Call on Cabinet tomorrow to formally apologise to family and nation for the trigger-happy police killing of 14yr-old Aminulrasyid and measures to end all police shooting deaths

I fully support the demand by Aminulrasyid Amzah’s family for a direct apology from the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan, Selangor Chief Police Officer Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar and the Home Ministry for tainting the 14-year-old Form III student’s name after the heinous, criminal and fatal shooting of Aminul by trigger-happy police on April 26 at 2 am some 100 metres from his Shah Alam house.

Aminulrasyid’s uncle, Kamarudin Hassan, said today that the family wants a direct apology from the IGP, the Selangor CPO and the Home Ministry as well as retraction of the statement that a parang was found in the vehicle.

Kamaruddin said:

“We appreciate and thank the authorities for their speedy action in charging the police corporal but we want Aminul’s name to be cleared.

“Since this incident occurred, the IGP and everyone else never once apologised to us for calling Aminul a robber and saying that they had found a weapon in his car.

“If they can bring the police corporal to court, it shows that Aminul was not a suspected criminal as claimed.”

I will go a step further and call on the Cabinet at its weekly meeting tomorrow to formally apologise to Aminulrasyid’s family and nation for the trigger-happy police killing of 14yr-old Aminulrasyid and measures to end all police shooting deaths.

Scrap the joke of the Special Panel headed by the Deputy Home Minister Datuk Abu Seman Yusop and instead, take the bold step to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry headed by former Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Hanif Omar to inquire into all police shooting deaths since 2005 and recommend measures which will bring an end to all police shooting deaths.

Specificially, the IGP, CPO and the Home Ministry also owes 15-year-old Azamuddin Omar, Aminul’s friend who was in the fated vehicle when Aminul was killed at the steering wheel with a bullet from the back of his head.

It is a clear defamation that both the teenagers were described by the Police as
“robbery suspects” in a vehicle with a parang, when there were no evidence whatsoever to support such preposterous allegations.

Recently, the country had been shocked by a spate of police shooting cases including fatal ones giving the world the atrocious image of Malaysia as a lawless country where instead of the police being guardians of law and order, few “black sheep” in the Police are allowed to take the law into their own hands to execute summary justice!

This not so much the fault of individual miscreants in the police force but a major breakdown of a proper institutional system of check and balances and the principles of accountability, transparency and democratic policing.

If the Najib government is to take the first step to restore public confidence in the police as well as the whole system of governance under his premiership, then the time has come to establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

There can be no argument that the five-year delay in the implementation of the key recommendation of the Police Royal Commission in 2005 to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional and world-class police service to keep crime low, eradicate poverty and uphold human rights, the establishment of IPCMC, as resulted in further deterioration of police standards of accountability and transparency.

If the IPCMC had been in place in the past five years, Aminulrasyid would still be alive today as the spotlight of public accountability would have created a more accountable and efficient police environment which would make it less susceptible to irresponsible actions like the criminal and heinous trigger-happy killing of Aminulrasyid.

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is coming to Sibu tomorrow. I hope he can give a comprehensive account of the Cabinet decision to assure Malaysians that the crime and tragedy of trigger-happy police killing of Aminulrasyid will never happen again in Malaysia.

20 Replies to “Call on Cabinet tomorrow to formally apologise to family and nation for the trigger-happy police killing of 14yr-old Aminulrasyid and measures to end all police shooting deaths”

  1. “If they can bring the police corporal to court, it shows that Aminul was not a suspected criminal as claimed.”

    Looking at the way the government is covering their ass even to the extent of telling a lie, I wonder who they are actually protecting. If they can treat a Malay this way, what more can you say?

  2. Not so simple, an apology will make this thing go away.

    Where is that machete now? Was the car (driven by Aminulrasyid) trying to ram the policemen?

    Didn’t we hear the familiar stories each time “criminals” were shot? The “criminals” shoot first, knives, machete, revolvers, samurai swords and hand grenades were found. So tell us now how many of these stories were true and how many were like Aminulrasyid’s case. Tell us, tell us, tell us.

    Aminulrasyid was 14 and so we pay special attention. If he was 25, do you think the same furore would have taken place? Remember we still have Kugan and TBH fresh in our memory.

    Don’t be too happy, may be the corporal was speedily charged in anticipation of Sibu.

  3. FMT report that Najib is spending MORE than Hulu Selangor for Sibu buy-election. Its amazing.

    I say all PR rep have to resign one by one and see how much Najib can spend. (Only the federal seats, not the state ones)..

  4. Now new turn of events, a low ranking police has been charged for murder as a scape goat to appease the public.

    This is sad, as the real problem is not just one cop. This is not an isolated incident and cases of gross misconduct by the authorities has been occurring often. Altantuya, Kugan, TBH. Unlawful detention of lawyers.

    The REAL culprits are not being punished : the leaders of the police force. It is they that have allowed (and even in some cases protected or even instructed) their policemen to carry out their duties contrary to how they are supposed to.

    Now they sacrifice one lowly cop because this is an incident where they really cannot cover up anymore. How about the dozens of death’s in police custody over the years? Why no one charged?

  5. aduhai malaysia…badminton kalah kepada jepun tadi. bolasepak pulak dah lama kecundang kepada jepun. hoki pulak sekarang ni tak digeruni negara jepun. ekonomi pulak tak terkejar kejar negara jepun. dasar pandang ke timur ? layu…malaysia. sebab ? sibuk berpolitik dan orang politik sibuk mengejar pencapaian wang ringgit

  6. Dats not the end of the matter. Parang was found in animul’s car. How could dat be? Year in year out we read in the papers that police killed hardcore criminals and found on them or in their car or house drugs, deadly weapons and other implements of criminal utility and that those killed were inevitably said to have masterminded or somehow to be involved in a series of crimes here and there. Going by the rate at which the police swat them off the streets (like flies), we ought to be feeling safer by the day and cumulatively, by the year. How come we see and hear of more and more gated and guarded communities springing up everywhere. The CPO too was not spared.

    There must be an inquiry into this with a look-back objective to determine how many of those killings were genuine and how many of them were not. Of course, nazri and keris bin lembudin predictably will dismiss any need for such action. Nevertheless we should still press umno. We the people must, in umno’s favourite words, “politicise the matter”.

  7. chengho: ” Sibu voters do not want Dap and her sleeping partner Pas coming to Sibu”

    The following is the result of 2008 parliamentary election for Sibu.

    Robert Lau (SUPP) – 19138 votes (53%)
    Wong Ho Leng (DAP) – 15903 votes (44%)
    Majority – 3235 votes

    See, almost half of Sibu voters welcome DAP
    Don’t underestimate PR/DAP, dear chap
    Sibu voters, don’t fall into corrupt BN/UMNO trap
    Vote for DAP to bridge the gap
    Better still, give SUPP/UMNO a slap
    By giving a thumping victory to DAP

  8. “Since this incident occurred, the IGP and everyone else never once apologised to us for calling Aminul a robber and saying that they had found a weapon in his car….” says Amirul’s uncle.

    In any civilised society, the person heading such a department will not only apologise but also take responsibility for such a heinous crime and resign.

    More so when the excuses he has made in an attempt to cover up his men’s dastardly deeds has been proven to be untrue and tarnished the name of the innocent victim.

    It is the only decent thing to do.

  9. So people of sibu, aminul is a peninsular issue huh? No. It is not. Come on. Tell us. Yes tell all of us about your stories. Tell us how the police have abused you people. The RM3m bribery jib committed in HS which fortunately failed – now that too is no peninsular issue. It is a national issue. It affects you people too, even as the clock is ticking this very moment.

    Umno is bent on blinding you people by distinguishing between the broader national issues and the very limited and narrow local issues. The submarine, altan, pkfz, collapsed stadium roof, F5 jet engines and all the rest – they affect everyone in the country.

    Umno has no business telling you people of sibu what you should or should not bother. Umno has no business dictating your views (and the views of all sarawakians and sabahans) about things in the country. Jib said we are one people and one country. So you people ought to question umno on the broader national issues.

    So show umno that you people too are concerned about malaysia and not just about sibu. Kick umno’s candidate out!

  10. U*NO is obviously a RACIST PARTY, i don’t understand why MIC, MCA, GERAKAN… are still stand together with the extremist and let their sisters and brothers or family members go to hell…!!!!! Shameful shameful and shameful, shame on you, MIC, MCA, GERAKAN….!!!!!

  11. It is a sad state of affairs that the Malaysian conscious is so racially polarized that it takes the death of a MALAY boy for the majority of the public (who are MALAYs) to sit up and pay attention to this matter.

    How does this case differ from the usually story of “Criminals would not surrender to the police and so all where shot dead. Weapons found in the car of the criminals. Case close”…none… only that the victims were Malay boys rather than Indian boys.

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