Call on Malaysians – including religious bodies, political parties, NGOs – not to take part in demonstrations over the “Allah” controversy to avoid the trap of irresponsible political desperadoes out to exploit, manipulate the politicize the issue

Just before I come on stage, I received the following SMS which I believe represents the views of Malaysians inside this Hall and outside in the country:

“UMNO, esp Najib & Hishammuddin must bear full responsibility for d churches burning incidents since they failed to address d Allah issue properly, allowing people to demonstrate, thus causing it to escalate & spin out of proportion”.

Let me ask you by a show of hands whether you agree with this SMS. (Almost unanimous spontaneous show of hands from the close to a thousand-people crowd in support of the SMS).

The year 2009 ended badly for Malaysia despite having a new Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak with his new “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan with setbacks on all the major priority KPIs and NKRAs, viz:

  1. Corruption – the newly-formed Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) ending its first year with lowest level of public confidence ever experienced by its predecessor, the Anti-Corruption Agency, in the previous 41 years from 1967-2008 and Malaysia suffering international humiliation of worst ranking of Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index in 15 years, the lowly position of No. 56 in 2009 as compared to No. 23 in 1995. The year ends with the tragedy of the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock at the MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16 continuing to haunt the MACC, the Najib government and the nation.

  2. Crime – Police boasts of improving crime index not reflected in public confidence in the ability of the police to restore to Malaysians their two fundamental rights – to be free from crime and free from the fear of crime. Ipoh is following Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya with the emergence of more and more “gated communities” where the people pay an extra income tax to pay for their own safety and security as police has failed to deliver this most fundamental of its public responsibilities. The real measure of police success to restore public confidence in its core function to keep the streets, public places and the privacy of their homes safe is when Malaysians begin to dismantle “gated communities” and not when more and more “gated communities” are mushrooming in various parts of the country.

  3. 1Malaysia – Najib’s signature theme of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” suffered a severe setback when 2009 ended with the divisive, racist and seditious Biro Tata Negara (BTN) “brain-washing” scandal and 2010 started with the “Allah controversy” culminating in the burning and attack on churches today, aggravating Malaysia’s losing battle to enhance our international competitiveness so crucial to attract foreign direct investment for our national development and prosperity.

Malaysians are entitled to question the Najib government why Malaysia is the only country in the world where the “Allah controversy” has assumed such explosive character when:

  • this has not been a problem in Malaysia in the past 52 years of nationhood, with “Allah” used by the Catholic weekly Herald before its ban by the Home Ministry in 2007;

  • Sabah and Sarawak non-Muslim indigenous people have been using the word “Allah” for God even before formation of Malaysia in 1963 – going back to as far back as 1818.

  • The word “Allah” has been used by pre-Islamic Arabs for God and Arab Christians still use the term “Allah” for their God.

  • Other religions refer to “Allah” as their God.

  • The Holy Quran and the Hadith do not prohibit the use of word “Allah” by any other religion.

  • Indonesia is the most populous Muslim in the world with 240 million people, 90 per cent of whom are Muslims but Indonesians do not have the “Allah” controversy with its explosive intensity.

Why then is this happening in Malaysia when we have always held ourselves as the exemplar of multi-religious living and inter-religious understanding, goodwill and harmony for the world?

The answer must be found in the failure of leadership by the Prime Minister and Home Minister and the exploitation and manipulation of the issue by extremist and irresponsible elements to serve their political ends.

Unlike UMNO, PAS has taken a very open, progressive and Malaysian approach to the “Allah” controversy with Pakatan Rakyat demonstrating that it is more capable than UMNO/Barisan Nasional to manage and resolve the thorny issues of a plural society.

DAP and Pakatan Rakyat had right from beginning advocated that the “Allah” controversy should be resolved through an inter-religious conference.

Malaysians, both Muslim and non-Muslims, should remain cool, calm and collected, stay steadfast on their fundamental rights, to help resolve differences in our plural society by dialogue and discourse and should not be provoked into any rash or irrational responses.

For this reason, I call on all Malaysians – including religious bodies, political parties, NGOs and individuals – not to take part in demonstrations over the “Allah” controversy to avoid the trap of irresponsible political desperadoes out to exploit, manipulate and politicize the issue.

[Speech by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor at a DAP Public Forum “What’s wrong with our government” at Chin Woo Hall, Ipoh on Friday, 8th January 2010]

29 Replies to “Call on Malaysians – including religious bodies, political parties, NGOs – not to take part in demonstrations over the “Allah” controversy to avoid the trap of irresponsible political desperadoes out to exploit, manipulate the politicize the issue”

  1. The point is Najib response to the situation is not to lead OR even manage it but sheer impotence. “Don’t blame UMNO?”? Its pathetic honestly. Its mediocrity at a time of great challenges.

    The fact is its an opportunity for Najib to reset an agenda in UMNO. Its an opportunity for him to go back to UMNO and say – after 40 year of NEP Islamization, the fringes and ultras of UMNO STILL will not listen to the leadership of UMNO? What have the top leadership done NOT to deserve such mistrust.

    Instead, he squirmed, auto-react to his worst emotional intelligence or to his misintelligence. Its sure sign of misqualification. The man has got to go to replace actually to someone that will lead UMNO to its ultimate destruction – Muhiyiddin qualifies and so does every single top UMNO leader.

    The only smart thing for him to do? Step aside and do a deal with someone like Zaid Ibrahim or Khalid Ibrahim to put everything he has behind that person. If he can’t do it, the rest is just eventual soap opera…

  2. I agree about “UMNO, esp Najib & Hishammuddin must bear full responsibility” but not on “allowing people to demonstrate”.

    Their freedom of expression must be allowed even though we don’t approve of their views.

    But UMNO encouraging and fanning extremism is totally unforgivable.

  3. There is no love lost between the Asemblies of God and the Roman Catholic Church who the former refer to as “the seat of the Anti Christ”.

    That term is the AOG’s reference to their claim that the bishop of Rome, the pope’s claim to be the rightful heir to Peter’s shoes is unlawful in the eyes of their version of God and Christ.

    Firebombing of any building religious or not is a criminal offence and there are no two ways about it.

    It is also most likely the act of agent provocatuers who seek to inflame tensions that should not have been there in the first place.

    No need crying martyr now that the fuse may have already been lit to divide the masses and advance the cause of the man below the causeway and his little acolytes in the peninsula.


  4. Only brainless people will join these ridiculous demonstrations to fight for the right to use a single word which the Almighty Himself may not agree to!

    This word originated in the Middle East and even in this holy land where the word originated, there was no dispute over its use, but these people here think they are MORE ISLAMIC than the people in the country of origin of Islam!

  5. Najib said he want Selangor back.
    A double headed snake is rarely born…and Najib is one.
    He said he cannot do anything about it. UMNO BARU have been fanning and fanning for race and religion dirty out-dated politics…and he even dare to say…”Don’t blame UMNO for what’s happening”
    The almost unanimous out of a thousand knows who is he …what is he.
    You will get non stop blasting from Mahathir ….if it was Pal Lah.the PM….but Najib..his beloved adopted son…pleases him well…with the ways he perform.
    It is very comforting to know…no one died in the blazing of the 4 churches.
    I think millions of Malaysians are feeling sick inside…which includes true Muslims..and Malays.

  6. Remember…to speak loudly in blogs..with no fear and wait to speak with your votes…and not fall into the traps to take to the streets.
    That’s exactly what Najib hope Selangor…will become.
    Newspapers said the police are hunting for the culprits.
    All can relax and enjoy the out come…but at least that maybe the signal…that 4 churches are enough. Lets see how oppositions react.
    I repeat…relax and pray.
    Remember Mahatma Gandhi…how he freed India.
    But if taking to the road is the last resort….you can bet this old man will join in..with no fear.

  7. This is an example of UMNO sponsored terrorism and I wouldn’t be surprised that Malaysia will soon make to the US State Dept list if its leaders countinue to fan racial and religious sentiments to gain political mileage.

  8. Days before the ‘protest demonstration’, Najib and Hishammuddin were clapping them on, trying to gain political mileage for wounded reject – UMNO!

    Right-thinking politicians on both sides of the divide, NGOs, Blogs and concerned citizens knew what it was going to be – the usual thugs, rowdy, and were up against what Najib and Hishammuddin were doing; not that they were not warned! Even untill the eleventh hour, concerned Malaysians were hoping good sense would prevail, but it did not happen, all were ignored!

    Now Churches bombed and burnt, lives were at stake, should they not take full responsibility for what had happened in KL/PJ?

    Those in BN and the Cabinet who disagreed with what those two irresponsible cousins, should speak up, stand up and be counted! Isn’t it about time they distance themselves and resign? Or do they still want to continue selling off their mothers?

  9. “Call on Malaysians – including religious bodies, political parties, NGOs – not to take part in demonstrations over the “Allah” controversy to avoid the trap of irresponsible political desperadoes out to exploit, manipulate the politicize the issue.”

    CORRECT, CORRECT, CORRECT! The law is very, very strict when it comes to non-Malays. They will scrutinize every comma and full stop, so don’t play play unless you are Malay, LOL.

  10. “Call on Malaysians – including religious bodies, political parties, NGOs – not to take part in demonstrations over the “All-ah” controversy to avoid the trap of irresponsible political desperadoes out to exploit, manipulate the politicize the issue.”

    CORRECT, CORRECT, CORRECT! The law is very, very strict when it comes to non-Malays. They will scrutinize every comma and full stop, so don’t play play unless you are Malay, LOL.

  11. The ‘Allah controversy’ is a political ploy made use by Umno to win the support of muslims and also to divide and rule the people.Now this has resulted in the ugly act of church arson and hatred.Why not the non Umno partners in BN leave it en bloc now to join PR? What say you? OTK,KTK,SV,BD and others.

  12. I urgently need some hints and opinions on how to go about with the below case. Please help me.

    A company search was done on 16-10-2009 and the corporate information is as follows:-
    a) Company Name: ABC Sdn. Bhd. (not real name)
    b) Last Old Name: XYZ Sdn. Bhd. (not real name)
    c) Date of Change: 02-04-2008
    Registration Date: 18-08-2005

    I lodged a complaint to the Govt. Dept. against ABC S/B for operating without a valid certificate. On 08-12-2009, the Dept. forwarded me a copy of letter dated 24-09-2007 addressed to ABC S/B stating approval for a permit. (I believe motive is to discredit my complaint). I will leave out the other 2 flaws in the letter until a later date.

    Was the Dept. morally and legally correct to consider XYZ’s (since ABC was not in existence at that time) application and approved it on 24-09-2007? The requirements were Form 24, Form 49 and MAA must be certified by Pesuruhjaya Sumpah or …. and attached together with the application. The effective date of change of ABC to XYZ was on 02-04-2008.

    Hopefully, I could get some answers and how to pursue the matter further from some kind hearted people here. Thanking you in advance.

  13. This is how we address your God. This is exclusively our way, not yours. Our God is different from yours. This is our God; that is your God.

    My god, does God need protection from you?

    It has nothing to do with God. It has nothing to do with our salvation; it has nothing to do with our faith.

    It is politics, dominance, bigotry, racism, parochialism, tribalism, inferiority complex and “third-world-ism”. Choose one.

  14. repost:

    This is how we address our God. This is exclusively our way, not yours. Our God is different from yours. This is our God; that is your God.

    My god, does God need protection from you?

    It has nothing to do with God. It has nothing to do with our salvation; it has nothing to do with our faith.

    It is politics, dominance, bigotry, racism, parochialism, tribalism, inferiority complex and “third-world-ism”. Choose one.

  15. There has been a pattern of increasing use of firebombs in recent months against people whose views differs with the ruling Govt. We had firebombs thrown at the home of the former Bar Council President and Pakatan Rakyat politicians. None of these perpetrators were caught. We wonder why.

    It is thus this lack of action taken that encourages more of such violent acts resulting in this latest firebombing of the churches. The IGP may claim that these several acts were not orchestrated but is it a mere coincidence that they all happened on the same night and with the same modus operandi of fire? We are not five year old kids being led by the nose. We can discern the high speed action taken against any perceived wrongdongs by the PR but much feet dragging when it comes investigating wrongdoings that might hurt the BN Govt.

    Frankly I have no faith that the police will catch these suspects. One can see the difference in the way demos are handled to arrive at this conclusion. Simple candle light vigils can be broken up with arrests while cow head demos are escorted by the police.

    YB Kit may be right that we should not be provoked to retaliate as that will give them the very excuse to grab absolute power. But on the other hand, to do nothing will give the impression to the provocateurs that they can go to further extremes. Do we need to see loss of innocent lives before people come to their senses?

  16. It is also most likely the act of agent provocatuers who seek to inflame tensions that should not have been there in the first place.//GKR

    There are many types of agent provocateurs. You have just named one, but you are one too – one who never seek to divert issue out of your own hatred and personal vendetta.

  17. All those bolehlander keristiens who voted for BN on 8th March 2008 have nobody to blame but themselves. And why is Kayvest the Roman Catholic keeping so quiet? Afraid his home would get fire-bombed if he opens his mouth?

  18. It is this simple: it is a dual tracks strategy that UMNO/BN have been using since the last GE.

    They want 1Malaysia, but they also want to galvanise ethno/religious-centric support (with increasing vigour in fact).

    They say all religions are allowed, but they actually wish that other religions could just simply disappear.

    Are they just a handful of extremists? Don’t be too sure.

    What they say publicly may be very different from how they feel internally.

    Oh, yes, political correctness, how can we forget that?

  19. Limkamput raised the question whether God needs protection?

    Good question, I say. Because in malaysia everyone, man or god, needs protection from umno, unless you are an umnoputra. So yes. God does need protection. So isa God dear Home Min sir, please.

  20. “God spoke.”
    “Did he?”
    “Oh yes most certainly.”
    “Wow. I am amazed.”
    “But how?”
    “The Radio.”
    “Wot? God spoke to you through the radio?”
    “Yes, sir. And newspaper too.”

    … taiking relating the umno god to his foreign friends.

  21. I do not agree that gated communities are becoming necessary because of police inefficiency. In fact, the police are doing a pretty good job, considering the constraints.

    The problem lies with:- i) sourcing of crime- prone foreign workers ii) illegal immigration iii) apathy of town dwellers to their neighbours (note that kampung folk really involve themselves in the affairs of their neighbours – enough to prevent total strangers from coming into their neighbours’ houses and moving the contents of an entire house!) iv) failure of anti-drug programmes
    v) marginalisation of the Indian community and poor leadership of the Indian community vi) the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the abject poor.

    People are out, busy making money (as they should). However, can they expect the police to be everywhere looking after their houses as security guards?

  22. UMNO, esp Najib & Hishammuddin must bear full responsibility for d churches burning incidents since they failed to address d Allah issue properly, allowing people to demonstrate, thus causing it to escalate & spin out of proportion”.

    Not a slightest shade of doubt of this contention. PM, HM what shall you do next ?

  23. The Umnoputra wannabe who calls himself grkumar is trying another diversionary tactic by shifting blame to Singapore. Yeah, blame PKFZ on the little red dot. Blame the theft of jet engines on the little red dot too.

  24. grkumar is the real jerk who likes to smell the stomach gas coming out from the buttock of Mamakthir. Didn’t we know that Mamakthir also used the same old loo tactic during 1998 and 1999 to put blame on Singapore accusing Singapore for providing the market stronghold to the currency traders for launching a currency attack on Ringgit?

    Now grkumar is blaming Lee Kuan Yew for dividing the Malaysians into two hostile groups! What a cheap tongue he got by uttering such a ridiculous presumption! Perhaps he admired the might of Lee Kuan Yew so much until he could not stop relate any major events happening to Malaysia to the invincible hands of Lee Kuan Yew! grkumar must be daydreaming or having a nightmare about being haunted by Lee Kuan Yew’s ancestors last night!

  25. When NR and HH said that they could not stop people to demonstrate out side the mosque,I know trouble would be imminent.Firebombing churches,follow up by provocative demonstration by muslim would not solve this controversy.Should have been worst,were christians and others retaliated but thanks GOD ,it did not.I think an eye for an eye would ended up with everone without eyes. But please don’t keep on testing the faith of christians and other non muslim. As the appeal court has not given any final decision yet,I think it’s best christians remain calm and vigilant as the amber of firebomding is still pretty hot and the terrorists would strike again. I still think the courts would not solve this controversy as some powerful umnoputras and terrorists don’t respect its verdict. The best solution I think is for the government to convene a meeting between muslim and christian leaders to seek and settle this controversial word in a amicalbe way.

  26. The country is so hopeless under the UmnoUtusans that little FDI is coming to the country !

    Worse still, people are also losing confidence and have been remitting overseas to buy properties and stocks in various countries, not least Singapore.

    God save Malaysia

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