Utusan Malaysia’s front-page headline is the most irresponsible act in history of Malaysian journalism

The Utusan Malaysia’s front-page headline today “Nama Guan Eng ganti Agong – Disebut dalam doa khutbah Jumaat: Umno Pulau Pinang bantah” is the most irresponsible act in the history of Malaysian journalism – utterly baseless, a mischievous and dangerous incitement to religious hatred, tension and discord in plural Malaysia and goes against all the principles and values espoused by 1Malaysia.

The first Merdeka month celebrations themed “1Malaysia Transforming the Nation” should celebrate Malaysia’s unity in diversity of ethnicity, religions, cultures and beliefs, the concepts of inclusiveness, social justice and the 1Malaysia principles of culture of excellence, integrity, wisdom, humility, loyalty and the twin commitments of People First, Performance Now.

But we have the opposite as illustrated by Utusan Malaysia’s front-page headline of falsehood and dangerous incitement to religious hatred, discord and tension.

The Penang State Government, through the Exco Member in charge of religious affairs Abdul Malik Abul Kassim has completely denied and refuted the allegation of the Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s name has replaced the Yang di Pertuan Agong’s name in the Friday sermon at several mosques in the state.

Abdul Malik said initial investigations showed no such incident had occurred as the text of the sermon, which is prepared by the state religious affairs department, never used Lim’s name.

As Abdul Malik said, whoever did such a thing was ‘insane’ (tidak waras) as no right thinking person would do it.

With National Day only 11 days away and Malaysia Day in 27 days, there must be a complete halt to recent series of irresponsible and crazy statements which are incitement of race and religion in the media or the country is heading in the direction very opposite to the 1Malaysia proclaimed by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

National leaders must always remember that in the era of globalisation and information technology, the whole world is watching what is happening in the country.

Both Ahmad Zahid and Utusan Malaysia must explain, apologise and undo the great harm done to Najib’s 1Malaysia by their most irresponsible actions.

43 Replies to “Utusan Malaysia’s front-page headline is the most irresponsible act in history of Malaysian journalism”

  1. If Najib do not stop all these nonsense and let Utusan to go on as what they fancy, Malaysia will fall deep backward and to lose out.

    While Indonesia has moving leap and bounce in races Harmony we are moving in different direction simply because of a bunch of idiots . Worst they will create all source of nonsense that contribute to mistrust among the races .

    this has to be stop

  2. Surely there are recordings of doa khutbah Jumaat? Just produce them and then sue the pants off those Saifulite-buggers. The CM was right in saying a few days ago that unmo is out to launchn a coup d’etat

  3. Jib is powerless and completely useless now. These are the works of muhideen in collaboration with dr mamak. Are these the result of apco’s advise?

    Of course the degree of stupidity and extremity of their actions is a true reflection of their desperation. So we may be able to use those reports as a gauge to determine how uneasy and how weak umno is feeling about its knees. The greater issue is this thing simply cannot be allowed to go on. And there must be a way to go about it. The court is in their control. So legal action would be meaningless. Police reports are worse. No actions would be taken. RPK, do you have any inside info on these stupid things about guan eng about jui meng etc etc.

    Believe me. Those idiots will not stop. Sooner or later something similar (perhaps worse) about LKS or karpal would be published.

  4. Only those in UMNO will descend to the level of the animal kingdom – might is right. Utusan readers must be imbeciles to believe this paper.

    Of course, the police will not take action against Utusan because it is UMNO owned.
    The Home Ministry will not cancel Utusan’s permit because it is owned by UMNO.

    This is 1 Malaysia!

  5. 1Malaysia being manipulated by the UMNO goons to destroy the unity in the nation.

    We no need 1Malaysia goons to destroy the nation.

    Rakyat just want to get back to the good old days where 1Malaysia was no existence. All races unite under 1 roof without even aware of our own race during Merdeka celebration.

    Utusan is the one of the 1Malaysia propaganda arms to destroy the nation!

    Meaningless to celebrate 53rd Merdeka. We are being manipulated and ruled by the corrupted Barisan Neraka.

  6. umno utusan’s next ridiculous headlines—

    (1) Penang CM having an affair with Thailand’s Pornthip

    (2) Baby found dumped in Penang dustbin belongs to YB Karpa Singh

    (3) Siti Insha was paid by DAP to give her racist speech

    (4) Chua SL’s hotel room video was filmed by YB Ronnie Liu

    (5) Saiful was paid by DAP to accuse Anwar of sodoing him

  7. “Tommorrow Utusan Malaysia’s front-page headline will claim that the CM’s name has replaced that of the holy prophet in friday prayers!” – k 1980

    Responses such as this will only fan the fire. There are people out there trying to create trouble.


  8. Dear Kit,
    I honestly thinking posting racist articles at this point in time is most unwise. If it is the intention of certain groups to stir up communalism temperature we should all have the wisdom NOT to take the BAIT.

  9. La la la la, la la la la, d push is coming 2 shove, n op laaalaaaang is here very soon

    Most ppl know Utusan is d most devilish instrument used by UmnoB 2 spread lies n create hatred, chaos – so dat UmnoB can justify 2 use ISA n continue 2 divide n rule

    D only way NR will dare 2 call 4 d next GE (which must b held in d near future) is when all PR heavyweights r ISAed under Op Lalang 2
    NR n MMK know dat without d PR heavyweights, voters all kiasi n lau sai, n kwai kwai vote 4 BN
    Then NR rightfully bcomes d elected PM, not d backdoor walk-in kind

    Can U feel d can feel d eerie calm b4 d deadly storm?

  10. Utusan propose to replace agong with LGE, so if any wrong, Utusan should be charge in court, else, utusan would keep coming out with headline, such as
    Tony Pua, buy a bullet, and write a letter to himself
    Headmistress said such raCIST REMARK BECOS Chua Jui Ming paid her to say so! etc etc and all those craps!

  11. You know why they have to do this ? They realise that they can’t win back Penang, Selangor, Kedah, Kelantan anymore….so they have to create tension and racial discord to ensure that the rakyat continue to be under siege, and any inappropriate response allows them to take whatever action they deem fit.

    This is the period where the prosecutory agencies, the investigative agencies and the judiciary will be called upon to do UMNO’s dirty work. We have to be careful in how we respond, but respond we must.

  12. We should all just be cool and not take their bait. Only the corrupted are out for trouble, the rest of us are peace loving Malaysians.

    Let them shout and scream all their shit. We just ignore.

  13. Another useless person is MCA Star RFM’s Linda Ngiam 4 suspending radio station 988 chief executive officer Wong Lai Ngo, senior program manager Tan Chia Yong, n popular DJ Jamaluddin Ibrahim
    Linda Ngiam had d cheek 2 say dat CORRUPTION is not an issue big enough, but too sensitif, 2 b discussed on radio
    She must hv sold her soul 2 d devil

  14. well what can we say?

    stupid people do stupid thing.

    but this is really bodoh, tak waras.

    maybe the poor writer had no choice, he was ask to write fiction article about

    1. selling pig at Masjid.
    2. much much worse request
    3. super much worse request

    so he become smart and write this article and his even smarter boss approved it.

    boss is always right anyway, that is why he is the boss!

    So the boss of boss must be GOD Himself.

  15. This whole country is all about the sensitivities of umno and umnoputras. Nothing else matters.

    And we all thought 308 was due in part to that and was an indictment of umno’s arrogance and bully attitude.

    Under Jib and gang which is greater than jib umno’s arrogance and bullying ways have taken on a good several extra sizes larger.

    Perhaps they are fearful that we forget the fact that they are TUAN REMPIT MCBULLYs and that we are mere HAMBE DE BULLYs.

    And one more thing.

    cheers for jamaludin ibrahim.

    hip hip hooray.

    hip hip hooray.

    hip hip hooray.

  16. Surely there are recordings of doa khutbah Jumaat? Just produce them and then sue the pants off those Saifulite-buggers. The CM was right in saying a few days ago that unmo is out to launchn a coup d’etat- k1980

    I fear that such recordings do exist as certain imams might be paid to purposely insert Guan Eng’s name in such prayers.
    From what I observe, these Umno fellas are totally insane already.
    When they wanna do some dirty job, they just can’t do it right.
    My God!!!

  17. Yb Lim – no worries – we are sick of all these nonsense – they are always in the limelight for the wrong reasons – we know what to do , come next GE – we will give them the boot

  18. UMNO, MIC, and MCA punishes radio and tv station presenters whom are not UMNO-friendly, suspends them, and sack them. UMNO in the meantime allow racial/religious insults and slurs to be hurled at non-bumis through its mouthpieces Utusan, Perkasa, and school principals. I say “1Malaysia” with my middle-finger pointed at Najib and UMNO.

  19. Please, Please!!!
    Don’t panic and take it easy!
    We all knew very well that Umno is creating tension by spliting the Chinese and Malays while the MCA is doing it vice-versa.
    All these are plotted by them as they’ve no other way now.
    From day one, when Nutjib took over the throne, they’ve been trying hard to “jolt” Pakatan out but it failed.
    Only thing that they “succeed” is by using “force” to get Perak but it’s no good ‘cos they can’t win the people’s heart.
    Everything failed after that, from Elizabeth to Theresa Kok’s case.
    Even Nutjib’s birthday wish was dashed, when TBH live’s ended.
    In actual fact, TBH did’nt die in vain ‘cos he’s the want who save Selangor from those plotters.
    If he was someone like that “Hee toad”, Selangor would be out of Pakatan already.
    I bet that TBH is now standing tall in heaven and we should be real proud of him as well.
    It does’nt matter what they do now ‘cos it’s over for these evildoers.
    Though I don’t believe much in God, but I do believe that there’s some hidden force out there, who’s not happy with all these “devilish” act and these forces are so great that even Solomon’s magik will be of no match to them.
    All we’ve to do is to remain calm and ignore the “hoo haa” of BNUmno for that’s their only “dying” wish, which they really wish for!

  20. How widely read is utusan amongst the malays? That is the issue. And how pursuasive is that paper amongst them? Anyone any idea? Since the headlines are out of this world and apparently ridiculous, we might as well make a mickey of them in order to neutralise their effects and impacts.

    So I predict the sunday utusan headline to be:

    “Rosmah di lantik sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Muhideen bersara atas alasan kesihatan.”

  21. The Home Ministry has failed to act against Utusan Malaysia for so many transgressions. But they’re quick to penalize and revoke the printing licenses of Rocket, Harakah, Chinese dailies, etc, over minor complaints and excuses.
    I support legal action against Utusan and Ah-Mutt Sai-t for libel and defamation against the Chief Minister of Penang, LGE.

  22. Sorry, wrong posting. Actually meant to embed a vid whereby the khutbat jumaat issue maliciously invented by umno penang was rebutted comprehensively.

    Embedding failed of course. But do take a look at the vid posted in MT.

  23. We are dealing with a bunch of low-end desperadoes who are bent on creating chaos at any cost! So beware///waterfrontcoolle
    Frankly these bunch are hired by top umnoputras to create political,racial and religious propagandas against LGE and PR,hoping it will arouse the fear of the malays and muslims that LGE/PR continueing in power in the four states would eventually lead to controlling the federal government which will erase all malays and muslims rights ,power and heritage including sultans and agong. Like most people tend to believe that a continueous lie or lying will turn out to be the truth hence you can see a pretty relentless attack against PR and leaders in particular LGE and Anwar. Like I said before right now NR and BN will not win in the 13th GE. Hence they hired such people at will within their controlled MSM to writing and spreading whole some lies/propagandas to creating fear, confusion and anger among the vast majority of sincere malays and muslims to rise up to a kind of may 13 equivalent or worst so that they(BN) can have the excuse to postpond the 13th GE,thus enabling them to stay and control power indefinitely This’s Umno/BN ultimate agenda. Frankly speaking any wrong move especially from the non malays/muslim would spark/ignite the kind of political and racial tumoil to achieving its agenda and it looks MCA is co-operating (conspiring) with Umno to making it reaching its goal.

  24. I think this is propaganda against LGE and the Pakatan Rakyat. Just because a few Umno members launch police reports and the PM ‘s call for an investigation doesn’t mean it is true. It is going to get dirtier as we approach GE13.

  25. Just boycott and sabotage Utusan and co. so they can go bankcrupt and use any influence that you PR got to make this happen. I didnt buy Utusan for decades because it’s insulting my inteligence. Just say no to Utusan. Just make these company bankcrupt. What will happen to the employees of this company? Well the employees should take this colleteral damage for not going after their employers to publish the truth. No risk no return.

  26. “There are some hardline elements in UMNO who will continue to up the stakes to see how Najib will respond.The ball is really in Najib’s court.”. Godfather.

    But then Godfather Najib is wetting his pants olredi. So how?

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