Four MCA Ministers and seven deputy ministers should take collective official leave for next fortnight to concentrate on their party tussle in the run-up to the fresh MCA party elections on March 28

Yesterday, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak called for a solution to the MCA crisis so that the party can emerge as a credible force to represent the Chinese community and country.

MCA has become a pale shadow from the days of its founding fathers led by Tun Tan Cheng Lock more than half a century ago, when MCA could be said to be on an equal footing with Umno in the Alliance.

Today, MCA has been reduced to such a pathetic status that despite having four Ministers and seven Deputy Ministers, MCA does not even have the weight and leverage in the Barisan Nasional of an outsider and Johnny-come-lately organization like Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali!

When Umno proposed at the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting last month to scrap the rule of unanimity and to amend the BN constitution to allow direct membership of NGOs, individuals and other political parties, MCA leaders dare not even object although they know that their status in Barisan Nasional will be reduced to that of Ibrahim Ali or even lower, whether Perkasa is eventually admitted into the BN or not.

The “Three Kingdoms” battle in MCA has nothing to do with the rights. Interests and future whether of the Chinese community or the Malaysian nation but the political stakes of the different MCA factions.

The four MCA Ministers, Datuk Seri Ong Tee (Transport), Datuk Seri Kang Cho Ha (Housing and Local Government), Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (Health) and Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen (Tourism) and the seven MCA deputy ministers should take collective official leave for next fortnight to concentrate on their party tussle in the run-up to the fresh MCA party elections on March 28 so that their official tasks are not neglected or adversely affected.

The Prime Minister should suggest to the four MCA Ministers and seven Deputy Ministers to take collective leave for a fortnight to focus on their “life-and-death” political battle in the MCA which will decide whether they will continue as Minister or Deputy Minister concerned, or even get promoted from Deputy Minister to Minister.

If the eleven refuse to take collective leave, then the Prime Minister should exercise his prerogative and direct them to go on leave and appoint four acting Ministers and seven acting deputy ministers to carry out their Cabinet responsibilities for the next fortnight.

[Speech at the DAP Selangor-USJ East Branch Chinese New Year Dinner at the Summit Subang USJ on Saturday, 13th March 2010 at 10 pm]

12 Replies to “Four MCA Ministers and seven deputy ministers should take collective official leave for next fortnight to concentrate on their party tussle in the run-up to the fresh MCA party elections on March 28”

  1. Resume qualifications of certain defeated (and hence sacked) mca honchos hunting for new jobs

    LTL: My last job involved a lot of office politics and back stabbing. I’d like to get a position of this kind of work. :grins:

    OTK: My position was eliminated in a hostile takeover. :sob:

    CSL: Would I go after my boss’s job? Do I look like the kind of guy who would knock off his boss for a promotion?

  2. Malaysians irrespective of race and creed should not support political parties which do not champion for their well-being. Today’s MCA is no more than a “parasite party” to a larger coalition party, whose members only focus on self gain and self interest.

  3. chengho: “MCA election is democracy at it’s best not like Dap ; father, son and daughter in law party.”

    At least in DAP, after the leadership has been elected, those elected are given a chance to prove themselves. If anyone is unhappy, they just wait until the next scheduled party elections to elect someone else.

    In MCA, it’s already obvious when there are people who are not happy with the elected leadership, they won’t wait for the next scheduled party elections and start to disrupt or sabotage the party until it is apparent that the party can’t be run smoothly to the point that the party’s own recent AGM has become ‘lacklustre’, almost a non-event…

  4. They played BN’s narrow, divisive and damaging politic of race and religion for personal and short term gains.

    As a smaller component party, this is irresponsible and damaging to the community they represent.

  5. If I lost (no confidence vote) by even a single vote of simple majority, I will quit the President post!

    – Well, he lost by 14 votes but he didn’t quit.

    I could not work with someone (Deputy President) with tainted integrity!

    – Well, almost immediately after he was casted the no confidence vote, he form an alliance with someone with “tainted integrity”.

    So this integrity bankrupt wants to “defend” his President post?

    I weep for all the Chinese in this country!
    Perhaps, this person has forgotten how “shame” is written in Chinese!

  6. MCA should invite Ibrahim Ali 2 be their president
    IA will show n guide MCA how 2 b a true serf 2 UmnoB n how 2 angkat bola of UmnoB
    CSL then can continue 2 perform his tiger shows in this Tiger year (don’t forget 2 use a different room n a different hotel lah, stupid)

  7. Let’s not refuse to look at the issue facing MCA ; they are caught between those who wanted to do business as usual and a minority who wanted some change. I believe the faction seeking change should get some support by the general public. In the longer term , it would be good for the country as many of us is “dreaming’ of the 2-Party scenario for the country. I believe even YB LKS would support such scenario. If this can be achieved, then challenging each other will be based on more practical issues like economic issues which are being side-stepped as aprize to be grabbed not an issue of making the cake bigger. Of course the sin of MCA has been coupled to that of UMNO under BN especially over thelast 25 years during which time many Malaysians particularly the Chinese appeared to have enjoyed the Bursa’s performance better than all the negative practices andpolicies enacted then.
    With the sleeping Bull, we now seem to have plenty of time to argue over all the wrongs that were made years ago.We are all “frustrated” with the situation with our neighbours progessing while we have stagnated but the situiation would not change unless our democratic system of checks and counter-checks can be installed. So cursing and swearing will not change anything.

  8. Yb Lim, please reminds Najib under the concept of 1 MALAYSIA,make sure that scholarships are awarded fairly among all the students.Hopefully it would’nt be another begging seasons like previous years.Remind PM that it will be done totally base on meritocracy as he promised after sworn in as PM.

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