Twitter conversation – LKS and Kuli

limkitsiang: Oil royalty – Najib is Razak’s son or Mahathir’s heir?
04:12 PM

razaleigh: My fellow dinosaur w/ a memory of a better day RT @limkitsiang: Najib: Razak’s son or Mahathir’s heir?
04:22 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh shld not have 2depend solely on memory Shld have documents somewhere Petronas etc though mayb OSA Must wait 4regime change 1st?
04:30 PM

razaleigh: Why don’t I put the PDA up on my blog, YB RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh shld not have 2depend solely on memory
04:34 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh good idea but PDA makes no mention of “offshore”. Aren’t there some documents/records somewhere referring to it?
04:42 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh Stand corrected. No ref of “offshore” 4states in PDA. Good idea if Petronas founder sets up site 4all relevant documents on issue
04:51 PM

razaleigh: @limkitsiang inclusion of offshore is implicit in PDA. Otherwise we cdnt hv solved d issue of S’wak oil w/ Rahman Ya’akub.
04:56 PM

razaleigh: @limkitsiang if offshore not incl, insane 4 d states 2 hv signed deeds w/ me vesting all their petroleum w/ Petronas forever
05:00 PM

razaleigh: @limkitsiang w/o PDA oil onshore & in state waters belongs 100% 2 state. They signd dat away in exch4 5% of oil found ANYwhere
05:04 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh This is why fed.govt tries to decouple Sarawak/Sabah from peninsular n why such efforts shld be debunked.
05:06 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh Cogent powerful arguments Lets turn royal debate Parliament March into major debate on oil royalty opened by Petronas founder
05:11 PM

razaleigh: @limkitsiang Yes as in kalimah Allah issue. We worked hard to form d Federation & keep it intact
05:17 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh kalimah Allah controversy would not have arisen if Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Inter-Religious Organisation not scrapped by Mahathir
05:22 PM

razaleigh: The questn is unavoidable RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh Lets turn royal debate Parl March into major debate on oil royalty
05:24 PM

razaleigh: YB, what a long memory. u must be older than me RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Inter-Religious Organisation
05:29 PM

limkitsiang: RT @razaleigh: YB, what a long memory. u must be older than me RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Inter-Religious Organisation
05:31 PM

razaleigh: @limkitsiang as I have said Tunku’s legacy & memory have been systematically erased. Time to revive it.
05:33 PM

razaleigh: RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh kalimah Allah controv wd not have arisen if Tunku’s Inter-Religious Organisation not scrapped by…
05:35 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh older in political age but u r still the elder YBM
05:35 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh All Malaysians of goodwill support genuine efforts 2revive Tunku’s legacy and memory which must not smack of tokenism
05:46 PM

razaleigh: YES RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh All Malaysians of goodwill support genuine efforts 2revive Tunku’s legacy and tokenism
05:51 PM

razaleigh: @limkitsiang wd u say key elements r constitutionalism, federalism, pluralism, fairness n integrity
06:00 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh country must return 2basics of Merdeka Constitution with good governance Annul Emergency Proclamations Abolish draconianh laws
06:07 PM

razaleigh: @bongkersz perhaps u wd like to lead a campaign for 10%? :) I have long called for the % to be raised
06:17 PM

razaleigh: @limkitsiang Agreed. This is beyond politics. We need a movement to save this country.
06:19 PM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh Yes all patriots in the country and worldwide Malaysian Diaspora must come together to save Malaysia
06:31 PM

19 Replies to “Twitter conversation – LKS and Kuli”

  1. It is nice to note politics differences put aside by two legendary oppositions…for country ..people and in a small way…defending beloved Tunku Abdul Rahman’s legacy.
    Oil matters is serious and Malaysians deserves what are promised and not allow UMNO BARU dictate terms…as if they own the oil and the country.
    Observe the mentalities and behaviors of our PM and you can clearly see…he feels providing electricity and water to some poor areas in Sabah and Sarawak are due to the so call caring and sharing attitudes of UMNO crooks…without feeling ever shameful….being at least 30 years behind time doing some work….they are elected to do.
    So on oil…it is the same mentality.
    UMNO BARU thinks they owns it and will do as they like.
    I am glad to note Razaleigh ignore politics and will fight for Malaysians … on oil matters…against UMNO BARU.
    Lets hope Razaleigh put actions into words….to do something truly good for remember him..forever.
    I am sure if he is serious….aggressive and ignore diplomacy in politics…he can reveal many crooked and bad things done by UMNO BARU…on oil matters ….cheating Malaysians wholesale.
    I hope Razaleigh give up being an UMNO BARU member…..and fight for all Malaysians.

  2. Millions want to save Malaysia but UMNO wants to stop it in the name of 1Malaysia.

    UMNO realized it can’t control the matured Malays. Using Allah and other political instruments to separate the unity of our society is UMNO’s priority. At the end, UMNO has become the only stand up comedian nation in modern times.

  3. I truely think the nation needs a kind of coalition Gomen whereby all sincere and honest leaders from both sides of the divide can come together and change the curent landscape forever! If things are allowed to continue, then surely there is only ONE PATH left, the road to ZIMBABWE! For the sake of what we have had as a nation, all Malaysians should support this call to revive the nation’s aspiration towards the 1st world!

  4. This is fantastic!, at last these 2 senior politicians representing 2 political divide, after so many years have agreed that ‘we need movement to save this country…’but save from who and what?.

    We are falling into the list of countries, where the citizen, civil society felt obligated to protect the country being ruined by their leaders. If we are not fast enough, we will get our Mugabe soon and wawasan Zimbabwe 2020.

  5. Razaleigh is a man of principle.
    I really admire him because he has the qualities of our late Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
    Though an Umno member, he’s never arrogant nor proud.
    Because of his kind and honest attitude, he never had a chance to be our PM.
    Under Mahathir rule, he tried to save and revive the old Umno by leading the “Semangat 46” party, but failed.
    I salute you, Tengku and pray for your good health!

  6. UMNO is behaving like all petroleum in Malaysia belongs to UMNOputras.

    Stupid and disgusting.

    What is the difference between Kelantan and Trengganu in terms of entitlement?

    And what is the difference between Trengganu under PAs and trengganu under UMNo interms of entitlement?

    It’s so obvious we have goons running this country. And u don’t haave to be a genius to spot a stupid idiot, right?!!

    Malaysian Rakyat must put an end to the goons who run BN and the country.

  7. Actually, Razaleigh has a good point here. PR should make the spirit of Tunku Abdul Rahman its battle cry for the next GE. Selamat kan Malaysia, Selamatkan visi Tunku. The Malays in the village would be shocked and impressed to see DAP carrying the image of Tunku Abdul Rahman around during the campaign..

  8. Can you just imagine the campaign? – UMNO Baru bukan UMNO, UMNO Baru bukan UMNO Tunku. Siapa Melayu, Mahathir atau Tunku?

    In Sarawak and Sabah, you can say, Janji Sarawak & Sabah dengan UMNO, bukan UMNO Baru. Janji Sarawak & Sabah dengan Tunku & Razak bukan Mahathir dan Taib..

    You can go on and on…

  9. Ku Li should walk the talk.

    He knows what’s rotten yet still habour hopes of being able to cure the system from within. Someone should tell him its too late to save a terminally ill party.

    Time for him to do what Zaid did months ago. He is of more value & use outside the rotten system.

  10. There is nothing wrong with UMNO’s policy on the oil royalty issue. UMNO is the ruling party, which is taking care of the benefits of all Malaysian. The oil money that goes to UMNO will naturally go to the people at the end of the day. UMNO is responsible to oversee this process and make sure the money generated by the oil is not shortchanged by the opposition governments in the respective oil producing states. The argument by Lim Kit Siang and Kuli is totally out of the point.

  11. chengho :2 old boys play with new tech as their toys .uncle Kit you should join BN

    Actually it is two veteran politicans & parliamentarians from either side of the divide having a civilised cordial conversation via Twitter in a constructive manner.
    Kit Siang has already joined Tengku Razaleigh in agreement to go beyond politics and save this nation of ours.

  12. Kasim Amat :There is nothing wrong with UMNO’s policy on the oil royalty issue. UMNO is the ruling party, which is taking care of the benefits of all Malaysian. The oil money that goes to UMNO will naturally go to the people at the end of the day. UMNO is responsible to oversee this process and make sure the money generated by the oil is not shortchanged by the opposition governments in the respective oil producing states. The argument by Lim Kit Siang and Kuli is totally out of the point.

    Umno-BN should not simply create its own policy over the oil royalties issue, but should instead abide by the 1975 agreement between the federal government & Petronas in accordance to the Petroleum Development Act of 1974.
    How can the rakyat be absolutely sure that Umno-BN will ensure that the oil money will actually go to the people at the end of the day?
    Isn’t it Pakatan Rakyat’s job to ensure the rakyat that Umno-BN is not going shortchange any oil money generated in the oil producing states?
    How can the argument put forth by Tengku Razaleigh & Lim Kit Siang be totally out of point when they are simply asking the present Umno-BN controlled federal government to abide by that 1975 agreement between the federal government & Petronas in accordance to the Petroleum Development Act of 1974?

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