MCA dignity and humiliation plumbing new historic lows

Most pitiable and tragic to see MCA dignity and humiliation plumbing new historic lows in its 61-year history in the past 24 hours.

Whether the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will attend the 56th MCA Annual General Meeting scheduled for Sunday became the most strategic gambit in the MCA “Three Kingdom” power tussle when the Ong remnants in the rump MCA Central Committee after the resignation of two-thirds of its membership from the Chua and Liow factions insisted on proceeding with Sunday’s MCA AGM.

The spokesman for the “Ong” MCA faction announced after the rump MCA Central Committee meeting last evening that Najib would attend which was contradicted soon after by spokesmen from the “Liow” and “Chua” MCA factions that Najib would not attend!

As if it is not shameful and humiliating enough that Sunday’s 56th MCA AGM is being aborted in less than 72 hours of its scheduled meeting by directive and pressure from outside the MCA!

It would be understandable if the MCA “Three Kingdom” power tussle is over which faction could better champion the proclaimed objectives of the party or the proper implementation of announced government programmes like Najib’s 1Malaysia concept.

But this is not so. There has not been a murmur of criticism or protest at the most irresponsible and sustained anti-1Malaysia campaign launched by extremist forces in UMNO to play the “race and religion” card in Penang by falsely portraying Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the Pakatan Rakyat Penang State Government as anti-Malay and anti-Islam.

Whether from the Ong, Chua or Liow MCA factions, nobody has dared to step forward to condemn the extremist, insensitive and seditious exploitation of the “race and religion” card in Penang by irresponsible Umno quarters trying to create racial and religious tensions in plural Malaysia – which is against everything that Najib’s 1Malaysia could mean or represent.

I am not interested in the protracted MCA “Three Kingdom” feud but Malaysians are entitled to ask what their power plays have to do with restoring Malaysia’s international competitiveness, economic welfare or even with Najib’s slogan of 1Malaysia.

23 Replies to “MCA dignity and humiliation plumbing new historic lows”

  1. At the center of dispute is $$$$ and positions, who can be bothered with international competitiveness, economic welfare or even with Najib’s slogan of 1Malaysia. Strip MCA of its ill-gotten gains and all kingdom will die a natural death.

  2. Mca does not exist anymore. Just like mic and gerakan. What we now see are mere carcasses of the three parties. Umno or more accurately the Tuan Rempit McBullys in umno basically “bullied” and “tortured” the chinese and indians in mca mic and gerakan (those poor Hamba deBullys) to “death”.

    No one can or should take umnoputras’ vulgar and illogical and irresponsible and unlawful actions and behaviour and attitude. It no surprise therefore to see chinese and indians abandoning these parties. The party members who stayed on must be masochists, if they are not idiots. Perhaps they are both.

    In the eyes of the wider electorates BN has ceased to exist. Without the three important component parties BN is as good as devoid of significance and empty of its original objectives – i.e. a multi-racial body. But umno needs mca and mic and gerakan (at least in form) so that it can continue to deceived all Hamba deBullys into thinking that umno gobermen is multi-racial in its outlook.

    Can umno do this? Is it legitimate for umno to continue with the BN banner? Shouldnt umno in the circumstances just be umno (now grafted with perkasa) and not BN?

    Those poor ignorant folks deep in the jungle of sarawak and sabah may not realise this. BN is only a veil. The face behind the veil is umno and no one else. And who is umno fighting for? Ask perkasa – the newly grafted extension of umno – for answer.

  3. Do not pity the party. For generations, they sold the rights of the Chinese down the river. Pity the grassroots who cling on to the hope for change and change never came.///Godfather. Agreed but just pity the grassroots is not useful enough. I think we should turn pity to gain and what better way is to help these grassroots to join PR especially DAP so that right now at least they have a new hope to fight for change.

  4. MCA deserves for the humiliation received today! What has MCA fought throughout these years, especially in the recent years led by Ong Ka Ting and Ong Tee Keat? These two guys are the main culprits for the downfall of MCA. Anyway, MCA will never get its dignity back if they continue to be Barisan’s component party. It is simply because they do not get “independence” from UMNO.

  5. MCA has only one objective. … pander to their Master UMNO .

    The faction that prostrates fastest and lowest to UMNO will lead the party after March 28.
    The fight now is “who is willing to be more subservient to UMNO” even if they call the Chinese “pendatangs” and “prositutes”.

    Then they ill go about licking all the UMNO leaders shoes.

  6. It’s such a pity, the nation discussed too much about the MCA, they are nothing, they dun represent Chinese since long long time. I call upon the nation and the media, please dun cover their story, it’s not worth even a single penny to talk about it, when people around me talk about MCA, they would say, Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t….the betrayal

  7. but Malaysians are entitled to ask what their power plays have to do with restoring Malaysia’s international competitiveness, economic welfare or even with Najib’s slogan of 1Malaysia.

    MCA is no longer a party for the rakyat, but rather, the party of a few warlords who only care about their positions and well-being. It is no surprise that UMNO is deserting the party by proposing an open-door policy to lure pro-BN high achievers who can really bring contribution to UMNO.

  8. “Dignity” – what’s that?’s power, $$$$ and sens those warlords are fighting for! – Joke lah, what Chinese community, dah jual?!!

    Mastermind Puppeter at work what else?
    Under pretext of ‘in the interest of the party’, they have once again demonstrated MCA will forever be under UMNO’s control.

  9. I repeat….MCA was voted out in 12th GE….and Malaysians consider it an ineffective Party…that keep being a puppet to UMNO.
    Najib ignored Malaysian wishes…….showed UMNO BARU will do anything they like…even insulting Islam and Allah…with dirty politics.
    MCA will be buried by People’s Power in 13th GE.
    This is a useless racist party that supports divide and rule.
    How can such a party be loyal to the country and people?
    They are loyal to themselves…their own benefits and and totally shamelessly selfish double headed snakes to their own race.

  10. #3 You are right about the poor ignorant folks
    in the interior of East Malaysia.

    BN Sarawak may call for election any time now. PPP has some what been given a free publicity by some PBB YBs during the recent convention. Lets hope PPP come to Sarawak as soon as possible. The more the merrier.

    What have PR done? Besides the recent remarks that PR would face BN ( 1 to 1), I hardly hear any other development.

    I look forward to PR’s victory in Sarawak but given the current scenario, it may not happen during my life time. I hope I am proven wrong on this.

  11. Solidarity is the word ,,,to understand

    what is there to be so solid about for future of bolehland…

    it is just a TRANSITION period….Change has officially started on 308, and we can see some light in PENANG aredi.

    We will see who are the catalyst of change and who are the catalyst of doom.

    Appears like some ppl in the interior of east are lacking from the main stream.
    probably because have all the right news from the wrong people.

    Wake up…lah

  12. Sad to see the situation. Youth wing don’t want to come for the meeting. Women wing go against cancelling the meeting. All top leaders no where to be seen. Health ministry in jeopardy because former and present minister all quit their deputy MCA post. Looks like dead road.

  13. How can bijan be urging for fresh elections in the mca for the party to get a new mandate BUT rejecting by-elections for PR frogs which hopped over to BN?

    1malaysia? More like 1-for-me-and-none-for-you. Ong Tee Keat should take that clown to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

  14. Pound for pound, the diminutive poodles of the Malaysian Chinese Antagonists are actually worse than their UMNO handlers. Imagine, if they were the ones having real power, this Land would literally be teeming with maggots of vice and corruption. These poodles won’t be able to create a Singapura even if Malaysia were given to them. They’d destroy it. Their party is the grandest historical monument of unending political upheaval and perpetual moral turpitude. And they scurry on all fours to their handlers each time, without fail, after biting one another. What have they actually done for the community and for the country? Eat, defecate, eat. Not capable of even one single act of selfless sacrifice in 50 years? Even poodles do stop their posterior tonguing at some point, surely?

    To the Malaysian Chinese Antagonists, wading and wading in circles for half a century, chin-high, in the smouldering swamp of UMNO’s faeces: are you so immune to the stench that you no longer smell it? Breathing and consuming excrement for so long, can you no longer remember at all the very reason of your formation and existence as a party? To serve the Raykat or to service UMNO? Even old prostitutes do retire. MCA, “You don’t have to put on the red light; those days are over; you don’t have to wear that sarong tonight”. Put your cheongsam back on, draw open the curtains and air the room called Malaysia.

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