Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all

Wishing all Christians and Malaysians Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

2010 is going to be a more testing time for all Malaysians than the previous two years.

Regardless of race, religion or region, let all Malaysians work together with one common objective for a better, more just, equal and democratic Malaysia.

DAP Christmas greetings

25 Replies to “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all”

  1. The best thing Jesus has preached to the World is that “God is Love!”

    May all Malaysian people learn to love one another, whether Ruling Party or Opposition Party, in brotherly or sisterly love, or at least in God’s love!

    Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

  2. And a Merry Christmas from a non-Malaysian who calls Malaysia his home, to everybody who wants Malaysia to be the best home it possibly can be.

    While there may not be a visible Star to follow, at least we have the Three Wise Men. Here’s wishing them health and courage, and let’s hope they soon arrive bearing gifts of equality of opportunity, national unity … and some gold wouldn’t hurt!

  3. ??•*¨*•.¸¸? ¸¸.•*¨*•??… ??We Wish You a Merry ??•*¨*•.¸¸? ¸¸.•*¨*•??Christmas ? ? ?We Wish You A Merry ??•*¨*•.¸¸? ¸¸.•*¨*•??Christmas ??•*¨*•.¸¸? ¸¸.•*¨*•??…And A Happy New Year! ??•*¨*•.¸¸? ¸¸.•*¨*•??..

  4. Christmas is a good time for forgiving,loving sharing ,understanding and caring.I pray that all malaysians would have all these postive attitudes so that we can have peace and prosperity through out this new year 2010 and far beyong. Jesus said if you don’t forgive your brothers and sisters,your father in heaven would not forgive you too. Merry christmas and a happy new year to all you guys .May peace be upon you all.

  5. Barry might win round one but in the court of appeal he will lose on a technicality – that the money was not ‘burnt’ at all. It was spent.
    And the three stooges will take the word literally.

    Only fools will go to a Malaysian Court to defend himself.
    Ask mahathir to file his suit in a neutral country… or America.

  6. you better watch out
    you better not cry
    gonna find out
    who’s naughty or nice
    NKRA and KPI are here

    they’re making a list
    and checking it twice
    gonna find out
    what’s right and what’s wrong
    auditors already in our midst

    Have the best xmas and the best new year !

  7. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year….. What better way to meet his neighbours than to invite them eating more rambutans on the Christmas day….all these while, he never failed to offer extra rambutans to his neighbours…His neighbours don’t have to ask for it… It is not polite to ask or demand something from him …..Having neighbours who share similar values can enhance family life.

  8. cintanegara,
    The Christians in Peninsular Malaysia do not really have a lot of rambutan fruits for sharing with their neighbours. Most of them are landless “have-nots”. What they have may be a few pages of encouranging words from the biblical scripts for sharing with their neighbours. Do you want some?

    I hope the Kadazan-Dusun in Sabah and the Christian Iban in Sarawak will still be able to serve you some wild pulasan in lieu of Rambutan.

    Anyway, Merry Christmas and May God give you a magic touch in order to sanctify you in peace with His wonderful grace and great mercy!

  9. B merry, b happy – but Y limit it only 2 today n d next week?
    Time 2 reflect on d current state of our nation n 2 ponder on d wisdom of certain ppl
    Go read some great speeches @
    Wonder Y in M’sia not “all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (MLK)
    Wonder when “is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood” (MLK)
    We want CHANGE
    However, “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for ‘change’ (with apology 2 MLK) by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.” (MLK)
    Remember, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” (FDR)
    “United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do” (JFK)
    “One form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny” (JFK)

  10. Jib: “Heheheheee…. let ’em enjoy these holidays…after that, they will get to enjoy the GST surprises I have in store for them in 2010…heheehee…Money, money, money, It’s a rich man’s world… heheheheee

  11. At the first Christmas when Jesus was born in Bethlehem as a baby in the manger, a great army of heaven’s angels appeared singing praising God: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!”

    May peace on earth especially in Malaysia continue to come through those with whom God is pleased. Law abiding, peace loving and God fearing people in all walks of life. Stamp out corruptions and deceitful scums who are out to enrich themselves at the expense of human values and even basic morals.

  12. close to 30,000 students got all A in PMR??
    this is outrage and unbelievable. something has to be done.
    our education system is in serious inflation, much worse than ringgit devaluation.
    this is becoming the greatest joke in our education system.
    It is not the students who are becoming better (actually becoming worse), but our education system is getting worst.
    in my mind, all A should be limited to at most 300 persons and not 30,000 persons.

  13. We hv so much injustice, corruption, wrong doings in our nation, but we also hv so much indifference
    People, esp those qualified 2 vote, choose 2 do nothing, not 2 register as voters n not 2 vote
    They choose not 2 vote against d corrupt n racist Umno B/BN
    All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing
    Read The Perils of Indifference (Elie Wiesel) which contains d following:
    What is indifference? Etymologically, the word means “no difference.” A strange and unnatural state in which the lines blur between light and darkness, dusk and dawn, crime and punishment, cruelty and compassion, good and evil.
    Indifference can be tempting – more than that, seductive.
    Indifference, after all, is more dangerous than anger and hatred.
    Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end.

  14. A generational shift in Malaysia is inevitable, so what of the future? they are no easy option, no quick fixes, no grand strategies can change the 50 overs years of high handed rule by over night or even over several years. If Malaysia goverment couples with a desire for greater religion, truly malaysian (no race barrier ) reform, a rebuilding of state instituition, and a slow opening up of space for civil society, then perhaps the conditions of political change would emerge over the next decade or two. Though not a particularly encouraging scenario, it is a realistic one.

  15. Hey cintanegara, is it true your neighbour pruned the rambutan tree outside your house into the shape of a Christmas tree and decorated it with lights, etc.? Are you going to complain to your village headman Najib?

  16. Godfather,
    I don’t think cintanegara will go file a complaint about his neighbour’s pruning the rambutan tree outside his house into the shape of a Christmas tree because as a true Muslim, cintanegara will accept Nabi Isa (Jesus) as a prophet, even though he may not want to call Jesus “God”.

    It is only those who have treated OSAMA as thier “God” will go plant bomb to blast out the Christmas tree even when the Christmas tree is sitting next to their house door!

  17. If cintanegara knew anything about religion, geography, astronomy or botany he would quite happily prune and decorate the rambutan tree himself.

    If you visit very old churches in Northern and Western Europe, you’ll often find them build next to – even under – a much older Yew (genus Taxus) tree. The tree is the original gathering place for the community – Christianity and the church arrived later. Many northern/western European communities still celebrate the Winter Solstice; the shortest day / longest night, the day when the sun rises lowest in the sky. It’s usually around 21/22 December.

    In more northern climes (where the Internationally-known commercial and festive side of Christmas originates) conifers are just about the only living things that appear to survive the end of the year. Everything else dies in the winter to be re-born in the new year. The traditions involving evergreen trees pre-date Christianity.

    I think cintanegara can certainly celebrate the tree, the lights, the presents, the gifts, the songs (well, the ones about bells, snow and holly, anyway) and the feasting. It’s a communal celebration of the end of an old year and the imminent birth of a new year. That part of it has nothing whatsoever to with religion. Malaysia is not the only place where later-arriving religions have largely replaced older traditions. Where the older traditions are linked to natural phenomena, they can be difficult to entirely eradicate!

    It’s the end of the year – time to cherish the good things that happened in the old year now dying and to look forward to your dreams coming true (with a little help from yourself) in the new year just about to be born! You can, if you’re a Christian, celebrate Christ’s Mass and also join in the older, resurgent non-religious tradition. People of all denominations (and even those without!) can take part in the end of year / start of year celebrations without fear of corruption. There’s absolutely no harm in it, and much to enjoy.

  18. Chapter 6 Scandal, What Scandal?

    (first three paragraphs)

    Dr Mahathir’s administration took office in 1981 with the slogan bersih, cekap, amanah – clean, efficient, trustworthy. Almost immediately, however, it became embroiled in financial scandals that exploded with startling regularity, some of them truly spectacular. A few were of an order of magnitude that would have bankrupted most developing nations. But tropical Malaysia was generously endowed with natural resources, notably offshore hydrocarbon deposits, and commanded by a leader committed to rapid development. The expanding economy absorbed the shock of much of the dissipated wealth and where necessary, the gaps left by the missing billions were plugged with the proceeds of oil and gas exports.

    Almost all the scandals involved the government directly, or senior officials and businessmen closely connected to UMNO. In some cases, impropriety – whether illegal or merely ill-advised – was officially authorized or condoned for an allegedly higher purpose. Public funds were stolen in various ways, or simply poured into a big black hole in the name of ventures that bordered on the reckless, improbable, or criminal. The extent of the losses – and in some cases the way the money disappeared – was never fully documented. Dr Mahathir’s administration generally did not hold Malaysians accountable for the financial disasters, and often laid the blame on others. By the early 1990s, cynics remarked that it had been a good decade for bad behavioour, or a bad decade for good behaviour.

    Although he initiated, promoted or at least approved some of the undertakings that turned into outright scams, Dr Mahathir was remarkably blase about the massive wastage and far from embarrassed that another government slogan was “leadership by example”. His eyes fixed on the bigger picture, his vision of a modern Malaysia. Dr Mahathir was more concerned to minimize publicity about mistakes and misdeedsthan to punish those responsible for egregious offences. Two visiting academics, who interviewed him in the late 1990s, were taken aback to find him shrugging off the bad experiences and uninterested in studying what happened in order to avoid a repeat. Noting that Dr Mahathir on special occasions could be persuaded to sing his favourite sone, My Way, they suggested that an approriate encore would be the anthem of the late French chanteuse, Edith Piaf, Je ne regrette rien, I have no regrets.

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