Just commission public opinion poll and Najib will know whether majority of Malaysians buy his claim that Anwar’s Sodomy 2 trial is “a personal, not political trial”

In rejecting my call for an emergency meeting of Parliament on Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy2 trial, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak does protest too much.

Najib said the Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy2 trial does not warrant a special sitting of Parliament as it is a private matter between two individuals, that it does not involve government policy and not a matter of national interest.

I challenge Najib to commission a public opinion poll and the Prime Minister will know whether the majority of Malaysians buy his claim that the Anwar Sodomy2 trial is “a personal, not political trial”.

Extend the opinion poll to all keen observers of Malaysian affairs world-wide and there can be no doubt that the overwhelming majority of opinion – whether national or international – will be of the view that the Anwar Sodomy2 trial is a political, not personal, trial!

Najib can entrust the Minister for KPI and 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon with the responsibility to commission such national and international opinion polls, and I have no doubt of their outcomes.

This is why Najib was only demonstrating his “denial syndrome” when he claimed that the Anwar Sodomy2 trial did not involve government policy and was not a matter of national interest.

Is Najib really unaware that national and international confidence in Malaysian governance, an important element for Malaysia’s declining international competitiveness, hinges considerably on the process and outcome of the Anwar Sodomy2 trial, which explains the presence of international observers at the trial?

Furthermore, if Anwar’s Sodomy2 trial was a strictly personal and not a national matter, why is Najib dispatching a high-powered mission comprising three top officials comprising the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, the Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and former Chief Justice, Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad to Washington next week to sell the Barisan Nasional Government’s case in response to the criticism by John Kerry, chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the Anwar Sodomy2 trial?

In fact, the demonstration by a handful of Barisan Nasional MPs outside the Australian High Commission on Thursday, protesting against the call by 50 Australian MPs for the dropping of the Sodomy2 charges against Anwar, has further internationalized the issue, debunking the stance that Anwar’s Sodomy2 trial is “a personal, not political trial”.

If Anwar’s Sodomy2 trial is escalating into an increasingly bigger international issue, Najib must thank the handful of BN MPs who had attracted even greater international attention with their puerile demonstration outside the Australian High Commission to the issue.

The handful of BN MPs who protested outside the Australian High Commission against the 50 Australian MPs two days ago had misrepresented the stand of Parliament on the Anwar Sodomy2 trial and this itself would be sufficient reason for the convening of an emergency meeting of Parliament on a matter which vitally concerns the restoration of national and international confidence in the independence, integrity and professionalism of key national institutions in the country.

Is Najib worried that he will not be able to get the solid support of every Barisan Nasional MP if there is an emergency meeting of Parliament on the matter?

18 Replies to “Just commission public opinion poll and Najib will know whether majority of Malaysians buy his claim that Anwar’s Sodomy 2 trial is “a personal, not political trial””

  1. I just can’t understand why Najib on the one hand, liberalized the economy to attract more foreign investments, but on the other hand, vehemently pursued Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy2 trial to discourage foreign investments. He is such an indecisive person that Greg Lopez of Australia labelled him as the new Pak Lah.

  2. If Najib is in a power struggle with his deputy, the conviction of Anwar in a sham trial will weaken him and pull him under. Sodomy I pulled down a strong PM (Mahathir) in the face of a weak opposition so what will sodomy II do to a weaker PM with a strong opposition? Talk about supplying your own rope to hang yourself.

  3. Our commentators are right: whether Anwar is released or convicted, it’s going to be political suicide for the Barisan. Malaysians (Malays in particular) are not going to take this political prosecution lightly. Clearly, this prosecution is an insult to Malay pride. That said, if Anwar is released, at least Barisan can prove that it has not interfered with the judiciary and therefore could squeeze some credit out of things.

    Then Anwar will put the last nail in the coffin of UMNO. This scenario has another turn: Anwar could just be offered the prime-ministership if he rejoins UMNO. Mind you, Anwar is indispensable to the alternative government. If he betrays us, then all Malaysians can live happily ever after, just as we did during the time of the Good Doctor.

  4. sodomy II is a can of worms umno will regret opening. in fact, in the spirit of creating politcal seats for loyal dogs who were losers in ge 12, jibby can consider setting up a department-of-explaining-to-foreign-countries-sodomygate and create many more ministerships.

  5. Would it be too wild to imagine the Special Branch already has the answer.

    Verdict: Anwar is a victim of Political victimisation/charactrer assaassination.

    Follow-up: Nail Anwar nice and proper

  6. Najib was granted an audience by the DYMMSPB Sultan of Perak.
    What happened next was Umno-BN toppling the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government without the rakyat’s mandate.

    Saiful was granted an audience by Najib.
    What happened next was Saiful lodged a police report that he was allegedly sodomised by Anwar, resulting in the ‘Sodomy 2’ trial.

    Personal or political?
    Most likely both for Najib.

  7. Najib has to ask any primary school kid and they will tell him that he is the architect of the move to stitch our DSAI.

    He has extreme fear as he knows that all intelligent and rational Malaysians will be sending the BN into the wilderness come 13th GE.

    No matter what Najib does, he has to remember that the Pakatan Rakyat will form the Federal Government and DSAI shall and will be the next PM. Najib go and tell the marines!

  8. ///….it is a private matter between two individuals, that it does not involve government policy and not a matter of national interest…///

    Anwar in Sodomy II is not just national interest but international interest. Besides Amnesty International and other human rights groups more than 50 Australian MPs signed letter that “it should be made known to the Malaysian government that in our opinion global esteem for Malaysia will be affected by these charges against Mr Anwar.” US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry called for a fair trial for Anwar. Mr Kerry said: “It has been over a decade since Anwar’s first trial, on charges that were later overturned by the Federal Court. The current charges closely mirror the ones levied years ago, and have been brought soon after Mr. Anwar’s resumption of his role as elected Member of Parliament and leader of the parliamentary opposition. I urge the Malaysian government to accord Mr Anwar every legal protection to which he is entitled as a Member of Parliament and as a citizen – and to settle his case in a manner that builds confidence in the impartiality and credibility of the Malaysian judicial system.”

    Malaysia’s Ambassador to the United States Datuk Seri Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis said the United States government had never interfered in the sodomy trial of Anwar Ibrahim. “The US government had never issued any statement calling for the charge against Anwar to be dropped”. But read between the lines and the the context of what Kerry said esp the part on “the current charges closely mirror the ones levied years ago, and have been brought soon after Mr. Anwar’s resumption of his role as elected Member of Parliament and leader of the parliamentary opposition…”. As Chinse saying goes when a drawing a man there’s no need to draw the intestines to depict the man.

  9. While we have to show support to Anwar against the kangaroo court, the game is really that of the lawyers and the opposition leaders. Other supporters should instead focus on other things sending the message to the kangaroos that the trial will not change the larger picture.

    The fact of the matter is the focus should be on Najib and Muhiyiddin and how they both are failing in their job. Two recent statements gives insights to the problems of UMNO.

    Najib recent speech to UMNO not to focus on the problems of the PR is very telling he is in serious trouble. At a time when they scoring against the PR, he is telling them NOT to focus on it? No one who understand practical leadership does that. You want to rally the troops when you are scoring on the opponent. Its not the time to pour cold water UNLESS you already know your plan is failing. Najib knows his plans are not working and laying the ground for excuses. Even if you want the troops to focus on servicing the community, you don’t tell them not to pump themselves up about the prospect of the opposition failing.

    The other statement that is very telling is Rosmah defense that she is not the person behind Najib. Firstly, we already have Lee Kuan Yew verifying that Rosmah is highly influential because since when have you EVER heard Lee Kuan Yew ask to meet spouse of any head of govt? LKY did not even ask to meet Cherie Blair or Hilary Clinton when Tony Blair and Bill Clinton was in office and we all know they consulted them on policies.

    In addition Rosmah, after a long time of not speaking, finally spoke about the issue. Its has to be due to frustration and pressure. And her statement is full of obvious lies. ‘If he gets angry, there is no forgiving?’ Who and what is there to “forgive”? You mean like what he is done to Altantuya, RPK and Anwar? So its true then what they do when they don’t “forgive”?

    Frankly if what they do to Altantuya, RPK and Anwar is about not “forgiving”, I say the one that don’t understand is them. Malaysian reply to her should be “BRING IT ON”!!! The arrogance and presumption just is so distasteful and scarier than C4s, being in exiled or charged with sodomy.

    There are signs of desperation all over Najib & Co. and troubles are brewing in the ultra camps against him. If Rosmah statements were meant to scare the ultras in UMNO, then PR is as sure as going to be in Putrajaya because they understand the ultras better. They know the ultras cannot be scared, they can only be undermined with proper open debate.

    So while the opposition leaders focus on helping Anwar, the rest should focus on really the problems of UMNO/BN and not getting discouraged about the problems of PR…

  10. Anwar’s trial has attracted worldwide attention. There is no going back now. PM, DPM and BN are going to be swept into the maelstrom together with Pakatan Rakyat.

    The year of the Tiger seems to mean we are living in interesting times!

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