MACC gets a dirty dozen sacked in 2009

The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 — Only 12 out of the estimated 1.2 million civil servants were sacked rather than disciplined in 2009 in graft-related cases investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in its first year of operations.

According to documents made available to The Malaysian Insider, the MACC had forwarded 235 reports to the heads of government departments and agencies for disciplinary action in 2009.

However the MACC received feedback for only 182 cases, of which 90 or 49 per cent were given administrative warning.

And only 12 or 6.6 per cent of the public officials under probe were dismissed in 2009 although the MACC’s prosecution unit had sought disciplinary action be taken against the perpetrators.

MACC had also recommended that the government take a more proactive approach in its crusade against any breach of conduct in the country’s bloated public service.

MACC also criticised department and agency disciplinary boards for imposing penalties that were not specified in the Regulation 38 of the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) General Orders 1993.

The documents also revealed that only 404 MACC officers have declared their assets even though it was stipulated by the Service Circular No. 3 of 2002 for all public officials to declare their assets.

From the 404, only four from the Top Management Group has revealed their assets.

The documents also revealed that the federal government had approved infrastructure development projects worth more than RM600 million for the MACC in 2009.

The allocation was to fund 12 MACC complexes throughout the country as the MACC believes that it would better facilitate public complaints and ensure confidentiality of information.

The fund also include RM24 million set aside for procurement of computers and the development of MACC’s broadband infrastructure in the country.

According to the documents made available, the largest project is the RM58 million construction of Phase II of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Academy Complex which began in May last year.

While the RM19 million MACC Pahang State Office Complex, which began construction in November 2008, had to be reapplied under the 10th Malaysian Plan as the appointed contractor had failed to complete the project according to schedule.

The government has approved RM14 million for land acquisition in Sarawak, Sabah and Perlis. While MACC engaged in a land swap deal with Royal Malaysian Navy and the Ministry of Defence for their office complex in Labuan.

The rest of the projects include the construction of staff quarters worth in Penang (RM12 million), Kelantan State office (RM25 million), Pahang State office (RM19 million), Perak State office (RM23 million), Kuala Lumpur MACC complex (RM25 million), Malacca state office (RM23 million) and Johor state office (RM32 million.)

21 Replies to “MACC gets a dirty dozen sacked in 2009”

  1. To ALL readers & commentators : Complained and whinned ALL you want,there is NOTHING,absolutely NOTHING you ALL can do. However there is one and ONLY one thing which we ALL can and SHOULD do viz is start your own “VOTER-get-VOTERS” campaign for PR. Do it not tommorrow but NOW cos GE13 is just around the corner..closer than you think. Start this ” VOTER-get-VOTERS 4 PR” campaign NOW by chain emails,sms,words of mouth to everyone….for a BETTER Malaysia..Join us at “VOTER-get-VOTERS for a Better Malaysia ” in facebook.

  2. “Kelantan State office (RM25 million), Pahang State office (RM19 million), Perak State office (RM23 million), Kuala Lumpur MACC complex (RM25 million), Malacca state office (RM23 million) and Johor state office (RM32 million.)”

    How do we investigate the MACC for dubious contract awards?
    Why is there so much difference between Pahang and Johor state offices? 19mil and 32mil is a difference of 12mil or more than 50% price increase.
    Were the contracts awarded via open tender or the “I help you, you help me” negotiating.
    These offices should be quite standard design and you can even use the same architect with variations only to suit the site differences. A 10 to 15% cost difference would be acceptable.
    This is the type of official info that PR should prepare as campaign material.
    The unveiling of Taib’s property empire in Canada is also excellent stuff.

  3. Perak State office (RM23 million)….. Malacca state office (RM23 million)

    That Indon immigrant K.Toyol’s RM24million house costs more that the state offices above!

    It seems that the total cost plus maintenance of the 2 scorpenes will balloon to over RM7 billion. So that is why subsidies are to be removed and GST imposed soon

  4. “Why is there so much difference between Pahang and Johor state offices? 19mil and 32mil is a difference of 12mil or more than 50% price increase.” HJ Angus

    Johor UMNO is much smarter than Pahang UMNO.

  5. Why do we go through these charade? Is anyone surprised by these kind of results? Why do we not build into our system that if we are likely to expect these result to punish those who deny that it will be…

  6. in various New Economic Model related conferences I attended, the plan Najib rolled out was full of encouraging statements! Many questions were asked about the implementation of 10MP and non from the govt speakers could deal with the issues of corruption.

    Even if Najib is sincere, he would have an impossible tasks if only 12 govt officers out of so many reported cases were sacked.

    What a pity.

  7. Everywhere I go in Bolehland, nothing has changed. The new palace was awarded to 3 contractors via direct negotiation. You can bet your bottom ringgit that the landscaping contract in a rural town will also be awarded via direct negotiation. The UMNO warlord gets advanced notice of such contracts, and starts to get his cronies involved. They win the contracts through all sorts of dubious certifications, then seek subcontractors with the view to squeeze as much out of the contracts as possible. If they had been too aggressive with their bid, they just walk away, leaving the town council or state in the lurch.

    Bolehland is indeed the land of milk and honey.

  8. “The documents also revealed that the federal government had approved infrastructure development projects worth more than RM600 million for the MACC in 2009.“
    Are these type of project approval subject to Parliament approval?
    How, when and who can or had approved such a “big” sum?

    Nevertheless, the MACC Act approved last year is again a non-sense Act putting almost “autonomy” to MACC to be under the PM “only” to run a “Police State”!!


  9. It is wrong to name the main culprits as big fishes. Big fishes are supposed to be caught easily. If not because of LKS and co, not even a single one will be made scapegoat.

  10. Umno loves percentage to show improvement. Because % hides actual figures. So umno may try this year to get 24ppl sacked and then claim a 100% improvement over last yr. Woow.
    Or maybe 200% improvement by getting rid of 36ppl. Cool.

  11. I just dun bloody understand why all the readers and commentators are so upset and burning with hatred for BN……Is there anything you can do about it?..None huh?.
    So just relax lah… hard and harder to get more new voters for PR via your own ” Voter get Voters” campaign for PR.
    Then comes GE 13 we can bloody Fcuk BN good & proper. Smart me huh?.

  12. MACC is just a showpiece to mislead Malaysians that the BN govt is serious in wiping out corrupt practices in our country BUT do you think the present generation of Malaysians are so gullible to believe them? Small tiny insignificant fishes are netted and charged in courts BUT the big Sharks are let off to swim away happily with their illgotten gains laughing all the way to the foreign banks.For AG and MACC to press charges they first of all got to get approval from you know who and ONLY then can they innitiate further action.It is dubious to ever believe that the MACC is an independent body free from all political influences for clearly we can see the true nature of this body. Just look at our Mr Toyol grand mansion and until today we are still waiting for the MACC to press charges and maybe they are hoping that in time rakyat will forget about this episode.How on earth do they dare to investigate their towkay boss of wrongful act of promising funds for the Sibu constituency and press charges against their boss?So my friends let us join hands and together we surely can save our country and send all these crooks to where they should belong come this 13 GE.

  13. The delivery system of government has failed, from tops down to the bottoms there are rampant of corruptions,even divers of high rank officers sell fuel to get extra income cos of their pays.

  14. UMNOputras are considered “Israel” and the rakyat who don’t support them are considered “Palestine”. These Israel mentality has dominated and overruled the authorities, judicial, MACC and all the other agencies so as to give them ‘immunity ‘ of all their corrupted practices. How can one be independent if one reports to the PM, shouldn’t be the parliament. It’s best MACC’s services are terminated and be replace with an outsource corruption service provider. The rakyats are taken for a ride in the inaction by MACC besides the small fries after spending millions of taxpayer’s money. Tell me why TDM and our government support in the Palestine struggle & fight, when we have are a ISRAEL governance in Malaysia.

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