Najib should set a two-week deadline to resolve the “Allah” controversy to salvage his 1Malaysia slogan and to defuse the latest factor driving away Malaysian talents and FDIs

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should set a two-week deadline to resolve the “Allah” controversy to salvage his 1Malaysia slogan and to defuse the latest factor driving away Malaysian talents and FDIs.

The Police are to be commended for their quick arrests in connection with four arson attacks on churches and suraus and Malaysians hope that the police can expeditiously resolve all the 15 cases of arson and vandalism against places of worship in the first three weeks of the year since the Kuala Lumpur High Court judgment on the “Allah” controversy on Dec. 31 last year.

Right from the beginning, this controversy had been mishandled by the authorities, in particular the political leadership, who have failed to fully realize the negative impact and far-reaching consequences of the issue to the country.

The Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, for instance, should stop play politics on the issue and not allow his political role as Umno leader to wrongly influence his professional judgment and other aspects of his duties as Home Minister.

For instance, Hishammuddin said in Kuala Terengganu on Friday that the arson attacks on churches and suraus in the country could be attempts to undermine the 1Malaysia vision.

However, he contradicted himself yesterday when he said that the four arsonists arrested in connection with the arson attempts at two suraus in Muar were “simply seeking public attention” and had acted on their own.

Such flip-flops and self-contradictions by the Home Minister, together with other earlier instances of his mishandling of the controversy, are not calculated to inspire public confidence in his competence and professionalism to fully realize the full and far-reaching consequences of the “Allah” controversy.

The Cabinet Ministers have so far proved to be great disappointments in ensuring that there is quick and satisfactory solution to the “Allah” controversy in keeping with the 1Malaysia concept.

The Cabinet on Wednesday should not continue to disappoint the country and should give full support for a two-week deadline to resolve the “Allah” controversy without prolonging the issue, which can only drive away more Malaysians overseas as well as foreign investors, tourists and students apart from delivering a fatal blow to Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan and concept.

42 Replies to “Najib should set a two-week deadline to resolve the “Allah” controversy to salvage his 1Malaysia slogan and to defuse the latest factor driving away Malaysian talents and FDIs”

  1. Hisham should try to make his big mouth a little smaller, and use more of his small brain than his big mouth. If I am the PM, I will replace him with a more suitable person from either MIC or MCA, in order to salvage some of the lost confidence by foreign-investors, not to mention that many voters will support PR during the next GE.

  2. Formerly taiking.

    Now Dagen – rather more glorified sounding name than Dragon.

    And why new name?

    New year coming mah. So must orso change new name orso. Maybe luck will orso change. And maybe gobermen orso can change.

  3. ///However, he (Kerismuddin) contradicted himself yesterday when he said that the four arsonists arrested in connection with the arson attempts at two suraus in Muar were “simply seeking public attention” and had acted on their own.///

    Was the attention meant to be drawn to the arson on the suraus or the arsonists?

    If the attention was meant to demonstrate their heroic acts, did the arsonists themselves claim responsibility? Osama Bin Laden claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attack, and now Mamak denies him the honour.

    If the attention was to for the act of arson, there must have been a message. Was it to show that the government/UMNO leaders have not been following the teachings of Islam and thus the arsonists wanted the arson on suraus to say that they can do without them? Was it to stage the impression that it was revenge against the arson on churches and that the country is in turmoil. Thus, attracting attention by burning either the churches or the suraus have more serious implications. There must have been political aims involved. Was it UMNO’s way to show that they are champions of Islamic religion in banning the term Allah form non-Muslims, and that the ‘call-for attention-incidents’ proved the government right?

    Home Minister Kerismuddun has the uncanny ability to raise more questions with his answers.

  4. UMNO love race and religion politics and you expect them to stop anything that meets with their objectives?
    It is like heaven fell opportunity.
    God does work in mysterious ways..and that brought Malaysians together more as Malaysians that by races…protecting each other.
    Well…Hishammuddin Hussein can claim he contributed to few dozens voters away from Barisan National.
    These UMNO racists days are numbered….so are MCA…MIC and Gerakan….if things are done fair and squarely.
    The point is…will UMNO dares to have a fair 13th GE?
    Signs are showing not so…and only through great vast majority voters against Barisan National….like almost all looses their deposits..that all their phantom votes or even the 40000 “missing” foreign Indians cannot help them…like they did in Sabah and Sawarak..for decades.
    Malaysians need to wake up to be practical…logical and most of all.. hungry for unity …to throw BN opposition..andf give others a chance yo govern.
    Malaysia does not belong to UMNO….and you can see UMNO crooks seem to think they own the country…especially Mahathir.
    Now look at how UMNO handle the problem.
    Do you believe Najib really want a united
    Nelson Mendela went to jail fore 27 years due to dirty politics…yet freed and he forgave his enemies..and that united the South African people… under his leadership.
    Here…we have UMNO crooks put everyone in jail that wants unity….and even put a DPM in jail..for personal benefits.
    Can anyone believe such characters really want unity?
    No…it must always be…to divide and rule…an art ..the British was most famous for 100 years ago…and Mahathir make sure Malaysians is going backwards in life….while making Malays happy with his huge monuments..applying…”style nak..karla tidak apa”….which is a cruel way to bring up his own race…making all Malays…living in…. fool’s paradise.

  5. They down play and keep mum details of suspects of arson on the 2 suraus. Only information revealed was that out of 4 men, 1 included the son of a policeman. Never mentioned about race but clarified that “Surau arson suspects acted on their own”. I wonder if thats true.

  6. //The Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, for instance, should stop play politics on the issue and not allow his political role as Umno leader to wrongly influence his professional judgment and other aspects of his duties as Home Minister.// (YB Kit)

    To expect Hishammuddin to apply fair and just judgement for carrying out his duty as the home minister is indeed one thing too much to ask for, especially when vandalism and arson on several places of worship, including Christian Churches, Catholic Churches and Islamic Suraus were happening in the midst of people’s forgetting about the commandments of “Allah”, which required people to refrain from sins.

    The vandalism and arson might be a revelation from “Allah”, WHO wanted all Malaysian people to know about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, which was the same common story being shared among muslims and Christians. “Allah” is giving the Malaysian people a warning: if the Malaysian people still do not refrain from sins, then it is likely that Malaysia will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah.

    The sins which “Allah” wanted the Malaysian people to refrain from included the sin of making false accusation on someone due to personal political gain, the sin of stopping other people from worshipping “Allah”, the sin of stopping people from knowing the truth about a murder case, and the sin of stopping people, by putting ban on a well-written academic book, from getting awareness from a political lie that has been falsely disguised as the “Allah”-given religious doctrine, especially in relation to the torture and discrimination against the women in the religious practice.

    The divine revelation is certainly too tough for a home minister to understand, especially when the minister’s knowledge about “Allah” is too superficial due to the reason that his heart has been blocked by his sins of arrogance and irrational pride from the access by “Allah”.

    To get a better understanding about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, please check out this website:

  7. I had a suspicious feeling it could be some delinquents who supported the banning of the word “Allah” out to create an impression that it is the Christians who did it, thus encouraging provocation of more response from such people like them to continue to hit the churches. As Jeffrey rightly pointed out the race were never mentioned and police statements such as “surau arson suspects acted on their own” or “we are still investigating their real motive behind it…” makes you wonder who the real culprits are by reading in between the lines.

    I hope I’m wrong.

  8. Jeffrey,
    If you want to know the race of the suspects, I think the Home Minister already gave you a clue on it. He said that the 4 suspects were from the same kampung area where the suraus located.

    You can just drop by the two neighbouring kampungs to find out about the demographic landscape there. As far as I know, I have never seen a non-Malay who has been appointed as the police head of a Malay kampung in Peninsular Malaysia. As a matter of fact, the two suraus were located at the Malay kampungs.

  9. Such flip-flops and self-contradictions by the Home Minister, together with other earlier instances of his mishandling of the controversy, are not calculated to inspire public confidence…..(Kit)

    He looks like Pak Lah.

  10. The Police are to be commended for their quick arrests in connection with four arson attacks on churches and suraus and Malaysians hope that the police can expeditiously resolve all the 15 cases of arson and vandalism against places of worship in the first three weeks of the year since the Kuala Lumpur High Court judgment on the “Allah” controversy on Dec. 31 last year.

    True, the police are to be commended for those quick arrests, but I’m curious as to how these cases will be tried in the courts. Will they be conducted in the same manner of that murdered foreign woman’s case & the inquiry into the mysterious death of that political aide???

  11. Any wise man from Paloh or Kahang will know that this Hishammuddin is just an impulsive speaker who seldom walks his talk. A few years ago, when he was the Educational Minister, knowing that he got no political power to launch public work project when Pak Lah was the Prime Minister, he still dared to make an open promise to those voters from Kahang that he would straighten up the Highway No. 2 along the way from Kluang to Kahang. As at todate, he already served more than 6 years as the MP of Sembrong Constituency. Both Paloh and Kahang are still underdeveloped lacklustre villages which are situated at helpless rural tranquility, quietly protesting against his giving empty promises to the simple-minded and pitiful villagers!

    So, please don’t take his words too seriously!

  12. Macam mana orang kampung tak nak percaya Dato’ Hishammuddin ni… Kan dia anak Tun Hussein Onn, perdana menteri ketiga Malaysia, dan juga cucu Dato’ Onn Jaafar, pengasas UMNO?
    Bak kata pepatah ‘Bapak borek, anaknya rintik’…


    Letter: Why is your Allah not my Allah
    Sun, Jan 24, 2010

    Dear Editor,

    AS an East Malaysian, I am neither surprised nor angry about Malay/Muslims being up in arms over the ‘Allah’ High Court ruling. It was to be expected, really.

    What does anger me is getting comments from West Malaysian Christians that it is ’silly’ for Christians to lobby to use the word ‘Allah’.

    One rather un-enlightened Christian said that “Allah is also a word used to describe one

    particular god in a pagan religion, so for Christians to use ‘Allah’ is strange and silly.”

    The whole ‘Allah’ debacle highlights a bigger, more endemic problem in the Malaysian, or should I say West Malaysian mentality: General ignorance of how the ‘others’ or ‘lain-lain’ live.

    It seems very hard for most West Malaysians to understand that:

    Not all bumiputeras are Malay.

    Not all bumiputeras are Muslim.

    It isn’t just West Malaysian Muslims who have a very limited worldview but Christians as well. They don’t understand that in East Malaysia, with its high population of indigenous Christians, Bahasa Malaysia is used in services.

    Most of these Sabahan and Sarawakian Christians have spent their whole lives thinking, praying and referring to their God as Allah Bapa (Father God).

    And now the government says they can’t. That only Muslims can use the word ‘Allah’ when that isn’t true in other countries.

    Look at Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, which allows the printing and dissemination of bibles in Bahasa Indonesia that refer to God not as ‘Tuhan’ but as ‘Allah’.

    The Indonesian Muslims don’t worry that their brethren will be ‘confused’ by these bibles. So why is our Home Ministry and all these religious groups up in arms?

    The answer to that is politics. Religion is, unfortunately, something as mixed up with politics as is race. Political parties unabashedly use religion as a tool to win debates, with Umno often accused of trying to ‘out-Islam’ PAS.

    Religion is not a private matter in this country and is, instead, aired like so much dirty laundry. What other Southeast Asian country has officially sanctioned civilian peeping Toms who consider it their civic duty to weed out fornication? Malay is our language, too.

    Despite the many varied ethnicities in Sabah, they have managed to get along without bloodshed or May 13-like incidents.

    How have we managed it when West Malaysia’s three main races mostly give each other a wide berth? It’s called tolerance, people.

    All Sabahans speak a slightly modified version of Malay with the funny little suffix ‘bah’ tagged behind a lot of words or sentences..

    In rural areas, this heavily-accented version of Malay is the only means for most people to communicate with each other. They speak, think, dream and yes, even pray in the language.

    Sabahan Michelle Quek asks: “Is it more important to recognise that some Muslims lay claim to the word as being exclusive to their faith, or recognise that a practical need for the word exists for East Malaysian Christians?”

    Her question embodies the difficult balancing act that Malaysia has in attempting to address the needs of its varied peoples as well as the gulf between East and West Malaysia.

    Kavin Ch’ng, who is married to a Sabahan says that locally, for many generations, Malay-speaking Christians have always referred to Allah and Tuhan in the same breath.

    “Why only now does the government kick up such a fuss?” he asks. What is important, Ch’ng says, is mutual respect.

    “I think there is a way to co-exist – if only our government can actually wrap its head around the concept of context.”

    Sarawakian El’Bornean finds it disturbing that West Malaysians now want to dictate how one’s personal faith is practiced.

    “The true Malaysians are here in Sabah and Sarawak,” he says, citing examples of his Muslim friends who have no qualms sitting with friends in non-halal stores and visiting churches.

    Despite being surrounded by Christians, East Malaysian Muslims do not consider their faith easily shaken, he asserts. Sabahan Dusun Zara Kahan has a humorous, if facetious, solution.

    “If (some) Muslims insist on ownership of the term ‘Allah’ then Christians must do the same with the term ‘Tuhan’. Do you know how many Hari Raya songs will be in jeopardy? End of issue!”

    No, we don’t want to convert you

    In West Malaysia, technically Christian worship services in Malay are illegal. But Sabahan and Sarawakian students ask for them anyway.

    Many of these Malay-speaking East Malaysians feel uncomfortable attending worship services in English because the terms are unfamiliar. Muslims often cite the 99 names of Allah and for Christians in East Malaysia as well as Lebanon and Syria, Allah is their name for God.

    All this talk about ‘confusion’ is really the product of West Malaysians not mixing with their East Malaysian brethren.

    If you visit the Dusuns in Ranau, you could well meet locals as fair as highland Chinese with slanted eyes who would greet you with the traditional Muslim salam.

    Wander into an East Malaysian Chinese coffee shop and you would see tanned, Malay-looking locals happily digging into char siew or other pork dishes

    In East Malaysia, you can’t easily tell what faith someone professes or what race his forefathers were just by looking.

    This is very disturbing to the West Malaysian psyche. I have met West Malaysians who get very agitated when I refuse to tell them either what religion I profess or what race I am.

    They don’t know what to do with me because they can’t categorise me. I don’t fit into their safe little boxes which decide how they will treat me.

    What annoys me as well is this West Malaysian paranoia that Christians have a secret ongoing campaign to convert Muslims on the sly.

    Let us be honest. If converting Muslims to Christianity was as easy as pouring holy water into your drinking water or putting the word ‘Allah’ in all available religious literature, the Pope would have sanctioned it years ago.

    Christians don’t get ‘brownie points’ by forcibly converting unwilling Muslims.

    I suppose all the Malay-looking Christian East Malaysians really confuse the locals to the point they rabidly proclaim that churches are succeeding in their nefarious campaign to take over Muslim souls.

    In East Malaysia, Christians and Muslims come in various sizes, shapes and colours. Even huge extended families often have different religions, sometimes staying under one roof.

    It is not unusual for an East Malaysian to have not just Christian, but Buddhist, Muslim and animist relatives. A friend of mine says it is a convenient excuse to celebrate the many public holidays with more gusto.

    When told that someone is marrying a person of another race, the common reaction is: “Oh, your kids will be cute!” No heated discussion about traditions or religious differences because the unspoken assumption is that the couple will work them out.

    Because they do.

    Be Malaysia, not 1Malaysia

    A well-known comedian talked about the recent Al-Islam undercover foray into churches. Its so-called investigative journalists entered churches on false premises and desecrated the communion wafer.

    Did the Christians protest? asked the comedian.. Did they declare bloody war? Did they have angry sermons and plan noisy demonstrations outside churches on Sunday?

    No. What did the Christians say? “Forgive them-lor. Pray for them-lor.”

    The comedian mused that the incident was actually excellent public relations for the church.

    Despite our annoyance with West Malaysian intolerance, do you see East Malaysians picketing?

    We gripe, we grumble, we send politely worded statements. Yet we still believe in the Malaysia that our Tourism Ministry tries to sell, but which seems to be a myth in West Malaysia.

    Do you want to know why? Deep in the heart of most East Malaysians, we truly believe in tolerance. We believe in the ideals of Malaysia.

    We don’t have to give ‘muhibbah’ a name because we live it. Since 1963, we have lived as Malaysians, believing in true tolerance and that race or religion matters little.

    We truly do believe that West Malaysians can and should get over us using ‘Allah’ to worship God. Isn’t Allah the God of all mankind? Isn’t your Malaysia our Malaysia too?


  14. Tetapi bila Hishammuddin rindukan datuknya Dato’ Onn Jaafar, dia hanya boleh ingat bahawa datuknya cuma ada RM5 tinggal dalam koceknya semasa beliau meninggal dunia. Hishammuddin menanggis apabila berfikir akan soalan “Kenapa datukku boleh tinggal dalam keadaan miskin serupa ini?” Jadi Hishammuddin berputus dia tak nak mengikut saluran perjuangan yang sudah dijalankan oleh datuknya. Dia mau kekayaan and kuasa politik untuk mejadikan dia lain sikit daripada datuknya itu yang miskin namun amat disayangi oleh ramai orang daripada seluruh lapisan rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira bangsa and warna kulit ataupun bahasa yang dia orang bertutur.

    Hishammuddin dah tak ingat akan sejarah bahawa datuknya pernah berhenti keahlian Umno kerana beliau percayai pada satu ideologi politik yang lebih teragung, iaitu ideologi pluralisme tanpa pertimbangan rasis. Hishammuddin sebenarnya adalah seorang cucu berkhianat ke atas ideologi datuknya yang suci and mulia!

    Hishammuddin hanya berpegang teguh kepada ideologi sempit dan rasis, iaitu kommunalisme ataupun Umnoputraisme!

  15. Saga dan sejarah Dato’ Jaafar dengan UMNO telah mengingatkan aku satu lagi pepatah Melayu, iaitu ‘Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat’, tapi… kalau dah mati anak, siapa pulak yang akan mewarisi adat???

  16. ///KUALA LUMPUR, Mon: The High Court here today quashed a ban by the Home Ministry on the book, Muslim Women and the Challenge of Islamic Extremism, in a judicial review sought by the non-governmental organisation, Sisters in Islam (SIS).
    Justice Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof held that the circulation of the book was not prejudicial to public order as only seven of the 215 pages of the book were said to have offended the Malaysian Islamic Development (JAKIM) guidelines./// NST online

    Once again the former Home Minister Hamid Albar has his action considered unconstitutional by the High Court. He either did not understand the constitution or he believed that UMNO is above the constitution.

    Najib may soon call for calm while the government appeals the court decision. UMNO has the tradition not to allow the decision of UMNO Minister challenged. Or has he learned to accept that that Botak did not know his job.

    Najib can choose to claim that there is judicial independence in the country and accept the court decision. But how can UMNO allow its supporters to go away thinking that UMNO Minister has to follow the law? They have been conditioned to believe that UMNO and their members are above the law.

  17. DCLXVI :Macam mana orang kampung tak nak percaya Dato’ Hishammuddin ni… Kan dia anak Tun Hussein Onn, perdana menteri ketiga Malaysia, dan juga cucu Dato’ Onn Jaafar, pengasas UMNO?Bak kata pepatah ‘Bapak borek, anaknya rintik’…

    There is also saying that bad genes will never stop but good ones might not continue, passing down. That explains what we see.

  18. johnnypok….Hisham is UMNO man.
    You think Najib have reached that level of an idiot to replace an UMNO man with a MIC or MCA man?
    If he does…it will strengthen MCA or MIC.
    Is that what you want…….BN getting stronger?

  19. No nonsense attitude???
    Like what??? Invoke OP LALANG 2??? He should have better helped the Federal Government to save some money now instead of wasting the money on the meal expenditures and medical expenditures on the ISA detainees! The ISA detention centres are just to small to capture the liberal thinking of the detainees! Moreover, invoking tyrannic rule is a big sin that will create much more problems than provide any panacea solution. A Home Minister of good wisdom shall never have the idea of invoking the ISA in his mind.

    If Hisham really wants to do good to the nation, he should consider taking the path that had been taken by his grandfather the respectable late Dato’ Onn Jaafar. Communalism simply will not provide an all-rounded solution that will make everybody happy. Pluralism should eventually prevail in a muti-racial society!

  20. If you consider the attitude of the government towards the opposition, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the back-ground of those who fire-bombed the suraus.
    The PDRM too could have disclosed more information especially if they were Malays. Not that Malays are more justified to commit such acts against their suraus but at least such a disclosure would have enabled the government to leverage on that information to inform the Muslims that the real enemy is from their own ranks and not a retaliation from the Christians.
    I see the manner in which the surau case has been handled as a means to prolong the A-word controversy by the authorities.
    Now if 911 was a plot aka the AVATAR connection, all these surau and church bombs could be part of a larger conspiracy. Surely that is within the realm of reality?

  21. Umnoputras would stage a coup to stay in power. They are now creating and innovating ways and means to justify such an action. All guns and bullets,the pdrm ,the armed forces rank and files are all at their desposal.Therefore guys,gotta be careful,not to fall into their trap,otherwise, PR’s Putrajaya would only remain a dream.

  22. ///four arsonists arrested in connection with the arson attempts at two suraus in Muar were “simply seeking public attention”… and had acted on their own.///

    Had acted on their own? Why would any one do that – against place of worship in same kampung – without incentive/motive?

    Are we to believe that the motive/incentive was just to get “public attention”?

    What “public attention” was there when carried out in early hours of morning before the first streaks of dawn hit the skies for any public attention to be garnered???

    Why would anyone seek “public attention” to perpetrate what is obviously known, even by perpetrators, that they were implicated in a criminal act that would attract punishment?

  23. The first statement – “arson attacks on churches and suraus in the country could be attempts to undermine the 1Malaysia vision” – is therefore more credible of the two contradictory versions.

    It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out by the culprit or groups of culprit would want to do that.

    It is politicking (more likely intra than inter).

    If you ask them not to “play” politics, what else could they play???

  24. ///”Allah” is giving the Malaysian people a warning: if the Malaysian people still do not refrain from sins, then it is likely that Malaysia will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah./// Onlooker Politics

    Actually you consider our ruling politicians have sinned or the Malaysian people, the majority sinning for repeatedly voting them in?If Malaysia will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah it will be also unjustly punishing the other half who voted for Opposition for the sins not attributable to them.

    It is interesting idea, this Sodom and Gomorrah (the word sodomy deriving from “Sodom”. According to the Old Testament book of Genesis, the notorious cities were destroyed by “brimstone and fire” because of their (the peoples’ not just their rulers’) wickedness.

    (I take it here that “brimstone and fire” in our context means natural disasters like earth quake and tsunami).

    Digressing, it is noteworthy that when tsunami devastated Acheh our officials immediately galvanised relief efforts replete with monetary donations for Tsunami victims, but the same compassion is not evinced in the case of over 100,000 victims of earthquake in Haiti.

  25. Why would the government want to release the names of those arrested for the torching of the suraus in Muar ? The perpetrators were Muslims themselves out to cause mischief and to “prove” that Muslim places of worship were also not immune to desecration.

    By releasing the names of the suspects, UMNO does not gain anything other than ridicule.

  26. Not subversive elements and under water current…johnnypok.
    Pure People’s Power will bring down UMNO/BN.
    You will see the People’s Power in action.on 13th GE….that is..if Najib is prepared for his Judgment Day. You think …it will come?
    Sure…it will…by the People’s Power force again..that he can never stop.
    Wanderer…you have an art…I envy…few words..describe chengho so well.
    That idiot is a pain in the ass ..wherever he goes.

  27. “Why would the government want to release the names of those arrested for the torching of the suraus in Muar?” (Godfather)

    There is a high possibility that the suspects have been detained by the Police under the Internal Security Act. Under the ISA, the Police are not permitted to disclose the name of the detainees to the public.

    There are also other reasons that the Police will not disclose the name of the suspected arsonists to the public at the moment. They are of use to Najib and Hishammuddin. For instance, if an Umno warlord is to show defiance against Najib, then someone from the Special Quad can be deployed to say that he was the arsonist whom was instructed by the fugitive Umno warlord to set fire on the suraus or churches!

  28. //Onlooker: Would it be fair to say that if the arsonists were non-malays some faction in UMNO would have trumpeted this fact to even raise the tensions further?// (Godfather)

    Quite possible! Especially whether there is an Umno warlord trying to create chaotic and anarchical situation for making a coup on Najib! However, IGP Musa Hassan should have much better information to tell whether there is such a plot or not!

    We cannot expect good things to happen from Umno, especially when Umno has been ruled by a group of greedy and morally bankrupt warlords who are fighting one another among themselves!

  29. He means …for the time being…that was his best way to speak ….to promote himself..that means nothing….just blowing out hot airs….as everything he speaks…are worthless.
    He has no power too.
    He is trying … to be a Middle Malaysian in a party that survive through being ultras and racists.
    He has no balls to resign…as UMNO BARU belongs to Mahathir…the established devil…and not to Muslims..nothing less …nothing more.
    All staying put….are all balls being hold at ransom by Mahathir….agreeing to be corrupted to the core…not enough…very greedy use to cheat…keep stealing.
    All have strings of evidences against them in boxes of secret document..kept by Mahathir.
    Mahathir is in control…not Najib.

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