Khaled – Hands off! Respect and uphold University of Malaya Vice Chancellor Ghauth Jasmon’s decision on moratorium and suspension of campus polls

Hands off! Respect and uphold the University of Malaya Vice Chancellor Ghauth Jasmon’s decision on the moratorium and suspension of University of Malaya campus polls.

This is the message all Malaysians hoping to see the restoration of academic freedom and excellence in our public universities, particularly University of Malaya, want to send to the Higher Education Minister Datuk Khaled Nordin.

Khaled has already jumped into the campus fray by questioning the judgment of the University of Malaya Vice Chancellor in suspending the campus elections and his decision to resolve the campus poll controversy, viz:

  • appointment of an IT consultant by the pro-students group to test the e-voting system – a re-election to be held if it is proven that elements of fraud or abuse exist.

  • investigate allegations that deputy vice-chancellor of student affairs (HEP) Azarae Idris misused university funds to quarantine HEP sponsored candidates at a hotel, the night before nomination.

I call on Khaled to endorse the decision and judgment of Gauth Jasmon, taking into account legitimate complaints about the campus electoral process.

The campus e-voting system is most unsatisfactory and even undemocratic as the students are not given the chance to observe the whole voting process and the e-counting of votes cannot be done. In one of the faculties, the candidates only lost 3 votes to be elected but there was no avenue for a re-counting in this electronic system.

In addition, students need to log in into the voting system using their matrix number and this will cause the worried amongst the students to vote some particular candidates.

Apart from UM, there are also disturbing news about the integrity and legitimacy of the results in other university campus elections like UPM and UKM.

I condemn

  • the entering of FRU into UKM and the arrest of two students who took part in the student demonstration; and

  • the disqualification by the UPM administration of the winning status of 7 student representatives which is ridiculous and unacceptable, just because they had made some campaign statements in Facebook.

The controversies and intervention of the administration of various universities in the Campus Elections once again prove that they are not mature or professional in the management of the public universities to restore academic freedom and excellence so that they can become top-ranking universities recognized worldwide as leading institutions of higher learning.

9 Replies to “Khaled – Hands off! Respect and uphold University of Malaya Vice Chancellor Ghauth Jasmon’s decision on moratorium and suspension of campus polls”

  1. Yeah, everythingy must b Umno B/BN way, 1way
    Even at Batu Caves, only NR n rosa could b visible n could speak
    Not Khalid Ibrahim, stage removed by polis
    This is 1M’sia, only 1 group could monopolise

  2. Ghauth cant do nothing. UM is infiltrated by Ketuanan muck like previous military intelligence officer Azarae Idris who doubles up as deputy VC….Nothing in UM moves without some UMNO crony making money…it’s a lost cause UM.

    Maybe the solution could lie with the students. But a better solution would be to get rid of the BN.

  3. UMNO thinks they have the god-given mandate to control every moving thing in the country. They treat university students like kids, they control and bully Pakatan state govenments such that even an MB is refused a stage to address his people.
    UMNO wants to control God’s name.
    What more abuse can we expect from UMNO.

  4. Education is a must for UMNO to control..not to advance…stand still or go backwards…to produce half past sixes Malaysians.
    Without half past sixes Malaysians…UMNO chances to win elections…down drastically.
    Just look at the many thousands of half past sixes working in the government.

  5. Thumbs up to Gauth Jasmon for always standing up and fighting for the rights of the students against all odds. It was his hard work that helped UM improve its rankings in 2009 when all other universities in Malaysia continued to slide.

    One wonders how long he can remain though. There are people in power who are probably agitating to remove him now.

  6. No matter how much UM have improved under a government like UMNO…schools and universities will never improve steadily.
    Education is party of UMNO race and religion politics..and to brainwash young Muslim Malaysians..they are the landlords…and to hero worship UMNO …defending their rights.
    This bullshit is the only way…UMNO can survive..and it starts from education systems.

  7. No matter how much UM have improved under a government like UMNO…schools and universities will never improve steadily.
    Education is party of UMNO race and religion politics..and to brainwash young Muslim Malaysians..they are the landlords…and to hero worship UMNO …defending their rights.
    This nonsense is the only way…UMNO can survive..and it starts from education systems.

  8. Hitler used not only propaganda but also relied on the German’s strength in industry and technology to claim Aryan superiority and of all people against the Jews! Strictly speaking Hitler was born in Austria with German link in the Hapsburg empire;hence he became more German than those actually born Germans. The only thing left for his interests to grow is the similar mode; you know who had tried this plot before. But to claim superiority based on Sloganeering in the 21 st century is a REAL joke!! And the sad thing is there are those who think it is possible. Hence while they continuye to dream with their slogans, others will pass them by. It is a fact that they have schemed and hijacked the education of the country but its failure is a reflection of their inabilty to anticipate changes that are obviously beyond their myopic thinking.

  9. Batu cave is a part of the state of Selangor,hence Khalid Ibraham being the BM has the right to speak.When the BM of a state could be prevented to speak,may God help the ordinary people.Why the dictatorial double standard of the federal authority ?.Mr.PM what’s your 1malaysia when only you and wife could speak,while BM/CM was unscrupulously removed from speaking ?

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