Why Be Afraid of PAS?

by Kee Thuan Chye

SHOULD non-Muslim Malaysians be afraid of PAS?

That is a question that will be extremely pertinent when the next general election comes around. With a large percentage of the non-Muslim population being currently disillusioned with Barisan Nasional (BN), how would they vote if they were faced at the next general election with choosing between a candidate from BN and one from PAS?

The people who are most suspicious of and averse towards PAS are the Christians. Not all are like that, however; for instance, I know Christians who voted for PAS in the 2008 general election, including a pastor in Kedah. A Catholic friend in Penang says she and her church members fully support PAS. And many among the flock of the Church of the Divine Mercy in Shah Alam, who gave PAS MP Khalid Samad a standing ovation when he visited it in 2008, must have voted for him.

But on the other hand, I have also come across Christians who are educated, middle-class and very sensible, but who are so scared of PAS that their fear seems irrational.

The religious aspect is of course of utmost concern to them. They are scared that if PAS came into power, it might establish an Islamic state, and that would serously affect Christian worship. Considering that the Christians have become a beleaguered lot over the last 20 years because of increasing restrictions being placed on them by the Government, their worry about facing worse circumstances may be understandable.

For example, getting a permit to build a church, which is probably the most basic of their concerns, now takes an inordinate amount of time. The Catholics of Shah Alam had to wait 14 years before the then BN Selangor State Government allowed them to build their church. Christian groups wanting to circumvent this problem have resorted to registering themselves as non-religious organisations.

New churches are now expected not to look like churches. Some of them look like factories, especially the St Ignatius Church in Petaling Jaya, which reportedly was prohibited from putting a cross on top of its building. Furthermore, many churches are now located in shophouses because getting religious land for the building of churches is next to impossible.

On top of that, from time to time, some BN MP would kick up a fuss in Parliament or elsewhere about crosses existing on the facades of missionary schools and agitate to have them all removed.

Would all this get worse if PAS came to rule the country?

First of all, it is unlikely that PAS can do that on its own. It now has 23 seats in Parliament. It must win 112 of the total 222 seats to gain a simple majority and become the ruling party. That would amount to a huge quantum leap.

But even if that near-impossible event did become a reality, and PAS wanted to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state, it would still need to get enough support to amend the Federal Constitution for that purpose. It would need a two-thirds majority to pass the Bill, i.e. 148 votes. Where would it get the extra 36 to add to its 112?

It may then be argued that if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) got elected to form the government, PAS would be part of it. That is true. But if it still insisted on going ahead with its Islamic state agenda, it would need the support of its coalition partners to vote for the Bill. Given that its partners are PKR and the DAP, how many votes is it likely to garner from them? Enough to make two-thirds?

I reckon that even if BN, which would then be in the Opposition, relinquished the whip in the voting on the Bill, thereby allowing its MPs to vote according to their conscience rather than follow the party line, it would still be very unlikely that the two-thirds will be obtained.

Mathematically, then, the fearful Christians need not fear that PAS can impose an Islamic state. But for the sake of argument, even if it could and did, how much different would it be from what we’re in now? After all, Najib Razak has already declared Malaysia an Islamic state, which he did in July 2007. Since becoming Prime Minster, he hasn’t retracted that declaration.

Let’s have a look at PAS’ idea of an Islamic state. In its document on the establishment of such a state, it makes clear that Syariah law will hold sway but only Muslims will be subjected to it. Non-Muslims can choose to be subjected to it or to the current penal code of the land. In other words, there is no change for them.

It also guarantees “the rights and freedom of the individuals and the citizens of the state”, and among the rights protected are freedom of religion and right to cultural expressions; freedom of speech, political association and assembly; freedom to private ownership; freedom of education; freedom to engage in business; and so on.

It pledges to uphold parliamentary democracy as PAS has accepted democracy “as the best methodology” for realising its political struggle, and to take full cognisance of the reality and sensitivities of Malaysia’s multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural make-up.

From the look of it, there is not much difference in principle from the current state. The one major difference in PAS’ idea of an Islamic state, however, is that Islam will be the basis of socio-political life and it will be implemented as a comprehensive way of life.

This may be the difference that the Christians would recoil from. Even if they stopped to consider that Islamic principles are rather similar to those of Christian ones, especially in relation to the concepts of justice, equality, humanity, and that these principles are, in fact, consistent with the guarantee of religious freedom, they will not be comfortable with the setting-up of an Islamic state.

I am not a Christian myself but I do not want an Islamic state either. Neither do I want a Christian state or a Buddhist state or whatever-religion state. And that’s simply because I am strongly in favour of Malaysia being a secular state.

MCA president Chua Soi Lek recently came out to say that if PR wins the next general election, the prime minister might be from PAS. He was of course capitalising on the non-Muslims’ fear and distrust of PAS. But even if what he said does materialise, the PAS prime minister would most likely behave accordingly. The PAS politicians are not new to the game, and they are pragmatists too. They will rise to the occasion. And that occasion is recognising the realpolitik.

Malaysia is a diverse society and its major interest groups have to be pacified. The PAS prime minister would not be so naïve as to jeopardise his position by alienating them. The lessons of March 8, 2008, have been properly learnt.

Furthermore, can a PAS prime minister be that awful an option? Not if he is the likes of Nik Aziz or Nizar Jamaluddin. Both are held in high regard even by non-Muslims. Nizar even came to be adored by non-Muslim Perakians in just the short time he was their Menteri Besar. It is true that when he was named MB, there was initial apprehension among non-Muslims, but when they saw his subsequent performance, they became full of admiration for him.

Of course, it may be argued that neither of them will become PM, anyway, and in all likelihood the position would fall to Abdul Hadi Awang. He, too, is an old hand. He would know that as PM, he would not be able to behave as he would as PAS president. His constituency would be radically different, and he would have to juggle the needs of a whole spectrum of groups – ethnic, religious, cultural, etc – and keep them satisfied. He would have to sustain their support for him. Otherwise, the outcome at the following general election would be disastrous not only for him but also for his party and coalition.

There would be things he could not do. Just as an example, it would be foolhardy (no pun intended) to ban alcohol. Not only would this anger non-Muslims who drink (and even some Muslims who do); the international community would leave in droves. Then how would Malaysia obtain foreign direct investment? Malaysia would be seen as a repressive and regressive state. How would it be competitive in this globalised world?

The rules of the political game are different now from those of the past. If Hadi were to take a hardline Muslim stance in his policies as PM, his partners in PKR and the DAP would not let him, not to mention those in Sabah and Sarawak.

Christians and non-Muslims who fear PAS need to therefore reassess their feelings. This is not a country that is homogeneous. There is a large non-Muslim population that cannot be ignored. They might also consider that PAS’ stand on the “Allah” issue has been consistent and in support of Christian usage of the word. Pit that against a BN government that is deadset on banning it by appealing against the High Court ruling that allowed it.

Personally, I believe that a religion-based party is anathema to the harmonious development of our diverse society because politicisation of religion can be divisive. But PAS is a political reality that cannot be wished away, and it has the potential, in partnership with PKR and the DAP, of unseating the incumbent government, which needs to be removed for the sake of real and positive change.

As such, when the time of reckoning comes at the next general election, some of us when faced with the option of having to vote for PAS or BN would have to exercise the option without the baggage of irrational fear. If we don’t set aside these fears, we might end up making the wrong choice.

24 Replies to “Why Be Afraid of PAS?”

  1. Speak to Malaysian Chinese Kelantanese and all will tell you…PAS is a non racist party and a government that cares for all.
    Again PAS have Chinese members…and cannot be the same as UMNO B…impossible.
    Here again…it is a fact…PAS have many Islamic religious fanatic…just like UMNO B.
    And the UMNO B fanatics are trying hard to pull PAS into UMNO B through their fanatics.
    However..the art of winning votes of Muslims may need one like Hadi Awang to keep UMNO B hoping and dreaming…or Hadi maybe trully a fanatic…no one knows…..but PR guys are comfortable with him…and LKS and Anwar know best.
    Yes…go to Kelantan and talk to all Malaysian Chinese.
    Under PAS Spiritual leader…Nik…Chinese living in Kelantan….are absolutely happy and well.

  2. If you should not afraid of Umno, why afraid of PAS?

    We have been indoctrinated with race based mentality and there is nothing we can do about it. Umno or Pas, both represent Malay, we have to choose one. If you annoyed with people like Mel_a_yu, choose Pas.

  3. The porn king CSL said that the Chinese should worry as there is a good chance that a person from PAS would become PM in 2013. Hellooooooo porn king, anyone from PAS would make a better PM than any of the current UMNO leadership.

    The Chinese are abandoning UMNO, and if the porn king has any sense, he should take his party out of BN.

  4. I choose PAS not because Mel_a_yu annoys me.
    I choose PAS because UMNO B cheated Malaysians tax money and hard earned EPF savings.
    All EPF needed is to declare 1% less dividends and millions are taken away by UMNO B.
    Master interest rates.
    That why banks..car finance companies are so rich.
    UMNO B party cheats and steal.
    PAS have proven to be the better of both devils…and Mel_a_yu can go to hell…supporting thieves and robbers.

  5. As Christian I have more faith in PAS than BN.

    Chua Soi Lek’s scare-tactic will NOT work in the 21st century where Internet has become the new media. It was reported that over 90% of voters in Malaysia surfed the Internet before deciding which political party to vote compared to only 70% in Germany.

    In the past BN had done a lot of damage to PAS and DAP through the mainstream media that they control. However, this advantage that they have is being eroded with the advent of the Internet.

  6. Mr Kee is explicit that he does not want an Islamic state -that he is strongly in favour of Malaysia being a secular state- and yet he is telling Christians, non malays and middle class Malaysians opposed to theocracy to vote and support PAS. His advocacy for Vote PAS is based not on principle per se but pragmatism and expedience. His statement sums it all: “PAS is a political reality that cannot be wished away, and it has the potential, in partnership with PKR and the DAP, of unseating the incumbent government, which needs to be removed for the sake of real and positive change.”
    I think most detractors of the theocratic state will not trust PAS. It is hard to imagine that the majority of the clerics and hardliners within PAS will ever give up their objective to make Malaysia a theocratic state in line with what they believe is the Almighty’s ordained mission. Neither is there any indication that ‘edrogens’ and professionals within PAS like Nizar Jamaluddin, Khalid Samad or Kamaruddin Jaafar will prevail over the other group. So far they are given the public face by PAS to allay detractors’ fears for expedience to dislodge UMNO led BN. Neither do detractors like Kee bother. The immediate Evil Incarnate to them is the incumbent BN which has to be rid off at all costs and if it takes sleeping with the Devil to do so, so be it. The end game – PAS’s ascendancy to establish the theocratic state – is a proposition too fraught by intervening factors and other variables to make it though a real possibility is however not an immediate probability to lose sleepless nights over.

    This is the prevailing thinking. Implicit in that thinking is that it is political reality that (a) Malay Vote will dominate Malaysian Politics (as Dr Mahathir alluded to in Che Det) (b) Malay Vote is unlikely to cross either the race or the religion lines (c) the Malay vote is therefore interchangeable between Umno and PAS/PKR to extent PAS/PKR no matter what – and in spite of so called ‘new politics’ – uphold the constitutional special privileges of article 153 and the primacy of Islam and institution of Malay rulers.

    The Malay vote is generally not interchangeable between UMNO/MCA with that of DAP.

    Which explains why with the imminent GE in mind the DAP secretary general (LGE) has played complicit with the Islamist ideology by banning sports betting in Penang, professing to govern like the Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz and eulogizing the greatness of “the history of Islamic civilization, whose global empires had not only contributed breathtaking art and architecture, but also the introduction of numbers, algebra and astronomy”!

    We have not heard DAP’s traditional secular pluralistic principles been espoused publicly for some time. The only exception is the use of Allah by East Malaysians Controversy championed by DAP in the public domain and Sibu by-election but that’s Ok as it was a case where PAS was complicit to support the East Malaysian Bahasa reading’s stand, so that the issue poses no wedge between PAS and DAP within PR.

    More important it is the DAP’s sense of the pragmatism of its traditional supporters – the Non Malays – who are more likely to cross the race and religion lines to vote for PAS in Malay majority constituencies and in any case will still vote for DAP against MCA in spite of DAP’s playing complicit with the Islamist ideology of PAS for the more immediate pragmatic objective of dislodging UMNO led BN.

  7. Even IF the fundamentalists in PAS prevail in the creation of the next Gomen; would they be able to roll back the whole social-political scenario in the country?. After so many years of our interaction with the rest of the world, would they suddenly shut themselves from the rest opf the world? Cases like Agfanistan, or ven Pakistan are rather uncomparable; the majority of their people have never interacted with the world and have not enjoyed any degree of materialistic luxury. We have a good majority of even Malays who have “SEEN” the real world and they wouldn’t simply want to change for the sake of change, just now. Looking at what have been happening over the past 2 years, BN is definitely desperate to the extent that CSL was allowed to comment on Islam the way he did! in other respects, just look at BN’s handling of the toll issue, the Selangor water issue, the PKFZ; surely they know they couldn’t hide the truth from Malaysians and yet they did under the rule of OSA. How on earth can agreements made by the Gomen with private sector be deemed OSA? Those agreements have direct impacts on the lives of all the people. Based on that fact alone, Malaysians MUST reject BN!

  8. You want the honest truth? Even if PAS gets into govt which I doubt, they will realise pretty quickly, there is a good reason why UMNO never took the 100% Islamic state route. Its because this country’s oil is limited and trade a big part of its economy. Like Turkey, our economy will collapse quickly if it took the 100% Taliban Islamic state route and end-game for them. If DAP cannot educate the ulamas on the reality, then they deserve to be kicked in the butt. Somehow, I think Tony Pua and Hadi Awang will see eye-to-eye on this reality – and that is a very good thing..

  9. In the premises above – the key theme of which is pragmatism of the Non Malay Vote – it is ironical that it might well be our 4th PM, Tun Dr Mahathir (TDM) who will accelerate UMNO’s fall from power (if not in next GE then the GE after next) though TDM most decidedly intends to perpetuate it.

    PAS’s political ascendancy was in no small measure attributable to it being the main beneficiary of Reformasi borned from TDM’s ouster of Anwar. It was during the 22 years of TDM’s administration that engaged in aggressive Islamisation of the administration – to compete with PAS – that ended up in many Islamists being embedded in all tiers of administration. They form the Fifth column in waiting for PAS to rule. They are so ubiquitous and powerful that they could press their agenda independently of their political masters. For eg. – the Allah issue. It’s definitely a festering problem for BN in its fixed deposit states of Sabah & Sarawak. Sibu By election showed it. Hishamuddin regretted his predecessor’s decision of the ban and yet has evinced no political will, in the face of resistance from these groups, to revoke the ban as lobbied by MCA!

    When Islamic agenda takes such a pervasive influence in the UMNO’s administration it serves only to blur the line between UMNO and PAS making pragmatic non Malays and Muslims think like Kee when he wrote “From the look of it, there is not much difference in principle from the current state”!

    All things being equal the difference is Corruption. To all (Malays or Non Malays) it is anathema. And even that, it was during TDM’s administration promoting mega projects and Privatisation that provided opportunities to political elites and their cronies to refine it to the state of art. It was also during TDM’s time that the administration started implementing NEP in a way that is entirely race specific deviation from its original laudable two pronged objectives. This helps alienate and push minorities to the Opposition including PAS. What TDM fails to realise is that whilst his authoritarian rule and force of personality could hold together his administration in spite of all these depredations, the same is not applicable in case of his anointed successors.

    TDM further exacerbates UMNO/BN’s problems by his active playing of ‘king maker’s role, in an attempt to perpetuate the very legacy -that will give the boost to his son’s political career- the very legacy that many Malaysians reject and have rejected.
    After playing a not insignificant role in getting Pak Lah to retire, he gives his patronage to Ketuanan NGOs and now undermines the very 1 Malaysia/NEM that Najib – and Chua Soi Lek – hope will bring back minorities to the fold.

    By giving minorities no space and hope minorities are forced to think most pragmatically with ‘nothing much to lose’ attitude like our Mr Kee Thuan Chye to support the very PAS that they have feared.

    TDM may well make a mistake in his calculations relating the importance of the Minorities esp Chinese Vote. If PAS/PKR manage to retain 35 to 40% of Malay Vote, all it requires to dislodge BN is 80 – 90 or even 95% of Non Malay especially Chinese Vote solidly delivered to DAP and, crossing racial/religious lines, to PKR/PAS as well to end BN’s hegemony!

    It may be karma, the very actions by TDM to save his legacy is very factor that will accelerate its ending if BN’s/UMNO, unable to reform, shall fall from power in no small way due to what TDM had done, when he was the PM, and is still doing on the side lines after he has given up the post.

  10. There is no reason what so ever that we should afraid of PAS. It was BN that we should afraid of now. It was BN who has using the scare tactic to frighten off the non Muslim supporters of PAS.

    I have many friends who are PAS MEMBERS and also those pro PAS fellows. Especially those from Kelantan and they are very independent and work hard for themselves and never has the dependency on the hand out.

  11. ///Even IF the fundamentalists in PAS prevail in the creation of the next Gomen; would they be able to roll back the whole social-political scenario in the country? After so many years of our interaction with the rest of the world, would they suddenly shut themselves from the rest of the world? Cases like Afghanistan, or even Pakistan are rather incomparable; the majority of their people have never interacted with the world/// #11 by waterfrontcoolie.

    My personal view is that I don’t see why not (ie PAS fundamentalists prevailing).

    I agree that we don’t take incomparable cases of Afghanistan, or even Pakistan for reference.

    Take for example, Iran. You’d be surprised how modern in terms of infrastructure Teheran is (in many places surpassing KL). During Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s there were also the normal upper and middle classes, professional people, economists, planners, bankers, architects, journalists all have traveled and even studied abroad. The country was opened to the world with US/CIA backing. However due to rampant corruption of elites and brutality of its intelligence agency, Savak, people were against the Shah, Ayatollah Khomeini did not counter any substantial resistance when he promulgated the Islamic theocratic constitution which has subsisted since Dec 1979 till today.

    There is something about Religion and its lure that one should not underestimate.

    The other case is Turkey, the most modern and secular of all countries whose majority are Muslims.

    Secularism has longer history there. In the ruins of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, Turkey became the first secular state in the Muslim world. Its first president Kamal Atatürk’s in 1920s abandoned shariah and adopted a secular legal system based on Western codes of law, as well as the declaration of a secular republic in 1928, both radical departures from tradition.

    There’s a strong elite and class in power defending secularism and worry about creeping Islamisation but notstanding the tide of religiosity (since Iranian revolution) is not easy to hold back.

    I think sometimes in 1978 its Board of Higher Education imposed head scarves ban on female university students. However the rectors and university authorities refused to enforce the ban.

    In 2007 Islamic Party [Justice and Development Party (AKP)] led by Anwar’s friend Tayyip Erdogan won the general election. In 2008 Turkey’s parliament lifted the decades-old ban on Islamic headscarves in universities, despite the fierce opposition of the secular establishment.

    Today the influence of Islam is on the rise and interest in joining EU less..Some of the modern hotels are beginning to have strictly isolated pools for women only and serve no beers. Even political censorship, which in itself is not unheard of in Turkey, is now practiced in the name of religious modesty eg the ministry of education removed from school books the images of the well-known Delacroix painting “Liberty Leading the People” for reasons that the bare breasts of the standard-bearer in the depiction of France’s 1830 July Revolution.

  12. Turkey is different from Malaysia in that 90% of its population are Muslims – unlike Malaysia. However secular ideology is more entrenched in Turkey since 1930s till now over 70 years and there is a strong vested interest amongst expecially secular militarists there defending secularism which is totally inapplicable to here or Malaysia’s elites.

    Coming back to Kee Thuan Chye’s argument – “If Hadi were to take a hardline Muslim stance in his policies as PM, his partners in PKR and the DAP would not let him, not to mention those in Sabah and Sarawak”.

    I think PKR is neither here nor there so this is true only one assumes that DAP – the anchor of secular pluralism – will not waver in a political trade off to share federal power which is winnable only when PAS takes the lead.

    We don’t know. After all LGE already professed that he would govern like the Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz and eulogized the greatness of “the history of Islamic civilization”.

    The other thing here is that we have NGOs and civil society against theocracy whose contributions have helped PR to be popular.

    But as against that, there are also many Islamic based NGOs not to mention people symapthetic to PAS’s agenda embedded in many tiers of the administration and bureaucracy as a fifth column in waiting.

  13. “Hellooooooo porn king, anyone from PAS would make a better PM than any of the current UMNO leadership.” Godfather.

    faaaaarking hell yes. yes. yes. At the rate they are bleeding the nation, a monkey could do just as well.

    Vote umno out in ge13!

  14. Coalition-building and maintenance involves compromises both on PAS as well as DAP’s part and DAP has shown that in the interest of winning the GE it is prepared to compromise.

    The race/religious factor is not something the DAP or for that matter its other coalition partners are willing to ignore for all their rhetoric of inclusive Middle Malaysia – unless they want to remain in Opposition forever.

    After 308 Tsunami they think the chance is now.

    It is apparent that the DAP is prepared to change a bit of its traditional pluralistic and secular colours for political expediency, to accept Malay Malaysian leadership of either PKR or PAS as a political reality just like the way MCA/MIC, in respect of UMNO’s – but hopefully with the race/religious elements mitigated though not removed.

    Besides saying that DAP will “govern like the Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz” DAP was prepared to jointly show solidarity with Muslim supporters within PKR and PAS to condemn Israel in the Freedom Flotilla episode – and even march to US embassy in protest – before true facts were ascertained that showed the Israelis commandoes acted in self defence.

    Take PKR/DAP in Selangor state, MB Khalid had to shelve his appointment of Low Siew Moi as PKNS interim general manager in the face of strident objection from PKNS staff, members of his own government and, of course, even some people in PAS!

    On the latest blog thread that a little Napoleon school head unilaterally rejected the application to set up a Chinese society in his school (in spite of Cabinet and Education Ministry’s reversal of the ban) shows how much the people driven by race/religion are embedded deeply in all layers of bureaucracy, biding their time, and defiant of the government of day’s directives. Just like in Turkey the directives of the Board of Higher Education imposed head scarves ban on female university students were ignored by some the rectors and university authorities who refused to enforce the ban. What can one do?

    PAS can definitely count for its agenda support of all who support Islam in all layers of bureaucracy and public service including the wide extensive religious establishment developed thanks to TDM’s 22 years Islamisation policies, if and when PAS comes to power along with PKR & DAP by winning the election.

  15. Why should the non Muslim be afraid of PAS? Hudud laws & Islamic state? Kept on telling my friends that they should watch YB Khalid Samad talk about the use of Allah word by non Muslims. These PAS talk sense. UMNO talk rubbish. Also watch YB DR Hatta question & answers at the launching of “Friends of PR at London”. These people talk sense. UMNO talk $$ and sen. BN cheated the nation for half a century, just give PR a chance to try out.After all what is there to lose? Malaysia has become so polarised. I remember long ago it was OK for Malays to sit at Chinese coffee shop having “kopi & teh” but now it seems like a forbidden act. Now I hope all Malaysians realise that we have to live together. BN’s corrupt practices cannot be tolerated anymore.

  16. Tok Guru will make a much better PM than anyone in UMNO. Can you imagine a PM that walks around in sandals, does not require bodyguards, eats in coffeeshops with the rakyat, talks of common sense ? No bullet-proof limousine or a massive bungalow in the Klang Valley.

    They are so worried that Tok Guru will just shut down Putrajaya and bring the fear of Allah into all these sinners in the civil service.

  17. Tok Guru,yes Tok Guru is absolulely the best person and a leader to be prime minister. Look he’s pretty humble in every aspects,such as his daily life style and most of all he’s clean (no corruption) And on the spiritual side,he’s a Guru,right,he fears ALLAH/GOD,hence what he does,will reflect what GOD disires. Yea frankly I agreed with Godfather description of Tok Guru. I think the sooner we (malaysian) put him to take charge of Putra Jaya,the better it’s for the country. Right now he’s the most eligible candidate for the post of Prime minister.

  18. I am in full agreement with Monsterball opinion regarding PAS.I was once a staunch opponent of PAS until I had an opportunity to visit Kelantan two decades ago and the many chinese friend I met told me that they were quite happy with the fair treatment accorded to them although they are only a small minority in the state.All the while I was brainwashed by the BN govt and the Fear in me made me reject PAS But now after what I see in the goverance of all the PR states when compared to BN states I and all my families have no hesitation to entrust PR in the coming 13GE.PAS is more fair and god fearing so my opinion is they and PKR,DAP will surely take Good care of all Rakyat irrespective of race,colour or religion when compare to the corrupt BN.To Chua Soi Lek you MCA brokes cannot scare us anymore.Gone are the days when we thought MCA can look after us and our rights.Now we are Malaysians first and to the hell with all the racist parties.

  19. Hold your horses everybody!
    Let’s get one thing very straight.
    Religion is something that should not be the be all and end all of our lives.
    It’s good if we believe in it but it’s not bad that we don’t!
    And in many cases, religion is being used by its practitioners to give them unbridled power over its adherents; instead of promulgating its positive benefits.
    In fact, it’s the malpractice of religion that’s the problem, not its practice!!
    So, the deciding factor in the next GE, of whether one will vote for the BN or PAS candidate is, whether they are using religion in a positive way or negative way.

  20. Those christian or any non muslim malaysian who are afraid of PAS, please go visit Kelantan for at least 5 days, tour around talk to local non muslim, muslim, and find out yourself, don’t listen to talk from MSM or BN!!

    LOL……….. ………..

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