DAP to assist Sabahans stranded in Peninsula

By Queville To | Free Malaysia Today

DAP Mojuntin statue

PENAMPANG: DAP is planning to go in search of destitute Sabahans stranded in Peninsular Malaysia.

A special gathering is being planned for them in the Klang Valley to listen to their plight and to find ways to help them.

Speaking at a news conference here, Ipoh Timor DAP MP Lim Kit Siang said the gathering was tentatively fixed for April 18.

“We call on all the Sabahans currently working or stranded in Peninsular Malaysia to come to this meeting so that their voices can be heard.”

The meeting is being organised by the Sabah DAP chief-cum-MP for Kota Kinabalu Dr Hiew King Cheu, and coordinated by DAP MPs for Serdang and Segambut, Teo Nie Ching and Lim Lip Eng.

Many of the Sabahans said to be stranded in the Peninsula are believed to victims of various forms of socio-economic neglect and deprivation, either through exploitation or unemployment.

Hiew said that there are about 160,000 to 200,000 Sabahans working in the various sectors in Peninsular Malaysia and quite a sizeable number are from the interior of Sabah, including Ranau and Tambunan.

He said that if both the federal and the state governments are reluctant to help this group of Sabahans, DAP would.

Meanwhile, Lim reiterated his call for the lifting of the ban on the book The Golden Son of Kadazan’.

Describing Peter Mojuntin as a hero not only for Sabahans and the Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) community but also Malaysians as a whole, he said one way of giving proper recognition to Mojuntin in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Sabah in Malaysia (in 2013) would be to lift the ban on the book.

The book by former Melaka State Assemblyman, Bernard Santa Maria, was banned in 1978.

“I hope that this issue will be raised by the BN MPs in the current debate on the King’s speech in Parliament. Our Sri Tanjung State assemblyman will raise it in the State Assembly, next month, and we call on not only the people of Sabah but all Malaysians to support and endorse this online petition for the lifting of the ban on the book,” he said.

Lim later also signed the online petition lauched by Sabah DAP, calling on the BN government to lift the ban.

23 Replies to “DAP to assist Sabahans stranded in Peninsula”

  1. Why must these ‘poor’ Sabahans be left to fend for themselves in the peninsula?

    Is Sabah not rich with so many endowed natural resources? Are jobs not a plentiful in so-called ‘rich’ Sabah?

    Why must these Sabah brethrens come to the mainland to look for the pot of gold and find themselves stranded? What a pity for them!

  2. I think most of them especially teenage girls have been tricked by some dubious employment agencies which offered these poor girls jobs in the electronic industries but landed being forced to do public relation job in pubs and bars. The pretty ones, I understand are forced into prostitution.All those stranded,I think happened to excape from those unscrupulous employers. I think it’s time for DAP to probe this ugly matter,go to the bottom of it,determine the real culprit (s) and make them pay for your crimes.

  3. question for u “all for the road”

    since Sabah & Sarawak joined Malaya to form Malaysia , have federal cared to develop East Malaysia & let our economy to remain on par with the rest of peninsular states ?

    Its a loud “NO” wat federal is interested is our oil , gas , timber , East Malaysia’s tax payer’s money
    . If West Malaysia is so good why are there so many West Malaysian come to Sabah to live & work there or even start up business ? Aren’t they also in Sabah to look for the pot of gold ?

  4. ///He said that if both the federal and the state governments are reluctant to help this group of Sabahans, DAP would.///

    Ga:6:9: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

  5. Can federal government explain why Sabah and Sarawak with the most natural resourres remain the poorest states,THE 2 states had been cheated.Just have a look at Burnei and Singpore which withdrew from Malaysia.Where are you Sabah and Sarawak ?

  6. it appears majority sabah fellas are either very frighten lot or very dumb, how can you people be cheated and take so long to know.
    you people have almost everything to yourself for so long and yet complained fed gomen very bias and no help you,…… until you cannot tahan and give in to these clowns and allow them to pee on your kenamalu so that they can save you people….at least that is what it appears.

    well your chefs has made the choice so just bear a little longer till G13 and then show yourself the changes you always complained you did not get and almost always nearly get them but half cooked.

  7. The woes of sabahans actually began during the emperorship of the Tun Mahathir empire.

    I am ashamed that he was Malaysia’s PM then and today’s power-broker still.

    Tun m – u shud be disgusted and ashamed of yrself.

  8. The poor people in Sabah need awakening. The present leaders that they have, have been swindling them since ” independent Day”. The best approach is to provide the people with means of communication with the outside world. To open their eyes to see how far they have been left behind by their current leaders. The Sapanger Bay Port project was postponed so many times until it was recently completed. Over those years, budgets were created and spent but the project didnot move. Even today, after completion, the port was so badly managed in every respect that the locals have to bear the result of its inefficiency! Unless the people in sabah can be awaken; I think the situation is hopeless!!

  9. Endangered Hornbill, you should just drop the title “Tun” or any other titles for that matter when you refer to those undeserving idiots from umno. Here, everyone is equal. To me that all time big idiot is just one plain old mamak.

  10. Follow the example of Saifool bin Sodomee, and go see Najib and Rosmah, and ask for what ever you want.
    All the illegal immigrants should be sent to KL and given proper housing in Putra Jaya.

  11. shhhhh, don’t give too much idea to BN. Don’t send those with Mycard (illegal or legal) until after the GE13, because they will vote for BN.
    And tell the illegals to bring more from their homeland and flood Putra Jaya until there are no more space to breathe.

  12. chengho: “Sabahan live in harmony irrespective of skin color , why a chauvinist party like Dap want to divide Sabahan?”

    More than a hundred thousand of Sabahans are in the Peninsular for better economic opportunities. Why can’t the federal and Sabah state governments provide better economic opportunities in Sabah itself?
    Oh yeah… The federal & Sabah state governments are controlled by Umno-BN, not Pakatan Rakyat…

  13. First thank KIT & other in DAP to care for Sabahan. Other than so many “why” hanging always in the mouth of those selfish politicians even in state of Sabah included Sabahan too consider to be anak Malaysia. Why can’t they share a piece of cake in Semenanjung? They have equal right in whole nation and who know one could be a Prime MInister or Chief Minister for other states in future.
    We may look at Penang as an example. So please don’t discard those around here in Kuala Lumpur.
    We are looking forward to meet your schedule program on 418 for a change!

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