Dr Mahathir – a Creation of the US!

By Martin Jalleh

For a very long time the US government was looking for a political lackey to do its bidding in South East Asia. They scoured the earth and soon found their man in Bolehland – a land where anything is possible. He was none other than Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Dr M). They would mould, modify and manage him into a perfect make-believe.

They first portrayed Dr M as the savior of his nation. He would make great speeches about the grave threat of recolonisation but for his own political survival he would hone to perfection and use a gamut of archaic repressive laws left behind by the Colonial Master. US professors in history and politics would then write about the tragedy of how the once-oppressed are now the oppressors in the Third World!

Next they projected him through the foreign press as a Voice of the Third World. Dr M would invite Nelson Mandela to stand next to him in Kuala Lumpur to declare his anti-apartheid vehemence. The same media would then go to town with his racist stance at home reinforced recently by a Cabinet minister who crowned him a “Bloody racist” and a “Father of racists”! It was an excellent smokescreen for racism in US.

The US singled him out, shored him up and saluted him the hero of the Muslim world. Dr M would declare his country an “Islamic State” and preach on Islamic values. Yet, his party was corrupted to the core and his Federal ministers and Chief Ministers (Menteris Besar) were guilty of sexual immorality and many other sins. The West pounced on the tragic contradiction and used it to smear the good name of Islam.

The US gave him free rein with his occasional anti-semitic invective. He would blame the problems of his country and the world on the Jews, though he had official Jewish financial advisors to his government, such as Salomon Smith Barney and Goldman Sachs. The more he attacked Israel, the more it gave the US the excuse to defend and protect them!

He was pictured as fearless in criticising and castigating the US for its many human rights abuses, whilst the US collected evidence of every human right violation he had committed especially those related to the Internal Security Act. Every year such evidence would fill the pages of the annual reports by US agencies on human rights abuse in the country which are sent to potential investors of Malaysia.

“Mahathir, despite his nationalistic rants, signed a secret security agreement with the United States in 1984 that gave the Americans access to a jungle warfare training school in Johor and allowed them to set up a small-ship repair facility at Lumut and a plant in Kuala Lumpur to repair C-130 Hercules transport aircraft,” wrote Barry Wain, author of the ‘Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times’.

The US recognized him as the man behind Malaysia’s economic success but at the same time it would point the finger at him for the nation’s stagnant economy and for the scandalous amount of money lost during his premiership. As Barry Wain would also reveal: “Malaysia has squandered an estimated RM100 billion on financial scandals under the 22-year rule of Dr Mahathir Mohamad.”

In spite of the big show he had put up in demonising the US, Dr M would seek to return to the US for re-engineering and to receive further instructions. The government paid RM4.6 million for the services of disgraced US lobbyist Jack Abramoff to secure an audience with the then US President George W Bush, whose many crimes against humanity gave an elated Dr M a longer anti-US script to act out.

Dr M said recently that if the US can make ‘Avatar’, they can make anything, even 9/11!

Alas, how true, they can even make their very own Dr Mahathir Mohamad, one who would do anything at the behest of the US to satisfy his craving for the attention and adulation of his country and the world, and the adoration of his many followers who consider him their very avatar of power!


38 Replies to “Dr Mahathir – a Creation of the US!”

  1. This Indian tuned Malay is a megalomaniac. He is also schizophrenic and quite mad. He is mentally sick in simple English.

    He hates the world around him, he hates everybody who does not agree with him. He is vicious, cruel and vindictive.

    He knows no compassion or mercy. Forgiveness in not in his vocabulary.

    He is heartless. If he has a heart then it must be made of stone.

    Just you wait, one day he might even declare himself God incarnate.

    The world will rejoice when he kicks the bucket. I hope it will be soon. This Indian turned Malay is a curse on this country.

  2. If the US can make Avatar’, they can make anything, even 9/11

    If the mamak were to be a history teacher, his students would be taught that the US also made up World War II, the Holocaust, the Vietnam War and the Iraqi Occupation. All the above are fakes !!

  3. Dr. M is many things, but frankly nothing truly great any of it. More importantly, he is not worth listening to. Mahathirism was something unfortunate in our Malaysian history that must be put behind us.

    He is Najib’s problem, and only his, and lets keep it that way. they deserve each other

  4. Uncle Sam, just how dirty can you people get, creating this dirtbag MadHatir to stir up anti-US/Jew sentiments just so that you can continue to remain even more prominent in the Islamic world? Now that’s really hitting below the belt!

  5. Uncle Lim, i smile reading ur article. So cute to see an old man, who still hasn’t come to terms with his old enemy, playing this childish game of calling names.

    Saya respek uncle sebagai orang tua juga sebagai seorang ahli politik veteran. Tapi this article ah, so childish la ! Sudah tak ada modal mau hentam TDM ?

    Come on la uncle, surely u can come up with something more original.

  6. What so great about Mahathir over his 22-yr premiership?

    With plenty of resources eg crude oil, anyone can do wonders.

    Looking at Burj Dubai the highest building in the world, even though there is no economy sense to building such a building, purely human pride and greed, (there are many similar white elephants in Malaysia eg Putrajaya, KLIA, Putrajaya CC…) human can do wonders as long as with plenty of cash.

    No big deal! Wonder why so many blind followers in the country still thinking he is a great man?!

  7. He will next claim that the PR victories in 5 states were rigged, the same way as 9-11, and therefore unmo has the right to take over those state govts.

    In fact, everything in bolehland has been rigged, except Anwar’s soddie.

  8. Dr M said recently that if the US can make ‘Avatar’, they can make anything, even 9/11!

    Probably the old doctor had made the mistake of watching James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’, Oliver Stone’s ‘World Trade Center’ and Paul Greengrass’ ‘United 93’ films, all within a short space of time while being on medication…

  9. He should return back all the stolen money before he dies.
    He should apolgise to DSAI and family.
    Since he no longer contribute economically to the country, it is better that he shut his mouth, or just go to hell!

  10. Malaysia’s malaise is most melodramatically manifested by mad man Mahathir Mohamad’s megalomania, misrepresentations, malfeasance and Machiavellian mischief.

    Martin – what happen to your alliterations?

  11. Mahathir wants the book, Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times, to be allowed into the country.

    The Home Ministry should fulfill his wish so that Malaysians, on reading the book, know what foreigners think of him – their perception of Mahathir.

  12. It may well be the case that Martin Jalleh gives to much credit to Dr Mahathir to say that the US want to create a “lackey” out of him!

    Whatever for?

    When the US supports dictators contrary to its high fluting moral rhetoric on human rights, the US does so in pursuit of her vital national interest, and hence bears the costs to its reputation in being double standards.

    For examples:

    · Reagan supported Marcos in fear of losing Clark Field and Subic Bay bases;

    · Traditionally supports Saudi Arabia because of oil to lobby against drastic OPEC’s massive oil price hikes

    · Or Shah of Iran being “keystone” or “force for stability” for its strategic interests in Persian Gulf

    · Even Communist China for US capitalists’ commercial and investment opportunities.

    But Mahathir or Malaysia – what great national interest of US was served supporting him as a US lackey?

    True the US was the biggest source of foreign investment for us in Mahathir’s time but we needed the US more than the other way around. US army trained in Malaysian jungles? And quid pro quo Malaysian military officers also trained in the US! The red dot down South with its arsenal and strategic entre port position and very pro US position is arguably greater “keystone” or “force of stability for the US.

    Martin Jalleh selectively forgets that US Vice President Al Gore supported Anwar & Reformasi at the APEC conference hosted by Malaysia, a slap in TDM’s face. Successive US ambassadors had been critical of him US also not happy with his shunting of IMF prescriptions and his unorthodox capital controls.

    Although cooperation in education, trade, military relations, and counter-terrorism subsisted between the 2 countries, it was not of such earth shaking importance for the US to want to create Mahathir.

    No US action was taken on his occasional anti-semitic invective probably because it was viewed ranting of no international repercussion, certainly no effect on the US.

  13. And he is bringing BN down….for anyone supporting BN.
    Read carefully.
    Not all insulting or wishing Mahathir dead are supporting change of government.
    We MUST write with hunger to change government.

  14. We don’t need a Malay nationalist in 2010. What we really need now is a Malaysian nationalist! Dr. M is short of the quality to be qualified as a Malaysian nationalist! Malaysia is not all about only Islam and Malays. There should many other notable facets about Malaysia!

  15. Welcome to Bolehland’s greatest avatar, the once-upon-a-time Indian from Kerala who morphed himself into an ultra Malay. From a proud Indian when he was a student in Singapore, this avatar became a rabid rabble rouser who put the Malays to shame with his unMalay characteristics.

    In his “Malay Dilemma”‘s hectoring and scorn of the Malays he infused a sense of inferiority complex into the Malays’ psyche and egg them into anger and revenge against others. Being an avatar par excellence he managed to manipulate himself into a position of a maharaja in Bolehland and left behind a trail of destruction to the fabric of this country.

    This avatar is able to alternate himself between an advocate of good and evil according to his whims and fancy. His consummate skill in manipulating situations led to the overthrow of his successor and the anointing of a tainted and corrupt leader. But he is still not happy and with the “Allxh” issue he is using another avatar created by James Cameron to bring about a “final solution” to complete his unfinished business.

  16. #17 by chengho on Monday, 25 January 2010 – 10:00 pm

    Dr M is a truly nationalist


    Like in the Nationalist Socialist Party?
    There was such a political party which ruled and later ruined Germany from 1933 to 1945… Its leader had committed suicide in an underground bunker…

  17. This is simply giving the man too much credit – that the USA would see him important enough to “create” him.

    As I said in an earlier posting (since under moderation) how could it be said that Americans ‘created’ him (which implies supporting him) when US Vice President Al Gore in 1998 openly gave a proverbial slap in the face when he stated at the APEC conference hosted by Malaysia that the US supported Anwar’s Reformasi?

  18. Come on lah if USA supported Dr M, just like it did other dictators, would Dr M (if he had been one of their favourite “lackey”) have to depend on a disgraced US lobbyist ( a Jew at that for all the anti semitic remarks) (Jack Abramoff) to fix a photo shoot session with US President Bush at the costs of the government paying RM4.6 million for the lobby services????

    Just because there’s a section of people supporting Dr M – that are also having antipathies against the US – one cannot try to prise/sever/cut a wedge between the man and his anti american supporters just by fabricating some fantastic story of him being a covert creation of the US (giving its subterranean support) even in the face of facts to the contrary as if the man held something so important to the US national or geopolitical strategic interest for the superpower to do so. Thats flattery of the man and insult to the US.

  19. //As I said in an earlier posting (since under moderation) how could it be said that Americans ‘created’ him (which implies supporting him) when US Vice President Al Gore in 1998 openly gave a proverbial slap in the face when he stated at the APEC conference hosted by Malaysia that the US supported Anwar’s Reformasi?// (Jeffrey)

    Al Gore was the US Vice President to Bill Clinton and both of them belongs to Democrat Party, which Dr M didn’t like.

    It will be much more accurate to say that Dr M is the make of the Republican Party of the Americans.

    In fact, Dr M used to have family friendship with a republican, George Bush (G.W. Bush’s father), dated back to 1984, when the second son of Dr. Mahathir, namely Mokhzani, was invited as a special guest to the Thanksgiving celebration of George Bush’s family at Texas. By that time, George Bush was the US Vice President to President Ronald Reagan. Mokhzani was studying in the Engineering College of University of Oklahoma at Tulsa, majoring in Petrol-chemical engineering.

  20. To make a correction here. On the Thanksgiving Day of November 1984, George Bush was the US Vice President in waiting. Both Ronald Reagan and George Bush won the presidential election in November 1984.

  21. Onlooker Politics : If it is “more accurate to say that Dr M is the make of the Republican Party of the Americans” – if its true that there was a “family friendship with a republican, George Bush (G.W. Bush’s father), dating back to 1984 – strange isn’t it that this family friendship is demonstrated by Dr Mahathir requiring Jewish lobbyist (Jack Abramoff) to fix a photo shoot session with US President Bush at cost of RM4.6 million and later even called for an international tribunal to try US President George W. Bush for acting without a United Nations mandate and war crimes….

  22. “…how could it be said that Americans ‘created’ him (which implies supporting him) when US Vice President Al Gore in 1998 openly gave a proverbial slap in the face when he stated at the APEC conference hosted by Malaysia that the US supported Anwar’s Reformasi?” – Jeffrey

    Well, following Dr M’s logic that the Americans can do anything after creating Avatar, Gore was only creating a scene. He was playacting! It was part of the slapstick comedy of Hollywood!

  23. “This is simply giving the man too much credit – that the USA would see him important enough to “create” him.” — Jeffrey

    Yes, Jeffrey, you are right. It sounds so ridiculous and I just wanted to show how ridiculous Dr M was, by using his argument against him! The piece I wrote is a satire :)

  24. hi chengho…Mahathir is a dirty politician all his life.
    One day you insult him…next day…you carry his balls….why like that?
    A nationalist is fine…if you wish to describe a non political person.
    Mahathir was PM fir 22 years…proven a corrupted racist….and you call him a Nationalist?
    I guess…all UMNO/BN crooks are Nationalist to you too.
    Now who is Anwar…Lim Guan Eng…Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang to you?
    Speak up…smart ass.

  25. “strange isn’t it that this family friendship is demonstrated by Dr Mahathir requiring Jewish lobbyist (Jack Abramoff) to fix a photo shoot session with US President Bush at cost of RM4.6 million and later even called for an international tribunal to try US President George W. Bush for acting without a United Nations mandate and war crimes….” (Jeffrey)

    It wasn’t a strange thing to find that the US President was always surrounded by a group of beaureaucrats and bodyguards, who would stop the President from being accessed by such a small timer Prime Minister like Dr M. After all, Dr M is no Jiang Ze-Min or Hu Jin-Tao. The president George Bush would be too busy to always have the name of Dr M remembered in his mind even if Dr M was to make a personal phone call to him. Most likely the personal phone call would also be blocked by the White House staff!

    Would you always remember the name of all the primary school classmate, Jeffrey?

  26. Thanks Martin for the clarification of the “Satire”, the finer point of which I have missed. It is indeed laughable to think he’s worthy of being a “lackey” of the US, implying by extension his public opinion that 9/11 was staged by American Adminitsration/CIA is itself also “staged” and maybe even Osama bin Ladin, under payroll of CIA to create bogeyman to fill the gap after Cold War ended.

  27. Would I remember the name of all the primary school mates – Onlooker Politics.

    Not all but some.

    And certainly if a class mate became the PM/leader of a country, who revels in making controversial international headlines by calling for the shooting of Vietnamese boat people quarrelling with other prime ministers, calling Aussie PM John Howard America’s ‘Deputy Sheriff’ in the Pacific region, earning rebuke from the other PM as “recalcitrant”, calling George Soros a moron, making anto Semitic remarks etc.

    He will be unforgettable.

  28. Jeffrey,
    Samy Vellu and Dr M used to be relative through cross-marriage of Dr M’s son and Samy Vellu’s daughter.

    However, it will be quite skeptical for one to believe that Samy Vellu and Dr M are still in good term after the relationship has turned sour.

    Dr M has close friendship with George Bush does not necessarily mean that the initimacy will continue to the next generation, especially when G.W. Bush, unlike his father George Bush, has never shown such a deep fervour and passion on Asian culture as shown by his father. (Note: George Bush used to be the American Ambassador at Beijing and he certainly loved Asian foods.)

  29. Both are nobody to Malaysians.except Mahathir is somebody in UMNO BARU…his party.
    UMNO BARU is a band of robbers thieves and crooks…all balls held at ransom by Mahathir.
    The real issue is…how many Malaysians will support Mahathir….thus keep voting UMNO to govern Malaysians.

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