National Day on August 31 is deadline for Najib to prove he is serious about “zero tolerance” for racism in the country, particularly by public servants

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should have received public feedback that his declaration yesterday of a “zero tolerance” towards racism and pledge to take immediate action against those found to have made racial slurs had been received with great cynicism countrywide as another Najibism which is good for soundbites and publicity but never to be taken seriously – that it would be forgotten once delivered.

In fact, public cynicism about Najib’s political will and leadership after 16 month as Prime Minister in his various policy pronouncements because of the large gulf between proclamation and action has culminated in Merdeka month celebrations this year with the theme “1Malaysia transforms the nation” highlighting the failures of Najib’s 1Malaysia rather than celebrating the new Prime Minister’s signature nation-building programme.

The question now is whether Najib can inspire confidence in time for National Day on Tuesday, August 31st in his “zero tolerance” policy for racism by taking firm and decisive action in the next 60 hours against racists who had created inter-racial misunderstandings and tensions in the past weeks?

There can for instance be no excuse whatsoever for failing to take firm and meaningful action against the two schools principals, in from Kulai and the other from Bukit Selambau, who had made insensitive, derogatory and racist remarks against students which are were totally against Najib’s 1Malaysia concept when the country celebrates National Day next Tuesday – that is if Najib’s “Zero tolerance” for racism declaration is to be taken seriously.

Multiple police reports had been lodged against these two school principals. If they can still get away with impunity for their racist utterances and repudiation of Najib’s 1Malaysia policy, what credibility could Najib and his 1Malaysia slogan command in the country?

In a way, National Day on August 31 is a deadline for Najib to prove that he is serious about his “Zero tolerance” for racism in the country, particularly by public servants.

Najib should not fail the country, his office as Prime Minister and the 1Malaysia policy which he had promoted since becoming Prime Minister in April last year.

21 Replies to “National Day on August 31 is deadline for Najib to prove he is serious about “zero tolerance” for racism in the country, particularly by public servants”

  1. “Zero tolerance” is headlined in the Star, but is it replicated in the other papers ? Is it headlined in Utusan ?

    Isn’t this Najib’s classic doublespeak – pander to the audience at hand ? Sure enough, he says that investigations must be carried out first. So, like the Lingam RCI, investigations are unlikely to achieve anything if the objective is to pander to the extremists like Mamakthir and Ibrahim Katak.

    I am willing to bet my bottom ringgit that the headmistress in Kulai and the headmaster in Kedah will be “transferred” to other duties as part of the “punishment”. Any dudes from UMNO willing to bet against me ? Cintanegara ? Kasim Amat ? Mel_a_yu ?

  2. Taking action on Utusan M means taking action on UmnoB, since Utusan M is owned by UmnoB n d mouthpiece of UmnoB
    So, how 2 whack own backside aaah? Never!
    How 2 hv a harmonious multi-racial nation? Never!

    D ONLY way 2 stop Utusan M is 2 vote PR into Putrajaya n then charge ultra-racist Utusan M kakis as anti-national scaremongers out 2 create racial riots in d nation n destabilise d nation

    BTW, in Penang, another case of a Malay teacher making derogatory, offensive, insensitive and racist remarks 2 nonMalay students (while d school was celebrating d coming Medeka Day; WTF)
    Getting biasa lah n dis is d month of Ramadan n Merdeka, coinciding with Phor Thor (Hungry Ghost Festival)
    Any coincidence, Hungry Ghosts during waktu siang?

  3. Najib’s zero tolerance is not zero because he allows Mamakthir to spread racism. Or rather he is so afraid of Mamakthir making AAB of him that he threatens others from responding to Mamakthir.

    Instead of declaring zero tolerance on racism, Najib should encourage open discussions on why race should not be a criterion for government policies, with him declaring that as his guiding principle.

  4. Someday ago, somebody written about institutional racism. Ask Najib to Zero these first. Another great speech! end as speech, to satisfy the audience. When there is no accountability on their words, they are the last person you could trust.

    Zero tolerance on racism, I think the father of all racists is going to execute him before national day. Maybe meritocracy is racist, that is what zero tolerance on racism is all about.

  5. Words must match with action, Najib should realize his reputation is at stake if he cannot translate his words into authority. I’m wondering what kind of game the PM is playing especially since he pretty well knows he can’t control his DPM,Ibrahim Ali aka perkasa,TDM and UtusanM who are all appose to his 1malaysia and now his zero tolerance. Now the whole nation looks at him as a pretty lame duck prime minister and I won’t be surprise at all if he would become malaysia’s Kervin Rudd in the weeks and months to come.

  6. What abt ZERO tolerance 4 CORRUPTION as well?
    Follow d ongoing lawsuit between Khalid Ahmad n Rahman Maidin over Realmild shares
    Where has d big money gone? MMK, Daim, Nazri Abdullah, Umno?
    AI shld know too as he was d then DPM
    Under NEP, big fat money swallowed by UmnoB n UmnoBputras
    MMK knew but he kept blaming nonMalays exploiting Malays, rather than admitting it was UmnoB n privileged corrupt UmnoBputras dat exploited poor Malays n kept them poor

  7. Pakatan staring at massive loss in next election
    Fri, 27 Aug 2010 14:22

    By Athi Shankar

    GEORGE TOWN: If April’s Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election results were to be applied across the Peninsula, Pakatan Rakyat would lose Selangor and Kedah in the 13th general election.

    The coalition, however, could retain Penang, albeit with reduced state seats.

    At federal level, Barisan Nasional may regain its parliamentary two-thirds majority, which the Umno-controlled coalition lost in the 2008 general election.

    In short, a snap national polls now would reduce Pakatan’s political strength considerably, mainly due to loss of ethnic Malay and Indian votes.

    The staggering electoral projection was Pakatan’s final analysis from its Hulu Selangor by-election post-mortem findings, which was compiled in a report dated May 5.

    Compared with DAP, PAS and PKR would suffer more electoral heartbreaks in the next general election if the Hulu Selangor momentum stays through the next general election.

    The DAP would be able to retain its political footing due to an overwhelming ethnic Chinese backing for Pakatan.

    According to the report — a copy was made available to FMT by a party source — Pakatan would only be able to win 18 of 56 state seats in Selangor and meekly surrender the state government to the Barisan Nasional.

    DAP is projected to win the same number of 14 state seats as in 2008.

    But PKR’s state seats would drop from the current 18 to a mere four, while PAS could be wiped out in Selangor, losing all its six state seats.

    Bad show in Kedah

    The findings projected Pakatan to lose badly in Kedah, winning only four from 36 state seats. It now governs the state with 20 seats.

    Contrary to popular belief, the post-Hulu Selangor analysis projected Pakatan to lose in Perak, winning only 21 of the state’s 59 assembly seats.

    In 2008, Pakatan captured 31 seats.

    The only positive aspect of the findings was that the coalition would be able to retain Penang, winning 28 from 40 state seats. Currently, Pakatan has 29 in the island-state.

    At parliamentary level, PKR is projected to win between 30 and 33 seats, while DAP may be able to secure 30 to 31 seats.

    PAS, on the other hand, could perform badly by winning only 11 seats, 12 less than 2008.

    Overall, the Pakatan coalition would only win 70 to 75 federal seats, compared with 80 won in 2008, thus virtually giving BN the two-thirds majority.

    The findings also revealed that the (Hulu Selangor) campaign carried out by Pakatan, especially by PKR, was “loose, poorly coordinated, without any theme, except for a smearing campaign and counter-defensive actions, and crippled by a weak machinery”.

    In the by-election polls on April 25, BN candidate from MIC P Kamalanathan scored an upset win over PKR supreme council member and former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim by a 1,725-vote majority.

    Kamalanathan polled 24,997 votes against Zaid’s 23,272 votes. PKR won the seat in the 2008 general election.

    Zaid’s loss was the second successive by-election defeat suffered by Pakatan following the Bagan Pinang state by-election defeat last October.

    In Bagan Pinang, BN’s Mohd Isa Samad triumphed with a landslide 5,435 majority, garnering 8,013 votes against PAS’ Negri Sembilan commissioner Zulkefly Mohamad Omar, who polled only 2,578.

    Significantly, both the Malay-majority constituencies have decisive numbers of Indian voters.

    Equally significant was that Indian votes have shifted by 8% to 10% from Pakatan to BN.

    Indian voters comprised 20.7% or 13,664 of Bagan Pinang eligible voters. They formed 19.3% or 12,453 of Hulu Selangor’s 64,500 registered voters.

    Mid-term review

    Both Bagan Pinang and Hulu Selangor are considered to be majority constituencies in the country, in which the Malays form the majority with significant population of Chinese and Indians.

    “Pakatan would have suffered severe electoral reverses if the Hulu Selangor by-election was actually a snap general election,” said a Pakatan insider.

    The report stated that Pakatan saw Hulu Selangor by-election as a mid-term review on the performance of the PKR-led Selangor government in a “neglected” parliamentary seat.

    Much to Pakatan’s chagrin, the post-election study disclosed that Khalid Ibrahim’s administration “just passed the litmus test without any credits”.

    Hulu Selangor also revealed a swing of 8% to 10% among Malays towards BN, while Pakatan has become over-dependent on Chinese votes for its political survival.

    Overall, Pakatan secured 36% Malay votes, 41% Indians and 77% Chinese, which was comparatively better than 2004 but marginally poorer than 2008.

    Pakatan held out in semi-urban areas despite BN’s fierce onslaught, but lost out in rural estates and villages.

    According to several Pakatan campaigners, the current nationwide swing of Indian voters towards BN after voting en bloc in 2008 for Pakatan was triggered by the ruthless demolition of Penang Indian traditional village, Kampung Buah Pala last year.
    “Pakatan state governments in Penang, Kedah and Selangor must act fast to stop the rot,” they concluded.

    A BN official said that following Hulu Selangor and Bagan Pinang victories, BN has now conceded that Indians, not ethnic Chinese, are its second largest vote bank after the ethnic Malays.

    “That can be decisive in the next general election,” he told FMT recently.

  8. ///The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should have received public feedback that his declaration yesterday of a “zero tolerance” towards racism and pledge to take immediate action against those found to have made racial slurs had been received with great cynicism countrywide as another Najibism which is good for soundbites and publicity but never to be taken seriously – that it would be forgotten once delivered.///- Kit

    Racism is defined as (1) the belief that certain races are better than others, and (2) discrimination against and hostility towards other races.

    Najib declared that he had zero tolerance of racism. For that statement to have meaning, government policies should not be based on the belief that certain races are better than others. Article 153 was based on the belief that Malays needed special assistance, or Malays needed the so-called affirmative actions to be able to compete with other races. That aberration was initially meant for 15 years from 1957 and subject to review. Razak denied any review of article 153 when he created NEP to run for 20 years. Mamakthir declared that NEP lives on in the name of NDP.

    The fact that non-Malays pay 7% more than Malays in house purchase when such price difference is based only on race indicates that some races enjoy favoritism at the same time as other races suffer discrimination. That is institutionalized racism.

    In declaring zero tolerance of racism Najib should first abolish racism in government policies. Without such government action his declaration applies only to his refusal to hear complaints against racism being practiced in the country. It is bad that the government does not stop practicing racism, and now the people are not allowed to even complaint about unfair practices.

  9. Some civil servants like Puan Hajah Siti Inshah openly express their racist feelings. Some civil servants show it in their attitude even though they do not openly show it in front of everyone. Our public service regretably is racist because majority of the workers are Bumis. Little Napoleons make sure who go up and who never go up. Racial quota for civil service desperately needs an overhaul.

  10. NOW I actually pity Najib. Nothing is going his way. Just after he announce his stand on racism, Ibrahim Ali, Utusan and the xenophobes started tearing on issue of surau and non-Muslims.

    He is responsible for the problem of course but you really have to pity with what he has got to work with. You would think he could get a break now and then.

    The economy is slowing down, scandals are breaking out, infighting is happening, Mahathir is taking pot shots at his plans, and all these racist religio crap is showing up when he least need it.

    Seriously, he got bad karma. Well, he had it easy for decades the easy way. Time to pay the piper…

  11. Soon jib will clarify his zero racism tolerance statement.

    Its means racism will not be tolerated at all but certain rights of umnoputra must be recognised and respected.

    Cintanegara, kassim, mel_a_yu would agree with this surely.

  12. But jib. Meritocracy too is racism. Dr mamak said so. Does it mean we will not tolerate meritocracy as well? Wow. I like that. Now I can enrol my pet monkey in MARA next academic year to learn law. My dream is for it to set up its own Monkey & Co, advocates and solicitors.

    Errrmm no worries cintanegara. Yes he has been trained to dislike rambutans from the begining.

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