Call on Najib to release a full chronological order on the events resulting in the ceding of Malaysian sovereignty to Blocks L and M to Brunei and the position of Brunei’s territorial claim to Limbang

The statements by Wisma Putra, Petronas, the Prime Minister Dauk Seri Najib Razak and former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi all have one common purpose – to avoid answering two important questions:

  1. When and why Malaysia ceded away Malaysian sovereignty to two oil and gas-rich offshore areas in South China Sea, namely Block L and Block M, in favour of Brunei; and

  2. Whether and if so, when Brunei had surrendered its territorial claim of sovereignty to Limbang and recognized full Malaysian sovereignty instead.

Although Wisma Putra, Petronas, Najib and Abdullah know fully well that their statements would be scrutinized for answers to these two most important questions, all their verbiage have one common thrust to avoid answer to these two questions.

This can only raise suspicions to crisis point.

I call on Najib to release a full chronological order of the events resulting in the ceding of Malaysian sovereignty to Blocks L and M to Brunei and the position of Brunei’s territorial claim to Limbang, whether and if so when, Brunei had surrendered its claim of sovereignty to Limbang.

Another former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir had estimated that the worth of oil and gas rights for Blocks L and M are in the region of US$100 billion (RM320 billion) – no paltry sum for any Prime Minister or Government to trifle with to avoid full public accountability.

As Prime Minister for 22 years, Mahathir’s statement that Blocks L and M had been claimed by Malaysia based on historical facts and that based on Malaysia’s sovereignty, Petronas had entered into a production sharing contract with Murphy Oil to start drilling to produce oil estimated at one million barrels, cannot be ignored.

Was Mahathir misinformed when he blogged last week that Abdullah had negotiated with the Sultan of Brunei to get back Limbang in Sarawak in return for the surrender of the two Blocks to Brunei and that Brunei had beaten Malaysia in the diplomatic game in securing the sovereignty for the two Blocks L and M without surrendering its sovereignty claim to Limbang?

Najib should issue a White Paper to throw full light on this issue without any further delay. The Battle of Prime Ministers over Malaysia’s sovereignty to Blocks L and M and to Limbang is not doing the Najib Administration and Tun Abdullah’s reputation any good.

26 Replies to “Call on Najib to release a full chronological order on the events resulting in the ceding of Malaysian sovereignty to Blocks L and M to Brunei and the position of Brunei’s territorial claim to Limbang”

  1. UMNO BARU is corrupted to the core headed by these three crooks…each with his own style how to cheat.
    One flew away…refused to carry Mahathir’s balls…and when mamak is angry…..just look what he did to Anwar.
    Najib is afraid of mamak…and so two crooks against one…out to so cal expose Pak Lah…which is a corrupted crook too.
    So many thousand of billions ..stolen and cheated by these UMNO leaders.
    Now ….one is accusing the other…..makes Malaysians more sick of UMNO BARU non stop nonsense.
    But this is not nonsense.
    It looks like God does work in mysterious ways…to make crooks exposing crooks.

  2. Sometimes I don’t understand the logic of those making the decisions on our behalf. First we have Pulau Litigan and Pulau Sipadan. Why do we need to refer this dispute to ICJ when the islands were already under our control and administration? What happen if we have lost that case? If the Indonesians want to claim those islands, let them be. A nation exists in perpetuity. We have all the time in the world to engage them to endless talks. At least we can create some jobs for those in Wisma Putra instead of just attending cocktails.

    Then we have Limbang. Seriously why do we have to resolve this claim? The territory is already in our control. If Brunei wants to claim it, we can entertain them to endless talks. I don’t understand why a small ciku country could exert so much influence on us. Are we stupid or are we corrupted to the core?

  3. Malaysia’s hanky-panky deal with Brunei involving the L and M blocks and sovereignty of Limbang was likely to have involved massive kickbacks and backhanders.

    The Opposition must probe into the deal and leave no stone unturned until the truth is out.

  4. Too bad, our Bodonland PM gave away oil wells and Island to our neighboring nations, Brunei and Singapore, respectively.

    Pretty soon, our another PM is going to sign off Islands, sea beds or oil wells to Indonesia. What BN/UMNO can do is to rip, pocket and give away our lands, seas and oil wells…

    Wake up, Malaysians, we have been selling off by BN/UMNO. We feed them fat like pigs; they sell your territories to our neighboring nations… Malaysia PM, tentu-lah Boleh and Bodon….

  5. I urge our PM to send an emergency naval and airforce taskforce to reclaim our sovereignty over Blocks L & M.. oops.. I forgot.. our submarine cannot dive and our airforce cannot fly

  6. I don’t understand just how convoluted Malaysian sovereignty has become. First there was a claim for Limbang by Malaysia and Brunei. Malaysia owned the so-called Blocks M and N off-shore exploration areas. Then there was an exchange of Letters between Malaysia and Brunei on March 16 2009 in which Brunei supposedly gave up its claims for Limbang, and Malaysia its possessions off-shore. Everything was hush-hush and Malaysia claimed a victory without ever mentioning giving up the two off-shore possessions. The next day, Brunei denied that they had given up their claims for Limbang. Malaysia was mum and did not respond to Brunei’s assertion until… Mahathir stirred up shit.

    Now Petronas, after a long hiatus of hibernation, today says that it was invited by Brunei to develop the two offshore exploration areas formerly owned and designated by Malaysia as Blocks L and M on a commercial arrangement basis. Now why should Brunei do such a stupid thing: after disowning their claim to Limbang is willing share its oil wealth with Malaysia for 40 years? Something does not give here. Abdullah Badawi and UMNO should give an explanation to the people of Sarawak and Malaysia on why they had committed such a treacherous act without ever revealing the true nature of the transaction.

    Just as in the Pulau Putih case, Abdullah is implying that it is a win-win case. Oh how dirty has such a phrase become!

  7. ///Too bad, our Bodonland PM gave away oil wells and Island to our neighboring nations, Brunei and Singapore, respectively./// #5 by Bunch of Suckers

    This is how BN got the money to turn every by-election into BUY-ELECTION. I am not surprised if they used the money got from the deal to turn the 13th GE into a “vote for money” GE.

  8. Blocks CA1 and CA2 referred to by Brunei are closer to Brunei than to Sabah and Sarawak, except Limbang if its border extends to the shore. It is just not likely that they will be awarded to Malaysia if the case goes to the international court. Petronas did the exploration before 2003 assuming it has the right, and Malaysia awarded the contract to Murphy Oil as though its acquired the right on a first come first serve basis. Was it meant to be a time bomb for AAB?

    The building of the crooked bridge could have ended up in hot war with Singapore. Did the outgoing PM then care? Yes, he did it on purpose.

    AAB could not be that stupid to give away the rights just before he stepped down. Can we believe that he did it for a service contract?

  9. AAB in a press statement on Friday said:

    “Sovereign rights to the resources in this area now belongs to Brunei.”

    The way I read this, the word “now” in the statement released suggests that now after AAB has signed the Exchange of Letters with Brunei, he has indeed ceded sovereign rights to Brunei.

    The lame explanation that the Exchange of Letters “allows” Malaysia to participate, on a commercial basis, to jointly develop the oil and gas resources in this area for a period of 40 years does not change the fact that Brunei now owns that two blocks. We will need to look deeper into that Exchange of Letters to find out what are the conditions that permits Malaysia to participate. And I am sure that Exchange will also have clauses to allow Brunei, who has sovereign rights to terminate the commercial contract. By signing this Exchange, AAB and the Cabinet certainly has accepted a weaker bargaining position.

  10. I don’t understand just how convoluted Malaysian sovereignty has become. First there was a claim for Limbang by Malaysia and Brunei. Malaysia owned the so-called Blocks M and N off-shore exploration areas. Then there was an exchange of Letters between Malaysia and Brunei on March 16 2009 in which Brunei supposedly gave up its claims for Limbang, and Malaysia its possessions off-shore. Everything was hush-hush and Malaysia claimed a victory without ever mentioning giving up the two off-shore possessions. The next day, Brunei denied that they had given up their claims for Limbang. Malaysia was mum and did not respond to Brunei’s assertion until… Mahathir turned up the heat.

    Now Petronas, after a long hiatus of hibernation, today says that it was invited by Brunei to develop the two offshore exploration areas formerly owned and designated by Malaysia as Blocks L and M on a commercial arrangement basis. Now why should Brunei do such a stupid thing: after disowning their claim to Limbang is willing share its oil wealth with Malaysia for 40 years? Something does not give here. Abdullah Badawi and UMNO should give an explanation to the people of Sarawak and Malaysia on why they had committed such a treacherous act without ever revealing the true nature of the transaction.

    Just as in the Pulau Putih case, Abdullah is implying that it is a win-win case. Oh how dirty has such a phrase become!

  11. I believe Blocks L and M and Limbang now all belong to Brunei (that is why Najib and Abdullah dare not speak up) but Malaysia is allowed to develop jointly with Brunei the oil and gas resources in Blocks L and M for a period of 40 years.

    Kit should go to the Brunei High Commission in Kuala Lumpur to confirm whether Malaysia still owns Blocks L and M and Limbang. After all it is the sovereignty of these 3 areas that matters most to Malaysians though Kit may find out more later from Najib when and how the sovereignty of these 3 areas was ceded to Brunei.

  12. Mahathir stolen billions…and left the government .no money in all Depts.
    I suspect Dollah thought he was give away land with promised income from Brunei..for 40 years…..on oil.
    Land belongs to Brunei…no explorations done…and Mamak wants to save his skin for massive corruptions under his premiership for 28 years…….and quickly blame Dollah….giving land away .worst than stealing money from Malaysians.
    Here you can see…how crook accused another crook..both PMs.
    Mahathir is legendary thick skin and shameless crook. Dollah is sleepy head….want to do right things..but dare not finish the job….to finish off Mahathir…but all half done and unproductive results.
    Najib…knows all…pretend not to know…and now his step father wants to make sure…no one blames Najib.
    Yes UMNO B is pathetic.

  13. Tell you what. Between two tuns and a jib, the real answer will be squashed into an exceedingly loud silence.

    Someone here suggested sending our subs to reclaim the blocks but retracted the suggestion upon recalling that those subs cant dive. More than that actually. I think our subs are mere bubbles made of steel. Yes they can now dive but are they armed?

  14. I dont know about the so-called and so-claimed protector of the malay race, but here the rest of us are busy protecting malaysia against enemies of the state – those enemies within who sold out rights and our secrets.

    So ibrahim perkasa, care to join?

  15. After reading the various news reports, my impression is that all, or more likely most of Blocks L & M are actually within Brunei’s and outside of Malaysia’s territorial waters /exclusive economic zone. All that Abdullah Badawi did was behaved as a better and more decent neighbour compared with his predecessor. He decided not to continue claiming what rightly belong to others.

  16. Someone please go ask Dr. M if Badawi has to account for Blk L and M, does he, the man who made the police and every key institution broken the way they are, have to account for the death of Aminulrasyid Amzah?

  17. If Mahathir is right on his accusation, this scandal will become the mother of all mothers of scandals!

    This will be 26 times the scale of PKFZ which is a cool RM 12.5 Billions!

    F@#k B-END!

  18. 1st, We lost Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore

    Then, We lose the oil-rich Block L & Block M to Brunei..

    What is next? We lose Sibu to Indon?

    ‘Alahai Pak Kaduk….Ayam Menang, Kampung Tergadai….! Barisan Nasional Boleh!

  19. vsp :
    I don’t understand just how convoluted Malaysian sovereignty has become. First there was a claim for Limbang by Malaysia and Brunei. Malaysia owned the so-called Blocks M and N off-shore exploration areas. Then there was an exchange of Letters between Malaysia and Brunei on March 16 2009 in which Brunei supposedly gave up its claims for Limbang, and Malaysia its possessions off-shore. Everything was hush-hush and Malaysia claimed a victory without ever mentioning giving up the two off-shore possessions. The next day, Brunei denied that they had given up their claims for Limbang. Malaysia was mum and did not respond to Brunei’s assertion until… Mahathir turned up the heat.
    Now Petronas, after a long hiatus of hibernation, today says that it was invited by Brunei to develop the two offshore exploration areas formerly owned and designated by Malaysia as Blocks L and M on a commercial arrangement basis. Now why should Brunei do such a stupid thing: after disowning their claim to Limbang is willing share its oil wealth with Malaysia for 40 years? Something does not give here. Abdullah Badawi and UMNO should give an explanation to the people of Sarawak and Malaysia on why they had committed such a treacherous act without ever revealing the true nature of the transaction.
    Just as in the Pulau Putih case, Abdullah is implying that it is a win-win case. Oh how dirty has such a phrase become!

    Probably a probe to check whether the PM had breached ‘fiduciary duty’ to Malaysians?

  20. Yip Chengho….You are right.
    Mahathir is the greatest Malaysian crook and a patriot to his UMNO B party.
    When he plans to steal from tax payers and Malaysians…they are no nonsense pea put chicken feet small deals. They must always be mega projects.
    Keep it up…Chengho. Never too late t learn.

  21. cong :After reading the various news reports, my impression is that all, or more likely most of Blocks L & M are actually within Brunei’s and outside of Malaysia’s territorial waters /exclusive economic zone. All that Abdullah Badawi did was behaved as a better and more decent neighbour compared with his predecessor. He decided not to continue claiming what rightly belong to others.

    Yes, AAB saw through the plot by Mamakthir to demonize him with the crooked brige as well.

  22. Untuk pendekkan cerita issued blok L & M, kawasan tersebut adalah termasuk dalam EEZ Brunei. Petronas sudah awal awal tahu mengenai dengan blok tersebut, bila Brunei Shell mengeluarkan tender untuk carigali, Petronas ada mengikuti tawaran tersebut tetapi tidak berjaya, dengan senghaja Petronas mengarahkan subcontractor untuk memasuki perairan EEZ Brunei untuk mendirikan pelantarnya.
    Apabila didapati Petronas telah menceroboh perairan Brunei, semua aktibit di berhenti oleh kedua negara. Selepas dikaji semula mengenai dengan EEZ, rupa2nya GPS Malaysia tidak tepat, sebab itu lah Malaysia fikir Blok L & M dalam perairian Malaysia. Setelah kedua negara membuat perunding dan Malaysia mohon maaf ke Sultan Brunei diatas kesilapan mereka dan sekarang Malaysia merayu ke Sultan Brunei minta sedekah kerana hasil Kikeh tidak mencukupi untuk ekonomi Malaysia. Itu lah cerita sebenar

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