival regional markets. In the past decade, the once roaring Asian Tiger has seen its dominant position as an investment destination in Southeast Asia crumble even as neighbouring countries push to the fore.

“A survey last week by the World Economic Forum (WEF) of 139 nations showed that Malaysia had slipped two places in global competitiveness rankings to 26th in the past year, while Indonesia surged 10 places to 44th…

“Elsewhere in the region, China remained the favourite market by far despite an uncertain global outlook. A net 11 per cent of investors expect China’s economy to strengthen, up from -39 per cent in July, according to Merrill Lynch.

“Indonesia, slightly underweight last month, jumped to second place on an overweight call, edging out Hong Kong in the process. New Zealand, Taiwan, South Korea and India remained neutral.”

The second bad news is the release today of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2010-11, regarded as the gold standard in international university performance comparisons, which confirmed the QS World University Rankings 2010 released a week ago that Malaysia’s premier university, University of Malaya, has fallen off the world Top 200 Universities Ranking.

University of Malaya fell from 180th to 207th ranking in the QS World University Rankings 2010 but it is not known what placing University of Malaya has fallen to in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2010-11.

The top 10 universities ranked by Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2010-11 are:

  1. Harvard – US

  2. California Institute of Technology – US

  3. Massachusetts Institute of TeCochnology – US

  4. Stanford – US

  5. Princeton – US

  6. Cambridge – UK

  7. Oxford – UK

  8. University of California Berkeley – US

  9. Imperial College – UK

  10. Yale – US

Twenty-seven Asian universities are emplaced in the latest THES ranking led by University of Hong Kong (21), Tokyo (26), Pohang University of Science and Technology (28), National University of Singapore (34) and Peking University (37).

The plethora of bad news in the past 17 days from Merdeka Day on August 31 to Malaysia Day September 16 could be discerned from the following headlines or headings:

  • September 15 – Najib saddened by rise of extremism in Malaysia (Malaysiakini)

  • September 15 – “Sabahans losing patience over 20 Points – Maijol” (Borneo Post)

  • September 14 – ANALYSIS – Malaysia “top-down” reforms set to disappoint (Reuters)

  • September 14 – Utusan champions Dr M’s views in campaign for Perkasa (Malaysian Insider)

  • September 12 – Sosilawati and three others brutally murdered and burnt (Malaysiankini)

  • September 10 – M’sia Today ‘blocked to stop release of documents’ (Malaysiakini)

  • September 9 – Global competitiveness: M’sia goes down further (Malaysiakini)

  • September 9 – Malaysian universities falling out of top 200 universities in QS World University Rankings 2010 latest proof that Najib’s NEM are just empty words lacking political will and leadership necessary to effect Malaysia’s economic transformation (

  • September 4 – Why double standards against Namewee, questioned for over 10 hours, for his anti-racist outburst as compared to treatment for the two errant school principals? (

  • September 4 – Teo says surau row nadir in her life (Malaysian Insider)

  • September 3 – Hishamuddin should not act both as prosecutor and judge to pass judgment that Nurul Izzah had committed the offence of sedition, dictating and usurping the powers of the Police, AG’s Chambers and judiciary (

  • September 3 – Rising racism, 53 years on -David KL Quek (Malaysiakini)

  • September 1 – Mahathir is the major obstacle to Najib’s 1Malaysia and National Transformation Agenda (

  • August 31 – Why Police investigating Wee Meng Chee for sedition when there is nothing seditious in his latest 3-minute rap against the Kulai secondary school principal for making racist slurs against students? (

  • August 30 – The ultimate Malaysian debate: Malaysia or Malaysaja? – Nurul Izzah Anwar (Malaysian Insider)

  • August 30 – Quo Vadis Malaysia 18 months after Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan? (

What is the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak going to do with such a “bumper harvest” of bad news for Malaysia?

41 Replies to “August 31st Merdeka Day to Sept 16 Malaysia Day – “bumper harvest” of bad news for Malaysia”

  1. Dis is 1 nation dat d rakyat r inundated with all sorts of negative news everyday
    How 2 move forward boldly as a united nation 2 treat d world as our oyster?
    Rakyat better get smart n take some forward insurance actions 2 protect themselves n their families; dis failed state will not look after us normal mortals

  2. investors are shying away. thanks to mamak’s married-to-cronies policy. No need meritocracy. these idiots think that the world will give them FDIs based on ketuanan or some unconstitutional 30% upstart in everything.

    Ya perkasa, go shout and show your keris to the world to give you 30% quota la. They will nuke you in no time. To them you are just a small fry ready to be cooked, sauced and eaten. no need meritocracy. Being a jaguh idiot in kampong is enough.

  3. Just bear with it for a little while more. After we go bankrupt in 2019, we will become a developed nation (high income!) in 2020.

    That is not too far away, is it?

    Sit back and be prepared for more unpleasant buffets to come.

    Selamat Hari Malaysia !

  4. Malay alone would not be able granted Malaya independent from British.

    British Overseas citizen, Chinese and Indian must know that without your support British would not granted Malaya independent.

    Malaya is formed by Malay, Chinese and Indian majority.

    After Malaya independent whoever formed and granted Independent from British, these land is their homeland, they have the absolutely rights to demand equality.

    If you sold a car to someone after your transfer ownership to the buyer, the car is belong to the new owner, it is stupid if you still keep telling all over the world the car own by you before.

    Before independent, Malay, Chinese and Indian agreed to formed Alliance and granted Malaya granted from British.

    After Independent this land would be called Malaya and be the homeland to people who form Alliance and granted Independent from British.


    Any one of them have the rights to demand for equality.

    If you sold a car to someone after your transfer ownership to the buyer, the car is belong to the new owner, it is stupid if you still keep telling all over the world the car own by you before.

    Please go back to school if you are an idiot don’t understand what is call independent.

    1. This was why our honorable Tunku Adul Rahman voiced repeatedly that “we must not forget Chinese and India…” helped us to gain independence together from the British!

      Unfortunately, his wishes have been forgotten, ignored and discarded by present UMNO suckers to suck off and monopolize all powers in the government!!!

  5. ” it is not known what placing University of Malaya has fallen to in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2010-11.”

    No, though we know one thing: not among the top 200. No Malaysian university actually is. Though we have Egypt and Turkey in there, for a change.

    Looks like Khalid Nordin has to bring in more crooks from all corners of the world, since his own target is 100.000 international students. And we already accept all sorts of photocopied transcripts from all sorts of unknown colleges from anywhere, including the third world.
    Without being among the leading 200 in any global ranking, our universities are becoming unattractive for any serious international student. The best thing we have to offer in future, is a visa; for all those who come from places screwed up much worse.

  6. ///“The country slipped two spots — from 10th place to dead last — in the investment bank’s latest Fund Managers Survey, even as the Najib administration prepares to unveil ambitious economic reforms meant to boost investor confidence.///

    Najib can start negotiation with the Indonesian government on a minimum wage for Malaysians to work as domestic maids and construction workers in Indonesia before unemployment and business closure hit the country in the near future.

  7. Another bad news to add to Kit’s list.

    September 7 – NEM reforms brushed off in growth projections (Malaysian Insider)


  8. Rakyat must not confuse between Malaya n Malaysia, as different as orange n apple
    Malaya, independence fr Britain, yes
    Malaysia, no independence; formation, union, yes
    Did Sabah n Sarawak join Malaya 2 form M’sia 2 b exploited by Umno? Certainly NAH! No!

  9. ///What Malaysians may need in order to truly unite the nation is to have a single school system, said UCSI chancellor Abdul Rahman Arshad.This, he said, was because the existing multi-stream system…///– Malaysiakini

    The question before us first is whether the degree of unity has progressed or regressed since independence in 1957 when the multi-stream system using different languages of instruction remains. As far as education system goes, the single most important change was the replacement of English in the medium of instruction with Malay. If that was not the cause of disunity, then there must have been other reasons which brought about disunity over the past 53 years besides the change of English to Malay as the medium of instruction in national schools. Scholars should first establish what causes disunity and try to stop disunity from worsening rather than try something new hoping to promote unity without first removing the inherent cause of disunity. Indeed the call for a change of multi-stream itself creates sense of disunity because it affects some communities in handling down their culture through their own written language.

  10. It looks like every thing is failing since the 80s. one glaring issue is the crime rate as well as the Bollywood type of crimes being committed. Surely the audacity of the crime itself indicate that the power that be is being compromised. In the past, with the quality and integrity of our police force such crimes would NEVER would have taken place in the first place! Well was it a coindence that the man accused of that multi-murder happened to enjoy a publicity seeking event just the day before the crime or was it after the act?
    Over the past 30 years, with everything available at a price, we have plenty of crooks buying Datoship or Tan Sri-ship to build up their public image. We seem to tell the world, no matter how your wealth is gotten, you can expect respect once you have enough to throw around! And we have someone who had contributed greatly to the decline of the morale of the society wanting to compete with Lau Lee for the Great Asian Stateman!!! Of course, the sad thong is there are still many Malaysians who thought otherwise!

  11. investors are shying away!! Of Course!!

    You can never get a proper answer or action from any Department in Malaysia ranging from Finance (with BNM), MP on Housing, Land Office on Land/Housing Management, Police on security, Court, Judges, CJ or COJ, AG, PCB, or whoever or whatever you name it. The only thing one will get is being BULLIED!!

    BNM cannot even answer Rules & Regulations on How bank should act on Stolen Credit Card or if they can charge interest over maximum rate and what kind of action will be taken if they have overruled…..allowing Bank to act as loan shark and bullies clients with rules & regulations and charges.

    BAR are not regulating Lawyers in their Practices, allowing lawyers to cheat, assault clients and playing concert with Judges!! Dragging and foul playing with Disciplinary complaint. Allowing lawyers to drag from being Bankrupt even with judgement from courts.

    Aren’t all these are “Daylight Robberies ??”

  12. Can’t blame “pink lipped” PM for talking kok every time.
    Being PM in Malaysia does’nt meant that he can decides on everything.
    Final decision lies only by the “third force”, just like in PDRM.
    And who’re these “third force”???

  13. “Malaysia is now the “least favoured market” in Asia Pacific for investors after nearly doubling its underweight rating from last month, according to a recent Bank of America Merrill Lynch report.


    With so many VIP crooks in here, you not only lose your money but life as well, so who would want to invest in this country.

  14. all the failed states in the world has one thing in common…they practiced the policies of sidelining the other races or religion in their own country…

    1. zimbabwe
    2. apartheid south africa
    3. nazi germany
    4. former yugoslavia
    5. rwanda

    and soon to hit the list, negaraku.

  15. You guys say the rambutan tree is dying, they say that it is still very much alive and producing a bumper harvest. They point to the tree with its ripening fruits, and they say it is good news. Who bothers about the rotting roots that passers-by can’t see ?

  16. News flash on killed cosmetic datuk and friends: macc lawyer razak revealed today:

    “The truth. The 4 first whacked themselves crazy and then killed themselves. After that they burned their own lifeless bodies and discarded the ashes in the river nearby.”

    A special press session will be called soon for razak to re-enact the probable events. According to reliable sources he will be assisted by cintanegara, who will be playing the murdered bank officer.

  17. Another bad news on Malaysia Day itself is Malaysiakini’s report of what former Federal Court judge Gopal Sri Ram said of the judiciary in failing in its duty to defend minority rights, and being anxious to help the executive, “bend the law to help the executive” resulting in “ridiculous decisions”.

    [Reference : Malaysiakini’s reports Hazlan Zakaria | Sep 16, 10 under captions “Judiciary fails to protect minority rights: Sri Ram” and “Ex-judge: High Court can rule on Islam-related cases”].

    It will be recalled that other Ex Judges like NH Chan & Syed Idid have one time or another criticized the judiciary. Collectively it appears that these multiracial former judges (Indian Malay & Chinese) have collectively criticized the judiciary of executive, racial, religious bias as well as corruption. This is not to include the inevitable implications of the conclusions and recommendations of Royal Commission of Enquiry of Lingam tapes, so far not heeded by the ghovernment.

    It is serious when ex judges (being one time insiders) make such allegations to confirm public suspicions.

    When Sri Ram cited examples of the courts reversing decisions through the apex court to accommodate the wishes of the government, it does not (irrespective of the merits of the contentions) allay fears of bias of a foreign party like Singapore’s Genesys Integrated Engineers Pte Ltd (GIE), unhappy that the earlier Court of Appeal decision to allow it to purchase shares of the joint venture company, UEM Genisys Sdn Bhd, from GIE, was reversed by Federal Court recently in favour of the UEM Group Bhd.

    This is yet another blow to foreign investors’ confidence undermining Najib’s avowed agenda to bolster it.

    People, whether locals or foreigners, are sensitive and react to such criticisms by ex judges (whose credibility is bolstered by their being insiders) because they strike at the heart of adjudicating, in disputes, of what is fair and right according to the system of laws and rules in the country.

    One (under legal advice) knows the rules and laws – these are given – and expect their application free of bias.

    It is perception that matters – whether Rule of Law application or politics.

    It affects confidence. Once the perception is negative – that the rules and laws by which one plays will be interpreted fairly and free of bias by their arbiters – players will lose confidence and choose not to play ie. engage their capital, business and investments within this jurisdiction. Investors prioritize predictability over caprice in interpretation of laws or application of govertnment’s policies whether these relate to NEM or IDR.

    To subject application of laws and policies to uncertainty is of course ultimately self defeating to (1) the NEP itself the cost of which is subsidized from profits generated by foreign investments, and (2) the rent seeking ‘rambutan’ patronage system since rent seekers also need their subsidization of free shares as part of the 30% quota from foreign investors.

  18. Bad news for Penang fans of Siti Nurhaliza and bad news for Malaysia. Concert cancelled after contract signed. Hope Dato Siti get Well soon, be strong as an international entertainer, stay put and get full rest for the rest of Sept month. As for Penang, celebration tetap celebration, just do it!

  19. wow, there is also a bumper harvest in Sg Panchau. Over 20 bodies found in the river bed. This is bolehland worst serial killing to date.

    the ghost and the darkness at work here. what hell hole has this country turned into?

  20. Rakyat pine 4 a new fair, equitable start with non-UmnoB/BN political parties
    4 better or worse, at d moment, what d hel1, give PR a chance

    But will rakyat get bumper bad news b4, during n after d coming 1st direct elections of PKR?
    How can we expect them 2 govern fairly when they seem 2 want 2 murder each other?
    Got UmnoB-style money politics or not aah?
    R we being entertained with re-run of evil UmnoB by PKR: il buono, il brutto, il cattivo

  21. //Malaysia is now the “least favoured market” in Asia Pacific for investors //

    Perkasa says: That is a blardy lie! We are a developed country! We mampu hantar angkasawan to space! We have the best transport, education and commercial system in the world! This blardly lie is the work of PR, they want our country to be ganyang-ed by the Indons. We protest and we are going to declare emergency rule now, placing all opposition-ruled states under the federal govt. Anyone who oppose us will be placed under the isa.

  22. i laughed when i read this excerpt from the Star over the sosilawati murder…it just show how we do not trust the security forces anymore. another news to scare away FDIs. kwailo would say, “it could be my body in the river bed”.

    ///Asked if any policeman in the district had covered up the lawyer’s alleged misdeeds, Khalid said: “If there is any bribery in the force, do not hesitate to lodge a report to me personally. The police will not protect those who are corrupted.”///the Star

  23. undertaker888 :
    wow, there is also a bumper harvest in Sg Panchau. Over 20 bodies found in the river bed. This is bolehland worst serial killing to date.
    the ghost and the darkness at work here. what hell hole has this country turned into?

    The killers were kind to keep all the remains in one place. That would save police time to look elsewhere.

    Was that because it was a protected area under contract?

  24. The killers were kind to keep all the remains in one place. That would save police time to look elsewhere.

    Was that because it was a protected area under contract?

    They must have thought that river is a safer place than open ground, even with C4

  25. The problem with the jurdiciary system is not only BIAS but overriding of Rules and Regulations by Judges, CJ, COJ and lawyers. They Gang-Up and can play concert for more than 5 years over a nonsense Defamation case raised by a young lawyer who had cheated the Defendants!! CJ, COJ turned a Deaf ears, and at least one of the Judges was on the H C Disciplinary Committee!!

    How can the He-Judge allowed Defendants’ lawyers to be discharged by False Statement?
    How can Defendants lawyers confirmed the receipt of Documents when the Plaintiff had confirmed that the documents had been returned?
    How can Judge restlessly and recklessly induced the Defendant to accept a letter writen by the Bar to the Plaintiff to be the letter written by the Defendant to the Bar?
    How can Judge continued to “prmose” to ask the absent Defendants’ lawyer to attend court to show cause but continued to break the promise and finally said it is not her Job. And, she has absolute discretion in Court!!
    How can she order the Defendants to prepare the case and face Trial when the Defendants lawyers never did his work or attend court for more than 2 years!!
    How can she accept Defamation to be tried on a Single and Simple Issue “If the letters are defamatory?”
    How can she and 3 subsequent Judges (also she) told the Defendants it was none of their business to see if the Defendants’ lawyer did his jobs or attending court!!
    How can Judges and Court cannot provide notes of the Judge on allowing the Defendant lawyer’s application of Discharge with false statement in more than 3-4years?
    How can Judges not answering questions raised by the victim even by writing? nor in the court?
    How can case be considered as “settled” when the Defendants’ lawyer did not attend court and indulged not even applying for Discharge after he assaulted the clients in his office?

    Are they taking courts as kindergarten and Laws as their Toys?

    They look like Judges, CJ, COJ, lawyers and BAR but they cannot sound even like one and surely had not act like one!!

    In this “simple” “small” case, a layman paid the lawyers but bullied by closed to 10 lawyers (the plaintiff’s and the Defendants, including those claiming to be HR lawyers, senior in DB), the court, 5 judges, CJ, COJ and the BAR for more than 5 yeatrs and then case to NOWHERE!!

    A CIRCUS without SHAME!!

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