Top Umno leaders should stop all double-talk, abandon race politics, be national leaders for all Malaysians or they should scrap and bury Najib’s seven-month-old 1Malaysia slogan and concept

Top Umno leaders should stop all double-talk, abandon race politics, be national leaders for all Malaysians or they should just scrap and bury Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s seven-month-old 1Malaysia slogan and concept.

Malaysians are shocked that the outrageous “defense” of divisive, racist and seditious Biro Tata Negara (BTN) courses by Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, was not the lone voice in Cabinet but represented the consensus of the top Umno leadership.

On my call for the closure of the racist BTN courses which go against everything Najib’s 1Malaysia could stand for, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said it was “just the opposition’s tactics to divert attention from their problems”.

He asked: “The BTN has been there for a long time; why should they raise the issue now? Maybe it’s because they are worried as the BTN has been successful in assisting the nation-building process and in upholding the 1Malaysia concept.”

Alleging that Pakatan Rakyat is using the issue to deflect its weaknesses, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar made the following charge on my call for the closure of BTN course: “Just like a blind man who does not know of what he does not see, how can Kit Siang talk of the BTN course when he has never attended it?”

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil claimed that the BTN course instills the patriotic spirit and that those who attended the BTN course love it.

Malaysians want to know whether all the other UMNO Ministers, and equally important, whether Ministers from the MCA, Gerakan, MIC and the Sabah and Sarawak Barisan Nasional component parties agree with these racist sentiments of these top Umno leaders, and if not, why they allow themselves to be dragged by their noses on an issue with such far-reaching consequences to the future of the nation.

Furthermore, what are the Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sabah and Sarawak BN component parties, as well as moderate Umno Ministers and leaders, if any, doing in Cabinet and outside to speak out and to demand an immediate end to the divisive, racist and seditious BTN courses which promote racial hatred and national disunity in the name of patriotism and nation-building!

39 Replies to “Top Umno leaders should stop all double-talk, abandon race politics, be national leaders for all Malaysians or they should scrap and bury Najib’s seven-month-old 1Malaysia slogan and concept”

  1. As for BN component parties view on BTN is like asking a complete blind man,what is the name of the place he is standing.We have a set of idiots as administratiors,politicians and it goes on.Who cares who is gang raped where and who cares who kills who.I strongly feel,when PR takes the govn. of the day,all this guys including the present DPM and also Shahrizat put together and should be taught the BN BTN.

  2. “Furthermore, what are the Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sabah and Sarawak BN component parties, …”

    Do you honestly think that these non-Malay Minisiters are really concerned about BTN racist lectures or UMNO’s ketuanan melayu concept?

    The Chinese Ministers are happy that their community is made second class citizens.
    The Indian Ministers are happy that their community remain third class and resort to crime to survive.
    The Sabah and Sarawak Ministers care not a damn even if their communities are buried alive.

  3. Shahrizat Abdul Jalil claimed that the BTN course instills the patriotic spirit and that those who attended the BTN course love it.

    Well, auntie Shahrizat, for your info, old dear Adolf’s Nazi rallies also instilled the patriotic spirit and that all those who attended the rallies love it!

  4. What really is 1Malaysia?

    It is actually the do-or-die attempt by umno to perpetuate its rule by setting up a 1-party state with no place for opposition, real or imagined. Those who oppose them must go, like Anwar (via Saisul’s backdoor) and TBH (via the window). BTN, along with the police, macc, judiciary and government machinery, are merely cogs in the wheel to achieve 1(Party)Malaysia.

    We shall be seeing more of Seig Heil, Jibby!
    Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer — “One People, One Nation, One Leader”

  5. Sure,it’s pretty positive,patriotic and those attended love it when it’s only a malay class.Similarly,in a Hindraf session,all those young and mid age indians also loved the speeches,felt very patriotic and positive when and what they would achieve for their own people or race.Hence the chinese ,the Dayak/Iban and the Kadazan/Dusun/Murut also can do and feel the same way. Umno is not practising multi-racialism but using BTN to emphazising malay rasism which is equal to 1malaysia.This’s I think is NR and Umno agenda.Frankly I never like NR 1malaysia concept since the beginning.I mean why 1malaysia,not one malaysian.

  6. A party that relies on racist propaganda for its survival is unlikely to close down the BTN.

    UMNO will collapse flat if the element of institutional racism is removed from its politcal game card.

    Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sabah and Sarawak BN component parties are unlikely to speak out as they have to safeguard their rice-bowls and positions within BN.

  7. BN: UMNO,MCA,MIC and others represent “old school” politics.
    PR: PKR,PAS,DAP represent “New Malaysia”.

    Malaysians now have a choice in the next general election and the fight between BN and PR is going to get nastier. Who will prevail?

    When I was a kid my dad told me: “Huan kia ching khor teng lang chau lor” That’s Hokkien for when the Malays starts to wear trousers, thew Chinese will have to run (away from Malaysia).

    Today we see many leaving for greener pastures overseas but we also see many who stake a claim in this country they call home. We also see fellow Malays who speak out against UMNO’s “Ketuanan Melayu”.

    Ketuanan Melayu & my father’s view of the Malays are old school on the wane… If these old school of thoughts are not on the wane why should Najib try so hard to promote his “1Malaysia” slogan?

    Without a doubt, Malaysia is heading towards a new dawn. Only question is who will helm the new Malaysia government. BN trying hard to convince the population that they will be the one. PR soldiering on to get their act together.


  8. Don’t ever think that Chinese can keep on demanding more from the country just because China is now a strong nation. Malaysia is not afraid of China and whoever try to challenge the rights of the Bumi would be the enemy of the country.

  9. I have a simple solution, since Hishamuddin say “just the opposition’s tactics to divert attention from their problems”, then

    @ make the course contents a public document, better still if footage of actual, not doctored version, please)

    @ just like the road show to explain 1Malaysia concept, conduct BTN courses all over Malaysia open to all members of public who are interested

    @ let the public decide whether the programme is good or not

    Surely BTN courses is not an OSA item. if it is so good, then make the BTN officers’ name and photos public.

    They are the agents for the nation’s patriotism, unity and in Hishamuddin’s words, “mould a progressive nation”, they should be hailed as role models and should be made as famous as Siti Nurhaliza.

    After all, there is nothing sinister about BTN programme. Once and for all, we can prove, as per Hishamuddin, Pakatan is running out of issue and picking on the poor poor BTN.

  10. Aduhai, kasim amat tongkoi. The Chinese is not demanding anything from you. Go and look at all the countries in this world. Which country is doing what umno/bn is doing?

    Only thieves feel insecure, because one day they will all be exposed. Umno/BN is using you as a shield for 50 years now. And you are too stupid to realize it because you have been made to be dependent on this regime.

    Why are you so afraid to stand on your own?

  11. FACT:
    1. BN/UMNO wasted/embezzled/squandered billions of tax payer’s money since the 80s
    2. BN/UMNO still wasting tax payers money on corrupt practices
    3. Despite many revelations of scandals involving lost of billions of tax payers money eg: PKFZ scandals – no one/ no organisation / no party is indicted? Does this mean it’s ok to squander the people’s money? isn’t this no different from stealing from citizens? misappropriation of people’s money? Why go after snatch thieves when the government is the greatest snatch thief?

    Fiction: This will continue forever unless the people become aware and act upon these unscrupulous criminals. Yes! An organisation that misappropriate funds and condones corrupt practices are criminals. As long as this government controls the mainstream media people will continue to be deceived unless they initiate the curiosity to tap into alternative media for information.

  12. “Top Umno leaders should stop all double-talk, abandon race politics, be national leaders for all Malaysians or they should scrap and bury Najib’s seven-month-old 1Malaysia slogan and concept.”

    By the way, does anyone know where all those Malaysian mafias and secret society leaders have disappeared to? We “seldom” hear of them these days.

  13. Kasim Amat :
    Don’t ever think that Chinese can keep on demanding more from the country just because China is now a strong nation. Malaysia is not afraid of China and whoever try to challenge the rights of the Bumi would be the enemy of the country.

    The demand has nothing with China being strong. As citizens, everyone has equal rights. By the way, are you well-versed with the al-Qur’an? What does it say about equality and racial prejudice?

  14. Kassim amat binggung dalam hal-hal sedemikian. Itulah bang, kan kita orang dah provide nasi lemak dan air bandung. Bang kassim mesti dah kepuasan lepas makan, sekarang tak payah risau, sejak bila bang risau kan kita orang yang kerja lebih kuat untuk bangunkan negara ni. Pegilah tidu, jangan risau, macamlah bang pernah risau, itupun sejak bila? sejak merdeka? Kelakarla bang mat ni:)

  15. “…Malaysia is not afraid of China ..” so some power craze is worried about its bread and butter being taken away, eh?? Can’t blame him, used to be spoon-fed for probably 50 years, can’t stay competitive, have phobia towards other race, character type: inferiority complex.

  16. Kassim Amat what has the call for the closure of BTN which has turned from its objective of inculcating nationalistic valus and instilling patriotism into one of indoctrinating and brainwashing scholarship holders and civil servants into denigrating non Malay ethnic groups got to do with making demands or challenging the rights of the Bumis and worse still how has China being a strong nation got to do with calling for the closure of BTN.
    The reason for calling for the closure of BTN is that courses given there are spilling out racist toxins,and worse still most of the Malay ministers are defending to the hilt the courses given by BTN which are in fact divisive,racist and seditious.If you know English these courses running directly against what 1Malaysia is supposed to convey.
    Kassim,you are not only an outright racist but up there you have got nothing but cow-dung.

  17. I’ve attended the BTN course twice including one in a Selangor govt university and find that it is ok. But that was 12 years ago in 1996 & 1998. I don’t know how it has evolved now, maybe to become worse & incorporate unsuitable elements.

    Our MB Khalid is a wise man. He is a former corporate leader, a CEO of PNB & Guthrie. His discouraging people attending the BTN is surely justifiable. Maybe I should go attend again and report to you the actual contents in this blog.

    But Kasim Amat, your post is inappropriate here. We are discussing on BTN & 1-Malaysia, I don’t know why you have to make racial remarks here. Maybe you are an UMNO/BN man, but I don’t go into Najib’s blog & write inappropriate criticism. That is not the Malaysian way.

    Kasim Amat, if you truly do support BN & 1-Malaysia formula, your remark #10 is most inappropriate. BN is a racially united party with due respect to all races. PR (PKR-DAP-PAS) is equally also a racially united party. We live together harmoniously. So don’t sow seeds of disharmony.

  18. LKS have tons of things to expose.
    DAP need not use any dirty tactics.
    All the dirt …one by one exposed is good enough.
    As needs a brainless minister like Hishammuddin to talk kok again.

  19. It is now obvious. Kassim and friends are all products of btn. Maybe they were sent for advanced btn courses. That is why they possess advanced misconceptions of the warped sort about things and people. I shall describe them as holders of masters-in-btn.

    Oi you masters-in-btn, japan has a global agenda too, you know. At a certain date in the near future all their cars in the world would transform into monstrous killing machines and through those machines, they will CONQUOUR THE WORLD. Oh you knew that already? Wot true masters.

    Lembudin bin kerismudin recently said that btn was not a problem and that it had gone on for years wihout any complaints from anyone. Another stupid statement by a stupid kid. Time and lack of complaints do not right a wrong. Oh boy! Wot pathetic idiot. And he too is another fine specimen of masters holder in btn.

  20. Btn is umno’s way of controlling the minds of malay voters. We now know the real reason why despite umno’s utterly bad records, corruption and wonton abuse, some malays still voted them election after election. By understanding the tool and its effects we can use it to neutralise umno’s control. Collect comprehensive info on all the wrong things umno have been telling people like kassim and friends. And then counter them one by one (with facts and logical arguments) to show how wrong or baseless or ridiculous or manipulative umno have been. This will go to the heart of umno’s support.

    Thanks jib for satumalaysia. Bet you didnt see this coming. Satumalaysia gives the people’s abhorrence of that btn thingy an extraordinary sting.

  21. This blog will be monitored and we will correct it if we find the content of the blog is not appropriate. One must appreciate the freedom of speech in Malaysia and should not abuse it. BTN is a national building course and it must be continued. The content will be fine-tuned but we cannot control what the trainers say during the course. The fact that the Chinese has become more demanding now has something to do with the rise of China. This is a dangerous move and things can turn out ugly if the Chinese do not behave themselves and respect the Constitutions.

    It is an undeniable fact that Chinese is the Jews of Asia and the Malays are being exploited in many areas. May I ask how many millionaires in Malaysia are actually Malays? The answer is one or two whereas they are countless numbers of Chinese Millionaires. The question is does the rich Chinese extend any help to the Malays? Are they willing to share their wealth with us? The answer is obviously not. We are not dividing the nation but we are merely presenting the facts. The reaction of the Chinese on this matter shows they do not respect the basic rights of the Malays. The Chinese has been making all the money and the Malays are suffering. Ketuanan Melayu is still not being accepted by the Chinese and it is ridiculous. We need to educate our young generations with the right thinking. Thank you.

  22. Hey Kassim oh kassim, i know you’re not that bright, in fact i don’t expect you to be given your statements but since you mentioned something about the millionaires in malaysia i have to say something. We aren’t easily deceived over the fact that there are many many more malay millionaires in malaysia with undisclosed wealth. So don’t quote the forbes richest malaysians statistics to me you ningkapoop!

  23. Dear Kit,

    Asking them to disclose the contents of the BTN course does nothing. They can publish a faultless, awe inspiring course but the racist comments and attitude of the instructors omitted. It’s the way how things are done here. On paper everything looks good but in implementation they catch you.

    What we need are testimonies from those who have attended the course, Malays and non-Malays. Both racial groups will have different experiences as attendees are divided racially for sensitive lectures. The Selangor govt’s public forum to unveil the BTN is laudable.

    There is already enough evidence of racial mongering to close down the BTN course. By the way folk, this BTN issue is an unintended side effect of Najib’s 1Malaysia which has raised hopes and expectations which Najib does not intend or cannot fulfill. Najib may yet regret his slick pr campaign full of glitter and promise but no substance.

    For more on this read my article “Dreams of 1Malaysia”:

  24. //It is an undeniable fact that Chinese is the Jews of Asia and the Malays are being exploited in many areas. May I ask how many millionaires in Malaysia are actually Malays? ..kasim

    And these millionaires, do they get there thru NEP or stealing from the malays? If they became what they are thru hardwork, sacrifice, why are you so insecure? Does your master or you know the word “hardwork” or not?

    //The question is does the rich Chinese extend any help to the Malays? …kasim

    We pay taxes or not? What help do you further require? another 1000 years of spoon-feeding thru NEP? If there is equality in education, commerce, etc, I am sure everyone here in this blog would help you. But all else is given unto you for a head start but you still fail. Then you blame these Asian Jews. What tongkoi is this?

    //The Chinese has been making all the money and the Malays are suffering…kasim

    can you come out of your tempurung or putrajaya and have a closer look or not? the malays are suffering, you may want to ask what umno is doing for the past 50 years?

    //We need to educate our young generations with the right thinking. ..kasim

    nobody will make noise if you teach them the “RIGHT” thinking. make sure you dont teach them the wrong thing ok? ok. now run back to your master and make a report.

  25. Ask our policeman who became mr universe yet again this year. Yes ask him kassim. Ask him about the muscles on his, otherwise, frame of bones and ligaments. Ask him how he amass those muscles. Ask him whether nep helped. Or was it through sheer hard work and single-minded determination. Ask the sidek brothers the same question. Whether they were selected to represent the country because of nep or because they are truly skilled in the sport.

    I only wish kassim and friends could stop making a fool of themselves here. Oh no. This is blogsite! They are making a fool of themselves for the whole world to see.

    Err hello world. Kassim and friends are decendants of pendatangs alright. We share the same land but we are different. They have masters-in-btn and the rest of us dont.

  26. If Kasim Amat has just left things as it is after his first comment,we might not be too sure he has got nothing up there but he came back in confirming to one and all that there is only cow-dung in his cranium!

  27. Ibu Mertuaku (My Mother-in-Law) is a 1962 Malaysian film directed by and starring Malaysian silver-screen legend P. Ramlee. The film’s story revolves around the tragic love affair between Kassim (Sel)Amat, a poor musician, and Sabariah, the only daughter of a wealthy woman.

    Sabariah’s wealthy widowed mother Nyonya Mansoor wants Sabriah to marry Dr. Ismadi, an eye doctor, and is shocked when Sabariah tells her that she wants to marry Kassim Selamat.

    Nyonya Mansoor tells Sabariah that if she chooses Kassim, she will forfeit all her family’s wealth and can never set foot in their house again. Sabariah still chooses Kassim, so Nyonya Mansoor arranges a quick a marriage ceremony for the pair, after which she gives them 5000 ringgit and casts them out of the house.

    So you can see why Kassim Amat is so much in favour of the nep.

  28. I think this is what is being preached during the btn sessions—

    In the beginning unmo created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of unmo was hovering over the waters.

    And unmo said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. ….

  29. After all the BTN hullabaloo, now big-mouth Nazri has finally said there will be a revamp of BTN courses. This, in not so many words, is a tacit admiission that BTN courses weren’t all that it was supposed to be, lending credence to participants’ claims that it was indeed RACIST!

    Now let’s see what BN has to say or do with BTN. So far, MCA and GERAKAN are still deaf and dumb to BTN. Keep it that way. See no evil, hear no evil and soon, very soon….BN will drop like BTN.

  30. Good grief, Kassim Amat, I just read what u wrote.

    Hey, after all my years of education and experience, I can easily recognise an idiot if I read what they write.

    Say, you are easily recognisable. Go give your head a check.

  31. May I ask how many millionaires in Malaysia are actually Malays? The answer is one or two whereas they are countless numbers of Chinese Millionaires. — Kasim Amat

    Some people don’t check their facts or they are still sleeping. Dare any UMNO members, or Kasim for that matter, bet his fortune, his life, or just his honor (if any) on that statement? I will take them anytime.

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