Cops crash DAP party

Sentul OCPD ACP Zakaria Pagan up on stage to declare the party over. – Picture by Choo Choy May
Sentul OCPD ACP Zakaria Pagan up on stage to declare the party over. – Picture by Choo Choy May

By Clara Chooi | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 — Police put a stop to a dinner and ceramah organised by the Kepong DAP here tonight.

The function, which features star speakers from Pakatan Rakyat like Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Datuk Husam Musa, was called to an abrupt halt at 10pm when the police raided the premises.

About 1,500 people in attendance booed loudly when Sentul OCPD ACP Zakaria Pagan took to the stage and announced that the ceramah was cancelled.

He justified the action by pointing out that the function’s permit was only to organise a dinner and not a ceramah with political speeches.

After negotiating with Lim and Kepong MP Dr Tan Seng Giaw, however, ACP Zakaria relented and allowed each speaker 10 minutes to deliver their speeches.

The decision, despite receiving cheers from the audience, drew flak from the Pakatan leaders.

Husam, who was at first stopped when he approached the rostrum for his turn, said that as a human being, every individual had mouths that allowed them not only to eat but also to speak.

Anwar stopped himself at every juncture as he approached sensitive topics like the missing jet engines and the Teoh Beng Hock.

“Teoh Beng Hock apparently killed himself, they claim. He went to the window, played with it and then accidentally fell and accidentally died. But hang on, we cannot speak about this,” he said, looking around at the team of about 20 policemen who were surrounding the stage.

Later, Dr Tan told The Malaysian Insider that he had obtained the right permit to hold the dinner.

“When they give permits to political parties, of course they are aware that we are going to give speeches,” he said.


Tweets @limkitsiang :

Sad day 4democracy n human rights 53 yrs after Merdeka Malaysians reduced 2having animal rights of eating but not human rights of speech
03/06/2010 11:03 PM

This black episode symbolises 1st anniversary of Najib’s 1Malaysia Will ask Najib n Hishamuddin in Parliament – what r both of u afraid of?
03/06/2010 11:06 PM

Police earlier stopped speeches at DAP Kepong dinner after senggiaw anthonyloke korming spoken saying political speeches not allwd – 1Msia?
03/06/2010 11:18 PM

Finally negotiated with OCPD 2allow Anwar n I 2speak 10 mins each on ‘non-sensitive’ issues Big blackmark 4Najib’s democracy index
03/06/2010 11:22 PM

@wathyna Police permit applied n issued w anwar n my name listed but police objected 2’political’ speeches when politics touches everything
03/07/2010 12:32 AM

More photos at DAP Malaysia Facebook

23 Replies to “Cops crash DAP party”

  1. Bunch of su*kers shut the opposition parties’ mouths unlawfully. This is exactly how our Bolehland upholds the constitutional DEMOCRAZY, man! Democrazy…. democrazy… democrazy….

    Well, are they paid to shut our mouths or “to protect and to serve” us legitimately and constitutionally??? BN/UMNO held/holds gatherings frequently and speak/spoke political speeches freely without facing police interventions and harassments! Enough of these craps from Bolehland Police forces! Shame on you!

    More importantly, they are going to scare and drive potential foreign investors. Smart foreign investors would probably shun themselves away….. “A Developed nation by 2020, VIABLE?” Back off & piss off. The entire Bolehland under this government is going down the drains definitely….

    Worse off, Chengho applauding himself happily and loudly at the sideline, shouting hysterically, “good job, mata-mata! 3-point shot!”

  2. “He justified the action by pointing out that the function’s permit was only to organise a dinner and not a ceramah with political speeches.”

    Is the police that stupid, now organising dinner must also apply for permit. It is so plain simple and straight to the point that if DAP apply for a permit to hold the dinner, it must mean that there will be political speeches, if they are just having a quiet dinner do they need to apply for a permit.?

    Najib, you keep on saying that LGE is abusing his power, now your pdrm is proven that they are abusing their power, are you going to take action against them or not?

    From now on we will be monitoring all umno’s dinners and functions, we want to see that you get the police permit and also that you will not be allow to make political speeches.

    Cybertroopers and those paid to monitor bloggers please take note and tell your master to behave themselves.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty two years.

  3. Hi PDRM, why was it that A.ALI and PERKASA and in all Umno/Bn dinner or “ceramah”could be given both mouth to eat and to shout all sort of nonsense sensitive topics of the malays/muslim rights and you only allow mouth for Anwar and PR to eat quietly ?. Why are you guys not performing your duty fairly to all malaysians like patriotic policemen and women to serve no masters but only to serve the King and country ? Don’t you guys have any conscience ?. Don’t you know that the country rakyat who paid your salary and rightfully are your master ? Why are you guys so ungrateful to the rakyat and continue to serve the corrupted and vicious people who hold power of the day. I suggest you guys change your attitudes and be NEUTRAL at least for a small change in the interest of King,people and country.

  4. A truly UNDEMOCRATIC ACT towards the DEMOCRATIC ACTION PARTY! How come when speeches touching sensitive political issues can be made by UMNO personnel even at opening ceremonies?

  5. This kind of polis action is creating bad-feelings. Fortunately, PR is a matured party with civilised members and supporters, unlike some of the other parties, who easily run amok, burn flags, shout like monkeys, and showing their uncivilised/uncultured nature.

  6. No wonder the crime rate is ever rising.
    Criminals are having a great time of their lives. They ratter, rob and rape at their leisure as the police would not come in time as they are elsewhere doing other non-essential and unimportant things namely:
    1. Issuing parking tickets to vehicles on yellow lines or double-parked (at banks or having a quick-lunch). Even the ranks of corporals are doing this as in Taman Tun. This action is duplicating the work of bandaraya parking attendants who regularly patrol the roads and streets. The police have more important task to do and that is LAW AND ORDER.

    2. Action to catch U-turn offenders in the evenings. U-turns are not properly addressed by the police and JPJ. Do we u-turn only when there is a U-turn sign? But then when there is a no U-turn sign it means we cannot u-turn then why waste money and erect a No-U-turn sign? What do we do if there are neither signs? A favourite spot is the U-turn at the Menara VADS (formerly IBM) in Taman Tun. The police have more important task to do and that is LAW AND ORDER.

    3. Action to catch people who turn at wrong lane. This can be seen at the under-pass at Taman Megah for vehicles making a legal u-turn from LDP (Sunway) to Kelana Jaya. It seems there is right lane for U-turn and if a vehicle cuts in from the left lane near the underpass it is an offence. Another favourite location is the underpass near the Sprint toll near the Eastin Hotel. There are 3 lanes which are jampacked and the extreme left is for vehicles to go straight or turn up to Section 16. The other 2 lanes are for U-turn to Eastin Hotel direction.
    Using these 2 lanes to turn up to Section 16 is an offence. It is actually unfair to penalize drivers as in a jam the vehicles would cover up all the letterings on the roads that say Section 16, etc. The police have more important task to do and that is LAW AND ORDER.

    4. Road Blocks at favourite spots Bomba at SS2 and Sri Aman School at Section 14. If the police check for criminals especially would-be snatch thieves, I support these road blocks. But watch where the inspecting man is looking. It is invariably at your road tax. Again he is duplicating the work of another responsible department the JPJ. We have not heard JPJ complaining they are shorthanded. The police have more important task to do and that is LAW AND ORDER.

    Now many housing areas are implementing G&G security. Once all areas are G&Ged, it does not mean all these are criminal proof. The criminals cannot just bury their tools and find a better job. Their now have to change their mind-set and get more sophisticated to select the choicier area probably with easier escape route and weaker security. Then usual tools like parangs may not suffice and need upgrading to guns. This just make our lives more hazardous. The police and local authorities have to weigh the need and purpose of G&G as this on escalate the potential violence of future break-ins. On top of this I personally find it cruel for the security workers as usually observed to have only a pasar umbrella to shade and protect them from the harsh sun and heavy rain and the cold night winds. I am surprised the Human Rights NGO’s have not voiced out at all.
    The police have to come out with a proper and longterm solution to the rising crime rate and the issue of G&G Security. A temporary measure is only a temporary measure and needs a future permanent solution.

  7. Its interesting because we know they don’t act like this if they feel secure which they should be after PR frogs jumped. You wonder really if this is a sign of things to come? Is Najib/Rosmah planning to take out the iron-fist? I think they are looking and testing the waters to deal a heavy blow to the opposition.

  8. There is nothing left to our imagination that the police is biased to the hilt. The rakyat must rise up and do something as we are the one that is paying them their salary and perks and not their corrupted masters. These idiots has got all their bearings wrong and it is high time that all right thinking rakyat must stand up and tell them affirmatively where their pot of rice comes from. Of course we will do our part during the next GE but meanwhile we must stop such despotic acts by an institution that is suppose to uphold the law. They had blatantly being selective in their enforcement and acting high handedly towards anyone that is against UMNO.

  9. The more they do this, the more they arouse the hatred of the rakyat!

    Let them do what they want now, come 13th election, the rakyat will make them settle all account in full plus interest!

  10. Tomorrow is 080310, 2 years AFTER 080308 n 2 to 3 years BEFORE d next GE
    What has PR achieved in d last 2 years?
    Is PR ready 4 d next fun time or test?
    Ready 2 kick out UmnoB/BN n their polis or b kicked out by UmnoB/BN?

  11. What else is new? I think PR should organise more dinners and Police should make more raids. Ya, this is the way. PR, please don’t rest on your laurel – go ahead organise more dinners, if possible every night, at every town and city and let the Police come after you. In this way, you not only keep the police busy, the party can also raise more money. Food is not important, burger will do.

  12. In this picture, this Boledland OCPD gesturing to audiences, “Well, you can call me anything you like, including Hoggy or Piggy! Please don’t kick my a*s, mercy!”

    Absolutely, my vote will go to PR! Certainly, the bunch of su*kers, BN/UMNO that is seeking for money and sex, can never win my vote….

    Chengho, your days have been numbered! When time comes, you need to commit Hara-kiri in front of general public….

  13. Boy. They sure look vulgar. Not diff from those umnoputras who held a mass orgy down under recently – displaying publicly their ketuanans, spewing expletives and squirting low quality cums (they are products of (-)meritocracy, remember!) all over the land.

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