How many Cabinet Ministers, including the DPM, have the 1Malaysia DNA as to be able to pass three simple 1Malaysia tests? (Part 3)

I had proposed the establishment of an Opposition-headed Parliamentary Select Committee on 1Malaysia which had been met with indifference and disinterest from Muhyiddin and the overwhelming majority of Barisan Nasional Ministers.

This is really quite ridiculous as Muhyiddin and the Najib Cabinet should be persuading the Pakatan Rakyat MPs to agree to the establishment of a Parliamentary Select Committee on 1Malaysia and not the other way round!

Why is this so? Is this because the Najib Cabinet is full of Ministers who are quite skeptical about the 1Malaysia concept treating it as nothing more than political theatre not to be taken seriously?

Who are the Ministers in the Najib Cabinet who have the 1Malaysia DNA? I do not see anyone. No wonder neither Muhyiddin nor the other Cabinet Ministers comport themselves with any conviction that they are the standard-bearers of the 1Malaysia slogan and concept.

There are three simple tests as to whether Muhyiddin and Cabinet Ministers are sincerely and seriously committed to Najib’s 1Malaysia, viz:

  • Whether he or she agrees to the establishment of an Opposition-headed Parliamentary Select Committee on 1Malaysia;

  • Is he or she prepared to declare that the basis of 1Malaysia is “ketuanan rakyat Malaysia” and not “ketuanan Melayu”; and

  • Is he or she prepared to endorse the objective of 1Malaysia as defined by the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) Roadmap to create a nation where every Malaysian perceives himself or herself as Malaysian first, and by race, religion or region second.

Are Najib, Muhyiddin and all the Umno leaders prepared to stand up and declare that they are Malaysian first and Malay second?

I declare that I am Malaysian first and Chinese second. Is every Cabinet Minister prepared to make a similar declaration?

How many Cabinet Ministers, including the DPM, have the 1Malaysia DNA and able to pass these three simple 1Malaysia tests?

For that matter, how many Barisan Nasional MPs have the 1Malaysia DNA and able to pass these three simple 1Malaysia tests?

Evidently, 1Malaysia means “a thousand-and-one” different things to the Najib Cabinet and government – both to Umno and non-Umno Cabinet Ministers.

When non-Umno Ministers like the KPI Minister responsible for the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) Roadmap, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, and Ministers from the MCA, MIC and Sabah and Sarawak BN component parties dare not defend the 1Malaysia concept to speak up in Cabinet over the Jakim insubordation and insurrection, or irresponsible exploitation of the “race and religion cards” by Umno media and agents, questions are legitimately asked whether 1Malaysia has any real meaning after its articulation by Najib last April.

In fact, I would be speaking a truism when I say that the biggest enemies of 1Malaysia is not from outside Barisan Nasional, but from inside Umno.

This is why my proposal for a Parliamentary Select Committee on 1Malaysia had not received any support – not even from the KPI Minister, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, which can only mean that he has no confidence that the 1Malaysia GTP Roadmap can go very far out of the laboratory stage with withstand public and parliamentary scrutiny.

[Speech by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang in Dewan Rakyat on the Royal Address on Thursday, 18th March 2010]

36 Replies to “How many Cabinet Ministers, including the DPM, have the 1Malaysia DNA as to be able to pass three simple 1Malaysia tests? (Part 3)”

  1. Actually I take some afront to Sdr. Lim’s proposal. To suggest that the reason for non- 1Malaysia ideal of Cabinet Minister is in their lack of it in their DNA is an afront to their parents and forebears.

    The falures of the Cabinet Minister is not in the DNA. They were given the DNA at birth – we were not born racist and our parents did not teach us to be so and I am sure the Cabinet Minister parents did their job. Its entirely of their own doing and their own choice. In other words, they went against the order of nature, they failed their better nature, they failed themselves..

  2. Najib’s 1Malaysia rings hollow as there is no 1MCA, 1Gerakan, 1MIC and 1UMNO.

    BN must convince among themselves they are 1Coalition before trying to sell the 1Malaysia concept to the rakyat.

  3. Kit,
    When u want to take over Anwar position as CO , so much damage done by Anwar as disclose by Zahrain , where is Anwar ? running away to America ?
    you should be the new Chief opposition not Anwar unless Hadi want the position.

  4. All bunch of sh*ts! From Rukutertaga to 1Malaysia are all half baked and sold them cunningly to rakyat! When will be another PM going to introduce 1Swindlers/1Bunch-Of-Suckers/1Rip-off-Party? Ya, semua bersatu mati-lah sakarang under BN/UMNO….

    Chengho, sudah ber”sagged” limbu (cows)! Itu-lah SatuMalaysia yang muto dan ceras!

  5. Have you heard this joke? Remember, joke only, ah!

    “Cannibal Head Hunter

    A cannibal-head hunter was walking through the Sarawak jungle and came upon a
    restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal-head hunter.

    Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu…

    1) Any Tourist: RM 5.00

    2) Broiled Korean Missionary: RM 10.00

    3) Fried American Explorer: RM 15.00

    4) Grilled and baked UMNO minister: RM 100.00

    The cannibal-head hunter called the waiter over and asked, ‘Why such a big price difference for the Umno minister’s head?’

    The cook replied, ‘Have you ever tried to clean one?

    They’re so full of shit, it takes all morning to prepare it. ”

    Sorry, boss.

  6. Have you heard this joke? Remember, joke only, ah!

    “Cannibal Head Hunter

    A cannibal-head hunter was walking through the Sarawak jungle and came upon a
    restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal-head hunter.

    Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu…

    1) Any Tourist: RM 5.00

    2) Broiled Korean Missionary: RM 10.00

    3) Fried American Explorer: RM 15.00

    4) Grilled and baked UMNO minister: RM 100.00

    The cannibal-head hunter called the waiter over and asked, ‘Why such a big price difference for the Umno minister’s head?’

    The cook replied, ‘Have you ever tried to clean one?

    They’re so full of sh.t, it takes all morning to prepare it. ”

    Sorry, boss.

  7. During our childbirth, most of us were delivered from the front side but for those suckers, they just crawled out from the arse hole.
    This really made them plain stupid indeed. They can’t even understand what “1 malaysia” meant so how could they understand the rest.
    What a big joke!!!

  8. During our childbirth, most of us were delivered from the front side but for those s@ckers, they just crawled out from the “s” hole.
    This really made them plain stupid indeed. They can’t even understand what “1 malaysia” meant so how could they understand the rest.
    What a bloody joke!!!

  9. this shows that Najib is having the same problem as Badawi…while he embark on expensive-tax payer funded publicity campaign to shiok sendiri, his lieutenants are running riot outside, not caring about the impact and impression on the national stage

    seems like UMNO has a bigger problem then PKR…in PKR, the top people are still in it together but Najib seems horribly alone in UMNO in his 1Malaysia thingy

    just like the response to Vision 2020…every suck up in Malaysia use 1Malaysia as the adjective / fad of the day. The other day in Setapak I saw a banner called “1 Malaysia Burger” shh….are we gonna see 1Malaysia loan sharks, 1Malaysia Mat Rempits, 1Malaysia Ah Guas in future

    the publicity feel good shiok sendiri waste of money is dead in the water, torpedoed by Najib’s second in charge.

    Mahathir did THAT to a disobedient No.2 Badawi let all hell ran loose and it would be interesting to see how Najib pull his team together

    but does this mean UMNO people do not see 1Malaysia as acceptable to their ideology? Is UMNO thinking of relying on Malay voters, gerrymandering to carry the day? How does Najib reconcile his 1Malaysia to the demands of his grassroots in UMNO. If I got a Second F Minister who behaves like that, would I want to trust my “Chinese” money to economy under his care?

    MCA and MIC should look at the development here and decide, if they are what they claim they are, whether to sound off their supposed cases of “fighting” for their own race.

  10. Uncle Kit;

    Pls don’t crown the rakyat with “ketuanan rakyat”, “ketuanan” is a curse, it spoils whatever come after it. Try “ketuanan cina”, in 2 generations the Chinese will be on crutches. Only Umno see “ketuanan” as a privilege, it is a detrimental privilege!.

  11. In the short run, ketuanan apa-apa jua bangsa may give the illusion of success but in an era of globalization, it will ultimately destroy that race.

    Ketuanan doesn’t create wealth, they simply take from someone else through what is called special privileges (or rather political power and rhetorics). They don’t have to compete and they can’t compete either. If you ask them to compete, they will say bye-bye like the dodo bird. Once the country has no more wealth to redistribute, then we can start redistributing poverty.

  12. monsterball :
    A “1Malaysia”..not respecting PR elected Parliamentarians is a joke.
    Chengho is a sickening scumbag…with his non stop idiotic nonsense.

    Let them be. To me, let the Malays practise whatever ketuanan they like. Ultimately, the law of cause and effect will take its course without the need for us to complain about it.

    I think DAP can do more by helping non-Malays to tap the opportunities that are opened up by globalization… maybe study, work and invest overseas. Indirectly, this will help the Malays attain their so-called official 30% (unofficially, I supposed the 30% has been exceeded long ago, but most of it cannot see the light of day).

  13. this is a joke. Just a joke.

    A well reknowned doctor from the USA needs to buy some brains for his experiments. He came to Malaysia just to do that. He got 3 choices:

    Brain 1: a person died in an accident. Price $300
    Brain 2: a person just committed suicide in plaza masalam. Price $300
    Brain 3: an umno MPs brain. Price $1000

    Why is brain 3 so expensive? Asked the good doctor from US of A. Ahhhh, said the Chinaman seller. This brain is rarely used.

    P/s Chinaman had to resort to selling brain because of nep.

  14. this is a joke. Joke only.

    There is a famous doctor who was searching for a brain to buy for his research. He came to Malaysia for this purpose. He was guided by a Chinaman. There were 3 choices.

    Brain 1: a person who recently died in an accident. Price $300
    Brain 2: a person recently committed suicide in plaza masalam. Price $300
    Brain 3: brain of any umno’s MP. Price $1000

    Why is brain 3 so expensive? Asked the good doctor. Ahhhh!!! Said the Chinaman who had to resort to selling brains because of nep. Bcos hah…lis blain is lairly (rarely) used.

  15. To me “ketuanan” is obscenity. It is a vulgar word. It is not something you display in public. Ever wonder why perkumnoputras play with their ketuanans in the open all the time and engage themselves in publicised mass orgies. Even the sultan of selangor found it revolting and disgusting and does not approve of it.

  16. Joke only ah… continue from undertaker 888, pls allow me to finish the story.

    The researcher could not understand the meaning of “lairly used” due to the chinaman’s slang. Anyhow, he bought the dead body with perspective of cheap thing never good and good thing never cheap. After paying, he gets his coroner to dissect the head, surprisingly the coroner could not find any brain located inside the head but was full of shit like stuff. Fortunately, the coroner managed to find some spare tiny brain cell located at both side of the ass. The researcher is very satisfied! thinking he could confirm the suspicious of most M’sian all this while!

    Joke only ahh…no offence. Where got people spare his brain in his butt, like the design of VW.

  17. Soalan Lim Kit Siang tentang DNA 1 Malaysia adalah benar benar sebuah lelucon. Siapa pernah kata bahawa 1 Malaysia bererti sama dengan persamaan hak untuk semua bangsa? Dalam konteks Malaysia, koncep “1 Malaysia” adalah bermakna hanya jika didasarkan pada konsep Ketuanan Melayu. Hak khusus Orang Melayu adalah dipaksakan dalam Perlembagaan dan itu tidak dicabarkan apapun. Ini adalah fakta dan tidak ada seorang boleh menyangkalnya. Menteri kami mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk memastikan keamanan dan keharmonian sosial di Malaysia. Kita tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa seperti yang dicadangkan oleh Pembangkang kerana mereka boleh berkata apa-apa di mana sahaja sebab mereka tidak ada tanggung jawab untuk lakukannya. Kita adalah kabinet yang bertanggungjawab dan kita tahu apa yang kita laksanakan. Bodoh ni Lim Kit Siang.

  18. Kasim Amat :
    Hak khusus Orang Melayu adalah dipaksakan dalam Perlembagaan dan itu tidak dicabarkan apapun.

    The reason why special privileges was given to the Malays were explained in the supporting documentation to the Constitution.

    Wikipedia says: “Although Tunku Abdul Rahman and the Malay rulers had asked the Reid Commission to ensure that “in an independent Malaya all nationals should be accorded equal rights, privileges and opportunities and there must not be discrimination on grounds of race and creed,” the Malay privileges, which many in the ruling United Malays National Organisation backed, were cited as necessary by the Reid Commission as a form of affirmative action that would eventually be phased out. These controversial measures were included as Articles 3, 152 and 153 of the Constitution.”

    The fact is that people are greedy and once privileges are granted, it is very hard to take them back. Now, they even talk as if the privileges are permanent and cast in stone. But let nature takes its course. One day, these privileges will have no value or even become a liability, so let them keep it.

  19. Life is ironical. Special privileges were accorded to the Malays in order to allow them to catch up with the other races. In other words, these privileges implied that they were weak and therefore require help. The power of the mind to rationalize is amazing. Now, they say these privileges were given because of Ketuanan Melayu!

    Well, Animal Farm says it all… the animal propensity to twist and turn, no matter what commandments (Constitution) were agreed upon at the beginning.

  20. lack of DNA? hmm..everything is about respect to one another. we have to also admit that, the Malays do have special rights.

    This article is written in such a way that it reflects the way u think about the malays being the majority, and yes you feel that you can change the way people think as well perhaps, the direction of the country.

    But change, is not just a 6-letter word, its huge. I guess we should evaluate how we think, instead of making judgment about how others should think. But then again, i respect your personal opinion.

  21. I think b4 independence,everyone of us have the 1malaysia DNA. Then BTN was set up by Umno/Bn to cleanse and divide the 1malaysia DNA into malays,non malays and others. This purification went on deeper into malays/muslim,bumiputras/muslim,bumiputras,chinese ,indian and others. The hundreds of thousands of this graduates moved further away from the original DNA and some created the supremacy of malays or ketuanan melayu and the NEP to give the malays further advandage over other races. Did it really give advandage to the malays ? I think not as Umnoputras manipulated the NEP mainly for their interest and the interest of its cronies. I think ten out of ten tests,Umno/Bn would fail completely.

  22. why bother reply to chap chengho and kasim. The moment they opened their mouth you will know that …. Their blains are lair-lee used. This sentence is patented. No umno people can used it. Maybe except Labuan and some parts of federal territory.

    Like parrots, they are echoing the voices of their masters.

  23. Let them be,people like chengho and kassim are like dwarfs can never grow tall.They need to be helped and carried until their judgement day.Isn’t it pitiful we still have such people in this globalised era?Maybe they are satisfied with their ‘kais pagi makan pagi mentality.

  24. chengho: “Kit, When u want to take over Anwar position as CO, so much damage done by Anwar as disclose by Zahrain, where is Anwar? running away to America? Kit, you should be the new Chief opposition not Anwar unless Hadi want the position.”

    After a nice trip (All expenses paid by Malaysian taxpayers?) to Washington DC USA, courtesy of Umno-BN, Zahrain upholds his end of the bargain with his attacks on Anwar, maybe because the penetrationless sodomy charge in ‘Sodomy 2’ is losing its credibility.
    If Zahrain is unable to recontest in his constituency as an independent candidate in order to maintain his own credibility, perhaps he should contest against Anwar in Permatang Pauh in the next general election…

    Kasim Amat: “…Siapa pernah kata bahawa 1 Malaysia bererti sama dengan persamaan hak untuk semua bangsa? Dalam konteks Malaysia, koncep ‘1 Malaysia’ adalah bermakna hanya jika didasarkan pada konsep Ketuanan Melayu. Hak khusus Orang Melayu adalah dipaksakan dalam Perlembagaan dan itu tidak dicabarkan apapun. Ini adalah fakta dan tidak ada seorang boleh menyangkalnya…”

    Berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada saudara Kasim Amat kerana telah mendedahkan matlamat sebenar konsep ‘1 Malaysia’. Tak syak lagi bahawa konsep ini memang ada udang di sebalik batu…

    Ridzuan Aziz: “lack of DNA? hmm..everything is about respect to one another. we have to also admit that, the Malays do have special rights. This article is written in such a way that it reflects the way u think about the malays being the majority, and yes you feel that you can change the way people think as well perhaps, the direction of the country. But change, is not just a 6-letter word, its huge. I guess we should evaluate how we think, instead of making judgment about how others should think. But then again, i respect your personal opinion.”

    ‘DNA’ is used in the article more as a figure of speech, metaphorically speaking.
    The Federal Constitution does contain provisions with regard to special rights for the nation’s indigenous groups including the Malays, and it is to protect the culture, religion and traditions of these indigenous groups. In the case of the Malays, it is also to protect the sovereignity of their traditional hereditary rulers.
    The party which now dominates the current ruling coalition (and its like-minded NGO allies) however wants to sell the people this idea that the opposition will dismantle this provision in the constitution, should the opposition be in power, to frighten the Malay community into voting for the ruling coalition in the next elections.
    Simultaneously, the ruling coalition promotes ‘1 Malaysia’ to generate a ‘feel-good’ factor among the other communities for more future votes to play it safe.
    They are looking for a repeat of the 11th general election in 2004 when they had ‘Mr.Nice’ as their leader to provide that ‘feel-good’ factor…

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