LKS visits Kota Belud

In KotaKinabalu w MPs 4Serdang Segambut KK also SriTanjong SA attended UPKO CNY do met BernardDompok DonaldMojuntin YongTeckLee EdwardKhoo
Friday, 26 February, 2010 18:35

Dinner w Kadazan leaders Windbell Restaurant TgAru incl EdwardMuji JeffreyKumin DrEdwardBosi Steven FrancisAriffin MickyJangki JeffreyEkol
Friday, 26 February, 2010 19:07

Glad 2meet Sabah bloggers at Cititel Hotel Kota Kinabalu Sat tmr 830 am Maybe we can set agenda 2save Sabah n Malaysia
Friday, 26 February, 2010 22:46

Met Sabah political bloggers this morning coined a new word – deavatarise How n why imp 4bloggers 2also get into real world of knockabouts
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 12:03

Met RonnieKlassen impressive fella breathing commitment n hunger 4change believes should go beyond Sabah 4Sabahans Bravo Sabah Save Malaysia
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 12:09

Attended KKJournalist Assn CNY open house met cameraman who took pic my being carried up plane KK airport 1979 when HarrisSalleh banned me
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 12:31

Unfortunately veteran AsiaTimes reporter Lai Zin Kang does not have pic copy appreciate if pic cld b emailed 2me
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 12:48

Arrived KotaBelud most heartwarming welcome by Bajau Dusun Iranun Chinese people my 1st visit met Jalunin Saidil (cont)
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 13:09

KotaBelud is kg of Parliament Speaker Pandikar Amin n 2exSabah CM of Said Keruak fmly symbolise 1Malaysia in Chinese shop with Bajau stall
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 13:14

@alabusulun liking? Salted fish unique in KotaBelud comes ikan sampantiau very tender taste but very salty told not advisable 4hb ppl tkz
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 13:38 – Tweeting from Kota Belud
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 13:41

@mukharrom KotaBelud connection ok on way from Kk breaks n starts
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 14:02

Travelled worst n most disgraceful 8km road 4beautiful SMK Tambulion Kota Belud like mirage in desert since school opened June 2006
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 15:49

Some 800 students 54 teachers suffered daily arriving like orang putih covered in dust Muhyiddin shd visit school urgently shame 2MP KBelud
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 15:56

MPs utterly shocked at atrocious road have 2dy ministers visited school n road? We will shame BN govt in parliament Pandikar shld back us
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 16:08

But this not only outrage KotaBelud visited Camp Paradise military complex 2house 1800 personnel impressive highrise qtrs but totally empty
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 16:22

CampParadise is now Ghostland Paradise 35 personnel in complex for 1800 what gross waste public funds Don’t build any more new army complex
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 16:38

Visited Jelapang Padi KB last month 5300 acres of padi land 500 houses flooded under six ft water caused by bad irrigation drainage
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 16:58

Umno MP not going 2find it easy 2defend KotaBelud at such atrocious service record n constituency problems KB ppl complain MP mostly in KL
Saturday, 27 February, 2010 17:04

13 Replies to “LKS visits Kota Belud”

  1. Well since YB Lim Kit Siang is in Sabah, I would suggest that he visits Ranau,Tulupit,Berluran and see how’s the road condition at these places. I think Sabahans deserve good roads especially the Ranau/Berluran highway. And oh yes while in KK please also pay a visit to Kg.Candrakasik,a housing settlement for poor Likas residents.The residents there needed badly good drainage,roads, and public lighting.Currently,all the drainages are good bleeding ground for mosquitos and other diseases.Since local elected BN representatives do not care ,I hope DAP can help all those poor residents by taking these problems to the attention of the BN regime in KL.

  2. Lim Kit Siang have not disappointed voters.
    In buying terms…we say…”He is value for money”.
    In politics…we say…’He is People’s Parliamentarian”
    He is with the Malaysians…by the Malaysians and for the Malaysians….fooling no one.
    He sincerely cares and MCA or Gerakan dare not find faults with he his faultless…to Malaysians supporting him.
    With or without PR…DAP will stand tall and deliver….no matter how small or big…DAP will deliver with no fear.
    Combining with keDAILan and PAS…DAP is big and solid.
    Just met a few open minded UMNO members and others…my friendly neighbors.. and we spoke religion and race openly….with me ending up…change of government is sensible and logical…and all agreed…we are Malaysians and are ONE… since Merdeka time…and it is UMNO BARU wanting to divide and rule….making the “1Malayasia” totally nonsense from Najib.
    All agreed and so 5 more UMNO voters ….cannot make any sense to keep voting for UMNO…..when now….we have a great alternative.
    All agreed sodomy is low class politics to kill an opposition.
    I feel useful today…making friends with 5 UMNO members…and few others….overt tea and coffee…chatting away..parting by saying that .. certain Islamic .. Christianity or Buddhist rights.. are more to brainwashed….to control the minds…and are cultural habits….more… than so call religious commandments.
    All agreed .
    We part as Malaysians….ready to vote UMNO BARU out.

  3. The mamak will soon issue a press statement that all the above condemnations regarding the sorry state of Sabah infrastructure is a plot concocted by the DAP with the CIA. “If they can produce the movie Avatar, they can also hocus-pokus 9-11 and the poverty in Sabah. The 3,000 people who died in 9-11 are actually computer-generated images produced using Maya and 3D Studio Max.”

  4. What do you expect an idiot like chengho to say….all the time.
    He is also instigating Sheih ..owner of “kickdefella” blog…to hate me.
    This chengho is an established scumbag…a typical UMNO racist.
    No matter how many hundreds of times you prove him wrong…he will ignore and keep talking …..same way….no change.

  5. Dear Sabahans,
    The time has come for you to act together and kick out UMNO from your house. You can do it with the help of PR and the blessings by the hevenly God of Justice.

  6. Jesus will be coming to liberate Sabah, and to restore back the original good old times which was destroyed by Toon Bak Kut Teh.
    I hope Jo Pie Ring will repent and become a good Christian again.

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