Malaysian diaspora contd – Po Kuan’s blog

Malaysian Diaspora Contd. - Po Kuan's Blog

Po Kuan blogs a heart-rending story in the continuing creation of a Malaysian diaspora which has happened to more than a million Malaysians in the past four decades — whether to uproot and migrate overseas and later to take up foreign citizenship.

Although human migration is a common phenomenon in human history and prehistory, the migration of over a million Malaysians in the past four decades was more because of push rather than pull-factors, with the country losing many of her best talents and human resources stunting and undermining Malaysia’s achievement of her full potential in national development and international competitiveness.

Malaysia on her 50th anniversary would have been a more developed, equitable and more competitive nation if more than a million of the most talented , enterprising and resourceful Malaysians had not been driven away from our shores in the past four decades because of unfair discriminatory nation-building policies and measures by myopic politicians.

After nearly four decades of such self-inflicted injuries, the heart-rending story which Po Kuan blogs should have come to an end with the abandonment of unfair discriminatory policies among Malaysians.

But this is not the case. It would appear that the “Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish” reflex and mentality to the problem of emigration of Malaysians, though not publicly stated as in the seventies and eighties, is still quite prevalent today.

There is not much that can be done about the pull-factors of human migration but a government which refuses to address the problem of the push-factors, which are the result of the failures of just and good governance, cannot claim to be a good government.

Visit Po Kuan’s three-part blog and share your thoughts.

75 Replies to “Malaysian diaspora contd – Po Kuan’s blog”

  1. My uncle left Malaysia in the 1960s. He graduated from MIT and did his PhD in Yale in Computer Science. I dare say, that was when Computer Science era was just starting.

    He was a very patriotic man, a King’s Scout, graduated from Royal Military College. He came back to Malaysia after his PhD to serve his country. Looked for a job in University Malaya. They told him point blank, we have openings, but its only for bumiputera.

    He left for greener pastures in United States. Have been a US citizens for a few decades now. He has contributed widely to the field of Computer Science and is still doing so.

    He never forgave Malaysia for turning their backs to him. And I guess he never will.

  2. My son left the country to pursue his Bachelors degree in BioMedical Engineering and is currently doing his PhD in a foreign land, without any scholarship or any recognition from his own homeland. He was given every assistance and opportunity from a foreign university to pursue his PhD and he is in the midst of a breakthrough in his research. Certainly, a Malaysian born scientist in the making and his students and professors in the foreign land called him a Malaysian and he is proud to be one but whenever he steps down at KLIA, he felt the difference, he is a second class Malaysian. There is an identity crisis back home.
    In the foreign land, he has helped many Malaysians irrespective of ethnic background to excel and he loved to see Malaysians excel, whether Chinese, Indians or Malays. He was Malaysian first in a foreign land but in Malaysia, it is ethnic origin first.

    This brain drain will continue

  3. Let’s be frank– the umno-led govt will be most happy if more non-bumis migrate overseas. This short-sighted and narrow-minded political party does not care two hoots what the country is losing. To them, the more non-bumis who leave the country the better it is, because they are more interested in getting Indonesians, Pakistanis, muslim Filipinos, Rohinyas, etc to settle here. They have the peculiar view that it is better to live in a moslem land with little development than to be with kafirs in a developed country.

  4. Many countries allow one to keep dual citizenships. Boleh should change its policy so that it does not really lose people. Instead of blaming the boleh, I should say US and many advanced countries should be praised for being more open-minded in accepting people with different talents and of different backgrounds. We can do it in boleh by being more open-minded, but likely we will be accepting the laborers instead of talented immigrants.

  5. Anything new? Do you think that our former PM who rules for 22 years doesn’t know about this? You can shout till the cow comes home and the situation will still be the same. If I am not wrong, currently the chinese population in Malaysia is about 23%. By 2020, my projection is that the Chinese population will be about 15 – 18% and will keep on dropping as the years go by if there is no change to the situation.

  6. Reports of ethnic-minority students with near-perfect STPM results not getting a place at the local university have become the norm, and yet objections are often ignored – the government claims that it is a fair game for all.

    Personally, I had no choice but to go overseas to study, and my parents had to spend their entire pension savings on financing my undergraduate degree in Australia. After graduation, most of my Malaysian classmates chose to either stay in Australia or work in Singapore, where equal opportunities and fair competitions give them better job prospects.

    Before coming to the London I did my masters degree in Singapore, where I met many Chinese Malaysians in this situation. Most of us would like to return to Malaysia, but we know that research prospects for minorities are limited. No matter how talented we are, it seems we still have to travel outside our country to seek opportunities.

    Unless we all vote in a more representative and responsible government, more Malaysians will leave.

    I know a couple, the guy was a finance director in one of the big local banks while the wife was a finance manager and they had 4 children. They emigrated to New Zealand and the children were very happy with the new education system.

    Mostly it was because what he had articulated as his reasons for leaving was somewhat true and reflective of the unsaid feelings of the majority of non-malay citizens on this country.

    No one in the current leadership positions appear to have what it takes to bring Malaysia to the era of enlightenment.

    My view on the future of Malaysia? Well, basically the same as the current African states, if not worse. Why? Because the government is an expert in coming up with new types of taxes to tax the people and use the money collected to throw at the Muslims literally. But are nuts when come to improving economy and social security.

    In another 30 years, all the rich Chinese people will emigrate to China, while the rest of them will go to America, Australia and Singapore. What is left? A rotting piece of land with its inhabitants not any better off.

    If the current government does not change their arrogant, lazy and stupid attitude, I will not be surprise that 1 Singapore dollar can buy 10 Malaysia rinngits in another 10 years time. Right, the Malaysia government has said that they have not dropped in their standards, just that other nations are growing faster than them.

    This is the difference between Malaysia and Singapore. To the Malaysia government, what I want to say is this, “This tiny red dot (Singapore) has evolved from a piece of mud to become a piece of shiny gold, while in the same time span, you have evolved from a piece of wood only to stone, at the very best.”

    In the future to come, this red dot will further become a diamond, while its counterpart might just revert back to wood, if not worse.

    I guess the racism goes on and on and I do feel for the minority races over in Malaysia if they had encounter a problem or a situation where they felt racially discriminated, and really can prove it.

    I feel such sentiments almost everyday but I guess I always have reminded myself that, life is way bigger than the color of our skin and that what is more important no matter how clique it may sound; are families and friends.

  7. The stories only help to confirm that TDM has succeeded in his agenda. He would have been happy if the millions of outmigrants would have taken over the jobs currently undertaken by migrant workers, except that he would not want them to vote. Hence we see now millions of “Malaysian Bahru’ coming through Sabah.

    The question of international competitiveness would only arise when the oil runs dry. Meanwhile the formula of divide-and-rule works well for UMNOputras. They believe also that their actions earn them merits for their afterlives.

  8. From time immemorial there have been waves of international migration. The Irish, Dutch, Germans, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese especially at the turn of the 20th century have migrated to the United States in search of a better life or as refugees fleeing persecution. In fact everybody here today comes from some place else – if not they themselves, their parents or grandparents were from somewhere else . The real natives are the American Indians (today known as native Americans) who today number a mere several millions, many eking out their living in Indian Reservations. Chinese from China were probably among the earliest immigrants to this country, settling mostly in California. Today, the Asian population in the United States is a mere 4% but has the fastest growing birth rate, faster than the Latinos. The latter is expected to outstrip the white population some time in 2055.

    When migration occurs on a scale like those we see in places like the North American continent, places like Australia and New Zealand the change in demographics has a permanent and lasting effect – on culture, economics and politics.

    The sociological “push-pull” model explains everything we need to know about human migration. Over the centuries, “push factors” like natural disasters, poverty, civil strife, persecution determine which are the likely sending states. The “pull factors” on the other hand determine where migrant labor ends up and here the receiving states with the higher standard of living act as a magnet.

    The migration that Malaysia has had to endure over the last three decades is nothing out of the ordinary – a million or so is not such a big number for it to become an exodus. But what should be worrying to the country is that it is losing some of its best unnecessarily.

    The United States has an open and positive immigration policy like no other country has, welcoming the best and the most talented from all over the world to come to its shores in pursuit of the American Dream. There is no place like America where an immigrant came with a few dollars in his pocket and rose to become the governor of a state, where a black American with a Kenyan father is today a candidate for the highest executive office of the most powerful nation on earth.

    This country welcomes those with special talents in various disciplines to apply to come to the United States and take up permanent residence. You don’t need to give up your citizenship of the country of origin though most will over the course of time. The sender of this e-mail has chosen to give up hers. It is her right to do so. I will not give up mine because I suppose my emotional ties to the country of my birth are too strong.

  9. Well you and me knows all this and so is UMNO. From my experience with them and to those who has share the same experiences, they do not care two hoots about the non-Bumis migrating. In their mind as you and me know their myopic or shortsighted thinking is less non-Bumi the better and no non Bumi is the best, so that they can have everything for themselves. That is why they will keep on their discrimination policy which is getting worse as time goes by.

    Their talk of national unity and some of the plans towards this are just a cover for them to tell the outside world that we are a model of a peaceful and progressive multi racial country. Unfortunately like America where at one time the blacks were discriminated legally there will be no unity as long as the non Bumis are discriminated legally.

    For all these discrimination they had done, they had created a crater and they are trying to hoodwink the world by coming up with some silly plans or ideas which makes it looks like taking some tooth picks to close the crater.

  10. “Unfortunately like America where at one time the blacks were discriminated legally there will be no unity as long as the non Bumis are discriminated legally.”

    They may have put an end to legal discrimination against blacks in the ’60s. They may have done away with institutionalized discrimination but the fact remains that minorities are still being discriminated today.

    Racism in the world’s most successful democracy is still a problem – and in my opinion will continue to be for as long as human beings walk the earth.

  11. The best time and in the best place you could discriminate the Malaysian malay is when they are in the foreign country, call them useless and they dare not to strike you back, because Malaysia government are not there to pamper them them or backing up their stupidness.

  12. My son was a straight A student, but when he applied for a scholarship, they didn’t even bother to reply. A foreign government gave him a scholarship and he went. Now I tell him not to come home because the unlevel playing field doesn’t look like it ever will be levelled.

    For my generation, this is my last chance to help boot out the bumbling Ali Baba and the den of 40 thieves. If we do not reduce the majority of the thieves to the less-than-two-thirds majority, then we are all doomed. I will pack my bags and head overseas and bring my children with me, and we shall see the last of this country.

  13. Malaysia is a good plae for chinese to be involve in business but not to stay long.

    Y?cause we have 80% of the Malaysian are stupid to perform business yet they insist they should have the priority right.

    Earn their money and reside in oversea. Dont worry they chines to invest, or else they are not even afford to eat a salted fish

  14. I must say that Malaya was also a place of opportunity and dream for the Malays. When the people from the Persians and the Middle East sailed to Malaya, they took the land and it now became their land. As the first group of immigrants, they are now the masters of the land. Although US is now opened to the immigrants, it is no longer as easy. The first group of immigrants are now controlling the country and it makes the coming of new immigrants more difficult. If we look at Taiwan, it is the same story. The Chinese from mainland invaded and controlled the island, and now they are the masters of the island. Any one who wanted to enter Taiwan from the mainland is considered illegal.

    Above all, the losers are always the REAL natives (Orang Asli in Malaya, Red Indians in America, Aboriginal people in Taiwan,…)

  15. Those amongst UMNOputras who are so-called ultra-racist appear to have their ways. The policies of Ketuanan Melayu and discriminatory policies based on bumiputra-non bumiputra dichotomy have “pushed” many of the younger non malay Malaysians to emigrate. Many of those who remain are either disinclined to marry or postponing marriage, and even when if they do, they raise comparatively small families of one two or three children. See NST report 18th March on “Decline in marriages” amongst non muslims –
    This is totally comprehensible. Without cradle to grave state assistance, non malays would concentrate not dilute their resources to emphasis on quality rather than quantity.

    In terms of political hegemony, if the plan of the ultra-racist is to marginalize non malays politically, it has been successful because population is translated to votes, a dwindling population amongst non malays means less votes for those organisation and political parties opposing the country’s racial architecture.

    Young non malay Malaysians, as most young people, have a lot of things on their minds. They have a future and whole life before them and with the passport of good education, they wish to be immediately planted in first world country, with matured infrastructure, bright lights, amenities, social and medical benefits, efficient public transportation – and most important an opportunity to develop themselves and careers on a leveler playing field that their own country either does not afford or deny them on grounds of race.

    That’s the reason for emigration. In part it is herd instinct as many peers are doing so.

    In the Age of Globalisation – and we’re only seeing the beginning – there is of course nothing wrong in emigrating for better prospects to better oneself and career. Indeed as the world evolve into a global village, the trend will be everyone (whether Chinese, Indians, Malays Caucasians who are educated and mobile) will be going from here to there, and coming from there to here, depending on where the main lure and opportunities are to develop oneself business or career and to make money for financial security, and also to enhance life’s experience – in that order.

    I submit that this should be the main benchmark – of what one should do, whether to stay in Malaysia or venture or emigrate elsewhere.

    But don’t use the Ketuanan Melayu and discriminatory policies based on bumiputra-non bumiputra dichotomy as an excuse. It is an aberration that distorts perspectives.

    The NEP and other Ketuanan policies actually are not that bad for all non-malays. Everything has its cons and pros.

    Thanks to the NEP, many non malays strive harder, score distinctions, learn resilience, master Bahasa, English and Mandarin and become more competitive here and abroad. Many have done very well in spite of these policies, gave the best to their children who being used to the best want the easy one out of being planted immediately in a first world country without having gone through the survival game to learn what takes to be successful in challenging environments.

    Sometimes there are so few non Malays in civil service and GLCs is not only because of Bumi policies but it is because Non Malays have shunned the very thought of working there.

    In the private sector how many Non Malays who are qualified cannot get jobs? As an employer for many years, I find it is the Malays who are marginalized by government policies lacking in confidence in their English proficiency, and even amongst those who are capable, they suffer the reverse discrimination that they have obtained their qualifications by government tinkering with their marks.

    When a vacant post is being advertised, the majority of those who come for interview are Malays followed by Indians with the Chinese being few and most demanding in terms of pay and working prospects.

    True the UMNOputras use political influence to procure contracts – and they will always defend the system that gives them the unfair advantage over others – but even they cannot do the job unless they collaborate and share the spoils with non malay entrepreneurs. These non malay entrepreneurs who are “connected” do very well because of the NEP that gives them unfair advantage over other ordinary Malaysians of all races.

    Like I said, NEP is useful for beneficiaries to have an unfair advantage.

    If there were an opportunity where an UMNOputra and a Non Malay partner have comparative advantage to make money in (say) Vietnam, Papua New Guinea or Saudi Arabia, you will in tandem with Globalisation find them there, the UMNOputra would have forgotten about his entitlement under the NEP because there in these countries the opportunities to make money, notwithstanding the absence of NEP, are even greater than here.

    It is true that in western countries the laws protect minorities whereas here they are institutionalized to favour the majority. But many Malaysians have adjusted to this, circumvented and even benefited from such apartheid laws, so to speak.

    And as the Chinese saying goes ” the moon overseas is always rounder” or “the neighbours cooking is always tastier” but the reality is different. Racism arising from human tribalism is everywhere posing a challenge to the minority. Sometimes it manifests obviously and other times subtly affecting individuals and the capacity to cope and transcend it differently.

    You mean there’s no racism in US or Australia at all camouflaged by politically correct excuses why you can’t get the promotion you deserve? In a matured society everything is DIY – unless you are very rich you either can’t afford or you will have to pay much more for maids, servants, electricians, plumbers etc and good food in a decent restaurant. Not to mention the kinship ties and friendliness of your average Malaysian friends.

    The so-called Racism here then should arguably perhaps not be the sole and principal reason for the ‘push’ to emigrate. But if the country offers, for example, no research facilities that (say) Australia offers nor if one has qualified in automobile engineering and other than Proton, there’s no prospect, by all means venture elsewhere – it need not be Australia, it can be Korea or for that matter Italy, if Lamborghini offers a lucrative job.

    There are also many who having lived overseas are happy reversing migration to come back to Malaysia where their skills and knowledge help them to prosper more than in (say) Australia.

    Many Non malays also emigrate because they are fed up with the endemic corruption here.

    Then again many choose to stay here or to return from overseas to do business here precisely because of it. These are the people with connections and contacts with politicians or politically connected within the power structure. They can have access to play a part in the lucrative contracts where their skills can be used by their contacts. If they overstep the boundaries of the law in their quest for profits, they know the payment of a bribe to the proper person in authority will get them out of trouble unlike in other places. Of course one can say that scoundrels will be happy to be here. But the point here is that it takes all kinds and it depends on individual’s circumstances and whether he has comparative advantage in whatever he does.

    At the end of the day is where one can have a head start (for many it is still in home country with family and friends network) to develop oneself, one’s business or career and to make money for financial security, and also to enhance life’s experience – in that order. With financial security from such a headstart the entire world is your oyster! Without it, life is a drudgery anywhere. That’s a simple fact of life.

    For others who venture to take up the challenges of globalisation, the place of choice need not even be a western society just because many of us have a western frame of reference from western education : it can be country like China, El Salvador or Venezuela. It can also be Malaysia.

    From the country’s perspectives, UMNOputras are of course short sighted in the sense that racial quotas are increasingly irrelevant in the Age of Globalisation : if one does not formulate the best policies to retain your homegrown brains and talents, what would you have left? Who can you really marginalize other than your own people whom you claim to represent? The marginalized others who have brains are prepared to go elsewhere and can have their skills developed to their benefit – anywhere and anytime. There’ll come a time, when even UMNOputras will have to look elsewhere for opportunities for what good is the NEP for them if our country is not developed, not competitive and descend into economic backwaters?

  16. maybe we should start a blog for all who have been chased away to tell us how they are doing now and how they could hv contributed to our own society. Let us see the impact it could have had on Msia should they had stayed back.

  17. Remember that there are many Malaysians who cannot afford and/or have the opportunity to emigrate, no matter how badly they are treated at home. In the news today, we see residents of Kota Belut, Sabah who continue to get their water supply from contaminated rivers and streams since Merdeka, after 50 years of BN coming into power. The ADUN says it will take RM120k to provide water supply. One wonders why it takes 50 years to get such a meagre allocation, when BN politicians literally gamble away millions of ringgit of public funds. These poor and uneducated continue to vote the corrupted and incompetent BN due to money politics and misleading promises. Malaysia needs a clean and honest government. Down with UMNO and its puppets. Vote wisely in the next GE.

  18. Smeagroo, don’t waste your time on this. what purpose does it serve. You may prove your point. So what? But life goen on. people continue to migrate and the authorities from time to time will try to bring back those people from abroad. This issue will continue and it goes on and on. Eventually, the population of non Malays will be less and less in terms of percent to the Malays. As such, do those things that can bring more benefit to yourself and not things that cannot or will not be resolved.

  19. After working my butt off in communication school.. going through all kind of shit both emotionally and physically… i would probably get paid for twelve hundred dollars…if i’m lucky.. forget about marriage.. or getting an apartment .. i dont think i can afford to pay up my car loan… funny.. on top of that to secure that particular pathethic job i have to go on a merry go round interviews and be obliging to answer weird questions.. people are even looking at your passport picture before hiring you.. and here I am thinking that intelligence and hardwork is good enough..” tak cukup” which means , nowdays being pretty regardless of your gender is an important package.. forget about us… how about people with disabilities?? aren’t they entitle to work on a equal footing?? judge people by their commitment and passion for their work and not how they look like outwardly… indiference of sex,religion,skin colour and the political party they are rooting for… remember martin luther king ‘s speech? ” i had a dream”? Well we all have dreams and hopes for the future.. but unfortunately the chances of our growth in this nation is very much questionable and vague.. my sis who is a biotech graduate was previously excited because of the 8th malaysian plan.. biovalley by TDM.. whatever happen to that?? ” apa jadi..?? Even if you guys google on that issue it brings u back to the date of 2003?? Ini manar boleh??? I was watching CNN and they were broadcasting the issue on India’s next generation, Vikram akula the founder and ceo of sks microfinance was one of the main speakers .. India being the next big thing .. what about Malaysia??
    Which is why youngsters nowadays wanna leave this country ASAP.. there is a proverb “Dont keep a dog and bark your self” we have so many intelligent, creative and innovative Malaysians, and yet some creatures insist on doing things their way.. don blame the rakyat for brain drain then.. Graduates.. they want to be recognised in some way.. they wanna succeed.. they want a job that reflects their education…and all the hardwork and sacrifices that they put into in getting the scroll.. should be appreciated .. FACT: the minorities are being discriminated.. we are still known as non-bumi,or pendatang..?? Precisely this is why the bird leaves the nest and migrates.. i’ve had friends who have personally told me that the only way they would ever bother to come back to MAlaysia is for weddings and funerals… as cynical as this might sound i don’t blame them.. i share their sentiments.. and that’s the FACT..

  20. Jeffrey, I must say, has the most balanced of views. He is able to see the entire – not just a piece of it imperfect though it may still be. His vision of things to come, of things that could be, provides a glimmer of hope for those of us true Malaysians who believe in the triumph of reason over the irrational and the emotional. When the going gets tough at home these true-blue Malaysians don’t go shopping for the best among the “receiving states” with the most open borders so to speak.

    The Chinese have shown great resilience in the face of adversity. They are today what the NEP makes them out to be – as I always like to say, “They are what they are not in spite of the NEP but because of it.” Migration is normal enough. Southeast Asia has seen its share of migratory waves over the last several hundred years – a process that will continue. We have been seeing a growing migratory wave from Indonesia for the last forty years. They are coming in search of a better life for themselves and their kin – a natural enough phenomenon. Malaysians, do not forget, are ‘guilty’ of doing the same. The resourceful and the adventurous among us make a bee line to countries like Australia.

    The industrious Chinese having been here much earlier and over a short span of a hundred years or so, gained a foothold of the economy in such dramatic fashion that it was made to look like it is a threat to the rest of the population whose prowess is not to be found in commerce and industry. There is a price to pay for everything – as any student of physics would testify, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

    Today ‘push’ factors are having an impact on their lives. The Chinese are among some of the most mobile and most adaptable of races. They will move on to greener pastures, helped by their innate or acquired ability to withstand life in foreign countries, helped by the fact that they are China towns wherever they go – the network factors come in handy in their struggle to adapt and survive in foreign environment.

    Do you see this happening to the Malays? The pull factors work to ensure that they stagnate ( for want of a better word) in this country. Out of the country of their birth they are like fish out of water. They cannot survive. Those who can, unfortunately are those among their leaders most responsible for their condition. This privileged few today have investments and second homes in countries like Australia, NZ, UK, Canada – unheard of in the 1950s. But for the fact that their economic well being comes on top of the misery and the corruption, this would have come to pass as just another phenomenon about migration – which is that the rich and educated among all races will move to countries with a better quality of life.

    How long does it take for the average working Malays to realize that they too have been marginalized to some extent in their own country, by their own leaders? It is their folly.

  21. I dont see any hope for the B.N changing its policies in the near future.As long as MCA, MIC and Gerakan keep on propping this corrupt govt status quo will remain.And most likely B.N will just lose only a few seats. The rural malays although similarly marginalise will continue to support B.N because the latter will continue to play the race and religious card to win votes.Yes the future for all Malaysians are very dim, not only for the chinese and indians but also for the malays.At the moment the N.E.P only help the elite UMNO cronies and they are the sole beneficiaries of the NEP policy.

  22. MY VIEW Says:

    Negarawan, say what you like, the people there will still vote for Barisan. Just watch.

    I am sure they will, sadly, because RM50-100 per voter, and some false promises, is enough to sway these poor and gullible people

  23. Among that million of Malaysians who migrated, I wonder how many of them, or their parents has voted for BN over the years? Or all along they have voted for the oppositions but it didn’t help them a bit. If they have voted for the BN (MCA or Gerakan), should it be much better today? Maybe MCA (Gerakan excluded because not race base party) can address the issue of Malaysian (Chinese in this respect) since they are the want who shout so loud about looking after the Chinese, but why MCA, why? How come there are so many Chinese RUNNING away from Malaysia? And how come they have to go overseas and work? Can’t MCA provide jobs for them since you are Malaysian Chinese Association? What does your party do by the way? Creating healthy political environment? What ever for? I stronly recommend MCA to change their party’s name because it doesn’t seems to be on par, as the name is kencang but the party is not.

  24. The “C” can stand for “Chinese” as much as it can stand for “Corrupted”. We see these BN ministers very occupied with opening ceremonies and lunch and dinner functions, but they don’t care much about the serious problems their community is facing. MCA and MIC are political eunuchs to UMNO, and a vote for MCA or MIC is equivalent to a vote for racist UMNO. Period

  25. A big part of the blame must go to the opposition who can’t seem to compromise or stay united for an credible duration of time. PKR is alive because of one man, and that one man evokes so much emotion amongst the Malays, so the support is split. DAP can’t seem to break out of its chauvinistic self – up to today, it doesn’t seem to want to appeal to Malay voters for fear of losing its hard-core base. PAS shoots itself in the foot all the time with its pronouncements that scare the hell out of non-Muslims.

    It appears that the opposition parties are trying very hard to give the support back to BN, and then bitch and moan after the fact that BN loots the country time and time again.

    This country will not change until a cataclysmic event happens and my prediction is that that will happen when the ruling coalition steals everything until there is nothing left to steal, and leaves the country in ruins. Then UMNO will reform itself – not because they lose in the elections, but when the looters realise that there is nothing left for them to aspire to in politics.

  26. I really want to believe MCA’s (can include Gerakan coz majority members are still Chinese) is serving best interest of Malaysian (Chinese ar..). But NO! Reality is otherwise, not only the migration issue or livelihood issue. There is one more very important issue; illegal DRUGS has spoilt many families in Malaysia.

    Many Chinese adults and Chinese youth are hooked on syntethic designer drugs, the money spent on these drugs is flowing to the black market and we got all sort of crimes due to it, and our economy is greatly affected by it, corruptions boom also. What happened to the MCA’s war again “fengtau pills”? Another shortlived campaign to bait Chinese voters?

    Although migrations of Malaysian (mostly Chinese) can be view as personal decision, but the aspects and reasons directly or indirectly lies in the incompetency of our current political leaders. Those who has given up can lives in peace in their new country. But those still around must wake up and fight by voting against the current government of BN leaders. We have the right to choose what is best for us, and BN is not my choice!

  27. undergrad2 Says:

    March 19th, 2007 at 12:08 am
    Jeffrey, I must say, has the most balanced of views. He is able to see the entire – not just a piece of it imperfect though it may still be.

    Migration will always be an emotive subject even without a racist Administration but racism in Malaysia has only made the subject so much more intense and excruciating. Since the days of Tun RAzak, exacerbated by TDM and listless in AAB’s administration, miilions have flocked overseas in search of greener pastures.

    For all his wonderful intentions and balanced views, neither Jeffrey nor Undergrad2, would be able to respond to the kernel of the migration issue. It is simply this: ‘Only one life, ’twill soon be past.’
    Many of our forefathers left the shores of their motherlands, be it China, India or whatever, in search of a safe and secure place where they could set up homes and raise their young. Even animals know how to do that. It’s an instinct!

    Many left because of the strife in their homelands, others because of economic necessity; some but not that many because of educational needs. These basic reasons remain the key ‘push-pull’ factors in today’s migration patterns.

    Now the question that confronts us all, realistically, is whether or not, we are convinced Malaysia is the best place (safe and secure – political etc; possesses a viable economy with decent opportunities for the foreseeable future; a land which offers hopes, dreams and prospects ahead). These were the same natural questions that motivated our forefathers to settle in strange lands and amongst strange peoples.

    Now you tell me – 10 years from now, 20 years hence, 30 years thereafter – your children, your children’s children and their progeny – would the Malaysian climate all-round, be conducive to plant and raise their offsprings, your seeds. You decide.

    Allegiance to country is a fiction. You owe allegiance to whichever country you call home. As long as you are a Malaysian, you cheer for Malaysia. And so we do. Our spirits soar & there is such exhilaration when Malaysians win the THomas Cup or All-England, and now, the Swiss Open. We don’t care if US or England wins the World Rugby; it’s just one of those happenings and then the memory fades. But we have pride in the country we call our fatherland. So the first point is that, love for a country is not permanent; unlike love for your family. Many a war-story tells of otherwise patriotic men and women who betray their countries just tos save their families from the firing squad. And the law has recognised that this is NOT treason because of the duress factor. And because everyone knows that between choosing love for country and love for family – you tell me, are you any better than animals! Many, many would pay lip service to love for country and that includes TDM, AAB and DAim (where is he with all his $$$; he could employ the tens of thousands of unemployed graduates and show his love for Bangsa, Agama, Negara!).

    So I empathise with the millions in the disaspora who put their families first!

    AAB and his asinine Ministers should analyse this problem carefully; if Malaysia is not good enough for Malaysians, then it is not good enough for foreigners. So you can forget about all the hype on the FDI and ‘Malaysia, My Second Home’ Project. Frankly, it’s a stupid waste of time. The same conditions that make Malaysians proud and make them return home to this land will be the same reasons why Malaysia will be a land attractive for FDI and MMSH Project. This should have been obvious to anyone who would call the 2 pods in their cranial cavities ‘brains’.

    But, I strongly encourage each individual, all Malaysians included, that in a globalised world, you seek out the best for yourself, develop your best potential and offer it to the highest bidder in the world subject to, of course, the ususal constraints and taste & preferences issues.

    For these reasons, I think my siblings smart to have left Malaysia and settled in different parts of the world. They have built their fortunes from scrap and gained a stable environment to raise their families. Whatever they owed Malaysia, they have more than given back.

    Should I be surprised that as our forefathers came in waves to the Malayan shores to eke out their existence, this and the next generations will also seek out their space across the globe? No, I am not surprised. In fact, I think, under today’s ridiculously unstable conditions in Malaysia which is out of sync with a first-world global and civilised society, the tendency for many to still leave is great.

    The choice is personal. Like ‘carboncopy’ and ‘firstmalaysian’ I agree that it was right their children and relatives go & build their dreams where their stars lead them and not to turn back! Of course, they are welcome back as tourists which is why our tourist arrivals consist of hundreds of thousands of ex-Malaysians visting this country because of their familial ties rather than tourists who are interested in Batu Caves and Twin Towers. But of course, Tengku Adnan, Minister of Tourism, spends millions on inane advertisements and have to tell you otherwise.

    The ONLY WAY Malyisa can progress is if the nation dismantles all those archaic and oppressive structures and systems in its government and institutions. Otherwsiwe, no hope-lah.

    This is why those who are left in Malaysia, Malays or non-Malays alike, must vote for a change in the government to begin a fresh chapter for the creation of a dynamic and truly cosmopolitan Malaysia. Presently, I do not agree that Malaysia is a microcosm of Asia despite the millions spent on its advertisements. It’s sad that our PM has to stoop so low to become our national salesman – a job that doesn’t fit him at all. Who do you think will visit Malaysia because he goes on an advertisement and talks about the ‘Salam’?

    You see in Malaysia, lots of screws are loose. BN just doesn’t know what to think and how to think! That’s why BN must go, come GE.

  28. “This country will not change until a cataclysmic event happens and my prediction is that that will happen when the ruling coalition steals everything until there is nothing left to steal, and leaves the country in ruins.” Godfather

    Yes, and this will be manifested by soaring inflation, high unemployment, a plummeting stock market, property market in a free fall – abandoned housing projects, massive surplus of office and commercial space – high interest rates, banks paralyzed by high non-performing loans due to mismanagement, the government unable to fund shortfalls in EPF and retirees retiring without the full benefit of their hard earned savings, the country’s foreign exchange reserves insufficient to finance two months of imports and a free falling ringgit forcing BNM to consider another devaluation of the currency, outflow of short term funds, shrinking FDI etc – very much like what occurred during the Asian financial crisis of 1997/8. Only this time the country will not recover fast enough to avoid the worst – widespread social unrest, high crime rate and a broken police force.

  29. “This is why those who are left in Malaysia, Malays or non-Malays alike, must vote for a change in the government to begin a fresh chapter..” Hornbill

    And if I might add, this change could only happen if the working Malays do not feel threatened and are persuaded to vote for the opposition irrespective of which parties appear on the ballot papers. It is only through this kind of strategic voting that corrupt politicians could be dislodged from their positions of power and influence. If Malays could be persuaded to vote for individuals instead of parties, there is a chance for change.

  30. //Now you tell me – 10 years from now, 20 years hence, 30 years thereafter – your children, your children’s children and their progeny – would the Malaysian climate all-round, be conducive to plant and raise their offsprings, your seeds. You decide//

    I don’t know about you but if I were to take into consideration the seeds I sow over the years, there would be a mini united nations following me wherever I go.

  31. Until the ordinary people are properly and fully informed of what’s happening to the country, unscrupulous and greedy politicians will continue to exploit the country until there is nothing left.

    It is irresponsible of the government to keep the ordinary people in the dark.

  32. tsn says:Jeffrey: If you have known any reversing migrants back to Malaysia because Bolehland allows them to grease people palm in order to gain advantage, then my sugguestion to you is “SPIT ON THESE PEOPLE AND CHASE THEM OUT FROM BOLEHLAND BY ALL MEANS” These are people cause the Bolehland’s corruption to the core.
    And Jeffrey, if you think NEP has made non-bumi more resilient, stronger and tougher, then propose to UMNO to come out with another more ++affirmative policy, go along to your perception, non-bumi will grow even stronger and better, then why make your points here regarding discrimination, lack of opportunities… and finally CABUT-MIGRATION. Life goes on all the time, Bolehland with the blessing of abundant natural resources, relatively less natural disaster eventhough NEP with awful wastages & leakages, bumi or non-bumi, majority of us are able to enjoy a reasonable high standard of life. As our oil is running dry, factories relocated, China gobbling up most of the new direct investments, I dare not say the future will remain the same.

    My opinion of life in Bolehland is very simple. ie: BUMI MUST HAVE GOOD LIFE, WITH NON-BUMI HARDWORKINGNESS AND INTELLIGENCE, NON-BUMI WILL HAVE A BETTER LIFE, IF BUMI HAVE BAD LIFE THEN NON-BUMI WILL HAVE WORSE LIFE. People with power are already not in good shape, what shape do you expect from people(you) without? Sorrylah-bad shape/no shape.

    To go or to stay back in Bolehland, one must find “right reason/s”. Do not stay or go for the wrong reason/s(Jeffrey’s friend, able to bribe to get advantage, right or wrong of reason?). For majortiy of people the reason of going is simply “TO AVOID THE MIGHT BE BAD LIFE IN THE FUTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN” To think of our Indonesia maid life in our house compound, your hair will stand up, hopefully Bolehland will not land into that Takbolehland state.

  33. if any of u guys know of any blogs or forums where lots of young adults hang out, do forward paste links such at LKS, MT, Rocky, etc in there. LEt these ppl be more aware of the current situation of our country. Many of them dont know and they still think all is rosy in the country. When I was in my early 20s I was also a dungu. Didnt care much but today it is different. We have much to do!

  34. Malaysia’s rising crime mars govt’s rosy picture

    By Clarence Fernandez
    March 18, 2007

    With an eye to early elections, Malaysia is beating the drum about its healthy economy, but surging crime levels offer a stark reminder that the government has yet to deliver on key law-and-order promises. Malaysia expects to host more than 20 million tourists this year as it marks its 50th anniversary of independence, but burglaries, shootouts in shopping malls and motorcycle-borne bag snatchers are just some of the hazards visitors could face.

    Kuala Lumpur resident Simonetta Roma, 35, was returning from church one evening when two men on a passing motorbike grabbed at her handbag. The next moment, she was being dragged along the street.

    “I saw these two guys passing by on a bike, and the next time I saw them I was on the road,” said Roma, an Italian who was seven months’ pregnant at the time. “It all happened so fast.”

    She escaped with just cuts and bruises, but many are not so lucky: often bag-snatch victims are dragged head-first into the pavement with such force they are either killed or left with injuries such as skull fractures or broken bones.

    In recent months, public attention has been riveted by the murder of a Mongolian model whose body was feared to have been blown to bits and the theft of a cargo of $13 million worth of computer chips in northern Penang.

    Police figures show that crime in Malaysia rose 14 percent last year to 225,836 incidents against 198,017 in 2005, and the proportion of serious crimes, such as murder, rape and armed robbery, grew 26 percent.


    Though the government paints a rosy picture of the economy, crime is being fuelled by a volatile mix of factors that includes a huge migrant labour force, the rising cost of living and a vast gulf of deprivation between rich and poor, one analyst said.

    “Having a more effective police force would help,” said political analyst and activist Chandra Muzaffar, adding that crucial reform steps suggested in 2005 by a sweeping inquiry into Malaysia’s police force had yet to carried out.

    “That is a pity and it shows a lack of political will and an inability to exercise one’s authority,” he said.

    Opposition politicians say the government has not fulfilled election promises to rein in crime and cast doubt on police data, saying they do not reflect the true problem because people lack confidence in the force, and leave many crimes unreported.

    “In the 2004 election, Abdullah had promised his government would reduce crime to make Malaysia a safe country, but streets, public places and homes have become even more unsafe under his premiership,” said Democratic Action Party chief Lim Kit Siang.

    To fight crime, police chief Musa Hassan wants the government to expand his force by a third, or roughly 30,000 officers.

    Another plan aims to improve the quality of investigations by retaining retiring senior officers to train younger officials.

    More controversial is a plan to confine foreign workers, who are often blamed for crimes, to work sites during off-duty hours, which has sparked protest from rights groups, because police say they committed just 2 percent of crimes last year.

    With Malaysians reluctant to take up menial jobs, the country is one of Asia’s largest importers of foreign labour, which makes up a quarter of a workforce of roughly 10.5 million.

    Home-seekers worry about security, said an official at one of the country’s largest realty firms, who did not want to be named.

    “Clients always prefer gated properties, because if there is a break-in, the manager has to replace what is stolen,” he added.

    Yet there is a bright spot — the crooks see only fast bucks. “I was worried the thieves would go online with my credit cards and buy things,” said snatch-theft victim Simonetta Roma.

    “But my bag was found with cards intact, though everything else was gone.”

  35. Taiko Says:

    March 19th, 2007 at 9:05 am
    Instead of fighting back, these people played into UMO’s game of being chased out.”

    Those who stay – either because ‘no choice’ or because they choose to stay to help the downtrodden (for whom this is their life calling and struggle) – must continue the good fight and run the race to win and to defeat the racist elements.

    Those who must go – because they have good reasons (whatever it may be) and those reasons exert a compelling force on them to leave – just go. Go, not because some political bastards scream their heads at you to leave but because you really have your own 20/20 vision to follow (NOT THE STUPID TDM’S WAWASAN 2020 which is nothing more than a mouthful of inane words coined by the unconscionable old man to hoodwink a nation. May God bless his tired and bitter old soul. Undergrad2, I think I had to invoke the name of God just this one more time).

  36. kiki Says: (Tongue-in-cheek)

    March 19th, 2007 at 9:22 am

    ” it balance out”

    achia3 Says:

    March 19th, 2007 at 9:52 am
    kiki… you are right…. more brains better than 1.

    Now, when the jobs dry up or when the money from hard labour isn’t good or fast enough, this is what happens:

    negarawan Says:

    March 19th, 2007 at 9:50 am
    Malaysia’s rising crime mars govt’s rosy picture

    By Clarence Fernandez
    March 18, 2007
    Reuters (see posting above)

  37. non-bumis are heading for doom. that’s for sure. not too long ago, mca (running dog party) came out with a so-called monetary-rewarding scheme to encourage more chinese to produce more babies in order to slow down the drop (don’t think of increasing it!) rate in the chinese population. how can the chinese parents dare to even think of having more babies when they are not even able to ensure their very own future in this bodohland???

  38. Get your malay friends to read Malaysia and the Club of Doom, by Syed Akbar Ali. Good reading, but more important for the Muslims to read it. Perhaps buy it and give it to them to read!

  39. The Making of the Indonesian Bumiputra

    To all concerned Malaysians and non bumiputras, I received this e-mail That I wanted to share with the rest,

    We need to anticipate the fate of our children and grandchildren in this so called country of ours Malaysia ……..

    The Govt’s announcement (26th February 2007 ) of its
    intention to build schools for 34,000 Indonesian
    children was applauded by the Indonesian Govt who
    called Malaysia its “very good friend”. Not only do we
    provide jobs for MILLIONS of Indonesians, we will also
    provide quality education for free with better
    facilities than they enjoy back home in Indonesia .

    To me, this is somewhat a surprise. The 9th Malaysia
    Plan provided no allocation for the building of any
    more vernacular Chinese and Tamil schools and when MCA
    youth officials questioned the absence of allocation,
    UMNO youth’s Datuk Hashim Bin Suboh from Perlis (at
    the last UMNO Gen Assembly) asked Datuk Hisham what he
    was going to do next with the Keris now that he had
    unsheathed it, kissed it and waved it about. He was
    suggesting that the MCA’s demands for the construction
    of Chinese schools be handled by more than just verbal

    Every single unspent Ringgit earned by the Indonesians
    are remitted back home whereas the wealth of
    Malaysia’s citizens are reinvested in the country. The
    Govt machinery runs on taxation income derived from
    its citizens but spent on the children of Indonesian
    immigrants who incidentally according to Police
    statistics account for 33% of all crime in the nation.

    The real losers in this scenario are members of the
    Indian community. Particularly the uneducated who are
    deprived of the same level of educational opportunity
    as the children of Indonesian immigrants. And now with
    free and better education, we can expect even more
    Indonesians to come over to Malaysia as public
    education in Indonesia is not cheap. With the
    population of Indonesians already exceeding the number
    of Indians in the country, one wonders if there is a
    hidden agenda to dilute the population mix any

    How many “Indonesian Malaysians” are currently
    enjoying Bumiputra benefits? How many of them are
    already enjoying Govt sponsorships and aid for various
    reasons? The answers are a well kept secret.

    The MIC youth leaders were lamenting the fate of
    Indians in the country recently. Because of public
    prejudice against Indians, employers were reluctant to
    employ them. The police have a habit of
    indiscriminately arresting every Indian youth in sight
    every time a crime occurs and keeping them in lock up
    for days. As a result, the youth are reluctant to
    return to work, unable to explain their absence. Those
    who do are pressured out of employment when the reason
    for their absence is revealed. The number of
    uninvestigated deaths of Indian youth in Police lock
    ups around the country is rising. And the MIC is
    looking more disempowered by the day.

    The racial polarization caused by UMNO’s superiority
    complex is creating a stronger spirit of protectionism
    among the Chinese which doesn’t help the fate of
    Indians in Malaysia. Malaysia has forgotten the
    contribution of its Indian citizenry. Recently, the
    Selangor state Govt evicted 43 Indian families who had
    occupied a plot of Govt land in Kuala Selangor for
    over 80 years. Their appeal for a stay of the eviction
    order was denied by the Chief Minister of Selangor who
    incidentally is the son of an Indonesian immigrant.

    I write to appeal to you all to stop thinking of the
    Indian underclass as somebody else’s problem. Indians
    are intelligent, hard working and loyal. But the level
    of frustration, lack of confidence and lack of
    entrepreneurship among them is the result of the
    selfishness of the Govt. With collective contribution
    of society, this can all change.

  40. Endangered Hornbill: “Those who must go – because they have good reasons (whatever it may be) and those reasons exert a compelling force on them to leave – just go”

    I agree, if they have to go, by all means. I have no problem with migration. To each his own. In fact, I’ve written about this issue not too long ago:

    However, I felt that:
    1) nobody should blame people who stays
    2) we should fight on because leaving is not always the best option

  41. “But don’t use the Ketuanan Melayu and discriminatory policies based on bumiputra-non bumiputra dichotomy as an excuse. It is an aberration that distorts perspectives.”

    You serious Jeff? Aberration? These discrimnatory policies have been in place since the birth of the country. Sure, the fact of globalisation has meant transplanting of labour and skills across borders but every one of my fellow immigrants with whom I now socialise in Melbourne left because of these discriminatory policies. I left for the same reason.

  42. While the whole world is hungry for shortage of qualified skilled people, our government is stupid enough to create all sorts of policies to drive away our invaluable human asset. Luring talents to serve the country is itself a very competitive exercise, and definitely we are also not good at that.

    Country like New Zealand also lost 500k her people to Australia, and according to BBC news ( 18-3-07 ), they are advertising aggressively to try to get back their people by emphasizing their geographical beauty, and cheaper housing though the pay is lower by about 30% compared with that of Australia.

    There is a big difference between the wealth creation and receiving handouts. Brain drain will reduce number of wealth creator, like the US computer scientist who got rejected by MU for a stupid reason creates special software which could be cash cow for the organization and so the country. “Connectivity” “Ali Baba “for the government contracts is not wealth creation but a receipt of handouts at the expense of honest taxpayers.

    Today’s paper, Nanyang Siang Pau, Abuse of diesel oil is horrible, 78% of the industry rely on abuse of diesel including GLCs and listed companies. You see, cheating, and receiving handout has become a culture and the executives in those companies probably got a promotion by doing that for their “smartness “in saving “ X “ ringgits for the companies. How are we going to compete in the globalised environment with that kind of competence?

    It’s indeed a tragic to see more people in this country are measuring success in good connectivity in receiving handout and cheating while creation of wealth has been largely ignored or incapacitated.

    That explains that why the immigrant in the first world country works for a month, his counterpart in home country has to work many months. Our average income for an average worker has declined very much as compared to the purchase power of the income. For that reason, it is difficult to attract the talents and skilled people back and our high crime rate, filthy water, environment will also scare people away.

    Talents need to be groomed and grow and not to be incapacitated and talents and skilled people go to where they are most wanted. Surely, it is easier to retain the people we already have rather than trying to lure the people who are already out.

  43. But sadly Kingkong, no effort is being made to retain us here. More and more Malaysians are applying to leave, while other countries are welcoming people with relevant experience. It’s just a show to try to get people to return here. What is going to keep those people here once they return and see the rut that we are in?

    This was a good country that could have become great, if not for its mismanagement. And no effort is being made to improve the management. It is going from bad to worse. In time to come we will be classified along with the likes of Ethiopia and Sudan and Nigeria.

  44. Kingkong, I find it hard to believe that MNC’s have got involved in the purchase of subsidised diesel. It’s not worth the trouble and not worth the current savings level.

    I think it’s more likely that the source they were buying the diesel from had also obtained subsidised diesel through improper means and had mixed all the diesels together.

    This would explain why such a large number of companies in Gebeng were found with this subsidised diesel.

  45. We have a duty to help the poor Indonesian migrants or any migrants.

    But, first we should not grossly discriminate our own who had made great and significant contributions to the country for generations.

    Clearly there is a politics of numbers.

  46. We recognised and acknowleged the unique culture and traditions of the bumi and to protect it for the benefit of generations to come.

    But non bumi should not be pushed to leave the country. This is most cruel, inhumane and uncivilised at the extreme any decent human being could do to another…..forcing them out of their country of birth!

  47. While the emigration of non-bumis is unjust and shameful, the critical issue is not just the talent lost and missed opportunities. These non-bumis form a beachead of Malaysian talent that will in the future also deplete the elite talent of bumiputera themselves in the future when they are most needed.

    The most talented bumiputera will see that opportunities abroad is far superior and while there will be patriots who sentimentally will stay and contribute, the best will find government politics distasteful and mediocre institution intolerable. Building excellent institution that will keep them here is harder than it seems. Just ask the Singapore gov, Taiwanese and Koreans. They have instead resorted to foreign talents and private institution for real excellent, something we can not hope to come close given the UMNO need for autocratic political control.

    The real tragedy has not even unfold yet. The truth is that a system that taxes directly the future of its best indirectly taxes the future of everyone and eventually find its future already spend.

  48. Lakshy,

    Yes, it is very disheartened to hear our young people crying out like what Careena6 says: “—–we have so many intelligent, creative and innovative Malaysians, and yet some creatures insist on doing things their way.. don blame the rakyat for brain drain then.. Graduates.. they want to be recognised in some way.. they wanna succeed.. they want a job that reflects their education…and all the hardwork and sacrifices that they put into in getting the scroll.. should be appreciated . – “

    If there is no way out in the country, then we are back to square one, that is to venture out of the country; the nearest is Singapore and across the blue ocean as far as wherever you can reach.

    Certainly, an ambitious youth would not want to waste his youth and the best way is to go where you are readily accepted. In the first world country, the mobility of people is also very great. Each year, many young people from Australia also move to UK, US and Europe to work and to experience different kind of working life. As what the saying goes; no venture, no gain!

    As far as the diesel subsidy is concerned. You see, the fisherman diesel is RM 1.00 per liter, the retail price is RM 1.58/liter and the industry diesel is RM 2.10/liter. The industry will save a lot if they could somehow make use of the former types of diesel.

    There are special merchants who could find way to deliver you the former type of diesel as long as you could make the payment, usually cash. As Jeffrey pointed out “corruption “is also a good means to do business, if you are willing to pay, you get what you want.

    Actually, this subsidy policy is itself stupid, there is no way the government could control it. i.e refrain the industry people to use the fisherman’s diesel. The industry players are “smarter”, and the special merchants make a lot of money. The money comes from us, the honest taxpayers. The best policy is still no subsidy for all and let the price free float. In Australia, the fuel price is free float daily; you just buy what the market price is!

  49. So long as the dominant political party want the dominant race to dominates the country, to dominate the government, the domnate the allocation and projects, what is there left for the others who are not in the dominant race?

    When the discrminated is more capable in every sense of the words, they have to survive and survive they and look for greener pastures. There are no lack of greener pastures beckoning them.

    Why should they be a third class citizens in their own country wheras they be a first class citizen in another country based on fair and equitable treatment where meritocracy is the rule of the day.

    This migration will be a permanent features for the discriminated citizens, to the ruling dominant race here, they are happy to see the competitiors who are more capable leave irrespective of any long term consequence to them.

  50. God damnit, reading all this makes me wonder. When will the Chinese in Malaysia realise things wont get any better. No miracle or 100 more elections will change a thing, money (corruption) will rule all wether its Indian Chinese or Malay. Greed will be the nail in the coffin for the country. Lets all stop dreaming and start trying to get a bloody PR or another proper citzenship cause things wont change.

    Will you want to be left behind when the oil runs out?

    Those with money are well prepared to leave the sinking ship, don’t be stupid, go get out before its too late!

    Those that migrated aren’t stupid and I am guessing people that read this blood aren’t either. Don’t leave it too late.

  51. “Why should they be a third class citizens in their own country wheras they be a first class citizen in another country based on fair and equitable treatment where meritocracy is the rule of the day.” Short Kiasu

    Do you think by migrating to places anywhere in the world would solve the problem of being second class citizen in your own country? If you were to come to the United States, you would rank below the Koreans, the Vietnamese and the Filipinos to name a few.

    Racism is ever present everywhere you go. The difference is that in Malaysia racism is institutionalized. Yes, in the U.S. it is illegal to discriminate and there are laws to prevent that. There are laws also to prevent discrimination along gender lines – and not just race. Does it prevent discrimination? The short answer to that is “No”. As a minority you will be discriminated.

  52. Having said that, I agree wholeheartedly with the following observation.

    “If you want to say discrimination is here in the US, yes, of course it is. Can you name a country where it doesn’t happen? But let me tell you one thing – if you go looking for it, you will find it. But in Malaysia, you don’t have to go look for it because it seeks you out, slaps you in your face every which way you turn, and is sanctioned by law!

    Here in the US, my children have the same opportunity to go to school and learn just like their black, white, and immigrant friends. At school, they eat the same food, play the same games, are taught the same classes and when they are 18, they will still have the same opportunities.

    Why would I want to bring my children back to Malaysia? So they can suffer the state-sanctioned discrimination as the non-malays have for over 30 years?

    As for being a slave in the foreign country, I am a happy ’slave’ earning a good income as an IT project manager. I work five days a week; can talk bad about the president when I want to; argue about politics, race and religion openly; gather with more than 50 friends and family when I want (no permit needed) and I don’t worry about the police pulling me over because they say I ran the light when I didn’t.

    How about you………….? “

  53. “Why would I want to bring my children back to Malaysia? So they can suffer the state-sanctioned discrimination as the non-malays have for over 30 years?”

    No. You would want your children to keep in touch with their roots and enjoy the climate which is summer throughout the year and no freezing winter to put up with – no pedophiles running around or lurk in corners to pounce on your children, no thirty- year old female teachers having sex with your under aged boys after school, no classmates dressed in trench coats murdering other classmates with guns their parents keep at homes or classmates coming to school and shooting and killing their favorite teacher.

  54. “As for being a slave in the foreign country, I am a happy ’slave’ earning a good income as an IT project manager.” Darkhorse.

    So what are you trying to rationalize so vocally?

  55. it is normal for people to move higher ladder,
    since our is not developed,

    elites move to developed aussie…(include politicians to perth”)

    indo/ pakis move to better bolehland here…

    at the end, this land doom.

    prepare your PLAN B”.
    (the majority votes lied in kampong folks,
    and they are not going to CHANGE.”!)

  56. We have students who has 18As in SPM but cant learn how to say “Dont touch me down there”, thats the kind of mentality we have cultured in NEP We have the best of almost everything, yet we are not quite there. I just started a family and not a day goes by I am not worried about how they will cope with our education system, government policies…….. And I am too considering migration…………..

  57. Shortie Kiasu:“As for being a slave in the foreign country, I am a happy ’slave’ earning a good income as an IT project manager.” Darkhorse.

    You have wrongly attributed that comment to me.

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