Najib losing battle for 1Malaysia when a rational and level-headed Umno leader like Second Finance Minister Husni could make a racist remark when he is under influence of Penang UMNO

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is fighting a losing battle for his 1Malaysia slogan and concept when a rational and level-headed Umno leader like the Second Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Husni Mohd Hanadzlah could make a racist remark when he is under the influence of Penang Umno.

DAP MP for Jelutong Jeff Ooi has asked Husni to apologise for making a racist remark at a dinner organized by the Penang Malay Chamber of Commerce on Friday, where he said: “Kalau orang Cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina”.

Husni’s racist remark was reported in the evening edition of the Penang papers on Saturday night but it was taken out in the morning editions of the Sunday papers.

Although this racist Husni remark has been denied, it had been caught on tape.

I am very surprised as DAP MPs have always found Husni as a very rational, level-headed and reasonable Deputy Minister and since Najib’s elevation as Prime Minister last April, as Second Finance Minister, and we find it most shocking that he could have uttered such a racially-laden statement, which runs counter to what Najib’s 1Malaysia represents.

The question all Malaysians must ponder is why a usually rational, level-headed and reasonable Umno leader who is very moderate in his views could make such a racist remark completely of his character?

The only explanation is that when Husni went to Penang, he was influenced by the sustained hate campaign of UMNO Penang exploiting the “race and religion” card falsely painting Penang Chief Minister and Pakatan Rakyat Penang State Government as anti-Malay and anti-Islam.

As a moderate Umno leader, Husni should be exercising restraint and check on the irresponsible and seditious campaign by Penang Umno, which took full advantage of Umno-controlled media like Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian, making a total mockery of Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign – and not to succumb to the Penang Umno virus as to condone and even to aid and abet such an irresponsible and seditious campaign of hate and racism.
When moderate UMNO leaders like Husni could lose their moderate bearings when in the Penang Umno milieu of hate politics, what hope and future is there for Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan and concept?

[Speech at the opening of the new RM800,000 Kuching DAP premises at Jalan Abang Abdul Rahim, Kuching on Monday, 8th March 2010 at 10 am]

51 Replies to “Najib losing battle for 1Malaysia when a rational and level-headed Umno leader like Second Finance Minister Husni could make a racist remark when he is under influence of Penang UMNO”

  1. //The question all Malaysians must ponder is why a usually rational, level-headed and reasonable Umno leader who is very moderate in his views could make such a racist remark completely of his character?//

    he may want to catch attention and gain political mileage to be a minister in a ‘lucrative’ ministry or keeping his existing deputy minister in the much-talk-about cabinet reshuffle.

  2. All UMNO Ministers are racist. Husni, is just revealing it now.
    These UMNO guys are in dreamland. When did the Chinese ever challenge the Malays when the Malays control the government, army, police, macc, ag, judiciary, civil service, universities, GLCs, local councils and everything under the sun.

    Chinese don’t need to fight the Malays because they know how to work hard for a living.
    Chinese can excel even without the NEP, so why do you grudge them.
    The Chinese pay taxes, 90% of the taxes. So why the instigation when there was no provokation.

  3. The pressures felt by Husni is felt even more acutely by Najib even if he locked himself away in Putrajaya. He is letting the crazies loose because he is desperate. The problem is historically after the rabid ultras goes on a rampage and nothing has changed, they will turn around and attack their masters.

    PR need to stay away from the rabid crazies like Perkasa and instead attack those that are close to them and those that have not stayed away. Its why they should not let Husni off easily and challenge him to disavow groups like Perkasa and UMNO Penang. Make it clear to those like Husni – Either he is with them OR for reform – there is no in between. Draw a circle around groups like Perkasa and UMNO penang, they will die a natural death..

  4. Uncle Lim, the idea of moderate Malays in the cabinet is just a myth.
    Once they are there, they have no control over their lives; they’ll have to do what the boss instructed them!
    And you can bet that in spite of all the cock & bull talk about 1Malaysia, the leaders are using the race card to stoke the fires of hate against the minority races.
    Because that’s the only way they think they can win the majority (Malay) votes.
    What else can they do? They don’t even begin to know how to govern the country properly!

  5. “Kalau orang Cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina”.

    Husni’s racist remark had been caught on tape.

    Play his racist remark 24/7/365 at all public places in Penang and PR will win the state govt again again in 2012. Even the umno lapdog Teng Huck Nun and his gerakan lackeys will vote for the DAP because of the above vremark!

  6. It is becoming very clear that PM Najib’s 1Malaysia is a one-man show.

    If we liken PM Najib as admiral of a fleet of ships, his ship is going no where with hardly any economic wind blowing on his sails. His slaves, MCA, MIC, etc,etc are too sick to row his ship forward.

    Worst still all his other ships are pointing their canons at him, and within his own boat, below deck, his own ship mates, BTN, etc, are drilling holes into the hull.

    From the horizon, the second wave of PR tsunami is coming at his fleet. BN Poseidon Adventure is coming soon.

  7. The AG will probably say, “Due to public pressure the AG will not charge Husni for sedition, he did not mean to hurt the Chinese”……. (While soliloquizing: “We have the right to ridicule and threaten the Chinese what. What can they do to us? We are a superior race, with a superior religion.)

  8. Kit,
    you have nothing else to write?
    ‘ DAP MP for Jelutong Jeff Ooi has asked Husni to apologise for making a racist remark at a dinner organized by the Penang Malay Chamber of Commerce on Friday, where he said: “Kalau orang Cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina”..’
    JO and your blog having the same also . another kiasau and deception from you.

  9. UMNO’s raison de etre is to defend Malay Rights. It knows of no other mantle to don. It comes out with motto ‘1 Malaysia’ merely for expedience of try recover some measure lost support from non Malays and a growing but still minority of group of Malays that reject communal politics – and UMNO.

    However when UMNO espouses ‘1 Malaysia’ and Opposition, civil society, NGOs and bloggers pressure it to live up to that professed motto, its traditional supporters become more anxious than ordinarily that the political order they knew and is comfortable with (together with pre-existing privileges) faces retreat, and so efforts are renewed and redoubled to counteract and stem that. Hence appeal of groups like PERKASA.

    The irony of “1 Malaysia” is that it not only could not foster acceptance of inclusive politics but it tend, in the case of its hard-core supporters, to generate anxiety and impulses of insecurities, and hence the opposite effect of more intense racial/religious xenophobia. It is like every action towards inclusiveness will incite an opposite reaction of greater racism/ xenophobia – ala Newton’s Law! This is because, to many of this group, the old politics is fine, the new a threat to neutralise……

    When constituency veers in that direction, UMNO politicians perceive that they cannot ignore it.

    Datuk Ahmad Husni has been known to be rational, level-headed and reasonable Umno leader who is very moderate in his views, and he may well be in person and character such.

    But he turns “racist” in comments because he senses the swell at the ground level is – because of 1 Malaysia – towards the opposite direction of 1 Malaysia and stands in peril as an UMNO politician not to heed it.

    He probably is reminded by what Tun Dr Mahathir said – that politicians (he must have meant particularly UMNO’s politicians) who played the race card tended to be more successful.

    Implicitly TDM is making known his assessment: rightly or wrongly, that race is still a very important, if not most pivotal consideration in politics amongst large swathes of UMNO’s traditional supporters; that whatever that has caused a shift of electoral support in the 12th Malaysian GE/political tsunami of 308, it was not a tectonic paradigm shift in race thinking, which is very much kicking and alive, from this segment.

    What is of concern is the following:

    1. It may not be a politician like Husni who has changed to become more racist; rather it is his perception, rightly or wrongly, that the Malay ground that still sticks with UMNO has changed to become even more adamant on Ketuanan precepts and manifestations. It is the ground that has changed for the worse, not the politician. As a politician he is merely bending to swing in tandem with this change.

    2. ‘1 Malaysia’ and a resurgent Opposition riding on new politics of inclusiveness have ironically galvanised forces working towards the opposite direction.

    3. the nation gets more polarized because of these developments.

  10. On the part about the “Malay ground that still sticks with UMNO has changed to become even more adamant on Ketuanan precepts and manifestations” it is not clear to what extent that ground changed on its own or perceived to have changed as a result of instigation by politicians/those with vested interests in the present system based on ethnicity/race who want to influence their supporters that way.

  11. Here we go again!! First we have that dickhead “pendatang” Ahd Said, then that dunggo Nasir and now we have another apportunistic, chameleon, racialistic dollar bum “Hedouni”. 1Malaysia is all garbage.
    Meanwhile, Umno racialistic and corrupted politicians are busy twisting and turning every issue into a racial issue just to hoodwink the Malays into giving them a blank cheque just as in the days following the searing May 13 Sino-Malay race riots which were created by the election-losers for their self-serving ends. The ‘Allah’ term is not the only issue. There will be more racial issues to come from Umno.
    These unethical politicians in UMNO don’t seem very interested in bringing the people together and managing the economy, which is going to the dogs. If the economy sinks, the first people to suffer will be the rural people esp the real good poor malays. Who cares, as long as their pockets are full of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

  12. Chinese will take over in the next election, warns Perkasa

    By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani – The Malaysian Insider

    Malay nationalist group Perkasa warns that the Chinese community will use the next general election to take over the country.

    Perkasa feels that the last general election weakened the Malays and empowered the Chinese community.

    Dr Zubir Harun, director of Perkasa’ economic bureau, who was at the Malay Consultative Council’s (MPM) round-table discussion, said during his presentation that a divided Malay community will empower the other races.

    According to delegates at the discussion and documents received by The Malaysian Insider, Perkasa wants the New Economic Policy (NEP) to be the “spirit” of the New Economic Model (NEM).

    “Perkasa believes that disunity among the Malays has weakened Umno, causing the non-Malays to be more vocal in their demands. They say that the Chinese are also blackmailing the government to give in to their demands by threatening to vote for Pakatan Rakyat,” said one of the delegates.

    Zubir also said that Perkasa is worried that the New Economic Model will have a Chinese agenda.

    “The Chinese people feel that the next general election is the best opportunity for them to gain power in this country.

    “This is why Chinese NGOs, such as Ziong Dong and Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce, are using this chance to make demands of the government. If their demands are not met, then they will vote Pakatan Rakyat who are willing to give everything to the Chinese,” he elaborated in his presentation.

    Zubir added that the Malays have “sacrificed” for the country by allowing “the immigrants” to live in Malaysia.

    “It must be reminded that the Malay people have sacrificed tremendously since independence with a quid pro quo policy… the Malay race have compromised by allowing foreigners into the country. The Malays endured hundreds of years of colonization and the result is the migration of foreigners into the country. We were forced to accept this policy,” he said.

    Zubir also slammed non-Malays and liberal Malays for wanting to rewrite the country’s Constitution and social contract.

    Perkasa believes that the NEP is still relevant because it will help the Malay community to counter a market which is dominated by the Chinese.

    The Malaysian Insider reported today that the government has decided to incorporate the proposed New Economic Model (NEM) into the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) in June, as fine-tuning and tweaks will go beyond its initial end-March launch.

    It was learnt the delay came after feedback from various quarters prompted the government to rework its ideas and proposals that will turn Malaysia into a high-income nation based on innovation and creativity.

    Among those with reservations about the NEM are the MPM which yesterday demanded it be based on the 1970s-era New Economic Policy (NEP) and should comply with Article 153 of the Federal Constitution that protect Malay and Bumiputera’s special position.


    Another racist remarks.

  13. “The question all Malaysians must ponder is why a usually rational, level-headed and reasonable Umno leader who is very moderate in his views could make such a racist remark completely of his character?”

    Could it be that he and many others in the Cabinet, just attended the latest BTN course?

    Or maybe the “inside” is what counts, the real self, not what is shown on the “outside”, the false front. And he let it slip out.

  14. The use of superlatives was a tried and true method of Mahathir-era. The methods and arguments of Ibrahim Ali and co-horts are same. No different than arguing that mega-projects are important for progress, Proton/national auto industry is important for Malaysia industrialisation /technological progress, Space tourist important for scientific progress etc.

    There is little intellectual rigour in their argument. Its largely superlatives targeted at emotional response. It plays loose and fancy with the facts while ignoring the flaws and bad reality in their arguments. Decades of poor merit is how such arguments now is so easily profered and gets attention whereas it would actually be a laughing stock anywhere else. It is precisely the crux why the New Economic Model, which is actually old, has no hope of success. When reason does not reign, how is higher value to be created?

    No point talking about NEP because NEM, which is not, is going to fail anyway.

  15. “Kalau orang Cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina”.

    WOW, what a nice word “buli (Malay) Bully (English)”???? Why not use the full English word “bully” instead wasting heaps & heaps of times and money for those crappy translations????

    The same for some examples as follow:
    1) Buli Bully
    2) Pos Post
    3) Cos Cost
    4) Hospita Hospital ( prefer “Rumah Sakit”)
    5) Polis Police (i.e. “Mata-mata” sound proprietorship and original)
    6) Ekonomy Economi
    7) Diplomatik Diplomatic
    8) Doktor Doctor
    9) Embassi Embassy (prefer Rumah ???)
    10) Mathematik Mathematic
    and so and so forth……

    Please don’t tell me by altering one or two letters make tremendous differences? For example, both “buli” and “bully” are still new words or vocabulary to master and learn!!! The same goes for “Pos” and “Post”!!?? What is the act about it?

    Understandably, if you classifying or calling a “Space Tourist” as an “Astronaut” is really a damn big deal in Bolehland! Implicitly, an “astronaut” is a pilot of spacecraft or a person is skillful in space activities & assignments! “Space Tourist” is the one boarding a spacecraft as tourist without skillful in any special space activities & assignments!!! That’s OK according your Bolehland definition!!!! May be Bolehland unable to change the words “space tourist” into B Malaysia. May be “Spake Touris” (Malay) “Space Tourist” (English) is under consideration?? Pretty soon it is going to print out in racist UMNOUtusan Newspaper!! Emphatically, conducting “Teh Tarik” and “Kuit Kachau” are not space activities! Is that so essential to show effects of zero-gravity, why have to wait our Bolehland space tourist to show to the world? American and Russian astronauts could have done that long ago????!!! May our space tourist needs to show to the world about easiness of farting and pissing/sh*tting in zero-gravity environment!!!

    Voila, “1Malaysia” is overall just a lip service from NasilRazak! It is the same “Tupai” (Malay Dumpling – a square whitish rice, and it is often eat with satay) wrapped in different & nice wrappers rather than using special grassy-leaves!! Perhaps “1Malaysia” was derived from “One China”??!! This motto was coming out to the public only after his return from his official China visit and tour! Under his leadership, whole bunch of racist comments and issues surfacing up consecutively! This shows that he is not officially in-charge and lead the nation?! Getting of one sleeping or sleepy head, here it comes another pretended attentive or vigilant head!!! LOL!! Under BN/UMNO, there is no way racial issues can be resolved peacefully. Instead, in reality, it creates more and complicate the surfacing issues. such as, the issue of word “Allxh”, in which it can be solved peacefully by holding inter-religious conference or meeting. Instead, BN/UMNO pouring more gasoline into the burning flames!!!! Why have to wait for those opposition leaders to initiate recently the conference, and it went over successfully and peacefully?

    Incompetent, incapable and non-confident is the official Trade Mark for BN/UMNO government leading our Bolehland to NO-WHERE, man! Apparently, the sooner the better to get rid of it……..

  16. chengho :Kit,you have nothing else to write?‘ DAP MP for Jelutong Jeff Ooi has asked Husni to apologise for making a racist remark at a dinner organized by the Penang Malay Chamber of Commerce on Friday, where he said: “Kalau orang Cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina”..’JO and your blog having the same also . another kiasau and deception from you.

    Doesn’t Ahmad Husni have anything else to say or do except make a racist remark like that?
    After all, his fellow Umno members like Ahmad Ismail, Nasir Safar & Abdul Rauf Yusoh have already made or supported such racist remarks in contradiction to their boss Najib’s statement that Umno is not a racist party…

  17. Jesus says “If you want to be respected, you should learn how to behave in a proper manner, besides working hard, and respect others, and then you can go to heaven”.
    Instead of feeling jealous of the Chinese succcess, you should think, act, and speak “Chinese”, and eat Chinese food using chopstick. Then you will become as successful as the Chinese. Otherwise, the whole world will look down and despise you, and see you as a handicapped idiot.

  18. As long as anyone is an UMNO member..there are racists …more than anything else.
    All may pretend and speak like not a racist….but once awhile…the true UMNO man …through the slip of his tongue….reveal who he is.
    Naturally….the famous denial..came…and even if he is proven a liar…he will be a hero to UMNO….exactly like the master…..Mahathir….who Najib keep hero worshiping and night.
    His and UMNO problem will always be…majority Muslims…are fed of UMNO….right now.
    Najib know that too.
    If that is not true…Najib will not hesitate to have snap 13th GE…right now.

  19. This low down sickening Chengho tried to instigate hate me…and now…put on his onion face and try to insult LKS??
    What a slimebag…a scumbag…a luggage bag…to carry Najib’s two balls….hahahahahahahaha.

  20. Najib has lost control of Perkasa. It is clear that his No. 2 is supporting Perkasa with its Malay agenda and the organisation is being “encouraged” from within to act as a catalyst for Malay nationalism.

  21. chengho:

    I think you should tell your boss Najib to fire all the extremists in UMNO, dissociate UMNO from stupid organisations like Perkasa, and go the moderate route. He will get much more support from the non-Malays compared to his loss of support from the right-wing Malays.

    If Najib fails, then he should join PKR as Anwar’s deputy. Please pass on this message to Najib himself – don’t make use of Sai-ful.

  22. Godfather,
    60% of Malays is UMNO member , are you telling us 60% of Malays is extremist and racist?
    What about Malaysian chinese and malaysian Indian with every group defending their small island, are we not extremist and racist ? , look at Thailand and Indonesia , they go to the same school , speak the same language, using the same name . any part of the world the realpolitik is real , in the democratic system majority rule . In China they speak mandarin not dialec , in India the national language is Hindi not Tamil.

  23. chengho: what if one day the ruling party becomes so racist & greedy that they enact a blatantly repressive law that discriminates you & your family simply because of your race, what would you say then?

    Oh, all right, never mind? Gerakan will still protect me.

    By then, any regrets you may have is too late.

    You want a good example of blatant racist policy that steals outright? You want an example of a corrupt country that’s bankrupt?

    Read this link below “A new Zimbabwean law that forces companies to sell a majority stake in their businesses to indigenous people has come into effect.”

  24. Doesn’t Ahmad Husni have anything else to say or do except make a racist remark like that?
    After all, his fellow Umno members like Ahmad Ismail, Nasir Safar & Abdul Rauf Yusoh have already made or supported such racist remarks in contradictiction to their boss Najib’s statement that Umno is not a racist party……..#20 by DCLXVI…. I think we underestimated Najib’s statement that Umno is not a racist party and that may have some truth but it does not mean he (Najib) is not a racist.I think Najib is now implementing his evil plan through carefully selected his own people (machais) in different venues to flare up artificial chinese community’s anti malays/muslim sentiments to arouse the malay’s feeling to fight back the chinese community …..reason why Husni said ” kalau orang cina di pulau Pinang buli kita,kita lawan balik orang cina ” Moreover Husni and others who have made similar sensitive vicious racial remarks are no ordinary umno people and as you know all these guys are Najib’s pretty closed political associates.I think Najib’s master evil plan is to create a racial turmoil especially between malays and chinese in order to prolong his administration and to delay the 13th general election and at the same time encouraging the frog culture so that he could enjoy a huge majority in parliament to amend and pass certain laws to safe guard and protect himself and Umno/Bn and also to clip the wings of PR ,so that Umno/Bn could remain in power. I sincerely hope the non-malays would not be easily fall into this dirty trick of Najib.

  25. ///EXCLUSIVE Perkasa’s Ibrahim Ali explains why a purely market driven economy is dangerous to Malays, hitting out at ‘taukes ‘///–Malaysiakini

    So perkasa is against market economy, and he prefers his own brand of communism whereby Malays as a group, with a larger population will have a larger share of everything that have been produced, but not in accordance to the input. That is sharing the communists’ way. At the community level, the wealth do not get trickle down, and that is why the highest inequality is to be found among the Malays. Within the Malay community, the NEWMalays are the richest and the most powerful. In fact, it is because the NEWMalays who hijack the NEP that made the true Malays poor in comparison. The problem was more men less share. The Malays as a group have already extracted to the bone what the non-Malays are able to tolerate, in the bullying policy perpetrated by UMNO. That is why even this year alone a quater million of potential tax-paying Malaysians have left the country. There is nothing left to be exploited by Malays from among the non-Malays. So if Ibrahim Ali cares about the welfare of Malays, he should first get Mamakthir out of Perkasa, and tell the other wing of UMNO to define Malays following Sarawakian approach. He should check on the identity of those who benefited from the AP schemes to know why he now claims that Malays have been exploited. They have been done for by the NEWMalays.

  26. “Kalau orang Cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina”.

    This sentence by itself is racist?? It is like saying, If you shout at me, I will shout back at you.

    What is the context and why do you all consider it racist? I don’t.

  27. Like the saying “if your only tool is hammer, you tend to look every problem as nail”. Umno has 2 tools i.e. Race and Money. Most of problem for Umno can be resolved by money, those can’t, has to be solved by racial politics. These tools have been working all this while, unfortunately, this tools make their member lost competitiveness. Their member can’t think beyond Mahathir, when anything goes wrong, go back and find how Mahathir deal with it and copy exactly, even sodomy II, what a pity!.

    5-6 decades ago, Malaysian (Malay, Chinese and Indian) mentality accepted racist! So the solution works well.

    Today, with effect of globalization, the focus is quality of life!, that translates into efficiency, less corruption, sustainable growth! Malaysian knew the NEP, the ‘ketuanan’ ideology only enrich the elite, umno elites. The racial politics, the NEP, the ‘ketuanan’ are detrimental to all Malaysian, is a curse rather than a gift in long run including the Malay.

    Umno probably knew the racial politics might
    not survive them in GE13, but is the only tool they have, the only skill-set they have. The same goes to money! They will buy into everything to survive.

  28. There are many other UMNO morons having the same mindsets with the like of Ahmad Ismail,Nasar,Ibrahim Ali.In any competition if you are well protected and guided and yet you lost,one can’t blame anybody except yourself.Remember the success of others came not from robbing,stealing,grading but hard works.Najid said emulate the chinese in business and don’t get jealous over them.It is not them who made you less successful.

  29. chengho: “60% of Malays is UMNO member , are you telling us 60% of Malays is extremist and racist?”

    So far, those who had unwittingly exposed themselves are Ahmad Ismail, Nasir Safar, Abdul Rauf Yusoh, and now Ahmad Husni. So, that now makes it four…

    chengho: “What about Malaysian chinese and malaysian Indian with every group defending their small island, are we not extremist and racist ?”

    You mean MCA and MIC?

    chengho: “look at Thailand and Indonesia , they go to the same school , speak the same language, using the same name . any part of the world the realpolitik is real , in the democratic system majority rule . In China they speak mandarin not dialec , in India the national language is Hindi not Tamil.”

    Thailand, Indonesia, China and India also have their share of various ethnic groups. And I don’t think everyone of them would want to share the same name. That would be confusing…

  30. ChinNA on Monday, 8 March 2010 – 8:36 pm :
    ” ‘Kalau orang Cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina.’
    This sentence by itself is racist?? It is like saying, If you shout at me, I will shout back at you.
    What is the context and why do you all consider it racist? I don’t.”

    If Ahmad Husni had said, “Kalau orang Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Pakatan Rakyat”, then we know it’s just politics.
    But he mentioned specifically the Chinese community in Penang.
    And what about the Chinese in the Penang BN who are supposed to be Umno’s political allies?
    Another session of tearing up their photos?

  31. What is there more for Ibraham Ali and Perkasa wanted ? The nation’s constitutions gave them (malays/muslim) everything namely some of the major ones are Agong,state’s sultan,malay language/education,Islam,birth right/ citizen ,son of soil,bumiputra and tanah maleyu.Inaddition the NEP, the pm and dpm posts,the state’s mb posts,etc. Malays are also in control of the army,the civil service,the police,and the list goes on. The malays have all the leverage/drum card provided and guided and even guaranteed in the constitutions.If people like Ibraham Ali and his “machais” still could not be successful and cannot live a contented life,he has to blame himself,not the chinese and indian community. He should not be jeolous of others success,knowing pretty well these people do not enjoy all the advantages he (Ali) has. If TDM was able to look east/Japan to learn and emulate the japanese bussiness culture,I see no reason why Ibraham Ali would not now want to emulate the chinese/china which is now the largest exporter in the world and is also the second biggest economy in the world,only second to the united states of America. Is Ibraham Ali so proud and arrognace of his malay supremacy,that he does not want to bug ? My humble opinion is shouting would not help. You need to begin with your own first step by your self and learn to gain what you are worth. In a nut shell,you need to change your inferior complex and start moving forward and learn from others.Ibraham Ali ,don’t you know that charity begins at home.

  32. Frankly speaking the real orang malayu are being bullied by the mamak/orang malayu baru within UmnoBaru not the pulau penang orang cina. I think Ahamd husni has targeted the wrong people. Ahmad Husni if he is not a mamak turned malay/muslim,should realized that most mamak became muslim/malay to enable them to join Umno to manipulate the inferior malays and exploit the malays right only to en-rich themselves. Ahmad Husni should take a look at the statistic and then he would know that I’m correct.

  33. UMNO is a racist party and TDM is the greatest sponsor of racism and any body from UMNO are free to blare any racial slants in any way they like. After all they are protected and the seditious act is only for non-Umno. There is nothing left for us to doubt that this country has 2 sets of law. After all that one man, the AG who is suppose to behold the law steadfastly is the main culprit for making the two sets of law.

  34. They tried religion politic……and did not work.
    Time have changed….and vast majority Muslims hates religion politics….but cannot say it out loud.
    They are so sick of UMNO BARU..using religion to bring Anwar down again….but cannot say it openly.
    UMNO BARU is bankrupt with ideas.

  35. “Another day; another sh*t coming out of BN/UMNO!” Hopeless PM, Police, AG and etc. Under the BN/UMNO regime, the Bolehland is seemed to be vastly hopeless! Even our disguised Chinese or Hanjin definitely a hopeless slut! Back to topping your mama more, Hanjin!

  36. negaraku
    tanah tumpah negaraku
    rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju
    rahmat bahgia tuhan kurniakan
    raja kita selamat bertahta

    umnoputra didahulukan
    pencapaian wang ringgit diutamakan

  37. that idiot is only level-headed when his position and gravy train are not threathened.

    another pari@h revealing himself…that show us not to vote for any level or not so level headed animals from umno or bn…

  38. All Chinese,Indians and Malays are racists in Malaysia. The British divided us.It continued after independence.It flared after 50 years.It can never be solved.Najib is just touching its surface.To reach the core we have to search for a new religion and a new language.It is impossible.The reaction of the minister fits the mold.We have three roads to choose and no road to decide.Our country’s situation.

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