Church bombings the work of demons

By Azly Rahman

Peace, mercy, and blessings to all Malaysians.
My heart goes to those affected by the recent bombings. Today’s ‘World Briefing’ section of The New York Times carried the news.

The three attacks on the churches are terrorist attacks by definition. Thus begin a rough period of turmoil ahead beginning with the blowing up of the French-speaking Mongolian translator for Malaysia’s arms dealings. Violence, Machiavellian-styled will be the order of the day — we have entered a period of the emergence of demons and demolition. I hope these are not the work of those out to create chaos; in view that the current regime is losing power and seriously challenged by the growing strength of the emergent alternative government. The ends justify the means. Violence is the means and the end as well. While physical violence is the means to cling on to power, structural or the unseen/hidden/structural violence is the goal of the State.

We are entering “into interesting times,” as Mao Zedong would say. You and I are part of the game – in the Malaysian matrix of complexities.

The immediate reaction for all of us should be to condemn these terrorist attacks, so that God forbids, when and if masjids, or and other houses of worship are being bombed, non-Muslim friends of ours will come to console us and help become vigilantes. Terror has no face, nor religious affiliation. Terrorists need to be smoked out of their holes and their hiding places. Organizations supporting them must be exposed and brought to justice.

Malaysians of all faiths must be united in condemning these terrorist acts. All NGOs must issue a statement on this. These demons need to be incarcerated and the culture of “demolitions in Malaysian politics” need to be destroyed.

God forbids any of your loved ones were nearby during the morning explosions.

I see this development as a consequence of race-politics, mass panic over a plausibly positive outcome of the next general election, and the implosion happening like a nuclear fission in the concept of Ketuanan Melayu. I have written quite extensively on the pathology of Malay-Muslim extremism. I hope the bombings are not a prelude to the creation of Malaysian suicide bombers. It will be a shame for a peaceful country such as Malaysia to be relegated to be a “Travel Advisory” country as defined by the US State Department.

Democracy in Malaysia is almost dead with the recent happenings. The government is powerless in face of this– should have stopped those rallies and should have monitored the growth of hate-based NGOs, especially those championing idiotic pride.

Where are we going? What will happen to the future generation of Malaysians as we try to teach tolerance? What then must we do? How do we dismantle all these race-based parties that are using religion to create chaos and destruction? Is the country still safe — or is Malaysia turning into a Pakistan — out of our own Talibanization of ideas? “1Malaysia” is now “1Scary Malaysia”

We must speak up for peace and justice for all, and encourage others to leave organizations that are entrenched in racial and religious hatred. We must console the Christians and Catholics affected by the bombings and address their fear, assuring that the bombings are done not by rational Muslims but by demons on Mat Rempit bikes.

I suggest Malaysians offer donations for the rebuilding of those churches. For me, I offer this piece of writing.

May the Universal God of Humanity grant us Mercy and Compassion in dealing with demons and demolitions. We will be strong, as a nation.

29 Replies to “Church bombings the work of demons”

  1. It seems that the provocation by some irresponsible hooligans of malicious intent will continue to last for a little while until the racial conflicts have really been sparkled. Could it be a foretold omen which pointed to a dawn of the attempt of power ursurpations on the Selangor State Government through the declaration of emergency rule by the psedo-Islamic Malay Racists who had a symbiosis with Umno?

  2. My father left china and returned to malaysia (he was borned in penang early last centuary) several years after communism took control of china. His view: malaysia today is worse than communist china then.

    But yeah dear muslim-malaysians, have no fear. I cant see christians in this country retaliating. I am confident that they wont. To my mind, the demon here is umno. And worse. BTN thought umnoputras all about shadow boxing with imaginary foes. They suffer a very severe form of paranoia.

    Wake up sabahans and sarawakians. Wake up.

  3. It is heartening to note that the muslim community of Malaysia sympathises with the christian community over these bombings. That is the Malaysian way.

    However, keep a weather-eye open for inciters of trouble; note their every word and action; if possible film them, record their speeches. If things go out of hand we would have evidence against these people!

  4. It’s such a cowardly act! It also whether they like it or not potrays a bad picture of their religion to others not just in Malaysia but to the rest of the world.

    Their rioting with their hatred driven banners are a testament of what some of them have evolved into. Clearly these rioters are people with the lack of capacity to reason. Where do they originate from? Are they the products of our school system? Are they the products of a proper religious indoctrination? Does no one sense the extremism? Would we board the same plane?

  5. Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala and Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon yesterday met pastors, Christian groups and visited the three affected churches in an attempt to convince Christians and non-Muslims that the Najib administration is sincere about resolving the Allah controversy amicably.

    These 2 men should ask Najib why the government issued the ban in the first place, giving some Muslims the impression that what they did is correct ?

    These 2 men should have asked the UmnoUtusans to stop fanning the racial sentiments long ago. Is there any surprise that such things happen now ?

  6. Woe be to Malaysia for having an IGP with the IQ of an chimpanzee!

    “We cannot allow such matters to escalate like what had happened in certain countries where churches, mosques, temples and other places of worhips are attacked and destroyed,” he said.

    Sheesh… has already been allowed to happen by UMNO. The IGP must be sleeping in making such a comment.

    “I would also like to warn those sending out vicious and unfounded messages of attacks on vehicles bearing religious paraphernalia that we can arrest and charge them under Section 28 of the Internal Security Act,” he said.

    Sheesh……..there are specific laws in the country to address these crimes. An IGP that uses ISA according to his and UMNO’s whims and fancies is actually taking the law into his own hands!

  7. Who are these demons ?

    Who are fanning racial sentiments all these while ?

    Who are roaming the town with impunity ?

    Don’t blame the arsonists. They are young kids demonized by the big demons.

  8. #2 by Onlooker Politics on Saturday, 9 January 2010 – 11:48 am :

    It seems that the provocation by some irresponsible hooligans of malicious intent will continue to last for a little while until the racial conflicts have really been sparkled. Could it be a foretold omen which pointed to a dawn of the attempt of power ursurpations on the Selangor State Government through the declaration of emergency rule by the psedo-Islamic Malay Racists who had a symbiosis with Umno?

    It’s a possibility since the attacks happened within KL & Selangor.
    I think Pakatan Rakyat should quickly organise a gathering involving Malaysians of different races and faiths to publicly and unanimously condemn those attacks and to dispel any fear of unrest.

  9. Church bombings,the work of demons.yeap agree but any idea who’s behind these demons. We know from religious point of view that any act of evil,the devil aka satan is the sponsor.It needs both hands to clap ,therefore in this incident it was pretty clear there was a hidden hand or hands. Just take a closer look at the demonstration and some demonstrators,you would find and then could come to some conclusion that both devil and demon co-live together. There are other bigger devils who as usual would always remain unseen.As long as these unseen devils are around,there would never be peace in malaysia. One thing for sure I know,Satan is afraid of light. Ensure all lights would come out in the next GE and the evil Satan would vanish.

  10. Ppl like NR n his cousin just failed to understand that we r in d digital age
    N ppl r wired real time through d Internet, sms, etc
    They think they can say 1 thingy 2 1 grp n then another thingy 2 another grp
    N then deny having said them

  11. Any conclusive evidence these were not self inflick injury by herald? the Christian community in Sabah and Sarawak so peaceful in harmony untul herald came in the picture and move their office to brickfield…

  12. chengho,
    The security guard who was on duty at Metro Tabernacle AOG Church building saw the arsonists on the spot. Please don’t try to sow seed of mischief here! Be good to others and listen to Tok Guru Nik Aziz’s advice and learn to fear the wrath of God for the Almighty may give you retribution on all iniquitous you have done on others!

  13. #16 by chengho on Saturday, 9 January 2010 – 10:49 pm
    Any conclusive evidence these were not self inflick injury by herald?


    What’s conclusive is that these attacks are the work of demons who are consumed by blind hate, intolerance, ignorance & warped thoughts which could be self-inflicted.

    #16 by chengho on Saturday, 9 January 2010 – 10:49 pm
    the Christian community in Sabah and Sarawak so peaceful in harmony untul herald came in the picture and move their office to brickfield…


    No lah. The Herald is just something they read for their spiritual needs because the church has published it in such a way that matches what they have been religiously practising as Christians for more than a century in peace and harmony. Unfortunately, there are demons who can’t understand this, and had done bad things on the other side of the South China Sea.

  14. Mahathir is the devil reincarnated.
    His UMNO BARU is lead by his adopted son…Najib…the head of all current demons.
    Naturally you can expect the planner,,.the master mind ..the instigator…to deny it is his plan to use race and religion politics to the fullest..and what we see right now…his religion politics at his best…short of crucifying Christians.
    UMNO BARU have no other choice.
    It must always be… race and religion dirty out-date politics.

  15. Najib said the people should not blame Umno for the happenings recently.

    We would like to ask who else is responsible beside UmnoUtusans ?

    The people have grown disgusted with what were written in Utusans, fanning hatred and the work of the UmnoPutras foot soldiers all this while !

    UmnoUtusans should pay for the repair of the damaged churches, not from the people’s coffer !

    Najib is trying to play politics. On one hand, he and his cousin were encouraging the mobs to create uncertainty and chaos and on the other, trying to get support by dishing out some money. Can the people be so easily wooed ?

  16. Once upon a time a king in Ancient Kingdom of India issued a decree, “RM10 per head of bird will be rewarded to those who send the birds to me for me to set them free!”

    As an aftermath of the decree issuance, the people of the whole nation spent most of their time and effort to go catch birds for sale to the king. Then a monk advised the king that it wouldn’t be the correct way for access to the Heaven, for all good deeds must be performed in a natural way without artificial manipulation. Then the King stopped making all payment for the donation for purpose of buying birds after having promised to pay RM500,000 equivalent for the tithes and offerings!

    The morale of the story:
    The monk should give advice to the king only after the King had already made RM500,000 equivalent of payment for tithes and offerings. Otherwise, the monk would never get RM500,000 equivalent from the King!

  17. Any conclusive evidence these were not self inflict injury by Herald? chengho

    Onlooker Politics has given an evidence based argument that it was not.Now I have to ask you what has prompted your sick brain to harbour such thought that the torching down of the church is the result of self infliction.
    However others have thought this could be the work of desperadoes making some last ditch efforts to shore up their vote banks to increase the likelihood of retaining power or capturing power by the well tested method of racial or religious incitement.At least this sounds plausible.After it was used with good effect before,and there is no reason that it won’t be used again.

  18. It is thus clear that some elements of Malaysia’s society sees it fit to raise the spectre of May 13.

    The court decision to allow for the use of the word “Allah” is to be expected and a triumph of rationality over irrationality. It was expected and since you can’t prevent it why not use it (as an excuse to do the irrational)?

  19. So if one day the mosques in Afghanistan or Iraq were to be bombed by US aircrafts, please don’t put the blame on Christians, Christians are peace lovers as well as peacekeepers. Our symphathy goes to Muslms when the mosques were bombed.

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