“Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case.” – Ahmad Said’s guilty mind speaking

The outgoing Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said gravely damaged his own case that he was not stepping down early because of political pressure.

Denying that the mysterious death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock at the MACC headquarters at Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam on July 16, 2009 had attributed to his early retirement, Ahmad said:

“Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case. We have handled much bigger cases.’’

This is generally received by Malaysians as Ahmad Said’s guilty mind speaking, admitting that the MACC cannot exonerate itself or exculpate responsibility for Teoh’s death whatever the outcome of the ongoing inquest to Teoh’s death.

Ahmad’s statement is heartless and grossly insensitive, rubbing salt into the wounds in the hearts of all decent and justice-loving Malaysia.

How can the head of an independent and professional anti-corruption agency dismiss Teoh’s mysterious and shocking death as “a very small case” and of no consequence?

How many lives must be lost in MACC precincts before they become major issues?

Ahmad’s insensitive and offensive statement about Teoh’s death as a “very small case” is only exceeded by his earlier distasteful statement implying that Teoh had committed suicide, saying that “if people investigated could not withstand the pressure and jumped from the building, there was nothing that MACC could do”.

Ahmad’s statement is also patently untrue, as there can be no denial that Teoh’s mysterious death and MACC’s culpability had been the single biggest factor in bringing Malaysia’s ranking in the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2009 by a few notches – with Malaysia falling nine places to 56th position from 47th last year and an unprecedented drop of 0.4 CPI score from 5.0 last year to 4.6 this year.

Before he steps down as MACC Chief Commissioner, can Ahmad spell out the reasons why Malaysia’s ranking and score in the TI CPI 2009 had suffered such a grave double plunge, and to let Malaysians know the role played by Teoh’s mysterious death at MACC headquarters for the loss of national and international confidence in the independence, professionalism and integrity of MACC?

In fact, Ahmad has provided Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed who is to take over as the new MACC chief the opportunity to show whether Malaysians can expect a real difference in the MACC culture, benchmark and modus operandi with a change of MACC leadership – whether Abu Kassim endorses or dissociates himself from Ahmad’s outrageous statement that Teoh’s death is “a very small case” just as whether Abu Kassim will dissociate himself from another of Ahmad’s outrageous attitude that “as far as MACC is concerned, there is no difference between corruption involving a few ringgit and corruption involving a few hundred millions of ringgit”.

58 Replies to ““Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case.” – Ahmad Said’s guilty mind speaking”

  1. ““Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case.”

    When death means so little… how inhumane has Man become. Do people without humanitarianism still count as human being? Only a mad man will talk like that, not any man who profess to any religion.

    It does seem to me that Ahmad Said will sacrifice even his beloved ones and have no second thoughts about them. When death means so little, his wife and children’s life may count as little as stepping on an ant.

    And come to think about it, what is the use of having an official religion if this is the kind of attitude that it cultivates. What has become of the Malays, the once perfect gentlemen that is today so intoxicated with political power that the ends justifies the means?

  2. Grilling innocent Teoh Beng Hock up till early dawn,than killing him and throwing his body down from his office building and now upon his early retirement and still said that “Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing.It is a very small case ” is something a beast would not do. Hence he’s more than a beast. Hey ekompute,this fellow has no religion,he’s a wild beast. May God have mercy on him.

  3. Ya, minor case je. Why need to resign now when he can go for retirement with all the huge retirement benefits? May be he has already been compensated triple times and has been advised to come back as advisor after case closed? Case closed as in getting a minor to say” it’s me, i did it, i did it….” Afterall, i thought the officers were told to strictly follow instructions, even if it’s something not right?

  4. Strange, AS has totally different philosophy from sham-d-keris for Life even though they are from the party culture. One treated life as in Life Brief Candle and the other one treated a terrorist’s dead body with a precious Life. Boy!

  5. I wonder instead if Ahamad Said’s son was thrown off the building at the anticorruption agency in australia after grilling him for coming into australia with child porn make Ahmad said rethink his statement?

  6. The case, to my mind, involves some big umno fish. My first reaction therefore was: “Lets us wait and see whether it is a “small case”.” Meaning to say, let the result of the ongoing inquest speak for itself.

    But suddenly, the “small case” comment rocked some sense into my head. “Small case” huh! Is ahmad saying that the case will turn into a “small case”?

    Look here. A life has been lost. No life is ordinary. Wot is more. Here we talking about the life of an opposition member. And whose life has been robbed under highly suspicious circumstances. And furthermore, the case has caught the attention of the whole nation. Everyone is interested. The majority of us believed that beng hock was killed and would like to see justice. The rest (namely umnoputras), somehow believed that beng hock’s death was orchestrated by the opposition as spanner in umno’s works. In short, everyone is interested for one reason or the another.

    Still, ahmad has the audacity to think of it as a “small case”. How can it be? Preposterousity of the first order! Nothing less than that, I say. But wot led him to such thoughts and to make such remark? Promises were made to him by those in control that the case will be marginalised? Possible?

  7. “Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case.”

    Ya small case, so why does he have to leave 5 months earlier from expiry of his contract?

    “We have handled much bigger cases.’’

    Big or small, they are cases involving others – but has he handled a case involving his own department (since TBH was found dead in MACC’s own precincts)?

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes – in Latin, who will guard the guards themselves?

    Give me an answer, if so simple.

  8. This is so stupid. Small case yet cannot find the truth? I think MACC should make it compulsory for all its officers to watch CSI and learn how a case is to be solved. Or perhaps MACC don’t want the case to be solved. For God Sake. We can all smell the fishiness lah! They really think we Malaysians are stupid meh? :(

  9. People like him also got son ah? Hahaha! Like the Chinese saying: Becareful give birth to a son without an ass! XD

    tenaciousB :
    I wonder instead if Ahamad Said’s son was thrown off the building at the anticorruption agency in australia after grilling him for coming into australia with child porn make Ahmad said rethink his statement?

  10. Dear Ahmad Said,

    It wud have been more prudent for u to ride away quietly into the sunset. The fact that u open yr big n foul mouth to spew such inane nonsense simply sums up that u r both stupid n crass. Now pergi main jauh-jauh.

  11. WOW! A typical Bolehland politician can say whatever he/she wants to say without considering of hurting the victim family member??!! By laws, TBH family can take legal actions against this barbaric and brainless politician!! If this happened in the West, this Big Mouth politician had already been kicked out of his office shamefully, and with possible of ending in Jail for the cause of human life lost in his office!!! Yet this Big Mouth can talk big about it as “….nothing…”.

    If I were one of foreign investors, I would certainly avoid investing in this brutal governing nation where the government officers often talk shamelessly, esp. the loss of a human life is unimportant to him!!! No wonder, the entire national economy has been stagnant over years with worst to come!!! Good investors are certainly scared off by this bunch of brainless, shameless and greedy politicians of the Barison National (BN).
    Good for BN and bad for Malaysians………..

  12. Before he steps down as MACC Chief Commissioner, can Ahmad spell out the reasons why Malaysia’s ranking and score in the TI CPI 2009 had suffered such a grave double plunge, and to let Malaysians know the role played by Teoh’s mysterious death at MACC headquarters for the loss of national and international confidence in the independence, professionalism and integrity of MACC? – LKS

    What TI CPI ranking? MACC’s message to the people is very loud and clear, if we can murder Teoh Beng Hock, we can also kill you. Who need ranking?

  13. Today Nazri called Tun Mahathir a bloody racist for defending BTN! LOL

    Oklah i guess we can give him some credit for criticising the Maha-pendosa.
    Ok time for semi value, OTK, and Kuli to stand up and call him a racist too if they want to redeem themselves. I dare them. LOL

  14. Ahmad Said, when you are being haunted by the ghost of TBH, never badmouth the avenging spirit. Your days on earth is numbered and you will die horribly and the members your family will also meet a similar fate. This is the law of the spirit world.

  15. If it was his son he had jumped out of the window will he say it a small case?
    If Teoh had been a Malay and son of an UMNO Minister will he say its a small matter?

    Ahmad, just like the other leaders in the government and Mahathir is ‘a bloody racist’.

  16. Instead of showing sympathy and take responsibility for what happened to TBH and his family, this man is adding insult to injury by belittling the whole affair. This only proves that he is a ‘small’ man, inept for such an important post. I say good riddance, sayonara and hope you will find some light in your heart.
    The same goes for the new man. Don’t take on this appointment if you cannot do the job!

  17. Teoh Beng Hock died during his watch at MACC, so Ahmad Said as the Chief of MACC then cannot escape responsibility.

    A life was lost, and life to Ahmad Said is a small matter because death did not happen in his family. Let’s wait for him to realise that death is not a small matter, especially when it happens due to his negligence.

    Amad Said tells the world that the government would give him protection whatever the outcome of the cause to Teoh’s death was confirmed, and that is what he cared. He was most irresponsible for not stratifying the corrupt cases by size and the fact that he mentioned Teoh’s death as a small case shows that he was not able to differentiate between important matter and trivial issues. He certainly did not know how to allocate resources to ensure MACC make an impact at eradicating corruption. He was only concerned perhaps with KPI to concentrate on small scale corruption cases, since those of PKFZ magnitude are beyond the capability of MACC under Ahmad Said.

  18. Moron.

    if TBH case is a small case, why he lost his job then, Ahmad?

    consistent with his master who said the death in national service is only 0.1%. well tell it to the victim’s family then

    rakyat first? even wo’t trust ahmad said to hold my ice cream while I go to the loo

  19. This is the mentality of our leaders of government institutions. In life what is more important than death? Ask hin to swim in a shark infested sea and see whether this is a small matter. This idiot is not intelligence. We have hired (without our approval of course) the wrong person to take the job of MACC head. What a karma we have to be associated with this idiot!

  20. Teoh Beng Hock’s case is nothing. It is a very small case. We have handled much bigger cases.’’

    “We have handled much bigger cases.’’ is just an impromptu retort without even know what he is talking about. Under what circumstances is the comparison which he suggested. Are there any other more atrocious murders which we do not know or he is just comparing TBH death with his call of duty which he is paid for. He must know the difference in these two totally separate issue, one MACC is the investigator and the other MACC is being investigated. Being paranoid of TBH’s shadow, he seems to be a very confused man.
    To me I think it is definitely more tahn wanting to be with his family. If not for the RBH case he would have put in his extension letter, just like the IGP. By convention,most government servants will want to work until doomsday. Ahmad Said is no exceptional and the only difference is he smells a rat and for one thing I can say MACC is guilty as HELL. There is no 2 way about it.

  21. With such a wild beast taking charge of MACC there is little wonder why people call MACC a house of terror. This Ahmad Said guy must have truck loads of ill gotten “shut mouth” money he just can’t wait any longer to retire himself early to start enjoying life outside the country. If Bala was promised 5mil to shut up, imagine how much is needed to zip AS’s mouth??????
    And now is his assistant’s turn! MACC should be disbanded. Period!

  22. Now we can read and understand why MACC treat other races like animals.
    For a chief of MACC to talk like that…producing no results…protecting UMNO…so clear..is the type of mentalities…one can blame no one…but Mahathir…who is actually still playing race dirty politics….right now.
    Such a wise and intelligent man…keep twisting and turning…based on his likes and dislikes…now going all out to support one race.
    Therefore ..I am not surprise to read what this racist MACC remark at all.
    Just let him talk like that…if the death on one is a Malay…and not a Chinese.
    He will get thousands of UMNO members after his head.
    Yes…..this so MACC chief is treating other races like animals.
    Anyone he sees…different colour that a Malay..must not talk too much.under investigations…especially if that man is an active member of DAP.
    MACC sees all DAP members as enemies of the country.
    Caught into their net..into their building..just wait and see..then having done their devilish job…out come…the smart twisting sly fox character…making statements to fool Malaysians.
    This is how smart UMNO chiefs are…or else…cannot be chosen to be chief by Najib..who have shown us…his art..of twisting recently with one excuse..’NAUGHTY MAN”..talking about Bala’s statement.

  23. this is ketuanan for you. It means kill at will, trample the other races, milk the coffer dry. They thought by being like a gangster or oppressive, people will give them respect automatically. People are laughing inside and stupid tuan came to mind.

    When are they going to wake up? If they can’t stand the heat, go sit by the porch and watch the big dogs run.

  24. “He certainly did not know how to allocate
    resourses to ensure MACC make an impact
    at eradicating corruption.”.Loh

    Of course he knows.Eradicating corruption is
    not the most important thing for him to do.Top priority is doing what somebody who is pulling the string wants him to do!

  25. Look here fellas. Cant you people just see it. The correlation! Najib dismissed the recent statements by PI bala as “frivolous”. Now this macc idiot remarked that beng hock’s case is only “a small case.” Co-incidence? I think not. Keep an eye out on this one. More umno own goals are on the way.


  26. Give credit 2 ASH 4 speaking d truth n how he felt: nothing, kacang putih case
    After all he was d boss of Mana Ada Clear Conscience
    May TBH n others who died there keep ASH company till he recovers his conscience

  27. The reason that Malaysia has lack behind in all aspect as compare with other country was basically we have many many people like this guy who has the head but no brain heading the government agencies. We also have many of this kind of people who are ministers with the head but not the brain.

    Either they are there by purpose as these are the people who will assist the boss to cling to the power or the boss also a blind.

    The earliest this guy go the better it will be but we must not to optimist as the guy who succeed him may also change its color with time in order to sit safely on the iron rice bowl.

    Corruption and abusing of power has rot to the bottom only great evolution effort can save Malaysia

  28. “I wonder if Godfather has something to say about perturbations to his equilibrium…” Rojakman

    Nazri’s outburst against Mamakthir is not a “perturbation”. It should be called by another term that ends with “…turbation”. Everything in Bolehland is sandiwara with the good cop-bad cop routine.

  29. I am just wondering what is supposed to be “big” when the death of TBH is considered “small”! What is the number of deaths which Ahmad Said would consider as “reasonable” enough for him to come to his senses? Chickening out 5 to 6 months ahead of his scheduled retirement definitely holds some water!

  30. How nice if his so called porn specialist pilot son falls out of the plane and body dragged for a few miles and the verdict given by the Doctor’s -negligence on the part of the pilot. It will be very sweet isn’t it ahmad said the no good for nothing living creature on the Malaysian soil.

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