Nazri would have been arrested and charged for serious offences including contempt of court for saying what he said about the KL High Court judgment on the Allah issue if he is in Pakatan Rakyat

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz would have been arrested and charged for serious offences including contempt of court for saying what he said about the Kuala Lumpur High Court judgment on the Allah issue if he is in the Pakatan Rakyat.

Every informed observer, whether Malaysian or foreigner, would be struck by the sharp contrast in such treatment with the swift police action to investigate the Penang Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng for sedition over his expression of the national sentiment about the death of Teoh Beng Hock at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam as being caused by murder as well as the unexceptional call by the DAP Selangor State Chairman and Selangor Executive Councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah on the police to stop its baseless investigation of Guan Eng.

I am not suggesting that Nazri should be arrested and charged in court for his statement about the judgment of High Court judge Datuk Lau Bee Lan but to question how Malaysia is to restore national and international confidence in institutional competence, independence, professionalism and integrity – which is a major cause of Malaysia’s losing out in international competitiveness – if the key national institutions continue to behave in utter disregard of basic national standards and international benchmarks.

Nazri said High Court judge Lau was wrong in making the ruling that Catholics could use the word “Allah” in their weekly publication Herald, arguing that the judicial review was supposed to be on whether the Home Minister had the power to impose the ban, not on whether non-Muslims should be allowed to use the word “Allah”.

He said: “The Home Minister was definitely acting within his powers in exercising the ban, in view of public interest and sensitivities in order to avoid public unrest over the matter.”

Is it proper for Nazri, who is the de facto Minister for Law whose jurisdiction covers the judiciary, to so publicly venture his views on an ongoing legal case, as it could be construed as improper attempt to influence the appellate process against the High Court judgment by a Minister having oversight over the judiciary?

As the Minister directly responsible over the judiciary, should he be suggesting to the judges how they should decide cases before them, especially those affecting the government?

Nazri’s comparison of the “Allah” uproar to the cow-head protests in Shah Alam is most unfortunate and inappropriate, as they just cannot be mentioned in the same breath.

Nazri was neither fair nor right when he blamed the Catholic church for being “irresponsible” and “looking for trouble” over the Allah controversy, claiming that “For 50 plus years after independence this issue has never cropped up before”.

He need only consult his Cabinet colleague, the Minister for Plantations Industry and Commodities, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, for the answer to his own rhetoric – that the term “Allah” had been used for a long time, even before Sabah and Sarawak decided to form Malaysia with Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore in 1963.

Dompok said yesterday: “The Sabah communities have always used Bahasa Melayu as it is the regional lingua franca and Christianity has been in Sabah since 1881.”

Dompok said the Christian Bumiputra community in Sabah, like the Murut and Kadazandusun, perform religious rites in three languages – English, Bahasa Melayu and their mother tongue. In the rites where English is used, the term is God while the rites in Bahasa Melayu is Allah and the one in the mother tongue, like Kadazandusun, is ‘Kinoingan’.

Most churches in the cities use English while Bahasa Melayu is used widely in churches in rural areas in Sabah – the result of Bahasa Melayu as the national language and the medium of instruction in the national education system.

As Dompok has rightly pointed out, the younger generation in the Christian Bumiputra community from Sabah (which applies also to Sarawak) who have migrated to the peninsula to work or for further studies have also asked church authorities to have services in the national language.

The Allah controversy is not a time for one-upmanship or brinkmanship. It is a time for responsible and sober response and rational conflict-resolution.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak had more than once said that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians, and not just for any one race or group.

This is Najib’s supreme test whether he will live up to his pledge – whether he will walk the talk of his slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”

57 Replies to “Nazri would have been arrested and charged for serious offences including contempt of court for saying what he said about the KL High Court judgment on the Allah issue if he is in Pakatan Rakyat”

  1. The big joke or tragedy really is Nazri is a lawyer by formal education. So you can forgive Najib and Muhiyiddin for making a mistake of betraying the fact the Appeal Court is a UMNO/BN monkey court but for Nazri not to figure out its a real bad thing.. You just wonder what UMNO system that dumb down the people that join them…

  2. The Judiciary Branch must be independent from the Executive Branch of the Government. Even though Nazri holds a portfolio as the de facto Law Minister, he is not supposed to interfere in the court ruling unless the court ruling has already been reversed by a higher court.

    If a de facto Law Minister does not know how to honour the concept of Separation of Powers among different branches of the Government, then he must resign immediately from his post as the de facto Law Minister due to incompetency and inapproriateness in his speech which contemptuosly challenges the court ruling! It is a big shame for a de facto Law Minister to act or speak in such a manner which is apparently having violation against the law!

  3. //Dompok said yesterday: “The Sabah communities have always used Bahasa Melayu as it is the regional lingua franca and Christianity has been in Sabah since 1881.”//

    Not Bahasa Kadazan? Anyway, if Sabah had joined the Philippines in 1963, no such nonsense now….Bernard Dompok might even be the President of the Philippines now

  4. PAS made the right decision to support the usage of “Allah” among the non-Muslims.

    UMNO will get what it want as the judges will be appointed by UMNO. If UMNO succeed in stopping “Allah” from being used by the Christians, then next step for them is to ban the word “ISLAM” from PAS.

    I beg the people of Sabah and Sarawak to stop supporting UMNO. About 50% of the citizens of Sarawak are Christians. I hope they will wake up by rejecting damn evil wicked UMNO in the next election.

  5. nazri turned dr. Jekyll this time? In order not to argue on Allah, why not use Elohim instead. Let those idiots use his name in vain and get what is coming to them.

    Even Saudi Arabia has no qualms on others using the Allah word, but our know-all idiots think otherwise. Who is confused? Those idiots or us? Mamak is also one confused soul. Did umno create Islam to say who and who can or cannot use the A word? They are sure one confuse bunch.

    Time will put all things to light. This is a guarantee.

  6. The following excerpt was taken from the Indonesian Bible Society at,english/


    1. Gereja adalah pendengar Sabda Allah

    Sudah sejak kalimat pertama, Dei Verbum menegaskan bagaimana seluruh konsili sici, dalam kapasitasnya sebagai sedang pimpinan Gereja Katolik dan sebagai wkil seluruh gereja Katolik, harus menempatkan diri di bawah Sabda Allah. Pembukaan dokumen itu berbunyi demikian,

    “Sambil mendengarkan SABDA ALLAH dengan khidmat dan mewartakannya penuh kepercayaan, Konsili suci mematuhi amanat S. Yohanes: “Kami mewartakan kepadamu hidup kekal, yang ada pada Bapa dan telah tampak kepada kami: yang kami lihat dan kami dengar, itulah yang kami wartakan kepadamu, supaya kamu pun beroleh persekutuan dengan kami, dan persekutuan kita berserta Bapa dan Putra-Nya Yesus Kristus” (1Yoh. 1:2-3) [Dei Verbum no. 1][2]

    Sesungguhnyalah, tugas gereja yang pertama dan utama adalah mendengarkan Sabda Allah dengan sikap khidmat, sebelum ia dapat mewartakannya. Jika tidak, gereja akan mewartakan dirinya sendiri. Di tempat pada dokumen yang sama Konsili Vatikan II menyatakan secara ekspisit bahwa Wewenang Mengajar Gereja (yakni Paus sebagai pemimpin tertinggi dalam persatuan erat dengan para Uskup) “tidak berada di atas Sabda Allah melainkan melayaninya…” Dan sebagai pelayan Sabda mereka harus mendengarkannya dengan khidmat, memeliharanya dengan saleh dan menerangkannya dengan setia (Dei Verbum no. 10). Dalam dokumen dogmatis lainnya yang bernama Lumen Gentium di tegaskan bahwa tugas utama para uskup, sebagai para pengganti rasul Yesus, adalah mewwartakan Sabda Allah (no. 24 dan 25). Hal yang sama tentu saja berlaku juga untuk para imam, yang membantu Uskup itu:

    “Umat Allah dibentuk menjadi satu kesatuan pertama-tama oleh Sabda Allah yang sudah sepatutnya diharapkan dari mulut para imam. Berhubung tak seorang pun dapat diselamatkan jika tidak percaya lebih dahulu, maka tugas utama para imam sebagai rekan sekerja para Uskup adalah mewartakan Injil Allah kepada semua manusia.” (Presbyterorum Ordinis no. 4)

    Ajaran-ajaran resmi ini dengan jelas menunjukkan sikap Gereja Katolik terhadap Alkitab. Alkitab merupakan otoritas di atas seluruh Gereja.


    Because of the similar language and culture, the relationship between Malaysia & Indonesia (which happens to be the most populous Muslim country) is said to be in the spirit of ‘serumpun’. So, why is it that there is no uproar over the Indonesia Bible Society’s use of that word in their Bahasa Indonesia text?

  7. Just imagine how nice it is – some 900,000 Catholics cross over to PR in the 13th GE after the Appeal Court rules that Catholics are prohibited to use the word “Allah”.

    I believe that some from other faiths will also cross over to PR knowing that their religious freedom has been curtailed under the BN government.

  8. This time around the majority of the people of Sabah and Sarawak especially the voters are behind PR. I hope the current christian leaders whose party is a component of the BN,should leave BN,join PR,and fight for autonmous rights for the states of Sabah and Sarawak respectively. Something likes 1Malaysia 2systems.It works well for China,hence it should work well for Malaysia.

  9. Why Robert Lau Hoi Chew, a Catholic, is quiet about this issue? Shouldn’t he be one of those who should speak out in the cabinet? Many other Chinese ministers are non-Catholics or non-Christians, so I afraid they have very limited understanding about the religions from the Middle East.

  10. When I first read Nazri’s asinine statement yesterday, my first thought was where was this guy educated, it at all. It is highly inappropriate for him to comment publicly on this issue since it is still being litigated. He even suggest how the ruling should be. I guess he has not heard of Proverbs 12:23 that says, “A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out folly.”

    I am very sad for Malaysia where the rule of law no longer holds sway and the Judiciary is tainted and no longer holds respect especially, the Appellate Courts. We have gone to the extent of the government publicly intimidating the Judiciary. Judgements no longer follow sound principles, but can be engineered. Can anyone in Malaysia honestly think they can get real justice from the courts these days?

    UMNO is absolutely bankrupt and will stop at nothing to stay in power. History suggests that this is usually the last stages before they are flushed out into the history books as villains. Let’s all pray and hope it’s sooner rather than later.

  11. The orinal people (orang asli) of this country have been deprived of water and electricty to their place of worship just because for being Christians by the nomad ketuanan from countries nearby around with no religion,language or culture .
    The Arabs teached these nomads arabic and Islam. The Europians teached these nomads English and made them to be civilizsed as to what they are today. If not these nomads would not even be able to read or write their name using their own writing. Now they are talking so much. ‘kachang lupa kulit’
    You so called ketuanan look back a few hundred years as where you came from,what were your religon, what language you spoke,what type of food you ate,what clothing you wore, ect,ect.

    There is no program in the History or Discovery channel in Astro of you people because you did not exist till about 400 years back. The so called pendatangs have a few thousand years of history and civilation behind them.

  12. My response to those leaders who says that Muslims would be confused by Christian using the word ‘Allah’:


    Why? – Because its an opportunity for REAL LEADERS to explain and educate, i.e., to lead or to do their job. When the flock is confused and lost, the leader who teaches them, and enligthen them, will be rewarded with the flock gratefullness and loyalty. That is what leadership is suppose to be and work.

    The problem is and its clear, no real leader in the bunch of them…

  13. Not sure if the government is intimidating the Judiciary anymore as it seems they have merged the two bodies all under the PM’s control.
    Nazri’s comments should be on par for coffee shop gossip but for a minister, that is disgusting.
    Here is a little diversion from all the hot air that shows many ordinary folks know how to cope with religious matters.
    All the loud noises are made by a group of rabble-rousers.

  14. Penduduk-penduduk Yang beragama kristian di Sarawak sekarang haruslah sedar bahawa BN itu pengkianat dan penjajah dari Semenanjung! Pada pilihan raya yang akan datang, jangan u8ndi mereka lagi, tanpa undi anda semua, BN akan tumbang!

  15. Ong tee keat – not a whisper from him on this issue. Chua soi Lek- not a beep from him as well. Well people, this shows they are only good at making noise when their positions or gravy trains are threatened. Other than that, don’t care a hoot.

    Koh tsu koon – same old talk about win-win situation which is neither hot nor cold. We will spit you out since your are not either.

    4 more newbies will read lks and mt blogs this week.

  16. PKR has finally announced its political stance on the “Allah” controversy. I think PKR is much more convincing than Dr. Mahathir on its stance of agreeing with Justice Madam Lau Bee Lan’s judgement and on its stance of giving endorsement to non-muslims for the usage of “Allah”. Dr. Mahathir’s argument that “Allah” usage should not be allowed to the non-muslims lest the usage by Catholic will confuse the Muslims was baseless and lack of substance in accordance with the Constitutional Rights of Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech and Expressions as well as in accordance with the religious principle of Islam which insists that “Allah” is the sole and only God in the universe.

    Please check out PKR’s political stance here.

  17. Politics made the “A” word a controversy when it should not be an issue at all. What does that tell us? Politicians are the trouble makers. So what do we do now that the damage has been done?

    Allow politicians to make their political capital out of the word and Malaysians will have peace again. Let whoever used “A” to score points answer to their maker. The solution simple enough but are we able to let go?

  18. AG’s Chamber has filed an application to the High Court and a stay order has been given by High Court Judge Datuk Lau Bee Lan on her previous ruling about “Allah” usage. The case is now pending for hearing by the Court of Appeal for the appeal filed by the Attorney General on behalf of Home Minister.

    Arcbishop of Catholic Church, who has interest in this case, has agreed not to argue against the AG’s petition for a stay order for the sake of national interest.

    I think the Catholic Churches of Malaysia should be well prepared to accept the verdict that may be made by the Court of Appeal to the disadvantages of the Catholic Churches as the Court of Appeal may reverse the high court judgement that has been dropped by Judge Lau Bee Lan on the “Allah” usage issue.

    One must always remember that when the easy access to “Allah” has been shut off by a court decision, there will always be another easy access which God will open up for His followers. If the Catholics think that “Tuhan” is not the best alternative to “Allah”, then some other word such as “Jehovah” or “Maha Besar” may be adopted in place of “Allah”. The God followers should realize that when God decides to shut one door, He will always be ready to open another door for access by His followers.

    I believe there will always be some Catholics who will understand that God’s purpose is not for them to insist that they must be given a must-win situation all the time. When God has told His followers to cultivate the moral value of “perserverence” and “long-suffering” in the bible, He is indeed giving a huge mission for His followers to proclaim that “God loves everyone, including the enemy of God’s followers!” And I think the idea of “requiring one to love his/her enemy in God’s love” is always the best invaluable message that has been preached to the world by Jesus!

    May we love our enemies too and begin to pray for their repentance and pray that they will turn to believe God even if we have been wronged by our enemies!

  19. I strongly feel most of the judges if not all are unfit to be one.I think,it is better to put all half cooked Ministers and MPs as court judges and clear the cases in one day .If it is oposition,without trial gallows.As i see it, every umno guy is above the king, leave alone law.Now only a tsnami must do the damage control to wipe out all evils of this country called Malaysia.ALLAH,TUHAN,GOD,KADUVELA and THE ALMIGHTY.

  20. Don’t forget this word originated from Saudi Arabia and if the Saudi Arabians are as possessive as the Malays here, then they would have applied for intellectual property rights over this word many centuries ago. If that was so, then, Islam would not have reached the shores of Malaysia (Malaya), and the fight over the right to use this word today would not have arisen!

  21. UMNO started off with thinking that by stoking the fanatical flame of the muslim extremists in the country it will be successful in recapturing the majority muslim vote. What is more likely to happen is just the opposite. Contrary to what they believe, not all muslims are extremist and indeed a great many of them think that playing up such non issue into a national problem is totally uncalled for (eg in PAS). The country already has more problems than it can handle. No matter what the Catholics constitute a significant proportion of voters in the country, more so in the Eastern States of Sabah and Sarawak (50%). Alienation of the catholic votes in Sabah and Sarawak will eventually prove to be BN’s undoing, totally devastating their last bastion of support. God’s gift to Pakatan.

  22. After a few ‘hangat-hangat tahi ayam’ statements by Nazri in the press in recent weeks lambasting other UMNO operatives, one thought at last some sanity has seeped into Nazri.

    Alas, we know the tahi ayam has cooled and Nazri is his normal silly self again. The moral of the story: UMNO leopards never change their stripes.

  23. The word already existed and used by many faith before the existence of Islam.

    Now because they are using it, they want to claim exclusive rights.

    Now they have lost in the Court and they cry “tak achi”, not showing any respect to the Court decision.

    Indeed, all these can only happen in Boleh Land.

  24. “Nazri said High Court judge Lau was wrong in making the ruling that Catholics could use the word in their weekly publication Herald… ”

    Well, every informed observer, whether Malaysian or foreigner, would have known that UMNO members are above the law and they direct the Court’s decision, with the judges acting as their spokesmen. Wasn’ that Botak Hamik Kuei, Syed Hamid Albar, the one who said that since Ahmad Ismail had already being punished under UMNO’s rules and regulations, he need not to be subject to the laws of the country? Just to refresh your memory, see Youtube video at

    So what is wrong with Nazri now saying that the High Court judge Lau was wrong in making the ruling? After all, he is the judge, LOL.

  25. A Chinese Malaysian scholar who specializes in the research on the Islamic Development in Malaysia attributed the cause of the present religious intolerance towards the use of “Allah” word by non-muslims to the reason of prevalence of Islamic Conservatism since Dr. Mahathir took over the reign as the Prime Minister of Malaysia in 1981. However, the adoption of the term “Islamic Conservatism” can be arguable. While we may see on one side those so-called “Islamic Conservatists” may insist that the word “Allah” shall not be used by non-muslims for worship purpose, on the other side we see not much of religious substances which can be proclaimed and uttered from the mouth of the so-called “Islamic conservatists”.

    Most often, we see that those so-called “Islamic Conservatists” in Umno strive hard to protect their female family members from being attacked by other muslims for not wearing a head scarf (tedung), citing the ambiguous argument that Malaysians are unlike Arabians whom have strong sexual desire which can be easily stimulated by the hair of a female therefore Malaysians females do not have to wear a head scarf in order to avoid causing sin on the sexually strong males.

    One prominent “Islamic Conservatist” who was at one time the top politician of Malaysia used to tell the Special Branch police that he could tolerate a man having fornication with a woman but he could never tolerate a man having homosexual activity with another man. Hence we found the Special Branch Police were keen to get someone convicted in a legal court with sodomy charge by using some mischievous evidences for prosecution! And hence we were able to see extra-marital sexual activities happening so often and so openly among the cabinet ministers due to the endorsement by the No. 1 man in this “Islamic Conservative” political regime.

    Perhaps it is time now for Allah to take charge and intervene in order to get rid of the psedo-Islamic racism which has been disguised in the name of “Islamic Conservatism” from the earth of Malaysia. The political regime of the psedo-Islamic racism which is headed by Umno should be overthrown by the Rakyat by the coming of next General Election.

  26. #28 by Onlooker Politics on Wednesday, 6 January 2010 – 8:16 pm

    One must always remember that when the easy access to “Allah” has been shut off by a court decision, there will always be another easy access which God will open up for His followers. If the Catholics think that “Tuhan” is not the best alternative to “Allah”, then some other word such as “Jehovah” or “Maha Besar” may be adopted in place of “Allah”. The God followers should realize that when God decides to shut one door, He will always be ready to open another door for access by His followers.

    Wasn’t Aramaic the language that spoken by Jesus Christ?
    How about the Aramaic word for God, ‘Elah’?

  27. why don’t these know-all rascals have an international level debate on the A word? I can guarantee you before they open their mouth they will be crunched like peanuts and surrender with their tails between their legs. In Malaysia ok la, can bully the citizens. Jaguh kampung.

    This is the quality we get from artificially-inseminated NEP qualified Phd, BSC etc where qualifications are given instead of earned. In the end we have monkeys and donkeys in all agencies acting like mr. Know all.

    All thanks to mamak s/o fake-Malay kuti. What else is next up their sleeves? We have ketuanan melayu, the A word, special rights debates for now. What else is coming to garner the Malay votes? I can guarantee another religion and race things to divide further.

  28. If Nazri could play judge and said that the high court judge lau was wrong in making the ruling and still remained untouchable,wonder if Ah Teoh or Kurma in a similar case saying the same thing would be able to remain untouchable too.

  29. This is d game plan in 1M’sia
    First let a judge makes a judgment
    If OK with d gomen (ie, Umno B), then everything stops there
    If not OK with d gomen, AG surfaces 2 appeal n appeal till d judgment is OK with Umno B
    Now HH n NR allowed nationwide protest against d judgment of Lau Bee Lan
    Ha, ha – a clear mesej 2 d next judge what 2 do lah, do d correct political thingy or else
    Wonderful democracy loh
    U think AI has a winning chance in his coming sodomy trial

  30. It is the UmnoUtusans that are causing the problem.
    They thought they can get the support of the Malays to their side by being extreme.
    Can they ?
    Now the country is held ransom by them.
    Tomorrow KL will be deserted as we doubt the police has the resolve to deal with these UmnoUtusans who see themselves as Tuan

  31. chengho,
    Perhaps you should get a copy of Mitch’s Albom’s book which is titled HAVE A LITTLE FAITH.

    That’s what this book does. It really opens your mind to the bigger picture of faith. The question Albom asks is: “what if faith wasn’t what divided us, but what brought us together?” In a world where SOOO many wars are started in the name of religion and holier-than-thou attitudes prevail amongst so many different groups, it seems like all of our problems would be solved if only we could just say, “Hey, I have faith, you have faith…however we get there doesn’t matter. What matters is that we both BELIEVE.” Doing good for others is sometimes the greatest way to experience pure joy. If we all gave a little more of ourselves unselfishly, I do believe that peace would prevail.

    My question to you is, do you think that its that simple? Do you think we’ll ever be able to overcome our differences and come together in the name of pure faith? I truly believe we can. But we need to set aside our self-righteousness and anger and come together for the common good, not only of ourselves, but of all mankind.

    This book is REALLY a good read.

  32. Lately I read a lot of hu ha in the papers about the word allah which the muslim’s say the word “allah” is for their God, and the Christian cannot use it. The Christian should used the word Tuhan for their God. It cross my mind that the muslim in Malaysia cannot sing the Negaraku because the words Tuhan Kurniakan (which is God bestow the blessing) is a Christian God. Ha Ha Ha What a joke?

  33. //For ages the people of Indonesia and Borneo inc Sabah and Sarawak was misled that Jesus= Allah ?…chengho

    how come muslims all over the world are not misled or confused except some of the umno muslims here in bolehland? are they all idiots like chengho? so easy to get confused? when it comes to makan rasuah i dont see them so easily confused. where is your holiness then?

    i bet najib also confused when the 2 jet engines are sold. i bet macc also get confused how TBH sodomised himself and jumped off the building. i bet also the pdrm also get confused how the lorry driver can grab a policeman gun and shot himself on the leg.

    Geez!!! what a confuse bunch of monkeys you are.

    why dont you idiots firebomb the USA since they have step on the moon in 19-sixties? moon represent what in your religion? ahhh? go protest this friday on this. stupid.

  34. //For ages the people of Indonesia and Borneo inc Sabah and Sarawak was misled that Jesus= All@h ?…chengho

    how come muslims all over the world are not misled or confused except some of the umno muslims here in bolehland? are they all idiots like chengho? so easy to get confused? when it comes to makan rasuah i dont see them so easily confused. where is your holiness then?

    i bet najib also confused when the 2 jet engines are sold. i bet macc also get confused how TBH sodomised himself and jumped off the building. i bet also the pdrm also get confused how the lorry driver can grab a policeman gun and shot himself on the leg.

    Geez!!! what a confuse bunch of monkeys you are.

    why dont you idiots firebomb the USA since they have step on the moon in 19-sixties? moon represent what in your religion? ahhh? go protest this friday on this. stupid.

  35. ///For ages the people of Indonesia and Borneo inc Sabah and Sarawak was misled that Jesus= Allxh ?…chengho

    how come muslims all over the world are not misled or confused except some of the umno muslims here in bolehland? are they all idiots like chengho? so easy to get confused? when it comes to makan rasuah i dont see them so easily confused. where is your holiness then?

    i bet najib also confused when the 2 jet engines are sold. i bet macc also get confused how TBH sodomised himself and jumped off the building. i bet also the pdrm also get confused how the lorry driver can grab a policeman gun and shot himself on the leg.

    Geez!!! what a confuse bunch of monkeys you are.

    why dont you idiots firebomb the USA since they have step on the moon in 19-sixties? moon represent what in your religion? ahhh? go protest this friday on this. stupid.

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