Two Open Tweets to Cabinet for its urgent consideration this morning

I have before 8 am this morning sent two Open Tweets to the Cabinet for its urgent consideration at today’s weekly meeting.

The two Open Tweets to the Cabinet are:

  1. OPEN TWT 2Cabinet: Condemn May 13 Melayu Bangkit rally KT insensitive extremist incendiary total mockery of inclusive 1Malaysia slogan

  2. OPEN TWT 2Cabinet(2):Cabinet Apology 2 #Aminulrasyid/Azamuddin n fmly; Compensation 4police killing Aminul; Establish RCI 2end fatal police shootings; Present IPCMC Bill in June Parliament 4passage

I hope the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak will have good news for Malaysians after the Cabinet meeting on these two burning issues of the day, the trigger-happy police killing of 14-year-old Form III student Aminulrasyid Amzah and the outrageous and insensitive May 13 “Malays Unite” rally in Terengganu on the 41st anniversary of the blot in national history as if it is a great triumph worthy of celebration!

54 Replies to “Two Open Tweets to Cabinet for its urgent consideration this morning”

  1. It will be good for PR Sibu B’u’y Election if May 13 Rally goes on as planned. The issue is not with the Islamic nation, but with these extremists in UMNO. Most people are aware of it.

    The Malay Tua Pek Kong (Santa) will go to Sibu to join the Chinese Tua Pek Kong in distributing money.

  2. On the May 13 rally, I understand the respond of the opposition is the political expedient and realistic way of dealing with the event/idea in view of Sibu buy-election and challenges faced by PR.

    However, I insist the wiser idea is to actually exploit the loophole and hold a similar rally of the same event, in Selangor AND Sibu, tell the truth – May 13 was UMNO’s fault and full of lies about it like the NEP, Ketuanan Melayu. It was the start of lies that was covered up by lies after lies for 40 years that has put us where we are and heading to nowhere possibly oblivion if we don’t do anything about it.

    I say tell the truth, don’t condemn it.

  3. The ghost of May 13 can be exorcised easily. Just start greeting each other HAPPY MAY 13 come tommorrow. Shopping complexes should hold special May 13 sale. Let there be fun, music and dance on that day. It is a day to be happy – to rejoice and not to sulk or be angry like umno.

    I know. I am a good 24 hrs early but hey there is nothing to stop me. Anyway, jib didnt ban this so here I go:


  4. On Najib claim that UMNO is turning around. Please, since when have anything Najib done in his ENTIRE career long lasting and a major trend? The only lasting and major trend it seems is the buy-election trend if you look at Sibu. (I still can’t believe the checks in Sibu are bigger than the ones in HS. Are they stupid?)

    If he is congratulating himself now, it just means that if things don’t get worst for him, he will scream its a success for him already – make things more than it really is which who he is and what he does.

    Seriously, I hope he goes for the GST again. It really will be bigger than Hindraf before 2008.

  5. Bigjoe, I don’t agree with you. Fighting fire with fire should not be in DAP’s vocabulary. I say let them go ahead with the rally. Like the Perkasa AGM, let’s see how many supporters they can muster. Let’s see what they write on their banners and buntings. Let’s see what they say through their loudspeakers.

    We want the world to see what these clowns are actually fighting for. We have Youtube, we have the internet. We can cover the truth.

  6. At that time 1969, Malaysia prematurely and primitive; relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system.

    Now, 2010; Information and Communication Technology or ICTs allow Rakyat to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technologies.

    In most discussions, the global citizens movement is a socio-political process rather than a political organization or party structure. Global citizens movement has been used by activists to refer to a number of organized and overlapping citizens groups who seek to influence public policy often with the hope of establishing global solidarity on an issue. Such efforts include advocacy on ecological sustainability, corporate responsibility, social justice and similar progressive issues.
    In theoretical discussions of social movements, global citizens movement refers to a complex and unprecedented phenomena made possible by the unique subjective and objective conditions of the planetary phase of civilization. The term is used to distinguish the latent potential for a profound shift in values among an aware and engaged citizenry from existing transnational citizens movements which tend to focus on specific issues (such as the anti-UmnoBN movement).

    Hence, May 13 is no longer and regarded as a expired tools in threatening the current rakyat minds. The changing era inevitable needed by all Malaysian future generation but Umno deserted what the nation needs instead of protecting only Umno- Mahathir interest.

  7. Bigjoe :
    On the May 13 rally, I understand the respond of the opposition is the political expedient and realistic way of dealing with the event/idea in view of Sibu buy-election and challenges faced by PR.
    However, I insist the wiser idea is to actually exploit the loophole and hold a similar rally of the same event, in Selangor AND Sibu, tell the truth – May 13 was UMNO’s fault and full of lies about it like the NEP, Ketuanan Melayu. It was the start of lies that was covered up by lies after lies for 40 years that has put us where we are and heading to nowhere possibly oblivion if we don’t do anything about it.
    I say tell the truth, don’t condemn it.

    A great post by Big Joe! I absolutely agree with him.

    Yes, we have been brainwashed log stock and barrel. Just imagine. The NEP never said it was Ketuanan Melayu. Instead, it says “eradication of poverty irrespective of race“. So instead of asking for the NEP to be abolished, we ought to demand that the abuse of the NEP be stopped immediately. Rather than asking for the NEP to be abolished, we MUST insist that the NEP be extended so that the government can honour and implement its objective fully.

    Yes, a rally must be organized to counter the May 13 rally and to tell the truth about May 13. And Dr. Kua Kia Soong’s book that tells who the real culprits are behind the May 13 incident should be sold to the public at a heavily discounted price, maybe RM10 a book instead of the usual RM20. We must demand that the government take action against the culprits, some of whom are still alive.

    My! Am I impressed to read the Star Online article, DAP to go on ‘A-l-l-a-h’ issue: “The DAP will go ahead with the “A-l-l-a-h” issue in its campaign, ignoring police warning to all political parties that they can be detained under the Sedition Act and Internal Security Act.” Now, BN is in a fix. If they catch, they may lose the Sibu by-election. If they don’t catch, they lose face. Face fear in the face and the fear of fear will fled from your face. The government has never threatened the use of the ISA when the issue was first raised. No demonstrators were arrested. So why now? This type of dirty election tactics must stop if we are to uphold democracy and justice.

  8. Wow. Those umnoputra idiots need a special day like Happy May 13 to bangkitkan their ketuanans. Come to think of it, is the term “ketuanan” gender neutral? See my problem? I was thinking of fat first mama ros …

  9. dagen :
    Wow. Those umnoputra idiots need a special day like Happy May 13 to bangkitkan their ketuanans. Come to think of it, is the term “ketuanan” gender neutral? See my problem? I was thinking of fat first mama ros …

    Well, I guess ketuanan, like Datuk, is gender neutral now. Dagen, do not confused “ketuanan” with “ki-tua-lan”!

  10. Godfather :
    Let UMNO proceed with slapping the faces of MCA, Gerakan and MIC. Let the supporters of these minority parties see for themselves the impotence of their leaders.

    Only slapping? Didn’t Ahmad Ismail’s supporters already stepped on Koh Tsu Koon’s face after tearing down his posters? Well, I wonder whether even a heavy dose of viagra or Tongkat Ali can help BN component party leaders.

  11. What a windfall for Dr. Kua Kia Soong! The May 13 rally is definitely a good promotion for his book, “May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969”.

    Pakatan Rakyat should help to promote this book. No time now? Well, photostat excerpts of the book on A-4 size paper then!

  12. Why celebrate May 13, 1969?

    Ever seen the Japs celebrating V-J Day of August 15, 1945?

    Or the Germans celebrating V-E Day of May 9, 1945?

    Even the Taiwanese do not celebrate October 1, 1949.

  13. I feel very sorry for the Chinese community.

    They did nothing at all….. But the umno demons are trying to label them “enemy of malaysia”…..

    I can only see this in Malaysia. Nowhere else in this world can i see a particular race, which has been quiet N done nothing,.. being demonised in such a way…. for no reason at all.

    To add to this utterly unbelievable situation… the Chinese have also quietly paid the BIGGER part of income taxes, which are channeled directly to you know where.

  14. Can Kedah PKR do a “Perak”. Seems like it, after warning from Independent MP Zulkifli Noordin. PKR seems to be a weak link in PR to seize control of Putrajaya in the next general election, let alone winning the Sibu by-election. Defections of its state assemblymen, MPs and other PKR leaders are the norm of the day.

    I think BN has found its lethal weapon to make sure PR does not take control of Putrajaya. Courting PKR leaders to defect is actually aiming at Anwar Inbrahim’s party because BN knows who will be PM, and from which party, if PR takes over Putrajaya, by creating a public perception that PKR is a weak party, incapable to govern. The public perception is this – if PR state governments could collapse anytime, what more the government of the day. So, what’s the point of voting for PR in the next general election, if the PR government could collapse within the 5 years period? What’s the point of voting PR, if PKR candidates could defects anytime? This seems to be the lethal weapon the BN would use, as far as public perception is concerned. I think is the the secret weapon the BN would use in the next general election. Besides, who would want to vote for soon-to-be political frogs from PKR? The only stability the voters would get from a coalition government is none other than BN coalition government. The PR state governments could uphold justice, good governance, transparency, equality, freedom & etc to create a good public perception that they could govern, even in the Federal level, but if their MPs/state assemblymen defects, that’s the end of the story.

    I think this is the only political game BN would play. A public perception political game. They know they can’t hit PAS and DAP with defections game, well maybe except for Hee Yit Foong, but BN will know how to hit below the belt in PKR.

    And it’s damn easy!

  15. Jamesy, if PR wins the next general election, all those frogs will try to hop back. Actually, it is good that the frogs hop to B-End now, rather than later. At least we know who the frogs are before they do more harm by engaging themselves in corruption if PR wins the next general election. I bet there are many more frogs in PKR just waiting for an offer to hop. Later, BN will have a big problem placing these frogs because they don’t have grassroot support within UMNO. I guess UMNO will just tell them to go to hell… which they don’t mind, since they already got what they want.

    These guys have no political philosophy except their own self-interest. We must take our hats off to Lim Kit Siang and many of his team members. BN knows that DAP and PAS team members cannot be bought that easily, while PKR is on cheap sale.

  16. artemisios :
    I feel very sorry for the Chinese community.
    They did nothing at all….. But the umno demons are trying to label them “enemy of malaysia”…..
    I can only see this in Malaysia. Nowhere else in this world can i see a particular race, which has been quiet N done nothing,.. being demonised in such a way…. for no reason at all.
    To add to this utterly unbelievable situation… the Chinese have also quietly paid the BIGGER part of income taxes, which are channeled directly to you know where.

    What goes around comes around. Don’t have to pity the Chinese community because the law of cause and effect will take its course. UMNO has generated a lot of bad karma for itself and the end is near.

  17. Whatever it takes to close the door of Putra Jaya to prevent PR to enter it.This’s Umno number one aim/agenda.The only option I think if PR wins the 13th GE to getting into Putra Jaya is through the people’s power.Can it happens ?

  18. Frankly what’s there to feel sorry for the chinese community in malaysia. The real communities that I think we should feel pretty sorry are the natives of Sabah and Sarawak,the orang Asli and the majority of the malays kampong folks. Decade after decades Umnoputras,warlords and cronies have enriched themselves all at the expense of these communities. If PR woke them up,I think half the battle is won.The other half is to ensure they go all out to vote against Umno/Bn.Hence there must be a way somewhere which is still currently missing.PR go find it and use it,then victory is yours.

  19. The ones who shout Ketuanan Melayu the loudest are living in mansions while the majority of the Malays themselves are still poor. Doesn’t make sense, does it?

    Everyone knows that the Mahathir family is very, very wealthy, far far wealthier than many rich Chinese. Why doesn’t he take a mirror and look at himself and ask, “We are against the Chinese because they are rich, what about me, a multi-billionaire?” Why doesn’t he redistribute part of his wealth to the Malays or set up a yayasan like Bill Gates, if he is really for Ketuanan Melayu? Ketuanan Mahathir perhaps! Ever heard of a Yayasan Mahathir?

  20. MalaysianInsider reports Razali Idris as saying: “We are not threatening anyone. It’s just an event to remind the Malays of what had happened on that fateful day so it won’t happen again in the future.”

    Have you seen a donkey talking?

  21. To prove his point that the gathering was not political and meant merely to unite the Malays and not threaten other races, Malaysian Insider reports Razali Idris as saying that invitations were sent out to Malay leaders from the opposition party as well. “From day one, we have decided that no party symbols are allowed at all during the event,” he said in backing his argument that the event was not racist in nature.”

    Razali says invitations were sent out to Malay leaders from the opposition party as well, thereby proving that the May 13 “Melayu Bangkit” gathering is not racist in nature.

    I think Razali should be sent to the nearest psychiatric hospital for the mentally sick, together with Mahathir. God is keeping Mahathir alive to face retribution when PR takes over Putrajaya.

  22. Najiv came for just 3 minutes. But SUPP announced big that he is going to be in the procession. Now you can see how SUPP could lie to the people. BN can make all sorts of promises but will not do it.

  23. …if PR wins the next general election, all those frogs will try to hop back… – ekompute.

    Well, I don’t think even UMNO is willing to gamble on these political frogs to be filled as candidates. Even if these political frogs were chosen as candidates and wins, but PR takes over Putrajaya, I don’t think PR will accept these frogs back into its foil.

    BN would continue to try to hit the would-be PKR turncoats and form the government of the day via the “backdoor” ways, unless PR quickly amends the Election laws in Parliament making it an offense to hop.

    But at the moment, PKR seems to be a liability in PR coalition, not DAP’s chauvinist Chinese or PAS’s Islamic State/Taliban image that BN ONCE trying to paint.

    Now, it’s easy to link PKR with defections/political frogs/turncoats. And what a powerful weapon to hit PKR below the belt with this opening!

  24. TheMalaysianInsider May 12, 2010 (by Syed Jaymal Zahiid) reported (Quote) — ‘The controversial May 13 “Melayu Bangkit” gathering in Kuala Terengganu has been postponed after the organisers “were instructed to do so”. Gerakan Kebangkitan Rakyat (Gertak) chief, Razali Idris, also claimed that the date of the event was chosen by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and hence it is up to the former prime minister to decide on the next date for the gathering which was expected to draw 10,000.’ “We had decided to postpone it after we were instructed by the country’s top leadership, who are worried about the security situation, after political parties manipulated the event for their interest,” Razali told The Malaysian Insider. “The date for the event was chosen by Tun so we will let him decide when will be the suitable substitute date,” said the Gertak chief.’ (Unquote)

    You may want to tweet to Cabinet why a former premier would decide on a date like May 13 that not only “both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional component party leaders have come out to slam the gathering which some described as “uncivilised” and “insensitive” but also the country’s top leadership felt was inimical to the security situation, if allowed to proceed.
    MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Le

  25. Gerakan Kebangkitan Rakyat (Gertak) postponed the moronic gathering after instruction from the country’s top leadership. Who constitute the nation’s top leadership. It shows only one thing – all these Gertak or Perkasa are just the extremist instruments of UMNO outsourced to racists like mamathir and his cohort.

  26. pulau_sibu :
    Najiv came for just 3 minutes. But SUPP announced big that he is going to be in the procession. Now you can see how SUPP could lie to the people. BN can make all sorts of promises but will not do it.

    Najib came to get his attendance marked. It is like a university student who disappear from lecture right after his attendance is marked. But we can’t fault him. If he stays too long, people will politicized his presence. At least he comes! As a PM, I think he is better than Mahathir. But then again, that Melayu celup has to prove himself more Malay than Malay, otherwise the Malays may attack his Indian blood.

  27. Maybe they called off the gathering was in anticipation of impending Sibu by election. Since UMNO and its outsourced racist groups like Perkasa and now Gertak care about the feeling of others.

  28. respost, mistake:
    Maybe they called off the gathering was in anticipation of impending Sibu by election. Since WHEN UMNO and its outsourced racist groups like Perkasa and now Gertak care about the feeling of others.

  29. limkamput :
    Gerakan Kebangkitan Rakyat (Gertak) postponed the moronic gathering after instruction from the country’s top leadership. Who constitute the nation’s top leadership. It shows only one thing – all these Gertak or Perkasa are just the extremist instruments of UMNO outsourced to racists like mamathir and his cohort.

    I predicted in the other thread, “Mahathir said he was not a dictator”, that the rally will be called off at the last moment after it has served its purpose well to frighten Malaysians of the prospects of another May 13. And sure enough, it happens exactly as I thought. If other people had organized it, I am sure the police will threaten the use of ISA much much earlier. So much for our so-called “Malaysian police”, more appropriately called “UMNO police”.

    Sometimes I wonder why God gives Mahathir such a long life. The only reason I can think of is that God wants him to face retribution once PR takes over Putrajaya.

  30. limkamput :
    respost, mistake:
    Maybe they called off the gathering was in anticipation of impending Sibu by election. Since WHEN UMNO and its outsourced racist groups like Perkasa and now Gertak care about the feeling of others.

    I beg to disagree. The whole world knows that Sibu is going to have a buy-election. In fact, I tend to think that they hold the rally as part of the Sibu buy-election campaign to frighten voters into voting for B-End.

    I hope Sibu will tell them off categorically this Sunday.


    I agree with Razak Idris, the Gerakan Kebangkitan Rakyat (Gertak) chief, that “Melayu Bangkit” is not racist in nature. How can you call the event racist, unless you also claim that Melayu is a race. Obviously, Razak is saying that Melayu is not a race and he is right.

    The term “Melayu”, as used today, is a multi-racial political grouping. Your children too can become a Melayu if you marry a Melayu woman. But if every Chinese and Indian starts marrying 1-4 Malay women, what is left then for the “Malays” themselves?

  32. Jeffrey :You may want to tweet to Cabinet why a former premier would decide on a date like May 13 that not only “both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional component party leaders have come out to slam the gathering which some described as “uncivilised” and “insensitive” but also the country’s top leadership felt was inimical to the security situation, if allowed to proceed.

    Mahathir must have regretted stepping down and wants to make a comeback. So he tries to sabotage every of his successors.

    Why didn’t he organize any May 13 rally during his 22-year rule when he could have done it easily, with or without a police permit? I bet he would have used the ISA without hesitation to arrest anyone who tries to organize one during his rule.

    Edmund Burke says: “Those who have been once intoxicated with power and have derived any kind of emolument from it, even though but for one year, never can willingly abandon it. They may be distressed in the midst of all their power, but they will never look to anything but power for their relief.”

    Gone are the days when Mahathir can do what he likes at his whims and fancies. He really misses those wonderful days.

  33. MalaysianInsider reports Razali Idris as saying: “We are not threatening anyone. It’s just an event to remind the Malays of what had happened on that fateful day so it won’t happen again in the future.
    Basing on this line of thinking,then how is it that Chin Peng is not allowed to return home from exile ? Surely Chin Peng’s return will not threatening anyone too and his return to his own home would aslo remind all malaysians of what had happened during the communist up raising so it won’t happen again in the future. Razali Idris should think malaysian first,not malays first and being a racist.

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