More answers from Minister in PM Department on Corruption

(1) Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa menggulung perbahasan Bajet 2010 peringkat dasar pada 9 November 2009

Tuan Yang di-Pertua

Berhubung kenyataan YB Ipoh Timur bahawa tiada political will (dengan izin) yang diperlihatkan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri dalam memerangi rasuah dan pembentukan SPRM serta pembaharuan lain bagi memerangi rasuah adalah tidak efektif, sebenarnya kenyataan YB mengenai perkara ini adalah tidak berasas sama sekali. Hakikatnya the record speaks for itself (dengan izin) telah membuktikan bahawa Kerajaan dan SPRM komited dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam menangani isu rasuah. Ini terbukti melalui perangkaan tangkapan dan pertuduhan terhadap ahli-ahli parti politik dan juga pegawai kanan Kerajaan yang telah saya bentangkan sebentar tadi.

Bukankah kesediaan Kerajaan pimpinan YAB Perdana Menteri untuk memperkenalkan Whistle Blower Protection Act (dengan izin) bagi menggalakkan pemberi maklumat untuk tampil membuat pendedahan jenayah rasuah merupakan satu contoh political will (dengan izin). Bukan setakat itu sahaja, Kerajaan juga akan menambah 14 buah Mahkamah Sesyen dan 4 buah Mahkamah Tinggi bagi mempercepatkan process perbicaraan sesuatu kes berbanding 4 buah Mahkamah Sesyen sedia ada.

Di samping itu, ketika negara menghadapi suasana ekonomi di mana hampir semua perjawatan tambahan di pelbagai agensi dibekukan, Kerajaan telah memperuntukkan lebih RM22 juta bagi membolehkan SPRM menambah seramai hampir 600 pegawai pada tahun 2010. Tambahan ini merupakan lebih 32% daripada keanggotaan pegawai suruhanjaya sedia ada. Langkah ini membuktikan komitmen Kerajaan dalam usaha memerangi jenayah rasuah dengan lebih agresif lagi. Saya tidak faham apakah lagi political will yang diinginkan oleh YB Ipoh Timur.

Inisiatif-inisiatif lain dalam memerangi rasuah khususnya yang dibentuk melalui NKRA akan diumumkan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri tidak lama lagi. Oleh itu, kenyataan YB Ipoh Timur yang mengatakan bahawa usaha memerangi rasuah tidak efektif adalah tidak tepat memandanfkan inisiatif-inisiatif tersebut masih belum dilaksanakan lagi. Harap YB Ipoh Timur dapat bersabar dan buatlah komen membina selepas inisiatif-inisiatif tersebut dilaksanakan.

(2) Jawapan Bertulis YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri semasa menggulung perbahasan bajet 2010 peringkat dasar pada 9 Novembner 2009

Tuan Yang di-Pertua,

YB Ipoh TImur ingin tahu bilangan laporan yang dibuat terhadap pegawai SPRM atas dakwaan menggunakan kekerasan semasa proses soal siasat. Untuk makluman YB, berdasarkan rekod dari tahun 2005 hingga 30 September 2009 sejumlah 58 laporan telah dibuat kepada pihak polis di seluruh negara berhubung dakwaan penggunaan kekerasan oleh pegawai-pegawai BPR/SPRM ke atas orang yang disiasat. Namun begitu, setakat ini tiada rekod menumjukkan pegawai BPR/SPRM pernah didakwa di mahkamah atau dikenakan sebarang tindakan tatatertib berikutan siasatan yang dijalankan.

Untuk makluman YB, terdapat kecenderungan apabila seseorang yang ditangkap atau disiasat oleh SPRM membuat laporan polis menyatakan mereka didera dan dipaksa membuat pengakuan kepada SPRM selepas dibebaskan dengan jaminan SPRM. Tindakan mereka ini bertujuan untuk mengelakkan pengakuan mereka dijadikan keterangan di mahkamah nanti. Ia juga mungkin bertujuan untuk meraih simpati serta memberi gambaran bahawa SPRM adalah agensi penguatkuasaan yang kejam. Saya menyeru agar SPRM dan pihak polis mengambil tindakan tegas termasuk mendakwa mereka yang dengan sengaja mebuat laporan palsu berhubung penggunaan kekerasan oleh SPRM kerana perbuatan mereka ini sebenarnya berniat jahat semata-mata untuk mencemarkan kredibiliti dan imej SPRM sebagai sebuah suruhanjaya yang bertanggungjawab dan professional.

20 Replies to “More answers from Minister in PM Department on Corruption”

  1. “Saya tidak faham apakah lagi political will yang diinginkan oleh YB Ipoh Timur.” – nazri

    ->corrupted bn politicians to be charged and prosecuted. – do you mean this, yb ipoh timur? saya pun faham.

  2. I have heard a lot of excuses from a lot of autocratic regime. But these are pathetic. Its not shameless. its just very very bad job.. Goes to show you that coddling people of even the most privilleged does not help improve anything and make them worst at their job…

  3. These hardcore criminals of corruption will never forgo such lucrative siphoning of the rakyat’s money and they will never give up such activity but instead will fortify it.
    Previously they had blatantly disregard the people’s complaint of the horrendous extent of such criminal activities but only after 8/3/08 they are doing some opera show that they are doing something about corruption. They will never stop lying to the people even if they are kicked out. They are so skillful in lying that all of them should be awarded a PHD for that. Never in my wildest dream that UMNO will change; their blatant abuse of power, racialist approach of divide and rule and a habitat of corrupt to the core. A cursory talk to anybody having business with any government agency will tell you that they have to pay to get things done or you will encounter officers who will give you unnecessary problems and their body language will tell that payment has to be made to get things moving. Would all these small fries dare to do all these without the blessings of their superiors and would the superiors dare to do all this without the blessings of the warlords and would the warlords dare to do all this without the blessings of top UMNO politicians??? Your guess is as good as mime.
    They are all stringed together and by hook or by crook, these crooks have to huddle together or else the domino theory will send all of them to hell. The cascading effects are too far reaching.

  4. nazri, you [dengan izin] ini sungguh memalukan. Murid-murid darjah 5 pun boleh tulis karangan ini. Sungguh panjang sekali tetapi tiada body [dengan izin]. Kalau hang nak gaji 600 anggota lagi tapi kerja pun tak bolih buat hang pi gaji buat apa!! Ha!!

    Sebelum hang tulis, pi jumpa kat education minister puad [dengan izin]. Kamu telah merojakkan[dengan izin oleh OrangRojak] bahasa melayu dengan bahasa anih.

  5. Malaysia will never [dengan izin] menghapuskan corruption [dengan izin] selagi there is [dengan izin] umno. Saya willing to bet [dengan izin] ini with [dengan izin] Nazri Botak. Sekarang get ready to[dengan izin] mengkuburi that corrupted [dengan izin] parti yang telah bermahajarela for the past 52 years [dengan izin].

  6. Nazri, why [dengan izin] Obama tak berminat meet [dengan izin] the PM who [dengan izin] sedang di Amerika? Why is Obama able to meet [dengan izin] PM India tapi not [dengan izin] PM Malaysia? Is this [dengan izin] sebab mongol yang telah dic4kan?

  7. Nazri is so sure that toyo is filty rich,he should investigate toyo to show he’s worth the rakyat paycheck.Other wise he is as guilty as toyo.Believe me,the Macc is still investigating and even when doom days come,it is still investigating.But when it comes to cow,it’s pretty fast.What a joke this whole system is.

  8. NAZ(r)I job is to protect all the BN wrong doings done by him and his colleagues and not to protect the interests of the Rakyat though it is the Rakyat that pays his salary!!! To BN govt, all the dirty and non-halal tax money will become clean and halal after entering the MoF account and can be used to build mosques and to pay all the religious officials and functions!!! Wahabislah!!!

  9. “………the upshot is that if you criticise there must be something with you?”.OrangRojak.

    This can be considered a mild telling off for they can slap you with “if you criticise you are unpatriotic!”.Just tell me what these goons are not capable of uttering!

  10. “Nazri,why (dengan izin) Obama tak berminat meet (dengan izin) the PM who (dengan izin)
    sedand di America? Why is Obama able to meet (dengan izin)PM India tapi not (dengan izin)PM Malaysia?”.k1980.

    I would like to put it another way.Why does Obama want to meet PM India and not PM Malaysia?
    Or why Obama after receiving his Nobel Prize invited LKY to White House in late October for a tete-a-tete and LKY is not the PM?
    Could it be that Obama is not keen to be associated with a tainted PM who is only prepared to swear by the Koran to establish his innocence? And that according to US Treasury Secretary John Connally of the Nixon Administration Singapore was the best run country in the world and the man running it was LKY.And that in welcoming the visit of the Lees to America in 1973,Nixon asked Mrs Lee “Is it true that you were number one in the class at Cambridge Law School and your husband was number two?”.
    Her reply was “Mr. President,do you think he would have married me if that were the case?”.From there one can see Obama has much to pick from the brains of LKY.But from Najib he not only has nothing to pick but would have himself made a laughing stock for inviting him is no different from inviting Mugabe!

  11. “Why does Obama want to meet PM India and not PM Malaysia”? – AhPek

    The US President wishes to extend his apology to Malaysian PM Najeeb Berak for not being able to meet him for talks as Mr. President feels meeting Mr. Berak would cause misunderstanding between the United States and the Mongolian Government. – Rumah Putih spokesperson.

  12. YB Nazri’s reply that there was no criminal or disciplinary action taken against the MACC officers and the reports were made to prevent the confession to be used against them appears to be misguided.

    For criminal or disciplinary action to be taken, a proper investigation must be carried out. Most of the reports made by the victims of MACC’s abuse and torture were never investigated by the police. The Investigation Paper only had the report and the statement of the victim. Nothing else. No statement from the MACC officers were ever recorded, no identification parade conducted and scene of crime was never visited. So, how do you expect action to be taken against them.

    Even the one case from Pahang where the wife and children of a police officer were illegally abducted and confined by MACC officers was never prosecuted although that is the one and only case sent to the AG with a recommendation for a charge. The AG refused to charge the MACC officers involved and blatantly closed the case with NFA.

    The police officers assigned with the investigation were under intimidation by the MACC officers. The MACC officers refused to cooperate when called for statements, refused to divulge details of the officers involved, refused to allow the police officer to visit their office and refused identification parades. Veiled threat of fixing up the police investigating officer for corruption discouraged the police from furthering the investigation.

    So, YB Nazri should not make a sweeping reply without checking the facts on the actual situation or else he would only be condoning the blatant act of transgressions of human rights by the MACC.

    The statistics given by YB Nazri that only 58 reports made between 2005 to 2009 could also be misleading. There are many reports that have been swept under the carpet. Not to mention the number of cases went unreported.

    The provision relating to confession in the MACC Act should be repealed as a stepping stone to deter the MACC from committing the gross act of abuse and torture.

    The MACC should be trained to be competent in their investigation without the aid of a confession rather than YB Nazri brushing aside the real issue with silly excuses.

  13. “The Court of Appeal grants an interim stay to the Election Commission against a High Court ruling calling for a by-election in the Kota Siputeh state seat”. – ANOTHER SANDIWARA DIBINTANGI OLEH PARA HAKIM.

  14. De bottomline is obvious n transparent
    According to Nazi, mana ada corruption
    This is de way we carry out business here
    Semua boleh n OK lah
    Unless u want CHANGE
    Then vote Umno n BN out — eh, boleh kah?

  15. The Question is whether PM Department is at work?
    Why Officers & Directors and Secretaries of the Directors of PCB dare not confirm the receipt of a Complaint on Silence of Police/KUP/AG on a Lawyer assaulting clients case in Penang when the Police had classified it as under Penal Code 323. The case involved also cheating, criminal intimidation, Breach of trust and Abetment!

    Look like A Department, but does not even sound like a Department!!!

  16. Hi guys,what can NR offer to the US president other than Umnoputra’s ideal way of corruption ? Obama knows,hence he’s not keen to see him.Yep wonder what’s he’s doing in NY ? Was it a secret plan to meet Bala there ?

  17. Had Obama visited Bolehland and Jib refused to meet him, what would Obama do?

    A. Throw himself from the 14th floor of the macc building
    B. Declare Bolehland a terrorist state
    C. Go crying back to Kenya
    D.All of the above

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