Question on 1Malaysia rejected

Twitter @limkitsiang :

My Q 2PM how many Ministers regard themselves Msian 1st race 2nd rejected 4offending rule agnst asking 4opinion abstract hypothetical matter
Monday, June 07, 2010 9:40 AM

How sad. Despite all publicity abt 1Malaysia PM dare not answer Q how many Ministers believe in it as 2rgd themselves as Msians 1st race 2nd
Monday, June 07, 2010 9:45 AM

61 Replies to “Question on 1Malaysia rejected”

  1. BN Ministers who are non malays may think they are Malaysians first race second but dare not say so openly because their senior Malay partners canvassing Malay votes will not do so. The question of Malay Votes.

    It cuts the other way: Seriously for all the Ketuanan Rakyat instead of Ketuanan Melayu, would Anwar & Hadi say openly that they are Malaysians first and race second to an all Malay audience? If they would I have yet to hear it. They’d probably find an excuse that they don’t have to make this public declaration since 1 Malaysia and Govt Transformation RoadMap did not originate from Pakatan, so they don’t have to prove commitment to its underlying precepts.

  2. Even Malay first and Malaysian second doesn’t sound authentic. If Malay first, Malaysia should not declare itself a separate nation for the sake of race. Instead, it should join Indonesia and be another Indonesian province. We should then be all millionaires, earning rupiahs!

  3. PM moves to retake Gaza cause from Pakatan

    Pakatan Rakyat (PR) have been on a relentless campaign attacking Najib for his late response to Israel’s attacks on pro-Palestinian aid ships.

    Last Friday, PR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim led thousands of people to demonstrate outside the US embassy in response to the attacks.

    Najib had also refused PR’s invitation to attend a roundtable discussion on Israel’s attacks.

    What I said about trying to be “jaguh antarabangsa” in another post is now happening at the parliament today as Najib is trying to be seen as more anti-Jews than Anwar Ibrahim.

    Will Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat retaliate by challenging Najib to declare war on Israel and send our troops to attack Israel?

    To win some extra votes, will Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat leaders promise Malaysians that if Pakatan Rakyat come to power after the next general election, Malaysia will send our troops (those attending National Service included) to attack Israel?

    Very sad to see that a liberal party like DAP could be caught in this political hegemony. :(

    Malaysia is hopeless!

  4. Malaysia’s race based or malays based is the greatest obstacle to becoming a fully developed country.Main reasons why most good brains have left the country especially non malays.Some malays too have left the country due to political differences. Umno should not be thinking all the time to remain in power at the expense of its own people and must face reality that what’s power to Umno when its own people,the malays continue to suffer in sickness and poverty.I think Malaysia must do and act according to the best brain irrespective of race and religion if we want to achieving develeped status in 2020 .

  5. How to have 1Malaysia when 600,000 Chinese & Indian Malaysians with red IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship in the past 40 years?

    In the past 40 years, 3 millions Indonesians have migrated to Malaysia and become Malaysian citizens with Bumis status while 600,000 Chinese & Indian Malaysians with red IC were rejected repeatedly when applying to be part of 1Malaysia. Not only citizenship, these Indon Malaysians also get “bumiputera” status e.g. Khir Toyol.

    This shows racism instead of 1Malaysia, based on how easily Indonesians got their citizenships compared with the Chinese and Indians.

  6. The only way the 600,000 Chinese & Indian Malaysians can get their citizenship is to wait for by-elections in their constituencies. Then the Home Minister would select a few 70-year-olds to give them their ICs. And the stupefied 70-year-olds would hug and kiss the Home Minister, crying with joy before they enter their coffins

  7. Is there no reporter brave enough to ask the question directly to the PM for a direct answer?

    How about to Khairy and Mukriz then? See how they reply. A Yes or No answer will be fine.

  8. Do you really think UMNO & Anwar want 1 Malaysia? UMNO members hate Najib’s idea of 1Malaysia and will use every oppotunity to backstab and dethrone him from power.

    1 Malaysia is a good idea that sounds almost like DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia.

    But why do Pakatan Rakyat leaders keep on criticizing 1 Malaysia? (I don’t mean critizing Najib for not following 1Malaysia but critizing it for being originated from the Jews)

    Why Pakatan Rakyat leaders have to link 1 Malaysia to 1 Israel in order to score points with Najib?

    Pakatan Rakyat leaders (I don’t mean DAP) are no different from UMNO because they have the same role model in Arab peninsula i.e. the Arab dictators who talked about peace with Israel but actually have no intention to have peace with Israel.

    As long as the Jews can be used as the bogeymen to remain in power, then why would the Arab dictators want to have peace with Israel?

    Once Arab-Israel conflict is solved, the Arab people will start to demand a lot of things from their Arab dictators if they started to see Arab living in Israel are more prosperous than those living in Arab countries.

    The same thing is happening in Malaysia. The Chinese and the Indians are the bogeymen and punching bags of UMNO and some Pakatan Rakyat leaders just like the Jews in Israel.

    It is hilarious to see how these so-called activists are demanding justice for the Palestinians but are ignoring the injustice inflicted upon the Orang Asli, Sabahans, Sarawakians, Chinese, Indians, and even the Malays.

    Why are the Palestinians more important than fellow Malaysians? If you consider your own race more important than other races, then by right you should care more about fellow Malaysians of other races than the Palestinians. But why the double standard?

    Will the Palestinians get Bumiputera status if they were given citizenship in Malaysia? What make them so special that make you love them more than fellow Malaysians?

  9. He does not answer this BUT worst have a bunch of the most brain-dead 15 points on the flotila event coming AFTER PR took the lead in the issue.

    Najib is pathetic really even in the most easiest leadership challenge. He can only function in a Vegas like show with all sort of props and an army to set him up or he looks just like a big dodo bird about to go extinct.

  10. New Transport Minister
    This guy from MCA doesnt have any clue of his work as a minister since day one. This is the very reason our PeeeeM now put him in charge of PKFZ fiasco. A real dumb dumb who knows nothing. End of the day, he will dilly dally for a year and finally decide not enough evidence, case closed, as usual.
    It was rather really amazing when this guy said the current investigation on PKFZ is “sufficient” when in actual fact he himself said he does not have a clue of what is PKFZ fiasco is all about. He must either grab his words from thin air and thought the rakyat is naive and stupid like him.
    How amazing .
    Perhaps this is how BN/UMNO politicians work la. God help the rakyat.

  11. From Malaysiakini— You can’t fool all of the people all of the time

    Growth at 10.1 per cent as announced by the government does not reflect the actual situation as it is compared with the first quarter of 2009, at the time of the Malaysian economy is in crisis.

    Regional Head of Economic Research, Standard Chartered, Tai Hui, if the time period in 2008 applied, growth is only around 3.5 percent.

  12. There are statistics, statistics and damned lies!

    “Regional Head of Economic Research, Standard Chartered, Tai Hui, if the time period in 2008 applied, growth is only around 3.5 percent.”

  13. Improving from 1000 units to 1100 units gives us a 10% up on the previous 1000 units.

    Improving from 10 units to 11 unit also gives us the same 10% margin up on the previous 10 units.

    In real terms the first improvement is better than the second by a good 99 units.

    Our BN people said our economy stood still for a decade since the forced down in 1998.

    That means we are in the second situation.

    Phaark. No wonder. Despite the singing and dancing by jib and gang I somehow still got this rather poor feeling hanging on my balls.

  14. hahahahahaha….LKS question rejected as according to the Mr.Speaker…”1 Malaysia” is on going and so …no need to question this and that.
    I guess LKS representing Malaysians spoke not for Malaysians but for himself or DAP.
    Go view the Sabah speech LKS gave saying he will ask the said question.
    Did you hear any boos from Sabah listeners?
    Did you read in papers…thousands of Malaysians are not happy with LKS…walking in protest against a trouble causer.a dangerous instigator?
    There were hands clapping….meaning Sabahans gave LKS the permission to ask…the question.
    Anyway….our so call Mr.Speaker is a one sided referee… we all know.
    That was not his business to reject….as he Mr Speaker…if he respect LKS is elected by the people to speak and DAP is supported by millions.
    Anyway…I am sure LKS is used to get cut off… serving Malaysians magnificently.
    Reject as much as they like.
    This kind of double standard show is coming to an end soon.

  15. Kit,

    Don’t give in to legalization of sports betting – PR must persevere to the end! This is because revenue from sports betting is used to pay PR lawmakers (e.g. Hee) to “jump ship”.

  16. If there are problem to solve the problem of article 153 reducing the quota.

    You may look the other way round to solve the problem by let all MALAYSIANS classified as bumiputra.

    The problems among the Malaysian for over 50 years solve instantly.

  17. This is further to what yhsiew said in #26.
    In The MalaysianInsider report by Asrul Hadi Abdullah SaniJune 07, 2010, it was reported that our Finance Ministry has not yet concluded its discussions and terms regarding the legalisation of sports betting. “The government has yet to issue a licence to Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd for bookie operations in Malaysia”.

    However according to TheMalaysianInsider “Berjaya Corp told Bursa Malaysia on May 12 that it plans to purchase a controlling stake in Ascot Sports, which has been RE-ISSUED A CONDITIONAL sports betting licence by the Finance Ministry.

    A Conditional Sports licence if issued is still a licence (albeit) subject to terms such an licensee must observe certain conditions by certian time such as payment of licensing fee, getting its paid up increased etc.

    So who is being “economical” about the true state of affairs – is it

    (i) the Finance Ministry in saying that it has yet to issue licence; or

    (ii) Berjaya Corp in disclosing to Bursa/investing public that Ascot -whose majority 70% equity stake it buys from Vincent- has already been issued by Finance Ministry a “conditional licence” for sports betting? or

    (iii) in the premises of (ii), Vincent who went further to say that he would donate over RM500 million of profits from his sale of 70% of Ascot to Berjaya Corp to his Charitable Foundation?

    Likelier the spin points to Finance Ministry which deems a conditional licence is not final licence because conditions not met yet, and only upon them being met the real licence is issued. For its difficult to believe that Vincent/Ascot would enter into agreement with Berjaya Corp for Ascot’s sale based on misrepresentations or Berjaya to make false representations to the investing public via Bursa, which is a criminal offence!

    The issue the Finance Ministry should address in relation to detractors and Oppopsition MP’s questions is why re-issue to Ascot the “conditional” sport betting licence (earlier during Tun Badawi’s time taken back by the Ministry)?

    Let it be clear here: every licence issued by Finance Ministry – be it sports betting licence, slot machine licence, bank licence or any other licence – will be subject to certain conditions to be complied by licensee by certain time, and it is a strain on language to say one has not issued a licence just because its a conditional licence by which the conditions are not yet fulfilled by the licensee!

  18. Another problem is this: if the present government deems that it cannot NOW defend the position of “re-issuing” the sports betting licence to Ascot, how does it (and Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim who claimed he had spoken out against gambling in a statement carried by Astro Awani when the issue first arose) defend the position of THEN previous govt under patron TDM of issuing that licence to Vincent’s Ascot in 1987 in the first place?

    What are circumstances then in 1987 different from those now that makes it OK to issue the licence in 1987 but not now? Ask for the rationale for the different approach then and now!

  19. Heck! I should have realised. Malaysians. Chinese. Malays. Indians. Ibans. Kadazans. etc etc. They meant nothing. They dont exist. And if they do, they do as mere opinions. Just hypothesies. So jib was right all along with his 1malaysia thingy. Everyone is the same. Equal. No different. And when perkasa fights for special malay rights, perkasa is actually fighting for everyone in malaysia. You see, malay means the same thing as chinese and indian and eveyone else in the country; well, except illegals and that is obvious.

    Wooow. Cool. Yeah. Just great! Phaark.

  20. Comparing 1987 when sport betting licence was first issued to Ascot and now the difference is that now 1 Malaysia is national mantra. 1 Malaysia is supposed to embrace diversity and plurality of races/culture etc. Now gambling is a culture for many though not all Chinese. They do so in Chinese New Year, go to Genting, buy 3Ds etc. So if the licence were OK in 1987, more so it should be Ok NOW under 1 Malaysia embracing diversity including quirks of some Chinese to gamble!

    Whats the problem? Are we 1 Malaysia or an Islamic State already?

  21. Of uncle and auntie—-

    Auntie Tan Ah Eng the Wanita MCA deputy chairman, asked Najib why she wasn’t appointed as a deputy minister. Najib told her that he appointed MCA people according to a list of names given to him by Uncle Ah Lek. Her name was not in that list, contrary to what Uncle Ah Lek had claimed.

  22. Ref. no 33 How can malay mean the same thing as chinese and others. Then throw away the NEP, y fight to extend it forever. Same as Perkasa Y fight for special rights when there is 1 Malaysia. What nonsense.The ppl are not so naive and have had enough of this nonsense.

  23. I don’t know sampai bila barulah boleh kite belajar? The issuance of gaming licence was never a moral or religious concern to the politicians. I think it is oxymoron to talk about politicians holding dear to religious and moral values. We are a nation of hypocrites and bigots. Semua boleh buat, apa susah sangat sekiranya tidak ada bantahan kuat dari opposition.

    Debating gambling from religious point of view is stupid and hypocritical, at least to most. If we see big money in gambling at the expense of stupid gamblers, let’s us do it boldly. We want to know how the government decide on gambling licences. We want to know to whom most of licences are issued. We want to know who in the Government issue and renew gambling licences (Genting’s licence is renew each month) and if possible check their assets. We want to know how much taxes are collected from each licensee. We want to know whether the draws are honestly done. We want to know the payout ratio.

    Actually to you stupid gamblers out there – do you fellows really know how the 4-d and sport toto numbers are drawn? Do you really know it is honestly done? Do you want to know why newspapers from time to time will publish some big wins? So that you suckers will bet even more. Have you ever thought that the draws could be rigged? We often heard of big jackpot been built up. Nobody strike, but suddenly there will be a win with many sharing the big jackpot.

  24. No need 2 b M’sian first n no need 2 gamble 2 make big fat bucks in M’sia
    Just b UmnoB/BNputras or their cronies
    An MMC Corporation Bhd and Gamuda Bhd joint venture may get d big fat juicy billion RM contract 2 construct a new mass rapid transit (MRT) system in d Klang Valley
    An RM2 (?) company formed by a BN component party may get d big fat juicy billion RM contract 2 construct a high-speed rail link connecting KL n Singapore
    BN gomen’s largesse freely given out 2 BN kawan n saudara-saudari, licence 2 exploit rakyat n 2 b filthy rich 4 generations

  25. 2010: Muhyidin & gang will take this opportunity (gambling license controversy) to dethrone Najib. As the 7th PM of Malaysia, Muhyidin will throw 1 Malaysia into rubbish bin the way Najib did with Badawi’s Hadhari.

    The new PM of Malaysia might embrace Ibrahim Katak’s Perkosa manifesto.

  26. a reader claimed in The Star that Penang has not been aggressive enough in securing foreign investment and GE Lim of not being able to walk his talk. if it is true, please buck up DAP!!! do not think that Penang is a safe deposit for you.

  27. chengho :
    ask Anwar , Hadi and nik aziz to make an announcement , they are Malaysian 1st , Malay 2nd and Muslim 3rd ….

    Bravo – chengho – for once you spoke sense. Though by accident by stumbling onto the truth, and not by design. All Malaysians should be like Anwar, Hadi & Nik Aziz – Malaysian 1st, race 2nd and religion 3rd. Okay, okay race & religion interchangeable – heck, for some race they come together. Better still, race & religion shouldn’t enter into the picture – all are just Malaysians.

  28. Yee Siew Wah :
    New Transport Minister
    This guy from MCA doesnt have any clue of his work as a minister since day one. This is the very reason our PeeeeM now put him in charge of PKFZ fiasco. A real dumb dumb who knows nothing. End of the day, he will dilly dally for a year and finally decide not enough evidence, case closed, as usual.
    It was rather really amazing when this guy said the current investigation on PKFZ is “sufficient” when in actual fact he himself said he does not have a clue of what is PKFZ fiasco is all about. He must either grab his words from thin air and thought the rakyat is naive and stupid like him.
    How amazing .
    Perhaps this is how BN/UMNO politicians work la. God help the rakyat.

    UMNO needs yes-man like him. so that is why he was promoted and appointed. but i think he is desperate to “earn” instead of learn as much as he can while he is the PuPPet Minister of Transport since this will be his last political life.

    voice2009 :
    If there are problem to solve the problem of article 153 reducing the quota.
    You may look the other way round to solve the problem by let all MALAYSIANS classified as bumiputra.
    The problems among the Malaysian for over 50 years solve instantly.

    can’t agree more. classify all Malaysians borned after 1957 as Bumiputras. de-classify all Indonesians’ Bumiputra status unless they have stayed here for at least 53 years!!!

  29. Its just been reported by Yow Hong Chieh of TheMalaysianInsider June 08, 2010 that Bursa Malaysia has just absolved Tan Sri Vincent Tan, that he had not misled the public when his Berjaya Corporation claimed in a filing last month with the Stock Exchange that Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd had been issued a sports betting licence by the Finance Ministry. Bursa told The Malaysian Insider that it would not issue a query to Berjaya Corporation Bhd over the company’s announcement that: “the Minister of Finance has given its approval for the re-issuance to Ascot of the licence to carry out sports betting operations upon certain terms and conditions. Ascot proposes to commence its sports betting operation in the 2nd half of the year 2010 with its retail betting operations being housed at 220 selected Sports Toto outlets, subject to relevant approvals being obtained…etc”. Berjaya Corp/Vincent’s version seems supported by Bursa.

    However Finance Minister Najib Abdul Razak, in a written parliamentary reply yesterday had said the government has yet to issue the licence because public feedback is still being sought and additional terms and conditions are still being drafted.

    YB Kit, the Minister of Finance cannot be correct about non re-issuance of licence (as public feedback is still being sought) if at the same time Vincent Tan/Berjaya were correct about conditional re-issuance being approved and given to Ascot sports– and vice versa.

    What’s happening? The positions are irreconcilable. Somebody is misleading the public: who?

  30. Does Bursa realise that its exoneration of Berjaya Corp from having made any misleading statement/announcement to the investing public (otherwise punishable under sections 177 and 369 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007) has inadvertently suggested that its boss the Ministry/Minister of Finance has given a misleading answer to Parliament?

  31. I agree with DAP national publicity secretary, Tony Pua’s take that “he doubted Tan had jumped the gun by making the announcement, as some have claimed.
    “I believe Vincent Tan being an experienced corporate player backed by investment bankers would not have been so careless as to have made the announcement that he received approval for the sports betting licence from the Ministry of Finance if he hasn’t actually received it,” he told The Malaysian Insider. “The investment bankers would not have prepared the announcement document and prepared to raise funds had such written confirmation not been received.”

    Its also reported by TheMalaysiaInsider that “the Petaling Jaya Utara MP had earlier demanded in Parliament that Finance Minister and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak be referred to the Rights and Privileges Committee for allegedly misleading Parliament over the issuance of the Ascot sports betting licence”.

    YB Kit,

    Would you not agree our Democracy is becoming a farce if both the PM/Finance Minister (as head of ruling coalition) and the Head of Opposition are both referred to the Rights and Privileges Committee for allegedly misleading Parliament over different issues (the first being over the sports betting licence issue, and the second over the APCO matter ie 1Malaysia concept being copied from the “One Israel” concept and was allegedly related to APCO Worldwide)???

  32. Somebody is misleading the public: who?// Jeffrey

    Does it matter who? I just read: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s approval rating is on the rise, according to a Merdeka Centre survey.

  33. Whatever d truth n with this sort of orchestrated conflicting reports, some guys made a killing recently in Bursa Malaysia over Berjaya shares (prices fluctuated)
    D rich gets richer easily while d public get sucked dry, sodomised

  34. Would you not agree our Democracy is becoming a farce if both the PM/Finance Minister (as head of ruling coalition) and the Head of Opposition are both referred to the Rights and Privileges Committee for allegedly misleading Parliament over different issues …//Jeffrey

    What is so ridiculous? You are about right both can be and should be referred to the Right & Privileges Com but only one will be found guilty.

  35. “I believe Vincent Tan being an experienced corporate player backed by investment bankers would not have been so careless as to have made the announcement that he received approval for the sports betting licence from the Ministry of Finance if he hasn’t actually received it,”//quoted from #2 above

    And on the contrary, do you think Jib is so stupid (even though he probably has all the levers to get himself out of trouble). Not so simple lah, you fellows too straight.

  36. Do anyone else find the Merdeka Review poll on Najib’s rating suspicious. Even if you assume Najib is gaining with Malay voters which I doubt given Perkasa been flailing him, there is no way his approval rating for Indians and Chinese is going up otherwise Sibu and HS result would not have been the way it is..

  37. Contradiction between Minister of Finance’s statement in parliament and Bursa has been quickly removed by Bursa changing its story.

    The MalaysianInsider that carried the story showing contradiction has just revised its report saying at the end of foot note: “This article has been edited following communication from a Bursa Official”.

    It now reports the edited part: ” Bursa Malaysia today refused comment over the status of tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan’s listed Berjaya Corporation’s claim in a filing last month with the exchange that Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd had been issued a sports betting licence by the Finance Ministry, which the ministry denied yesterday.”

  38. Malaysiakini reported Jun 8, 10 6:36pm about “Bursa denies absolving Vincent Tan of wrongdoing” It reported: “Bursa Malaysia further clarifies that it did not say that ‘because of the conditions of the proposed acquisition, Berjaya Corporation did not deliberately mislead shareholders or Bursa Malaysia’,” added the press statement.

    Ha ha, Boss could not be wrong – what now, Vincent Tan/Berjaya had made misstatement???

    Just like the way the Ministry of Finance now “disputed today findings made by Datuk Idris Jala and his Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) in his argument for immediate subsidy cuts, in a major embarrassment for the minister charged with overseeing the administration’s key performance indicators” – June 8th The Malaysian Insider.

    It was reported : “The Malaysian Insider understands that Idris has come under fire from Cabinet colleagues because his remarks (about bankruptcy) had undermined Najib’s government…Pemandu is also holding a briefing for the BNBBC tonight after many BN leaders had expressed dismay over Idris’s bankruptcy remarks.”

    Idris should respond either to admit he’s wrong about his remarks and retract them – or else he should stand by them, resign and follow Zaid Ibrahim’s path if Idis believes people on his present side aren’t interested in the truth but only spin and counter spin to make everything look good.

  39. Bigjoe :
    Do anyone else find the Merdeka Review poll on Najib’s rating suspicious. Even if you assume Najib is gaining with Malay voters which I doubt given Perkasa been flailing him, there is no way his approval rating for Indians and Chinese is going up otherwise Sibu and HS result would not have been the way it is..

    That is his way of boosting the public’s approval rating. By misleading them, again!!!

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